i00jp VOL. XXII HOOD RIVEB, OREGON, DECEMBER 8, 1910 T ' no J .JO Do you need Good Rubbers? gJ yQ The only Rubber warranted to wear. NOT MADE BY A TRUST J. C. Johnsen, The Shoe Man Hood River, Oregon lk. uo you want 10 ouy Orchard Property Leading' Hotel Oregon Bldg. I For Sale 1 1 acres under cultivation 5 acres in apples, Spitz and Newtowns, 3 and 4 years old. Water free for irrigation. Good 7-room house. One and one-half miles from town. Near school. An opportunity to buy a good place at the right price. $7,000.00. Terms. D. E. RAND, Owner Phone 328 X Christmas Holiday Excursion TO THE City of Via The Southern Pacific Company LEAVING PORTLAND December 11th and 12th, 1910 AND San Francisco, Dec. 14, 1910 A MAGNIFICENT SPECIAL TRAIN rwistine of Observation Car, Pullman Vestibuled Sleeping Cars, Smok fnTcar an,lDin n8 Car will leave Third, and Townsend Street,. Sau Francisco via the Coast Line. The excursion is run under the ausp.ces of the Suthern Pacific, National Lines of Mexico, Internat.onal and Great Northern, G. H. and S. A. and Santa Fe. ROUND TRIP FARE ' $104 From Portland $104 Correspondingly low rates from other O. R. & N. and S. P. points. InterSg side trips on the return trip, including the Grand Canyon, mav to S. Final return limit 60 days from date of sale ,Eiu,Pmhennt Tn this train will be limited and no more passengers w.ll be taken than CB ferTr'ther and beautifu.lv illustrated booklet on "Mexico" call on any 0. B. & N. or S. P. Agent or write to WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland. ft A H We have for sale and can show you orchard lands in all stages of development from the raw sate to the full bearing orchards, including some of the fines!: bearing orchards in the Hood River Valley. If you want to see the besl properties on the market at the mosl reasonable prices, let us show you and you will be convinced. N & Fl Transfer and Livery Co. Mexico j j The World's Prize are grown on land that we are selling. For a limited time we are offering some of the besl East Side properties at prices much below the market. You can save several thousand dollars by buying land this Fall. See us when you want the besft. J. H. Heilbronner & Co. The Reliable Dealers X Davidson Building H-H .M..H"H"M"H-t"I"H"l i H i M a mrma Dealers Hood River, Oregon Nichol . HadlocK High Class Orchard Lands and City Realty Basement Brosius Bldg Phone 98 Bentley, the Builder Phone Christmas Shopping Made Easy We have made elaborate preparations for this season's holiday business. Our stock is very com plete in all lines, especially in the medium and popular priced goods, while at the same time we have not omitted a GOODLY SUPPLY of the BRTTEU SOJIT. As usual we maintain our high standard of quality and invery case OURS will be found to be the very best in their class. Our prices are just a LITTLE LOW ER than can be obtained elsewhere for like quality. F. H. Coolidge JEWELER STORE OPEN EVENINGS STORE OPEN EVENINGS Winning Apples Hood River.Oregon f frH - H - I I I M-H-M-Hil I H M I . 33 IK OUR REPUTATION IS MAINTAINED HOOD RIVER SUPREME AT PORTLAND Hood River, as Usual, Carries Off About All the Prizes at the Portland Apple Show. "If Hood River and Mosier had not been represented at the meeting of the State Horticultural Society at Port land last week, the exhibition of ap ples would have been rather slim ami of very ordinary quality," remarked n Hood River man after his return. As usual, Hood River took all the prizes for which she competed, at the Portland show. The Hood River ex hibit of over 600 boxes was the attrac tion of the show, and when it came to the awards, it was mostly a contest between the different Hood River growers rather than any outside com petition. The Mosier exhibit was in our class, but was ruled out on ac count of size, the apples being too large according to the rules laid down by the judges. We lost out on the three box Spitzenburg exhibit for the same reason. It was the best show that Portland ever had. The location in the heart of the city was a great factor in swel ling1 the attendance, and the advertis ing' which the show received through the city papers each day aroused much interest. Hood River maintained her reputa tion against all comers as was ex pected her, and it any doubt remained in the minds of the people from any of the other districts which claim to grow apples "as good as Hood River" they ought to be convinced. An im provement was noted in the quality of the pack from some of the other dis tricts, however, and emphasizes the fact that Hood River must keep up the lead in the future. A close imi tation of Hood River methods is mak ing an improvement in all the box apple sections. Our pack can be closely imitated, and we will have to maintain out lead not only on pack, but color, size, grading and keeping qualities. We cannot afford to lose. I he exhibition of the Hood River exhibit at Portland alongside the ex hibits from other sections will do much good in an advertising way. While the majority of the attendance was trom Portland and of a class which are not particularly interested in tne different fruit sections, yet there were a good many strangers and others particularly interested in seek ing new locations who will be con vinced that Hood River can deliver the guods. The following is the list of prizes awarded : Sweepstakes First prize, G. R. and John Castner, of Hood River, $250; second prize, The Dalles Business Men's League, $175; third prize, Hillsboro Hoard of Trade, $25. Louis W. Hill prize of $250-Won by The Dalles Business Men's League. Howard Elliott prize of $250 -Won by Hillsboro Board of Trade. Twenty-five box lots First prize, Lawrence & Smith, Hood River, $100; second, F. C. Dethman, Hood River, $75; third, L. A. Herman, Hood River $50; fourth, J. L. Carter, Hood River, $25. Best five boxes (not more than two boxes of each variety) First, Law rence & Smith, Hood River, $50; second, Peter Mohr, Hood River, silver medal, third, J. L. Carter Hood River, bronze medal. The prizes awarded for the bent single boxes of given varieties were as follows: Best packed Willamette Valley 1st, H. O. Rumbaugh, Albany; second, I). C. Van Dorn, Dayton ; 3rd, Ernest Olson, Gresham. Best box Spitzenburg 1st, Peter Mohr, Hood River; 2nd, F. A. Sho gren, Moiser; 3rd, M. M. Hill, Hood River. Best box Yellow Newtowns -1st, Lawrence & Smith, Hood River; 2nd, F. P. Friday, Hood River; 3d, R. A. McCully. Hood River. Best box .Jonathans 1st W. Fike Hood River; 2nd, H. Struckmier, Thomas; 3rd, B. Lois, Beavcrton. Best Jbox Jof Baldwins 1st, Home Orchard Company, Hood River; 2nd, H. Struckimer, Thomas; 3rd, K. T. Chase, Mosier. Best Baldwin grown west of Cas cades west of Hood River County 1st, F. L. Waite, Eugene; J. Beebe, Eugene; 3rd, 1). C. Van Dorn, Dayton. Best Ben Davis 1st, Epping & Rahles, Hood River; 2nd, L. E. Clark, Hood River; 3d, B. Leis, Beaverton. Best box Arkansas Blacks -1st. Lawence & Smith, Hood River; 2nd, Ed. F. Reeves, Mosier; 3d., I). C. Van Dorn, Dutyon. Best Grimes Golden -1st, Henry Struckmier, Thomas; 2nd, W. K. Newell, Gaston. Best box of Hydes King-1st, Lawrence & Smith, Hood River; 2nd, Epping & Rahles, Hood River. Best Northern Spy- 1st, Epping & Rahles, Hood River; 2nd, H. F. Mo Cormick, Eugene; 3rd. W K. Newell, Gaston. Best Winter Banana -1st, Hume Orchard Company, Hood River; 2nd, W. Walther, The Dalles. Best UolHous -1st, W. E. Sherman, Hood River. Best Gano 1st. Lawrence & Smith, Hood River ; 2nd, B. Leis, Beaverton ; 3rd, Ed F. Reeves, Mosier. Best Kings -1st, D. C. Van Dorn, Dayton; 2nd, H. G. Rumpaugh, Al bany. Best Red Cheek Pippins-lst, John Ross, Mosier; 2nd, D. C. Van Dorn Dayton ; 3rd, B. Leis, Beaverton. Best Rome Beauty 1st, W. K. Newell, Gaston; 2nd, J. F, Danger field, Scappoose; 3rd, F.A.Gregory, Portland. Best Vanderpool Red -1st, H. G. Rumbaugh, Albany. Best Winesap-L. E. Clark, Hood River. Fifty dollars offered by Hood River Commercial Club for Hood River apples : Best box Spitzenburgs-lst M. M. Hill, Hood River; 2nd, L. E. Clark, Hood River; 3rd, W. Fike, Hood River Best box Yellow Newtowns 1st, Home Orchard Co., Hood River; 2nd, W. Fike, Hood River; 3rd F. P. Fri day, Hood River. Special best box any variety First, 0. H. Ehrck. Hood River; second, James Carnentor. Mosier. Special best box of any variety grown out oi uregon r irsi, ii. t Lamb, Woodland, Wash ; sceond, Wil liam H. Aherns, White Salmon. Best five boxes of Spitzenburgs First J. L. Carter, Hood River, $50; second, F. A. Shogren, Mosier, silver meuai; third, I'eter Mohr, Hood River, bronze medal. Best five boxes Yellow Newtowns First, Home Orchard Company, of Hood Rvier, $50; second, F. B. Fri day, silver medal; third, F. C. Deth man, bronze medal. Best three boxes of Spitzenburgs -First, Fred Jacobs, $25; second, Law rence & Smith, Hood River, silver medal; third, J. L. Carter, bronze medal. Best three boxes of Ortleys First, Peter Mohr, Hood River, $20; second, Butterfield Bros., silver medal. Best three boxes of Wageners- First, John Hake!, Hood River, silver cup, value $20; second, H. G. Rumbaugh, Albany, silver medal. Best three boxes in Mosier district First, McCargar & Nordby, Mosier $20; offered by Portland Hotel; second, F. A. Shogren, Mosier, silver medal; third, James E. Carpenter, Dayton, bronze medal. Best three boxes in Willamette Valley First, Edwin Hamer, Salem, $20; second, N. C. Jorgenson, Salem, silver medal; third, D. C. Van Dorn, Dayton, bronze medal. Best two boxes, one of each variety C. J. Tidcombe, of Scappose, $20; second, N. C. Jorgenson, Salem, silver medal ; third, J. Beebe, Eugene, bronze medal. Prizes offered by the Corvallis Com mercial Club for the various exhibits from Benton County were awarded a follows: Best box of Spitzenburgs, Baldwins, Northern Spys, Kings, Wagoners, Ben iDavis, and best decor -aUd box H. G. Rumbaugh, Albany, $5 each. Lane County awards were: For the best box in Lane County : First, F. L. Waite, Eugene, $10; second, J. Beebe, Eugene, $5. For Linn County the awards were Best exhibit, Albany Commercial Club, $35; second, Henry Struckmeir, Thomas, $15. Prestdent Atwell's Address. Thu past year has been an unusually prosperous one tor Oretton I rait grow ers, t'ruiies mid applet have yielded abundently. Prices have liedi good, especially of prunes. Apple iiiarkvU east, have been dull, owing to luck of concert among shippers. Interest in uppie tree planting has been great throughout entire Pacific Northwest. Many large areas have been purchased and sub-divided for that purpose. Extent of such exploita tion litis led to frequent suggestion!) of over-production of applet. It is a pertinent puesiion, me that we should not avoid, ll is however, an old question, one that is raised, whenever there is extraordinary activ ity in any line of production. I do not think we need feel apprehensive on this subject. Generally speaking, it m:iv be suid that there has never lieen mum than temporary over-supply of any staple. Apples are as taple. Moreover two facts.'may be cited parctially to allay our (ears' one, that thousands of acres are being planted which ought not to be planted, and which will never seriously figure in market; the other, 'hat pro duction of best apples calls (or qualities of character which all do not posses'. In spite of these conditions, howover, and in view of immense plan ing now going on, or in contemplation, over production will soon confront iiJ. unless a wi ll coiisodrred system of marketing is provided Probability that Ill s will be effected affords strongest bunts of cm lidmice that over-production will not follow. In this connection it seems to me thnt investment of large capital, in ex ploitation of apple lauds, in an en couraging bign, rather than otherwise. Largo CHiiiUl can accomplish, in or ganized and co-operation, what great numbers of snail umirators. ucling in dependent,, can not accomplinli. More over, such investments lead to group- I ii. ... 1 1.. IT ..f uig oi uiokc eiigHgt'u in muni! miu oi production. This grouping renders co operative effects comparatively easy. It makes possible practice ot unci, Dull ness methods as will insure most sala ble product, and most efficient distri bution thereof. One who wishes t en gage in apple-growing should bear this fact in mind, lie should stuv out of the industry unless be is sure that large number of his neighbors intend to grow apples. Time if ill soon come w hen the isolated grower will be out of the race. It seems to me vitally important that a comprehensive selling organization be worked out before output from tlie orchards bein to feck outlet. Present time is none too early. Sufficient acre age is now bearing to give such organ ization plenty to do. 1 believe a well-ulgh perfect model for such organization is presented In California Fruit Growers' Exchange, to which I have often alluded ou this floor and elsewhere. Opportunity wasofford ed me, during a visit in California lust winter, to study its operations in some detail. California Frnlt Urowern' Exchange ships about sixty percent of thu citrus fruits of California. Growers, whose fruit it handles, number about (our thousand, and are scattered over ter ritory five hundred miles long. It has sold fifteen million dollars worth of fruit in a year, without losing a penny in collection. It spends fifty thousand dollars a year for advertising California fruits, pays its mauager eight thousand dollars a yeur, and lias several eastern representatives, at annual salaries of five thousand dollars. It has secured reduction in freight rates east, and increase of tariff on lemons. All this it has accomplished, at an expense to growers never reaching three per cent of grom sales. These results are apparently so re markable that I trust you will allow me to refer to somo details of their sys tem. The unit of organization of Cali foini.'i citric fruitgrowers is the local, co-opera. iive association, of which there are about ninety. The local associa tion picks and packs its members' fruit and labels it with its individual associa tion brand. Above the local associations are thir teen incorporated district exchanges, each having a capital of only one dol lar, and each composed of representa tives of local associations within a cer tain district. Each of the thirteen district ex changes elects a delegate to the general exchange, the corporation known as California Fruitgrowers' Exchange. The only stockholders the latter has are these thirteen delegates from district exchanges and these thirteen consti tute its board or directors, inus it will be seen seen that the organiza tion which is accomplishing the vast results I have mentioned is not a pri vate company but a cooperative ma- E, H. IIARTWIG ELECTEDMAYOR H. C. SMITH NEW COUNCILMAN All the Balance of the Old Ticket is Re-elected -Hardest Fought Election in Years. Mayor McDonald went down to de feat at the city election Tuesday, owing to the combined efforts of the opposi tion centered upon him, making use of personalities where effective, and ig noring the water question almost en tirely. Mayor McDonald and the ad ministration ticket stood for re-election entirely on the water question and the improvements of streets and other matters which are under way, while the opposition, more "especially the private water company interests, used every method, including scurrilious at tacks on individuals and "mud sling ing" to gain their point. The result gives the opposition a mayor and one councilman. This may result in a change in some of the ap pointive officers of the city, it being the prerogative of the mayor to make new appointments if he sees fit, sub ject to the confirmation of the council. The election was the hardest fought political battle which the city has had in years. It was mostly a "gum shoe" campaign, there being no public meetings and but little public work in the way of circulars through the mails. The result of the election still leaves MAYOU-KLKCT K II. IIAKI'WIU the city government in good hands, and it is to be hop 'a that the new ad ministration will work together har moniously for the good of the city. The following is the vote: MAYoll. D. McDonald 20t E. II. Uartwg 218 ; . voi'NcaMKN : F. C. Brosius 230 Geo. I Slocom 192 L. II Hugirin 242 II. O Smith 2IH C. K Marshall 197 J. A. Sir.innliitii ,,.,.100 Tl KAMl'KKH. K. . Itlanchar 23 0. A.Casn 18 HKlllllDKK. H. B. l-aiigille 210 A. T. Allen 206 chine, controlled by representatives chosen by the great body of individual growers, acting in local assoc'ations. It charges no commision, makes no profit, and does the businesa of four thousand growers at actual cost. Cars rackel by local eisociations, whethtr in San Diego or Sacramento, are shipped on order bv tolephone from office of general txchanie, are con signed to latter at point where it has a representative, and proceeds of salei are rendered direct to shipping associa tion. 'In this system advantages of superior fruit and pack, and use of local brand, are preserved to the local association. Advertising and marketing are central ized in a body that can command suffi cient funds and brains to secure the greatest efficiency and widest know ledge of market conditions. Is there any peculiarity In the -climate of California that makes such business organization impossible to apple-growers of the Pacific North west? I mhould like to see action taken at this meeting looking toward the organization of such a system here. We may congratulate ourselves that the Lufean apple box bill, which con tained so much of menace to apple growers of the Pacific Coast, has been laid on the congressional table. I fear, however, that the respite is but temporary, and that similar legisla tion will be urged in the next congress. In this connection, permit me to read an extract from a letter which I re cently received from Representative Willis C. Hawley. Mr. Hawley sayi: "In compliance with the suggestion made by you recently relative to the Lafean apple box bill, I respectfully suggest that, while the bill is at present laid on the table, and I do not believe any attempt will bo made to revive it at the coming short session of Congress, such an attempt may be made at a future congress, as there is a powerful interest behind the bill. It seems advisable to me that the horti cultural interests of the Northwest should adopt plans for concerted ac tion, either entirely to defeat any measure of that nature, or to submit in lieu of the present bill, a substitute measure. At present I understand it is the desire of the fruit-growing in terests of the Northwest to have no legislation on the subject, and I shall endeavor hereafter to defeat any such measure in the same manner as I did the Lafean apple box bill, with the co operation of our growers, but it may be advisable to be prepared with a substitute measure." Apple-growers of the throe Pacific Coast states, as well as those of Idaho and Colorado are vitally concerned in preventing legislation adverse to the system of packing and labeling, on which prosperity of our apple industry rests. It is a matter in which every association engaged in interstate ship ment of apples should take a wide awake interest. 1 should be glad to see you take some action, at this ses sion, tending to bring together all such associations into militant alignment against such adverse legislation. ft--?