The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 01, 1910, Image 3

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" "".j !j fj -. ij i iv-
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The Peddler: who is he?
How many buildings has he erected in Hood River? How much does
he contribute to the schools, churches or the Commercial Club of Hood
The Local Merchant: who is he?
The man who contributes to all the above and then some. And besides
that he gives you more value for your money than any peddler. Before
buying compare our $45 malleable range with the $80 ones handled
by peddlers. Don't be an E. Z. Mark. Investigate.
1 We shall be pleased
under the slighest obligation to buy. It is a pleasure
We Have Moved
Call and See Us
The grocery of Kinnaird iV: Kinsey has moved from
the Heights to the room formerly occupied by Morlan
& Lathrop at the'corner of Oak and Second streets,
down town. A call to phone 7(S, the same old num
ber, will give you prompt delivery of the best groceries.
Kinnaird & Kinsey
When You Clear Land
Come to us for the best Logging and Grubbing
Tools. If y ur old ones are worth fixing
we can make them good as new.
Snow & Upson, Hood River
Sole Agents for Charter Oak Stoves
and Ranges
0. P. DABNEY &
j IP i w
t a
An Appeal to the Force
of reason will tell yon that, inasmuch as we arc extremely careful huyeri
we are naturally careful sellers. Try us and see.
On the Heights
"Staten is Standard'
Where Will
You Buy
From a Peddlar or Your
to show our line of reliable
Hardware Co.
We arc now showing our lino
la rue assortment of
Heaters Stoves
Ranges Furniture
Carpets Art Squares
Mattings Rugs
In fact anything you need for
(he house. New and second
We make a specialty
of Packing Furniture
for shipment. Relin
ing Heaters and Fur
niture Repairing.
SONS c7h'h2K'
to go for pure, freflh and reliable
Groceries is to make a bee line for
our up-to-date store, where every
thing is of the best and where
qualities are uniform.
Phone 136
The unsuspectiug farmers
who didn't hear our call.
But paid enormous prices
for Ranges plain and small,
repented when we showed
them the error they had
made,in buying'ofa peddlar
the forty dollar grade and
paying over eighty while
careful buyers bought finer
larger, stronger ones, for
what a feller ought. Profit
by this lesson, friends, and
keep your dorg about, or
the peddlar "'ill get you if
you don't watch out."
(Apologies to Brakespear)
Ranges and you are not
to show the goods.
The buckling of a girder under the
first floor ;of the old warehouse of the
Apple Growers Union last Wednesday
afternoon caused the floor to give way
and had it not been for the box apples
on the basement floor being piled to
the lloor above, serious damage would
have resulted. As it was there were
enough boxns of apples on the base
ment noor to support the floor above
after it had settled a couple of feet in
one place.
"the girder was composed of four
planks nailed together, and in one
place these spread and buckle from
the post which supported it. The
crash startled the men in the building,
who expected to see the whole struc
ture collapse. Owing to the receipts
all available space has been kept filled
up for some time, and the great load
found the weak place in the floor. The
roof sagged with the fall of the lloor,
but was not damaged. The loss will
be very small, confined to the bruizing
of about thirty boxes of apples, and
ot these only about ten boxes will be a
total loss. The floor was immediately
repaired and has been strengthened
beyond any possible trouble jut that
nature hereafter.
Card of Thanks
Words cannot express the loving
gratitude we feel toward the many
kind friends jwho give us so f reel v of
their love and sympathy when our
beloved son and brother was called
from our home. Especially will the
thoughtful kindness of the members of
the High School and Baraca classes
linger among the beautiful memories
of the one who loved them both so
much. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. lngalls,
Harold lngalls.
Until Speedy anil Kflective
This indicates the action of Foley Kid
ney Tills, as H Pardons, Battle ('reek,
Mich, illustrates: "I have been alllicted
with a severe caRe of kidney and bladder
trouble for which 1 found no relief until
I used Foley Kidney Pills. These cured
nie entirely of all my ailments. I was
troubled with backaches and severe
shooting pains with annoying urinary
irregularities. The steady use of Foley
Kidney Fills rid me entirely of all my
former troubles. They have my highest
recommendation." 0. 0. l'lath.
Miss Vern Smith, who will s'mg at
the Baptist church on the evening of
December 2, has a rare contralto voice.
She is rapidly winning favor in the
musical circles of Portland. Those
who hear her cannot fail to have a
treat. Miss Smith is a student of
Prof. Montieths, and is one of his
pianists in his studio.
A sprained ankle will usually disable
the injured person for three or four
weeks. This is due to lack of proper
treatment. When Chamberlain's Lini
ment is applied a cure mav be effected
in three or four days. This liniment is
one of (the best and mod remarkable
preparations in use. Sold by all dealers.
$45 Duty On One Apple.
The apple which won the first prize
of $100 at the Canadian apple show in
Vancouver, U. C, by O. A. Hoag was
on exhibition at the Third National
Apple Show in Spokane last week.
The apple weighed 38 ounces. The
management of the show in Spokane
was obliged to put up a bond of $!! to
get the apple, but the customs officials
were later advised that the apple was
sent here for exhibition purjioses and
that no duty should be assessed on it.
The bond was returned.
The greatest danger fron influenza is
of its resulting in pneumonia. This can
bo obviated by using Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, as it not only cures
influenza, but counteracts any tendency
of the disease towards pneumonia. Sold
by all dealers.
Glacier Ownership Maps.
Up to date blue print, present owner
ship maps of the Hood River valley are
for sale at the Glacier office. This map
is In two sections, the lower and the
upper valley. It has the roads and
streams marked and the names of land
owners written over their tract?. The
price of the map complete is tl. It w
qe sent to any address postpaid upon
ieceipt oi the price.
The Wenatchee Commercial Club
sent a telegram of congratulation to 0.
H. Sproat, the winner of the National
Apple Show sweepstakes prize. The
telegram was addressed to E. H. Shep
ard, editor of "Better Fruit," Hood
River, Oregon, and is as follows:
" extend to Mr. Sprout and
nnnlt of Hood River vallev. our con
gratulations on winning the sweep
stakes at third National Apple muw.
You will pardon the pride we take tn
scoring less than one per cent on the
variety of which your famous district
makes its specialty the Spitzenburg.
"Wenatchee Valley,
"By Wenatchee Commercial Club."
Carl A. Plath Offers a Remedy For
Catarrh. The Medicine Costs Noth
ing If It Fails.
When a medicine effects a successful
treatment in a very large majority of
cases, and when we offer that medicine
on our own (personal guarantee that it
will cost the user nothing if it does
not completely relieve catarrh, it is
only reasonable that people should
believe us, or at least put our claim
to a practical test when we take all
the risk. These are facts which we
want the people to substantiate. We
want them to try Uexall Mucu-Tono,
medicine prepared from a prescription
of a physician with whom catarrh was
a specialty, , and who has a record of
thirty years of enviable success to
his record.
We receive more good reports about
Rexall Mucu-Tone than we do of all
other catarrh remedies sold in our store
and if more people only knew what a
thoroughly dependable remedy Uexall
Mnco-Tone is, it would be the only
catarrh remedy we have any demand
Kexall Mucu-Tone is quickly absorb
ed and by its therpeutic effect tends to
disinfect and cleanse the entire mucous
membraneous tract, to destroy ami
remove the parasites which injure Hie
membraneous tissues, to sooth the
irritation and heal the soreness, stop
the mucous discharge, build up
strong, healthy tissue and relieve the
blood and system of diseased matter.
Its influence toward stimulating the
muco-cells, aiding digestion and im
proving nutrition until the whole body
vibrates with healthy activity. In com
paratively short time it brings about
noticeable gain in weight, strength,
good color and feeling of bouyancy.
We urge you to try Rexall Mucu
Tone, beginning treatment today. At
any time you are not satisfied, simply
come and tell us and we will quickly
return your money without question
or quibble. We have Kexall Mucu-Tone
in two sizes, 50 cents and $1.00.
Remember, you can obtain Rexall
Remedies in Hood River only at our
store. The Rexall Store, Carl A.
Prosperous Oregon.
The apple crop of Oregon for 1912 is
estimated to be 1,000 carloads or ap
proximately 1,000,000 boxes. The
value of the crop is $2,000,000. Ore
gon has 93 per cent of a full crop.
Oregon orchards yielded prunes this
year estimated at 15,000,000 pounds.
Quality and quantity are superior to
the 11KI9 crop. Prunes will bring the
state about $1,250,1)00 this sesaon.
The peach crop has been the largest
in the history of the Rtate. Grapes of
the Rogue River Valley, The Dalles
and fcastern Oregon are excellent in
quality and appearance, while the yield
is large.
Saved From Awful Death.
How un Rppalliiifi calamity in his family
was prevented is told bv A. 1). Mchon
ald, of Fayetteville, N. C., li. F. I. No.
S. "My sister had consumption," lie
writes, "she was very thin and pale,
had no appetite and seemed to grow
weaker everv ilav, as all remedies timed
till Dr King's New Diseoveiv was tried,
and so completely cured her, that (die
has not been troubled with nronuli
ince. It is the best medicine 1 ever
saw or beard of." For coiinhs, coldn,
laerippe, asthma, hemorrhage, all
broncial t roitblcB, it has unequal. fic
l.ll(l. Trial bottle free, (iuarantcod
py Chas. J . Clarke.
Expert Workers.
Ths is a day of specialists. Unless
men or women specialize, they soon
become back numbers. What is true
in the business world is equally true in
the Sunday School work.
At the Sunday School convention to
be held at the Christian church in this
city on Friday afternoon and evening
and Saturday ot this week, each sub
ject will be in charge of workers who
are particularly fitted for that class of
work. Ihe state secretary will lie
here, also one or two officers of the
Wasco County Association. All Sun
day School workers are urged to at
tend. Out ot town delegates will be
Kan ls on Kurc Thing .Vow
'I'll never he without Dr. Kind's New
Life Pills attain, " writes A. Scbineck,
(.17 Klin St., iiuffalo, N. Y. "Tbev
cured me of chronic constipation whon
all others failed," I;neiiinled for Uil
iousness, .lauiidice, liidi'Htioii, Head
ache, Chills, Malaria and Debility, 'Jhc
at Chas. N. Clarke's dru store.
Mrs. W. F. Pritchard, of Portland.
spent Thanksgiving with her aunt,
Mrs. Oeo. Lrowell, and uncle, C. 11.
Stranahan, and families. Mr. Strana-
han aceompained her to Portland Sun
day afternoon.
If you are suffering from biliousness,
constipation, indigestion, eh'Oiiic head
ache, invest one cent in a postal card,
tend to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Dea
Moines, Iowa, with your name and ad
dress ' airily on the hack, and they will
lorwani you a iree sample ol Chamber
lain's Stomach and l.iver Tablets. Sold
by all dealers.
S. A. Clarke, formerly bookkeeper
for the Davidson Fruit Co., but now
doing a commission business with C.
L. Rogers, in Portland, was in Hood
Kiver Saturday and purehsed a carload
of apples to be shipped east.
Many persons find themselves affected
with a persistent cough after an attack
of influenza. As this couh can be
nromptiy cured by the use of Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy it should not be
allowed to run on until it becomes
troublesome Sold by all dealers.
R. R. Bartlett went to The Dalles
Saturday on business connected with
the remodeling of the Walther-Williams
The peculiar properties of Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy have been
thoroughly tected during epidemics of
inlliienza, and when it Has taken in
time we have not heard of a single case
of pneumonia, Sold by all dealers.
every nwond Monday Id eHCti moutti Hi 8 p.
in., In the club rocmiH over Jackson store.
Chas. Hall, Pre.
J C. Skinnkr, Secretary.
fit iU iu VTcRToiRftc no. u67XT''7aud"X
M. Mrem Saturday evening on or before
cacli mi! moon. K. Savhok, W. M
1). MeUi.NAi.n, Hivrelury.
Hood River ('omtiitimlery N. 12, K.T
M,'',' every firm Tuesday evening
each month. I,. II asukoi i k, K. (.:
K. t). lWaiiclur. Kecvrder.
HtHIll IUVKK I HAITKK Ml. '.'T. K. A. M.
Meulu tint and third Kildav nlxhtnot' each
memth. i:. N. ci.ahkk, II. 1'.
Kiev. W. C (iil.MOKK, Secretary.
Muet second and fourUi Tuesday evening
oleach mouth. Visitors cnrdiallv welcomed
M a. K a a N ; e ks o n k N , W . M .
Miss Mkki.k 111. inn, Kecrutitry,
UM.KWU.liK. LOIHiK NO, 1117, I. O. O. f.
Meet In Fra'crnal lull, every ThurHday
"iKlit. A. Wilson. N. J.
Uko. Thomson, S-.vretary
Kl'K.N K.Nl'A.dl'.MKNT, NO. 4S, I. O. O. K.
Kenlar meeting Meeond and tourtlt MnndayN
oi each moiilh. ,1. 11. ( Kiuit'soN, c. 1'.
Uko. Sii ki'.vhii, Sci ,!.
I.Al'liKI, KKHKK All I.OlUiK NO. 7, I.O. O.
K -Meets tl rut and third Mnudavs In ecli
mouth. I'HKitusA M.i'aitmck. N. U.
Nkitik M. Monks, Secretary.
K KM I' I,OIKiK,No. 1M, l.O. O. K.-.Meeta 111.
odell Odd Fellows' hall every Sat ur
day nlKht. Visitors cordially welcomed.
W. A, Lock man. N.u.
(iKO. SIIKI'Altl), SKC.
Meeia the tlisl and third T uesday evening In
each mini 1 1) in Ihe odd fellows' HkII, seven
miles selllh of Hood Kiver, It. 1. I. Mrs.
Mae Kluvk, N. U. Mrs. uertrude Clark. Sec.
W.O. W. meet the '.id and 4tti Wednesdays
eacn iniiuiii iu tv.oi I , nail, v isliors cor
dially Invllcd. W. A. KliY, V. II.
Krio li Sei'iii.iN, t'lerk.
W oodcrall-Meets al K. of I', hall on I lie
nrsi and Third Thursday of each mouth.
Miw. Wm. Uanukk, N, U.
Doha Hakrktt, Clerk.
Mceu In K. ol 1 hall every Tueaday night.
A HTM I'll t'l.AHKK, C. C.jj
I.KW IS S, ISKN 1IKKI1, K. of It. Ullll h.
HOOD KIVKltCAMI', NO. 7,7(fc.', M. W. A.
Meets In 1. O. U. K. hall every Wednesday
night. A. It. CIU'MI', V. U.
Kn. MA yen, Clerk.
KIYi:itHIlK l.OOUKNO. lis A. O. U. W -Mrcis
llrsl and Ihlrd Saturdays of each
nionih. K. K. Cii AI'MAN, M. W.
UKO. Si.ocom, Financier
Ciikhtkk Siii'TK. Kecorder.
Jl.KTA ASSKMH1.Y NO. Ml, CNITKD A KT-tsans,-Meets
Hie llrsl and third WedneM
tlays, work; second and fourth WednesdayH
ArliMOiN' hall. ('. D. IliNhieiis, M. A.
W. H. AUSTIN Secretary.
olAmeriea, Meets every Thursday evening
at S o'clock.
Wm. Ki.kmino, t-l. U.
F. C llliosies, SeeretHiy.
OANBY I'OUT, NO. lti.o. A. K.-MKKTrt AT
A. O. I'. W. hall, second and lolll'lh Salur
ulny n of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All
U. A. K. inemlier Invited to iiiih'I with un,
KxhD Dikiy., I'omuiander.
H. f, Hi.YTliK, Adiulanl.
'AMiY W. K.C., No. lli-MKKTS SI'.l'ONO
and fourth Saturdays of ea:h Month Iu A.
o. I'. W. hall al 2 i. in.
MihsCi.Aiia III. v I'll K, l'resldenl.
MAY FhUNAi.u, Sw.relary.
MOUNTAIN llOMKCAMf No. 84li, It. N. A.
Meets al I. O. O. K. Hall on I he second anil
fourth Fridays ol each month.
Mas. A. 11. CKl'Ml', O.
Mkh. C. V. Dakin, lleeonlei'.
I'ayntku loduk, no. aim, m. it a.
nieclatlrst and Ihlril Friday of each mouth
HI K. of 1'. hall.
Carson lle.'Kl.IN. 1'res.
A I'd. UuioNAKii, Sei .
MT. HOOD l-ODUK No. m, 1. O. O. F.-Mnel
every Saturday evening Iu tlrltihle' hall
Ml. flood. A. M., N. (I.
li. W. DiMMli K, Sec.
llund Klver, Ore. K. II. Ilurlwlg. I'rcs.
F.U.I oe,rtec. Leslie liutler, Treas.
1 Hi, l.O. o. F. Meet second and fourth
Wednesdav'H In eiich month In Orlhhie's
Hull, Mt. lliaid, Ore.
Mrs. Mamie lilmiolck, N. II.
Mr. Nettle Urlhhle, Sec.
'1 KHS. meets every llrsl and third Tuesdays
ill each mouth.
(teorglana Isenlier, M. K. C.
Kale M. Frederick, Al. id K. and ( .
MT. MOOD CO!' Nl T 1. No H. It. .VS. M. Meets
In Masonic Hull every Ihlrd Tuesday Iu
each monl li.
W. F. Laraway, T. I. M.
A. D. Moe, Kec.
O. Ii. . Time Table.
Yv'KST ISO CM), Fast Mail ( Mail Only). .4 :f0 a. in.
No. M, Portland Flyer 5 :'.r a. in.
No. 7, Portland Focal 7 : IK a. m.
No. 5, Ore. it Wash. Fxpress..H :00 a. in.
No. 11, Soo-Spokane-Portland'.hliO a. in.
No. 1, Portland Focal 4:11(1 p. m.
No. 17, Ore. & Wash. Limited
(Solid Pullman) 5 :Fr p. m.
FAST l!Oi:.D
No. 2, Pnker Oily Focal tt)::i.r i. in.
No. 1H, Ore. A Wash. Limited
(Solid Pullman) 1 1 :.r! a. m.
No. H, The Dalles Local (i:20 p. n..
No. 4, Spokane Flyer 7 :oo p. in.
No. 10, Fast Mall ('mail only) H:2f p. m.
No. li, Cre. and Wash. Fx p. ..10:21) p. in.
No. 12, Soo-Spokane-Poit 12:05 a. in.
MmIn farnlnbtd a all klodi ! wwk
Call jilionc 7'.)x for box wood
from the Stanley-Smith lox
factory at I'clniont. Delivery
niatle any place.
J. T. Holman
11 23--12th Street
TEN ACRES, cleared and plowed,
fine location. $4,500.
ELEVEN ACHES, all improved, near
famous Tucker orchard; $8,500.
TWENTY ACRES, all improved, 10
acres orchard, $20,000. $6,000
cash, any old terms.
FIFTY-EIGHT ACRES. 17 orchard,
15 bearing, $36,000. $10,000 cash
terms on balance.
A T A CTT a case where combination
f- -Lrfi"VO L pays you. A new steel Pop
per and 4 lbs. best Popcorn, 50c.
Our whole crockery line is over
flowing with things you need at
prices easy jo pay. Hut there is
nothing anywhere to compare
with our genuine
Hood Kiver Souvenir Plate
Our foreign decorator has been
a year in getting these to us. Hk'
while they last. Your friend will
think you have sent a $5 present
and it is sure a booster for H. R.
It would take pages to describe the culmination of a
year's effort to import a line not exceeded in desir
able variety anywhere. This and the prices possible
through direct; purchase and import takes all the
business. The Dolls are a sight; also Doll Furniture,
(io Caarts. etc.
Always ntvded FumitlirC histing present
Three car loads carefully selected just iliesyour spend
ing days in selecting every present needed from this
ma moth st ock.
Stewart Hardware &
Furniture Co.
Call at the
Hood River Market
For the very best of everything in the
line. We can give you what you want.
Phone 92
Young Building. Third Street
Statement of the Condition
of the
Butler Banking Company
Hood River, Oregon
At the Close of Business, Nov. 10, 1910
LLoans ami Discounts
I'.onds and Warrants
Oflice Fixtures and Furniture
Cash on Hand ami in Other Hanks..
Capital Stock
Fa rued Surplus ami Undivided Profits.
Fresh Flour and Feed
A SUCCESSFUL BAKING FoIIowh the ime of White Kiver and Golden
Crown Hour, When you hake hread, j)ion, cakes or any kind of pantry
you will find thi Flour a safe and reliable Btundhy. Try it once and you
will never line any other.
Successors to Jackson & Jackson
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruit and
Vegetables. Flour and Feed
We Give All Orders Careful Attention and Make
Prompt Deliveries.
Hardware Presents
2,000 Factory Samples. Carvers,
Razors, Scissors and Pocket
Knives offered at any price.
Bought at lump prices they will
be sold cheap.
Sleds, Skates, Guns, thousamlsof
fine presents in this department.
The tool chest assortment Is
worth a look and the boy should
be encouraged. 25r to
. 12,H.T7.7!
VI 7 1.00
. 1 r,-,, riGN.Hl
. r2,22;.;7
. r,!H,:i7iS ;:i
The Celebrated
White River &
Golden Crown
Brands. - . - .
Made Prom Selected
Hard Wheat