The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 01, 1910, Image 10

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(Continued From Flint Page.)
Lawrence & Smith 96.9
MohrBros. 98.4
Arkansas Black.
R. R. Pooley 98.6
H. O. Seiverkropp 9C.3
Lawrence & Smith 99.4
Hood Kivcr Land & Apple Co. 96.6
M. M. Hill 98.7
W. Fike 98.7
F. C. BroBius 9.r..9
N. W. Bone 97.8
Maxwelton Orchard 97.5
A. Hukari 95.1
W. E. Clark 96.6
F. C. Brosius 96.4
M. M. Hill 96.2
C. K. Benton 97.5
Dressed in "itlnck and Yellow"
Not "Football Colors" btit the color of
the carton containing Foley's Honey an
Tar. the best ami Halcnt couch remix
for all coughs and colds. Ho not accept
a substitute but see that you (ret the
Kenuine Foley's Hon ,y and Tar in
yellow carton with black letters. C. C
New Chapter Sigma Chi Fraternity,
Last Saturday Beta-Iota Chapter of
the Sigma Chi fraternity, was organ
ized at the University of Oregon in
Kugene. The degrees were conferred
by Grand Tribune, Wm. A. Tritnpe, of
Chicago, John S. McMillan, of Koache
Harbor, Washington, Grand I'raetor of
the Pacific Coast province. They were
assisted by members from the Univer
sities of Washington, Montana, Utah,
Southern California, btanrord and Cat
ifornia and quite a number of visiting
alumni from Portland and other Ore
gon cities. W. S. and James E. Mont
gomery, of Hood Kiver were among
those in attendance.
Thoso attending consisted of the
twenty one members of Khoda Khan,
a local fraternity, who already rent
and occupy a fine fraternity house.
The young men are of excellent
standing in the University in those
things that make a high class chapter
worthy of Sigma Chi, which is one of
the greatest of the national fraterni
ties. The Chapter was signed by the
great humorist and playright, George
Ade, who is now Grand ConBul of the
A smoker was held friuay evening
which was attended by the Khoda Khan
members, visiting Sigma Chi's and
members of the faculty. The degrees
were conferred Saturday afternon and
Saturday night a very delightful ban
quet was given at the Ostium Hotel
James t.. Montgomery was toast mas
ter and a number of happy and
felicitous speeches were made. The
sessions lasted until midnight.
Heymund Early, of Hood River, is one
of the popular new bigs at Oregon.
Apple Party.
The Hood River spirit of pride in its
products is everywhere manifest, and
a very pretty evidence of this prevail
ing spirit was given at the homo of
G. D. Woodworth Wednesday evening,
when Miss Idel Woodwroth entertained
the members of the J. U. G. Club at
an apple party. The amusements were
unique, and appropriate to the oc
casion. Miss May Davidson won the
honors in a guessing contest of the
names of a great variety of apples. It
was when the dining room doors were
opened, and the guests invited to come
and partake, that the enthusiasm ran
highest. In the center of the table
was a toy horse and cart, heavily load
ed with miniature apple boxes, bear
ing the stamp which announced that
they contained Spit.enburgs, grown by
the members of the ,1. U. G. Club.
Arranged artistically over the surface
of tho table, were mimerous small in
candescent lamps, whose bulbs repre
sented small apples. After the service
of a delicious supper, in which ajiples,
appearing invartous dainty viands,
featured prominently, Miss Bryant
sang two pleasing songs, and as each
guest departed she carried with her
one of tho apple boxes, as a souvenir
of the very enjoyable evening. Miss
Langley, of Forest Grove, was a
charming guest.
The Famous J53j$7&
Gives the Best Light at Any Price
When you pay more than the Rayo
price for a lamp, you are paying for extra
decorations that cannot add to the quality
of the light. You can't pay for a better
light, because there is none. An oil light
has the least effect on the human eye, and
the Rayo Lamp is the best oil lamp made,
though low in price. You can pay $5, $10,
or $20 for some other lamp, and although
you get a more costly lamp, you can t
get a better light than the white, mellow,
diffused, unflickering light of the low
priced Rayo.
H strong, durable shade-holder. This sea
son's burner adds to the strength and appearanco.
Made of solid brass, nickeled, and easily polished.
Once a Rayo User, Alwaya On
Dialtri EvtrywUrt. If ml it yours, wrllifor dtscrtpttut
cfrathr to Ihi mcrtil apney otht
Standard Oil Company
Word has been received here from
Capt. McCan, who is spending several
weeks in the east, that he has pur
chased some fancy racing horses in
cluding the famous "Bondsman," pay
ing $11,00" lor the latter, and also a
Farman Biplane. He intends to make
a landing place on his ranch near
town for the (lying machine, and will
be tho first in HoodJKiver to indulge in
that kind or sport. Mr. MeLan is an
enthusiastic sportsman. The bringing
to Hood River of fine blooded stock
may induce tho building of a good race
track and fair grounds, which he has
had under consideration, it is said,
which would be of benefit to the town
for races, a good fair and a place lor
ball games and other out door sports.
A Birthday Party.
Mr. Charles E. Larsen, the junior
member of the firm of Mosely & Lar
sen, proprietors of the Mt. Hood hotel,
celebrated his twenty-first, birthday
on Monday, the occasion being made a
very happy one, thanks to the thought
fulness of his associates at the hotel.
Mrs. Larsen entertained the force of
the hotel at a dinner in the evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Bell, the former pro
prietors of tho hotel, being also pre
sent. Lovers were laid tor lourleen
and the chef of the hotel prepared ot e
oi ins uesi iimncrs, wnicn was most,
thoroughly enjoyed. A most gorgeous
birthday cake, with the correct num
ber of lighted candles, adorned the
Mr. Larsen is perhaps the youngest
hotel proprietor in tho Northwest, and
deservedly popular. He received many
gifts on his birthday from friends and
associates, who wish him many more
anniversaries of his birth.
Grubbing Contract.
About 15 acres cleared laud adjoining
orchards of Messrs. Peter AJolir and trf
Hawks, Fast Hide, 44 miles from Hood
Uiver wanted cru bbed and first plowing,
Bids on contract to Mr. W. C. Collier in
charge and S. Aune, Columbia Bldg
Portland, Oregon.
Alfred E. Dftkcy Dead.
James 10. Montgomery received a
telegram Tuesday announcing this sud
den death of his uncle Alfred K.
Dickey, a prominent and successful
business man of Minneapolis and
Jamestown, North Dakota. No par
ticulars were given. Mr. Dickey was
only thirty five years old and had
always enjoyed excellent health and
only returned Saturday from a trip to
While visiting Mr. Montgomery here
at Hood River last Spring he met a
number of citizens and said this cer
tainly was a grand place in which to
liuy Orchard Lands.
The Moore Investment Company,
of Newberg, closed a deal hiHt week
for the sale of a highly improved 54-
acre orchard located about one and
half miles from the above named
town. The purchaser was a resident
of Gilliam county. Mr. Thomas paid
127,000 for the property. Most of the
farm is in bearing orchard, of which
over one-half is in bearing apples, and
the balance in pears and prunes.
Another farm in a high state of cul
tivation was sold in the same neighbor
hood for $15,000. The ranch contained
1126 acres.
The Mt. Hood railroad's north bound
passenger train which left here last
Sunday morning came near to having
a serious wrebk about one and a half
miles south of Dee. During the severe
snow tforrn Saturday night a tree was
blown across the track. Tho engineer
seeing the obstruction brought the
train tat standstill. The train crew
sort) cleared the track. After the
tree had been rolled from the track, it
was discovered about six feet of one of
tho rails was missing. It was found
thirty or forty feet down the embank
ment. A new rail was nut in place
in a very short time and the train pro
ceded on its journey to the delight of
the passengers as well as the trainmen.
At the Baptist church next Sunday
evening. Mr. Hargreave's subject wiil
be the fourth in the series or "Jesus
in tho Life of His Times." That
theme of such general interest "Jesus
with the Sick" showing tho body's
response to the inspiration of the
Divine and Holy. A cordial welcome
to all.
Stockholders' Meeting
Notice In hureby given thai the annual
meeting of tli nloRklioMnrs of the above
unmet Coiniiany will be livid at (.-range Hull,
Mount Hood, Ore., on the IMi day of Decem
ber. l'JIU. at iu a. in., at which meeting will
held the annual election of the Hoard of t)l
reclom. rear!! njr of the l'reHld.tot s report, and
mu ll other buninewi an may properly be
brought before audi ninetlng,
Daied and publlHhed Hi i m 30th day of No
vember, 1U1U.
H. It. l,anglllc, Hecretnry.
Dec 1-8
Notice of Completion of Block E, 1st
Addition west, State Street Improve'
Nel Ire l hereby given thai W. U. Aldred
contractor, Iihh riled written notice UiIh 1st
day of Herein bar. 11(10. ofthe completion ofthe
Improvement of Suite Street, In front ol and
aillolnlng Block K, First Addition Went,
State Hlr't, In the City of Hood Klver,
Oregon, under his contract with this City
heretofore made and entered Into, and that
the amount due aaid contractor for aald Im
provement upon II acceptance la hereby
Ntiited lobe the Ntim of $.ii:i.WJ.
And notice la further given that any odjec
tlom Ui tho acceptance of wild blocks untlei
(he contract with the aald eon tractor on the
part ol wild city may hn filed In the oflluaol
the underHlgned City Recorder by any Inter,
eated putty at any time withlu seven days
from the dale of filing Mild nut ice. towit,
within seven days from the 1st day of Decem
ber, 19IU.
This notice Is published In the Hood Klver
(i lacier, for two consecutive Issues thereof.the
duleof the first publication (hereof being the
1st. day of December, una. H. H. LANm,LK.
dl.S City Hecorder.
liner Tirvick -.
to start using wJ
is now 1(
today." VjO
"Olymplo Flour al
ways makes good
I thlnus-cond bread
and biscuits, good 1
pastry and cakes.
Mailt from cholceit
North wetm
wheat.pure, whole- J
i some, clean and nu-1
tritlotii "there ,
I Un't any Jnat .
aa good.'
For Sale By
Perigo & Son
Bragg Mercantile Co.
A. C. Statcn
Shoe Oil
is waterproof
is waterproof
The Apple Show is Over
but Our Style Show is On
f Throughout the country the best stores j
jvlfc 111 eveiy nuge cay are snowiror
Benjamin Clothes
As a man of good taste you should see
Mf'rifki til
U ,
13 C
AGAIN we feel that we are prepared to serve our customers in jj
uiuiuugiu aausiuciury way Dy snowing gooa, reiiaoie,
new goods at prices that are absolutely the lowest that can be
made on good goods.
Specials ForsXand Specials
$1.25 Bod Spread for QCJc
$2.25 Bed Spread for J gQ
15c Billow Case,;50x45 1 1 C
Children's Fleece lined Underwear, size 18 f
to M PantH, Vests for boys or girls wC
Men's heavy ribbed Fleece lined Underwear Q7
regular price 50c, special price O I C
A 1G oz. Cotton bat for
85c Seamless Sheet, size 81x1)0 for,
Boys' High Top Shoes with large Klondike Eyelets
and two straps at top, heavy soles, well sewed,
Size 12 to 2, regular $3,speeial $2.39
Size 2 to. regular $3.25, special $2.49
Hats! Men's Suits! Men's Suits! Hats!
Listen Men! You have the chance of your life to save money!
$25.00 Suits for $14.98 $22.50 Suits for $12.98 $20.00 Suits for $10.98
And some of the greatest bargains for $9 find $10 you ever saw.
Any $3.00 Soft Hat,black and colors, for 98C
in our factory, Costly Mater
ials and Skill in Making are
the conditions and ingre
dients that combine to make
Modern Sweets
so perfect a
'Tatrcnlt the Modern Duler"
Modirn ConfictltMry Ct., Mfri,, Portland,
Wanted To buy top buggy and har
ness. I'hone 188L.
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Ofliee at The Dalles, Oregon,
October lTtli, 1010.
Notice la hereby given that Eugene B.
Falroanka whose posUolUce address Th North
lakinia, Washington, did on the 24th day of
Hepteniher, 1910, file In this office Bworn
8 Knst, Willamette Meridian, and the timber
thereon, under the provisions of the act of
June ?., mm, and acts amendatory known as
the "Timber and Htone Law," at such value
as might be fixed by appraisement, and that,
pursuant to such application, the land and
limber thereon have been appraised, the tim
ber estimated 787,000 board leet at tolal
Xtt.OO; that Bald applicant will offer final
proof In Biipportof his application and sworn
statement on the 28th day of December, 1D10.
before the Register and Receiver of the U. H.
Land Olllce at The Dalles, Oregon.
Any person Is at liberty to protest this pur.
chase belore entry, or Initiate a contest at
any time beftire patent issues, by filing a cor
roborated affidavit in this office, alleging
facts which would defeat the entry.
027-daa Register.
PhnnP tn Hnlman'e We can save you
iiviiv iv iiiiiiiuii j money on your eats.
He has the goods. All orders promptly delivered
Loin Steak 18 cts per 11).
Round Steak 18 " "
Shoulder " 15 " " "
Stews 10 to 15 " " "
Roast 12 to 15 " ' "
Mutton Cl ops 18 to 20 cts per lb.
Mutton Stew 8 " " "
Pork Chops 20 to 25 " " "
Pork Roast 20 " " "
Bacon 20 to 80 " ' "
Hams 20 to 24 " " "
Lard 5 lb. 'JO eto to fl.00
Compound 5 lb 75 cts.
fluttur, per roll 85 cents
Oleoniargerine per roll 50 "
Sweet potatoes per pound 4 "
Sauerkraut per quart 10 "
Celery, per bunch 10 "
Turnips ,
Parsnips 2J cents per pound.
Onions '
And the home made Pork Sausage
Well, we eat it ourselves, so
come and try it at 15 cts. per lb.
Phone 79 X
taau .ZZ: : r" r- 7-i in
M-u y-u hrxtkru -wt
ni Kynu .rwkn. jjrw mi nn iiiirmn anairuuru uru tnatru m tru kru ru hn kru k
New importations of Chinaware just arrived. Distindt Patterns, heavy solid Gold
band decorations. Distinct Patterns.
Regular f 25.00 Dinner Sets $ 1 7 50
Regular f 22.00 Dinner Sets !!ZZZ""Z1Z"'.'. 16! 75
Semi-Porcelain Hanson Pattern Regular f 5.00 Dinner Sets . 4.45
Genuine Lisk Roasters
Five Sizes. $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $2.75
Keen Kutter Three-Piece Carving Sets
$3.00 to $10.00.
Oneida Community Silverware
You know Oneida stands for quality. Large stock at right priced.
Teaspoons, per set $1.00 Dessert Spoons, per set $1.75
Table Spoons, per set 2.00 Knives and Forks, per set 4.50
Knives and Forks, hollow handles 6.75
Phone 14