HOOD RIVER GLACIER THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1910 f SSfes, 1 BAKING POWDER I (ill MAKES THE PERFECT lit 1 HOT BISCUIT I J9 Also Rolls and Muffins M Crusts and Cakes Jfc Jifl Send for Royl BTO 135 William St. ffifti ODELL. Mrs. Hubbard Taylor and mother, both of Hood River, visited at Rev. T. W. Atkinson's Monday of last week. H. Heft is building a house on his land on the Heights west of Odell. Sherman LafTerty has been ser iously ill of a sort of la grippe which resulted in a gathering inside the ear. He suffered intensely almost a week and at .this writing is only partially recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coe left last week for Bull Kun for a visit with ,"her daughter, Mrs. Howell Metcalf. Mrs. Metcalf's little son, George, has been very ill, but is reported improving. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Brumgard, Friday, November 18, a son. G. E. Bowerman received a painful and dangerous injury last Friday. While cutting a piece of linoleum, the knife slipped and cut into the artery in the wrist and the wound bled pro fusely until stopped by bandages ar ranged by his neighbor, Mr. Fish. Mr. Fish also took Mr. Bowerman to Hood River to a .physician, who pronounce the treamtent all that could be de sired, and with the attention that can be given the injured member at home, it is expected all will be satisfactory. The family of C. T. Roberts have many friends about Odell who will sympathize with them in their be reavement, Mrs. Roberts having pas sed away at their home in Portland the latter part of the week. The re mains were brought to Hood River Sunday and the funeral held Monday. Interment at the Idlewilde cemetery. The deceased was for a number of years a resident of Odell and is re membered for many good deeds, es pecially toward those who were ill. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Zeller went to Portland last week. They expect to remain there for the winter. The following members of Kemp Lodge No. 181, 1. 0. O. F., were among those who attended the district convention held in The Dalles last week: 0. H. Rhoades, Chas. Tucker, George Sheppard, C. R. Masiker, R. G. Masiker, W. A. Lockman, and Thos. Lacey. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith, of The Dalles, passed through Hood River last week enroute to California for the wniter. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have manv friends at Odell Jwho will be pleased to know that they are enjoy ing a winter in so pleasant a portioo of our country as is California. Guy F. Smith, J. H. Eggert.W. E. Ehrck and L. A. E. Clark have expres sed their intention to attend the Apple Show in Portland next week. The many Odell friends of Howard Mclllroy are extending congratulations since his return from Garfield, Wash., whither he went seeking a bride. ; Born-To Mr. and Mrs. I. U. LafTerty, Monday, November 21, a son. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Davies last week. Later Mrs. Davies' condition was critical and her brother, 0. F. Lehrkind, was called to Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Davies having been in that city for some time previous to her illness. Preparations are being made for electric lights about Odell immediate ly. We are .very glad to note this im provement and appreciate the enter prise of those who are instrumental in securing the same. The Mt. Hood R. R. is at work on the right-of-way near the point of the outlet of the Zeller road, and we un derstand matters there are being ad justed satisfactorily to all concerned. A car of apples was shipped by G. F. Smith and others last week, another Monday of this week and one by Odell and Young Tuesday, all via Mt. Hood R. R. to Hood River. Mra Wm F.hrck returned last Week to her home in Hood River after several weeks' stay in Portland. Mr. and Mrs-. Fred Howard attended the apple show in Spokane last week Mrs. Florence Cushman was quite ill last week. Mrs. M. L. Howard is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Arnett, at Winona, Wash. Wilma Thompson and her little brother came out from Hood River Saturday for a short visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Ash. An interesting and inspiring service was held last Sunday morning and C. E. in the evening, though stormy weather and illness in a number of families made the attendance small. Services by Rev. Handsaker next Sun day afternoon and Rev. Crenshaw in the evening. DUKESALLEY C. L. Rogers was seen in our valley last week. W. D. Lessley and family, who were visiting ut W. I). Allen's, have return ed to their home in Portland. Mrs. Harley Dunn has purchased a Fautless grubber and her son, Rav Creson, is operating it. From the noise of explosion of powder, there is lots of working going on clearing land in and around Duke's Valley. J. H. and L. J. Dunaway were looking for a location in other parts of the west. There are several teams at work plowing ground since the rain. Mrs. B. Wuth has returned from Astoria, where she has been visiting her parents. The coyotes are giving us a serinade every evening. Harlev Lininegar was in the city of Hoed River last week. Jack Roberts has returned from Portland. Don't forget the proeram and bas ket supper at the school house Friday evening, November zo. Ail are invit ed. If you don't want to take any part you are invited to come and look on. A. T. Bobs and family were visiting in the valley last Sunday. Mark Cameron and family were visiting at the home of Paul Hansen last Sunday. Friday morning the ground was covered with snow to the depth of one inch. This is the first of the season. OAK GROVE The greater majority of Oak Grove church-goers were detained from at tending services in the hall on Sunday, owning to the downpour. The only four attendants were honorably dis missed and the sermon was postponed for another week. R. A. Blithe came up last week from California to take charge of the A. K. McLaren ranch in the absence of Mr. and Mrs. McLaren, who are spending the winter in Seattle. W. L. Nichols and family moved Saturday to Hood River, where the former is engaged in the automobile business. Ashley Miller and Guy Ellis return ed home last week from the East Side, where they have been packing apples. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE The assessments for the year 19:0 of the Hood River Irrigation District are now due and payable to the Collector at his office and will nomine delinquent on fie last Monday lu December next thereafter and unless paid prior thereto 6 percent, wfll be added to the mount thereol 1 will be at my residence on Wednesdays and ut the Hiitler liank on (Sat urdays rrom IU A. M. to a r. m. I.. K. DAUT, Collector. Department of the Interior, linlted HtnteH Idind Office. The Imlles. Oregon, October :tl, 1910, Notice is hereby given that the Ktate ot Oregon ha filed In this office Its application, Kn 07ffc4 in solact under the provisions of the Act of Congress of August 14, 1H4H, and the Acts supplementary ana smenasiory tnereio, The wwViNK'i. .Sec. 3ft T. 1. N. K. 9 K. W. M. Any and all persona claiming adversely the lands describe or desiring to object because or the mineral character of the land, or for anv other reason, toll he disposal to applicant, should tile their affidavits of protest In this office on or before the afith day December, 1UI0. c w. Muimi'., nlO-dSS Register. oxes! Boxes! Apple and Pear Boxes Stanley-Smith Lmbr Co. Mosier ranch the last of the on his week. I. M. Thomas, of Tidewater. Oresron. arrived Thursday forenoon and will spend several days with friends. Messrs A. P. Bateham. J. M. Carroll and W. L. Dresbach . came home Sun day from Spokane, Wash., where they were in attendance at the National Apple show. Mrs. W. A. Stark returned Satur day to Hood River after spending a few days here with her daughter, Mrs. Akers. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Perlev left Wed nesday for their old home in Blaine. Wash., where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Copple, who old their bakery to Mr. Minkler and son, lett baturday for Heppner, Oregon. 4 C. A. Cramer, a former resident of Mosier, arrived Sunday for a few days' stay. Miss Olive Fisher arrived home Sunday from Hood River, where she has been staying with her grand mother, Mrs. A. Wood. The last of the week Mrs. Wood and son, Clinton, expect to leave for Long Beach, Cal., to spend the winter. E. N. Stroup was in Portland the last of the week. J. E. Higley and daughter, Mary, went to Hood River Saturday morning. Mrs. A. Keller arrived Monday p. m. from lone, Ore., to visit her son, E. J. Keller'Sand family. C. F. Suander arrived Monday to assist with the services at the Christian church Mondy evening and Tuesday evening. Other speakers in cluding 'Mrs. Clara Essons and Mrs. Mary Benton and other delegates also came to be present. Frank Middleswart and his cousin, Carl West, arrived Saturday morning from Bremerton, Wash., to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Middleswart. FRANKTON. Rev. Parsons was at his usual ap Dointment at Pnlnmhia SnnHou Th day being stormy, but few were out. ine services nereatter will be held at B. W. LaMar's instead of the school house. Miss Lena Baker, our teacher, at Columbia, goes to her home at Warren, Oregon, Wednesday to spend. Thanks giving. She will be accompanied by Miss Alma Absten. Mrs. 0. Eastman has been quite ill with the quinsy, but is better at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elliott and family came up from Wyeth Saturday and spent Sundav with ihis Darents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Elliott. Miss Winnie Eastman returned to school this week, after a two weeks' absence on account of sickness. Mrs Trigg and little son arrived in Hood River Saturday night to join her husband, who has made a home for her on the Scott Boorman place. MOSIER. Dr. Macrum.of Portland, spent a day C. H. Webster, of Centralia, 111., is starting a new nursery at The Dalles. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. 1 and Office at The Dalles, Oregon, October , 1UI0. Notice is hereby given thtt William C. Smullin, of Alt. Hood, Oregon, who, on .luly 8, lit M, made Homestead entry, No. 0M2:!, for NW'.iSW'i.WUNWli Section and 8KWW Mectlou 4, Township 1 H,. Kange 1U K Will amette Meridian, has filed notice of lutentlou to make r inal Comminution Proof, to estab i mIi claim to the land above described, before K. A. lilshop, a U. 8. Commissioner, at his office In Hood liiver, Oregon, on the 121 li day of December, 11110 Claimant names s witnesses: George W. Dlmmick, Oconee Kirk Patrick, Ernest V ll:aniiw hiiiI William H. Uribble, all of Mt. Hood. Oiegon. C. W. MOOltK. n III-il Register. Notice of Sale For Delinquent Assessment Notice Is hereby given that on the 22nd dsy of October, l'JK), a warrant was duly and regu larly issued ny tne ttecoraer oi tne uy oi Hood River, Oregon, to me directed and de livered, commanding me to fortuwlth adver tise the property mentioned and described therein against which the assessment for the cost of the Improvement State (Street from flxlti Street to East Second Htreet of said City was made, and to sell said property or so much thereof as can be sold separately to advantage sufficient to pay said delinquent assessment, together with interest, costs and disbursements In the manner provided by law, and to return the proceeds of such sale (4) the City Treasruer of the City of Hood Klver, Oregon, and the following is a description of the property against wnicn assessment was levied and which is delinquent, and gives the name of the person to whom It was assessed, and the amount of the assessment thereon now due, to-wit: Lot 7, block 1, Highland Addition, N, L. ferguson wi.uu Now, therefore. In pursuance of said war. rant and for the purpose of satisfying the delinquent assessment mentioned therein, I will on Saturday the 26th day of November. lttlO, at the hour of Um o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the City Hall, In the City of Hood River, County of Hood River, Htate ol Oregon, proceed to sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash In band, the several tracts or parcels or land above mentioned, or so much thereof as can be sold separately to advantage sufficient to pay said delinquent assessment, together with the interest, cosui ana aisoursemenis proviuea oy law. and will cohtinue said sale from day to day thereafter until said properly is sold, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said aasessment. Dated at Hood River, Oregon, this 27tti duy of October, 1M10. It. T. LfcWIN, Marshal of the City of Hood Klver, Oregon. Summons With The Current of electricity from simple dry alls you can operate a serif's of call bells or phonos, at a very small cost fur installation and very little running ex pense. There are hundreds of things equally us handy and inexpensive. fa4.sr "04931 Batteries, Bells, Electric Light Supplies, Fixtures and many other tilings electrical are here for you. If bought here they'll cost vou very little. First National Bank Hood River, Oregon Capital and Surplus $121,000.00 D ean ($X Shaw Phone 3 Res. Phone 272H You are cordially invited to call and inspect our new home and our facilities for handling your banking business with promptness and safety to your interests. . . . Interest on Time and Sayings Deposits Land For Sale -31 1 luive about 1,000 acres of No. 1 Apple Land, most of it under ditch at prices ranging from $00 per acre up. In tracts from ten acres up. J. R. STEELE Hood River - - - Oregon THE HANDY CORNER FEED STORE Curries All Kinds of IVed. You save the long haul up the hill when you buy at the Handy Corner. Phone 282L HUBBARD TAYLOR, Prop. To the Discriminating Honsewife: We have lately itiwtulli'd some now machinery ami CUPID FLOUR will now make the WHITEST, LI'MIKST BRKAD of any flour on the Hood River Market if handled rightly, and does not require an stiff work ing as others. Next time auk your (irocer for CUPID and if he will not furnish it, trade with someone who will. IT IS MADK IN 11001) KIVKIi. Hood River Milling; Co. $12.10 White Salmon $12.20 Underwood TO Spokane and Return Tickets sold to Nov. 1 1th to 18th. Nov. 24th. For the Return limit National Apple Show The greatest horticultural event of the year. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway "THE NORTH BANK ROAD" Fast through trains to Spokane Purchase tickets and request detiiili from B. A. U1BEKT, White Salmon, WhhIi , A nt W. E. COM AN, (ienera! Freight and Puhmiiihi ! nt WET Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon for Jloou Klver county. K. K. Donne, Plaintiff, v. Kllen Punier, Dave Purser.Irene , I'urHer, Winnie Purser. Ia I mrser, rora rneips, iv. a. I'helpK, Clarence Tyler, L. (!. Morxe. AdmlnuitrHtor. Roland I I). Uould, Florence L. tiould.l Robert Rand, J. C. Abbott, 1 Mary Abbott, I.O. Nealelh and i Hone meuieigu, oeieuaama. To Ellen Purser, Dave Punier. Irene Purser, Winnie Purser, etal, Defendants: In the Name of Ihe Htate of Oregon, You are hereby remised to aunear and answer the complaint tiled aitalnst you In the above en- tmea sim on or opiore me expirHuou in six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons as hereinafter stated, and If you fall so to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for a Judg ment decreeing that a certain deed of convey ance executed by Joseph Purser and Kllen Punter, his wife, dald October nth, lwil, recorded October 2nd, lJl, In Book 3'2, Page 475, records of deedsof Wasco County, Oregon, wherein Rose Meliflilelirh Is named an grantee. be reformed and corrected according to the real Intent of the parties thereto, and so that the description of the property shall read as follows: beginning tit) rods south and 20 rods 1! feet west from tne northeast corner oi section 3, township 2 north of range 10 east of the WlllsmettelMerldlan. running thence south 20 rods; thence west 20 rods; thence north iu rods; thence east ao rod to the place of begin, nlng, all In the county o! Wasco, now the county ot Hood River, State of Oregon; and that said deed so reformed shall convey said described premises as fully as If the same had orlulnallv been described therein, and that title to said premises above deTlled do pass by said decree or court, irom saia aeiena ants to snd vest In the plaintiff herein In fee simnle. aii Inllv as If Dronerly conveyed In said deed; ami that plafntlfl recover from the defendants his costs and disbursements herein. You are hereby served by the .publication or this summons In accordance with the order of the County Judge duly made and entered on the 14th dav of October. A. I). 1910. which order prescribes that you shall appear and answer said complaint on or before the expir ation of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. The date of the first publication of this summons la the ma day oi octooer, A. u. iiu KRNEHT C. BMITH, o20-dl Attorney for Plaintiff. WE e TfTj A .ere but it has found us prepared for it with everything you need to keep you warm and dry. Rubber Footwear of all kinds, School Shoes, high top Shoes, Umbrellas, Wool Socks, Gloves, Slickers, Mackinaws, New shipment of wool Shirts $1.50 to $3. See our line of house slippers and comf ys, just the thing for these stormy evenings. C onnaway Company ercantile L Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back Phone Odell 191