The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 24, 1910, Image 2

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2juob Httirr CSlarU r
ARfHIJH l). MOI!, Publisher.
Subscription, 81 ..10 Per Year.
The regular annual city flection for
Hood River will be held Tuesday,
December 6, and at that time the
offices of Mayor, three Couneilujcn,
t;,rArr am! Treasurer are to be
filled. The officers whore terms ex
pire January 1, are Mayor D. Mc
Uonald, Councilmcu F. C. lironius, I..
H. Huggins and George I. Slocom,
Recorder H. II. Langillc and Treasurer
E. O, Blanchar. These six men have
discharged the duties imposed upon
them properly a'd it is for the bent
in..rrafa of hi ci t v o t" 1 1 ood River
that each and every one of them
should he kept in cilice.
The present city administration ha?
under way the municipal water plant
far which builds Wel'C VOtOll. This IS
the largest project which hab ever
ntt,.mnliil l,v the citv and ia one
of first importance, these men writ
have had it in charge should be ivcn
the commission to finish it. J'liey are
familiar with all the conditions sur
rounding the proposed water system
and are most capable of completing
the work. During the administrate
of thu present oflieers there lias t,een
more street improvement in this city
than during all its previous history
and that still more street improve
rnnnr hast not been accomplished is
only because it hn.i been deemed ad
visable to wait until after the installa
tion of the water system before build
intr too great an amount of permanent
street. Much work has been done, in
putting the east side road in bi tter
condition, sewers have been built and
a number of other important improve
ments have been made by the city dur
inir the present regime.
A suit brought at the instance of
the present private water company
u,l it frmiwlH h;is heen pending re
cently against the oflieers of the city
Th,. hIm ohicct of this suit has been
to delay the installation of thu muniei
uMfpm with its truarantee of
i ' ,
tho city'sjiealth. The water company t
injunction suit was brought in a tar
fetched fashion in the Federal court,
were it did not of right belong imd an
ell'ort has been made to cloud the good
name of the members of the adminis
tration. The people should stand back
of them in their honest efforts to gam
fur thu citv the mire water which the
voters ordered them to get by u vote
of 2 to 1. The officers have done every
thing in their power to carry out tin
luill ,.f tho nonnlo and tlieV have had
to fight every step of the way iigitiimt
those interested in tt private corpora
tion, with a past of its own which is
unsavory to say the least, bent on
blocking the city by every technicality
which the lawyers could bolster up.
The voters should show fhijc tappre
elation of the work done by the eitiy'e
officers in returning them to their
places a week from next Tuesday.
Owing to thu suit now pending
against the city to prevent the sale of
the water bonds, together with the
charge that the city has exceeded it
legal liability, although the bulk -of
that indebtedness for permanent street
improvements, the bunks have ceased
to cash the city warrants, and they are
being stamped "unpaid for want
funds" by the city treasurer, register
ed, and draw interest until such time
there will be funds in the city treasury
to pay them, which will probably be
next March. Tho fact that the band
holds one of those warrants has been
made the subject of an attack by the
News and the local correspondent m
the Tni'tlnnd Journal on the credit of
the citv. There is no need for alarm
that these warrants will not he pan
There is nothing unusal in tho cmiim
stances of com, lies or
being without funds at tho dote of tli
year owing to unforseen, but neces
sary expenditures, and the "howl"
would be greater, should the city cease
all work of improvement, cut oil' the
lights from the streets, allow the
roads to become impassable, i-top all
street improvements and other nees
Hary work. Contingencies arise, un
forseen at the time of making the tax
levy, which must be taken care of. To
provide too great a fund for these con
tingencies would increase the taxes to
a burdensome degree, l'erluips the
greatest criticism that strangers offer
in regard to our city, is the lack of
well paved streets, cement walks and
other permanent improvements IVuih
in old established cities of this si a
which have had generations in which
to make them. '1 he Council have en
deavored to do as much of this work a:
possible within reasonable limit: , and
llliu Uaiurol't bonding ai t has compel
ed the city to nstiinic the indebted
hi-ss of nulch street improvement and
cans d a technical exeesn of iniu bUd
Real Estate Transfers.
Real Estate transfers in Hood River
County for the week ending November
9 1010, as reported by 'I he Hood River
Abstract Co :
to Nellie F.
McCune; 10. t5 acres cast of Odell.
flood River Orchard Rand Co. to
Anna M. Hughes; 2 acres in Barrett
d strict.
Flora F. Hartley to et al to George
F Ogden; 10 acres in Willow Flat.
W.'Rohs Winans, to Fred S. Hol-
t....ii! I. at 1 and east one "an oi iui
7 Pequot
Sheet and
Pillow Cases
We carry a Good Supply.
There are None Better.
dock it, Idlewilde.
Fred S. Holtseen to VV.
WinCim ; 'lit acres near YViimns.
r nv V. b'l'.vard,i lo lone
Scott", 2'' acres on the east sine.
E.T.I lull to Joseph A. Moore; i;
acres near "iell.
jU. .", , III-LI "UK I.'. .T f"S?
Kltong; undivided onenaii oi ioim i -.a
Faraiiise Acreage. i '
'i'. I-olts to otho v.. ueaue ; " I
acres in upper vs.lie. w ,
,ee A. Amsbarv 10 Willie mwn
Co. ; '10 acres on Fast side.
.Iiiseph V. llateheKler 10 Irvine un.y
Acheson; Lot in Kivervk-w 1'ark
addition. .
Joseph F. Hatchcldcr to Harold
Hershner; Rot in liivervievv 1'ark Ad
Orion A. Graham to W. I,. l.epass
and A. K. Ifiggs; 10 acres in upper
valley. .
(Jrton A. Graham to I rederick ,!.
Fewings; I!0 acres in upp'-r valley,
Harry F. Francis to A. O. Anderson-
12 22 acres in Oak Grove district.
Elizabeth A. Rriggs et al to Anna
M. Youkm; (J acres south o' town.
J. hi. Half, Jr., to Charles Hall; ICO
acres in upper valley.
Mild llavsns Ci.- ir.
Quality oiilv. bu and loc si.i
lown from
J. K. McGregor v.
Mosier yesterday.
M. Ktn.Hrum, who has been in the
logging camp of I lie Newby mill dur
ing thu season, left for J'oitlar.d ii
telduy to spend the winter with his
l)c;4 viilucK ill tlic city
011(1 Up.
We have a splen
did line of FURS in
Sets and Separate
Pieces at any Price
youwish from a
h Child' Set for $1.25
y up to 335.00.
k.aitil. WiUllfK. (McV
UKIib one oi w t;ugusi
itRii lcst iiKHortntentsiu the city.
You will wonder why you should
I other making these when you
r:in get thfin rvady made for such
icanonable prit'fH as we have
thenifoi. Theyaie made vp of
the newest weaves and latest
styles. All ages. For ladies we
have dresses suitable for every
occasion. Dres.-es that would
cost you from v more in
orlland. 1 Let tits Mmw them to
vou. You can better npimciate
their value.
Ladies' tailored suits and-coats
another new express shipment
opened up. We know we
please vou and give you the
.suits for 19.00, .f 10.00,112.00
American Lady and White
House Shoes for Ladies and
Gentlemen, a New Lot just
opened up in lace and button
newest lasts and styles.
Yon should see our Fine Line
of Fancy China Cut Glass
and Siverware. The largest
and best line we, ever had.
2nd Floor.
4 -
All sizes, all colors,
all prices. We have
one of the largest
assortments in the
cit', from a child's
sweater for 50c, 7bc,
85c, $1.00 and up.
Knit sweater vests
f for ladies; as well as
lit .coats.
that you could
wear as a winter
wrap that would be
ahead of a good
We have
line lrfdUtgZZ
1 m I
line of rruw rv sn,
I .5
is nothing
in ulflers
in wool
and silk.
All colors. 25c, 35c and up.
Knit Shawls, Newports and Fascinators.
Toques and Caps. We are prepared for
the cold, stormy weather and. you can
get just what you want here.
Special Ladies' Short
' Coats
Let us show you.
THE PAHIS FAIR., Hood River, Ore.
Ycu Can ork Near a Window
f .
in winter when you have a Perfec
tion Oil Heater. It is a portable
radiator which can be moved to
any part of a room, or to any room
in a house. When you have a
Absolutely smokeless and odorless
you do not have to work close to the
stovt;, which i:; usually far from the
window. You can work where you
wish, and be warm. You can work on
dull winter days in the full light near
the window, without being chilled to
the bone.
The Perfection Oil Heater quickly
rives heat, and with one filling of the
font burns steadily for nine hours, without smoke or smell. An
Indicator always shows the amount of oil in the font. The nller
cup, rut in like a cork in a bottle, is attached by a chain. This
heater has a cool handle and a damper top.
The Perfection Oil Heater has an maiciuatic-Iocklnfj
fl;itn snrcadcr-which nrevents the wick from being turned
high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back, so :
the wick can be quickly cleaned. The burner body or gallery :
cannot become wedged and can be unscrewed in an instant tor
rewicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in japan or
nickel, is strong, durable, well-made, built for service, and yet
light and ornamental.
Dealer) Cvtrywhert. If el wilt f-v drscnphn circular
to t'ie flcj'fil ty-'H)' ! fit
Standard Oil Company
- m i
fruit Fair and
iioiiaaY Sale
Thanksgiving Menu
Olympia Oyster
. Celery Olives
Shrimp a la Mayonnaise .
Boiled Tongue and Tomato Sauce, 25c
Lamb Fricassee and Green Peas, 25c
Young Turkey and Cranberry Sauce, 50c
Chicken and Celery Dressing, 40c
Leg of Pork and Apply Sauce, 35c
Rump of Beef au Jus, 25c
Mashed Potatoes ' Sugar Corn
Apple, Pumpkin and Mince Pie
Plum Pudding and Hard Sauce
Tea Milk Coffee
Fresh Line of !
Men's and
i o
Full New
of all descriptions are now awaiting your
l'iiiin ;md liaiTcd I'.nncl I cs l'nr 25c
I'ilic I l gold, inhiid ;i nd jewelled I'tirrel tes.. big
values nl 75c and $1
l'l tin (irttv H.'irrettes I5c,25c and 35c
bilOeS of all descriptions
Children's Tan button, black button and high top
.shoes for school wear $2, $2.50 and $3
Ladies" Patent button with eravenette or velvet
Ion $4.00
Ladies' High Top dim Metal Shoe for
Ladies' HijrhTopTan Shoes for
RUBBERS to fit any shoe from No. in babies to
No. S in ladies.
A Yakiiii.i jirl inlvcrtiM't' to m.ih
thrie Yakim!'. apples to any aiMix-ss
(istnuil on riri ,pt (if "5 ciiils. Sin:
ooulil lu't net rich it' flic wan ilialii';;
in FIdihI Kivtr fruit at. that rati' as
tlio a cni;ii' po;,ta(;i! f.r our ilooil
Hivor npplc as they wciv ; t nt out
from Toi'tlam! u 'ew wu'lts in :is
1H cents.
MaKe liei aei,iiiiliitaia e.
She will j'. t or,r nioiiev
C. A. l-hilh
2::i0 at
Kootlntll this
Chapman 1'ark.
Jos. West came up from Portland
Sunday, yesier,l,iy al'ternoon.
f Lnfo 1'eiiee and family eame down
roin Wasco yestenlay to sipend 'Ihanks
Kiviiif,' with fllrs. I'tiico's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. 11. lVui:h. II. T. lVnf;h
camo with them iroin Wasco, hot
continued his journey to Astoria.
img opeuiiig iui riitici)' asm oi
''Keep Clean" Hair Brushes,' regular U.V value for 39c
"Talc Powder," Collates and Meuuen's, r(!;-ular '."! si.e.for...,
ANY :1.25 UMl'RKLLA in the house for ; 89c
Knitted Wrist Canvas Cloves, regular l.V value for ' 8c per pair
Seamless SheUs, sK'.m. regular Soc values for 66c
Pillow Cases, regular l.V- values, for Hc
Here's one for the children: A train of three ears with an'eugine, for 19c
Lverv artiele mentioned in this adv is "brand new" and fresh from the factory.
Values up to G.0O, your choice, 1 1.00
Nemo Corsets for
Stout or Slender Fig
ures. We carry a
Large Assormentin
all sizes and grades.
These are the Best
Made $2 to $5
Midget Restaurant
Mun and wife want spuatlon on Hood River
raucti. K. OoHse, Hood Klver, Ore. Ulft
FOR 8At.K-Houne lor aaledr to let out for
winter ktwpHpraifiie, W2 K. ind
lllnxen, Wn.
-Two lad lea, mother and daughter,
per ior
Mrs. L.
wish petition a housekeeper for gentLnian.
Hoar a only if unlit worn,
A. Aluer,
I)8t-Five month's old Scotch collie, white
with black spot on baek. Answem to name
' rtancho." Kinder please plions Odell 2. dlft
Wanted-Kveryone In Hood River and vi
cinity to read the opening chapters ol the new
Berla! by Robert W. Chambers In the Novem
b.;r number of the Cosmopolitan Magazine.
It Is toe greatest novel of the year and is lllus
traled by Charles Dana Gibson dl5
Day Work Wanted A Japanese boydes'rts
houseclcanliiK and' other kinds of work by
i the hour in the city. (Jail phone 'MSL. d!5
Wanted To let a contract lor the grubbing
and plowing of acres or more. Will fur
nish good bouse for right, party. Would like
work to start at once. Address A.J.Rogers,
R. V. D. 8, Box 9H, Hood River, Ore.
Kor sale or rent 8. room house, corner of
Oak, Htnte and Ninth streets. Price, $H,(00.
Kor rent, luriiisoed, by the month or lease.
Iir. Bi'okIuh. st the olllce.
Kor sale Klue driving and saddle horse, 7
years -Id. wmiid and iientlc, together with
open hngiry, new this summer. harn hs, cow
boy saddK brld'e, winicr and summer lap
robeH. Uood cart for muddy weather. Will
make an sltraetive priceon entire outfit lor
(iiick snle. Rhone ..0 L.
Kor sale Lease on business building,
at KtyicBlmp.
Wanted Horses to take to pasture above
The Indies. Pasture, ii per month, friM a
head for delivery of horses to pasture. Gil
bert Edglngton, Rhone 140 ii.
Oakdale Greenhouse
Kor Fall planting we have a choice
collection of 2 year Hoses, one, two and
four year Peonies. Bulbs in plenty such
as Hyacinth, Narcissi, Daffodils, Early
and J.ate Tulips, some very choice Vines,
Shrubs, Ornamental Trees. .A full line
of Greenhouse Plants. Phone 1972-M.
Hinger Hewing Machine Co. New Hood
River Salesroom opposite First National
Hunk. Machines sold, rented, exchanged, re
paired. Needles and supplies. tf
HAY AND OATS for sale,
'phone 1912L.
Kelly Bros.,
Lost-Ladies' Belt and Belt Buckle on Oct.
Oth. Liberal reward offered. Kinder pleas
return to Ulacler Office.
I will lend my team to responsible party
for their keep until the middle of Kebruary.
Apply Odell BS.
Wanted-lilds to grub one or two Herat at
White Halmon, near Cook's Addition. Ad.
drees Dr. A. L. Uolder, The Dalles, Oregon.
For Hale Team of 6.year-old horses, ona
sorrel and one black, weight 2K00, guaranteed
good workers, double or single. Hee Oeo.
Chamberlain, Mosier, Ore.
I'ot Hale (loner t well curbing, (ins Miller,
one mile from town on Relmont road. Ot
Wanted A good home for a good horee for
the winter. Call up 18'JL. d8
Want, d A general housework girl.
Mrs. ii. T. 1'arr, 11 Odell.
Kor Rent Two nicely furnished rooms
within one block of posiolllce. l'lione 1021).
For Hale l arge spring chicken fi ies and
roosters. Oakdale, phono 19 .M. dH
Kor Snle Rooming hou.-e, ood paying bns
Inens. For part Iculars address 11. 1). J., care
U lacier ds
Wanted-A chimney
leaner for lOlSTweltth
or Hale one good .1 v cow and llnlt'Or-
plugton chickens. Phone 19H2L this week.
Found A combination Masonic and Odd
Fellows pin In Jenkins office. Owner call
l nils onice. Ol
Punt Ies m need of expert pruner address E.
A. lYather, HiKd River. dl
Roys n.ny be had and somet'ltnes girls. The
oliler ones a' ordinary wages and ot tiers to be
schooled snd cared for in return tor slight
services rendered. For particulars address
W. T. Gardner. Sunt. Boys' and Girls' Aid
Society of Oregon, Portland, Ore. dl
Kor Hale -New organ, "il Montello Ave. dl
Young ennnle. thoroughly responsible, no
children, wish to store piano for its use. Host
of care and tuning. R. T. Newhall, 207 Pros-
peel Ave. dl
For Halo Good shout pigs; first call, first
served for they won't last long. Phoue 1V&1L,
or Odell 91. A. T. Fuller. VM
Lost Watch fob, buckle and chain beurlnc
Inltlnls II. .1. I.. Kinder please leave at this
olllce. d(t
Wanted To buy second hand set of harness.
Pnone, Odell 173. d8
Kor Hale Faultless No. 2 grubbing machine
complete, In good condition. Rhone Odell
279. d8
Kor Hale 0(0 lb. mare, excellent farm, road
and saddle horse. Also light buggy and new
harness. Call and see them and make au
oUer. Phone 2WK. . If
Notice of Regular City Election.
Notice is hereby gtven that pursuant to the
order of the Common Oonncll of the City of
Hood Klver, Oregon, that the regular City
Election will be held In the City of Hood
River, Oregon, In the City Hall therein, on
Tuesday, the 6th day of i ecember, 1910, for
the purpose of electing one Mayor, three Conn
cllmen, one City Recorder and one City
Treasurer. A. B. Shelley, John Culbertson and
C. L. Wheeler have been appointed Judges ir
said election by the Common Council and
Ralph Savage and H. M. Prindle have been
appointed elerks of said eleotlon.
Polls will be opened at. the hour of eight
o'clock A M. and remain open until the hour
of seven o'elo-k P. M. of said dale. Pursuant
to the order of the Common Council, two
weeks not ice is given of said election by pub
lishing same in the Hood Klver Glacier for
three successive Issues and posting Botlces
thereof In three public places In the City of
Hood River. luted and first published
Thursday, November 17, 1910.
City Recorder.
Wanted Two men for short Job ot planting
next week. One mile out. Tel. 27JM. dl
For Sale Practically new lorlv horse nower
automobile, reasonable, or will exchange for
noon stiver property. Buns ji. Bouie, Houle s
Piano House, Hood Klver. n21
W anted To trade a good surrey for a three
inch low wheeled wagon. Call up Geo. 1).
Culbertson u2l
For Halo Cheap handsome bay driving
mare, speedy trotter, weight 10SO to 1100. 8
years old, very easy keeper, safe for lady or
child to drive; bargain if taken at one
Telephone 201K. n24
For Sale-Small horse, weight 700 lbs.,
tie; broke lo ride or drive. Phone 2172K.
W silled Washwoman either In town or on
East side. Telephone 20221. u'24
For Hale standard' bred brou.e turkeys.
Philip 11, Carroll, 1S8M. n24
Wanted -Single top buggy and harness.
Phone 1(-KU n24
K.stray Running at large contrary to herd
law, one .lersey heifer branded O or Q on left
hip. Owner can secure same by paying
charges. Troy Shelley. dlS
Lathr op
For Sale
1 1 acres under cultivation
5 acres in apples, Spitz and
Newtowns, 3 and 4 years
Water free for irrigation.
Good 7-room house. One and
one-half miles from town.
Near school.
An opportunity to buy a
good place at the right
price. $7,000.00. Terms.
D. E. RAND, Owner
Phone 328 X
Executrix's Notice no Creditors
Notice Is hereby slven that the Count r
Court of Hood River County, Oregon, by au
order dated November mid, A. D. 1910, and
signed by the Judge of said Court, has ap
pointed Margaretha Magdalena Hlnrlcha
executrix of the Last Will and Testament of
Peter Detlel Hlnricb, deceased.
Al! persons having claims against tde estate
of said decedent are hereby notified and re
quired lo present the same, duly verified, to
uir iiiiufriguei, hi ine oiuce oi ine nrsi
National Bank. In Hood River, Oregon, with
in six (ft) moil lis from the dabs of the first
publication hereof.
First publication November 8, 1910.
na-dl Administratrix
State of Oregon, )
County of Hood River. f BS-
I, Geo. D. Culbertson, County Clerk
of Hood River County, Oregon, do
hereby certify that at a general
election held in said County and State
on the 8th day of November, 1910, that
the question of whether stock should
be permitted to run at large in Bald
win Precinct of said County and State,
was duly submitted to the legal voters
of said precinct, and that as a result of
said election a majority vote was cast
against stock running at large in said
Baldwin Precinct, and
Now Therefore, pursuant to the
direction of the statute of the State of
Oregon, so made and provided, I do
hereby declare and give notice that it
shall be unlawful on and after sixtv
Apples to Vladivostock.
Twenty five boxes of fancy Hood
River Ortley apples, a special order
from the Ulaxwclton Orchards, were
aboard the steamship, Chicago Maru,
which sailed from Seattle last week
bound for Vladivostock, Siberia. The
order was specially Lpacked for the
long journey by Robinson, deReding &
Crocker in layers of excelsior paper
placed in cranbarry boxes. The fruit
was ordered by a San Fraciaco export
ing 'house.
days from the date hereof, within the
boundaries of the said Baldwin Pre
cinct, in Hood River County, State of
Oregon, for any Live Stock, viz: Any
cow, calf, bull or steer, any horse,
mare, colt, gelding or stallion, any
mule, jack, or jennet, any sheep, lamb
or lambs, goat or goats, kids or kids,
hog or hogs, pig or pigs, to run at
large, under4penalty of ten dollars for
the first offense and twenty dollars
for each and every subsequent offense,
to be recovered from the owner of the
stock in civil action before a justice of
the peace in said precinct.
In Testimony Whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of the
Court this 21st day of November, 1910.
d-8. Geo. D. Culbertson,
County Clerk of Hood River .County.
The ladies who have not yet got
their new fall hats should take advan
tage of the big sale at the Style Shop.
One naif off on all patterns and our
own make hats.