HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1910 Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar u aici Absolutely Puro Highest in Leavening Efficiency- Makes Hot Breads ODELL. Mrs. James English and two little sons went to The Dalles last week for a visit with relatives. Mrs. Fred Crockett came lust week from Rupert, Id. Mr. and Mrs. Crockett will be at home in Udell in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coc moved to Hood River last week and expect to reside there as they did before coming out to Odell for the summer. Clyde Lyman came last week for a visit with' his wife's parents, Rev. and Mrs. T. W. Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman expect to go to Southern California. T. W. Atkinson has a supply of double disk records for the phono graphs given with cash purchases amounting to $35. Mr. Hanna is building a house on his land on the heights west of Odell. Mr. Richter has sold twenty acres of his forty acre tract to Henry Rodamer at a consideration of $5500. Mr. Rickter retains theemt twenty acre tract, and is building a house which he will occupy and begin at once the work of clearing and improv ing his property. Election passed off quietly at Odell the precinct by its vote declaring in favor of prohibition and woman suffrage. Mr. Moser, of Portland, spent a part of the past week look'tig after his interests at Odell. Mrs. John Evans, of Mosier, is spending the week with Mrs. Katherine Kemp. Thelma, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ehrek, has been ser iously ill. Fred Pflughaupt and a friend, Mr. Hamilton, went hunting geese near Arlington last week and returned with seven fine geese. The Shakespearean Club was organ ized last Friday evening at Odell. The Club has for its purpose the study of the Classics. Shakespeare will be taken up and later other classes the members will derive mutual benefit from stTch study. Mrs. Matilda Wood and son, Clinton Wood, expect to leave soon for Califor nia where they will send the winter. Following is the record for the Spelling Contest, Frankton, Odell and Pine Grove schools for the week end ing November 11, 1910: Grade Frankton Odell Pine Grove. 4th 6th 6th 7th 97.2 99.3 97.4 94 92.3 98.7 97.4 99.7 100 99.4 98.6 8th 98.5 98.6 n nnmnr;onn nf their work a snirit of friendly rivalary between schools arise and may result in great ad vancement along the lines considered. Another of Rev. Thos. Handsaker's Ana aormnna RlindaV aftarnoon. Rev. Handsaker will conduct service at Odell in the afternoon of Sunday Nov ember 27, two weeks from last Sun day. A very interesting C. E. meeting last Sunday evening with Temperance If , Tjj-1"" 1 I as a topic and C. R. McCoy, leader. Following the C. E. meeting a very earnest and unspiring sermon by liev. Crenshaw. Rev. Crenshaw will fill the appoint ment at Odeli next Sunday morning a.s is usual on the third Sunday in t!u month. MOSIER. Lee Evans and son, Fred, and family returned home Tuesday from Hlaloeks, wnere mey went several days ago goose hunting. They report fine sport an iuck, .nnnging home a good number oi the feathered game. Mrs. John Evans returned Tuesday evening from a visit to her daughter 'in Portland. Mrs. Wm. Stevenson came home Tuesday from Hood River where she has spent nearly two weeks. Mrs. Bertha Otto came up from Portland Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs. Godbersen. J. Vannortwiek, of The I),' lies, spent a day this week with his sister, Mrs. C. E. Dunsmore. C. II. Dunsmore and Wm. Marsh were visitors to The Dalles the first of the week. Mrs. E. K. Viekers, of The Dalles, was in Mosier this week on business and to see her sister, Mrs. Dick Evans. Messrs. G. R. Wood and W. A. Hus bands, left Sunday evening fur The Dalles where they were called on the jury. 3 W. E. Huskey came home Saturday afternoon from The Dalles hospital and at the last renort was iettim along very nicely. The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. ThumuM I.elHntt this ivphI un.t enjoyed a very pleasant day. Several Ladies nf flip aid snnnf n ilnv at the home of Mrs. E. Cobb. Mrs. Geo. Krauss. of The Dalles, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Davenport. Mable Osbtirn went tn The rallies Monday. A numher nf Odd Fellows wpnf IVm Mosier Monday evening to attend the District Convention, held in The Dalles. OAK GROVE A letter received recently by the Hood River Apple Growers Union from Steinhardt & Kcllv. of New York, states that the latter firm was highly pleased with the quality and pack of tipitzenburgs put out this year by A. Hukari, of this district. Mr. Hukari is to be congratulated on this point, as the famous New York lirm is a close critic in the apple line. Mrs. A. K. McLaren is Jvisiting re latives in Seattle. V. E. Fosberg and family have moved from Hood River to the house which they formerly occupied on the Carter ranch. F. H. Irwin went to Portland Mon day. A. L. Cunning came over last Thurs day from Cooks, Wash., to spend a cuople of weeks with his brother, H. A. Cunning. J. I. Miller is erecting a dwelling house directly east of the house he formerly occupied. DUKES VALLEY Jack Roberts went to Portland last week. J. O. Cameron and Hurley Linincfiar finished grubbing 10 acres for 11. K. Davenport on Willow Flat last week. Mrs. Paul Hansen, of Dukes Valley and Mrs. Mark Cameron, of Pine Grove were visiting at Cascade Locks. Saturday and Sunday. Wm. D. Allen is getting along nicely with his broken ribs. He will soon be all right again. The Sunday School is pretty well attended. Let fevery one come out and bring some one with them. There will be a Christmas tree and if you go to ..Sunday School you will receive some candy. There will be a basket social at the schoolhuose on November 25. There will be a program and every one is in vited to take a part in the program, as well as the basket social. The ladies are all invited to bring baskets with something good to eat and the men and boys are going to bring their pocket-books with the dough to pur chase the baskets. The baskets will be sold to the highest bidder. There will be a medal given to the pupil who speakes the best, the school board to be the judges. The reward is from the teacher, Miss Tambert. Our schoolhouse is full. The board had to get ten more seats and now they are at a loss to know where to put them, as the house is full. We will build another room next summer and get two teachers. This is needed at present. Miss Tambert is handling the school as well as could be expected under present conditions. The mail carrier on route No. 2. has quit and we sure miss him as he was giving us good service and we would be glad to help to pay him if his ser vice could be secured. Several have ordered their mail sent to Newtown postoflice. They are trying to get a rural route established from there to cover Duke's Valley, Willow Flat, Middle Valley and a part of Odell and Pine Grove. J. P. Thomsen is having liis meadow plowed up and is going to resccd it to clover and timothy. The Apple Land and Orchard Co., claims a record for five year old apple trees. They have nearly 4C acres on Willow Flat in Newtown and Spitzen burg and this year they have picked over 5000 boxes ot packed apples. This is over two boxes to the tree straight through. The trees will be six years old next spring. J. W. Scott is setting one acre to strawberries. W. D. Lessley and family, of Port land, are visiting with Wrn. D. Allen. Mr. Lessley is a foreman for Joplin & Gibson. Elmer Creson and Milton Rogers left for Portland last Monday. WHITE SALMON (From the ntrirlse . H. Jewett and Comrade Clyde entertained the old veterans, their children and the widows of old soldiers at the Jewett home last Thursday. Elvin Greaves, from North . Dakota, was a visitor this week. Gary Stabler left on Monday for Minneapolis. Mrs. Mae Cudmore went to Port land this week where she will meet her mother and father-in-law, of Dubuque, Iowa, who will spend the winter in White Salmon. W Mnrra whn run the harness shon in this place three years ago, and sold out and went to Goldendale, has re turned to White Salmon, bought out Mr. Cash and is again a reisdent of this place. Camp 5 of the Wind River Lumber Company, operating a few miles above Husum, is floating 3,',t)00 feet of logs down the hite Salmon every day, and have about two million feet more still to float. The swiftly flowing river carries them down to the boom in the Lolumbia at Underwood. A. W. Lane, of California, arrived in White Salmon last week, to visit his sister, Mrs. 1. N. Williams, of "Glorymead," whom he had not seen for 21 years. The Little Minister is in town. A son was born to Kev. and Mrs. Kelley on Saturday. Miss Huezl Horn, of liellingham, was the guest of Mrs. Mae Cudmore this week. C. (.'. Caven has been in Fossil, Ore., the past week looking after his business interests. Buy your butter, cream and milk from the Purity Dairy Co., phone 681 Milk depot, Davidson building. ('OU.Kl'TOU'S NOTK'K '1 he aM-:t'ssiiieiitK for t lie e;ir lil.O of the HiwhI Kivrr JrriL'Utluii liquid art nnw due unit piiyatilt' lo the ('olki'lm' at his nlllee ami will iiei'inne iletiiHiurnt on tie last Monday In Ik'crmher next Ihere.tfier and unless paid frior t hereto r percent will be added lo the niiioiiiii thereoi I will heal my residence on Wednesdm s and nl the Butler Hank on Sat urdays from 10 A. M. to a V. M. 1.. K. DAKT, Collector. lepurimeril of he Interior. I'niled siales Land ottice. The I hi I Us, orison. Oilnlur :il, l'-UO. Notice Is herehy uMVen I tint the stale ot Oregon has II led in this oltiee its apptieal ion, Nti. M'CfU lo select under the provisions nl Ihe Act of t'onuress or Auvnsi II. IMS, and Ihe Acts supplementary and iinieuditlorv thereto, The SV'4.K', s.v. a. T. I. N. It. t K. W. M. Any and all persons elaitninir adversely the lands describe or dcslriin; to ohiect because of the mineral ehaiactcr of the land, or for any other reason, to I lie disposal to applicant, shon Id tile their aiiuh.vils of protest tn this ofttce on or before the Jiilli day I'eceniher, l'.HO. i'. W MOiiKK, nlO il-'J Register. NOTICE FOR ITW.ICATION. Department ot the Interior, 1'. S. I and Olticc id The Dulles, Oregon, October , 1111(1. Notice Is hereby u'lveii tint William C. Sinulliil, ot M I. Hood, on ;ciii, ho, on .1 illy 8, 111 made Hourstcnd eidry, No. UMJ:.', for XWi.su i.,, i.,N 'A Section si and SW'-.stVi.; Section I, Township- 1 s., Hanue lo !;., Will amelte Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make Final Com mutation 1'i noi, to estab lish claim to the land above desciibed, before K. A. liishop, a 1'. S. ( omniissionct , at his nlllee In Hood Kim r, i iicuon, on the l.tli diiv of 1 ii ccnihcr, 1HIU Claimant names us witnesses: (boti;e W. Iiimiuiek, (ieorye K irk pulrick , Knu st V (iani' and W illiam s. Urihhlc, all ol Jll. Iloo l. oieaun. ('. w. JUMIKK. nlu :. Keiiister. NOTICE Foil PIT.LICATION. Iiepni tment nf the Interior, I'. H. Laud office at The Halles. Oregon, October lTtll, KHO. Notice Is hereby (liven that Kucne 11. Kairnr.nkK whose posi.otliec address is North Vakiina. WHshlnirton, did on the 'Jltli day of September, PHO, lile in this office Sworn Statement and Application No. 07K'-, lo pur chase (he SK,, ski.,. See. Ill ami K' sV ,. NYV '.tsw 1 .section ;w, lownsmpi .Mirtn. itanee tl 1-last, V illain-lte Meridian, and the timber (hereon, under the provisions of the act ot June I M , s, and aeN amendatory known as the '-Timber and Stone Law,-' at Mich value as niitfht be fixed by appraisement, and that, t'tirsiiant tosucn appiu-.u ion, die land ami timber theieon have la-en nppraiscd, the tim ber estimated 7.7,(KI ho-o'd fei-t at total S.i7 (HI; that said llpplicanl will oiler tinnl pioot 111 support of bis application and sworn tatement on Ihe -sill day ot net ember, llMlt. Ik tore t lie Keister and Keeeierof Hie 11. S. Lund ( Htlce ( The Halles, ( iretr.ni, Any person is at liberty to protest this pur. eliae betore entry, or Initiate a contest at my time betore patent Issues, by illim; a cor- roborated iilljdavit in Ibis olfiee, lillcHlnij f..cts which would defeat the entry.' C. W. MoliltK, J7-d':J Reulster. Notice of Sale For Delinquent Assessment Notice Is l-i-rebv yivt'ti tli.it on the ViJutl lftV oi" October, T.Mit, h warrunt was duly Mint reu- lurly issued by tin1 ileeortler ot the- ( tty ot Hoo.i Hiver, Oivyon, lo him dim led and de livered, eotnmmetin,' me ti forthwith ndver- tii-e the property mentioned, mid described therein :i'j;tinvl wlj ich t lu itsst Miient lor the st ot tin' imt'ioveiiient SiiMe Si reft from ix'h Street t " Sc-ond Street of sxid City wits ii mde, ii nd to sei I s.iid property or so .eh thereof (in '-nn he sold scpnnitelv to trl vimhu'e siiito i n! I') puv Mild delinquent Hssessnieiit, louet her . It h interest, eohlm tlhd dilmi si'iu-nts in Ihe inumter piovtded hv in w. m 'id to ret ni n the iiiet fits ot such sn le to tin i 'j:y 'I t eii-t in r of the City of Hood Uiver, recon, :ind the foiiowinLr is a description of tiu property nt-MiiiM which tissesnieiit whs levied mid which is dclimiuetil, ami k'vcs the nurii'Mil't lie p.-rsou to wiioin it wus assessed, and the amount of the assessment thereon now due, towit: Lot. 7, blin k I, Highland Addition, N. Ii. Ferguson f.0.00 Now. therefore. In pursuance of s-Hd war. rant and tor the purpose, of satisfy tnt? (lie delinquent assessment mentioned therein, 1 will on Saturday the Jtith day of November, lillO, at tlie hour of ten o'clock A. M. of Nald day, at the front door of the City Hail, in the City of Hood River, County of Hood Kiver, State nil hviion, proceed to sell at public auc tion to the highest hi tder for cash in hand, the seveial tracts or parcels of land above mentioned, or so much thereof as can bo sold separately to advaiilne Hiitlicient to pay said delinquent assessment, together with the lnte-est.eosts'itnd d isburseiiienN provided by law, and will coht Itiue sttttt wile from dn' to day thereafter nnlil said property in roIiI, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said assessment . Dated at Hood Itlver, h'egon, tills 27111 day of October, VMO. H. T. I.KW1S, Marslnil of the City of Hood Klver, Oregon. Summons. in the ( 'ircuit Court of the Stain of Oregon for Hood Kiver County. K. K. Donne, I'laiutill', v. Kllen Purser, Dave Purser, Irene. Purser, Winnie Purser, Ira J Purser, Nora Phelps, K, A. Phelps. Clarence Tyler, h. C. Morse, Administrator, Kolund ( D Uould, Florence I,. Uould.V Kobert. Knnd, J. C. Abbott, I Mary Abbott, i.e. Nealeigli and 1 Kose Nealeigh, Defendants. - To Kllen I'nrst-r, Dave Purser. Irene Purser, Winnie Puiser, et al, Defendants: 111 the Name of Ihe State ol Oregon, Yon are hereby requPed to appear and answer the ciimplaint tiled ntirtinst yiai In the above en titled suit on or before the expiration ot six weeks from the date of the lirst publication of Ibis summons uh hereinafter stated, and If you Call so to answer for want thereof the plnintltl" will apply lo Die court for a judg ment decreeing that a ceriaiu deed of convey ance executed by Joseph Purser and Kllen Purser, his wite, dated October 17th, I'.ml, recorded October 12u, IS ii, in Hook Page CiV records of deeds ot Wasco 'ount y, Oregon, wherein Kose Neigh letgh is named as gi antee, lie reformed and corrected according to the leal intent ot the parties thereto, and so that the description of the property shall read as follows: Heyiiining 'H) roils kouI Ii and I'll rods ." feet west from I lie northeast corner ot section .'i, township 2 north of mime, if) east of the WilhinietteMeridiaii, running thence south 0 rods; thence west 20 rods; thence north 'JU rods; thence east ,ti rods to the place of begin ning, all in the cotintv ot Wusio, now the county ot Hood Kiver, State of Oregon; and (hat said deed so reformed shall convey said described premises as hilly as it the Name had originally been described therein, and that tit le to said premises above described do pas by said decree of court from said detend ants to mid vest in the plnintltl herein In fi-e simple, as fully as if properly conveyed In said deed; and that plaintiil recover from the defendants his eots and disbursements herein. Vou.an herehy served by the publication of t bis'summotis in accordance with the order of the county Judge duly mnde and entered on the 11th (lay of October, A. D. P.Uti, which order preset ibes that you shall appear and answer said com plat tit on or before Die ex jur ation of six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons. The datn fit' the first publication of this summons is the 20t It day of October, A. D. PHO KKNKsT C. SMITH, o'io-dl Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Cuited States Land Offlw. The Dalles, Orego i, October Jt, 1910. Notice Is hereby given that Harry H. Johnson, of Dee, Oregon, who, on Sep. tember 7th, P.M, made Homestead No. 0V."t0,for N '..!. 4 and K'.jSWIi, See. si, Twp. i North, Km uge a hast, Willamette Meridian, litis filed not Ice of intent ion Pi make Final Commutf tion Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. A. Bishop. V. M. Commissioner, at bis office, at Hood Kiver, Oregon, on the 21st day of November, SHU. claimant names as wllnesses: Fred J. Cartan. Chyrles P. Schmidt, S. Gilbert Kmllio, Nels H. Nelson, all of Dee. Oregon. o20-nl7 C. W. MOO HE, KeglBter. P Batteries, Bells, Electric Light Supplies, Fixtures i and many other things electrical are cost yon very little. ean Phone 3 D Land For Sale -3s 1 have about 1 ,000 ucivs 7c most el it under ditch at "2 per acre up. in tracts from ten acres up. J. R. STEELE Hood River - - - Oregon THE HANDY CORNER FEED STORE Carries All Kinds of fVetl. You save t lie long haul up the hill when tvou buy at the Handy Corner. Phone 282L w With The Curreat (if electricity from simple dry c lis you can operate a striea of call U'llg or plumes, at a very small cnn for installation and very little running ex pense. There are hundreds of tilings equally as handy and inexpensive. here for you. If bought here they'll L Stiaw Res. Phone 272H of No. 1 Apple Laud, prices ranging ironi ftuo HUBBARD TAYLOR, Prop. Goods New Seeded Raisins fancy 16 oz pkgs, 2 for 25c. New Currants fancy 16 oz pkgs, 15c each. New Walnuts 25c. New Almonds 25c. New small white beans, 4 lbs 25c. New pinkbeans 7c. New mince meat in bulk 2 lb 25c. Cranberries 2 qt 25c Pure Missouri Sorghum, half gal, 65c. All salt is. not salt, but Worcester salt is absolutely pure and clean and cols no more. We carry it in all sizes. SALT BRICKS-vLeslis 5 lb. salt bricks,with wire loop for hanging up in manger, most economic al way of using salt for lock, two bricks 25c. We have added a line of Hunt's canned table fruits, absolutely the finest on the market. These goods are all hand peeled and not lye peeled as most canned fruits are. All varieties, 25c. Connaway Vlercantile Company Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back Phone Odell 191 I rirst national Bank Hood River, Oregon Capital and Surplus $121,000.00 You are cordially invited to call and inspect our new home and our facilities for handling your banking business with promptness and safety to your interests. . . . Interest on Time and Savings Deposits To the Discriminating Honscwife: We. have lately installed ponio new machinery and CUPID FLOUR will now make the WIUTKST, I.I'illKST HUKAD of any flour on thu Hood Kiver Market if handled rightly, and doe not require uh titiff work ing h othern. Next time auk vour (iiocer for CV I'l 1 and if he will not fumiHh it, trade with Humeone who will. IT IS MADK IN HOOD K1VKK. Hood River Milling: Co. $12.10 White Salmon $12.20 Underwood TO Spokane and Return Tickets sold to Nov. 11th to 18th. Return limit Nov. 24th. For the National Apple Show The greatest horticultural event of the year. Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway "THK NORTH HANK ROAD" Fast through trains to Spokane l'urchaee ticketH and requeKt detail from K A. U11SKUT, White Salmon, WuhIi , .Vn ut V. K. COMAN, (ieneral Freight mid Tas.-ieiu'' i t nf Arriv