HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1010 E. H. HARTWIG, LAWYER Will Practice lu All Courts. ERNEST C. SMITH" Lawyer Kooms 14 an.l 15 Hall Building Hood River, Ore. DERBY & WILBUR Lawyers HOOD RIVER, OREGON DR. EDGrLNOTOfl Smith liuilding HOOD RIVER - - OREGON E.O. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Over First National Bank, Hood Kivcr, Oregon. Ollice I'hone 71 . I,.a. 711; notirs J to 4 r, m. end by appointment Drs. Shaw & Bronson Office iu Eliot Block. I BUf I iirnc, 'o. 4. K !, , ;i E. D. KANAGA Physician and Surgeon I'liones : Ollice 35 Ron. 1151! Ollice in Nutimial Bank Building J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephone!: Ollice, 111); residence, liiili . HUKUEU.N O. K. N. C'o. H. L. DUMBLE., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ualln promptly miHwersd In town or country, Jmy or Nigtit. Telephones: Residence, 16: Office, li'ili. Office In the Broslus building. F C. BROSIUS, M. D. THYKICIAN AND SURGEON i'lione Central, or 121. 'Office Hour: 10 to 11 A. M and 6 to 7 1" M. i to 3 Ok. M. H. Mhakf IR. EDNA li. SHAUP Osteopathic Physicians (felraduates -f the American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. t Ollice in Elliot Block. Home Phone 102 Kes. 102-B H.D. W. PINEO.D.D.S. DENTIST Office over Telephone First National Bank 131 C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Office 28; residence L'S-B Office over Butler Bank, MURRAY KAY Civil Engineer and Surveyor Brosius Building ALBERT SUTTO J Architect TKoam 16 Hall Building A. C. BUCK VOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT "Room 12 Br'osims Block C. EVERETT, - The Practical Shoemaktr, At Riggs' Old Stand. Fine Work a Specially M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERLXAKY SIRGEOX Is prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He pun be found by call ins hi or I panning to Clarke s drug store. (Carpenter Shop My carpwt'er shop is located on Cascade Avenue bttween Second and Third Streets, whore you will lind me pre pared to do everything in the carpenter line from Jhe most modern brick build ing down to the smallest repair job. Counter building, cabinet work and gen eral repairing will have our prompt -attention. J. M. WRIGHT Carpenter and Builder S lab Wood Ai c LOFTS will deliver Slab Vood to any part of j. Now is the time the Ht: to'vetc. heap fuel, rhoncuox Tri0 Orchestra 'T All Occasions. Music Furnished rv , three to any Instrumentations frnj. s or phone nuinlier desired. Adif , . River, Ore. C. Q. NEWMAN, Hod , , rhone 6-l-X or W. G. ALDR CONTRACTOR KOH EXCAVATING & (SUA N0 J. A. DONAGHUE VETERINARY SURGEON (Formerly at Pendleton) Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary, College, Toronto Office and Residence, 411 E. 4th Street, TI1E DALLES.: Pac. I'hone Main 4oll , Chan. O. Pratt, J. 11. OKhornc, K. W. Pratt President. Vleel'r.s. asliler. Hood River Banking and Trust Co. We transact a ufurral bat. kin Ininlm'sn and own ouruwn banking property Interest imnl on time and Savings deiitM.it Sale tleu.isit bines. Blankets and Quilts Laundered in a thoroughly sanitary manner by the Hood River Laundry Co. Phone V2W Stranahan & Slaven Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER. OREGON. liockenberry & Bartlett ARCHITECTS Bine Prints Done to Order. HOOD RIVER, OREGON i Davidson Building Phone 61 The Milton Nursery Co. Offers Hardy Trees from Northeastern Oregon. Largo assortment of fruit, shade nd ornamental ittock. Windbreak Trees 32 Years of Reliability. Address R. T. Ncwhall, Agt., Hood River, Or. Chas. T.Bates Contractor, Painter and Paper Hanging Give me n chance to figure on your work. All work gui.ranteed. i all Phone 'MUX, I1UOD KIVKl.'.ORE. C. A. Richards & Co. Confectionery Parlors Opposite Opera House and also on the Heights HAZKLWOOI) DAINTIES Best lino of Tobacco and Cigars in the City Hot Lunches Served atall Hours Agency Oregon Daily Journal. Booth's Eastern Oysters. W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Resident Agents For Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON Taft Transfer Company PHONE 29 For Dray in', Furniture Mov ing, Heavy Hauling and Ex press work. Wood Yard and store ia connection. Snap in Upper Valley 1G0 acres, 100 acres of which is good orchard land. 70 inches free water. Range for stock. About 8 acres cleared and partly set to ap ple trees. Will sell team and stock with place, (iood wat er power in river adjoining land. .Fine camping ground. Address, D. S., care (ilacier. Compare Our Prices With thote yon hnvn W n In the habit nf raying. an yoo will ' tnut w omr jon a aiiimtantim khv log on all work fcn-1 you cmitiot g-t lutter itinleM Fork anj'hr- r, njtiitwr how much you pity. W, : III Vt flnlfh ijlft' nn1 ori'iffi worn u.r out nf - town iMtrrD In tar if dirad. in) oitwtion -- ,-3lri a whn to ! at si or ridso work i ardor. J. Consultation Ire, Mo'.r Crowm $5.00 , ,1 i22kBridfTtk4.00 t - u t lMi Fdllnui 1.00 ,1 y, V"4 i ,, fj;,,,, 1,00 , I " i$ wrRlinn .50 t ! 4 dooi Rubber . - , ;-s. 1 Pt'" 5.00 ,B. t Red Rubb.r UK i Will, uiitiin ih Muuu Punlail Eitr'tien .Oil T1HI MtmiMU FIITUH BKST MCTHODS AH work full? ruarauteed for flrteea rears. Wise Dental Co.,mc. Painless Dentists falling Building , Third and W shlneton . PORTLAND, ORE. DUi'ilKii: I A ll. t. I F. if. ln4M,ll " ' WILL CLAIM BRIDE IN SWITZERLAND Confident that the affection of his' young sweetheart whom he has not seen for ten years, remains unchanged, Godfrey Mengert, a prosperous orchard owner near Hood River, left Portland a few days ago fur his native home in Switzerland, where he hopes to be wedded and return w th his bride to Oregon. Mr. Mengert left Switzerland when but 18 years old with the promise of a fair Swiss maiden that she would come to share his home in America when fortune smiled upon him. About seven years ago Mengert came to Oregon, acquired a piece of land and soon was in a position of compara tive independence. He wrote to the girl of fond memory and in reply re ceived the welcome message that she was still waiting for him. He arranged his affairs and left for the old country. The ceremony, he confided to '.his friends here when he purchased his railway and steamship trnasportation, will take place in the holiday season. The couple will re turn to Oregon early in the Spring. Oregonian. Dressed in ' lllack ami Yellow" Not " root ha 1 1 Colors" but the color of theearton containing Foley's Honey and Tar, the best and safest counh remedy lor all coughs and colds, lo not accept a substitute but see that you get the genuine Foley's Hon y and Tar in a vellow carton with black letters. 0. C. I'lath. Pumpkin Heads. Wray and Son have Luther Burbank beat a mile. They have produced en graved pumpkins. By scratching the design or drawing on the pumpkin when small it grows into a scar, stand ing out in has relief on the ripened vegetable. One of the figures is a head of President Taft We understand that the head of Joe Cannon was drawn on a young pumpkin, whereat the vines stood pat and refused to grow. White Salmon Enterprise. Croup is most prevalent during the dry cold weather of the early winter months. Parents of oung "children should be prepared for it. All that is needed is a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Many mothers are never without it in their homes and it has never disappointed them. Sold by all dealers. HOOD RIVER FRUIT TO PANAMA ZONE An unusal shipment which went out ori the steamer, Rose City, when Captain Mason sailed last week from Portland, was 2(30 boxes of Hood River nnoles fur tho Putmrnu oun.jl hnlf- This is said to he the first shipment of inu Kind ever made lrom here, and wnile the natives may learn what the taste of a ItlSeidllS Hnnfl Rivnp until.) iu like, it is probable that the greater pari oi mem win be consumed by Americans in the canal zone. With the apples went J. J. McGilli cuddy, the shipper, who wlil see to their safe transfer to the Pacific Mail steamer at San Francisco for Ancon, and will also try and secure a market there for Oregon apples. Article on Fruit Industry. "The Fruit Industries of the North west" is the title of an extended article. fllllu illustrator) that mill appear in the January number of the nil! i-l rr i , , vvonu louay. This article is written by Sidney C, Miller, familiar with the fruit valleys in the Northwest, having been en gaged in the buying and shipping fruit from these sections for several years. It is Written with the nnrnnca nf ahnur- mg the wonderful development of the most proauciive iruit lands in the world. Tne article describes how by irrigation and Kpienfifip fnltiwatwin the territory is now producing peaches, pears, grapes, apples ana prunes that in color, size and flavor rank foremost amontr the horticultural nrmliu-to nf the world. The crop this season is conservatively estimated at Z&,U()(J car loads and not to exceed 25 per cent of the trees are of linnrinir hito umt nnlir a small part of the available lands are unuer cultivation, tfy these salient facts this article sets forth the great future for this, the fruit garden of the world, and, finally, it describes the perfection to which the science of modern transportation has been brought to place this fruit in the markets of the world and in the homes they feed. All the famous fruit val leys in Washington, Oregon, ' Idaho and Montana will be fully described. Shall Women Vote? If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Bile Pills the true remedv fur women. For banishing dull, fagged feelings, backache or headache, consti pation, dispelling coldB, imparting ap petile and toning up the system, they're unequaled. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at Clias. M. Clarke's Drug Store. CAUSES SrCKNESS. Good Health Impossible With a ordered Stomach. Dis- There is nothing that will create sickness or cause more trouble than a disordered stomach, and many people daily contract serious maladies simply through disregard or abuse of the stomach. We urge every one suffering from any stomach derangement, indigestion or dyspepisa, whether acute or chronic, to try Rexall Dyspepsia Tab lets, with the distinct understanding that we will refund their money with out question or formality, if after reasonable use of this medicine they are not satisfied with the results. We recommend them to our customers every day, and have yet to hear of any one who has not been benefited by them. Three sizes, 25c. 50c and $1.00 a box. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store. Carl A. Plath. Little Girl In Runaway. A serious runaway accident was narrowly averted Thursday when a team hitched to a wagon in which little May Shay was seated, became frightened near the depot and ran up First street. Frank Macy and Lawrence Blowers ran to the horses and stopfied them at the corner of Oak and First. The coolness of the little girl in sitting still in the seat and tugging at the lines saved her from injury. The old, old story, told times without number, anil repeated over and over again for the last .'JO years, but It is al ways a welcome story to those in search of health There is nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds as quicklv as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Solil by all dealers. Hi N r "I used to com plain about tho stove but not .since I began OLYMPIC FLOUR" a iSouEondSlouuniv cm .rji o ... when you clean just good things to eat. BTENf est grains entire AT YOUR For Sale by Wants the Money Not very much, but WANTS it. 80 acres near Valley Crest School; large clearing; good house. $60 per acre. Good terms. The best ranch in Gilliam County to exchange for Hood River land. 462 acres, well watered; fair buildings; good fence. Hood River District Land Co. Third and Oak Streets HOOD RIVER, OREGON Mil irifctfn a fc., J v 3 I I S00-SP0KANE ROUTE THE SHORT LINE TO MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL AND ALL POINTS EAST EQUIPMENT: Electric-lighted Observation Cars and Standard Sleepers, the most up-to-date Tourist Cars and through diners. Through tickets to all joints east are on sale by your local agent at loweit current fares. Details Berths Literature G. M. JACKSON GEO. A. WALTON Trav. Pass. At. Gen. Am. Paiin. Dept. 14 Wall St., Spokane COR photographic lil rn and printing paper, cameras, pure chemicals and HUppliesof all kinds, come to our studio and you will 1m; certain of de pendable quality. We Hell "ANSCO" FILM which makes truer, bet ter-balanced negatives, f A: hyko I uper for deeper, softer, clearer prints. Let us show you our splendid assortment of cameras. Purechemicals, j all phtographic supplies. Developing and printing done. Reasonable rates. iDeitz Photo Studio using Mother You alwava bake successfullr use Olympic. It is tiuro and wholesome nutritious ami what is required to make Every suck of Olympic is made from ni08t carefully selected Northwestern wheat and manufactured under ideal san itary conditions-only theilunipe.st,liurd- are used, the choicest of tho Northwestern crop. Jnmtt upon Olympic "there Isn't any Just as good." GROCER'S PERIGO & SON BRAGG MERCANTI -E CO. A. C. STATEN ?i Phone 175 The place to get Canion Plows, Syracuse Plows, Canton Disc Har rows, Osborne Dra Harrows, Osborne Spring Tooth Harrow, Osborne Extension Disc Harrow, Osborne Mowers, Osborne Rakes, Planet Jr. Gardeen Seeders, Planet Jr. Hand Cultivator?, Swenson Stump Pull ers, Power Spray Outfits, Cooper's Spray Fluids, Sherwin William's Arsenate of Lead, Gasoline En gines, Spray Hose, Rods and Nozzles, Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries, Fishing Tackle, Guns, Ammunition Dupont Stumping Powder Caps and Fuse GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED Home Phone 174 rSHIIOlNr STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. Hunt Paint& Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Ltc. HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAIN'LS PRATT & LAMBERT'S VARNISHES. CALCIMO.. I'. r io..n. linli, ,j nox- l to order. CH1-NAMKL. Fur old furniture and wood work ; any color. ROOM MlM'l DINti. Plate and Card Kail. Dry Paste. OILCLOTH for w.ills and a nice ii e of Wall Paper. Painting, Paper Hanging, Sign and Carriage Work Carriage hoop .hone lihH, Htore phone 1 HI 15 Oak Street ADVISE YOUR FRIENDS "The Best Way95 To See Hood River Canyon and Valley is via Mt. Hood Railroad A RIDE ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM DUST Train leaves Hood River 8 A. M. every day and returns 5:10 P. M. Spend your Sunday in the mountains. A. WILSON, Agent Don't Leave the Without Mosier Valley last two years but are not over ball that asked fur Hiinilar land in other sections. Buy now before the speculators add their profits. COMMERCIAL MOSIER, OREGON. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Ph. C. YOUNG, Prop. Fresh and Cured Meats Lard, Poultry and Fish HOOD RIVER, ORE. Phone Main O Free Delivery BMBBBMaaMMMwasamgiCTtOTjre the best Orchard Third St. and Cascade 4. STRANAHANS;& RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleat.ur parties can secure Ur-l-clas" riir. Special attention given to movii e funomre ana pianos. We do everything horses can do. Hood River District Iiivpstigjiting Natural advantages for fruit growing unexcelled. Land prices have doubled within the CLUB OF MOSIER Six Miles East of Hood River, Oregon Tools in the market Ave., Hood River, Oregon Store 4