HOOD RIVER GLACIER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1910 ALL METAL PICKING BUCKET INVENTED An all-metal fruit picking bucket la the invention of Walter G. Palmar, of this city, and the Jnew orchard utensil, working specimens of which are on exhibit at the office of the Hood River District Land company, bids fair to become very popular. It is a regular metal bucket, with a metal bottom of two sliding sections. The bottom slides from under the fruit in the filled buckets and it slides into the receptacle with out jarring and bruising. The bucket according to Mr. Palmer i especially adapted to handlnig apples, pears, peaches and any small fruit or vegetables. The Palmer Bucket company is the name is the corporation which has been formed by Mr. Palmer, J. Calvin Skinner, and Alfred T. Allen for the manufacture and Bale of the new bucket. The company is incorporated for $25,000 and the othcers are Mr, Palmer, oreaident : Mr. Skinner, vice nresident: Mr. Allen, secretary and treasurer. APPLES TO AUSTRIA GERMANY AND RUSSIA Four boxes of Hood River apples were shipped last week by Dr. Gastav Baar, of Portland, to friends in Europe and the boxes were wen ioru- lied for their journeys in the open express, being given double tops and bottoms ana bound wun iron nanus. Dr. Baar sent several boxes to Euro pean friends last year, but because the boxes were not properly sirengin- ened, some of the fruit was injured. This year his friend, Joe Wilson, saw to it that the boxes were prepared ior the exnress smashers. The four boxes or lancy iiooa tuver fruit went to the following addresses: Geheimrat Dr. Emil Pheiffer, Wies- brden. Germanv : Prof. Dr. Julus Mannaberir. Wien. Austria: iwiss Rosa Schwartz, Mahr, Weiskichen, Austria; Mrs. Anna Braun Lodz, Russia. Communication From Mr. Butler. Editor Glacier My attention has been called to an affidavit published in a recent issue ,of the Glacier in con nection with the injunction suit now pending wherein it is sought to enjoin our city officers from disposing of the proposed issue of water bonds in any other manner than that which ordinary business prudence (unci the best, in terests of the city would warrant. There is very little foundation of fact for the use of my name in the alflclavit and on this point, none are better informed Ithan the gentlemen who prepared the instrument, but for the purpose oi mis Huueme.ni i hiiuii concede enough of it to give mo an nnnortunitv to sav that any citizen of Hood River with the interests of the city at heart, might consistently advise anv taxpayer that it would be wall in nnlr thn Courts to enioin the city officials from disposing of six per cent bonds at a heavy discount under a nrivate contract, when under the riirht conditions and with the usual publicity given to a matter of this kind our bonds at a lowcrjrate should find a readv market at par. Let the bonds be sold at the earliest possible date and let us have a better and more adequate supply of water without Jdclay, but letjis also elimin' ate the personal animosities that are causing the delay and " 'quit ourselves like men. Leslie Butler, Real Estate Transfers. Real Estate transfers for the week ending November 12, 1910, as reported by the Hood River Abtsract company : John S. Pinney to R. W. Wilbur; 40 acres near Udell E. F. Cannon to John Askew; 10 acres in DukeslValley. Katie A. Foor to Hood River Orchard Land Co. ; 10 acres in Willow Flat. Olof Dahlberg to Lawrence Jepson 5 acres in Barrett district. Ella May Jones to L. Hunt; lot 4, b k 2. Baldwin s Addition. R.' J. Mclsaac to W. L. Van Nuys, 20 acres in upper valley. J. U. Goldwaithe to Baltimore Orchard Co ; 10 acres wets of Tuckers Bridire. D. B. Fleming to Grace P. Farris 20 acres in Oak Grove district. Joseph F. Batcheldor to George Pineo; ot COxlOO feet in Riverview Park. Road "Oregon, the Last Cull of the West." by Walter V. Woelilke, beauti fully illustrated in four colors in No vember Kunsct Magazine. Now on sale all news stands, 15 cents, nlO Does Not Stimulate Avcr's Sarsaparilla does not stimulate. It does not make you feel better ene day, men as Daa as ever wc hcai. u is not a strong drink. No reaction after you stop using it. There is not a drop of alcohol in it. You have the steady, even gain that comes from a strong tonic and alterative. We wish you would ask your doctor about this. He knows. Trust him. Do as he says. . C. A uer Co. , Lowell, AW What are Aver t Pills.' Liver Pills. How long have they been sold; ', yearly sixty years. Do doctors recommend them? Ask your own ooctor anu nnq out HEIGHTS NEWS Mr. Vetter has moved to his ranch bought of Mr. Brown. Kpv. Handsaker. of the Chntsian church, is occupying the house of Mrs. O. L. Stranahan on Taylor street, vacated by Mr. Vetter. Mihs Hnrninir and Miss Groves are located in the lower part of the home of Mrs. O. L. Stranahan on Jiin street. We understand there is to be a read ing room opened in the BnptiBt church. Our greenhouse is improving all the time having a line stoc.K oi bioom ing plants. Ferns, bulbs and all things pertaining to a greenhouse for which we are very thankful. J. H. Gill has opened a variety store .. . 1 l..:i..: iir:n;.. in tne concrete nuiiuing oi nui Bradley. The W. C. T. U. met with Mrs. Hill last week and had a very pleasant and instructive meeting. A. C. Staten is building a large storage cellar for potatoes. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Bayard Simonton on Tuesday Novem hpr 22. All who are interested in the Temperence work are cordially invited to meet wun us. Carl Summers new residence is nearly completed. Mrs. T. J. Cunning is improving slowly. Mr. and Mrs. Ingalls are rejoicing over a new oaov dov mat came 10 stay with them a few days ago. Tko fVinnrporntinnnl Aid Society on the Heicrhts will meet with Mrs. Chas. Caatncr Friday. November 18, for special work. Let every one attend in our church work. The ladies of the W. R. C. will hold a social at the home of Mrs. J. H. Gill on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 Everyone welcome. Miss Edythe Gill has decided to stay at home this winter and will do nursing. Mrs. A. L. Phelps has returned from her visit with her children in forest Grove. For Sale Baldwin, Vandeveie and Salome hiuh class seconds at 60 cents ner l)Ox do iverod. Ben Davis .K cents Oaklmrst Fruit Farm. Phono 214 K. U. F. 1). 2. Grubbing Contract. About 15 acres cleared land adjoining orchards of Messrs. Peter Molir and hd Hawks. East Side. 4i miles from Hood River wanted grubbed and first plowing Bids on contract to Mr. W. C. Collier m charge and S. Anne, Columbia Bldg. Portland, Oregon. The Palmer Fruit Picking Bucket A ' . An automatic device for the succesHful han dling of apples, pears, pouches and any kind of fruit or smaller veg etables without bruis ing. It has been thor oughly tested V' mooth every requirement nec essary for the success ful handling of fruit that is easily bruised. May be seen at the ottice of The Hood River District Land Co. Harness and Saddlery Harness hepaired & Made to order. Lap Robes. Horse Btankets, Tents, Wagon Covers, Water Bags, Etc. Davenport Harness Co. oxes! Boxes! Apple and Pear Boxes Stanley-Smith Lmbr Co. We Have Two Slightly Used Wagons left here by our customers who asked us to sell them. One is a TUDEBAKER 2 1-2 inch steel skein, the other a Davenport roller behring. The Studebaker is complete with box and seat; the Davenport is a gear only. Are You Interested? Gilbert-Vaughan Im plement Co. On Candy The Seal of Purity fia a Guarantee of Perfection in (Quality and Flavor Palronite the "Modern Dealer" Utitn CuiUctiM.ry Co., Uln., ftriltni, One 1 For the Ambitions 3 Umberaitp 7 Coucation br U tot tboM who ounot itUnd I rtom. All lo.vnotion. Including Bui r "" ' " mono tr, .-.ka.a talmt sroparlDf for eoll.g or unlTorti tf, twn elabo, f rr. onf 'an osd Has It required. Tbli moil ooorM Bud ior ducrlptlT bnUetln to ttl i CormpoiHloaeo Study Department UHiTcrmltr of Ongm Wmmem - - - OrcH Having Bought the Express and Dray Business of II. B. Johnston I am ready for all sorts of light transfer work. Day Phone 04. Night Phone 113L. W. W. COTTON ! W. F. Laraway Doctor of pfe? Ophthalmology MSSl Over 30 years' ex- MitJ " perience. W MvSfe, ByesTestedand' Reference: Over 2,000 fitted in HoodRiver.U.S.A. Vitml 40 barrel shipment just arrived. ROCHE HAR BOR LIME, the beft for spraying. At Whitehead's Drug' Needs For Now We try to conduct our store so whenever you need any Sick Room. Bath, Toilet or Household Drug or Appliance, our name will instantly come to mind. Let us emphasize that. OUR STOCKS ARE RIGHT OUR GOODS ARE RIGHT OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT OUR SERVICE IS RIGHT We use none but the purest quality and full strength drugs in your pre scriptions and receipts. Yours to serve KEIR CASS smith block Reliable Druggists With that Thanksgiving Turkey you'll nerd sonio of those trinnningn: Granberries, Mince Meat, Dates, Figs, Nuts, Cider, Olives, Pickles, Chow Chow, Sauer Kraut, Lobsters, Crabs, Shrimps, Oysters and Clams, Celery, etc We huvo the goods. Star Grocery "Good Things to Nat." Perig'o (Si Son $25,000 la ltuing Spent bv SIIXSKT MAGAZINE on the ureutt'nt feature evi-r ftttempteJ 1)V a liftt'on-crnt Maazino. A series (i lt-pnKt) articles, describing ajxi pie ttiriii? tii wonderful attractions of the Tacilic Const country. 1'KIMhP 1 FOUR COLORS. The Socles Briiiiis In November: Oregon "Where Rolls the Oregon. December: San Francisco "The City That Is." January: Los Angeles "Homeland." Many other strong features including a faxeiiiatine nerial novel of California, "The Spell." by C. N. and A. M. Will ianiHon, Authors of "The Lightning Conductor," Ktc, will contribute to make SCA'SET MAUA.IAK the beet value of the year. Try It Three Months 25 cents SUNSKT MAGAZINE 31.1 Bultcry Strri't, Sun FmncUco, California l'leiuie imnrt meHUNSKT for three month In itfoordaiire with your Kpeolal offer K.noloed find twenty-live cento. (Stinupn or Coin Niinie AdttrenH Mate Town is ii )( 5! S 8 n 8 s s 8 i( 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 lTD n .CLD Extra values in white and gray Oregon City Wool Blankets $4, $4.50, $5, $550, $8, $10 They are worth more money Cotton Blankets, extra large size; the prettiest and soft est cotton blanket we ever offered, bought direct from a Southern cotton mill. QUILTS Chas. Mairbe's Quilts filled with pure white cotton, silkoline covered in pretty patterns, soft and fluffy, al most equal to real swansdown. Prices $2, $3, $3.25, $3.50 ercamtile Co 8 8 8 8 8 8 i! 8 a la 8 8 ba'acMMgassMiataMtasaMMtHM