The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 25, 1910, Image 2

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ARTrtl K D. MOE, Publisher.
Subscription, 81.50 Per Year.
A few days ago, C. C. Chapman, of
the Portland Commercial Club, said
that Portland business men should
know and travel over the various
sections of the state of Oregon in
ordtr to be familiar with its opportuni
ties so that they could be of best ser-
uir-n in thpmnclvi'M and to the state 111
ira di.vplnnrtipnt. H.od River will 1
very triad to have the Portland peopl
come this way and get acquainted witl
the vailev so that they may tell their
friends in the citv and their chance
acquaintances, who visit Portland
what Howl Kiver has for a man who
wants to come here and help raise the
world's best apples. Hood Hiver peo
pie go to Portland often and they
should always invite their Portland ac
Miiaintances to come un and look
While Hood Kiver is getting some of
her neighbors in to look at the beauti
ful valley our own people will do well
to get out into the valley and get M
nulllted with it. There are lots of in
teresting points in the valley which
residents living but a few miles dis
taut know nothing about. The valley
people come into town on business am
the town people should make -it :
point to get out in to the valley MM
become familiar with its different
parts and ettVMtlOM so that they can
tell people about it when they come to
town. They will also get their full
share out of the pleasure of seeing the
valley. Further more the valley peo
pie should see the other sections than
their own. The west side should visit
the east side and the east side should
visit the west side, and they should
both get together and make a trip Inw
the upper valley.
It is not necessary to see It all in
one trip nor is it best to make a fly
ing jaunt in an automobile. Drive out
slowly, stop and talk to the ranchers
and 'valk over their lands. If you
can't drive, walk, and you will enjoy
it more, besides gettng a physical
benelit. You do not have to stop work
to to go, but you hHd better miss a
little work (nan the sights you can
see. Go out on the east side among
the older bearing orchards and see
the wonderful crop of apples which
is hanging on the trees. Go out on
the west side anil look at the younger
orchards and the well kept berry
lields. Travel to the upper valley
and see the surprising progress which
is being made in the development of
that part of the valley. Stop at
Dee, and see them making hoards of
the tall (irs with saws driven by the
power of the river. Do mot overlook
the scenic glories of the valley in your
travels. It is easy for the 'town folks
to take a trip down the old State road
past Wau Guiu Otttl) falls and along
the blulf where it is posisble to get an
excellent view of the gorge of the
Columbia, Travel up Hood liiver to
tin) Punch Bowl. Follow up the wei-t
fork to Lost Lake, I In' ch ar emerald
g.:a in the mountains, do through
the upper valley to Cloud ('ap Inn and
climb Mt. Hood. Then go on trip:
p.ncly to explore with i o particular
destination. You will And n imy In
te retting things and places. I here
are many places the writer knows
D0thng of and still other scores far into
the mountains i i their original wild-
ness which hae hi o e. on j by I he
rangers and Bunting parties, Go out
and explore your own Hood Hiver
country and by the line ou huvi
learned it. afl thoroughly the airsl p
will h ' waiting to take JfO to Mais.
Hood River had a very successful
"clean up" day last spring, but ;s
most well regulated houselulds havi
a tail housecleaning as well lis n
spring scouring, (he time is about ripe
for another session of the civic
cleaners. Not only is the time ripe,
Dill the weeds are ripe and Mattering
seeds for next year. Clean the-weeds
and high glass out of the sleets and
vacant lots, burn up the luminal
rubbish (watching carefully the Bn )
and I ccp things about your dwelling:
shiiicd up as much us is possible dui
lag the autumn season. Ejtpaciall)
disagreeable are the weeds which have
gown top-heavy and now over hand the
side walks to brush dust and slickly
seeds onto tho passer by All of the
ugly woojls are not in town and the
ranehertl n the valley can clean up a
llttla to advantage before they get to
busy with their fruit when they will
have to everything go. Grub out the
thistles, wherever you find them, anil
any of the other noxious weeds which
you do not want to see return a hun
dred fold next year. Tear out the
seeds and burn the seeds. Let Rood
lo ik spick-span during the fall.
A real estate organization has been
perfected in MeiUord, with the idea of
giving out definite and authentic In
formation of the price of lands there
abouts, and in a manner preventing
undue inflation of the tendency dev
elopes. Mr. and Mrs. W. I.. Taylor, of In
dianapolis, are here visiting Mrs.
Taylor's sons, Joseph Jackson Garter,
of Summit and Robert R. Carter. . f
this city. Mrs. Taylor has manv friends
here having spent much time 'in Hood
River during the past year. Mr.
Taylor is making his first trip to the
western country and he is much im
pressed with the Pacific Northwest
and with the Hood River valley in par
ticular. Mr. Taylor was formerly At
torney General of Indiana and is one
ot the leading lawyers and Republican
politicians of that state having twice
been a candidate for the nomination
for Govrenor,
A crowd of young folks enjoyed an
informal dance at tM Oak Grove Hall
Thursday evening. Newman's orches
tra furnished music for the occasion.
The Hood River Orchard Land Com
pany, which is interested in the de
velopment of more than 1000 acres of
orchard land in the Hood River valley
and as much more in the Mosier
country, has increased its capitaliza
tion from $50,000 to $500,000 and with
the added capital the men interested in
the company expect to push the devel
opment much more rapidly. J. H.
Devlin, W. A., J. l.. anu u. L. rire-!
haugh, of this city, are among the !
principal stockholders of the company I
and there has been issued a limited
amount of stock to be sold at. $100 a j
share par value with the increase in
W A. Scale, of Portland, has charge j
of the sale of the additional stock and
is in Hood River this week to dispose
of some of the stock to local people.
The stock is issued on the entire hold
ings of the company and is full parti
cipating in the earnings of the com
pany. Mr. Seale believes that the
value of the stock will double within
the next three years.
The company at present has none of
its holdings for sale but it expects to
put some of the property on the mar
ket in small tracts and to care for the
same until the buyers are ready to
take up the cultivation of the lands.
John M. Culbertaon left last evening
for Portland where he will be joined
today by Miss Mary Rothrock anil the
couple will he married today in the
metropolis. Miss Rothrock arrived in
Hood River yesterday from her home
in Pendleton and she was the guest
of honor at a shower given last night
at the home of Miss Kva Brook by the
high school girl friends of Miss Roth
rock, who was a teacher in I lie high
school here last year. The wedding
will come as a surprise In some of
the many friends of the couple here
although their engagement has been
rumored for some time
Mr. Culbertaon is well-known here,
having been engaged in the real estate
business in this city for a number of
years anil the bride has made many
friends here during the past few years
since sne nas lieen a teactier in me
high school. After short hunt vfnoon
trip the couple will return lo Hood
River where they will make their
See Our Special
in our West window. It will be-
to your advantage to do so.
&fe Paris Fair
The Store That Gives You The Best Values
See our excellent line of new Fall
Dressing Sacks and House Dresses.
Materials just in. You can find what,
you want in this lot at regular prices.
L. M. lientley has been awarded the
contract for building the new school
building in the Harretl district. The
new school which is to cost 117,000 will
be the finest in Die Hood River valley
aitside the city. It will he a modern
brick structure containing four class
rooms besides a full basement and
irincipal's office. The building will
o two stories and will cover an area
'7 by !IH feet. The new school is to be
reeled on the site of the old building
which has been 'moved lo the back of
the school yard to be used until the
completion of the new structure. The
excavation was begun several weeks
ago and is now nearly completed.
Contractor lientley will put a force of
men at. work immediately ami he ex
pects to get the walls up ami the build
ing under cover before the winter rains
You Buy Clothes
for style, fit and comfort ami you are en-
If a
titled to gel what you pay for. You will
get all three when you wear one of these
specially designed Suits m&de for us by
Hart, Schaffner &
Smart, snappy clothes, not- freakish; all
wool, finely tailored, correct in fit. II. S. &
M. Si, its aul Overcoats
$18 $20 $22 $25
$8 $10 $12 $15
This store is the home of
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Special-Mens, Ladies
Children's Oxfords
nice lot of A-l foot
wear in patent, kid,
and gun metal leath
ers; about all sizes in
the lot but not a full
run in any one kind.
PERS, val
to $4, your
'cy at .1 -ii -
Children's and Misses' Ox
fords and Slippers
Values up to $1.50, your choice 98c
& SLIPPERS, black
and tans; values up
to $1.35, your choice
fOll Ml N
a mm i
i il mm
IB t&W I
Boys' Two -Piece
Pla in knee, in medium and dark colors, good
weight, values up to 4.50; your choice
New Fall and Winter Z
now in. We never had a more complete line
than we have this year in all the new lasts
and best leathers. High tops in all sizes
from ft child's size up to the largest in men's
sizes and in height from a "0" top to a 20
inch top. We sell the products of the larg
est and best factories in tho world and
can please you in whatever kind of shoe you
might wish.
Koy Slocorn lel'l Wednesday for Port
land alter i pending a two months
vacation ta re.
Frank Detlunan went to Portland
Wednesday to witness the Uarnum
circus and visit friends.
('. L Morse and wife left Wednes
day for the coast where they will
spend a vacation enjoying the ocean
Bert 3tf anaban went to Portlund
Wednesday and will be joined there
today by , Mrs. Stranahan to spend a
few days visiting friends.
There will be a special meeting
of the Modern Woodmen Wednesday
evening. The d istrict deputy is here
and then is a class to tie initiated.
Valentine Ni lirbauer, one of the
pioneers of the Summit section, went
to Portland Wednesday and will spend
several days taking in the sights of
the metropolis, lie is looking forward
with plaaiure to witnessing the Har
iiiiin & Bailey circus, which is in Port
land today anil Friday.
Those iiite tested in voice or piano in
itruetiou, please phone 9S4L, or call at
residence. No, 72y Pherman Ave. Al
berls Jackson, a recent student it the
New England Conservatory,
See the Purity Dairy Co's ad in this
issue. It will be interesting to you.
Box Trade a Specialty
40 jjjj
Box Trade a Specialty
We are now open for business in the First
National Bank Unhiding, ground floor.
We have ti large number of Eastern
buyers coining here soon direct from
our Eastern office In Minneapolis. We
hare already a large list of properties
located in different parts of the Valley,
but need more. You will do well to list
your property with us if you are desir
ous of selling. A phone call will bring
us to look over your property, which will
also be listed in Minneapolis & Portlaand
A Few Good Buys
31 CRP S, MILES I ROM 'I OWN, 350 bearing apple tree-, 2
ro i s ft yi at old apples, 14 acres one, two ami three year old apple trees
h i i i !.. d u. ndltfoo. (bind 4 room I . msal turn, apple i top tit n
oes with place. Fine i . at mi West lde. SUO 006. I'd ins
; eat 3, o
'I w I NT :
I u I
CRES WILLOW PLAT, acr a one year ..1.1 apple
. uni clc:ni iir, Uncleared I. .el joi'ti 'K being sol I i..t re
i .i ! Ibis. This is a real bargain at per acre . 8 !0.
S FOl R MILES FROM TOWN, 4',, sees 6 year old Spits
I Newtowt j. t acres mm year old Spitetui bergs snd New
. and tools IIO tb place SI Hull cash.
i epartment of the In tartar,
I 'lilted Stales Land Office,
Tlie Dalles, Oregoa, July 25, 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that William H.
Collier, of Hood Hiver, Oregon, who, on No.
vomberiOtb, 1803, made Homestead No. oir.aii,
for NWf4 N W'., .Section H, Township 3 North,
Hange 11 Bast, Willamette Meridian, hss filed
notice of intention to make Kinal Commute -Hon
Proof, to establish claim lo the land
above described, before F. A. Bishop, U. H.
Commissioner, at his office, at Hood Kiver,
Oregon, on the tsth day ol September, 910.
. laimitni mimes as witnesses: Kdward
Oakdale Greenhouse
Geraniums, Salvia, Verbine, Petunias,
Forget menotfl, Cosmos, Asters, White,
Purple, Pink and Lavender Plants for
Hanging Baskets ; Pansies, Carnat ions
For Sale.
&5?.kSl-'V? Aln1inoy J?"00' One mile from Hood River Iligl
Peter Hnlxman, al of Hood Kiver, Oregon. I , D- ... .
oji ' w UH.1UV 8choo . Price rice. I en acres linorove.
0. W. MOOKK, Register
For Sale- Team, bay geldings, 5 and 7 years,
:ial pounds, In first class condition. Reason
able. P. I). Atwater. Hood Kiver. al7s7
l,ogt Blue Norfolk coat, on river ruad, east
side. Finder call Odell St. kS
Wan ted -To rent modern house, September
I. fall Odell Ht. hi
For Hale -strawberry plants. A.
Phone 1H0L.
For Sale Team ol draught animals, mare f.
years ol.l, weleht l'JSO; gelding" 10 years old,
weight VMt. Gentle, always worked together.
Owners' reason tol selling: don't expect to
work on ranch during wiuUir. Price two.
Apple Red Cross Orchard Co., Mt. Hood, Ore
Sou. gg
Wanted-If you desire some one to cure for
air absence see
lies! of references,
your home daring your absence see I. 11
nioKeiy, moou Kiver
For Hale 8 selected A.-1 milk cows, ouern
esys, Jerseys and Holstelns at Winuns. ore
Phone Odell 17. W. K. Wltians. ss
boit-A larae back oomb with Rhine si
selling. Find, r please call phone 10..M Suit
able reward Ns
Wanted Work on a rrnltiuncb foracOOple
ol months by man i nd wile, i nn camp out.
Address N. I:. rlcavi'lan.l, l.ents, ore. sg
school. Price rice. Ten acres improved
with bearing or near bearing treed.
1 ni uire or write 517 Pine street.
Wanted-tltr) for general housework, l'hoae
171 M affisPj
Lost On Cascade St., or at depot, an en
amel balr pin with wattr Illy design. 1'. M.
Morse, Davidson building. b'25b15
For Hale Light driving and farm team!
weight about B00 pwunds apiece. Wiil lu-sold
for SI (XI cash. W. V. Olasscock, K. F. P. No.
For Hale Oood all around horse, saddle,
driver and work animal. Weight 90U pounds.
A bargain, 850. W. V. Glasscock, K. F. 1).
No. 2. a25sl5
Wanled-UIrl for general housework Mrs.
11. I.. Shoemaker, phone 2UIIIM I2M
For Sale The best team of old horses In the
valley, formerly known as tbe "Simons
Greys." A wmderful draft team and well
trained to all kinds of runch work. Weigh!,
2350, price, $150. Also a splendidly matched
term of black geldings, 6 and 7 years, weight
220o, fine roadsters, single or double, botb
trained to single and double orchard work
and cultivator. Price $275. Phone Odell 8X2.
For Sale-Lady's bicycle lu good condition,
$15. J. W. L., box 229, Route No. 2, a25 116
For Sale Gray horse, welght'.lOO lbs., gentle,
Also gooa sail. lie
We bave first class Iree-stone p. aclies.
. lor wile at z cents a Douod. Pbone
liny Kor Hale Alfair.i and Outer $-
nd bailey. $25. (Ulj h UiuHkl -,
U aim
Hy responsible parti with lanilK
lour, no oung oblldrru, destna to rent
li Ished bouse of not less Mian eight nsmis
i new nier. Andres, replies lo Gael -r of
i soiling pi l e. 11:,!.. and geneisl ...scrip
n. Al lelereuisK fill iiished. sS
l or Kent Fan Ished rooms. Phone ,kjix.
T LNTY-FtVL ACRES, Good Location, ? acres one year ol.l apples,
II acres strawberries, 7 acres partly cleared, good 6 room bmise, spritig
water piped to bouse. Good buy at 87,5(10. Terms easy.
TEN and a HALF ACRES, good location, 8 acres bearing, 1,000 ),uv
SSplff go With place, 10 room bouse, but and cold water, line spring
piped to buildings. This property is a money maker at K 1O.00O.
Ja.OOO cash,
TWENTY-FIVE ACR I' S, 4J miles from town, flne location, West
Siile, ITiiil app e trees in good con.lit on, '.tHI full bearing, -It HI live years
old, it K I lour years .1.1. MUl one and two veais old, good buildings, spring
water p pel tq house snd lero, bath in bottse. Team, wagon and im
I letni'tits aud crop go - Ith place. This should be a big money pi. duct'
a a s. ort tme, Price (18,000. 17,000 cash.
TEN ACRES, Willow Flat, U acres tme year old apples, t acres, straw-
I , 1 1 j,.s Pel i en trees, balance easily cleared, small hottee and barn.
II, 000. Term-.
TEN ACRES, Willow Flat, i Acres cleared, balance easily cleared, all
tli.ab e and lest ol frmt land, 8H. otto. II, (WO cash,
Epping-Brydle Co.
Ground Floor. First National Bank Building
Phone 56
For Nile Miib. on iimi
wilt luoie lot luot wimon nriUi n
! od liessl'. II. Martin. Dee, Ore.
Ftn S,. e-. let.iii ol ligl.f farm
, horse, g, nile, sound and willing, I
I for ttM It taken al once, Addri .-s
; ll.Hiii River, ore.
hose Interesti d In voice or plnno lastlWV.
l idease phone 2IUL, or call al residence,
Lh Hherinan Ave. Alte'rls lackson, a re-
eent stndeiil at ine ,ir r.ii.a
t tory.
Wanted To buv a secuid h M-.d vii'b
typewrlter.:Wrlie K. T. Newliall. iihu l'rosci
avenue. " R,'',
For Nile-Heavy second hand wagon M
nch and a . . i ilmibl,. i , , , ),..
al once. F. I'. Peah, route :i.
For Hale t'heap-Team of horses
phone 1M2.M.
cheap If taken
Fo - Kent Furnished loom. bdj prel'erred.
For Sale six room tuaiae on racade Ave.
, ... , ....I ii-ntrv. I rice $2.2110. S.
M . Illowers
I or Sale well nislcli -d I k I. am, 4 years
old weight 900. This ! a bargain at price
asked; tousl be sold at once. Phone KIWI .. stt
Candidate for Sheriff
1 wisb to notify the voters, of Hood
Kiver county tbat Having m en rci oin
1848 62Yearaonthe Market 191Q
l or Sale -II lack term Of driving bOtSS, UK)
lbs. welul.l. genii., nol sfrsld of aulos $15 10
In.julrc of ileo. Sheppard, Willow Flat, phone
lt. Odell. Jor,
For Sale-New six room hnua with bath
panly and sleeping porch. 7(ai l ascade ave
nue. In.iilre on premlsea. ni.-,
For Sile--Voung team and wagon. J. T
llolman, on tne Heights. as
Kor tale Team of horses, 7 and I) years old
weight I ICS each. Phone KIM. P. sU'iikm'
Wanted Mprtm chicken at Oregon Hotel. If
For Hale Thoroughbred Alrsdale terrier
pops, i new are in. in prize winnlnir strn k
niiMided bv tbe Kepnblican assembly for , The Alrdale is the best dog to be found, being
-be otli, f sbertfl I an, a candidate , TCS.,i4..t
.lor tbe nomination tor same, sunpit w g,Hid pup applv early at ine Ria-kford Hiore
.i i....,.;.,,. K.ot.ooluM 24. l'.MO (i. lima! Kiver. nhoue 18;ix. .is
M.e. Or
n- track,
ui.i roN.
in li had
Uu 2ll'.,
drives single or double
norse. fnone 2t;u.
Found carpenler's tools near Neal Creek,
Tioy Shelley. hi
For Sale-Iuy 4 foot oak wood.
Wanleil -Car of oak and fir mixed; stale
price oi .a 'h and whether four foot or sixteen
Inch and shipping point. 0. L. Ireland, Moiu
Oregon. m
laist-A let morooeo pocket ledger book
ooutalnlng a wonnts of use to owner. Finder
please leave at IhlsotHc -. Qg
For Sale-l ull Marl lett pears nnd eiaii and
cooking apples, II. T. Ilegnell, pbOM 2nsK.
For Hcni-phone
Klglit room liouse, close in.
Wanted Two Oittttbef
llot. l Oregon.
I have bought a team ami buv.. no lurlher
use lor a li n year old bay mare, rtloss de
siring a fast and fancy aiiimal iiih-,1 no notice
lids. If a perfectly sound, reliable, gentle
borse Is requested tuts Is the one Nol afraid
OfaillOt and sale lor ladles to drive Weighs
1000 pounds, I'h.ine 2152M. aSB
For Kent -Xit grain drill lor sowing cover
crops. , Phone Culler Urns., 210 , .i.
For Sale-Owing to piair heallh would like
to sell or rem the restaurant Mrs. O. 1.
H udersoui Kandy Kitchen. gis
Found -A small gold ring engraved with
the letler "L." Owner may have same by
calling at this oillee and paving for ad. als
Wanted A young girl to help with work
ami look a'ter children. Mrs. H. T. Pan,
It. i lite 2 up,
Lost-Thursday evening between McLarln's
corner un. I the depot, a tun coloied silk auto
veil. Find, r please leave at the Ulacler office.
Keward. j
For Salt; (Jood work liorae.wltho it a bit in
lih, giMid condition, 1200 lbs , ;work alnglc ..r
double. W. B. North, phone 847M. sl5
Kor Sale Cheap Oood riding horse. 900 lbs ,
suitable for lady or ch Idren. will work
sin gl or double. A. F. Adams, phone 123 sl5
For Sale . gentle farm horse, $ti.ri, Oil
IIIM. Hi(j
For Sale New II room house, nice lawn,
llowers, graded lot, 70x100 Improved street.
Cheap If taken at on, e Apply on premises
:i 12th St. H25
For Sale-Fine bay nine year old horse, Wirt
llfiO lb.,; reliable all purpose horse; together
with new hack and harness. A fine outfit loi
$300. Address H. (1. Oxborrow, route 8, II
Make Your Own lllulng-Why pay 90 cents
per gallon when yon can get II for less? I w ill
send you enough lo mute one quart for 15
cents; half gallon, 25 cents, 1 gallon 40 ocnls,
post raid on receipt ot amount in stamps. I'.
H. Wilkinson, Hood Hlvcr. si
Two Founds of Batter lor One-Cut down
your buttei bill, formula for making iwo
pounds of butler out of one mailed lo any Sd.
dress for 50 cents. Satiti'nciion guaranteed.
W rue P. S. Wilkinson, Hood ttlver, Ore. si
the primaries September
U. Castner - auv.
The Modern Woodmen benefit enter
tainment met with crowded houses at
the Com theater last night and it is
expected that even greater crowds will
i turn out this evening to am ui
i work of raising a f und of $250 with
which to build a Hoou iviver cottage
, Ut the Woodmen's Sanitarium in
OlStri DiltOr ' Colorado Springs. A large number of
SICU IWUIU1 '.:.!, hov sod for the two
TP1 . . wT s, davs, the people responding generously
l he Druggist Hood River to the ca"
tiMid Kiver, phoue 18;ix.
r or Sale-Household gisxts; also lihode Is
land lied chickens. .,lrs. J. K Kanna, No 1
Slate St , Road Illver; phone KinL. ftis
For Sale Eight year old team, weigh! lim
apieiss. M. A. .ellar, near Summit. als
For Hale- lkmkey 5 years old wllh harness
and liiile cart Very reasonable. Call Kmll
lug, phone N, noon or evening. als
good work horse, price $1111. p.
U BoaraUes one utile south of Bloucher sta
uv.ii .mi r I ..... i tty. aj(
For Sale One roan mare, weight 900 or 1 000
lbs., drive single or double; gentle for ladles
to drive. Inquire Frank Morse, lielmom
FAIR at The Dalles, Oregon
5 Days, October 4 to 8 inclusive
$1,500 Cash For Premiums.
Send for Speed Program to
JUDD S. FISH, Secretary