HOOD RIVER QLACIga, THURSDAY JULY 14 1910 STORE is the favorite stopping place for the knowing ones during the hot weather. After ypur hot and dusty ride, here you will find it cool and inviting and where you can do your trading in comfort. Our stock is now very complete and constant ly growing and with our daily freight service to Hood River anything we have not in stock we can get for you. Connaway Mercantile Co., Odell Phone 191 "YOUR MONEY'S WORTH OR YOUR MONEY BACK" ' r " x a n s K 8 s s a a a a a IX a a a a a a a a a 5(1 28, it being the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of the couple. After a merry evening of music, games and lunch, M. K. Noble with a few appro priate remarks presented them with a silver tea set, as a little token of love from the assembled crowd. JMr. and Mrs. Lynn Way have moved to Kuthton, from Tacoma. Miss Jannette Elliott, of Portland, isited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Elliott last week. Emil Lang spent a few days in Port land recently. Carl Larson came home to spend the Fourth with his family. Elsie Malaer has quite recovered from her recent attack of chicken pox. J. R. Phillips left last week for a few days visit in the Willamette Valley. Misses Nina Noble and Lizzie Eby spent the Fourth in The Dalles Earl Eby, Harrison Bangle and Earl Noble were fishing on Little White Salmon last week. Harry and Don White came up from Stella Wash., to visit with their brother, Frank, last week. Eddie Evans is slowly recovering from his recent illness. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Guinn, of Amity, are visiting with Mrs. Guinn's mother, Mrs. Sim Cohoon this week at Ruthton. Alma Absten, Nora Koorman, Hattie Young, Virgil and Homer Absten were pleasure seekers in The Dalles the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, and family, accompanied by his father and brother, Don and Harry, spent the burth with his sister, Mrs. AI Ganger in The Dalles. Independence Dav was pleasantly celebrated by the Ruthonites at J. N. Dickerson s. Music, games, ice cream and fireworks were the diversions for the day. Contract for your winter mipplv oj hay now. We will have guaranteed No. 1 wheat or July and later delivery. Za phone 1873L. tf 'i ODELL. on,, fAa frionrls nf Miss Bella A I1C vuv-u Steele, of Middle Valley, will be ileased to hear tnai Decause miss 'i'0 ouorotm nt.flndin? "at the State a oiw.m6v c - - i?;kth r.raAa evamination was the Ulgllkll vj.mww , highest in the county she has been granted a scholarship by Pacific Uni versity at Forest Grove. Miss Hope Shelley taught Middle Valley school the past two years and is justly proud of the honor won by one of her pupils. George Atkinson came home Friday from a visit with his sister, Mrs. Clyde Lyman, of Goldendale, Wash. Margie Crockett, of Rupert, Id., ar rived Saturday and will visit her sis ter, Mrs. W. P. Kemp, her aunt, Mrs. A. J. Friedley, of the West Side, other relatives and a large number of friends who have known her since she was a very small girl. , Howard Mcllroy came home from California Saturday. Mr. Mcllroy is not a resident of Odell. but has many friends here who will be interested to hear of his return. He expects to re main for a few weeks' visit with his nnrpnts and other relatives and friends. Portland, but formerly of Odell, was in Hood River Saturday. m. on4 Mm FVnnk Driver, of The Jul. mm ' Dalles, have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. k. n. n.eny ui wp.pk. Mrs. Tom Mitchell and daughter, Magdalene, have been Portland visit nra the nAst. week. John Davenport, of Mosier, visited at the home or. nis sister, mrs. n. a. Kemn Sundav. Langley Stevenson, a lineman for ii u n TsinrluiTui Cn . mirnrised his acquaintances at Odell by bringing u . loot wppk. The voune couple are at home near the telpehone ofhee. t la aorvf.il PHch Wednesday itC ticom w . ------ and Saturday at T. W. Atkinsons store and during tne warm weamer certainly refreshing. HTm T nnrv fa VDVU ill at the home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Lenz. Typhoid fever the physician pronountco w Hiapnnp. The suDDlies for the new post office, Newtown, at Odell station, with T. W. Atkinson as postmaster, have arrived. t ur n7.'io.r. f OifoH Nurserv. was a business visitor in Portland a -Tour rlava last week. The stone store building of the Connaway Mercantile Co. is being At ha tima the huildinG? W8S erected the weather was so cold this work could not be done in a satisf act- 'I'ho new ham of this company is a substantial trim appear ing building and is about completed. This company will now build good . -ii,u tnr tVi convenience 01 croon oi , - , . pedestrians who are going to and from the Stone Store. L. A. E. Clark expects to spend a few days in Portland this week. Mrs. Walter Bradley's mother is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and triol rinucrhter. There is no decided improvement in j:..:, Mn Fred Cne. ttlOUhg she is thought to te doing as well as the nature oi me disease wumu friif A good C. E. meeting was held last ,;th the tonic A reading, prayer, song and references aa well as special music were features Crobsy led along lines of thought to- "if -j-i. : -fi r.rta nf the work. Mabel Kemp was leader. Following the C. K. meeting ttev. r. spoke briefly and to the point. Rev. rfayes will be with us for .services next Sunday morning following Sun day School. We have for sale a lot suitable for business or residence property, fine location. For particulars phone 1M Odell or write Mrs. L. A. fc. uarK, R. D. No. 2, Hood River, Oregon. BELMONT. j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Somerville have returned from Trout Lake to their Bel mont home to put things on the place in repair for the summer. -Tnhn W. Davis is still at Carson looking after his interests in his Car son ranch. B. C. Adamson has resigned his nnnitinn as foreman at Mr. Knight s and will drive his own team the bal ance of the year. Harrv Steele is improving his place with a new residence. The residence of Mr. McGregor un der the supervision of W. J. Wollam is progressing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ellis spent sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Eastman. It seems that the value of telephone chatter has not advanced with that ot telephone stock as a goodly number of phones in tnis vicinuy nave uecu ta ken out since the raise of 25 cents per month. BARRETT. A sign is hung up on the Indian Creek bridge near town notifying per ., t t rlrive faster than a walk lilU v . . tu Kri.lrro Whv are automobiles allowed to drive over the bridge at the rate of 25 miles an hour: i mm our countv commissioners should stop this betore some serious cciun mn.co nlace. urni Miner left Monday last with his team for the harvest field around Walla Walla. Dr. B. E. Wright and wife with his friends is on an automobile trip through Pootern nnH Southern Orecron to be uaov" wi. - gone about 30 days. n a Perrv has Durchasea a new horse and wagon so that he can move rock on to the county roads. - u u ho. ii ia mnkinf his head- VJCU. i. . - - o quarters at the Rockford store and can be tound ineir any uay oiwei " T. Shears is making a good roaa leading to the Barrett school house. This work needed to be done as the spring freshets took out a considerable quantity of dirt and rocks. A countryman is over naming uie large barn at W. Palmers rancn, 'Meadow isrooK. Mrs. Emma Gibbons has gone to Portland to visit friends for a lew weeks. m n Morlfhnm has sold 15 aceS from his ranch on Rockford avenue. J. J. Gibbons purchased a new ice cream freezer so mere win ue .wj cream daily at the white house, corner of Rockford avenue and Clerk street. A boy was caught stealing hreworKS from the Rockford store on juiy in. P. 1 have nPPn miSHHlif latC- oeveioi nuns" -; - lv but with a detective around let Ai 1 , .t as the nevt. rHiitrht Will OXncra luuiv vuv w v.. j . be dealt with according to law and not favors shown. MOSIER. w nA..tt rcismnre. Kansas. stopped over in Mosier a few days this week to see Mrs. Anna McLane, who is an old friend. Mr. uoyen-c ... visit Eastern Oregon points and Idaho before returning to his home. Samuel Husbands, of Portland, re turned home Saturday after a two weeks stay here with relatives. H Eastman, of Ashland, is visiting his brother, Stanley, of Mosier. w a IV-olond rame UD from p-v-tioVa tn unend Sunday with her wi -i husband. " t Flaher rnme UD from raiHB ircuo . - .,, , Hood River to spend Sunday wiin ner parents. Messrs Johnson, unamueriam Bennett, returned Monday evening from Badger LaKe wnere ubj ui,v i- ' k..inif ani numnv. nearly a wees oi iiuiihhb o lioincr near to nature o neni i Sunday was the warmest day so far this season, the thermometer varied from 96 to 100 in the shade a greater part of the day. A. P. Bateham, Miss Maude and her cousin, Mips Johnston, wok a trip across the river early Sunday morning in company with F. A. Shrogen, who went to get views of Oregon scenery from the Washington shore. W. L. Warren and wife, of McMinn- ville, came Saturday to spend several days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stewart. Mr. Warren and Mrs. Stewart are brother and sister. Misses Jessie Blair and Jessie Balke, of St. Louis, Mo., are here visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Middleswart. A. Shropen. of Portland, spent Sunday on the ranch at Mosier. Next Sunday special meetings will henin at the Christian church, con ducted by Rev. Swander, of Portland, who is the State Secretary for the Christian church. Mrs K. J. Leffler and son. Sherman, came Saturday from Bingen, Wash., m i -. I 11 J U to spend a lew days wun tneir uuuk ter and sister, Mrs. F. Ginger. Af- torurnrri thev will lOUrneV On tO C.aSt- ern Oregon to attend to their harvest. The renaim on the Mosier Creek hridtre will soon be completed. Mr. Harmsen, of Portland, has spent a few days in Mosier with his Drotner, Paul. Mnttie Schoren. of The Dalles, is visit.inir his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wvss. Dr. Robinson visited The Dalles the last of the week bringing his little niece, Galdys Phillips home with him. Mr anil Mra C M. Rdvlin name lin last week from San Francisco and are living in a tent on their twenty acre ranch. They expect to build in the near future. Ursle Cunning sustained a painful ininrir tn hia richt fnnt. FriHav even- inir A hnrae ntenneri nn the fnnt. ami " 'ft " " I I it was only by mere chance that a more serious accident am not occur. Miss Viola Fisher returned Sunday from an extended visit in Los Angeles. The Dancing Club will give a dance in the hall Friday evening of this weeK. TRANKTON. Mra. Hntrh tfllintt. in heincr visited " -e" -. -"O by a niece from Spokane. Mrs. ..has. Merchant has been quite poorly of late, but is slowly improving. A larufi nnmher nf neitrhhnrs and frienila loilen urith ine reum anil cake invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. bastman on the eve ot June Remedies are Needed Were wa perfect, which w. ar. not. medicine would not often be needed. But ttno. our lyttems have be come weakened, impaired and broken down through indiscretions which have gon. on from the early ages, through countless feneration, remedies art needed to id Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise acquired weaknetse. To reach th. (eat of stomach weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is nothing so good a Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discov ery, a glyceno compound, extracted from native medic inal roots sold for over forty year with great satisfaction to all user. For Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain ia th. Stomach after eating. Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chrooie Diarrhea and other Intestinal Derangements, the "Discovery" is time-proven and most efficient remedy. The Genuine has on Its outside wrapper the Signature Yon can't afford to aoceot secret nostrum substitute for this non-aloo holie, medicine op known composition, not ins though th. argent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. Pieree's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomaoh, liver and bowel. Sugar-coated, tiny graaulas, easy t. take as sandy. Spend Your Vacation at Clatsop Beach on the Pacific $7.00 Round Trip From Underwood Good returning September 39, via Spokane Portland & Seattle Railway "Th. North Bank Road" Astoria & Columbia River Railway $4.00 From Portland Surf bathing, fishing, mountain climbing; pood hotels, cottagrs and camps. Finest salt water resort in the West. Toll your friends In the Fast that low excursion rate are in effect all aura mer via "The North Bank Hoad" to Pacific Coait point with stopovers at your station. Details furnished by H. M. Adams, G. F. & P. A- Portland, Ore. ANNOUNCEMENT I luivt? purchawtl tin HaniesH und Saddlery bu8'm88 of Frank Salfieky anil will continue to make and noil thf host goods in my line at the old stand. All kinds of repairs and order work done quickly and neatly. J. 0. WAGNER O Gee! Such a deliciousness in that Preferred Stock Ha waiian Pineapple Eight big slices of perfectly ripe luscious fruit in every can. Nothing quite so nice for a dainty summer desert. A Special Price Sale now on these goods. Buy a dozen cans. Star Grocery Good Things to Eat Perigo & Son W. S. NICHOL High Class Orchard Lands and City Realty Davidson Building Phone 98 Kent & Carrabrant Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaccos MOSIER .Fruit Lands. In largf or small tract i. Some vary good laud u low priieg at present. Good KrowinK coiiiinui.ity. Six milm east of Hood Uiver. Parties wishing to buy w ill do wH to writu or e 4KO. CIIAMBKKI.AIN Mi iri Oregon. nnrrincr CJnnds ARE YOU SLOW? MOUNT HOOD. The Ladies Aid Society will meet with Mrs. W. S. Gribble Wednesday, a ii thai hiihnnnria lire invited and re freshmenta will be served. It is to be made the farewell meeting: for Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Larwood. The Rebekahs will install their new officers Wednesday nieht. Lunch will be served. T nui.a PuivbII nnd John Coouer Went up to the top of Cooper's Spur Sunday, Gertrude Powell, Dorothy Walton, Maynard Cole, Elmer Ekland and Chester Walton made the trip Monday. The smokv season has begun. Fires are scattered through the valley as well as on the mountains, but the Reserve has so far not had a fire. Mr. and Mrs. Belieu are home on a visit from St. Johns. A crowd of the young folks from the West Side enjoyed a straw ride to Grange Friday night. Miss Dorothy Bailey returned to The Dalles after having spent a month a at Mt. Hood. A number of young folks enjoyed a very pleaasnt evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C.Walton. The ev ening was spent in nonor oi uhb Dorothv Walton, wno expects y re turn to her home in Portland this week. tv, a a lion farm was a scene of ex citement fighting fire on Sunday. Rolland Meyers will lead Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at the Mt. Hood church. OAK GEO Vis flak Grove is still keeping to the front with improvements, urouna was broken Wednesday directly north 4U on.o tnr the Mathndiat church. The latest addition in the building line are B. Hunt s house ana a. u. Anuer son's barn, nearly completed; Mrs r,o Rrnci'a VinnrHinc house and J 1 J 1 1 1 H I " VLWU. " " " O . E. Hall's bungalow, now wuw erected ; and the remodeling of W. h. King's and H. A. Cunning's residence, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Nichols are home from at three days' automobile trip to The Dalles. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pregge, Thursday morning, July 8, a daughter. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Coburn Allen, a ten pound boy, Tuesday, July 12. People from other states are continually making PAYING INVESTMENTS HERE. WHY NOT HOOD RIVER PEOPLE? WHY NOT YOU? Think it over and come in and let us help you. RIGHT NOW we have some splendid bargains. Shelley Next Mt. Hood Hotel Phone 70