HOOD HI VKK tfrLAOlEa THURSDAY JULY 14 U)lO. Call the Office Number 0 For the supplement to the directory If you do not have one. We will mail it. Then Call By Number. HOME TELEPHONE CO. 8. T. RAW80N F. II. STANTON HOOD RIVER NURSERY Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let out friendH and putroiii know that for the fall planting we will have and can nupply in any number Cherry, Pear, Apricot, Peach and Plum Trees Grapes, Currants and Berry Plants Shade and Ornamental Trees AIho, all the standard varieties of Apple Trees. Oan supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Hpitaenberg and Jonaonan apie irees Rawson & Stanton, Hood River Ore, The Last Chance is the Best Chance Stop at the Handy Corner Grocery You will find a complete and up-to date line at our store with goods at remarkably low prices. We are just outside the city limits and offer the shortest haul to the valley residents, not only for their, purchases but for their produce, for which we will pay the high est market price. Trade hero and count up thesaving. , A call over t he phone from town people will bring our delivery wagon promptly with exactly what you order. Phone 282L. G. P. CHRISTIE Successor to Hubbard Taylor e A If. 1 1. BAILEY W. E. COLBY Bailey & Colby Electric Wiring and Fixtures All Kinds of Electrical Supplies at Moderate Prices t il Oltico and Display Room "Y!j at 117 State Street PHONUS: Office 222 K Residence 268L Always Something New Rady For thi Next On. k fTonnrnnn find brave but Terr ec centric Virginia planter named Hill Carter, who had once been an officer In the (Julted States navy, bad a nana to band battle at fisticuffs one day with his plantation overseer and came off second best. lie therefore cnal- inninui thn overseer to a formal duel. but the latter declined on the ground that, being a husband ana ratuer, ne was under obligation not to risk leav ing his family destitute. Carter at once removed that objection by set tling upon the family a comrortame annuity. Then everything was got rPBrtv for the ficht. but Just as tne two men faced each other the sheriff arrived on the scene, took them Into custody and had them bound over to keep the peace. Mr. Carter did not, however, change the deed of gift with which he had provided for the over seer's family, remarking that he might wish some time to resume the Inter rupted fight and hence would ratner keep everything In readiness for prompt actlon.-New fork Tost Consul King David. Slils amuslnz anecdote of Lamartlne la related by the Baroness Bonde In her volume of letters. Shortly after thn revolution of February he wrote on the blank leaves of his pocketbook the names of his proteges ana Bene me Itnt- to he nrovlded with places Imme diately. Previously, however, It seems, hn hnA scribbled "David" on the page, and tho head of the cabinet appointed the said David consul at uremen. me postulant, however, never came for ward, and, though the poet did not like being disturbed, M. Iletzel was oblig ed to ask who wag the David on his llat "lie who danced before the ark, was the answer. "Oh, dear! I have gazetted him to Bremen!" "rrnw verv sinirularl I meant him for a subject for meditation, not for nomination. But you can cancel It" The monlteur registered tne cnange, but few knew that the last consul ap pointed to Bremen was King Davldl Lanauaat of Switzerland. It la n curious fact that the people most celebrated for love of country should In a manner be without a lan guagethat Is, a mother tongue, iho Swiss have three official languages- acrman, French and Italian. About three-fourths of the population or tne mountain confederation epean uer mnn. while the remainder divide four other languages among them, chiefly French and Italian, these languages hiinir found, as a rule. In districts in close proximity to the countries where in those languages are the principal tongue. In Switzerland documents and notices are printed in both the French and German languages, in me nation al assembly members deliver their speeches In cither French or Cerman, for nearly all members unaerstana hnth tone-ties. The decrees and procla mations of the president are translated by an official Interpreter ana rurnisnea to the press in both iangunges.-iNew York Press. Take the Ferry to UNDERWOOD The Gateway to the White Salmon Valley Shortest and best grade to Trout Lake, Husum and Way Points Special Attention to Autos & Teams Ferry Lands at North Bank Depot Treiber & Olsen STAGE LINE FROM DEE TO LOST LAKE I will meet parties at the train at Dee when notified by mail, and transfer passengers and camp equippage to Lost Lake or other camp grounds. C. L. FORSBERG, Dee, Oregon ,f I, I Press the Button - Htr Fault. Tha teacher In charce of the primary department at a school In West Fhlla delnhla was talking the other day about her work and her pupils. "They ore dear youngsters," sue saw, "but they sometimes make curious re marks. Several times I have had oc casion to reprove a little boy who lsu't bad, but who Is very mischievous ana annoying. He is always getting Into trouble and making a disturbance. "Ono day he had been more than usually uproarious, and 1 was very tired. Instead of scolding or punish ing him I began In rather an exasper ated toue to talk to him. " 'Tom; 1 said, 'I'm afraid I'm never going to meet you lu heaven.' "He looked up with the most shock ed face. 'Why. teacher, he said, 'isn't that Just too bad? Whnt have you done?' "-Philadelphia Times. A Modest Request. An Impeccably dressed gentleman the other day when walking along Piccadilly felt a movement In his pocket and, clapping his hand thereto, seised tho wrist of the thief. Ilodrew forth the erring member, and, looking at It with supreme disgust, he released it, saying, with a grimace of disgust, "For heaven's sake, my good man, go and wash your hands before you put thtiu In a gentleman's pocket again'" London Tatler. if "I lise(l to com- , 'ft plain about the stovo nST ; k. I but not since I began using sN j 11 OLYMPIC FLOUR'NxU r" Mother i J - Ton always bake successfully VV, 1 n , when you use Olympic. It is pure JoUtiviul Jtou'Uiwj and whoicgome nutritious and ." f UlUliiCo clean just what is required to make ? MJWPw Every sack of Olympic is made from y 1 UlTt VT most carefully selected Northwestern IV vL JJ? wheat and manufactured under ideal san- IV. I XtTlTKv itary conditions onlytheplumpest,hard- J j 1 : Ctvlnliy est grains are used, the choicest of the 111 ra entire Northwestern crop. Insist Ml 3 f $ sS' upon Olympic "there Isn't Iff s KJjii' " OLYMPIC A and see the effect. Electricity is certainly about as fine an effect in every way that one ask for. It gives us light and heat tind power for reducing labor, and is the means for re gaining lost power in the human system. Marvelous Results follow the installation of an electric plant in your office or home. Let us do the work for you as we do exceedingly fine contract work at moderate prices. Dean Shaw Phone 3 Res. Phone 272H COMMON SENSE dictates that money should be kept in the bank and paid out by cheek in stead of currency. By doing this you avoid misunderstandings and always get a receipt for your payment. Bank your money with this bank. Whether the amount you handle is large or small we welcome it just the same and give the small account the same careful attention we give the business of the large depositor. AT YOUR GROCER'S Made Him Feel Old. "What's tho matter?" "Oh, nothing much." "But you look ns If you had some thing serious on your mind.' "Well, If you insist on knowing, a boy who was named after me has Just become engnged to bo married, now time fliesl" Chicago Itecord-IIerald. A splendid Assortment of Men's Sateen Shirts in tan, navy, red, green and slate; price $1.00. Something better in fancy soisctte and pongee, with and without collars, from $1.25 to $2.00. The Latest Line of Men's Ties 25c, 35c and 60c. In plain and all the latest shades Specials in Ladies' Neckwear Dutch Jabots and Collars. Also Auto Scarfs Selz Shoes are Sold In Hood River Exclusively by A. L. Carmichael ON J11E HEIGHTS The Dollar Mark. "Have you seen the Washington mon ument?" "Yes," replied the New Yorker. "It's a pretty tall building, but what's the good of it without any ofuces for rent?" -Washington Star. Economy, nusband Excuse me, dear, but don't you cook much more for dinner than we can uso? Wife Of course! If I didn't how could I eeonomlzo by utiliz ing leftover dishes ?Cleveland Leader. Not Ntw. "Electricity Isn't modern discov ery. It Is as old as the flood." "How Co you make that out?" "Why, didn't Noah haT to have atk lighter Dot tar bluia in tb face ttitn ft blot to the heart CorrsBtoe. For Sale by PERIGO & SON BRAGG MERCANTILE CO. A. C. STATEN H-Hl--M--H-fr-H-l-4W"l"l"l"l"I"l"Wi I Class "A" nrlck Building Hot and Cold Water The Hotel Oregon HOOD RIVER'S MODERN HOTEL Telephone In Every Room 4.H"M"l"H--M-M"Ni'l I..H"M"U"M"t" Meals a la Carte Prices reasonable $ EKNEST C. SMITH Lawyer Rooms 14 and 15 Hull Building Hood River, Ore. Philip Francis General Teaming and Livery Wood and Hay For Sale. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. Phone iuk 1101 Wilson St. HOOD RIVER HEIGHTS. L. E. FOUST Hachine Shop Automobile and Bicycle Re pairing and Supplies. Gear cutting and Iron fitting of all kinds. Work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Comer Sixth and Columbia streets.. riione 109-X M. E. WELCH, LICENSED TETERISARY SURGEON I prepared to do ny work In the veterin ary hue. lie oho be found by callliiK at or pnemug w umrte arug more. N. P. R. Co. List No. 225. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. (IT019. United State Lund office, The Dttlkn, Oregon, June 16, 1910. Notice Is hereby given tht the Northern I'noltlc Hallway company, whiwe poMoflce address Is Ht. I'aul, Mlnuesotft, hH this ltftli day of June, 1910, tiled In this olHee lu appli cation to select under the provisions ot the Act of Congrem, approved .Inly 1, ltMUS (3(1 Slat. f97, tiat), the N', of the HW'i, Hec. 22, Tp. i N., U. r.sxt, Willamette Meridian. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object because or the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to applicant should tile their allldavlts of protest In this olll"e, on or before the th day of J illy, 1910. JSU'21 C. W. MOO HE, Register. First National Bank Hood River, Oregon Capital and Surplus $121,000.00 EXCURSION RATES TO THE EAST During 1910 From All Points on The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company TO RATES Chicago $72.50 Council Bluffs Ornaha ) Kansas City.. C0.00 St. Joseph St. Paul ' St. Paul via Council Bluffs G3.9U Minneapolis direct 00.00 Minneapolis via Council Bluffs 63.90 Duluth direct 06.90 Duluth via Council Bluffs 67.50 St. Louis 67.50 TTickets will be on sale May 2 and 9; June 2d, 17 and 24; .1 uly 5 and 22; August 3; September 8. Ten days provided for the going trip. Stopovers within limits in either direc tion. Final return limit three months from date of sale, but not later than October 31st. One way through California $15 additional Inquire of any 0. R. & N. Agent for more complete information, or WM. McMURRAY, Qeneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Wood & Huggins Staple and Fancy GROCERIES The oldest and largest Grocery in the city. We handle only the best stock in our line and guarantee satisfaction. Prompt Delivery PHONE 7