HOOD RIVER QLAOIEK, THURSDAY JULY 14 1010 When You Clear Land Come- tojus for the best Logging and Grubbing Tools. If your old ones are worth fixing we can make them good as new. Snow & Upson, Hood River torage We have storage space for all kinds of goods in a concrete building Our Tranfer Wagons Will Move Anything Complete Livery Service Transfer & Livery Co. Phone 5 oet Your MiIK Doircnn lloirir Vnnnli; In 4 From The... rapuil uuiij juppij ,u. i mis MiiK is Douiea at me Mountain Glen Farm in most up to date manner. H. B. JOHNSTON City Salesman . Phone 281-X TH0S. CALKINS Dairyman Vicnto, Oregon HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT CO. J. M. SCHMELTZKR, 8KCRBTABT ABSTRACTS, INSURANCE, CONVEYANCING and SURETY BONDS. We have the only complete set of abstract books in Hood i . ly and are in a position to execute all work with promptness an I ; m y. We represent some of the best old line fire insurance comiu - iiobg business in Oregon and can give the best Fire Insurance of In ii fur the money. -: Our reputation as conveyancers is known i Al of our work it guaranteed. - : Come to us when you want ', I m' of any description. Office in DAVIDSON BLDG, N. E. corner Cascade Ave 11 ' Home Phone HOOD RIVER. ORE. 3 O WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF 1 miraie ui juua, muriate ui ruiasn AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TG US DIRECT FOR WOOD.FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK ft Hood River, Oregon J) New Residents We are always pleased to extend courteous assistance to new residents of Hood River and Hood River val ley by advising them regarding any local conditions within our knowledge, and we afford every convenience for the transaction of their financial matters. New accounts are respectfully and cordially invited and we guarantee satisfaction. Savings Dep't in connection. Hood River Banking & Trust Co. Progressive Fruit Growers WANTING Better Fruit Ought to investigate the merits and results of spraying with Wm. Cooper and Nephews TREE SPRAY FLUIDS The only scientificSprays produced. Desrip tive Pamphlets and Sprays at D. McDONALD, Local Agt. CHARLES G. ROBERTS, General Agent 247 Ash St., Portland, Ore. B Antona The Story of Strike and the Wiy It Was Settled. By AGNES G. BROGAN. I Copyright, 1910, by American Press Association. ' The strike at the steel plant bad lasted long. Vaughn, the assistant manager, went In his automobile to Investigate the temper of the strikers. He was received by a hooting crowd. A giant Italian raised a stone and held It poised high above his head. "Throw It, Andrea!" screamed the voices, and then down the steps of a tenement building came a flying fig urea girl whose dusky hair fell about her face as she ran. "Andrea," she called breathlessly, "remember Nlckola!" Unquestlonlngly the men made way for her as she rushed through the crowd and leaped Into the automobile, then stood directly before the man whose life was threatened, protecting him with one small outstretched hand. "Walt!" she cried. "Walt!" And then it seemed to Vaughn that a miracle happened, for the desperate mob In stantly obeyed her Imperious call and by a common Impulse moved farther back into the roadway, leaving a clear path before. "Andrea," the girl repeated sobblng ly, "oh, Andrea !" And In silence the giant replaced his stone and followed the others. . As she stood panting, one hand pressed closely against her heart, the picture was indelibly stamped upon Vaughn's memory the small white face with its great dark eyes. Down the rickety stairway, clatter ing upon his crutches, hobbled a crip pled Italian boy. "Antona!" he wall ed. "Antona!" The girl's face was transformed by a loving smile. "It's all right, Nlckola," she called reassuringly. "I will be with you soon." "And now," she asked of the waiting men, "will you let us go? This person is here for your good. Can you not trust Antona?" As though in answer the crowd qui etly dispersed, and she turned to Vaughn. "I am going to ride with you until you have passed through the dan gerous section," she said. "Start at once, for their moods change quickly." The factories and bouses had been left behind wben the girl again spoke. "You will be quite safe now," she told him. "Let me get out please. I must go back." Vaughn stopped the machine at her bidding and bent over to look Into her eyes. "I am inexpressibly grateful," he said, "for the great service you have done me, while I marvel at the power you hold over those desperate men." "I love them and do things for them all," she answered simply, "and down here in this part of the world we repay our kindnesses Just as truly as we re venge our wrongs." "Yon say we,' " the man interposed quickly, "but you are very different from the others." "That is only because I have bad the schooling and training which they have missed," she answered. "In thought and feeling I am still a wo man of the people and sooner or later, as you have learned, demand payment for my kind deeds. What reward shall I claim from you, Mr. Vaughn?" "I am eager to show my graUtude," he replied. She stood up before him, and her glowing color deepened. "If you are sincere in that," she said quietly, "then end the strike at once." The man looked up in dismay at this unexpected request. "You ask an Impossibility," he said curtly. "I am but the junior member of the company, and even if I were willing to yield to the unreasonable demand of the men whose cause you champion there are others in power higher than myself." The girl spoke in a low, passionate tone. "You and I both know," she said, "that they will do exacUy as you advise. All has been left to your judg ment Your agents, or whatever they may be called, bave not been giving you correct Information regarding the origin of this strike. This time the workman's cause is just, and I will tell a few truths which it will be well for you to know." Vaughn sat fascinated, watching her flashing eyes and Impulsive gestures as she eloquently portrayed the 'mis ery and poverty in the lives of the men who had threatened him 10 short a time ago. Tears filled the girl's eyes. "And there is Nlckola," she continued. "It was his father who would bave crushed you with that great stone today. His temper when aroused la terrible. In a fit of rage he threw the baby Nlckola downstairs, and that is why he must walk on crutches always. Since then Andrea's life has been one long effort to make amends to the boy, and because I try to make Nlckola happier there is noth ing I may ask of Andrea that be will not do. When Nlckola is in want then the father turns savage and cruel. Many nights since the strike began has the boy slept and wakened hun gry, for one must plan cleverly indeed to thrust charity upon these two stub born people. Oh, promise me," she said tremulously, "that this strike may end." Her voice thrilled him strangely. Ton do not understand," Vaughn said gently, "an that Is Involved. We nav a principle to maintain. The demand for Increased wages is of no conse quence." "Then," she answered breathlessly, "if the men go back to work, appar ently agreeing to all your conditions, will you later pay them what they have asked of you?" Vaughn smiled. "We would willing ly comply with that peculiar arrange ment. Miss Antona," he replied, "but these people of yours have refused any compromise." The girl stepped down Into the road- MOW TIME EES "1 or tb rear to hava your teto out and d bridtta rorout. way and snook her head In mock de spair. "The men woukl ue muen more easily influenced than yourself, Mr Vaughn," she said, aua tneu ne gave the desired promise and regretfully watched the little figure until a bend in the road hid her from his view. The next day, without explanation or mention of any agreement, came the surprising news that the workmen had surrendered, and when Vaughn re turned to his private office after a lengthy consultation with the senior members of the company he found a verv small boy with crutches beneath his arms standing near the doorway, win. his mournful eyes shining out weirdly U from the thin, wan face. tnr fwwter Vauehn." he said, with a soft Italian accent, "rrora aiees -iyiCQ Elf tit ft I V w w ja,hj am WAa avav.A awws) fnmun laMiaun cl at work dona. of-tnwn iiatroua wa finish Plata and briilua work in on da if Dttctaaary. MolvCrwni 55.00 22kBnd.T,.th3.50 Gold FilUiifi 1.00 Eutm.l fillmn 1.00 Silvar Fillmti .50 Good Rubb.r - piitM 5.00 Bii Rubb.r pi.i.i 7.50 P.inl.u Eiir'llm .50 1ST MITHODS ilau r.,ra, l,,in ITr.. V, k.iJ.. "Iva IlOte !l. ordered. Consultation Fnwi. ou cannot get better painiaM won envwoere, no matter now tttaan you pay. Ait worn luiiy ytiarauiaou lot uneen yearn. I fit llTHinilM MlMt tona." The neatly folded paper contained but three words, "Remember your promise." And ' Vaughn replied as briefly, "I have remembered." Through the busy days which fol lowed the girl's face, with its woader ful dark beauty, haunted him contin ually, and be was possessed ot an overwhelming desire voice, perhaps now In INCORPORATED Painless Dentists Falllni Building , Third t Washington, PORTUND, OREGON era.. a.ut: ii,u.uti.iL ludajt, lui mmuiJ,iiJ..,..,J.,J,.J....J,,.... to hear heri:i COK photographic film ;; commendation. ; ; and printing paper, "fSlfZTTi: cameras, pure chemicals upon uie wiiu-'u, v., -r , t;11,1,1i:(l!,1f ii i.;,,, J. tin., nujuunvn till i uiun, i come to our studio and you will be certain of de pendable qualit v. Wo sell "ANSC0" FILM which makes truer, bet ter-balanced negatives, t & Cyko Taper for deeper, T sotter, clearer prints. Let us show vou mir splendid assortment f cameras. I'urecheinicals, all phtographie supplies. Developing and printing done. Reasonable rates. ;; iDeitz Photo Studio street near the factory. It was really necessary, he told himself, that he should learn what effect the settlement of the strike had upon the lives of the people, and Nlckola could tell him where to find her. This particular evening he had agreed to accompany Freddie White to the opera. It was very high class opera, and Vaughn was exceedingly bored until his roving eyes, glancing Into an opposite box, rested unbeliev ingly upoa the piquant, glowing face of Antona. Clad In a white utlken gown, with sparkling Jewels at her throat, she leaned forward, listening with rapt expression to the music. Vaughn caught his' friend's hand In a crushing grasp. "Who Is that?" he demanded. Freddie winced; then hla gaze fol lowed Vaughn's. "By Jove!" ho said pityingly. "We all succumb sooner or later to Miss Norton's undisputed charm, but to be bowled over at the first glance, old man, is unusual." "Who Is she?" Vaughn Insisted, and Freddie drew a long breath. "Well, to be exact," he answered, "her mother Is the acknowledged so ciety leader, her father an inexhaust ible bank, while Miss Antoinette her self despises us and our superficial pleasures. We merely have rare glimpses of her. She Is Interested in settlement work noble purposes and all that sort of thing. The poor and miserable of a certain section regard her as an angol upon earth, and good reason they have to do so. Pretty names they have for her. 'Little Mother' Is one, and she seems to un derstand the queer beggars and to like them too. Hang it all, Vaughn, I'd be an Italian laborer myself to gain that girl's approval!" But his friend did not smile. "Will you present mo after the perform ance?" he asked eagerly, and Freddie willingly complied. "Prepare to be snubbed, agreeable as you may consider yourself." be said by way of friendly warning. But Miss Norton was very gracious to Vaughn, and the astonished Freddie, after standing unnoticed for some time In the rear of the box, presently with drew. Vaughn looked admiringly down into the girl's dark eyes. "I have been trying to decide," be said, "whether I most admire a white satin gown or one blue woolen dress which has a scarlet tie. "It all depends," she replied, "wheth er you prefer the beautiful things of life to the useful ones." "A combination of the two," he said seriously, "is good indeed to see." She smiled and turned to seek the members of ber party, who, seeiug her evidently engaged, had drifted away. Vaughn laid the dainty opera flunk across ber shoulders. "The wheels of a great factory lire moving again," ho said slowly. "Hun dreds of men leave Its doors each night to go home to happier families. There Is no more discontent, and it Is all be cause of you." The girl looked out and far beyond the moving throng. "I am so glnd, she said Joyously, "so glad, though un til you spoke I had not thought of all that it means to so many, for I seemed only to see Andrea coming home with his great arms filled with packas. Little Nlckola would meet him at the bead of the stairs; then a never to be forgotten supper would be served upon the wooden tablo near the window, and," she added softly, "it Is all be cause of you." ( "Antona," the man whispered ten derly, "Antona T' She laughed a little unsteadily. "Yes," she said, "you may call me by Nlckola's translation of my name. It is a privilege which only you niij share with him." "You were kind enough to act as my escort upon one memorable occasion," Vaughn reminded her. "May I now return the favor?" Miss Norton looked In the direction of ber waiting friends and nodded to them with a conciliating smile, then placed her hand upon his arm. "You may if you please," she said. The Hat 8trw Crop. The greater part of the straw em ployed for making summer bats comes from Italy. To obtain a suitable straw for this purpose the wheat Is sown as thickly as possible in order that the growth of the plant may be Impover ished as well as to produce a thin stalk. The Italian wheat blooms at the beginning of June and Is pulled up by band by the roots wben the grain Is half developed. Should it be allowed to remain In the ground a longer time the straw would become too brittle for the purpose for which It is grown. Uprooted straws to the number of about Ave dozen, the size of the com pass of the two hands, are firmly tied together In little sheaves and stowed way In barns. After that the straw is again spread out to catch the heavy summer dews and to bleach in the sun. Wben the product has been sufficiently bleached It is put into small bundles and classified. The last step is to cut it close above the first Joint from the top, when it is again tied up in small bundles containing about sixty stalks each and Is then ready for the market Harper's Weekly. Ross, Richards & Co. Confectionery Parlors iiti' Opera limine, anil aln on I leijHitx I1A.KLWOOI) DAINTIKS the PASHIOU STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore. tlorees bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure flrst-clais rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture ant pianos. We do everything horses can do. Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, Etc. HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. PRATT & LAMBERT'S VARNISHES. CALCIMO. For room tintins mixed to order. Clll-NAMEL. For old furniture and wood work ; any color. ROOM MOULDING. Plate and Card Rail. Dry Faste. OIL CLOTH for walls and a nice line of Wall Paper. Painting, Paper Hanging, Sign and Carriage Work Carriage Shop phone 109L Store phone 11615 Oak Stree ADVISE YOUR FRIENDS "The Best Way" To See Hood River Canyon and Valley is via Mt. Hoodjtailroad A RIDE ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM DUST Train leaves Hood River 8 A. M. every day and returns 5:10 P. M. Spend your Sunday in the mountains. A. WILSON, Agent Best line of Tobacco and Cigars In the City Hot Lunches Served atall Hours Agency ''reijon I'aily Journal. 1!o(iOi'b Eastern Oysters. Don't Leave the Hood River District Without Investigating!: Mosier Valley Natnral advantage! for fruit lrlree have doubled within the growing unexcelled. Land IhhI two )enrn but are not over half thai atiked for nimilar land in other K-etiong. liny now tielore the speculator am! their pronta. COMMERCIAL CLUB OF MOSIER MOSIRR, OREGON. Six Mllea Eaat of Hood River, Oregon Two Bargains A Simp: ii'Ji aeres near Odell Odell, nly $150 per acre nil under t lie ditch. Die lieM buy in the lower valley. Terms. 40 Hrrec, line orchard land, all under llle.li, 10 aerea cleared, 8 acren in orcli ird, li acres beating, rent in yuiifi rees. Thin, will make a line home or irove a (jood ppeeulatinn. Wri'e (or Herniation to A. SCHILLER. Doe. Oregon. Phone Odell 1x2. H. S. DaNO Contractor and Builder liesiilence phone 105-L. Hood River, Oregon CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Ph. C. YOUNG, Prop. 4 Fresh and Cured Meats Lard. Poultry and Fish HOOD RIVER. ORE. Phone'Main 6 Free Delivery i Square Dea Store The place to get the best Orchard Tools in the market Canton Plows, Syracuse Plows, Canton Disc Har rows, Osborne Drag Harrows, Osborne Spring Tooth Harrow, Osborne Extension Disc Harrow, Osborne Mowers, Osborne Rakes, Planet Jr. Gardeen Seeders, Planet Jr. Hand Cultivators, Swenson Stump Pull ers, Power Spray Outfits, Cooper's Spray Fluids, Sherwin William's Arsenate of Lead, Gasoline En gines, Spray Hose, Rods and Nozzles, Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries, Fishing Tackle, Guns,Ammunition Dupont Stumping Powder Caps and Fuse GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED Home Phone 174 Third St. and Cascade Ave., Hood River, Oregon r