The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 14, 1910, Image 4

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ROOD illVBB CKLAOXlSft' l'H PK8DA t JULY 14 1910.
ith Our Line of Leaders
e Are at Your Service
chalmers-detroit cars
hudson touring cars
grabowsky power trucks
gramm-logan power trucks
Mccormick mowers
Mccormick rakes
Weak Throat-Weak Lungs
Cold after cold; couli after cough! Troubled with this
taking-cold habit? Better break it up. We have great
confidence in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this work. No
medicine like it for weak throats and weak lungs. Ask
your doctor for his opinion. He knows all about it.
I lis approval is valuable, follow his advice at all times.
No alcohol in this COUfJl UK t'tcillC. . C. A yer Co., Lowell, Mass.
Alwayskecpajjood laxative iritliilu.n -,c. Takcaitoscwhen yourcoldfirstcomeson. What
tin: best iaxalive for this? Ayer's I Nil. Ak your doctor his opinion. Let him Jecl1-
H. M. Vannier's sinter and nephew
are visitor ut his homo for the sum
mer. Mr. Stanton and family have moved
onto their ranch recently purchased of
J. C. Porter.
MK and Mrs. George Cochran from
Eugene, are vimting their nieces, the
MiHHes Margaret and Lucile Cochran
and nephew Clyde Cochran. ,
Messers. W. H. Chapman and E. M.
Chapman anyl wives, irom Vancouver,
visited their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. Metcalf the latter part of
laHt week,
'Mrs, J. M. Shepard and daughter,
Violet, from North Yakima are visit
ing the former's sister, Miss Jennie
. H. C, Peters, of Cincinnati, arrived
in Hood Kiver haturnay. lie will
spend the summer with his son, A. W.
I'eters, on their ranch in fine Grove.
The Ladies of the W. C. T. U. will
give an ice cream social at the parson
age Saturday evening, July 16. Ev
erybody come and bring your friends,
Prom the lCnlerprist),
L. R. Glavis was in Portland Sun
day and Monday.
Wm Vogt, who is to open the cloth
ing and gents' furnishing store in the
Smith block, was in town on Tuesday.
Smith llros. will begin erection of
their new office room at once, so that
Mr. Vogt can get started by the first
of September.
H. G. McBride and wife are back
from their two weeks visit with rela
tives at Eugene.
Mr. Huggins and family made an
auto trip from Hood Kiver and are vis
itors at the homes of the Estes boys.
Mrs. McDonald, of Eugene, was a
recent visitor in White Salmon, com
ing up to call on her father who re
cently broke his leg. Mr. Thomas is
getting along very well.
Mr. Landon, of St. Paul, arrived in
White Salmon last week accompanied
by his family. They will spend the
summer here, Mr. Landon being a
stockholder in the Columbia Orchard
C. Smith returned from Boise
Friday. He disposed of his prop
in that city and will invest in
White Salmon property.
C. C. Smith and wife spent the
Fourth at Hood Kiver.
A girl as born to Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Estes on July 1.
The new booklet for the Develop
ment League is a production of art
and winter's skill The first install
ment has been received and a number
have already been sent out.
C. F. Brunton, representing the
Dement Bros., of Walla Walla, has
not decided to give up the Cameron
dam site nor has he decided to buy it
on Mr.- Cameron's terms. He has
since been getting figures on different
parts of the farm. They feel consid
erably crestfallen over the loss of the
site by expiration of the option.
C. T. Dewey, who is developing an
excellent ranch just beyond the city
limits to the north, left Minneapolis on
a hot wave last week and arrived in
White Salmon Saturday Mr. Dewey's
mother accompanied him.
Surveying for the Mt. Adams Elec
tric line will commence next Monday,
when the Northwestern Engineers, of
Portalnd, will start two crews of sev
en men each, work to begin near
Snowden, where it left off last year,
and pushed through to Camas Prairie.
This clinches promises of the local
company that the road would surely be
built. Heretofore the upper enu 01
the valley has pinned its hopes to sur
veys made Dv the worm oasi noau,
but as that does not seem to material
ize they are transferring their hopes to
the electric line.
About twenty-five couples were in
attendance at the dancing party given
to the ball team on rridav evening
the opera house was prettily decorated
for the occasion witn nowers, coucge
and state banners, with a large pen
nant strung across the top of the
staire. After the a dance had pro
greased some time John Wyers grouped
the ball team on the stage, gave them
a good send-off for winning the pen-
ant and then presented to Irank Iroeh
the nennant that the young ladies
made for the player having the high
est average for all around playing,
Mr. Troch, responded with a neat little
snecch. All the Other players were
culled on and made little speeches,
including the modest and demure urn
pire, Attorney Flynn.
Bees and Queens.
Bend me vour orders now for the best
a nnena of tlie season and of the best
strain of'bees that money can buy. 1
you want, nuclei and the best queens
you must order now ueiore me season
is too tar advanced.
Yours for belter bees,
Hood River, Ore.
The boys of the Barrett District Band
will give an out door concert Saturday
Watchmaker and Jeweler
rr 1 i U J
i oo ousy to wme aus
Try our invigorating and refreshing
with pure caushed fruits for flavoring. You
are not limited to crushed fruits, however.
Our Chocolate Ice Cream Sodas and Nut
Sundaes are simply delicious. Which do
you like best?
Reliable Druggists
Portland will have a big apple show
November, former apple shows
held here will fade into insignificance
in comparison.
The show will assume .National im
portance, because of the prominence
of Oregon as an apple state. While the
display will not be in any way a rival,
n a competitive sense, of the National
Apple Show at Spokane, it is expected
that in a few years it will equal even
that event in importance, for it is in
tended to add to the scope of the show
and make it an annual all air,
The Oregon State Horticultural
Society planned the coming apple
show, but the hearty co-opreation and
backing of all the business interests oi
the city, the Commercial Club, the
hotel men and others have been secured
and all are working with enthusiasm,
The Commercial Club has ottered a
$100 trophy for the best showing of 50
boxes of apples. The Hotel Oregon
has offered a $50 trophy. Other offers
of 'financial assistance are being made
and even, thus early there is no
doubt of the success of the affair, judg-
tier from the general enthusiasm and
liberal backing.
The November apple show will mark
the quarter centennial of the Oregon
State Horticultural Society, and special
exercises will be held on that account,
It is thought nothing could be more
fitting to celebrate the completion
of the twenty-fifth year of the
society's existence than the launching
of a big apple show that will be held
each year, spreading the fame of Ore
eon's fruit.
Jfitty-box exhibta from the aopie
districts of the state will be arranged
for and in this way the whole state
will enter into the show and partic
ipate freely in the competition for
The hotel men of the city have named
a special committee consisting ot t'hil
Metsenan, Jr. : u. J. Kautman, js. u.
Jorgerwen and M. C. Dickerson. This
committee was busy yesterday, and
the hotels already are lined up for the
apple show. The well known hosts in
offering trophies for the best apples
and a good-natured rivalry has been
engendered in this way that will go
far toward making the show a great
Commercial bodies outside of Port'
land it is believed will donate trophies
for county dipslays. They will be
invited to do so soon, so that the pro
moters will know what to depend upon
r. - I A 11 iL. If.
x resilient aiwcii, oi uie norucui
tural Society, leaves Saturday for the
East, but he will return a full month
before the apple show opens and
mean while will be busy with plans for
its success. Oregonian.
Freedom Live and Let Live.
1 appeal to the mass of the people
brought' with me. Now as to the
story that was started about me pop
ing corn in lard, 1 want to say that I
have a chemical process I take the
butter through and it requires three
different chemicals and some pure leaf
lard and I cant get any pure leal
lard in Hood River or at least 1 have
not so far ; it is mixed with tallow,
nd I can t use it m my chemical pro
cess. Now, remember that to maice
the sugar you all use the suagr refinery
uses tons of bone and tons of lime
stone rocks. But there is none in the
sugar when you buy it. Now when I
bought W pounds of butter of a grocer
and had taken it through the chemical
process I had 6 pounds of waste and 1
took and showed it to the man I bought
the butter from. But he never told
anybody. But is ready to help carry
the story that I use lard instead of
butter to pop my corn in so the sugar
refineries use bones and rocks and then
you must be eating bones and rocks
when you buy sugar. I learned to run
my popcorn wagon from a man that
had run one 38 years before I started
in and will give you first class corn
just as long as I stand on the streets
and if you are not satisfied with
quality then join the Boy Caterer and
will leave town. Thanking you lor
the past, and will appreciate your fu
ture trade. Mont Smith.
of Hood River city and county. Do
you want the popcorn man to make
living, or are you going to join the
boycott that is started? I have run a
popcorn wagon four years before 1
came here and was never denied the
right to buy goods at wholesale prices
until I came here. As there is no
wholesale house in Hood River nor no
grocery that will sell to me at whole
sale prices, but some grocerymen say
if 1 don't buv from them or let them
send for goods they don't handle and
give them a rake off they will bocyott
me and stop others from buying. Now
I ciime here fin advance of mv rela'
tives and my friends that would come
if 1 gave a good report, of the county
in general. But if you are going to
stop patronizing me iust on the re
quest of one or two in Hood River
and do not let quality be your choice
all O. K. When I can't pay expenses
in good weather I will not stay, but if
my future trade is as good as it has
been in the past, when bad "weather
sets in 1 will not complain.Jbut wait
until spring, and then if you weclome
me as you have in the past I will buy
me a home in Hood River and many
of mv friends and relatives will come,
Mv brother was a volunteer in the
Iowa 22nd regiment in 1863 up to the
close of the war, and he has children
who are married and they all want
to come west. But if I can't make
living just because certain presons say
I must buy through them or leave
town, and the peope Jin general will
join them in boycotting me, I wil tell
my relatives back in the east and they
will advertise iust how things are in
the west that if they come they have
no rights, only just as certain peopl
give them. There are many persons
here who are anxious to know just how
much I am making, but never inquire
as to what mv expenses are in general
Well, now, if I am making money or
not, if I have as good trade the rest
of the summer as I have had in the
nast I will buv property and if I don't
buy you may know I am not making
very much. Now I came here the 22nd
of April and my expenses up to date
hnvA hixn S275"fi0 and that doesn't
include 1000 pounds of popcorn I
Our Reputation and Money is Back of
This Offer.
We pay for all the medicine used
during the trial, if our remedy fails to
completely reileve you of constipation.
We take all the risk. You are not
obligated to us in any way whatever,
if you accept our offer. Could any
thing be more fair for you? Is there
any reason why you should hesitate to
put our claims to a practical test?
The most scientific, common-sense
treatment is Rexall Orderlies, which
are eaten like candy. They are very
pronounced, gentle and pleasant in ac
tion, and particularly agreeable in ev
ery way. They do not cause diarrhoea,
nmisoft. flatulence. Brining or any in
convenience whatever. Rexall Orderlies
are particularly good for children,
now! and delicate persons.
We urge you to try Rexall Orderlies
at our risk. Iwo sizes, luc. ana oc
Remember, vou can get Rexall Rem
ediea in this community only at our
store-The Rexall Store. Carl A.
Willammette Growers Want Aid. j
The Willamette Valley Applegrow-
ers Association last weeK named a
committee of three to draft a bill for
presentation at the next Legislature.
The bill will ask for an appropriation
to be used under the di-ection of the
Experiment Station in investigating
horticultural troubles, particularly as
to fungus growths.
Kepresentative iiawley, who was
present, will secure samples of these
fungus growths and forward them to
the Department of Agriculture at
Washington for the purpose of secur
ing Federal aid in this investigation.
Dumas Pomona Orchard Sold.
According to dispatches from Day-
tun, Wash., the Pomona orchard near
that place has been sold by J. L. Du
mas for $150,000. The place contained
140 acres. I he buyers were Dr. C. .
Schlitz, of Wenatchee, L. M. Vannice
and E. S. Hubbard, of Dayton. Mr.
Dumas has been president of the
Washington Horticultural Society and
the poor quality of the apples he mar
keted in New York last year was the
subject of much comment by the fruit
trSde papers.
ion Never Can Tell
iust exactly the cause of your rheu
matism, but you know you have it. Do
you know that Ballard's Snow Liniment
will cure it? relieves the pain reduces
the swelling and limbers the joints and
muscles so that you will be as well and
active as you ever were. Price 2;c, 50c
and fl.UO. Sold by Chas. IN. Ularke.
Glacier Ownership Maps.
Up to date blue print, present owner
ship maps of the Hood River valley are
for sale at the b lacier oihce. Xhis map
is in two sections, the lower and the
upper valley. It lias the roads and
streams marked and the names of land
owners written over their tracts. The
price of the map complete is $1. It will
be sent to any address postpaid upon
receipt of the price,
Farm Land Bargains
Camas, Clarke County
Fruit, Dairy & Vegetable
Farms-No irrigation
Five Acres, 15 minute walk from
town. tl,700: half cn0h. 'fins little farm
is all in cultivation, four acres in bear
hie fruit. Six rom house and other
buildings. This is a fine little place
and a bargain.
Twenty Acres, three and a half
miles from Camas, none improved, but
has a very fine body of timber, worth at
least $1,000 for wood or lumber. This
is a fine piece of land, and will make a
good farm, when cleared. On good road,
near school and church. Price $1200 ;
half cash, balance two years.
Sixty Acres, four miles from
Camas, twenty acres in cultivation, 10
acres more cleared ready for the plow.
Good six room house with bath, wood
shed, fruit room, large barn and imple
ment shed, blacksmith shop with tools.
Two creeks and a spring. Included with
the place is a team of horses, three
cows, chickens, chickens and a full
equipment of farming tools. Good fam
ily orchard and fruit of all kinds. Price
96000. Cash $4,000, balance two
Big list of Farm Property and matter
descriptive of the country sent free on
Patton & McAllister
Even if They Arc
the lots in Adams Addition
are quite as desirable as
any in town. They front
east in Thirteenth Street
and are high and sightly
without presenting the dif
ficulties of a climb. And
with the now assured grad
ing of Adams street west
to the city limits they
should very greatly in
crease in value. Fair terms
to purchasers. See
Elliott Building Hood River, Or.
Eastern Excursion Trip
NEW YORK 108.5ft
Proportionate rates to other
Selling Dates: July 22, Aug. 3, Sept.
8. Final return limit, Oct. 31
Optional Routings Stop-Overs
Write For Particulars
T. P. A. Gen. Agt.
14 Wall St., Spokane
pecial This
At Specially Reduced Price
Don't neglect getting your waist and suit for the
Fourth. Now is the time. First come, first served
ragg Mercantile