The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 28, 1910, Page Two, Image 2

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ARTHUR D. MOE, Publisher.
SnWripllon, SI. 50 Per Vear
The victory of Chester HugginB last
Saturday in the'milo race at Stanford
University, where he met the flower of
Um preparatory schools of California
in a demonstration of what can be ac
complished by a young man who by
determined perseverance goes it alone
a id after outstripping all of his fellows
In Oregon, leaves the older men of the
state to take his dust and finally goes
to an adjoining state noted for swift
footed and returns with the
medal. It li m.ich easier to decorate
the front of a cigar store holding up
the co! end of a pipe than it is to go
out to the athletic field each afternoon
and run several miles to return foot
sore and weary to study lessons in the
evening. It is not easy to abstain
from the rich and delicate foods which
one is served with and to go to bed
when the rest of the world is just he-
ginning to have a good time. Yet it
was by such .sacricfies as these that
Muggins made himself able to run a
mile in four minutes and thirty-nine
seconds. Hugging had no trainer to
show um! to e icourage him and he had
no one in his class to run with him.
He did not stop satisfied when he could
run faster than any other youth in
Hood River. He did not stop when he
won from tho youths of the neighbor
ing counties. He did riot stop when
ha won from all comers in the state of
Oregon. Nor will he stop since he
has won from the lads of the Pacific
Coast. He will get lots of glory and
encouragement now since the victory
i s his, but remember the many hours
he spent alone on the track running
when his lips and tongue were parched
and nobody stood by to encourage him.
He had faith in himself to win in the
end, and after all that is the most
Important, for if you do not have the
faith in yourself to try nobody else in
the wide world can try for you, even
though you have the exaggerated faith
of a father ami a mother.
Beware of the Coupon Graft.
Outside piano houses come to Hood
itivur and advertise that they are giv
ing away large checks worth a hun
dred dollars or more, on the purchase
of a piano. Don't be fooled by them.
They give their own case away when
they advertise that they will accept
the coupons issued by any other firm on
the purchaae of a piano from them.
Don t think they are giving you any
thing, for as a matter of fact they are
K' tting extra large profits. 1 refer
you to ('. fj. Dakin, who recently
boitght a piano on the coupon plan
giving full check for $125 and paying
$r0 more than I sell the same instru
ment for. I deal directly with big
factories of the east and work no
coupon game. When you want a piano
conn- to tho old reliable Soule Piano
House where, the lowest prices are
QUOtfld on st indard instruments. I am
in business f2 weeks in the year in
Hood River, and if you should not be
satisfied you know whore to find me.
S. H. Soule.
Soule's Piano House.
Will Augment Elks' Herd.
About SO members of the Klks lodge
and prospective members will journey
to TlM Dalles this evening, where a
b,g initiation will take place. There
. i at pic se it about i() wearers of the
i ii.'s tooth in the Hood River valley
and probably 80 candidates from here
will be introduced into the mysteries
t .is evening. The local crowd may
have aipeci il car and Hood River with
its big crow I of initiates will occupy
toe eeiitei of the stage at the big
nMMlirw lii ine up-river town t ght.
i ollowi n i.; a partial list of the "join
ers" : P. S. Davidson, Charles Hall,
Chuxlai t ..:!, J. K. Robertson, K. E.
N wi.j, Carles Morse, E. C Smith,
TrUifloi Uotler, K. O. Illanchar, J. H.
imnt, R. D. Gould, ('. E. Coddm.
Cnurl T BeWly, W. L. Clark and
C an s (',, tner, If is also rumored
n. .a ii nu iber of other prosjiective
nieiiinein w.u join uio pilgrimage anil
surprise tlidir wives with the new
lodge allilur ions.
Hon will find Devlin & Kirebaugh in
their lew offices on the Cascmle
Avenue le of the Hotel Oregon
Angela May at the Gem.
The tojri ig "overland" auto bring
lug Angela May, the comic opera
m ,goi, in n noise, id., on her over
i. trip to Portland, will reach HixhI
U.m i ,.i..iy. Miss May has heard of
t e Ull OUf Hood Kiver apples and
uecitli il to i ome here and see for her-
hi I, a. cose range, the famous apple
u. enaidi , This is the first interstate
bum .iifi ul any artist in the musical
,i 'l uu.i and it has caused wide
,. ai i..i traat, That lloml River is
. among the luckev ones.
cg.ite tiuifl the extOnaivi advancing
lit piogretaivo citizens nave given it
i... . iu, w.le. It is not often an artist
0. i, : ,oi sical world appears in any
1. ul l., . urge cities, but Angela May
U,.4 L -n prevailed upon losing here
i ,; bai short stay and she will be
. e.i.i 'riday and Saturday nights
at mi lie i ineaire, iiy special arrage
.. I. .i will be a 'east of song mic
iiSM'; 1 1 oi i comic interns anil mnsirjil
cuUMtiicK, vbit'h she has made famous
in iii eoul to const. Angela May on
jovs a high lOCliJ as well as musical
petition a ul ii numbered among the
' uUOt lis of song".
A Happy Dance.
Miss tl eater Howe gave a very
pleasant dancing party Thursday even
.ii;; al her home a mile southwest tf
luwn in hiiior of Miss Edna Cloves, f
Oorvailia, The Howe house has been
louUiK during the past few months
and the large new dining room offered
an excellent opportunity to the fifty
young people who enjoyed the party",
the hoUee was prettily decorated
with growing plants and blossoms and
UianclicB. In the dancing hall the
yellow ..liu green scheme with Oregon
; i ape and buttercups predominating
Wall very artistic The guests received
t hard painted dance orders which
we:e extremely cleverly done. A
n iicioi.s punch was served during the
. ..v. oii.g from a table flecked with
aipid I loeeoma and at midnight a bup
p r , il tai dwicheB and salad whs served
Ld lUr.cirn. Among Jthe guests from
a aistance were Col. and Mra. W. F.
.raid Miss Rosemary Baldwin,!
oi Portland,
"In London Saturday a week ago
took place the wedding of a former St.
Helen's Hall girl, Miss Margaret
Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. Wallace, of Hood River, Ore., to
Harold Koenemann ,of Cologne, Ger
many. The ceremony was performed
at Christ's Church, Waburn Square, at
2:30 p. m. on April 16th, and a wed
ding breakfast followed at the Hotel
Russell to which 25 guests here bidden,
who for the most part were relatives
of Mr. Koenemann, who came from
Germany for the event. For the past
six months, Mrs. Koenemann has been
traveling abroad with her parents and
her aunt, Mrs. Laura Darden. She is
also a niece of Mrs. O. A. Lyman,
Mrs. W. C. Holman and Miss Jessie
Holman. Mr. and Mrs. Koenemann will
spend their honeymoon touring the
United States. In June they will come
to Portland and divide their time for
the coming six months here and at
Hood River. Later they will return to
Cologne. " Oregoriian.
Goldendale Takes Game.
The Hood River ball team lost in its
game with Goldendale Sunday after
noon at that place by a score of 14 to 2.
White Salmon won from The Dalles
and held their position at the top of
the list in the Colubrnia River League.
Hood River is tied with the other two
teams, each having won one and lost
two games. Hood River plays at The
Dalles next Sunday. "Tamp" Osborne
is no longer captain of the local team
and Johnnie Castner is holding down
that position. Billie Myers pitched
the game Sunday.
Notice of Final Account of Administratrix
In tho County Court oftheHtaie of Oregon
for Hood Rlvor County.
In tho matter of the Estate of II. I.. Crappei
Notice In hereby given that I , the under
signed, admlnlHtrHttir of the estate of II. I,,
crupper, deceased, have died with the County
Court for the mat of Oregon for Hood lllver
County, a flnal account, and have asked for
final seltlemeiitof said estate; aud I lie Conn,
ty Court, by an order dated the 27th day l
AprlL 1910, has appointed Saturday, the 28th
day or May, IHIO, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the
County Court Houe IB the City of Hood Rlv
er, County of Hood River, Mate of On gon, as
the time und place for hearing any and all
objection to Buch final account or to the set
i lenient of said estate In accordance there
with, ahd all persons having audi objection
thereto are hereby notified to tile aiiine on or
before aald date. In accordance with aald
order of Court, tbla notice la published for
four auuceaalve weeka, beginning with laauc
of date 'st a day of April, A. I lino.
iiia m. i nArrnn.
Administratrix of the Katiileof
a.'Hin-'f. 11 . L. Crapper, Deceased.
Notice of Completion or Blocks I and 8,
Pleasant View, Twelfth St. Improvement
Notion In hereby Hlver. that W. ii. Aid r1.
contractor, ban filed wiiUen notice, tbla 26lh
day or April, ituo. ot the completion or the im
provement of Twelfth Htreet In lrontofand
ndlolnlnc Hlockn I and 8, I'leaMantvlew, In the
Clly of Hood Hlver, OreKon, under hlacontracl
with thlH city heietorore rnaae and enterca
Into, md that the amount due nald contractor
for aald Improvement upon lta acceptance la
hereby atated to be the aum of S-.'ul 84, made
up hh follow: Kor ttie Improvement of aald
Block 8, VVMI.IrH. For the Improvement of aald
Block I, 9lti21f Kti. And notice la further given
ihu! aft obU'ctloua to 'he acceptance of
aald blocka under the contract with the
aald contractor on the part of nald City
may oa men in tne omceoi me unamifDM
City Hecorder by any intcrcated party at any
time within aeven daya from the date of
filing ha Id notice, towlt, within aeven daya
rrorn thetfth day of April. ivn
Thla notice la publlahed in the flood Hlver
Glacier for Ave conaecullve laauea thereof, thf
date of the flrat publication helna the 'Jath
11. If. 1 A t I I .1 ,f.
day of April, 1W10.
City He!ordM.
lit thet'lrcull Court of the Htate of Oregon
for Hood KlverCouuUr
I A I'uuu rtlatntifT r u t f 11 1 . u 1 1 , i. i ... r.r a r
J. c. Hayer and .Ichhc Greenbatim, nefeniiantH.
TO 1 1 hum HtTKhberger, .I.e. Hayer um! Jeaac L.
(inwnliuum, the above named nefeiidantH.and
each of you, are hereby reoutred to appearand
anawer the complaint filed agalnat you In the
above entitled court aud cauae on m before
thefthday of June, 11)10, aald date being the publication of thla aiiHimoitH
and being alx weeka from the 2Kth day of
April, mil), which mat mentioned date la the
dale ot the drat publication ot thla aummona;
and it you (all o ttppear and anawer, for want
thereof the pUilntln will applv to the court
for the relief prayed for In plalnt i fl u com
plaint 1-wlt: That aald defendant- ml la h
ul them he required lo ael up and abow what
right, title enf ale or Interest they Of cither of
I hem have lo I be following hounded aud
dehcrlhed trad of laud: Hegtnnltn. at a unlnl
nh the north Hup o the iiorih lialf of the
OOtbWItl quarter of Section t wenty-two, In
row nab In two North, of Hange ten Kaat of the
Willanielle Meridian, 40 roda wcNt of th
nuitheHst OOintr Of Wtd north half of the
-oullheasl iuarter and ruunlng t hene- west itdH; lliencc aoath 1 1
roda, r PtfL ;t Inchea; thence eaat 40 roda;
i mi iter north rods, is fiet, :i ineheatolhe
place of beginning, containing eight acrea,
more or leaa. The ahove deacrlptlon la in
tended to cover all of blocka 11 und rj of the
plat bf tnupor HihmI Hlver Fark, which wan
IUhI for teeord in the deed records of .Vuhco
County, Mate ot Oregon. Dec. Urd, LN1, and
duly rOBOrdod In luaik "S" ut page i47, and
auhafquently vacated by the ccunty e- nil 0l
laid county and Mate. All of aald land now
lying ami being In Hood Hlver County, State
of MrcKOu. AdveiNe to the title and Intereat
of the plnlntltl; Hint it he decreed and ad-
lodged that aald ditemlnntN, or either of
them, have no riuiit, illle, eUte or MitereM. in
and to aald pioperty; that plalntltl ri title la
tfooti anil valid, ami thi defendant, oi
Mtbtf of them, Og forever enoln 'd fiom ac
Hcrlluif any claim whatever t auld profafl)
adverse to III la plalldltl.
Thla auniniouH la served u poo yuu, Hat
HvrabOargtTt J C. Hnycrand .leaac L. 41recn
bllUll, by puhheatlon themtt in (he Buod
ItlVOI lilac er or ill OUMMCttUVfl wteka, DC
in ai veii lauea ihereot, order of the Hon
oratile W 1. H adahaw, Judge of the ClrcuC
Court of the State of t trey on, for the County o
Hot ..I Kiver, which order whn made aud beara
date of April 7Mh. DM '
aJtt Attotneva for tiHtn ir
Oakdale ureenhouse
Rotee. -IiiiiIih ami IhiIIih now ready (or
fall pliintiiie I'liinl now nud luivt
liliHima next year llvaciiitli NarciMii,
I.' i.. i t(Z ,e..u.. i i ii I..
i .ii ii '..ii. i i, i'lc million nuuu. inn.iv
phlox, .rii,nutca, lockRiu, orienta
iiopulea, aiianlrai;n'ii 1 ll Ikm'U, etc. A
lew Wliitc Vvaii(liitteC(cliPrel8 $1 to f.'l
BAeh, I'ot planU at Kraiu hletcliri
A Pleteher.
For Sale.
tine mile iroin IIihhI tUVAt lli;li
ohooi, Pike rice. Ten acie laapievid
itli l'urint or near beariBf tree,
inquire or write fil7 I'ine tre-t.
un n il PoatUoa by man and wife on farm
atXpartaBHed In farm work. Aildrtwi 1 J
Wiinl, CiHilliUr, Waali. mill
Um hc Knr Halt Ui od, gentle, mm nil, rulla
hie raaoh mare, about t.doti lb, Ws. rate,
phone l"t a-'i.
I h hiiI in ira.le my tine B.year old mare,
wclithl ildti I ha, eirellent iimdltlon, for one
nMHlile and used to ranch work. PtMMM
MK!M. mil.
Kor Male one 1'.t. Inch Halu wagon with
w.hhI rack, ultahie lor berry or apple bam
lux. Had very little wear. Alao nice, neat
i.nav in kihiiI eondtllmi, A1m) Net of hltivl.
hameHH nearly new. These will bi ul at
nnrgaln Knipilre at Ihe KM'hftinl store.
rmiue iKtA. miv
I, . ., w l,.,. I.! I I1m.... 1 ....I..... -
IM a uib I' IHI.nil MR 1,111 ' .
t ii halohlnc. Rent laylna alratne. J l.i'm
.... iu-Vt iu
II I , l.l .... Ill IP
llavliif added In our Mock of Plymouth
U new lilimd we have nnw fur aale
a ( -w i iH'kerelt and pulleta which are bound
lo make wlnaem, had (a enrrtct marklngii.
yellow let ii and beakH The makeup of theae
bird la arand. HutiiUctlou in Knarantml
KiK-kfbm roullry Yarda, Hood Hlver. PilK
for Male Horse, welaht alamt 9H0. aud wa
gon aud bat item, all lor 1140, I'hona Udell In
Vt' anted -To buy a good wood rack: basket
ntyle preferred. Vhon.KSM. mis
Kor Hale Turn Mitchell vraviinii' nnn J", anil
.'( IV aliet practically new. Klpha Orchard
CO. Phou. OU.II Oil. ml
Sec our Hpecials on
TnSd Summer Knit Underwear
Some that arete aUghtly damaged in
a wreck
&fe Paris Fair
The Store that Saves You Money
Visit Our
Millinery Department
if you wish the fotgeat display to
choose from fit lowest prices.
Copyright 1908 by
Hart Schafincr Si Marx
You Ought To
Come In
And select your new Suit for this
Bum wet wear while oai stock is
complete. We are selling lots of
suits now :uil you shouldconieand
si'IitI ViHt. We nre Willioir to
sin u you our stock and quote you
nu; f)iiee- it ud then let you look
iii'oniid. know you an? ju Ijtre
enough to readily see that we have
tin hi tst made clothes Of) the market
and Wfll (Item at the very lowest
price. We guarantee a, perfect fit
and our goodn are gaeranteed to
be just exactly as represented.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits
Yon k now what these are.
$16.50, $17, $18, $20, $22, $25
OTHER MAKES of the best val
ues vnii have ever seen for
We have a nice assortment of long
Silk Gloves
All colors and sizes; good clean
stock that we want, to close out.
$1.15 values for 60c
$1 .25 values for 70c
$1.35 values for 80c
$2.00 values for $1.00
There iH a bargain in these that will
pay you to look at.
We have soim- of the highest grade
that yotl CttU find; fancy nnd em
bossed top, fine aud coarse teeth,
worth 50c each. Special for one
week commencing Saturday, OC
April 30th, your choice .
See our line of Men's. Ladies', Boys' and Girls'
All kinds, suitable for field or dress wear for 5c, lOc
15c. 20e and up
Children's Hose
A good 10c Hose anywhere; color
light blue, sizes 4 to i. Your O
choice, the pair Vw
Children's and Misses'
Fine ribbed, silk finished lisle double
heel and toe hose that are worth
regularly 95c a pair. These are
seconds'and have some slight de
ft cts in them. Your choice, C
the pair
Ladies' Hose
Kan;:y Lace and embroidered; any
thing from a good grade, well made
and shaped cotton Hose for 10c a
pair up to the finest lisle thread and
silk Hose.
sfc a (C? a - Din a b er I I
iho. .ts i w . .ni x. una .nn i i
Star Attraction
Gem Theatre
Comic Opera Singer
Will Arrive "on Time" on her "Overland" Trip
To Appear
5 .
Friday and Saturday Nights
April 29th and 30th
jjj 6 ''
i v.... .
Giving her Famous Song
Features and Imitations of
Weiring the "Ditectoire"
and Paris Gown Creations
Notice of Sewer Assessment, Division 8.
Notice is hereby given that the special fewer Committee of the Common Council of the
City of Hood River, Oregon, duly auiuorizad. U i8 Hied with the City Recorder their report
showing the property directly benefitted by cnnsl ruction of Division of the Sewer System of
the City of Hood Hlver upon the street hereinafter set oot In said report, and that th' proper
ty described and found by said Committee to be specially directly benefitted by the con
atructlon of said sewer and the extent and amount of suoh benefits, ara found to be by said
Committee as set out In their report as follow:
Report of Special Sewer Committee.
To Ihe Honorable Mayor and Common Council of th City of Hood River, Oregon:
Your Special Committee on Sewers, pursusnt to Instructions contained in Ordinance No.
7 of the City of Hood River heretofore duly and regularly paaned, providing for the laying
down of all the necessary sewers to provide a system of ewers lor Division H of the General
Sewer District ol the City of Hood River, aud providing that the coat thereof shall be assessed
agslusl the property directly benefitted by such sewer, and also Instructing the undersigned,
your Committee, to repoit to your honorable body what property Is directly benelllted by
such construction of sirtd section of said sewer system and the extent and portion of said
benetlis lo and upon encli Int. part of lot or acreage properly so directly benefitted, beg lo
report that Ihey have viewed the streets and locaiiun of said proposed section of said sewer
system to be laid in He following streets, to-wlt:
(1) A sewer In Pai k Street from a point 100 feet North of May Street North along Park
Avenue and Ninth Strtet to a point In Ninth Street opposite the North line ol Lot 9, Block 1,
oath Waueoma Addition to the City of Hood R ver, to connect with SeclloB 1 of said Sewer
(2) A sewer In Kugeue Street from a point 50 feet West of Seventh Street to the proposed
sewer in Ninth Street.
(3) A sewer in Mnth street from a point 100 feet North of May Street to a northerly
terminus of Ninth street and thence Northwesterly across Waueoma Park to the proposed
sewer In Ninth Street.
(4) A sewer In Tenth Street from a point 100 feet North of May Street northerly in Tenth
Street and across Waueoma Park to the proposed sewer in Park Avenue.
(Al A sewer In Montello Avenue from a point M feet East of Eleventh Street to the pro
posed sewer in Paik Avenue.
(6) A sewer in Prospect Avenue beginning it a point 70 feet West from the West line of
Park Avenue East along Prospect Avenue 1(10 feet lo the sewer in Park Avenue.
And alter careful examination thereof, and of the property adjacent thereto directly ben
efitted by said sewer system, hereby report that the approximate cost of const ruction of said
sewer is t),4760f snd that each lot, fraction of lot or acreage property specially benefitted by
the construction of said sewer In said Division, In their opinion, Is directly specially ben'.
fitted by the construction of said sewer to the extent and In the amounts set opposite the
respective lots, fraction of lot or acreage property as follows, to-wlt:
South Waueoma Addition
Section "U" SU Lot 1
Block I
14 feet
S :
i .nt i
.. 4
l.nt ;i
Lot :t
' 4
By special arrangement the
prices to hear and see this
ARTIST will be
10c and 25c
This is a
Comic Opera
Musical Comedy
Performances will begin at
7 o'clock sharp each niht
Waueoma Puik
Block 1
Itliick 2
L it U
' II
' IS
" 4
" II
l.i.t :i
" 4
' 6
" 6
Owner Assessment
John a. Wilton l
Martha J. Johnson 84.80
Martha J. Johnson 84 80
M'S. K '. Hellr. 84 80
school tsti-lct No. S, 84 80
School District No. 8 84 so
SJcnOnl District No. 1 6U.3S
J. F.JUtchHiler 84 80
II. M. tnxley .' 84 80
II. M. lliuley 11.85 711
II. C. roe 81 80
on K. S iibv M 80
Wm. K II.ii, ! 84,80
Kohl Rdlitj 8.86
llatlie Hosjrrs
c. Ii Hick i Iwn IW.80
Win. K. "mid 4i.40
W M. F Hand 4160
It lock 8
' 11
' IS
' 14
' 15
' I
1 4
' S
' 0
' 8
1 10
H.J lllbbard
11 J. Illbharil
H.J. Hlhimr I
Cliss. A. Klult"
( has A. sunt,
rims. i. shuts. . .
Sarah B Widaou.
Hugh A. M.wre...
high ,v. Moore
Hugh A. Moon-..
N C. Evans
N ('. Evaus
N. C. Evans
N. C. Evans
Simpson Connie
Mtmpani Coppk
38 h
K 6
38 14
3 15
38. IS
38 1ft
Simpson Cop pit IS 05
V C. Evans Id. 10
Slmpsnn Copple ?8 IS
Simpson t'opple .VI IS
Simpson Copple 88.1
Ida ((.Soule :8 1ft
Ida (4. Soule :;8.l
Orpha Seymone I 8. IS
John W. Bu.-i 13 HO
John W. l: ics .5.85
John W. Buck . 2!.m
Lontae Kreeae 34 15
Amelia SiuigH
Amelia Sturgls 381ft
Cass Addition
lllin-k "A" Lot
C, 30 feel
E. 30 fed
Block "B"
E. 10 reel
Coa t Third Addition
Block "U" "
W. W. Nason
W . W. Nason ....
Uiace M. Kelr...
Miriam R. IVab o
Zi na C. Sitr. oi.l. .
c. A. ( ass
C. K Cnm
J. K. Nickel n...
J. R. Nickels, n. ..
J. R. Nlcktlsm ..
C. L. Morse
Henry 1111
C. L. Morse
Will be shown during this Engagement, with a CHANGE OF SONGS
and Costumes and Pictures each night
r. rSale Team, weigh MO, 3 Inch wagon
hack siwl harness. Telephone .m ,. mi
Eor Sal, Srroud hsnd Eim rsun unrluhi
pirno. W. B. Hint, Underwood, Wath "i
EorSale-Bwf cow; alto light horse tnltablt
lor saddle or bugs v. W A. Melville, D. 1.
Davidson place. Willow Flat. a.'e j
Wagon Kor Sale - Nearly new 3 Inch tire
l!lrdell wagoa with Led and top 1kx. Al
condition. J.J. Knapp, phone 8C8SX
Wnled-To wink on the swnehbniii .1 t
girls. Inquire at Central otHce. Home Ttle
phone Co. till
Tot Sale-Brown Leghorn and Indian Run.!
ncr Duck eggs for hstrhlng. Jl 50 vr set ting
r". C. House, phone 2131.. mi:
For Sale-Team of mules, I and i'. vesrs
Weight 05(1 each; well broke: phone IIBM P,
8 Wilkinson. mis
Fnt SilcItlinite Island Red eggs for hatch
ing ihe kind thai grow winter layers select
ad from the heal strains; fcrtllliy guarantee.i:
HJO tor it I'houc S01SM. E. I'. Batten. J8
l or " lie Tlioro.ightved Plymouth Rock
cock, two year old luqnlre B. J. Dalian
Phone AIM. mh
Kor Sale Ancora goats, man y of them reg
Ister. I .ind brad by a mi tnberof the Amertean
Angora .lost Association. Having cleared n
farm of MX) acres of oak brush hind on what Is
now known ss Hie Mountsln V ew Orchard
I hey are now for sale In large or snnill
niinilH is, st very reasonable (wtces, as the
land Is tielng tot. I In miiiiII iraets and we are
.Il -pus ng of the goals. Mplv lo "re Mosler
Hills l.snd A Orchsrd Co., W. II. Kerslske.
Malinger, Mosler, (ire. aS8
Kor Sale-Seed potattass; Wasco Beauty and
Rural New Yorkers. Phone Odell 86 tS8
For Sale Cheap Two good teams, one wit.
MB, olheiv240. J. A. Henderson. Blng. n,
Wn. a
Kor 8a le Phaeton snd hsrneas, Mt
A. T.
P. McDonald .
" D. McDontl.t ,
" 8 D. McDonald ..
- H.C. Coe '
" 10 H. C. Coe
Commence at S. E. corner of Coe's Third Addition, K.:ist 50 feet, North 100 fert, West SO
feel. Bout h 100 feel, C. A. Cass
Commence 50 feet Kaat of S. E corner of Block "Q " coe's Third Add l ion, r asi' 50 feet,
North 100 feet, Weat (.0 feet, South 100 feel, Little J. Anderson and Mabel H. Krancla
Waueoma Park City of Hood River
4 '40
'.5 45
'.'6 95
45 8i)
it as
38 1.5
H 40
42 40
42. '0
42 40
33(1 V0
I,H 05
Your Committee further reports thai in their opinion this improvement Is a vary neces-
sary one ami should be made forthwith
Dated this gftth day of April, 1910.
Resiectlully submitted,
Thai notice is hereby given that all persons interested are hereby notified that aald repor
been filed with the Recorder of I he City of Hno I River, and any person or prisons I a. I g
' objections to tbe same may file his or her ohlections with th? City Reorder within i
oays irom me aate or tne nuai i u nication or tins notice, ihe date of tne nrst publlcatl n
thereof being Ihe 28th day ol April, 1010, and the last i ul. leal ion there f be In fie ISth day of
May, 1910. such objections, Il any, to tuid report will o. t nustnltii d be th nn 1 rsigned CUT
Recorder to the common Council of aald City al lis next regular meeting after the explrat n
ul tald six days from the date of dual publication of said notice.
This notice it published In the Hood River Q lacier for ten days, being three Issues there
of, and a copy ot tbe same posted for said time in three public pi-u-es in said city,
H. B. LANUULK, City Recorder.
Kor Sale Bay mare, weight ahont 1100;
good heavy single harness; two seated light
hack good as new ; all for t. 80. Inquire of P.
H. Molir, pboneSotiK. a38
Kor Rent-Pasture tor MM and cattle on
East side. Roy Jackson, phone 207SM. aS8 ermine and rolng fur neck piece.
Call 828 j. m-,
Kor Sale House mid two lots ficlng nek
stni 1 ti.1 flute Street, clone tn: cheap for cam
oreasi terms J. R. Nlckelscn. mis
WantedA giant Watob dog: alto laving
hens. Call Udell 83. aS8
Km ;iie Delivery wagon and double har.
nest. Phone 47 nil;
Kor Sale-Two freeta cows.
Phone 151 Odell.
Date Kemp
Ki r Rent A nicely rarnlsbetl Irani room.
Of Cascade Ave. mi
Kor ale-Palr gray geldlnga; 8 years old;
200 lbs ; sound and abwilute!y ikarteaa. Call
187SM. mi
Wanled-tllrl for general housework.
H D. W. Plneo.
Kor SaleGood work horse. W.
Kor Hale-Egga for setting. Knll.bloo ied
Khoiie IslanrTReds. Uns Miller. Phone 2I3M.
lart Standav evening, ladles enamel belt
buckle. Return lor reward to 228 Montello
s venue, or telephone 270M.
Km lUni-Nicely fsrnlsbed rooms. Phone
MM. mis
Kor Sale-Oat hay. Phone Odell 128. nil a
Warned Man with team to trnrk log by
day or contract. Mt. Hood Milling Co. Phone
.WOdeli. MSltt
Department ol tbe Intel We ,
Culled States Land Office, The Dalles, Ureao-a,
April 121 li 1910.
Notice Is hereby given that the "isle of
Oregon lias died In this office Its appllesl on.
Serial NtkMM to select under Ihe provisions
of tbe Act of Congress of August 14, IMS. . nd
the Acts supplementary and amendaiory
1 Hereto,
The NEUNWVi. and HWN ft', Sec. 22 Tp.
Tp.S pi in RtngeD East Willamette Merld.m.
Auy and all persons claiming ad verse I the
lands described or desiring lo object brcioiae
of the mineral charaelcr rst the land, or or
any other teason, to the d!ssaial lo applle ut
should flle their affidavits of protest in ilil
ofllc on or before the 30 day of Mav, 1910
a21ru9fi C. W. MOORE, Raj, lit
Bee Supplies If yon need anything In ihe
line of bee supplies let me know atonei . 1
can help you and save t oo money. W w
Dskln. Box 222. R. D. No. 2. mil
Wantt d A good driving botte. Phoni 141,