The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 03, 1910, Supplement, Image 8

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    Supplement to The Hood River Glacier, March 3, 1910
If You Are in a
Great Hurry
For Groceries, send your
order tons, no matter how
little it may be, We make
quick response in urgent
cases; so don't put up with
any old kind of Groceries
just because you are in a
hurry for them. Let us have
the order and you yet the
best, hurry or no hurry.
Phone 53.
Star Grocery
Perigo & Son
J lie Columbia River Base Hall
League was organized Saturday at a
meeting beld in Wbite Salmon ot tbe
representatives of tbat place, Uood
Kiver, lhe Dalles and Goldendale
W. U. Meyer weut from beie waa
elected vine-president of tbe organiza
tion. The otber officers are: M
B. Brooks. Golden"sle, president:
M. J. Van Vorst, Wbite Salmon,
secretory; B. Kice, Tbe Dalles,
treasurer ;
According to tbe rules adopted by
tbe organizers tbe teams will be
irnateur and tbe number ot outside
players on eacb team will be limit
ed to.two. the schedule has not
tien 'definitely arranged exept that
tbe games will be played on Sun
lays troni April 10 to June 20 inclus
iii, with a game on July 4th. Mr.
Meyer who was the oaptaio of the
llnod Kiver team last year will have
charge o? the taui and he is anixous
t 'vet into communication with any
diamond artists iu tbevalley, who
are interested iu forming tbn Uood
Kiver team.
Two Bargains
A Snap: 31U acres near Odell Odell,
only $180 ptr ten all under the ditch.'
The best buy in the lower valley. Terms.
40 text, ih orchard land, all under
ditch, L0 acres cleared, 8 acres in orcb
ard. II acres bearing, rest in young
trees. This will make a line home or
prove a good speculation. Write for
information tn A. SCHILLER, Dee,
Oregon. Phone Odell 1x2.
P. M. Morse
City Engineer Davidson Bldg
Hood Hiver office for Newell,
(iossett & Walsh, Consulting
Engineers of Portland.
The Government pays Railway Mail
Clerks $800 to $1,200, and other em
ployees up to $1. Sim annually.
Uncle Sam will hold spring examina
tions throughout tbe country for Hail
way Mail (JlerkB, Custom House Clerks,
Stenographers, Bookkeepers, Depart
mental Clerks and otber Government
Positions. Thousands of appointment
w ill be made. Any man or woman over
18, iu City or country, can get instruc
tion and Irer information by writing Jat
once to the Bureau of Instruction, 15.c7
Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. Y.
liiTe Is a Funny Proposition.
Man comes iuto this world without
bis consent and leaiea it against hi
wiU During bis stay on eartb bis
time ispeut in one continuous round
of cootiariea and misunderstandings
by tbe balance ot our stecies.
iu his infancy be la an angel, in his
boyhood ha is a devil jiu bis manhood
he is everything from a lizard up: In
bis duties be is a tool ; if he raises a
familv he is a chump; if he raises a
ami 11 check he is a thiet and then the
law nike- the devil with him; If he is
a pour man, be is a poor uiauager aud
baH no sense; if he ll a rich be is
dishonest, but considered smart ; if
he is iu politics ho is a gralter and a
crook; ii be is out of poltlus yon
can't please him, as he is an uudesii
able citizen; if he goes to chinch be
is a h puerile; it be stays Hway from
chinch he is a sinner aud damned ;
if he donates to foreign missions he
does It for show; if he doesn't he is
When he Urst comes Into tbe world
ereryhody wauts to k iss hlm - before
be goes out Ibey all want to kick him ;
If he dies young there is a great
future in-fore . him . it he lives to a
ripe old ag- be is simply iu tbe way
and living to save fuueial expenses
Life is a uuny ro-id, but we ail like
to travH it just the same Kail Rivet
Mrs. V'autbiers, who has been Bert
on-ly ill, is much better, and hopes
to eouie home this week.
James Laugille was on tbe sick list
last wfek
J he chinnok and warm rainB of tbe
last few days are taking the snow rap
idly Ln-t we k Mi9S Mary Allen received
'be news of her father's death, wbiob
occur red in New Voik March 20.
Last Saturday evening Chester Wal
ton sprained his ankle while playing
basket ball and has to go ou crutches.
Don't forget about the boiticultural
meeting aud basnet dinner at tbe ball
on Wednesday, March I), at 10 o'clock
a. m.
The stockholders of the Mt. Hood
Water company beld their annual
meeting last Monday and elected di
rectors as follows: H. C Rush, W. 8
Gribble, J B Dimmick, B. Sandman,
T. ll. Larwood.
Tie To He Decided.
As tbe debating teams of Hood
River and Parkplaoe bad an even
standing after two debates, eacb team
wiuniug one by a decision of Iwo to
one, tbe tie will be decided Saturday
night iu another debate to be beld at
Parkplaoe. The subject of tbe dis
cussion wilt be tbs same which was
used iu the two previous foienslc
olalhtl, Reaclved, That life imprison
ment with a limited power of pardon
should be subs' ituted tor capital
punishment in Oregon Hood Kiver
will support the negative on which it
lost at Parkplaoe before aud the teaais
will be tbe same except tbut Miss
Helen Orr will be on the team from
beie iu the place of Burton laync,
who has left school.
A Surprize Party.
A very pleasant alfalr was tbe sur
prise party given in honor of Mr and
Mis. Win. Kerr, at tba home of Mr.
and Mrs. II. S. h'eed on luesday eve
ning, I ok 22 Mi. and Mis. Kerr
hid leu invited to spend the evening
at Mr. Reed's home and the stirpiise
was a complete success as was shown
ny the astonishment In the ftioes of
tbe worthy couple as the auests, the
ladies of the "Neighborly Club" aud
their lamities, came tiooping in.
The evening proved a delightful one.
The time was spent socially and iu
listening to some of the Hue uumbers
on the new Viotrola recently pnr
chased by Mr. Keed.
Light refreshments were served
a tar which J. L. Caiter told in a few
well choaati remarks of the love and
esteem In wbiob Mr. and Mrs. Ken
are beld by their friends and neigh
bor and wished Iheiu success and
happiucBB iu their new home.
Mrs Kerr responded iu ber nieas
iutg way.
Ileal I slate Transfer.
Real Estate conveyances for the past
week, reported by The Hood Hiver
Abstract Coin puny :
Alhert Kubnke to Apple Lands and
diehard Company, 1U.'I aores Mt
Ceorge U. Simmons, Jr., to 8.
Gilbert Kmilio. north one halt of
Lot ot Riierside, near Dee.
George ll. Simmons, Jr., to Louise
P. .Si -nons, south one half of above
Mary L. Adams to Charles K.
dams; '2 acres Uppei Valley.
0 C aud C T Miller to W T Kent,
20 .nous Mt Uood
William Stewart to Mujorie S Pil
son; '20 aores 1 mile south ot Tucker
D MoDiuald to G M Coleman;
hlook 0, Pleasant View add, KI500.
(ieo W Ditutnick to Julia M Combs
and B K Becker; 26 one third aores
Mt 11 cod; 4740.
John K Slaue to W J McCready ; 12
acres west of K P cemetery.
The Oregon Lumber Co to William
Yates; 100 acres Mt Hood.
Omar L Day et al to Ceo W Dim
i mirk ; lots 1 aud If), Spangler's Subdi
vision ; i tit hi.
Lee II Smith to Charles P MoCau,
24 acres south of Idlewlde cemetery.
Mrs M J Johnson; west half of lot 11
block 7, Town of Parkhurst; &150
Right of way deeds in favor of tbe
Valley hlectrio Railway Co, whith is
to run thtnngh the valley, have started
to make their appeaiance for record;
ten being Hied last week, which grant
ed a 40-foot right of way through sen
tlon 28 and part ot section 21, Tp 1 N,
R 10 K, W M ; also a part of section
34, Tp. 2 N, R 10 K, W M.
A nnmhnr nt tha Innul ..t
mm .... uuu I . llUIOfl Ul
tbe Mystic Shrine weie In Poitlaod
Saturday night for the midwinter oer
euiuuiai ui ,i rvaoer i ample ana they
report an excellent time. The Uood
Kiver delegation iuoluded C. T.
harly, W. J. Baker, Jnhn Otteu, C.
K. Marshall, hi. P. Michell, J. C.
Carson, W. L. Clark, A. Pearson, O.
C. Dean, A. D. Moe, W. K. Sherman,
C. A. Plath, Dr. 11. L. Dumble, Pied
T. Lisoo and C. 11. Stranaban.
Saturday hy vote of 40 to 2 tbe vot
ers of the Uood River Irrigation Die- -
trlct authorized a bond la-me of s'( pi
(HH), the proceeds to be used In tbe
ocmpletlou of the ditches of the dis
trict to provide enough water tor the
whole district. It is not the inten
tiou ot tbe diieut'irB ot tb district
to issue ail the bonds al ouce as it
will net require all of the fuuds to
du the woik now contemplated. Sev
eral years ago the district issued
W0, 000 ill bonds to do the work but
owing to a legal tlaw tuey could uot
lie sold Tbe work will be pushed
through as rapidly as possible in au
ell it to complete the ditch by fall.
The Neighborly Trust.
the "Get Acquainted with Your
Neighbor Trust" coutiuues with un
abating interest. Snow, rain, mud
or ice cannot piereut the Irieudly
meetings and each evening is a round
up of sociability and good fellowship,
rhe meeting l-'iiday night at F. A.
Bishop's was a series of surprises.
1 First was a oontest in reading twenty
I Uve picture advertisements, which
i waa won by Mrs Sclosscr, for which
she received u useful prize. Next
came several trips to Jerioho iu whioh
nut few could travel al tlrst, but at
last all succeeded iu catching on.
I hen a memory test ot forty-oue ar
ticles In whir b Mrs. G. II. LittleUeld
led by scoring 38, for whioh she re
ceived 11 - nosing glass.
Guitar solo by Miss Helen Howe,
recitations bv Miss Helen llershnei
aud the Bubble Song hy Miss May
Harbison, weie eutertainiug. Mrs.
Campbell was ring master and kept
things going lively. 1 he preparations
involved considerable eltoil on the
part of the boat aud hostess, who were
Hilly assisted by the fathei and moth
er, Mr and Mrs. l'orguson and her
sister, Mm Campbeli. It is family
that will bear acquaintance. The
lunch was uot the least part of the
Another meeting was held ou Wed
nesday evening at tbe home of Mr.
and Mrs. Geoige R. Wilbur ou Pros
pect avenue, ouce tbe Galligan strnw
beny aucb, now a nice residenoe seo
tinn with a grand view ot tbe Coluni
bla, with Mt. Adams iu the distance.
Return Idigiigiunent.
The management of the Opeia House
takes great pleauie In announcing a
return engagement of McKenzie's
Merrymakers six nights and Saturday
matiuee, commencing Monday eve
niug March 7. This is the same com
pany that played" I'be JolL American
Tramp", bare last Saturday night
and made such a pronounced hit,
that tbe opera bouse mangement Im
mediately signed contracts with them
for a return engagement. I In- is
one of tbe st longest repretoire com
panies playing the Western Circuit
and can always tie depended upou
to present the latest and popular
plays in a thorough manner Special
scenery is carried for each production
and high class vaudeville aud inuslc
by a B piece orchestra is given between
aots. Popular prima will prevail.
Seats on sale al Claike's Drug Store.
Saturday night a handsome gold
watch will be given away. Watches
can he seen al UiarKe a Jewelry
tidltor I.. II. Sbepard reports that
the cue iiat urn of "Better r'ruit" it
still increasing at the same high rec
ord rate set in January, when 1025
subscriptions were received During
Pebruaiy 1806 dollars rolled In for the
premier fruit paper, while only 200
were secured by agents on the road In
place of twice that number in tbe pre
vious month.