Six HOOD RIVER GLACIER, TgPR8DAY?MARCH 3 1910 H- H. BAILEY W. E. COLBY Bailey & Colby Electric Wiring and Fixtures All Kinds of Electrical Supplies at Moderate Prices Office and Display Room at 1 17 State Street PHONES: Office 222K Residence 26HL I. H. C. Auto Buggy Some Motor Carriages are built simply for pleas ure and service on smooth pavement. The I. H. Auto Buggy is built forgeneral utility and service on all kinds of roads. A good hill climber with a good clearance will go anywhere a team and wagon will go. Tire trouble and expense almost entirely eliminated. It is sold from permanent stock through established trade channels, and in case of accident or damage repairs can be had in a few hours, which is not the case where ma chines are sold and delivered from Eastern hous es who do not have a permanent stock of ma chines and extras where they can quickly be reached in case of need. I. H. C. Auto Buggy in stock and for sale by d. Mcdonald F resh Four and Feed a a : JiK.'.'M -14- if H The Celebrated White River & Golden Crown Brands. - . . Made From Selected Hard Wheat (Wm Ki:SSnu,HHK,N(i V:'"r ,"" " f Whit. River and Golden , I! I ' l'.. ". "f V'"! ,",kV lm'R'1' ',i(,H- nlk,'H "r "V " pantry STRANAHAN & CLARK ll(K)i) in V Kit, OREGON. I &trThcMilk Payson Dairy Supply Co.f -1 This Milk ii bottled at the t. Mountain Glen Farm in most up bo date manner. ijtv H. N. PAYSON jjJi !ity salesman jg Phon 281-x THOS. CALKINS Dairyman jj. VlentO, Oregon A COMPLETE JNE OF Feed, Grain, Field Seed Poultry Supplies Spray Materials, Fertilizers, Etc. AT Whitehead's Feed Store SMITH BROTHERS Successors to Jackson & Jackson Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruit and Vegetables. Flour and Feed We Give All Orders Careful Attention and Make Prompt Deliveries. PHONE 47 PROMPT DELIVERY DR. FORD EXPLAINS OPEN FORUM SERIES Afler careful twis of oouiiiti'jus in Hood River, arid nom ul'Htini with ; men ast'X'iHled wi'.b ni in Cnristiuo i and sborob work 1 bum decided to I turn my pulpit into ho open torom . tor m ri rial ol Sunday evening plat ! torm nipetiugs tor tbe diHCiimion of I Chrutiuiiitj, oborobM aad Diolatnai I and hiv invited a number of gentle I men tiier thun of my run faith, or pride -i' ii, to do 'be m ikn g. 1 On ii that CiiriH- ianity dues not receive tbe recognition and support by laboiiug. ImsiiieiiH i.ud professional. men of tbe r immunity it should it 't standi for utint we aiippot-e, it stands tor. I Kee that all kinds of buslimse, real eatate, hurt icultuie, buil imn, merchandise, banking, fruteriiulmua and education have lurgnr, but not too great recognition and cousideia tion. It seems to me the churnneH as tbe supposed representative of Christ ianity, I hough by no meauii tbe e ol Olive exponents and expressions of Christian truth, life and pbilau thropy, have not kept, pace with the giowth of our population, sobools, lodges and business enteiprines nor with the materiel development ut tbe town and vicinity. Ibey do not have tne strong hold ou the thought, cou Odeum, and life of the men of the community they should nave it they stand for what they are alleged tu stand for. ihey have tu struggle tor an existence, and a lew "elect women" have to ''seive tables" and run "bazaars", and their ministers must act us part of the lackey in order to make h little money with which to meet the necessary expenses and "curry on church work." 1'bey continue to worship in inferior edi fices, with a a inadequate equipment for wide awake churches. And ministers wb it of them? Ibey Hre looked upon as u sort of well hardly a necessary evil, a some thing tu b) tolerated, hn timing little, or uothipg to do with the affaire of man in a world of red blood, activity and progress a kind of a third sex, whosM biiHiuuss is ooe of eiiee ai.d luxury, Imviug nothing tu common with the men and women who are doing things worth while; with no concern tor mundane interests, king ing only or their "heavenly home, bright and fair," and regarded by some as an intolerable DOiaaOOa, a Inn dun upon society whose support is tu be charged up to charity. I have therefore made up my mind to try to liuil out where the trouble lies. Is it in Chrlatianityr la it m the churches? Is It in the ministers'!' Do not our men believe in (Jbrist iuuityY Do our churches tall to just ify their claims? Arc ministers ex clusive, "button up" nnd show no ioterest in the things of the kingdom ot this woild? Do they deal iu ab stractions that have littl i aor no con nection ut nil with present day piob leine with which the Inhering man, the business man, the professional mail, and the man of science are grappling? Is the preacher "behind the times," and trying to feed the people ou "old stiaw?" is he lack ing In ability to speak clearly, cor rectly and enlertaiuiugly ? He ought tu know souiethuig uboul everything, uud ever) thing about something. Or, is it beouuse men are so taken up with their own secular affairs thai they have no lime to give to the con sideration of the claima of Cbilstiau ity, and the work of the ohuiubus? Or, because then methods of business cannot be brought to toe light? i am unwilling with my present light, to express au opinion uu these questions, i might, "light into" them, and "pass them up" us "back sliders," "renegades, " "men of tbe baser sort," "given ever to hHrduess ot heart," uud "leprobacy of mind" with "consciences seared," but 1 do not feel warranted iu duiug so, uud will not. I prefer to bear trcm otlitus, and have uutouly lejueuted piouiinuut gAntleuien iu professional and business circles to speak but to sneiik liiielv uud tut v. and let Inn I "chips lull where Ihey may." 1 wsut to know whet the iHbouug, business land pr.ifesHiouHl men ot this uom- muuily think of (.'bristiuity, tbe churches and ministers, i bristiuity is entitled to luooguitioii, or It is uot. Churches are wuithy of support and ot being on a plane with other organization! and enterprises, or they aie not. Ministers merit respect and coullileuce, 01 they do not. Let us see. Let us go tu the bottom of this husiucs l.i us have the full mitti wherever the relied inn mxy tie. Ubrldlaoity must btunu the severest feet, or It oan nut stand ut all. I lie churches must slaud the seveiest lest, in go into some other pursuit, or "take lo the woods " Come, 1st us reason together. 1 Invitt) the geuerul public, uud laboring. biiHinens and profaaalooaj men In particular, to bear the gentle men who have kindly consented to peak. We ought nst to be afraid tor the tiuth, nor ot the truth. The particular topics, the unities of the speakers, will be announced in apaolal bulletin, h id thiough tbe local press trom week to week. I'. Ii Koid, 1'astor Anbury M, K church. Woman s Power Over Man Woman's mott glorious endowment is the power to awaken and hold tbe pure and honest leve of a worthy man. When she lose it and mill loves on, no one in the wide world can know the heart agony she endures. The woman who suffers from weak ness and derangement of her special womanly or ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of a man. Her general health suffers and she loses her good looks, her attractiveness, her amiability and her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y., with the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for woman's ail ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a positive specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu lates, strengthens and heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will advise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. Dr. 1'itWt Pleasant Mleta regulate mod Unagthta Stomach, l iver mad BewWa. J. I Keyuolds has bought I be In terest of his purtuer, Ii. B. Powell, iu tba plumbing aaiabliabmant on the lleiiiht-i and will lierenfler conduct the business in the name of J. V. Reynolds A Or, Mr. Keyuolds, who Is an aioarl in his line, will have i baige ot all the work done dy the firm. He has been engage I iu instHl iiug a number ot heHllug i mi- which are working latllfaotorlly, Herbert Phillips la n'.iw acting as night express Hgcut at the depot. A Pleasant Plivslc. When you want a pleasant phytic give Chamberlains BtOODacb ami LlVVf Tablets n trial. Tbcv ure mild and gen tle in their action and always, produce a pleasant latlmitic affOCt. Call at any drug shire tor a iree sample 1 i. D WoodwOftb returned I'riday trom California where be has been a pandlng t be winter. A Snellen Jan is not prfttv nor pleasant. Whether it Is caused hv neuralgia, toothache or ac cidaot, Ballard's. Snoai Liniment will reduce tbe swelling and relive the pain, rhg great ami sure cure for rheumatism eiits, burns, bruises, scalds-any and all aches ami pains. Chus. N. Clarke. FraBk Davenport, Sr.. ol Troutdale, was here Friday on busluesss. Lovers. id good health should prevent sickness instead of Idling themselves get sick and then try to euro it. So long as vou keep tonr liver bowels and stomach in n healthy ami active condition vou won't get sick. Ballard's Herbtne Mitooa con stipation, Inactive liver and all stomach and bowel troubles. Chas. Y Clarke. HOOD RIVER Manufacturing Engineering Co. (8UOc'e880R8;TO J. J. U CKEY) GeneralMachine Work and. Blacksmithing Hood River, Oregon Phone 305M Do You Own a Home? If not consider our plan for securing one. Stop paying rent. We loan you money to build on yonr lot, or we buy your lot and loan you money to build, at 5 per cent inb'ivst. We also make loans for improvement of fruit farms. Inquire j. W. JONES. ag'ent for JacRson Loan 3l Trust Co. Vifaereee. I. RAW SON F. H. f-TAMON HOOD RIVER NURSERY Stock Grown on Full Roots. We desire to let our frienda and patrons know tliat.for the fall planting we w il have anil can supply in any number Cherry, Pear, Apricot, Peach and Plum Trees Grapes, Currants and Berry Plants Shade and Ornamental Trees Also, all the standard varieties of Apple TreeR. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Bpitaenberg and Jonaehen apple trees Rawson & Stanton, Hood River Ore, Waucoma Abstract & Investment Company, Inc. ABSTRACTS, LOANS, CONVEYANCING SURETY BONDS. FIRE, LIFE, PERSONAL ACCIDENT, PLATE GLASS LIABILITY, BURGLARY INSURANCE. H. L Howe, U. S. Commissioner, Land Office Practice. All Work Guaranteed. HOGD RIVER, ORE. Eliot Bldg, Next Door News Office Wanted To Trade For Improved Portland Real Estate: Hood River Orchard Lands. Improved or Unimproved. WHAT HAVE YOU? HARTMAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland, Oregon J. F. BATCH ELDER Temporary Office, 21") Cascade Ave. Phone 70 Hood River, Oregon Stanley- Smith Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath,$hingles. Ete Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley 200 Acres For Sale 60 Acres Cleared, ready to plant. For further particulars address J. P. ThOlTISen OrPhone205M WARM ROBES i More than half the pleasure of driving is in being com- j fortable. When driving a person wants to keep warm. i qo, ami i oeueve you reel tne same as i uo. uoesn t make much difference whether yon drive for pleasure or bueiiiess-r-you need a good warm robe anywayone thai vou can wrap yourself in and feel comfortable. Thai is the kind I want to show you. Drop in and see the robes and get prices. Yours for more business. FRANK SlICCMtor to Geo. Irvine. SALFICKY Harness & Saddlery W we Have just received a fresh supply of I mil iiu: ui juud, lTiuiidit ui ruidMl i AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TG I S DIRECT FOR W00D.FIBERED HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DIRECT FROM THE CARS STRANAHAN & CLARK Hood River, Oregon HOOD RIVER DAIRY Guaranteed Pure Milk Prompt Delivery'to Any Part of the City PHONE 310X J. F. Reynolds & Co. IPl-vrLmToixigr ds Tirniing Heating Plants Installed Phone 79M Hood River Heights I .J New Residents We are always pleased toexifcpnd couteoiiHasslsl auce to new residents of Hood Kivernml Hood River val ley by advising them regarding any local conditions within ourknowledge, and we afford every convenience for the transaction of their financial mutters. New accounts are respect fully and c mliully invited and we guarantee satisfaction. Savings Dep't in connection. Hood River Banking & Trust Co. Don't Leave the Hood River District Without. I nvestiga ti n; Mosier Valley Natnral advantages for fruit growing unexcelled. Land ltrieep hflve Hnnhlprf uritliin tl... last two years bat are not over half thai inked (or similar land in other sections. Buy now before the ipetttiiMtnta add their profits. COMMERCIAL CLUB OF MOSIER MOSIER. OREGON. Six Miles East of Hood River, Oregon When You Clear Land Come to us for the best Logging and Grubbing Tools. If y ur old ones are worth fixing we can make them good as new. Snow & Upson, Hood River W. Ot. ALDRED i ONTRACTOR VOU EXCAVATING & GRADING E. A. JEROME, Architect .mini !,,; WTI'lll M'lirv (' X '(TlCnCS ID flraning tmi boudlac, 1 would lsaiiuilfiillj! millclt mrt ur ihe pHlniiMe ol the paopls ol Baod Klver wlm anltHpslr bullrtln Vtnu ""' " "I atlrui'tuu KUHrauleed. 01 Oo t resldrucs on Heights. FOUST & HOWE Mechanical Experts Automobile Repairing, Qn and Steam Kngines Rebuilt. Shafting, Pul lers and all descriptions of Machine Kitting and Repairing Done BICYCLE REPAIRING Corner Sixth and Colombia street! Phone 109-X HOOD RIVER, OREGON Model Bakery DUFFY & ZIMMERMAN, Props. Bread, Pits and Cakes! Frststi Every Day. We have reopened the Williams Hak ery under (he above name and invite your pat ruling.' Trio Orchestra Music Furnished For A!l Occasions. Instrumentations from three to any number desired. Address or phone C. Q. NEWMAN, Hood River, Ore. Phone tM-X or 2tf9-L. C. EVERETT, The Practical Shoemaker, At Rings' OU Stand. Fine Work a Specialty. Ross & Richards Confectionery Parlors L wood dainties Best line of Tobacco and Cigars In tne City Hot Lunches Served atall Hours 'we r r ra ai' I .i,r l Booth's Eastern Oysters.