Four HOOD RIVER (iLAOIER, THPR8DAYHMAR0H 3 1910 CORRESPONDENCE ODELL. Corn To Mr. and Mra. 0. Ii. Mo Coy. Wednesday, Feb. Zi, h dmignter. Their tuaoy triei.d .vill be . lease.! to leant tbat the condition it botb mother and child ia very eatinfactory. Li. A. K. ( lark expects to upend this week Dear Kobo, where be will direct the pruning of a peaoh orchard be . ox to Prkc ' Hon, of Portland. MitiB rlttiel Houae, of Hood Kiver, oatiie out Friday tor a viiit at tbe borne of Mr. und Mri. (J. W. Lilterty. C. K. Maniker is home from an ex tended slay at (iranta l'.iga. The February hiudnes meeting and km 11,1 of the (". K. Society, of Odell, was held Wedueadny ereniuK, Feb. 21, at the home of Mr. and Mra. U ft. liowermau. The evening wan very pleasantly paaned In a sooiul way and the refreshments were unsurpassed in quality as well aa quaiil ity. Messrs. O. II. Ebrok and M. llawth rn sol io lted and served the lunch und we pre dlcl for them many oppnitniilti'ta to display their skill along theae iiues. .Mrs. ft. II. Hoje.l ia liorne from a visit with relatives in 1'ortlaud und Newberg. ! KrereU Lalferty OUM home Sunday from an extended business visit near La (Jratide. After au Illness extending over more than a year Mr. (Justinian passed away at his home in Odell Sunday, February 27. Jlad Mr. ( 'oslioiau lived until July 18, of this year he would have heeu 7H years if age. He leaves to mourn his losn, Ills widow, Mrs. Florence (Justinian, a daughter, Mra. Ivully llishop, of Portland, three sous, Kdwnnl It. and Orrie, of Odell and an alder brother, whose address is at, pieseut unknown, io these bereaved relatives nil extend sympathy. Mr. ('ushiuan was a Mason and also a member of the O. A. K. 1 he funeral was held from the home Monday at 10 a. m., Kov. 'Iroy Shel ley oltlcliitiug. lulnrment in ldle wilde cemetery, with the Masons In ObMga of the service. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, of Astoria, have been here fur a villi with Mis. F'ei'KUHou'n brother, M. Hawthorn. I!ev. Troy Shelley is home from an extended tllo through Southern Ore gon. Mrs. Laura Hnmuiond is visiting friends In Odell. Miti Hva llroouibead, of llee, visit, Tickling in the S faroat "Just a little tickling in the throat! L Uiat what troubles you? But it hangs on! Can't go! riM of H ! Home rem edies don't take I. old. You need sonivlli strongei a regular medicine, a doctor's medicine. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral contains healing, .. -tin : id soothing proper ties' of the highest order. sk yevr doctor about thif. No alcohol in this couch medicine. I. C 'Amr Co. . Lovull, Mem. Constipation positively prevents g. j d I.' , liver is a (Jr eat preventive of disease. Aycr's i Vim ... le. . nlinui ? An active s d 'tor say? ed at the bome of her sister, Mra. C. K. McCoy Saturday. lhe quarterly meeting of the M. K. Cbii'Cb, of fine Urove and Odell will be held at Odell Saturday and Sunday March 12 and 13. lhe business meet ing will be beld io the churoh at 2:1)0 p. m. Saturday, March 12. The morn ing of Siinflay March 111 there will tie a Hermnn by Fiev. Walton Sklpworth, of Tbe Oalles, district superintendent. Following this sermon the sacrament of The Jjord'a Supper will be observ ed. Mr. and Mis. Henry Kodemar, of Waterloo, Iowa, who purchased Die elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. K L. Klemei, will arrive Match 7 to take possessiou of their property. Odell welcomes those who are coming and is giail to note that Mr. and Mrs. Klemer are not leaving the the com nullity, as they are having construct ed tor their occupancy a heauMMil modem bungalow a short distance west of the one they have sold. Mr. anil Mra. Pilson, who purchased the Stewart piopeity, formerly ti e home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Strong, will move the house to a spot of highar laud a little faithar west than the prnsent Inflation. The house will l.e rebuilt and converted into a modern borne. Mrs. K.H. Kemp will go to Portland Thursday lor a visit with relatives. Odell creek was the highest In many years Sunday, liain and melting snow made a vast amount of water to carry away in a short time. Mrs. C. H. Sproat, ot Hood Hiver, visited her sister, Mrs. ft. '1. Hull, over Sunday. Miu Ida liryaut, of Hood Kiver, visited her sinter, Mrs. ft T. Folts, a few days last week. The members of Hazel Lodge are preparing for an open meeting within the next few weeks. A good 0. 10. meeting last Sunday I evening. JYI. Hawthorn had teen ap I pointed leader and his sister, Mrs. I i'erguson, of Astoria, who Is reoog- nized as a leader in good works, took ' charge of t he Meeting. At tbe close i of the O. ft. meeting Kev. Spaulding delivered one of his inspiring sermous j Next Suuday morning Ifev. Trov iShelley will conduct services at Odell. Every Mother. j is or should be worried when the little ' ones have a cough or cold. It may lead to croup or pleurisy or pneumonia then j to something rndfe serious Ballard's i Horebonnd Syrup will cure tbe trouble I at once and pit vent any complication, j Chas. N. Clark.-. BELMONT. Kev. 11. C. Clark, of White Salmon, visited with Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. Stout and attended itviocs one eve ning daring the week. Mis. Clarke is Improving Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis, of Hood Kiver, spent Tries lay at the home of his parents, .Mr. and Mra. J. W. Davie, Mi and Mrs Knnsey brought to the parsnnave a bedroom suite as a present to Kev. II. J. Wood and wife. Mr and Mrs. Stout and Mill O'Nell were culler., at the Somervllle home isst week. Will hllis and family are soon to move up Dear the planer. Miss fteua Inenberg is on the sick lilt. Mr. Stout took Kev. Alrheart up to Oak (irova Sudnay afternoon to (ill Kev. Wood's appointment there. Mrs. Airheart and daughter, of lleppner, are visiting this week at the parsonage. Kev. Alrhaeit will continue preaching every evening this week. Will Davis and Paul Hayes are out 9 jf , -m 7.... .d? $m -1 UUUI,I ,' "' yr I JJj Ir II1 J ' ' ' HOSE Goodrich Spray Hose, tb kind that floes stand higher pressure. We do carry mill remnants hose; sell and wiir rant at half to two-thirds regular price. Burpee's Seeds That Grow Why buy any thing else? Pure; true to name; sure germin ation. Our prices same as New York. 140 varieties. If It Is a Gas, Oil or Alcohol Stove We have the assortment but in lots which gets the cost where you want it. The best as low as the just, as good kind. Alcohol in hulk. Coal Oil. Lubricating Oil. MONEY BACK Lawn Mower is just t hat and means it; if you would rather have the money we will exchange. 94,75 and up. Ball hen ring and better than you have seen for 8 to .$10. We got 100 to get price you can't resist. ARRIVING DAILY - Smith & Son's Newest tugs, Immense Line Lace Curtains. Window Shades. Linoleum. Carpets, Fundi uie. ORCHARD SUPPLIES Prun- ers, Ladders, Hand Tools, Ditch and Tile Tools, Garden Tools. Stewart Hardware and Furniture Co. Eyes Make or Mar Many a Face Properly adjusted glasses will cure most of these troubles by removing the cause. W.F. Laraway Doctor of Ophtalmoiogy 111 I OKI' K.'inlr 1 I vi- Mum iWEFKSAI I I It BEING TREATED B ! Our Pleasure Is to pay the Highest Price and get Best Drugs and Chemicals we can buy. We attribute greatly our large and increasing Prescription Business to this fact. None but the best goes with us, and we take pleas ure in dispensing the same to you. I SMITH BLOCK KEIR . CASS Reliable Druggists tirifl their fuel for next winter. Clarence Piper ba gone to bit homeitead to do nonie clearing- A. A. Uatchel ie plaatering the houtm belonging to Or. Tall. Mir. FarreU ii on the sick lint. Mr. ad Mri. Foirej and daughter, Houiae, and Nellie I'olmau apent Sud 'luy at tbe Furred home. MUh Hrma Krgnell antin a folo at the morning aervirea Sunilay morn ing. '1'be Belmont LaUiea w ill bare an apron aaie at K. A. PrHOz'a ktore Sat urday Maruh 1'.'. AIhu bome made candy. Ibe pationage of Hood filter ladles ia aoliclted. Lndieri Koieign MicHionaiy Horlet; mil rote, uilh Mia I'arreil March 'J, at i.SU. Mra. HHmkty hna charge of program. Will SomeiTille ia cutting down treea and clearing on bin place. BARRETT. U. H. Hbaw, ot Ubieafo, baa pur chased ten acrea ot fruit laud from J. (iibbona near the Kcckfod tore. tn the near futme a residence will be erected. Kd Watt haH been vlaiting at K Mrayford'a for the paat week. W. J. Wallum ia working ox the huuie being ert-cted for JolnKnlgbt on part of tbe (llhbona ranch. F. (J. Hberrieh hag some very tine winter cabbage tor sale. D, A. Perry in now leoovering frcm bia epell ot Hickneaa. After an ataeuoe of three wenka our peddling hulcber ia uo on hie regu lar roundii. PINE GROVE Hev. 11. C. ('lark waa in the neigh borhood laet week. K. H. Pooley returned to hie ranch In Pine Orove the tore part of laat week after un extended ataence in tbe eaat. Mr. and Mre. Jack Clark are very proud of tbelr little 12 pound grand daughter, boin Saturday, Keb. 2U. T. A. Uecknr, formerly of Pine Urore, baa recently returned from tbe eaat, and expecta to commence the construction of a nice new house on hia place at Wilow Flat in the near future. Will (Joohrau experts to return to hia home in Canada tbe first of March Jl!fv. House, of Spokane, spent last a week In Pine (iruve improving bis pi MM. Mr. and Mra. Iv Hi. Lage and son spent several dayi of last week at liingen visiting Mr. Image's sister, Mra. Henderson. Mrs. J. O. Mark returned to her home Sunday evening, Hfter spending ew days in Willow I' tut with II. lied Held and family. 'Ibe meeting of the O. A. C profes aore at the (irHiixi' lisll Match 8, will be botb interei-tini; auil instructive. OAK(iKOVE J. C. Bowrnun anil family, of Ham lit un, O., h'lvc mi red into the buiga low ou their ijhwIj- aoqoirad property near the atore. W. li Oyer'n reonrd of seven dozen egga per day elevates him to the sta tion of a small oapltallit in lhe eyes of his envious nelgbbori Mt. Dyer'N success in tbe poultry business is the well merited lesult of caietul and sol entitle methods. O. A. McCurdy line been autterlug from an attack of iieuraigia. A number of young people enjoyed a plxasaiit evening last Friday at. the home of Alex Hukari. Fred MoCrea and Coburn Allen spent KHluriiay in The Dallea and Sunday iu Portland inspecting horses. Mr. McUiea bought a team iu Poit land. A "Hard limes" parly is tcheduled for March 1, in the Oak drove hall. Thia district turned out a large nuiuter of votera on Saturday when the proposition for an inuieaae of hmids for ii ligation improvements was voted on at tbe lierritt school bouse. LUKES VALLEY Mr. ami Mra. Win. Lenz have re turned from t itii honeymoon and are now al home on tbeir ftineh. J. D. laylor baa gold 4( acres to Bruce U oilman. It was stated in erroi last utik tbat the new school bell will be 28 pounds instead of 28 melius and IbO pounds weight. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I.6DZ got a pleas ant surprise last Fiidav night when about 26 tieinhbora presented lliein selit's at tbelr dorr A vtrj enjnyable tlnie was spent, during which refresh nietil" ware s.iced and niiisin ran darad. VALLEY CREST Inn evangel lata bate been imidr g meettnga in the acboolhoiiHe the past week. Mr and Mrs. J. L. Pelronnet hHte bean vllting trirnda in Hood Kiver, Mi Winter: and Mr l'v.elv, ho hue heeu working on their boua. retorned to Hood Hirer tbe Urai ot tl.e week. Mr. and Mr-. S. H. Sutlou were cm led to (irt'shani, becaute of the seri'iua illness of Mr. Snttnn'a sister, Mia. Pitta. Mr. Xobey lias bis new house nearly completed. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Hogors arrived fi om Corval I is Tuesday, where tbev have been attending Ihu Agricultural ( oui se. HOSIER. The teachers and scholars entertain ed a nun. her of visitors last Mondaj afternoon by giving a pleasant pro gram, in boooi of Washington ami Lincoln. Chris, llae who sold his lauoh near Mosier la-t week to W. L. Stitt, of bos Angeles, has been attending to tiiisiriHsa in remand the past neek. F. S Kintson recently sold 4(1 ai res to a cunatatile of 1'ortland lor A,0tHI Uao. Chamberlain made the sale. Mrs John spent most of last week in Hood Hirer with her rtangl -ter, Mrs. Maoy C. F. Stautter loft, for It aveiton ii week sgo intend uig to go to work on bis ranch. Mr. Stautter still owns bis Mosier propeity and bia friends will hope to see him visit them occasion ally. Mrs. K. L. Orabam came home Sat urday returning Sunday to Kuthton to stay several neeka longer with ner son, Will, and wile. Oordie Oiaham and Miaa Denny accompanied Mis. Ornham to spend Sunday. Wtudaor Orisko, who baa been a res i. lent ot Mosier tot tbe paat year, left for his old home aud mother in Hoa ton, Mass., Satiiida;. Mom-Saturday, to Mt. and Mrs. W. K. Chown. a ! pound boy. Mother aud child doing wall. The topic for discussion this week is your New Spring Suit at just $15.00 Its surprising at the unusual real value can be crowded into this priced Suit if bought from the right place. They are worsteds, every one of them and made with all the care of the higher priced garments. . I M Youn Mph 8 GIotKes The West Window J. G. Voflt Newest Weaves Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Morrison went to Hood Hirer Saturday. l'eama weie chuoging owners thia week. Dr. Hobinson bought J. E. Higley'a team and Harold Foaberg aold bia team to Kd. F. Keeves. F. A. Sbogreu baa ',h Una apan of mules wbiob look good to peupla from Missouri, although these came here from California. A number of people are getting eady for early planting, making hot beds and preparing seeds. J. H. Poraberg lett tor Portland Saturday where he will reaide with tils mother ami siatera. Chas. Heimetl had the bad luck Fri day to run a rusty nail iu hia right foot, consequently be has been com pelled to remain at home fie last few day, and at the present lime tbe foot is gettiug along nicely. Mr and Mrs. K. M. Kosa visited Portland this week. Amos Hoot called Dr. Welch, of Hood Kiver, Saturday, to doctoi a sick horse out on at the ranch. Mrs W A. Staik is spending aome time at the home ot her sou, Charles, in Hoed Kiver. UNDERWOOD. II. W. Aiiss aud wife returnd thia wee1 from uulte an absence and bt might with them quite a line team and outfit, which looks aa if there would t e something doing up In that neighbi rbnod soon Mrs. Hayues and Mis. Cash spent the weak in Portland. Quite a number ot laud buyers are already prowling around Underwood, in spite ot the anow and bad weatber Judging trom me laige number of In quiries, thia will be a great year f. r tbia section. F. C. Ooddard tetiirued to Portland the middle of the week. Oeiald lleebe came up Saturday to take a look at lhe ranch. Harry Morrc ia spend lug a few daya with hia uncle, P. I. Packard, at the Morrow-Packard oiobarda. Owing to a amad sliie near Ashe, the noon train waa held at Stevenson aeveral hours Saturday, and many of the passengers came up on the boat, arriving just as the train did, Ha'ry Stiokney and Claude Arisman have spent most ot tbe week in 1 or -land trying to buy a team, it they can Und one that can be harneFied without, being first "hogtied"or chloroformed. Mrs. Lena Chambers, of Poitland, Ip spending a few days Kith tbe Hack ard's. Good, Clean Meats at reasonable prices At the New Market on the Heights Fine dressed Chickens a specialty Holman & Nicholson Delivery all over town Phone 79x MOSIER .Fruit Lands. in 'anre or small tracta. Some very good land at low prices at present. Oood growing community. Six miles east of Hood Uiver. I'arties wishing to buy will do well to writ' or aee GEO CHAMBERLAIN M. -ier (lreff ir notice For publication Not Coal Ijind. Dapartmant of iba interior. V. H. Land i ifflee Ht The Dulles, Oregon, Janimrv It, 1910. Rntloa Is tieri'liy 1 veil tna! Jesse Davidson, of Ml Hood, Orecon, who. on April Bih. iminj made Hnnmleaa entry (serial No. IMMt'o No. IMS?, for Lot I M, II, lot Io It See. 27, and sV, SW' j, see. gS. rownibtp 1 N., Kange 10 K, Willamette Meridian, hrw tiled notice of in leiuion to in i ie rirmi Rvyaar proof, to a tshllsh olalln Io the liout aiKive described bafora Henry U Howa, Unltai suies oora mlaaloner, at bia ofllee, In Hood Kiver, ure fOQ, on i he SI h day Of March. 1910. Claimant Dame as witnesses: Thomas U Lurwo.iii, William II. Kdlck, Uavld K. Cooper and .loaenta Dlmmlek, all i r mi Hood.oraaon 17. mj U W. MOORK, Kegtster. i i i 4 i Slicker Lined Coats Great Values Oregon Flannel Shirts Ladies' Suits We are clearing out our first shipment of Lad ies' Suits at greatly reduced prices. They are all this season's new styles and the prices asked for them is a snap. Underwear In this line we are showing some great values in medium and high grade union and 2-piece Suits. Ladies' -7Cr A do rn You will Union Suits for ' ok. IU yo.DV be agree ably surprised at even the 75c Union Suits for ladies. They are all great values. Dress Goods Broadcloth, Serges and English Homespuns are the most popular as fabrics for this season's Suits and Wraps. We have these in strictly high grade at very reasonable prices. Hidi Toe Shoes 7 r Our line of high top shoes for men is second to f J& none. Wp ran r!r vnn rr,wl m n. m i f i i Af The Health of the Home jf noin. TTC ai, uu yUU goou r!" A OP UD in this line. Prices range from vQ.LD Don't fail to see our shoes, as we are giving big values. MISCELLANEOUS J Household Articles See our line of Pillow tops, tray cloths, !fses j?carfs and ceiter table Covers.stamped F,!"?W T?pS:Tth, 6 9Sr and up. Ask to aivciu ui SIIK lor W cup tham i f 0 0 I Overcoats & Cravenettes NPW liflP fi nr. Air .,rl nnkL.. W i Ufc"uu uuu siyies oi overcoats J and cravenettes that are right in style, fit and n i'ov i u.i, .lefM nds very much upon the perfection or otherwise of the Plumbing in the house If properly done in an up-to-date ami scientific fashion, the chances are the atmosphere of the home will be pure, but if otherwise, no one ran tell how goon sickness will break out as a result. To ensure pel fret and thorough Plumbing let us do it for you at reason able cost. Gould & Snyder Phpna 25 i i i i i i i BRAGG MERCANTILE COMPANY i i