The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 24, 1910, Page Seven, Image 7

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The Winter has stuck rather persistently, but think of the time we will have in the joy
ous days of Spring time. This is a good world anyhow. It might be a whole lot worse,
but it isn't. So during these days when you cannot get out, do your spring sewing, and
be happy. We will take care of your telephone orders and use our best judgment
in filling them.
Cheerful J IVVll IV tvTLPl JO DATE
The Diets Studio for photos.
Cold boiled ham at McGuire Bros.
Shoes made or repaired at Johnsen's.
Our work guaranteed. Deltz Studio
Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu
Buy your L u e mnd Vitrol at YV'hlte-
Hazelwood Creamery Butter at Me
If you want shoes that don t go
Wrong go to Johnsen 8.
Money to loan on improved farm
land. T. D. Tweedy.
Home Rendered Leaf Lard at McGnire
Best line of Spray Nozzles at McDon
alds. If your shoes have gone wrong take
them to Johnsen.
Linu and Sulphur Solution in any
quantity, at Whitehead's.
Highest market price paid for veal
nd chickens. McGuire Bros.
Insure your automobile. G. Y. Ed
wards & (.., Agents.
Get vour spray hose from McDonald.
Clean new stock, no factory scraps.
J. H. McArtbur, of Minneapolis.
ws bt-re Inet week the gueft ot F. K,
Skinn r in the Uuk Grove district
"Insure Before the Fire" in com-
t antes like the Phenlx, London and
ancashire and other strong compa
nies. 0. Y. Edwards & Co., Agts.
We do hot keep Mitchell wagons,
buggies and hacks we sell them. Our
sales in this line have been very gratify
ing not only to ourselves but many
pleased customers. Blowers Bros.
If yon want to buy, sell or rent Hood
River property go to A. W. Onthank.
Money t loan on first mortgages Notar
ial Wuik of all kinds anil legal paper
carefully prepared. Also fire insurance
n the very heat comp aiiie-.
Hood River Yellow Newtown Sweet
Cider, made from hand sorted and
washed apples. Your grocer will de
lve? same fresh and sweet at 35c per
The Davenport Harness Co. has a
large supply of good robes which will
be sold at very low prices in nt to have
to carrv them over to next vear. tf
There will be week day ervieesat the
Episcopal church every Thursday even
ing at T o'clock during Bent, conducted
by Itev. Mr. Warren.
J Adrian tipping oime up rroro
J'oitlaud Saturday on husiuets. M
Eppiog expects to return to Hoj
Rier with bis family in about -n
i nth
The Barrell pear and ple oroharu
or the Rogue Kiver volley recent.
fold for J500.000. Tho ruobard r-o.j-tain
605 aores, patt ef biota willu
subdivided Into tin. 11 tiacts.
William T. Boyotou, one of the
pioneer stage driveis of enstei u Ore
goii, died at his home in Peudleton
last Thursday, aged 53 years. Death
resulted frnn t phoid fever frl lowed
by rheum .t .am The deceased was a
hint he of Mrs J. U. Shoemaker, of
Hood Kiver.
A. I. Mxhiu was in Cnrvallis last
week epexKli'g at the Farmers' Week
sessions In the Oregon Agricultural
College. On Thursday evening be
(tare an aldress on the improvement
ot rural conditions in wbtcb be
emphasized the he lelits of good
roads and primaries to tbe farmers
Two Bargains
A Snap: St) acre- near Odell Ode! I,
onh $180 per acre all under the ditch.
Tbe be-t buy in the lower valley. Terms.
40 acres, tine orchard land, all under
di'ch, 10 acres cleared, 8 acres in orch
ard. 3 acres bearing, rest in young
trees. This will inak' a fine home or
prove a good speculation. Write for
information to A. SCHILLER, Dee,
Oregon. Phone Odell 1x2.
Table boarders taken at 252 State St
C. A. Hell was in Portlau I on busi
ness duiing the pakt week.
Joe vogi spent Sunday the guest of
relatives in The DsIleB.
Mrs. Charles Dano visited friends
in The Dalles last week.
Wyman Eaton and Miss Helen
Eaton visited P irtland Saturday.
N. C. Evans, of Hood Kiver visited
friends here Friday. Dalles Chronicle
Alfalfa, a fancy graded product. The
Blalock Fruit Co., Walla Walla, Wash.
If you are interested to know the cor
rect style in Gordon Hats see J, G,
Vcgt's window.
Order your wire-wound wooden water
pipe early, s it is not held In stock.
See Joe Wilson.
Horn lo Earl Young and wife, at
Newny'a mill west of town, a hey,
FehrunBry 18.
The biggest, brightest, newest lot of
Gordon lints for Spring are now on f.tle j
at J. G. Vogt's.
Harold Dabney left for West Pnii.t,
Sutiday, where he will enter tue Unit
ed States Militaiy Academy.
1-uciun Lewis and wile arrived
Saturday finm Spoknne to visit hi-
brothel, Marshal Hubert h Liewls.
1 he Ladies Aid society 0' 'he
Congregational church will no . i on
Friday afien.i ou with Mis Giluiuie.
I'be Dalies is goiug t get . new
booklet nut and is dancing a Lig
publicity campaign for tbe coining
W. E. Clarke, of Omaha, cairn to
Hood Kiver last week and is
mer tne valley witn tue idea . in
vesting In a large traot.
McGregor & Botbtui, of Motder re
port the san of the 80 aero plaoe ol
C. A. Hege, four miles out, to -V.
S. .-ititt, of bos Angeles, for 10,600
he Style Shop will have its first
showing of Suriug millinery, lues-
lay, March 1. 1 our inspection is
invited Miss J. W Davis
John Franz, who has been a clerk
at tbe Mt Hood hi tel for numhei
of years, bus gone to The Dtlles where
be has the position of dav lerk and
oasbier in the new Hhiperd Hotel.
Mr and Mrs Frank Thornton are
he parents of th Urst child to he
h .rn in the village of Hood, Watb.
the d'.'tiuguished youngster is a
little girl, who ariived February 18.
Proposals to Clear Land Wanted
Tract of ten acres in Hood River valley,
w ith contract for wenty more if sat e
fariion given. Apply to T. H. herrard,
Beck Building, Portland, Oregon, for
particulars. f24
C. W. Ureene, of Providence, K. I.,
is beie the guest of A. W. Peters.
Mr. Greene was with Mr. Peters at
Curvallls attending tbe recent borti
cultural short courses ami be expects
to go Into fruit iaiiug here.
.1 ho Bnrggrat and William Vogt,
ot I be Dalles, hare formed a partner
ship to handle Mosier rexl estate.
Tl ey bave opeued ottloes in Mosier
and expeot to do an extensive btfkl
ness this summer. Mr. Vogt Is well
known here having fnimeily been
associated wifb his brother, Joe Vogt,
in tbe haberdashery husiuess.
Tbe Mosier Commercial Culb btld
a rousing meeting Saturday, Feb.
12, at which C. K. MoCargar, ti n nnw
president presided. I'be club is m
good condition and a considerable
fnnd 'oi adveitising was raised at
the mteting. J. K. McGregor and
A P. Buteham made brief peeches to
the club.
Geirge T Pratber, one of the large
Hood Kiver land owners and orchard
iste, arrived at tbe Pel kins Friday on
ibe retu n trip from California,
wbere he has passed the last four
months in company with his fan ily
Mr. Piather went south with tbn in
tenttou of love-ting in Los Augtlea
and that vicinity, but returned to
Oregon with bis bank account intact
He will luok for sometbln 4 suitable
in Portland. Oregonlan.
F. H. Morlan was in Portland Tues
day on business.
L A. Giant spent tbe ea ly part of
tbe v.eek in Portland.
George H. Watson and Harry Wat-
! sou went to Portland Monday for a
i'be Sans Sounl Circle will meet un
Thursday afternoon at tbe borne of
Mrs. Bryant.
Dt. Jenkins entertained ten of his
men friends with a "stag" dinner
Monday evening.
A small horse, harness and buggy
!or sale. Prioe f75. Will take out in
nay. Phone L3K.
Stenographer wauted. Apply Hat
er Fruit Puolishing Co. Hall Bldg.,
Hood Kiver, Oiegou
Mr. aud Mrs. F W. Kookhold, of
i. 'lverdde, Cal., who are on a t lur
n( tbe northwest have been in Hood
l.'iver for tbe past few days.
FOK SALE Swiss Chalet, olose iu,
-ix rooms, pantries and bath. Built
In furniture, sanitary plumbing
Knrnaoa and fireplace. Phone No.
Mrs Henry Crandull went to Port
land Tuesday to return with her hus
hand Capt H Crandall, who has been
under medical treatment la Portland
for a week.
Miss Blanohe Harbison will remain
in Portland tonigbt to bear Mme.
Kchumannlleiuk, at tbe Armory.
Mi 8 Harbison is tbe guest of Mis. F.
T Chapman while in the oity.
Arthur Gierke and J C Skinner
will go to Portland today to select
ii. i-i. and units arrangements for the
Oommarelnl Club minstrel show
which will come oft next month.
Wantoed 40 seres uncleared or
partly cleared land for a customer
now waiting also wan!. 10 or 20 aore
ilane part hearing. Let us know
tth-tyou bave. G. V. Edwards & Co.
Ibe O. K & N schedule was
changed iligblly Sunday so that tbe
east hound Dalles local now arrives
h- re at 6:10 p. in, instead of 5:45
and the west bound fast mail is now
due here at 4:50 a. in , iustead of (5
I he latter train carries no passengers
Miss Kmma Kruter, ot India, is one
of tbe principal speakers at tbe
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Convention this week at tbe Alliance
Chapel, corner Kigbth and May
streets. Services 2 and 7 :80 p. m.
ennb day. II are invited.
C. K. Percy, Pastor.
The Glacier was misinformed la-t
week and stated that Mrs. F'Ioih
Hartley and ber daughter, Gladys,
had returned from California, with
their son and t-ro'.her Howard
Hartley. Mr. Hartley ri turned hut
thn ladies do not expeot to come from
California until May or June.
George Woodworth fiscal agent of
the UNIiEU W1KELESS Telegraph
Company is at the Mt. Hood Hotel
Hiid will be pleased io see local stock
holders and any one else interested iu
this subject. The company has re
cently located stations at. The Dilles,
Walla, Spokane, Weoatohee and North
Yakima, Wash.
Wanted Logging, Clearing, Plow
ing, Planting, Nine Miles South of
Town of Hood River A few logs to
cut up ami haul 200 feet to edge of hill.
A few stumps to poll Brush has been
grubbed and burned. Ten acres to plow
and barrow. 500 hotel t" dig. 500 trees
to set. I... iik at it and write what you
will ennl raid In ihi it for fin liv Crnn-
I .. .i . ..!,., I.,- in 1,1 ..,,! II,, I.'.
lenberry; he will direct you to my clear
ing. Stump puller, lines, tents and
tools furnished. G. W. McCoy. 3ft4
North Until St., Portland.
The Dee Irrigation Jc Power com
pany has been granted water from tbe
West F'ork of Hood Kiver by State Lewis to use in irrigating
about 2,000 acres of land between tbe
West and Cast Middle Forks ot Hood
Kiver. This water was uuder dis
pute last fall when W. K. Wiuans Hied
claims on tbe same stream claiming
that he needed all tbe water for a
11,000,000 power plant whieh he pro
posed to put in at Winans. However
nothing has been beard of his scheme
lately and tbe Dee company has been
granted what it asked for.
The Dee compauy baa oompleted
about two-thirds of tbe main ditch
and as soon as tbe weather will per
mit work will he oommeneed this
spring and it is expected that the
ditch will be completed by June 1.
I'be land which will be served by the
Dee compauy is an area which was
logged ott by tbe Oregon Lumber
Company It has been subdivided
into smell tracts aud a large amount
ol it is already set to trees. A num
ber of tbe orobardista in that district
are expecting to put in strawberries
next year wben there will be plenty
of water to irrigate them.
Boff Sells to Davidson.
E K. Golf has sold bis stock io tbe
Hood Kiver Eleutrio Light, Power A
Water Company to H. V. Oavldson,
president of tbe company, who al
ready held the controlling interest in
the corporation. Mr. Davidson now
owus approximately 87 per oent of the
stock of tbe corporation and tbe
other 13 per cent is owned by N. C
Evans. Mr. Gott bas been here for
about four years and bas bad obarge
of tbe electric department of tbe water
and light company. He expects to
leave Hood River shortly and bas not
decided where be will locate.
Feed The Birds.
Notice W. 0. W. Members.
Esteemed Neighbors: As I have been
elected Clerk oi the W. O. W. ou will
find me at Wood & Muggins store,
where you may pay your lodge dues.
Be prompt 'n paying.
Yours in L. II and R.
Floyd Nimhuno, Clerk.
B. F. Barkktt, C. C.
Here is Your Chance
The Wm. property on Oak Street, a commanding view of the River.
house and lot 60x100 feet with outlet on State Street. This is the best buy
in town at t O ff I
Also the small house and lot on State street for $1100. YOU WILL
B. E. Duncan & Co. I
A little black headed snowbird
flitted down on to tbe back porch
under oorer, while all outside,
ground, root and tree, was covered
with h mantle of snow. If be did'nt
euy, be might have said, while oast
iug his eye up to the kitchen window,
"The folks inside bave breakfasted,
the horses and tbe oow at tbe barn
have had their ration, tbe hena under
the sbed bave bad their wants sup
plied, but wbere do I come In? I'm
one of tbe members of these family
premises; 1, and my little feathered
friend, the brown thrush, lookiug
wishfully from a neBrby eheny tree.
The fruit grower and the farmer bave
no better friends tbau we. Nearly
all tbe pests that you are fighting in
our orchards, we, too, help to de
stroy. the seeds of the noxious
weeds uUo form a part of our
simple food, and we do you little, ii
any burro. Why not give us jut a
little attention'.' A baudful of coro
menl, coarse graham, tolled oats or
rolled wheat will last a half dozen
ol im all day, but wben it's gone give
us a little more; it won't cost more
than a cent. But, mini you, be sure
and place it wbere the cat cun't
spring upon us; we like to live as
well as you. We'll pay you back and
more too during the coming season."
The gist of this colloquial presents
tion ot the matter is: we should eed
the biids; to do so ia just; it is
humane; it is politic. A great per
ceut ot the feathered tubes ere our
Friends and benefactors. A noted
sni utist has said: "Destroy ell tbe
birds ami in a few years tbe pests
would over whelm us".
Do nut let the birds perish for the
want of food, a- some di1 during th.
previous storm. J. L Carter.
Stockholder., (all Meeting.
The directors of the I miners'
Irrigating Co , bave culled a meeting
ot the stockholders ot the company
to i . lo-ld iu tbe K of P hall at 10 a.
m , Snturday, Maoh B The meeting
was requested hy 74 of the stock
ho I icr- who wan. the directors to em
ploy an engineer to investigate and
np. ut on the cost of putting the
hti-inls of the company's system Into
underground pipes. I hey also ask for
an estimate ot the cost of reconstruc
tion (f tbe ditnhes and flumes of the
company. They want this report, to
tie made to a lter meeting ut the
Big Feature at the (.em.
C V, uaklu bas received tbe exolu
sire right for Hood Kiver to run I'he
Great Feature Flini, entitled, "Mo
ses" that will be continued In five
large reels or 5000 feet ol Him This
subject has been pioduced by tbe Vit
ograph I' 1 1 in Co , which is a guaran
tee of its merit Numerous requests
have been made to bold this film here
for Huuday and Mr. Dakin bas con
seuted to run it on Sunday and in ad
dition to Friday and (Saturday's run
Don't miss the first reel. Open Bun
day, :i to 5 aud 7 to 10 p. m.
According to plans which are now
being dtawu by Architect Albert
Sutton, C. A. Hell, proprietor ot tbe
Mt. Hood hotel wilt soon begin the
erection of a fine new hotel building
at. tbe southeast corner ot Cascade
avenue aud Second streets. The new
struoture will be ot brick and steel,
three stories high and will practically
cover the quarter block being UK) by
98 feet. The architecture will be ot
tbe French Keuaissanoe style and the
exterior will bave a dark butt brick
taciug with a trimming ot lighter
briok The building will oost in tbe of $:!5,000.
The ground floor will have besides
the lobby, dining loom and sample
rooms ot tho hotel, five store rooms.
The entrance will be on Cascade
avenue through a tiled and marble
vestibule into the oommodinus lobby,
which will haven tiled floor with
wainscoting and a beamed ceiling.
The dining room, which will be on
the east side ot tbe building so tint
it may be served from tne present
kitchen of the Mt. Hood hotel, will
have a big (Ireplaoe as will the lobby.
A billiard room tor ladles will be one
ot tne teatuiea of tbe new hotel.
Tbe two upper floors will eaob hate
2(1 rooms iu which will tie hot and
cold water and telephones. Adjoining
tbe rooms will be 10 private baths.
The whole building will be steam
beated and electrically equipped.
There will be a freight elevatir to
handle baggage.
Mr. Bell expects to run the new
hotel separate trom the old, although
be will manage both establishments.
I'be new hostelry which it Is expected
to complete by the autumn, will he
run on tbe Kuropoan plan throughout
while tbe old hotel will be conducted
along tbe same lines as at present.
No name tor the new botel bas yet
been made public
Kilitor H. O. Kibbee, of Mosier,
was io town Tuesday.
Miss Eva Yates is visiting friends
in Portland this week.
Burn To Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Hodges, of Barrett, a boy, February
Mrs. Ktta Branorott has returned tn
ber country home hereafter spending
tbe winter iu Portland.
Mrs. D. IS. Baumgarduer, of Port
land, has been tbe guest of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Orr, tbis
J and L. Hawley will bave their
flrst showing of Boring bats, Maroh
1st. The opening will he March I.,
and la.
Howard Isenberg was in Bait Lske
Cit- last week representing "Better
Fruit" and Ohris Oreisen was in the
Yakima country iu tbe interests ot
the same paper.
Miss hlorence Doerr, a teaober of
the flfth grade in the Park street
school, received word Friday of the
serious illness ot her mutber in Mich
igan and lett Saturday to be at tbe
Mrs. K. A. Button went to Harris
tin u Haturday, being called there on
account of the death ot her hi other,
L. IL LiiiSalle, who was killed there
Friday by tailing from tbe tower of
a wi ld mill.
A deal was closed last week whereby
V. H. Steiobotf sold bis five aore
place a mile southwest of town to
C. A. Hall for tHoOO. The little tract
is all planted to strawberries and is
s ' to young orchard.
Miss (Jertrude Whippo, who came
here last month as a teacher in the
fourth gride of the public sotiuula,
has resigned on account or ill health
and she lett for her home in Minne
apnlis Sunday Miss Mable Ciavton
is 111 I ing the vacancy.
Advertise Hood River
Tell your friends about the best country on
earth, but do it on the best stationery.
We have it
A full line of Whiting's Stationery just ar
rived. All shapes, all sizes, all forms.
Bulk Stationery
A full line.
Good Qualities
Our Easter Novelties and Cards1 now in
Mid-Winter Sale
To make room for the Spring Orders now arriving
we are offering great reductions on all Winter (roods:
Cravenette Coats
112.60, now $10.00
f 1100, now 9.00
10.00, now 8.50
Ladies' Sweaters
11.76, now $1.35
$2.r0,now 2.10
f 2.75, now 2.15
12X0, nw 100
100, now 80
Reductions Made on
on all
Men's Flannel Shirts
These an; money saving bargains for you. Please
take notice.
A. L. Carmickel
J. L. ilersbner was in Tbe Dalles
A I). Moe made a trip to Tba
Dalloa Saturday on business.
C K Hone returned Tuesday from
an extended visit in California.
0. J. Trelber was in ihe Dallas
II. J. Frederick Is aow in southern
California after a abort trip into
Mexioo and he expects to return to
Hood Kiver Iu about two weeks.
The Jeweler
Makes Your Watch
Keep Time
Opposite Butler Bank in Brosius Block
! !
u j TTW-i.l J I '