The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 24, 1910, Page Two, Image 2

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ARTHl.'R l. MOE, Publisher.
Slbetfletlea, 91M I'er Veer.
There is no mote honorable or
beeut.fuT work than that whioh it
performed by the nune to allaying
the guttering- of humanity. The
woman fait of enderuegg, patience
ami induitry maltee a day that mutt
be cloudy, one full of the aunahine
of a aweet diapoMitlon or the ipooi
bed ridden iulferei to whom ahe
mlniatera. Not c uly doea the nuree
have to do the bardeat aort of work
all the while being cheerful and radi
ating cheei to her patlenta tut at the
outaet of her oareei aa a mlnliteritig
angel ahe muHt aacrihoe many thing
moit dear to the lemiulue bean.
Instead of remaining under the
ahielding care of parenta with the
inoepeot of later being guarded from
the woirie of the world by a atrong
husband, ahe enters the hospital not
only with all her own burdena to bear
hut with the leaolution to make
lighter the burdens of ber fellow be
inga. After the initial aacriBoe. alter
whioh ahe resigns herself to the ser
vice of othera.sbe.koows not when abe
will be culled upon for greater.saoil
Uvea even to giving ber life in order
that the pains of others may be made
less. Honor to the nurse whoso only
reward is that one too rarely Bought,
the Pleasure of Doing Uood.
The nrnner ureetlnu these days Is
"Have you joined the Commercial
c 'in i. ' " The man who ask you is
pretty anxious to have you for
niembei because if he doea not send
in the name of a new member to the
secretary be will forteit the amount of
the eutrauoe fee to the olub, The
Commercial Club it doing a won
derful work for the whole of Hood
Kiver. vallev and town. It should
teoelve the support of every resident.
If you are in business it helps your
business, if you own a farm il makes
It more valuable and advertises youi
products and if you have only your
job the Commercial club la causing
the oommunlty to grow so tbut you
will Have the opportunity of bigger
and better jobs. The olub should
have at least CiUO members and at the
rate they are joining It will soon
have that many. Ho far the club
has not nad muob to otter in the
ahaue of immediate pleasuies, but
with the occupation of the new club
rooms, which will be on the second
floor ot the new first National bank
building, many enjoyable privileges
will be attorded the members
Billiard, card and reading rooms
will be a featuie and there will com
fortablu kungiug and real rooms for
both meu and women. An assembly
ball will be available for meetings el
variouH sorts anil altogether the club
will be a somce of pride which every
loyal liood Klvetite should support.
A letter has been received by Mrs.
M. 1'arkius from bei daughter, Mia.
F, E. norton, of Omaha, Neb., in
which the latter telle of her disap
polutmeut at not seeing Hood Kivei
represented ut the recent Onialn
Corn Hhow. She wrote: "We went
all over the show to look for Hoed
Kiver apples. We did Uud exhibits
from Rogue River, North Vaklma and
Weaatohee. 1 he people of these
planes never miss au opportunity to
advertise their produots. Hut we did
uut Uud a box ut Hood Kiver apples.
Mr. Hortou, who Is the Western
Union lime Servioe man In Umaha,
owns a rauoh here iu Parudlae faun
A Harrlmau Liues lenreseutatlve at
th show told them that exhibits hai
been solicited all over Oregon with
very 1 Ittle success.
Of ooui-se, it is unfortunate that
Hood River oaniiot be represented at
all the hw eastern gathering, but
there are so nisuy opportunity
ottered to plans exhibits that rart
must he exercised In t'hoosiug the
ones likely In give the heal results
tor the inline) expended. We under
staud that the inanagnmuiit ol the
Corn Show charged t'i per bliiihio foot
for exhibit .pure so that if Hood
Kim had tnken space foi a carload
exhibit such as whs put on a Chicago
the cost for space aloue would have
beou ttiHH. A smaller apace would
have been used but the tatea were
very high and the cost of a proper ex
hibit would have been out of pro
portion with the results. The draw
back to most of the eastern exhibits
Is the disposition or the management
ot the show to try and hold up the
distiicts which wish to display.
Judge Lionel K. Webster has re
signed as county judge of Multnomah
county aud will actively take up hi
work as manager of the Oregon (ioml
Koads Association the Mist of March
Judge Webster Is eminently qualltled
to be the head of the state wide
good roads movement which has been
inaugurated as he haa demonstrated
bis ability in road matters while act
log as oounty judge. Judge Webster
expects to visit each county in the
state and organize it as a unit in the
tdg movement for good loads. We
iiope that he will soon oome to Hood
Kiver and get a good roads campalg
started here. In another column we
publish parte of a speeoh delivered
by Judge Webster in Kosekurg last
week and in It be outliuea policies be
will advooate in tbe good roads work
whioh he will undertake.
"lou're anothei," Is a favorite but
Ineffective defense otten used
answer a statement wbloh question
veiaolty. The News heatedly and ex
ploslvely called us "another" yeater
day following statomeuta we made
week ago.
Mrs. A. I ..Mm m Dead.
Mrs. A. 1'. Morse, mother of Sher
iff I. E. Moiae and C. L. Morse, of
tbe city, did Friday at her home in, Hans. A measage was re
ceived bete Thursday that Mra.
Morae wa seriously ill and C. L.
Morse left that evening tor Winona.
telegram came the following day to
Shot iff Morae telling of ber death.
Mrs. Moim was 0 years old aud was
well known to many residents or lloou
Kiver having lived here formerly.
Besides tbe two suna here a son, K
II. Moite, ot Nesa City, Kaos., aud a
daughter, Mis. A. W. Kama, ot Win
ona, aurvive their mother.
I nlremllT Club Smoker.
The Unlveisity Club will bave a
smoker In the Cummeitial Club
rooms Friday afternoon during which
horticultural subjeots will be dil
cussed In an lutormal fashion. .
number of tbe experienced oicbard
ists of the valley will speak to the
ollege men on tbe various problems
which confront the truit giower.
Among tbe men who have beeu asked
to talk to the meeting are: E. II.
Shepard, A. 1. Mason, J. C. i'oHer,
L,. Carter, Hanoi riay ana ueorgf
1. Hargeut.
East Side Men Entertain.
The husbands of the ladies of the
Kast Side Neighborhood Club gave a
baudscme party last Friday evening
at tbe Pine Uruve Urauge ball tor the
ladles ot tbe club aud their friends.
Ibeie weie about bU gm i ts lucluuiug
large number from towu who
greatly enjoyed tbe hospitality ot
(fie east side people, Hie null was
beautifully decorated with Oregon
grape, eveigreeu anu yeuuw nuniing.
During tbe early part ul the eveuiug
500" was played aud as IM patty
was particularly lor the ladies the
prizes weie awarded lu tnum. mi.
E.U. Brownloo aud Mrs. B, f. i riuay
woo first aud second prizes, lespec
Alier the cauls the tables were
cleared away and the guetts enjoy -.
danolng until an early hour lu the
morning. During the dauclug au
elegant SUppei was served lu the dill
iuu room duwnstalis.
Among tbe guests trom towu woo
attended the p rty were: Mr. auu
Mra. Chaa. 1. Early, Mr. aud Mrs
IJert Urabam, Mi. aud Mrs. iiuman
Butler, Mr. and Mra. A. J. Derby,
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. liouo, Mi. and
Mrs. Chas. N Clarke, Mi. and Mra. i .
A. Franz, Mr. aud Mia. P.kS. David
sou. Mr. aud Mrs. J. n. usoorue, air.
aud Mrs. C. 11. Sletteu. Miss Blanche
t'hil lipa and K. hgglestou Smith, ol
Wasbiugton, D. .
The Neighborhood Trust.
The Oet Aouaiuled with Your
Neighbor Trust," meeting Friday
ulgbt at tbe lesldenoe of Kev. Hersh-
ner. was a pleasant one iu spue oi
tbe anow atorm. There were over
torti oreseut uud tbe theme of tbe
evening was "Hood Kiver, l'ast,
Present and Future." Interesting
papers were read by S. W, Klytbe, K.
E. Harbison, J. U. Oessllng and
entertaining talks were given by
Protessor Coad, Kev. Alone. mllli, Hi,
K. Kradley, S. E. Bartmess, Leslie
Butler aud others with a French
readiug by Mrs. J. W. Aimstioug,
leuitaion by Miss Blauone (Jainpueii,
voosl and insltumeutal music by Dr.
Kdglngton and girls, closing with a
good night aong by tbe Harbison
girls. The welcome by Kev. aud
Mrs. Herabner was earnest auu the
greetings by tbe neighbors most oor-
Jiul. the meeting will be lemeuibei
ed aa bearing tbe stamp ot tbe liood
Kiver Fruit "None Belter." lbe
uext meeting will be Friday night at
lbe home ot F. A. Bishop. Uoutrl
New Spring Goods
Arc now arriving. New tailored suits
for ladies. Shirt Waists aud Skirts.
Uje Paris Fair
The Store that Saves You Money
New Spring Oxfords
Shoes and Slippers
All the -newest styles and leathers.
We have a few
Big Bargains
Men's Suits
left that lire worth your while to
investigate. Men's Suits of black
and white, mixed foods, double
breasted, j;ood weight,
SUITS, dark mixture C pC
SUITS, good serviceable suits at
up iu
any Reason ol year; made
first class style, f 20.00
East Fall's styles. The
Men's Suits
Hart, Schaffner &
Marx Makes
guaranteed all wool, last Fall's
of dark gray mixed color, hard fin
ish our regular 1 22.50 C1 K 9C
seller for V vstW
SUITS of dark gray color, all
wool, good medium weight, first
claw in every respect. d4 Q
The Suit 1 9
OUT to make room for our New
Spring Suits that are due to
arrive next week.
Copyright 1908 by Hart Srhnrtner & Mu
This Store is the Home of -Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes,
Manhattan Shirts and John B. Stetson Hats
Men s, rjoys , iauies
Gloves Z
Wrist and gauntlets in calf, goat, 9
buck ana norseniue, mre, builu. en
able gloves and just the thing for
early spring use. Values up Aftf
to 70c, for the pair ,ww
Men's Gloves
Good strong ones, with welted
seams of calf skin, buckskin or
horsehide tanned soft and pliable;
one pair of a kind: values "7f)c
up to fl, the pair
GLOVES, suitable for driving or
general work, medium or long
cuffs; first class in every way.
Values up to 1 50; your QQft
choice www
Attorney Speak SuiKtay.
Sunday evening will bs tbe Urat
meeting ol a aariea of "Opeu I mum
(llacuaviona in the Methodiat chinch
Attorueya A. J. Darby aud E. 11.
UaitwlK will oooupy the pulpit aud
peak on "Cbrtatlatiity from tbe
Standpoint ot tbe Lwwyar. Or. I.
IS. ford, tbe paatm, eapeoiaiiy inviiea
tbe lawyera of liood Kiver to tbla
meeting and extendi a oordial luvita-
tion to the public. Xbeie will be
apeoial wualo for the oonhalon aud .1.
U, Skinner will alng. Mervioea are ai
:iU o'olook. For the five Sundayi)
following, eervioea along atintlar Una
have been planned.
Instructions to Koail I
A novel aud unuaal method call
ing attention to tbe proper way In
wbloh to uae a road has been put iu
operattou by '.ha State Highway Kugl
neer, A. M. Johuaou, of lliuoia. It
cotiMluta of a oald bearing the fmlow
lug legend :
now to unmr ruin koau
lhla road waa coimUiutted (or your
Hue. If all tine one pmne mi cne
wear will be 111 uue place; and in tke
a rut.
"If you nana little fire uud do
not drive exactly where the Ihh wngou
illd tbe wear will be dit-tri! ,- which
will keep the mrfitce atDOOtb aud
the road will r nnn good tin jeiira.
Otherwlte It will anon be rolled and
the Minuet h aut lHCe gene "
Ihe cardi are hy inches In
alze, and are given to the men In
charge of road work lor dm nlmtion
to pHge uahy. I tin chIU dlrXOt at
tautiun tn the Hiibjeot and imiui to
he more elf ec'.ive than placif Im dickoii
at the aide of the road. Iiixteail ut a
hasty glance in piiHMlng, the pairons
0 the loada put the carita iu their
pockela to be reread uud glveu mora
mature consideration.
Mrs. E W. Sweeny returned home 1 Hat
Friday from a visit to her parents lu
Kev. Isaac 1'eart has been engaged as
pastor for tbe Valley Christian chinch
ind will be here to beaiu bis work the
llrst Kuuday tn March. Kev. l'eart
cornea from Minnesota. Sunday a crowd ut boys got
into the achool house and turned
Ihlugs upside down, breaking out sev
era window panes.
Chester 0. Walton tatumtd Urt
week from 1'ortland. Mrs. Walton
and aou, Maurice, expect to come
home early lu March.
Mrs. John Vauthiers, who was trikeo
to the hospital last week, is still -en
ously 111.
Mr. and Mrs. S. U. Sutton, of Va
ley Crcat, paaeed through Mt Hood on
Monday on their way to Oreshatn,
where Mr. Sjlttou's slater is danger
ously ill.
K. U. Walsh movad his family tn
Hood Kiver Mondav ot this week. We
are soiry to have them go and hope to
see them hack again.
P. K. Cooper has sold his place.
Mr. Cooper is au old landmark aud he
and his family are linked with the
earlv history if Mt Hood.
Ms. Sarah I'Yedeoberg las! Saturday
arrived from llwaoo, Wsb., where ahe
pant two mouths visiting her 100
She was aocompanied by her grntid
daughters. Kdith aud .May, who will
attend school hero.
Kruest Monroe is up from Portland
nr a visit.
'Ibeie will be tin agricultural meet
ing at the hall on Match 9, hegit oing
ut 1 o'olook a. m. Kotir spenders are
expected from Corvalha Cooks aie
tequested to contribute toward basket
diuner (or Ihe occasion.
The valentine pHity at the residence
of Oeo. WialiHrt last Monday night
was voted by the twenty young people
wi n attended as the nicest event of
the season. The apacious iociiih were
beautifully decorated with cupula, let.'
hearts and other valentine sugges
Hum- Mam new and Interesting
games were indulged iu aud a delicous
lunch was served.
There will be an entertainment at
Middle Valley lohuoi house next
Friday eveuiug Feb. 20 The pro
gram will he given by Mrs. Walter
and Mrs. l'almuuge a sceulo drama
tized from Juatiu McCaity'a book,
"If 1 were King." Admission 25 cents
children 15 oeuta. Supper 1! cents
a plate.
Kesoltitiotis adopted upon the death
of Nellie B. Shay at The Daliea,
Oregou, Feb. IU, 1010.
Whereas, Our Heavenly Father has
In bis Infinite wisdom, seeu lit to call
to hei long rest, our beloved sister,
Nellie EG. Shay.
Therefore be it, Kesolved that, we
tbe members of Laurel Kebekah
Lodge No. 87 it Hood Kiver, of
whioh she uus a metnher extend to
tbe beieaved families our deepest
sympathy, in this their hour of
sorrow, and afstire them that while
they mourn the loss ot a deal oue In
their home, we mourn the loss of a
worthy sister and trletid, aod tie it
furl her
Kesolved, that a copy Of thee re
solutions be f iit to each of the
bereaved family and one lie entered
In our minutes aa 0 tribute to hei
Kenuie danger,
Nettle Moses,
i anule Crump.
Oonuii ittee
The Steamer Teal
Leavis Portland for The
Dulles, Big Eddy and way
points Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays 7 a. if, ie
turninig Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays leaving
The Dalles at 7 A. m.
FOK SALE CH HI A P. Bed loom
suite, side board, odd pieces, steel
range, refrlgatot, couch, etc., sewing
machine with electric motor, only $'20.
( 'aimed fruit, i'hnue 48L.
m - m
LBH ,il
- PrS
. .. .i. - ' . TL.uatai
I Out of town
I. mi havA their id .
anl lrliliwork i
i i m one u
If im'"-nrr.
W will iiiva you s
22k gold or pored'
crown (or $3.!
Molar Crowni 5.(
GoldFillingi 1.(
tnamot Filllnffi l.U
ISIIvor filling!
InUy Fillingi
i i Rubbor -
piiui 5.C
i I Kfd Rub-
-tt.W.fVntlCPHitr'. ?Muim BBr riJlM
ii Tuin iitiuiimii ik f 'uo PainlMi Extr'tlon C
i im Extnotlon Itm inm piiitpnortridHe wr
-red. riiiiHiiltHt Ion l n , mi run not hMNM i
lucttironi doM inywl All uurk fully gru.i
iM.uii't n fi i ru i , .i iu.Mii. ini niniiii
Colonist Fares
Correspondingly low fares
troni all points hast to all
points on
And stations on
Portland to Astoria, inc.
Tickets on Sale Daily
March 1 to April 15, inc.
Arrangements may be made
with any agent of toe 8 P. &
S. or A. & ('. H. to deliver
tickets to friends in the Kast.
Detailed information furn
ished by E. A. QfBKRT, Agt.
While Salmon, or II. H.
Adams, i
liit . I. Ore.
The Dalles, Oregon
Breeder of S. 0. Bufi Loghomr, Kggs
for hatching from winners at Walla
Walla, Pendleton and The Dalles.
I'hone ; i -I .
boy wants job
box m.
Heliool boy .
l or Elent Three nlts of furnished nainis
Willi nil ronvlencea la connection. Plume
im.. ml"
For Hale Cheap-A palrof tine Jemey calve-,
Iweekaold. Also 110 feet il'i Inch floorltur.
L. W. Cannon PhonetlMK, mn
Wanted To
Phone laaL.
bny n second-hand
l or Ha e I he but . inas
Int. northeast corner of Oak and Korrtli Sta.
See John Ol ten. mlO
Wanted Oood genite ony for driving and
rlrtiiiK. Not afraid ofantoa. Slate urlce. W.
J. Knight, Route 3 mlO
notick for publication. , Oakdale (ireenhou se
United Mates Land Office,
The Daliea, Oregon, Februai y 8th, 1P10.
Notice la hereby given that the Mate of
Oregon haa filed In thia office Its application,
Herlal No. ftr7 to sele"t under the provisions
of Acr of Congreaa of AuKnst 14, IK4", and the
Acts supplementary and amendatory thereto,
Tlie Lot 3, of Sec 31 T. 3 N. K. 10 East Willam.
MU ai l allan
Anv and all naraODi clalminu adversely the
lands d Met 1 bed, or desiring to object because
I Roses, tihruljB ami bulbs now ready for
fall planting. Plant now and have
blooms next year. Hyacinth Narcissi,
Karlv and I.ale Tulips on hand. Hardy
- phlox, primroses, lotkspur, oriental
I poppies, snapdragon, hollyhock, etc. A
1 lew White Wyandotte cockerels $1 to f3
of the mineral character of the laud,
unv other reason, to the dlstasal to applicant
should file their affidavits of protest In this
office on or before the laih day of Mareh, 1919.
C. W. MOORE, Register. '
each. Pot plants
& Fletcher.
at Franz. I'letcber
for Hale Cheap Cow giving milk, to be
fresh In May. E. (.'. Mahaney.Odell. uilO
For Hale A six room bungalow with bath
four blocks out. Also two choice building
lots. See E. H. llartwlg. mlu
1 wish to purchase the best Improved, small
producing trull ranch 1 can aud pay C.'SOU
cash. Must be In condition to make a living
for a family. Am not alrsld to go In dt bt on
good producing ranch. I hpve a friend who
will trade tHUUO resldedce E. Salmon Ht , Port
land, for fruit ranch- Oeo. C. Hheffler, 749
Belmont .we, K, Portland, Ore. mlO
V. & V. A , Doit
Dental Cc
Fruit Growers
If yon want your young trees to do well
ami niiike n good urowtli use some Dried
Blood and Bunt' when yon plant then,
Prom Btittc Eiperirnenl station, I'or
vallis, Oregon :
Nitrogen 6 M per oent,
rhorpborio cld. . .7.88 per cent .
Made h in I For Sale By
E. J. YOUNG, Hood River
Glacier Ownership Maps.
I'p to date blue print, present owner
ship maps of tin- Hood Kiver valley are
(or sale ut the (iliu ier ofBoe. This map
is in two Beet ton I, the lower and the
upper valley. It bus tbe roads and
streams marked nod tbe names of html
OWOert Written over their tracts. Tbe
price of the map complete is $1. It will
be sent to any tddreu postpaid upon
receipt ol the price.
W. J. Baker & Co.
Dealers in
Fruit and Farm
Resident Agents For
Phoenix Assurance Co.
Serious Thought
Should be given to the purchase of
your Drugs. You cannot afford to
use inferior Drugs in your home. Our
will be found all that is desirable in
every way. To buy the inferior when
you can get the superior here at little
if any higher cost is sheer wastefulness
and possibly worse.
The Store on the Corner
For Sale-Hay. Phoje i!05M and 14X. mlO
For Bale Ten or twenty ucrss, nine acres In
a, a nd 4 jear old orcuard, A acres In clover,
a acres ready lor plow, baiunce slashed at.d
easil cleared. Three acres strawberries Le-
tweuu trees, ttmu per acie.
E C. Mahauey. Ode I.
Lost Black dog, thoroughbred water Spi n
lei. extra Ion iouk ears, ituwaid ol (6 loi te.
luiu ,o i-.. it. rouoj, pnone aUBx.
1. 1 ii'
Wauled, Immediately, responsible rneu and
wouicn oi lieiu apptaianco to solicit subscrip
tions iur tbe Oterlanu inoiitbiy. Pleasant,
piuhiab.e woik. Mplendto couituissiou, valu
able u s i pi lata, pcin.autnt eiupio) uieut for
nustleis. (live relereuces, auu. ess cncuia
Llon Mi, overlanu Monthly, t;8 Market
a(., o..u Kruuivcio, Cal. IK
For aale Fifty acres adjoining Mt. Hood
Knilioad oue inue west ol B uglier. Six
... .1. two auu itiree year uld Hpllaenbeig
aud iNtwton trees. Puce ),0ou. 8iu M.
Nicuol, Dec, oie. J27n
For rem-4 loom cottage with pautr aud
Closet aud tue water, luiiune ol Mrs. li.J.
Fridel ick. I4
Fur sale-tight buggy uud single haruesa.
InqUlleulUtteu AOnmaua. iA
Wanted A married ntau to work on ranca
Culler Bros., puollc ilUA. 1'3U
For sule-biaud aew visible typewriter.
Sb6.U. iiy It a week. A. Wtlaou, Mt. Hood
uepol. 14
Foi MsletOoe Rhode fslaud Ued cockerel,
1 huned I'l.viuouiu Kock cocacrcl aud a "2uu
ekg s tutor lucnbulor. Will leut lucubutoi.
I'll. Hit iH.l. 14
n .-uie Hay at Dealt,
alu, pi.oue4 (jdeli.
See J. W. McLion-121
Mt-H-H-H-l-l-l-l-M H 111 111 1 1 II !'! 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT Ii HWfWr
Berry Crates
Notice to Creditors.
in the County Court of ihe rttste of Oregon,
For Hood Kiver County.
In Hie Mutter of liic Fisttte of Oscar k
Rtranaban, deoeued, Notice to Creditors
The QDderalgned, having been appointed by
tin- Oounty Court of 'he mate of orecon, for
Hood River County, Administratrix ot the
estate of Oscar L. Sii-Hiiahau, deceased notice
Is hereby given to the creditor of and all t er
Iods bavinit clalma satnat the estate ef aatd
daceewdito praeent them, vei tried required
by law, within sU nuintha after the first pith
lloattoo of thia aottoe, at the ofBce of F'.rnest
C. Sm Itli, iii nniins II and 16 In the Hall
liuil. lint, in the cliy ol Hood River, aald
county and stale
lute of first publication Feb. 17. 1910.
We will carry them made up at
our Hood River yard. Can sup
ply them in any quantity, and
our price is right. See or
phone us before placing that
order. Phone 96M
Bridal Veil Lumbering Co.
For Sale or Trade
P. H. MOHR Phone 206R
Do You Own a Home?
If not consider our plan for securing one.
Stop paying rent.
We loan you money to build on yonr lot, or we buy
your lot and loan you money to build, at 5 per cent
interest. We also make loaus for improvement of
fruit farms. Inquire j w JoNE($t agent for
Jackson Loan S1 Trust Co. TV.f,
v anted tnau aud wtie, oictiurd to care
101. tiai.' uud 12 .ears' expeii.uce. Will
vsui k lor salui y oi sliaies. J. O. Klssfcil, Vuu-
cuuver, Wm-ii , H. It. Ail. 0. luiu
Horse I Hilling lirluif jour horses to tha
tauiou Hlable or 6uow k Upsou shop lor
t lipping by Look ft Hubiusou. 124
For Sale Cheap New lucuqalor, E. T. Neal
Hut i?aie Hoad call, liut little used. U.S.
Lewi., phone 133 Odell. 124
For Kent Two nicely furnished rooms uud
a parage witlou oue block, of posloftlce. i'h.iue
1U2. 124
Wanted To buy a good luiia cow.
For Sdle Voung teatu, weil inaichtd aud
aouud. rast ou tue roud. Ueutle and broke
single ur double. oooU all round rsuch
team, fhoue 2HxF. in3
For Male A good lot cheap In
I'aik Addition. A. W. Oulhauk.
Wanted A position as foreman on Iruit
rauch; 12 yeais' expeilLUce, A Mo. 1 receoui
mendallous; bavo lutuily. Helerence witn
Uood Kivei i out 1 1 1, 1 1 in i Club or addiens
W. 1.. Tinker, Suunyside, Wasu. mt
r-aira Team For Sale Uood strong team for
luiuire It
KtdUeid, liooiu orchard
oiled To buy uut uhinu machinf;,
Hi naiid. lu ansueiiug stale kind and
address J. B. Clarke, Hood Kiver,
In re H.
class li'i.iuch yellow pin
J. Hibhard. ni3
Nanteil-Tne UVcrlalid Monthly wants an
energetic, taxable n,an or woui.iu in Hood
itiver to act aa ixtuntj niansger In Uood Hlv
er county, to tonducl a subscription cain
iialgu, tin-Mi pay, permanent employment,
experience uuncveasary, hen ict.ces required.
lUtnt ami I lull Ov iron free. Address immedi
ately, "Circulation Managwr " 73 .Market St.,
ian rrauclaoo. t;ai. 124
For Keiil A small tru't farm. Some bear.
Ilia orctlaril, si'uwberrses and other Iruit.
laqulre UUetet oirlcc. mlO
For Hale A two year old Norman oolt,
weight about 1150 lbs. Write or call J. H.
Morse, route 3, b.u ibu, phone 2112K. mlO
Wanted-A gistd all tonnd horse (or plow,
aafou and driving. About 12n0 His. K.
Baaaett, Uood Kiver, K L 3. 1'houe tM2H mh
tr tip ru. mlu
For Sale One hay horse, cheap,
phone 1H72L.
J. Jakku,
Foi Sale team ot horses, weight 1201) each
hay color, 5 and s jears old, drive single o
double. Plume MM, mlOr
For Sale One ol Ihe best ot teams of aonel
matched boraea, age tlx and seven, perfectly
sound and gentle, not alrald of steam engine
ur automobile, weight Had each, (rood all
round team. Unvc right up to the bit. Also
light two horse wagon, nearly new. Will be
a ild at a bargain either together or aeparale.
ibwatoid St.ii,-, liood Kiver. Phone ls3s. m3
Fi ii Sa le Having added "to out-st.sS-
Plymouth Kocks Mime new blood we have
now for sale a few cockerels and pullets which
are Ismud to make Itinera, having correct
ma kings, yellow lega and beaks. The make
up ot these hlrda la grand, satisfaction guar,
suteed. Kockfbrd Poultry Yarda, Flood
Kiver. Phone m. m8
For Sun Toe well known established met
canUte businesa, the Kockfurd store Will
sell lbe stock and rent tbe bulldlnga or will
-til all together, a tine opp rtuulty for a
vu"g pushing business man Age and fall
ing he. Ith causes me to give up my buiineaa.
K. llrayfor ', liood Klver, Ore. ml7
For sail Altalfa
phone ski..
bay. Ralph
Found A pocket bxik conla'ning money,
near high achool bulldtug, Saturday, F'eb, '
Owner may hv -sine b proving property
aud paying lor this ad. f24ti