The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 03, 1910, Page Two, Image 2

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ARTHUR D. MOR, 'Publisher.
Subscription, 81..0 Per Year.
Id another column will be found
communioutioD (rom Mr. Wluatii oo
the subject or tbe r'orl laud -Hood
Kiver automobile road, ihore ia bo
new matter lo tbe letter ot particular
importance but we publish it in order
to nive .Mr. Wioaoi bia "last aay" in
the matter. We bope to see an aulo
road to Portland oon and we will
live to travel two auto roada to Port-
laud. One by tbe liver and one
over tbe mountain. However, we
believe with Forest Kanger Hbelley
that tbe rivei route la tbe moat prac
ticable and therefore ahould be tbe
aoene ot tbe Urat aotlvity in building
au auto load out ot tbe valley. We
need better ioada witbin tbe valley
and until Ibey are improved consider
ably it will be impoaaible for the
county to undeitake tbe extensive
and expenalva building of a road
along the Columbia itivei. Owing to
Mr. Wlnaua' intereat in a particular
comer of tho valley which he baa
aeeu lit to cull Winana City and bia
exaggerated idea of ita importance be
ia unable to write on the auto road
question with the breadth of vision
which 1 necessary in dealing with
matters of intereat to tbe valley at
'tbe editor of tbe Aablaud Valley
Keoord apilled over with two columns
and a half of editorial invective wben
be beard that Hood Kiver contem
plated Inviting tbe people ot Oiegon
to plaoe their one Normal acbool
hero. He was pretty aore and re
minds ua a good deal of a Oermau
friend, who expressed bis auger tbus:
"Vy, if 1 vss a svaieing man I vould
cuss you a streak".
According to artioles published In
tbe Portland papeis Sunday tbe
alumni of tbe Monmouth normal will
appeal to the people at the next
general eloetion with un initiative
bill too make a special levy of one
twenty-tlfth of a mill tor their school
which will net accoidlng to pieaent
vaiuationa about 127,000 It Is pro
bable that the schools at Ashland
aud Weston will come through with
similar movements in au effort to
revive tbelr normal schools. Ibus
tbe old normal school system will be
running lu the state if tbe people
sbould vote to support three schools.
Accoidlng to a law passed in 1008
no institution msy he established
outside of Marlon uounty with nit
being tlrst ordeied by an act ot tbe
state legilHtuie and then ratified by a
vote of the people. This would seetu
to make It impossible for the Hood
Hiver normal proposition to be put
before the people on initiative, al
though it la argued by some people
that that law ia a dead tetter. If
it is neeessary for tbe Hood Klvei
proposition to go Urst before tbe
legislature, by tbat time the people
will have voted to support or leave
iu idleness tbe schools wbiob tbe state
formerly operated.
Ralph Savage returned Saturday
from a visit iu Portland.
lo the Prmt (Jrowers-Tbe last of
this week or tbe tlrst of next, every
fruit grower in the valley will reoeive
a letter from the seorelary of tbe
Cotumerloai Olub, with a Hat ot
questions enclosed.
lu as much as this is to be the
greatest year iu the history nf Ore
gou, the Commercial Club la en
deavoring to make tlood Itlver take
as prominent place as means and labor
will penult. To do this work Intel
ligently we need the help ot every
number and rruit grower. We intend
lo prove to you that It Is to your
interent more than to any ot tbe peo
pie of the town and valley. Ho you
realize that every word ot advertising
that goes out iM making your tipple
trees better known? lirlnging more
people lu the valley means bringing
more money. You sbaie in tlua i
au indued way if not in a direct
way. it puts a higher value on your
land. It does not mean you bave to
sell to bave that value. If you weie
asked your financial worth, would
you answer that you bad paid I'JIK)
per aoie aud had 10 acres making you
worth I'JIMKJ? No, you would not.
You would say, "Jim Jones sold bis
pluce last week at KiOO per ame, and
mine is as good as bis so I'm worth
" The work we are doing puts
extra value on yom plaoe and It is
theie wben you want it.
We want to impress every tiuit
grower with this idea. It is necessary
that we have help to make your place
more valuable, i be questions we are
asking are for the purpose ot oompll
lug records and to do this we need
the auswcr ot every msu iu the
valley. It your name Is lelt from the
mulling list by some mistake send us
a postal card aud we will mail you
the appal.
The data which we will get yom
glviug proper attention to the blanks
sent out will give us the name, ad
dress, birthplace, length of resldeuce
here, previous home and occupation
and family etat letiOH ot alt the
ranchers iu the valley. We also want
to kuow your club, college and lodge
ntllliatlous. 'then au impoitant
feature, is for us to have carefully
complied information of the state of
development cf the various acreages
of the valley, tge of trees and uumbei
per aore, varieties represented, pre
ceulages of dilterent grades iu tbe
crop and spraying luformatlou. We
cau obtain this information by proper
co operaiou on the part of tbe grower.
Many of these conditions are pecu
lair to Hood Hiver aud they are tbe
things which make ilood Hiver the
greatest fruit district in the world.
We waut to bo able to give the exact
facts aud figures to parties who ate
Mils Is going to be a great year for
Hood Kiver. luquirles concerning
Oregon are greater than California
ever bad and we want to get tbe cream
toi Hood Hiver. To attaiu the best
results we need tbe eutire support of
the ri ult growers. We will briug you
good neighbors, make your apples
known and Increase tbe value of
your p:opeity, You should be vitally
interested iu our work and we bope
to eoe you taking an aotive part.
J. C. Hkinner
ISeo'y Commercial Club.
A special election for tbe voting of
bonds has been oalled by tbe direo
tois of tbe Hood Kiver Irrigation dis
trict, to he held February 6. It ia
proposed to Issue bond in a sum not
to exceed f 0,000. this district baa
not in tbe paat bad suttlcient water
and with tbe funds it is proposed to
raise tbe ditches and flumes will be
completed to tap North and South
Ureenpolnt cieeks wbiob according to
engineers' leoorts will give tbem an
ample supply. This wurk baa been
beid up by changes in the irrigation
laws by tbe last legislature but tbe
plans and estimates tor tbe proposed
Improvements bave been submitted to
tbe State Engineer and tbe dlatriot is
now ready to go ahead as soon as tbe
bonds are voted. According to tbe
new law a voting of bonds must in
clude tbe entire amount tbat tbe dis
trict ever expeota to need although it
is not noeessary to veil all tbat are
authorized. It is estimated that tbe
oontempiated improvements and ex
tensions will cost about 945,000.
At tbe mass meeting Friday night
after tbe dlaoussion cf tbe normal
school, W. J. Ooodenough, an experi
enced paper manufacturer, wbo re
cently bought a ranch in tbe valley,
explained a plan to establish a papei
mill at Hood Klvei. Owing to bis
ranch Interests beie, Mr. Uoodenougb
would like to eaublish tbe mill wbiob
would employ aboni 160 men here.
Tbe company to build tbe mill has
been organized with a oapitul ot tfoo,
000 most of wbiob is already sub
scribed. Tbe mill would turn out a
high grade of paper none of wbiob ia
now manufactured west of the Miss
issippi valley. The plant would uoed
cheap power and tbe taw materials
would be old rags aud paper as well
as wood pulp. A committee consist
ing ot P. B. Davidson, Truman But
ler, K. D, Pratt, P. A. Cram and J.
H. Heilhronnner was appointed from
the Commercial Club to confer wltb
Mr. Uoodenougb and met with bim
on Monday wben the pioposltion was
outlined more definitely. There are
several other cities which would like
to have the mill and tbe committee is
ryiDg to Hud a suitable location for
It here.
Mrs. Heorgc II ray Dead.
Mrs. Oeoige Oiay died last Thurs
day after a brief illness duilng whioh
sbe suffered from pneumonia. Mrs.
Cray waa born January 20 1881, aud
w as one day more tban 20 years old
wben sbe died. Sbe Is survived by
her husband here and her father,
three brothers and tbree sisters in
Ainsworth, Neb. Mrs. Cray bad
been a readout, of Hood Hiver tor two
year and bad many friends here.
The funeral wa held Monday at tbe
Bartmei Chapel. Tbe music wa
furnished by tbe Congregational cbolr
and Rev. Ullmore had charge of tbe
services. The pallbearers were: A.
J. Oraham, Charles Clarke. Truman
llutler, Prank Parker, H. U. Peiigo
aud .Walter Walters.
Local Merchants Elected.
Two looai merchants were eleoted
officers of tbe State Ketall Merchants
Association wbiob met in Kugeue last
week. K. Dray ford, wbo attended
tbe meeting as tbe delegate of tbe
tlood Hiver association, wa eleoted
third vioe-pretldent of the state or
ganization and Pisnk A. Cram waa
elected a director. Mr. Urayford
took a prominent part In tbe state
meeting and was ou the toast list at
the banquet held Friday eveuiug, He
will give a Jrepoit of tbe state meet
ing to the members of the looal
association at their regular meeting
uext luowiay evening.
Pleasant Afternoon and Evening.
Tbe ladies and young people ot the
Christaln oburoh have planned to
give the people ot Hood Hiver a very
pleasant, afternoon and evening on
Friday ot thl week. Tbe ladle will
entertain from 2 to 5 ut the home of
Hev. and Mrs. Adams, corner Kugene
and Ninth streets. A program will be
rendered, and tea will be served "Ca
feteria" style. Ladles are asked to
bring their needlework, (leutlemen
will tie cordially welcome to tea. I be
Young People will bave charge of tbe
evening festivities, in the pailora of
the church. Beginning at 7 o'clock.
A program will lie giveu and latei In
the evening lunch will be served.
Come nod enjoy the social fentuie.
All will be heartily welcome.
Debate Park place Sal unlay.
'the debate between Hood Hiver
and Parkplace high schools which
was postponed two weeks as i will be
held Saturday night In the opera
bouse. The proposition to be debated
Is that life Imprlsonn cut with n re
stricted power of pardon should he
Good, Clean Meats
at reasonable prices
At the New Market on the Heights
Fine dressed Chickens a specialty
Holman & Nicholson
Delivery all over town Phone 79x
Trojan Powder
The Successor to Dynamite
For Stump
Remember: Trojan Powder
Powder gives no headaches. Trojan Powder is prac
tically safe to handle. Trojan Powder saves money
and time. For Sale
Special For Saturday
Men's Work
twilled shirting.
Shirts, of
New Spring
For Men and Boys
All the new shapes and colon. These you
will admit, if you bave ever tried one, tire
the best hats you have ever worn.
The Star Hat
made by the Itothscbihta Brother and it
makes no difference whether you pay 1 .ro
or $.'5.00 yon get the best hat value for the
money of any brand that we kuow of.
They bold their shape and color aud give
the very bent satisfaction of any hat you
can buy. We carry a very large assort
ment. Over 200 Different Styles and
ainless Dentistry
Out of town penfde
uaa bava o.uir i-inte
and iirldgowoiv fin
UhM i one day
if ncfarj.
Wn,j p e yru ft sooif
22k frold or poiceliii
Mtvs fsf $3.51'
Mr tmm 5.0Q
Gold rilli'lR!
$Erumft f iltintfi
Silver Fillings
Inlay I 1 . ;h
PUthl O.Uli
Bast Hed Rl!- - ft
Dl.W.lWltE,riiiam:iiMiJuui Mr riaiM I.UV
ii mi imnttnis ra mclim Pimlitts Fit r Hon . Oil
i'alnleM Jvjtrmi ioa r i w linn jilaUwtir brldgo work
in ordered, Oonmiliiit l"n JTroe, V. n cinnot ant better
pal fuM work .'. mi .'. hi. . All work fiillyriiar
tn 1 1 -fit. Jsloderaeleci rio i'jiilment. t h t methods.
Wise Dental Co.
riaiM Buiumto '?C"P"T
ivrius uouua. ilfthlM. Staters. tc i.
Notice of Special Bond Election, Hood
River Irrigation District, Feb. 26, 1910
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to orders
r t lie iidnrd ot Dlreotofc of the Hood River
Irrigation District, that s special bond elec
tion will be held at the Barrett school house,
In ssld district, Hood Kiver County, Oregon,
on the Wlh day ot February, 1110, at which
nine there will he submitted lo the qualified
electors of said district the question or Issuing
the bonds of the district in a sunt not exceed
!ng seventy thousand dollars (S'0,000), for the
purpose ot building ditches, flames and car
rying out of necessary work and the payment
of I he necessary cost aud expenses to supply
WAtar to the landowners of said district for
Irrigation purposes.
The (sills will he opened at oue hour after
sunrise of said day and will close at sunsel of
Hiild day.
listed and llrst published February Si ! Mill,
by order of the H ard of Directors of the Mood
Kiver Irrigation District.
(Signed) R. W, KELLY,
Secretary llisid Kiver Irrigation District.
substituted lu Oregon for capital
punishment The looal team will be
composed of Kva brook, Merrill Ues
sling and (Man Orr. A week later
Herbert Phillip, liurton Jayae and
Karla upanldinii will take the otbei
side of at tbe queattou and delate tbe
vlaitiut; team In their Inure town.
MI4M Od Hast l.rade.
' There have been a number ot ilidea
on tbe eaat aide grade during the
past week which bave blockaded tbe
road and made traveling that way
rather dungeroua. At dlltereut titnee
earth and rook weighing aeveral tuna
have (alien dowu on to the road and
vehicles which are oouatantly panning
have been endangered. Marshal
Lawli haa bed aereral men at work
cleuriug away the elides aud haa kept
the mad open moat of the time Oily
Kiiglnoer Moiae haa beeo makiug mr
veys ami estimates Inr Improveuienta
on the grade Hiid the city expects to
(i pike them this aumuier if autllrlent
(inn Is 0(1 D be serin e. I.
and Rock Blasting
does not freeze. Trojan
Phone 1P63L
Colonist Fares
CHICAGO f 33 St. LOUIS f 32
An I
Correspondingly low fares
from all points Fast to all
points on
And stations on
Pcfrtlnad to Astoria, inc.
Tickets on Sale Daily
March 1 to April 15, inc.
Ammgements may be made
with any aent of the S. P. &
S. or A. & C. K. to deliver
tickets to friends in the Fust.
Detailed information furn
ished by E. A. GIBERT, Apt.
White Salmon, or H. H.
Adams, (i. F'. ft l A., Poit
land, Ore.
In the Clirult Court of the Hlftlft ot Oregon
for Mood KivT t'oinity.
Mhtv K. Ktwvlufcml wlllUm V. HeuvU, lim ti
ll in.
Wright Hcymoor, Orpha Seymour, Nancy
Seymour, May ijoy, formerly Heyniour,
John ttOOttj Hurt the unknown helm, it there
he any, of Wrlghl Seymour, I'elendnnts.
To Wight Heymnur, Nftnoy Heymour, John
Hcott, and the I'uknown Helrn, If nny there
be, of Wright Ht mous (leiendantN uhove
In the Name of the staff of Oregon, yon,
and cufh of you, are required to appear and
answer the complaint hied againm you In the
above entitled court and null on or be for the
Mth day of February 1910; aid If you fall to so
annwer, for want thereof, the pluliilltlN wll
ibWt the Judgment and decree of the uaHi
Court aganiNt you for the relh f prayed for In
the complaint, namely: That plaintiffs are
t he HhKitlute and cxcIuhIvh ownera in fee ot
the north half ot the nouthwt Mt quarter of the
northwest quai ter of section 111 In Township
2 noith of Kange 10 K. W, M. and In Mood
Hlvi-r County, Oiegon; that their aald title to
aid land he quieted In them; that the cloudu
made to the records of a cert. In mortgage
iioio wnght Seymour to John Scott, with
defendanlN herein, and the certain deed of
NHld Wright My moor, to and on Mid land,
be removed and haul mortgage he declared
settled , Hut lifted and cancelled; that defend
ants, and each of them, be forever barred
from claiming to own or have any right, title,
or Intel est in or to. or Incumbrance upon,
srild land or any part thereof; and for lUeli
other and further rellel aa the court ina'l
deem equitable In the premises, together
with plaintihV costs and dlahurMemeiita.
This summons is published b order ot the
Hon. A. J. Perby, County Judge of Hood
Kiver County, Oregon, made January Mh,
1910, fixing 1x PonaeCtttlVe weeks therefor,
and In the Hood Hiver Glacier, the Oral pub
lication heieof being January iflth, h10.
J13AH Attorneya for Plaintiffs.
The Steamer Teal
Leaves Portland for The
DaUaa, hig- Kddy ami way
points Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays 7 a. m. ie
turninig Mondays, Wednes
days and Fridays leaving
The Dalles at 7 A. M.
List Your Land
E.T.Neai Ranch
L. H. Smith Ranch, $ 1
I now have 40 good places on the West Side listed and I would
like to list 15 or 20 first class places on the East Side
W. S. NICHOL At the Drug
Ue Paris Fair
The Store that Saves You Money
Men's Hats
60c, $1, $1.50, and up
Boys' Hats
75c, $1, $1.25 and up
New Oxfords
For Spring
All kinds and styles for 1910 in patent
leather, kid, gun metal, Russian Calf and
Suede leathers. All widths and sizes. High
heels, medium and low. You can find what
you want at this store and we guarantee
satisfaction in price and service.
For Sale
The Spring Days Are
Kodak them and keep them. We
have a lot of new kodaks, films and
supplies fresh from Rochester. Get
ready to snap the trees in bloom.
Plath's Drug Store
The Store on tne Corner
Mid-Winter Sale
To make room for the Spring Orders now
we are, offering great reductions ou all Winter Goods:
Cravenette Coats
112.50, now $10.00
11.00, now 9.00
10.00. now 8.50
1L8. nw 100
100, now 8!40
ese are money
With the Fellow Who
A. L Carmichael
in Sales
There are some big bargains
Boys' & Men's Shoes
on our bargain
Kid, good double soles
cut. Your choice...
Ladies' house Dresses
Of A. F. C. Gingham, one and two piece
dresses, solid colors and in stripes, medium
dark A-l values, your choice
or Trade
Phone 206K
Ladies' Sweaters
$1.75, now $1.35
2.50, now 2.10
$2.75, now 2.15
Reductions Made on
on all
Men's Flannel Shirts
for you. Please
Makes the Sales
in the Past
Slain Ranch $ 1 3,000
Heilbronner Ranch, $30,000
Store on the Heights
Some few Suits of Men's and
Boys' Clothes that we are closing
out at a bargain. Look them over.
tables at per t4 40
Children's Shoes
s 11 to 12. Your choice 75C
Ladies' Shoes .
Oak dale (ire en house
Rosea, shrubs and bulbs now ready for
fall planling. Plant now and have
blooms next year. Hyacinth Narcissi,
Karly and Lais Tulips on hand. Hardy
phlox, primroses, lockspur, oriental
poppies, snapdragon, hollyhock, etc. A
few White Wyandotte cockerels $1 to $3
each. Pot plants at Kranz. Fletcher
& Fletcher.
host in Postofflce-A Klasn bowl or vase,
decorated Wltb olfftr wrappers. Kluder please
leave wltu Carl Ko and receive reward. f'J
Hay For Hale Dane Kemp, Odell.
(Well 4xfi.
Pound Child's while fur ollaret. Owner
may have same by calling at this office and
paying for advertisement. 19
For Sale Apples will be delivered to i ny
part ol the city. PnooeJttSX. n)
Wauled Parly lo pull stumps on I Urea
acres. Hlx milesoul ou KastBide. Address K
J. ApKar, K K II No. 1. (3
K..rSale Hay Phone -WiVl and H i
r'or H lie Gentle horse, broken to work
donble, single or uuder the saddle. It H.
Wallace, Hhadow Bioofc Farm. Phone lwl M.
Wauled One, two or three shares of clock
In the F.ast Fork Irrigation Co. tilve number
ol shares ofTwed and lowest price. Address
X Y Z, care tjlacler. Til
Wanted I will care for a home for lis use.
Robt. It. Carter. W
Wanted Young girl for general housework
Mrs, .Murray Kay, phone 1H7L. 13
For sale-Hay mid Wood. Good timothy
anil wiieat hay ana oak wood. Troy Shelley.
for Bale One tine i nrham cow, giving live
gallons of milk ana), ftaiistacliuu guaran.
teed or price n lunoeu. Address J. H. C, care
Glacier. fit
Wood for Sale In car lots.
Friduy A Hale,
phone auiM or ilOK.
For sale Good dry body til wood, $6 a cord
A. Whitehead. Ul
Wauled by responsible paity, the use of
riding pony lor lignt exercise balance of win
tea loi nis keep or email payment. Addresa
J. C. H., core Gl.'cler. 13
Wisid to Uive Away 1 have standing tim
ber, pine aud oak, that will make :W i icks
giaju wood. Will give sain to party or par.
j ties who will cut ii. ood road out ul place
p one hall mile above Tucker's brnlge ou the
Wesmlde J. S. Kelso, It. 1). No, z. 1.1
For Male Tn or tweuty acies, nine acres in
g, H and i ear old orchard, 3 acres lu clover,
3 acres ready tor plow, balance slashed aud
eaii cleared. Three acres strawberries be
tween trees. SSUU per acre. mi)
K. C. Mahaney, Ode l.
Wanted Tenant for brick building on lot
DBaUN feet, adjoiuing hi mt building, hum to
cult tenant. Term lease. K. O. Bianchar. f3
Wanted Bids on clearing land of slumps
ami rocks and plowing Ii, also ondiichof
about T! rods. W. .1 Knight, phone K. fl7
Lost Black ahgator music toll, containing
a few sheets of music, helween top ol hill and
J. A. hpping place. Nameol Louise Boyden
Goddard on roll. Leave al Glacier olUce lor
reward. no
Wanted To buy a well matched driving
team. Five yea -olds or over. Weight lido to
lh'iU. W. s. Niehoi, si lleiglns Drug more.
Wanted W ork in a w ell managed orchard
In the valley by an Agricultural College
graduate. L C Martin, puoue 4tk. f 17
For Male Fresh cow.
sX I Udell.
I'. Li. Kleiner.
a for Sale Foster & to. high grade, cos
Imoat new. lieautilul Line, massive
.iinui oacaj not a scratch on ii; interior
ve uispie. Piano, acarf, stiail and music
i,tJ15. Phone lsix. 117
bli,. -e
Call. lie
Wanted, Immediaiely, responsible nen and
WOUtvu ul neat appearunce t solicit subscription.-.
ior tile eiverlanu uioiithly. I'laaaaill.
prolnaiiie work. Hpletntiu coiumiwlon, vaiu.
ahlecasn prises, permanent employment for
hustlers. Give retereuoaa, address Circula
tion Manager, overland Monthly, .3 Market
.M., San Fraiieisc i, Cal f4
For Root Ranch about milei from
Hood Klvei; a.siil n use; sti wbei i les and
oluer Iruits, aino nay laud; free water wuu
piace. Good man on have a baigain. Ad
dress K. W. Caldwell, 6;M huclid Ae., Spokane,
Wash. U7
For H.ile FLty
acres adjoining Mt. Hood
Kallioiiii one
nine weri ot biuuciier. Six
aorec in two ami inree year out Spnz niieig
and .Newtown trees Price 15,000. Shi M.
Nlchol, Uee, uie j:7U
ToUian A lew hundred dollars on Nir. I
ranch security. Inquire B. C, this oflcoe. io
For rent -4 nsim cottage with pantrv and
closet cad free water, inquire of Mrs. H.J.
Frederick. tM
Iaisi A tadjr'l back comb, Sunday al.. r.
noon, Jan. DO. Please return L Glacier office
and receive reward, f7
For sale Lighi tuugy and single harness.
Inqalre ol (Him outnank. ut
Wanted A married mau to work on ran h
Cutler Bros., piione H0X. fjn
For cade U.-and Hew visible typewriter.
t50i. Try it a week. A. Wilson, Mt. Hood
uepot, tn
For sale-one Rhode Island Red cockerel,
1 Barred Plymouth Risk cockerel auiluW
eg Vicor Incubator. Will rent Incubator.
Piione MM, fVi
For Male-Hay at Oeell. See J.
aid, phone 17 odell.
W. Mclion-
Vt anted Bj man and wife, orchard to cute
for. Have had IS ears' experience. Will
work for salary or sha es. J. o. Klsssll, Van
couver, Wash , R. Ii No. 6. mlu
Bona t'llpplng-Brli.g your Horses to the
Fa hi. n MUhle or Snow A L'pson shop for
clipping by Look A Rublnnm. fu
For Sale Cheap New Incuqator. K. T. Neal
For Male Road csrt. But little used. 11.8.
Iawl, phone m Odell. t2
For Kent-Two nicely furnished ro im and
a garage wuhiu one block of posmffl Ph ma
ldi m