The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 20, 1910, Page Seven, Image 7

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Our entire stock of Remnants, Dress Goods, Silks, Draperies, Domestics, Wash Goods, Embroideries,
Laces, White goods, etc. at just half price. Everything goes. Tremendous reductions in Coats, Suits, Blank
ets, Comforts, Men's and Boys' Clothing and Overcoats.
The Dietz Htudio for photos.
Land Plaster at Whitehead's.
Cold hoiled ham at McGuire Bros.
tor sauerkraut go to Ed Ilolman.
Shoes made or repaired at Johnsen's.
Our work guaranteed. Deitz Studio.
Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu
Buy your Lure and Vilrol at White
head's. Hazel wood ( reamery Butter at Mc
Guire?. For Flower and Alfalfa Seeds go to
If you want shos that don't g;
wrong go to Johnsen's.
Money to loan on improved farm
land. T. D. Tweedy.
Home Rendered Leaf Lard at McGuire
Best line of Spray Nozzles at McDon
ald. A. S I-hitters has left bit mar
with .1 oriii tiiurioha tor sale.
Miss Hunt, Public Stenographer,
Room 14, Hall building.
If your iboea have gone wrong take
them to Johnsen.
Lloa and Sulphur Solution in any
quantity, at W hitehead'a.
Highest market price paid for veal
and chickens. McGuire Bros.
Get vour spray hose from Mc Donald.
Clean new stock, no factory scraps.
Shasta Water Jack can furnish you
with oys)er coctails by the glas-i, quart
or gallon.
Thirty barrels of hluestone just re
ceived at C. N. Clarke's, the (i lacier
Pharmacy. Prices are right.
"Insure Before the Fire." We rep
resent standard companies only. G.
YJ Edwards & Co., Agents.
.lint received thirty birreis of blue
stone. Price am riffnt 0 X.Clarke
(ilacier Pharmacy.
I have now several new properties
for sale in tbe upper valley.
W. II. Marshall, Dee.
Fresh Kastern and Olympia Oysters
at De Bussey's Oyster HoiiBe by pint,
quart or gallon.
You will never have another chance
lo bnv cheap excellent apple land at
Lyle-Hood River district. O.J. Nelson
& C , Hartwig's office, Smith block.
"Insure Before the Fire" in com
panies like the Phenlx, London and
Lancashire and other strong compa
nies. 0. Y. Edwards & Co., Agts.
Bearing oronnrds wanted In all
sized traces. We have bnyerB foi
good bearing orchards. See us right
away if yon wan' to sell
J. H Heilbronner k Co.
Lyl apple land at vour own price
Within the Hood River district yon can
buy the best of apple land for f-3 an
acre and up. parti v cleared Ask Nelson
about it, in Smith Block .
We do hot keep Mitchell wagons,
buggies and hacks we sell them. Our
sales in this line have been very gratify
ing not only to ourselves but many
pleased customers. Blowers Bros.
If von want to buy. sell or rent Hood
River property go to A. W. Onthank.
Money te loan on first mortgages Notar
ial work of all kinds and legal papers
carefully prepared. Also fire insurance
n the very best companies.
Rip opportunity in make easy mon
ey Honest represcutative who can
give sa isfantory lefeienoes to tske or-d-ra
for Hmelt In your locality. Ad
dress V. I Temple. 221) B Alder St..
riottluod, Ore.
Hood Rivet Yellow Newtown Sweet
Cider, mailt
from hand sorted and
washed apples
iver same fre'
Vour grocer will de
am I sweet at 86c per
Uoo I. dry, bo If ti
vood for saD
nt $0 i o ir
Kiiig On A Whitehead,
N i. 54
Bearing oroharJs wanted in all
sized tiucts We have buyers foi
good hearing c.rohaids .See us rigl t
away if you want to sell.
J, H, Heillironrjer & C ),
C C Lemmnn, recently of Chicago,
has bouunt the 16 tore plsc f .loi
H. Gould In the O k (Wove district
Between five and Ox acres of this
place are in bearing or.ihurd and
there are several aoies of straw
berries. Tun Woman's Club will give a tea
next Wednesday afternoon from tJ ;'
to 5 In the Odd fellows Hall tor the
henetlt o" I he Scholarship Lmui Fan
L;ght rfieatia nt will teseivei and
a frte will offering tsen fni Oo
bnIU ot the Fund All the ladie.
cf tbe city and volley Hre invited to
the ten. Ihe list Vdnedny in
.laninrv is observed esrh jenr ns
Hc.hnUrship Ln i Fund INv hv th-8-at"
ivd-.---. -it iii Wmnslt' CI'
L. i ' ' I
ti ,u iuii'1 Ja.
w.rtny girls who are seeking to tit
themselves to earn a living
Nap-a-tan Shoes keep dry feet
Others can worm, others can squirm, but the fact remains FRANK
A. CRAM is the only dealer in Hood River who has the Nap-a-tan Shoes
to actually deliver to you. They tell you "it's Nap-a-tan leather;" they tell
you "it's just as good;" they tell you genuine Nap-a-tans "are too expensive;" but
I tell you I have the goods, because they "keep dry feet."
Miss J. W. Davis spent Sunday In
Mra. Willis Van Horn left Tuesday
for i he east.
W. H. Marsbaall went to Portland
on business Tuesday.
Frank Chandler went to Portland
.Sunday for a tew daya.
There will he no meeting ol St.
Marks Guild this week.
Rev. I. B. Ford weut to Poitlmd
Monday for a few days.
Pierce A Cox, of Vancouver, m
here Monday on business.
M. A Kawson, of Portland, we.
here on huslnesi Friday.
Mrs. Coburn Allen spent the early
part of the week in Portland.
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Jam a
Strauaban, January 17, a girl.
W. H Weber, of Chicago, came last
week to look over orchard ands.
John Otten and wife spent several
days of the past week In Portland.
Tbe Vancouver (Wash.) Columbian
issued a handsome Christmas edition.
Born To Roy Ellis and wife, on
Methodist Lane, a boy, January 17.
Mrs. V. 0. Brock returned Sundav
after spending a tew days in Portland.
Mr and Mrs. J II. HeilLronner
went to Portland Tuesday for a shot I
Koy Slocom is traveling for tfe
Mitchell, Lweis & Stuver Co, of
C. H. Stranahau attended tbe
meeting ot Sootttsh Rite Masons In
Poitland last week.
L. Amelia Smitd, of LsFayette,
111 , arrived Friday to visit at tbe
borne of O. J. Nelson.
John Mill-r, the capitalist, (lis
located bis jaw bone last week prais
ing rolgar's Golden Gate CotTee.
Mrs W L. Smith, of Hood River
will leave Thursday for a month's
visit with bur son, at Mnjsve, Cal
Miss Elizabeth Bronaugh, of Port
land is the guest of Miss Hthel Al
bright Iu the Oak Grove district.
Next Sunday at Ihe Unitarian
church, Rev H. A. MacDonald will
apeak on tbe subject "Westward Do".
G. F. Conlev left Saturday for
Joseph H will epend several mouths
there hut expect to return to Hood
River to live.
Mr snd Mrs. Charles T. Karly
and Mr. and Mrs. William Yates
went io Portland Sunday to spenrl a
few days
A number of residents up on tbe
bill gathered Ft Ida? evening at the
home of 1. J. Cunning and 'horough
ly enjoyed a neighborhood party.
Mr and Mrs 0. H. Castner, Mrs
Charles Ca-tner and children left
Friday for Los Argeles, where tbe
I II spend tbe reuialndei or the
w inter.
Lost Lady Maccabee ring, spider
mount, Saturday evening, probably
in post office. Suitable leward for
return to Mrs. G. H Lynn, News
The new pastor of the Baptist
church Kev. J R liHrgrsves arrived
Saturday and preached two excellent
sermons on Sunday to large audi
The Women's Mission circle will be
eutertaiu-d at the time oi K r! Bragg
by Mrs Mattie Smith today nt 2:30
n! m. Kefersbments will be served
all are cnrdhdly invited.
Winitred.the six weeks old daughter
of Howard Shoemaker and wife, died
Thursday and the funeral was held
Friday. The babf became enddeuly
siok snd was ill but a few hours.
T. II. Farrell, of Chicago, and 0
A Moseley treat to PorUsnd Sunday
Mr. Carrel 1 expects to visit other
paits nf Oregon and later return 'o
Hood KTer to locate.
Mrs 0. A. ' Dano returned Monday
after spending several months in
Marshfleld, the gust of ber sou, M.
A. Dam.. Hei sou cauie with her
aud will return to tbe Coos fcay
metropolis Saturday.
11 M. Prindl" and wife c .me here
recently from Edmonton. Alberta,
and expect to live I ere again. Tiey
rormeily lived in Hood Rim but
have spent tbe past year aud n bal
io the Canadian tow a
The Packer one of lending papen
of lis ki.ol in tbe country, DM 1 1
cently opeoed an office in Loa Angelei
from'wh oh the diti"- knon us the
Pad Be Coast Packet is issued Oth r
editions are published from Khiish
Civ. New York, Cincinnati Hiid Chi
A spicial Irsdu of 18 cars passea
tlnnugh tare TaetdBJ moroliiB carry
ing U80 persons ftom the Spokane
country who ar taking the Oregon
California Mraaralnn from the Inland
laud aud the party will go a
south as Los Angeles.
Will Cbamller spent Saturday iu
A. L. Paddock went to Portland
Bulk lard at Hart Bros., 17 cents,
compound, li cents.
Roy C. Brcok returned Wednesday
from a mouth's busniesa trip in tbe
Hart Bros., are making speolat
price on bucket bird. Five pounds
tor 90 cents
Owing to ill health of the ow ner, the
finest ranch home of six acres in the
valley is for sale. Phone 826X.
Tbe west bound overland trains
i'uesoay were held up near LaGrande
tor over B houra in the snow.
The esst-b und moningf,lool readi
ed Hood Klver yesterday on time for
tbe first time in uearly four months.
llaiold, the 13 months old son of
Mr and Mrs. Ludwig Struok, died
Monday from heart trooblo. Tbe
turn nil will be held today.
The Davenport Harness Co. has a
large supply of good robes which will
be sold at very low prices in not to have
to carry them over to next year. ti
J. Oi Skinuer. secretary ot too
Commeieial Club, spent a couple of
days lust week in Purtl nd conferring
with railroB,1 and promotion men.
C. II. Herzinger, of Pendleton,
general manager ot tbe Singer Sew
ii g Machine Co , of tins district,
was here Hie fir t ot the week on busi
A petition addressed to Pest Master
General Frunk Hitchcock is being
circulated on the Heighls asking that
a post office sub station be establish
ed in the upper part ot town.
The Woman's Club reports that
they realized 185 from the sale of
he. I Cross stamps during tbe holidays
which si most three times the amount
raised iu Hood River the year before.
Mrs W. J. Baker and Mrs. 11. 1.
DeWitt have issued invitations for
Thursday ami Friday afternoons,
when they will eutnrta'n nt wbist.
Thursday evening Mr and Mrs. De
Witt will entertain a number ol
young people at "500."
trunk K. Howard, wbo has had
charge of the long distauee lines of
the Pacific Telephone Co., in this
district, has be iu transferred to Port
land and went there Sunday. M. H.
Cooper has come from Clifton to take
Mr. Howard's place here
L. F. Masaee, local express agent,
who wsb married iu Portland last
week, left Monday for LaGrande alter
spending several days here with his
bride. Mr. Massee has a tin days
leave cf absence and be is still un
decided whether be will return here
or go into the creamfry business with
his father in LaGrande.
J. II. Ferguson, who has been ser
iouily ill for the past week, was te
moved to Portland Tuesday morning
where he underwent a grave abdomin
al operatiou. Dr. R. C. Coffee was
summoned from Portland Monday
and be took Mr. Ferguson to a bos
pital there where he is getting aloug
as well as could be expected.
A. W. Onthank reports the follow
ing sales recently made by him: Lots
8, 7, 12 and 13, in block 11, of Idle
wilds to W. D. Copper, who intends
to build a bungalow on the same
Two lotB eBcb in block -Yi of Hood
River Proper to Miss M rie Fnseth,
Harold B. Daltou and Prof. Mc
Luughliu. A lot 1, iu block 3, of
Blowers Addition to Mis. Gertrude
F. No and, wbo will build i n the
Hulk lard at Hart Bros., 17 cents,
compound, 14 cents.
Ti e Hood River High Si hool de
bateis will meet Parkluce High
School in a debate on Capita Punish
U'cnt at the opera I onse Satnrdav
night. Tbe local teem v ill le com
posed of Kvn Brock, Men ill Gessling
and lltleu Orr the students have
been hard since they won
their debates with The Dalles a tew
weeks ago aud an interesting discus
-inn is promised for Saturday night.
This is the second nt the series ot
inlerschclastio debates Tillamook
whs to I eve been met at tbe same time
tint owing io a misniiderstanding tbey
Ui-ed the resent question in their
preliminary debate aud were ruled
nut of tne present contest As Park
rlace is only i ida to put cut oue
team, ileibert Phillips, Burtou Jayue
and Fa le Spaiilding, who compose
i o I he ' f. f) .i V
l ,rl N fl
For tbe tee, Kid debate tne schutls
wtrl cbauge tides.
The Hood Rivet Amateur Athletic
Club is a reality, the gymnasium
which has been tilted up in the baok
room ot tbe Ramona Hotel attracts a
large bunch of tbe members every
evening and the sounds of tbe boxers
pummel ing one another and the thuds
ot tbe wrestlers on the mat proclaim
the fact that something is doing.
Oue batch of the gymnasium appara
tus has arrived aud has been installed
and tbe rest ot it is expected tbe 1st
ter part of tbe week.
J. Grant, wbo is tbe instructor io
tbe manly art of self-defense, has
formed clasteB in boxing and wre t
ling and the membeis are taking a
gieat interest F. H. lriu, foim
erly instructor in gymnastics at
Washington and Jefferson College, is
forming classes tor tbe regular pbys
ieal culture courses. He has em oiled
a number of younger boys (or tbia
work wbo will be given tbe privileges
of tbe club afternoons and the insiuc
tion for a small fee. Mr. Irwin is
an expert gymnast and understands
tbe woik lie will not only lead
olasses but will give special individ
ual attention to tbe proper physical
development of the members.
Tbe building is being equipped for
a gymnasium although the club does
not expeut to be located there per
manently. Tnere are two new build
inga to be built during tbe year,
which will be constructed for a per
manent home of the club providing
tbe membership becomes large enougb
to insure suppoit. in tbe present
building dressing rooms have been
instead and a shower bath will be put
in. The cheat, weights are hare aud
are being used. There is a movement
on font to consolidate tbe athletic
dub with tbe Commercial Club in
order that tbe membera of tbe two
orgauizationa may share the advan
tages. Christmas Shopping Scheme.
Tbe following from a Portland paper
gives n line on bow the "apple king"
did his Christmas shopping:
One man jsolved the Cblatmas shop
ping neatly. This was Oscar Vender
bilt, tbe apple man of Hood River.
Oacar blew into Portland with a list
of a dozen people he wanted to
remember. Going to a department
store he weut to one of tbe young
women and aaid :
"Here is two dollars and fifty
cents, i want you to take this money
for your trouble. Then 1 want you
to take this list oi people and pick
out something for ascb one, paying
the ptice set opposite euch name.
You wiap, stamp and send the
bundles: this oheck will cover the
total, aud don't want to bear auy
more about it "
The girl accepted, but the price
of 2 50 for selecting preeeuts tor a
dozeu people is not just compensa
tion. Vanderbilt might at least have
given tbe gnl one Hood River apple
for tbe wink.
Easterners Admire Apples.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bales, ot this
oity, tbe tlrat of tbe week, received a
very much appreciated present from
Mrs. Bales' brother, James B. Hunt,
of Hood River, Ore.
It was a package ot tbe famous
Hood Kivei npphB, and oousisted
of all the varieties that make the
country famous, the apples weie
perfect specimens o fruit, and all
were wrapped iu paper, like tbe most
selected varieties of oranges.
Tbe apples were grown on land
worth $1,000 per ai re ar d each orchard
must yield that value in Iruit, per
acre eacb year, or t lie nrchardist
feels that he is losing money.
The choioei apples In that part of
the countiy are sold by the pound
instead of by tbe bushel. For com
merciti' uses the apples aie sorted
and sold at so much per box Auburn
(Neb) Newa.
County Court Proceedings.
Cottage Hospital, care indigents,
R, N Elliott, toaip bounties, K5.
FhsL I ork Irrigating Co , supplies,
194 17
Ulani & Prudnonie, supplies, iZ 10.
Gould & Snyder, supplies aud
material, 021 HK
Hall Drug Company, supplies, fli 15.
P. D lllnricbs, supplies, $7 90
Home Telephone Co., service, l.i.90.
Light & Water Co , motor for roon
crusbcr, $665 WA.
Light fc VVutu Co., services, .T 60.
Ham, Lge, freight, S3 25.
Hans La. e, salari, 50.
A. D. Moo. supplies, 137.50.
Carl A. Plath, supplies, $1 05
L. K. Morse, incidentals. t LI. 10.
Bnnw A Unarm, materials and sup
lie ti 16,
I hi i ii. -in H (I Jo.
L K Moise, drawing jury, 915.
Pearl Jarvis, comparing leo, t35.
Nettie Miobell, same, tM.
Jesiie A. King, salary, ttio.
G. P. Christy, salary, C75.
W. S. Hanson, salary, 175.
Hood River Fmgiueertug Mfg
Co., labor and material, $08.57.
A. C. Buck, coronet a tees, s. i ".
C. nek, iuqueat: fees, $8.25.
M. Christiansen, same, $4.50.
W. H. Hull, same, $4.50.
Geo. Stokoe, same, $4 50.
K. A. Morton, same, $1.
A. K. Stranahau, same. $1.
E. ' 'linger, saint $1.
A. W. Onthank, same, $1.
W. llardiuger, same, $1.
B. F. Fadlemau, supervisor, $120.
G. M. Wlshart, supervisor, $54.
Cbas. 1. Tbomas, supervisor. $42 .50.
I tmd Glazier, $78.84.
Bragg Meiootile Co., $5.
Dr. M. F. Sbaw, services, $15.
Rowland Wiley was man led Mon
day, January 10, to Miss Oiva Magill.
The wedding took plaoe at the borne
of tbe bride's sister, Mrs. A. 1.
Mason, aud the ceremony was per
formed by Rev. Spauldiog. Both the
young people are well known, tbe
groom being emloyed in Smith Bros.
We take this means of announcing
that commencing Sunday, Fcbru ry 0 we
will discontinue opening our store on
Sunday as has been our custom hereto
fore. We trust that our patrons will be
able to adjust themselves to the new
conditions without inconvenience and
arrange to do their shopping on week
davs. Connaway Mercantile Co.
Farmer's week at the Oiegon Agri
cultural College will oommenoe Mon
day, February 14. The activities will
be conducted in institute form and
will cover all branobesof agriculture,
horticulture, dairying and domestic
science and art. Anyone wbo is in
terested in tbe practical protlems of
farming, fruitgrowing and housekeep
ing and tbe new and improved
method which may be used iu their
solution, will do well to attend the
exercises of tbe Farmers week.
Hart Bros., are making a special
prioe on bucket lard. Five pounds
for SHJ cents.
The Man Who Don't Advertise.
Tbe business man who does not
adveitlse simply because his grand
father did not, should wear knee
breeches and a queue. T he business
man who does not advertise because
it costs money, should quit paying
salaries for the same reusou.
The business mau who docs not
advertise because he tried it ouce
aud failed, should tbtow away his
cigar because tbe light went out.
I he business mau who does not
advertise because he doesn't know
how himselt, sbould stop eating be
cause be can't cook.
Tie business man who does not
advertise because somebody said it
did not pay, should not believe the
world is round because the nniTeuts
said It was flat.
ihe busiuesa man who does not
advertise because be can not know
absolu'ely that P is going to pay,
should commit suicide to avoid being
killed by an accident.
Life .in Bill Pigeonholed.
According to a dispatch from the
Oiegonian Mews Bureau in Washing
ton, the LHfeau apple package hill,
which is be'tig opposed by the
growers ot the northwest, has been
pigeonholed in committee and stands
lit'le clonic. of pasting. Congress
man Hawley, of this state, is a mem
her of the committee on Arglculture,
htdore which the bill is pending and
sbould a move be made to repo t
it to tbe ho.ise he will summon the
Oregon growers to show that it is
untair to this part of the countiy.
We want more land
If yours is for sale TELL US about it at once.
B. E. Duncan & Co.
Fruit Lands
Sole agent for
Just now AMANDINE CREAM a very
desirable article to have in the home. Every bottle
posst'sss qualities which bring people baek. The
number of requests for Amandine Cream which we are
const ant ly receiving is convincing evidence that the
( ream has merit. The goods are right. The price
is right. 250-
Plath's Drug Store
The Store on the Corner
Masonic meeting's This Vsk.
This evening, Mt. Hood Council
No. 8. Work iu B. M. degree.
There will be a regular meeting ot
tbe Knyal Arch chapter Friday
ight with work iu tbe K A. degree.
Saturday evening, A. F. and A.
M. Work in M. M. dergee.
K. M. Holman, butoher no the
Heights, has entered into partueahtp
with Boy Nicholson and hereafter the
busiuesa will be cuuduoted loug the
same plnoiples of hooesty and clean
HnesB by the ttrtn of Ilolman &
Nicholson We will pay the highest
market price for bogs aud cattle.
I 'him.. 7i)X Ilolman & Nioholsou.
(let a (lood Home.
A bungalow of ti rooms and bath;
heating and lighting, modern. Five
blocks from business district. Also
two lots very cheap aud at your own
terms of payment. 1'boue 108K.
It ii-ii is on The Map.
There Is only one Tom Kichardaon,
but at Husum, Wash., Is a man
who is in training for bis plaue, and
if we are not mistaken will get before
the year is out. Husum is a bouse.
It is perched on one side of a pieclpl
tous canyon about hOO feet wide. The
canyon is in one of the most out ot
the way parts ot the world, aud
Husum is In tbe exact ceuter of it. A
dozen or 20 families eke out an ex
istence in tbe canyon within as many
miles ot I lii-ruii. Yet the mau who
Uvea in the bouse that is called
Husum, has made It the besi advetis
ed oity in thiee states. You oau't
pick up a Purtlaud, Seattle, Taooma,
Spokane or Boise paper which hasn't
oue or more oirnumstantial aooouots
of the mad whirl that Is called life
In Husum. there are more "slug
heads'' over Husum date lines than
over any other in the world exoept
London, New York and Washington.
We take olt our hat to the popula
tion of Husum, anil we are glad to
uote that his efforts to boost his
town are meeting with tbe reward
they deserve. A wood shed Is to he
built buck of the house at Husum this
spring, thus amost doubliug the size
of the city at one fell swoop. Next
yeai an acre of ground will he clear
ed, and it Is lumnred that the year
after toieigu capita! will be euisted in
a scheme to grow a crop of turnips
on tbe land. Yakima Kepnblc.
California Has Astounded the Entire
Medical World with Her (ireat
Hot Springs.
When Admiral Evans was taken from
his fleet ami placed at l'aso Hoblcs lo be
cared ot his aggravated case of rheuma
tism, the whole world marvtlotl, but
when after three weeks' sojourn he was
placed once more in direct command of
his fleet, the amazing magic of l'aso
Koblcs was understood.
These springs are now being spoken of
and investigated by tbe leading medical
men of every country.
The early Indian used to carry his sick
over plain ami desert to be healed at
l'aso Koblcs ; then came Padre Juniperro
Serra (17117) with his associates, the holy
Franciscan brethren, and the cures of
the springs w.caiuc as miracles when in
written form they went home in reports
to Spain. Then came the pioneers and
th building up of California until with
the prominence of Admiral Evans' visit
the entire world has at last awakened to
the realization of what these springs
really accomplish.
In cases of rheumatism, gout, kidney,
tomach, organic and neurotic diseases
these springs act with absolute and un
failing success. Men and women, in
every degree of rheumatism, come to
l'aso Kobles, anil from all walks of life.
Here one can see the rich, the poor, the
bank president and the laWer making
the same pilgrimage after health, and
l'aso Rubles does not disappoint them.
Men so bent aud doubled up with
rheumatism that the slightest movement
makes them scream with pain, leave
l'aso Koblcs after short treatment in a
state of health one could scarcely Under
stand. The bath house is the finest in the
world. If ono suffers from ill health, no
matter vthar condition it may be, l'aso
Kobles should lie visited at once. The
I condition of your purse should not make
you heBitate. The rich man ran secure
j all the luxuries he desires anil the poor
man may live well on a small amount.
A small book, neatly illustratek, has
'. been recently published by the nianagc
Iment telling of the story of the H it
Springs in a most interesting manner
and giving complete Information. Send
for it, either to Wm. McMui ray, Gener
al Passenger Agent of the 0. K. A N.,
Portland, Ore., or Dr. V. W, Sawyer,
Manager, Paso Kobles, Cal.
Orchards I