The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 06, 1910, Image 1

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w men
Start the New Year
Right0wn Your Own
Home or at Least a Lot
Many gMiaM Kr-eratlj Describe
tbe lineal Apple Itistrirl
in the World.
hut investigate
There will be more building in H10 than any previous
ri s iikiku ,...,1 i nno luiTwlnwl of now
year on reeorn. iwrnig iwroniw w
louses were built; also n few handsome business blocks.
This was only a starter you win witness rei prrww
this vear.
Now is the time to fret busy and buy some o!
that a. available. Don t wait until the
fellow buvs the property you wanted.
Here arc a few splendid bargain in city propen .
Lot 50x100 on south (side of St ate street with beant ihil
view of the Columbia River and Mt. Adams. 5 room
house, running water, electric light and sewer comiec
tions. For two weeks at present price. $1200. ash.
100x150 Corner Lot on south side of State street with
beautiful view. Several handsome shade trees. $1500.
100x100 on south side of State street. Good residences
on both sides. Fine view of the Columbia and Mt.
Adams. $1500. Terms.
100x100 corner for business property on Cascade Ave
with good 7 room house. A fine bargain. $5500.
100x100 corner on Oak street. Good business corner.
A fine bargain. $9,000. Terms.
We have a number of good residences that are real bargains.
Davidson Building Hood River, Oregon
Chan. (J. l'rail
H Osborne,
Vice Pre
R. W. Piatt,
J. F. WATT, M. D.
Telephones: Office, 30; residence ,3iH .
8UROKON O. K. N. Co.
alls promptly answer 5d In town or country,
Day or Night.
Telephones: Residence, 16: Office, I6H
Office In the Brosfns Building.
E. 0. DTJTRO, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Over First National Bank, Hood
Rivr, Oregon.
Office Phone 71 Res. 71B
Drs. Shaw & Bronson
Office in Eliot Block.
Office phone, No. 34. Residence, No. MB
First National Bank
Resources over 400,KK).
Capital 100,000 Surplus, $20,000.
Da. M. H. Sharp Ob. Edna B. wharf
Osteopathic Physicians
Oraduatee of the American School
Osteopathy, KirkiviUe, Mo.
Office in Elliot Block.
Home Phone 102 Res. llW-B
r pi
M. I).
'Phone Central, or 121.
rm. Honrs: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to
and 6 to 7 P M.
W. J. Baker & Co.
Dealers in
Fruit and Farm
Resident Agents For
Phoenix Assurance Co.
Stranahan & Slaven
Hood River Banking Contractors and
and Trust Co.
Wetransnci a iencral banking bUSlDSSS and
own ourown banking properly
Interest pld op time and Havings deposits
Sale deposit boxes.
Dealer in Pianos, CO. Tuner
and Repairer.
From Boston and Oherlin Conserva
tories of Music. Permanent residence,
914 Eugene street. Phone 223-M.
Trio Orchestra
Music Furnished For All Occasion!.
Instrumentations from three to any
number desired. Address or phono
C. 0. NEWMAN, Hood River, Ore.
Phone 64-X or gflO-L.
Is prepared to do ny work In the veterin
ary fine. He can be found bycallln at or
phnlng to Clarke s drug store.
Smith Building
Cfflce over Bartmess store Telephone
Office over telephone
First National Bank
Telephones: Office 28; residence 2R-K
Office over Butler Bank,
Will PnuHlP." In All Courts
Brick, Cement and Plastering
Raeclith Flooring
Boom 12 Brosiins Block
Stop! Stop!
And Look!
Underwood and
White Salmon
10 ACRES. One and a half miles
out; house, barn; 3 acres cleared.
Price 88000. Terms.
20 ACRES. One and three-fourths
miles out; one scr cleared; east
tope; all tillable; red shot soil.
Price S4000. Easy erms.
40 ACRES, miles out: South
slope, deep soil; uniniprowed. BM
pel tote. Terms.
40 ACRES. Unimproved. 4J miles
uuti govd land; water on land.
850 per acre. Terms.
160 ACRES. miles out; good
baa anil: watered. 0 per acre
on terms.
For further information write or call
F.W. DeHart
Underwood, Wn.
For Best the Buys
Phone 861-L
Eltimatei furnished on request. An
honest job guaranteed. .
aHaiatei furnished on all klnda af wars
Phi ii cm Aranld. Malm at
Orchard & Fruit
McGregor & Bothfur
Real Estate
EXCHANGE. Ten seres, close In, 8
seres in trees, part hearing. Want
good unimproved up tofH.ouo.
$10000. Forty ICW, closi to -tore
church, school and railway station,
6 miles out, all 0od hind, halt' of
this is cleared ami ready for trees.
Ralanco easy clearing. This is a
84(500. Six and a half acres, close in.
Two-thirds of this in 4 year old
trees wit', peach fillers. Balance in
strawberries and clover. Mi den.
bungalow and outbuildings. Stoi k
and tools at reasonable figure, ft
inches water.
81500. Five acres year olds, acres
lierries, small hoti". ,5 inches water.
On' mile out.
83500. rive acres close in; all in 3
year did tree".
: All of the above can be. had on reasou-
j gbti teres.
G. Y. Edwards
If you ti re interested drop
a poet card for a free
booklet teeming wit li in
formation about thin
wonderful country.
YOu can sec if you go East
Via the Soo-Spokane
Route of the
iietnii. Berth, littaratna, address the
Local A Rent O. It. N.,or
T. P. A. tien. Agt.
14 Wall St. Spokane
1-ii r lu the backwoods must he the
pert'on who does not hear ot Hood
River, There la no fruit growing dis
trict in the world which is getting
the favorable oi uinieut from the
magazine hiuI newspaper press which
Hood Kiver has ieoeived during the
past year. A tew yesis ego, the
orange groves ot gouthein CaliforoiH
were much iu evidence before the
pople ot the oountiy aud they were
much written and talked about. Now
the whole oountiy is turning its eyes
to Hood Kiver. the home ot the
"apple de luxe. "
When you tiy to figure out the
amount ot publicity which Hood
Klver Is getting at the hands ot the
best periodicals iu the couutiy and
then how mnuy persons ate thus
touched the result leoomes almost
appalling Mining the past year
articles solely or partly devoted to
the Hood Klver valley have appeared
in Saturday Kveuing Post, Colliei s
Weekly, Harper's Weekly, Scribuer's
Magazine, vorld Work, The Out
look and the Cbiuago Record Herald.
1'hese publication- wbioh are the
best in the oountry in their vailous
fields, hue combined oiioulatlou of
two aud one halt million copies. It
may be figured that eacn of them limit
a group oi at least five readers and
we have them reauhitig people num
bering about one-sixth of the popula
tlou of the United States. This onlj
counts the persons who read the
origins! articles end it is impossible
to even estimate the number ot times
the articles were copied in other
publications, ot greater or smaller
circulation, and the number ot id
ditoual renders who were thus reached
but it Is sate to guess that at least
na many more people were fouud
by (he articles reproduced iu part as
wore reached by the originals, then
we have to consider the Sunset and
Pacific monthlies, which are primar
ily niaga.lues of the west aud In
neni I y very number have something ol
moie or less importance to say ot
Hood River. These magazines hHve a
circulation of about a iuartor of mil
lion between them.
Those artioles are just the HrBt step
in publicity and while they reach the
broadest tit Id, they only give the
reader a starter in interest for Hood
River. In the person who likes the
taste of the best apples, a desire is
creaUd to tnste the Hood Ktver pro
duet and having i nee tasted the ciav
iug will grow on them. lo the persou
who lengs to get away from the hard
grind of life in the eastern city ami
breathe the free air on a little teu
unm iilaon of their own. the idea it
born that, iu the Hood River vallej
thev m:iv Hud the place. With the idea
ot oomiug to Hood Kiver the prospec
live settler writes tor I, sample copy
and nrobnblv later subscribe to tin
Olanier. the best paper ot the valley
nd this nailer causes a growth ot the
idea until the subscriber shows up In
Hood River some morning and uoti
ties us that the papei is to be sent
east no longer. The big periodioab
give the idea but it is iha little relia
ble local paper sent buck by a frleuo
oi sent foi by a stianger that givet-
them the idaa as to whether they want
to come or not.
"Better I'rult" magaziue goeg forth
from Hood River each mouth with an
uverHge edition of 10,000 which reach
es many fruit ginwers aud while it li
the greatest fruit puhllclion of the
oountry and is particularly devoted to
the whole Northwest, its eveiy Issue
from Hood Hivei emphasizes the fact
that Hood River valley attains tin
best in fruit growing which may well
be imitated by all the other districts
The regular publications, local ami
national, do much to draw the atten
tion to Hood River. The Commercial
Club booklets, hundreds of which are
sent out every mouth to frieuds who
may be iuterest-rt by persons wuo be
lieve that Hood Hivei is the best place
they hate found In their travels. It Is
0 tie hoped that tl.e elllciency ot the
Commercial Club will be greatly in
ciased during the coming year by the
aelection of a competent secretary tot
the organization, who will work un
helrlshlv for the best iuteiests of tht
wh le valley.
i he Hood River Apple (irower
Union, while primarily interested in
marketing the apples, has done uiucl
lo put forward aud bring betoie the
((iintt.v tit large, not only the ex'jui-
- to fruit which is produced, but th
lav of oroduoiug the apples. Will
tt o on-opeiation of Steinhardt 4 Kel
Iv.of New York, who bought the fancy
i.pples of the valley from the union, U
car load ot apples was shown in uui
ohpo which awakened the middle wssi
to the Hood River valley, its product
and or oorttiiilties.
Ml this riiiiilicitv on u grand scale
' lnoi done much aud then we must re
I member that every resident of th
l vllev "itist naturally can', help" be
'cnmlnn a booster, aud every letter ti
the folkl hack home has a lot abuui
(the glories o' Hood River. I'.veij
i Horn' Kiverite who leaves the mllej
for trip, no matter whether it is tc
I'oiHand over, nlghi or loi a suinme,
iu Europe, rinds many people wn
1 want to hear about llooii Rivt-r
Since the people went to hear aun
there n so much go d to tell, it la
easv to uathT a little circle whose
mniiths will be walennK lur llooo
Rivet apples and beans will be lung
mg to see the beiuittul valley.
GO. Of 0. S. A,
Over One Million Dollars
lug are some extraols from the
I "lliete is uo grudge laid up against
; weak Mother Kve in Oregon and
Washington. Far trom it. Her fatal ;
prediieetiou aud the "first diaohed
leuce are sGtiltully comioned in i
this part of the world, tor "the fruit I
of that forbidden tree," as Mi. I
Milton so teriously has it, is oue of
the most tangible and Invitiug assests
of the Noitbwestcru country. Peo
ple there are naturally apple mad.
Ihey live apples, talk apples, study
apples, dream apples, but it all hss its
results. The clothes they aud their
children wear ate apples, aud the
coin that goes Into the contribution
box on Sunday Is au apple likewise.
Hut everybody else is more or less
luuobad with this must of
"appleltis." Co into a business
man's ultice in Portland aud Seattle,
aud you will find apples, red and
yellow, from Hood River or White
Salmon, Yakima or some other even
newer apple town, displayed upon his
ruiltup, I here are a tew prize apples
nlways on the table tn the city bank
when the dlreotors meet, and if you
see au eager crowd gathered betoie
the wiudow ot a department store
a a cigar store in a main city street,
he sure it is a display ot apples they
are staring at.
lu Portland there aie neatly two
tin ml not men, eugaged in divers hint,
of business who own live, teu,
tweuty, oi thirty acres, peihaps
uiote, ot apple laud fn Hood hirer
Valley or some other of the apple
districts that are fust oomiug into
fame. A lew have bought merely for
,pe,'iint ion, and as a field for suob
it ideally compares favoiably with
i lie stock market, but by far the most
have merel) followed the example ol
the first lady of any land and yielded
to the untitle fasciuatinu of the Spitz
euberg. Lawyers aud merohauts
have their little orohards that some
uody is tending', plumbers, barbers,
ireight agents, workingmeu of ail
legreer, have set out rows ot apple
trees ou small boldiugs aud are only
Hanging onto their jobs uutil the
trees come luto bearing. The biggest.
apple grower I have met worked for
years tor a tram-continent. il railroad
at -la per mouth, aud aftei four
years ot nruharuiug has repeatedly
refused il0U,U0O tor his apple lauds,
which net him easily 9SBLUVU a year
When 1 went to the Annual Apple
I' air at I loo I River, the special traiu
carried 400 or so of tbe best people
in Portland, well groomed, well man-
ered, gracious, sane to all outward
aopearaucas. but all. If the truth
were knowo, stark, staring apple
mad. The town ot Hood River wa
packed with people for the Apple
raw It was apples they bad come
to see. At tbe cornei or. tne main
tbrciighfarex was a tent, a cirous
teent .th it would have held oomloit
ab v a two-ring snow, ami insiiiu
ot it aud about its doors, or some
where In the vloiuity, seemed to be
liatliered everybody in Hood Klver
aI.o etiuaged in running
railroader h one other iudlspeusaliie
institution. Inside there were ap
pies, apples of every hue, fiom the
pule green of the Newtown, through
ail the shades ot yeliow, aud starting
ith the pink blush of the Wiutei
Uanana, there ware other apples tnat
made a regular procession ot rosy
colors down to tbe indeaoi lliably duefj
crimson of the Arkansas Hlack. There
Acre boxeg of apples lu the smiling
. . h i i ij . .
i,iers Known as ine iiuuu nivm
wok": there were pyiamlds aud
bowls uud baskets aud plates of apple
f eierv sbiioe and name known to
the utower. and some' sports" got bj
iccideiitsl cross pollination, noamum
irairrant. delectable, but uatuetsa.
Over the boxes spiead oui along me
isles were blue aud red aud yellow
ihhonh. and It was told that the
.,ia. le wise indues had sat UP till
i ' r .. . . ..
morning trying to mid some inner
. L- .. . . I .........
nun uetweeu we uisi nuu miuouu
hoves. that thev had even "broken
the puck ', taken out every uppie
tare measured them all for uultorm
ity, tested them nppie agaiusi appw
nefore vleldiug the momentous ver
dint. When the slienuous vigil enoea
and day came to Hood River, they
had awarded three ot the capital
prizes to one man, aud the singular
ohtug about it was that all the apples
that brought him honors were giowu
oue one small orchard of about three
acres. lhU furnishes the keynote,
the moral and the explanation ot
i lieu, in and Washington fruit, find i
uouud to cenlei attention upon we
possibilities of small acreage aud the
truth, which America is slow to
learn, that intensive cultivation is
ihe secret of agricultural profit, and
of vast increase In National wealth.
A bad apple can no more get ou.
of Hood River than the onmel can
pnss through the needle's eye, tor
there is no road over the mountain
ny which a valley orchardman oould,
... i.j . ,. i.. i.. ......
even It he wisuen, iaae me o,,
fruit to another station for shipment.
No man in the Hood Kiver dlstnol
aven puoks his own apples. When
,h nicking is under way and some
Hundreds or thousands of boxes have
heen gathered In the glowers' apple
house, the uniou sends out packers,
titorv packer has a number, every
iiox aud there were nearly a quarter
of a million of them last fall has
number. When the apples at last go
down tn Hood Kiver Station for ship
mant. or to le held in the union's
eolii-ktnrauH houses, eaoh box
entered bv the numbei iu the union's
nooks to tna grower's creldt, together
mlkk tha record of is contents, tbe
number ot the pack r and the gradt
of tbe fruit, which ll either "fanoy"
or "choice " here Ihe box is hound
fnr nrdinarllv. the gtower has no
notion, neither does he care much.
Lb union finds th market, oou
ducts the sale, and pay him tor hi'
apples at the platform, and its stami
mi auv box is guarantee of perfection,
It is the boast of there orchardmen
that anv aiinleB they sli p can be
taken from the box and eateu in the
dark It is the standard of quality
nrl the trustwoitbiuess ot tbe
guaranty tnat makes the price A
name of reliability is indeed au asset
of woith.
Freight Fngine Plows Into Rear of
Stork Train Killing Stork
Man anil Helper.
A rear end collision which resulted
in two death oocurred on the O. R.
St, N., near Wyteh, at 1:15 Wednes
lay morning, l h. dead meu are,
11. Oaisou, a stock man, of Caruet,
seb., and au uukuowu helper, who
bad been picked up along tbe way to
help care for the stock on tbe train.
the cause of tha wreck seems to have
been the failure ot the block signals
to woik properly.
Kxtra freight J00 west bound was
stopped by a closed block and after
Uodlng that there was no train in the
clock ahead moved ou slowly. Ibis
traiu which was loaded with stock
was followed by et.xra freight 10
I he tear biakeniau of the first tiain
left a homing fuse and a couple of
torpedoes ou the track to wain tbe
rain toilnwlog. the engineer of tbe
seooud traiu came in to the block
either failiug to sec the dauger signal
or on aocouut of its tsilure to work.
A hen he saw the burning fusee ou
the curve, the train was running
Uioiit i'. miles nu hour and It was
possible only to slacken the speed
before clashing Into the rear end of
tbe stock traiu.
Conductoi J. M. liillbrey, who
was lu the caboose ot the first train
wltfi six men who were accompanying
tbe stock, saw the approaching engine
iu time to louse them befoie it
st i tick. All of tbe occupants ot tbe
cation -e mauaged to get out clear of
the wreck, except the two who lost
their lives, the helper was pinion
ed lu the wreck aud bis body de
stroyed by the tire which followed,
i 'ai son was dragged from the debris
aud died about three boms later, lu
tha cur immediately ahead of tbe
caboose were four borses, which were
lost In the lite. The test of the first
traiu was uucoupled aud moved out
ot danger.
W. M. lhompson, engineer of the
rear train was badly bruised In jump
lug aud Dart llalliman, bead brake
man who jumped from tbe englue
cab broke bis right leg. The wreck
ing train from the Dalles was sum
moned. Mr. ,1. F Watt, company
nurgeou, i .miner r.dgiugton ana j.
W. Onthank boarded the traiu here
and weut to tbe scene of the wreck.
Ihe track was cleared In a short time.
I he body ot Carson was taken on to
Pnrtluud and Dr. Edglngtnn bad the
remains of the helper Interred at Cas
cade LockB. The coroner will prob
ably make a further investigation ot
the accident.
A number of the Japanese residents
had a New Year's jolly-up Sunday at
the restaurant ot K. Yosbimari which
along the late hours of the night
reached the point where the oftloeii
weut in to find out the ojuse of tbe
exoitement. The place was well tilled
with Japs, aud the Japs were well
tilled with booze. Several jtiga of
tbe stuft were taken lu ohaige by the
officers, aod it la probable that the
Orientals will have to do a little ex
plaining as to the whore aud wbytore
of the Intoxicants.
The stoiy as near as It can be
gleaued from tbe oelebrators, who
were both men aud women, seems to
lie that all was moving along in a
joyful fashion until oue Hlolsta tried
to add to the jollity ot the occasion
by tiring about the looms promisi
ouslv with a revolver. This caiiesd
the others to have fear for their
ssfety, and tbey laid hands, chairs
and a 'few other t hings ou 11 mint a,
in order to restrain him. He was
restrained all right, aud is still in
the hospital with a broken arm aud
numerous outs aod bruises about his
his head and body. He wilt probably
recover. One Nobuye, who accord
ing to bis own story, wss tba hero of
the occasion by holding Hiolsta gun
hand while the rest of the crowd bent
him up, was arrested aud obnrged
with assault and battery. Hquire noon
held open bouse for tbe Jap popula
Hon Tuesday afteiuoon with the re
sult that Nobuye was lot out on bail
and his case passed up the grand jury
which meets next week.
nmirnnce in force
River County.
Knr Information and rates apply to
J. M. SCHMKLTZER, Local Repre
A. B. COMBS, State Mgr.,
lo Harper's Weekly, for Deoetnber
lri, there appeared an article by John
Kituberiy Mumlord, entitled "Apple
Mad Oregon," wbl( h was largely
descriptive of Hood River. Mr
Mumlord visited Hood River a num
ber ot mouths ngo aud secured his
Information tlrst-naud. Ihe firticle
occupied u full page aud contained
two photographic reproductions ol
Hcod River apples, this article
will result iu muub publicity loi flood
i River as it is being widely copied by
Portland J papers all over the oouutry. Kollow-
Meellng IVIpnned lo June.
Ihe following communication fiom
frank W. Power, secretary of the
Oregon State Horticultural Society
ia aulf-exiilanatorv :
Kditor Oluoler-A few days ago I
wrote von that the people ot Rogue
Kiver alley were takllug of calling
si ecial meeting of the Society to dls
cuss amendment' to our horticultural
aw. lam now informed that iu plaoe
of railing this in January, they will
wait until about June tor tbe meet
iug. r'rank W. Power.
K.ra Hensou '4!)er aud vieerau of
Indian wars lu the Northwest, died
ibursdtiy at his home in the upper
valley. Mr. Hanson was iS years old
having tieeu born ou Christmas day
IHUl, Solota county, twin, ai me
age of teu yeara, he moved with tils
parents to Iowa, and in ne join
ed In the rush to CslHoiuia ou tie
announcement or the discovery of
gold, l'wo years Intel the deceased
came to Oregon, settled at Silverton
in the SVIHamette valley and has been
resident of the Northwest ever since
Mr llenson fought in the Yakima
Indian war of 1800 8. l or many years
he resided on a ranch about 2o tulles
south of The Dalles, lie came to
Hood River valley about nine years
ago. ....
Mr, llenson bad net been in auu
was exceedingly hearty for a man ol
his age. He was stricken wiin neari
tro.ible while sitting iu a chair. The
leceased leaves three children, Mrs.
Robert Leasure. of the upper valley,
vlrs M. K Craves, o, Canemau, and
U. b. llenson, of the l.'a-cude l oresi
Reserve Service a: Caseiidia. the
funeral was held Sun lav at Mt. Hood
and tbe interment took place II tne
Mt. Hood oemetery. Hev. Vim Ni
1 rank ton looses A I lleppiier.
Kranktoo high school basket bal
team journeyed to lleppner last week
and played a couple of games wltl
the huskies of that iieighborhooc.
The local boys ICOordlOg to the soon
were outclassed Thuisday night th
score was 21) to 2 iu tavnr of Heppne ,
while next evening the valley ho;
held the Heppnei ites down "o '.
poiuts and mauaged to make 9 fi i
themselves. Z teal