The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 18, 1909, Page Eight, Image 8

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J. II. Gill Ims .ir! I the corner
lot, north of the property uow owned
by Steten & Careen from 0. L. Htrttua
hau. -Mr. ill will 1111 1 :utely build
a due residence and will make liood
River hiH future home.
K. A. Fleming nd family have
moved to Grestiam, Oregon. Mr.
Fleming receutly sold In a iutereat iu
tlie Urni of Fleming X luft.
Christian Endeavor wan well at
tended latit i'uetday evening. Zora
PuUdy m.- Jeadw and a very interest
lug program huh giveu. iNe.vt Sun
day evening an extra good uieetiuti
at the church. All young people
ure cordially invited. Karl Uallagher
will be leader.
Tuesday evening the many friends
of Mr. and .MrH..Meuiiug gathered at
tbeir home and gave them a sur
pritie. After gpeudlug a very pleaeaut
evening and wishing then' many fare
wells, they departed tor their homed.
Kev. 0, A. Nutley went to Heattle
the latter part of the week for a few
The Kudenvor Society gave a faro
well party last Wednesday evening to
Marshal and Pearl Fleming. Tbey
were members of the moiety while
bore and now have moved to (ires
ham. lhe moiety and their many
Other trleodl wish them every hap
piness iu tbeir new boiue.
0. L. .Stranahan and wife, of Fort
Jaud, who hate been here several
weeks looking alter their property
interests, leturued home Una week.
ttliniicon Copple baa bought the
bouse and Jut next to the Christian
church, tiom Mm. liattiu Rogers.
Town Lets For "First Babies."
In connictiou with the building of
the new town 01 htaufield tour rem
deuce lota are to be given away aa Three ot tlx .... will go to
"diet bubiea" while the fourth will
go to the llrat matried couple in that
thriving little metropolla ot the Par
nihh project.
Uoorge (!. Howard, weoretary of the
BkBOflud Oommercliil club, baa just
arranged thecouteat ami aa announce
ment by Mr. lloaid the prizes will
lie awarded astnllows:
A realdeuce lot to the flint baby
born in Stantb ld.
A residence lot to the first baby
gill born in Stitnfleld.
A residence lot to the llrat baby
boy born m Staulleld after June 15,
A reaidence lot to the llrat couple
married in Stanllelil.
Under tiin condition! of the uonteat
the paftOtf of the "Hint, balden"
miiat lie lltbei he property owuera at
Stanlleld upon the I umiIhIi project or
else ahall have retailed there for not
less than two months. Likewise thoae
engaging In trie lu-i marrisge eer
mony munt be buna fide reaidenta of
that town. Transient couples will
be barred from compiittuK for the
Judges aimed by Df, Coe aa fol
low! 1 Addison Ben net, of lrrigon,
Oongreumao w. R. KM is, of I'eudle
tou, and K II. Al.liirli of Pendleton.
Today the Htnnlli'ld boosters are
elated over the line success of the
Htanlleld exhibit, When prizes were
awarded to .lay a total of 2 first
prl.ea were awarded lor fruit and
vegetables on display In the Htaufield
U. t llowaid, who in how serving
aa Hooretury ol the Stanlleld commer
cial club ih a man of wide experience
In towniita wolk. lie hss aided in
the building of a loore of towna
throughout the weat and came to
Stanlleld from Medfoid where he waa
serviug aa secretary of the commer
cial (dub. f the Hi. I birth after June
15, 11)10, should he a birth of twlua
the award shall comprise tour instead
ul two residence lota. If triplets
eight luta oompiisug an entire halt
b ock will be given.
Small Checks .Not Illegal
Numerous newspapers bate been
expressing due indignation recently
because they thought that Mention I7H
ot the new U. S., penal code would
fin hid I lie the DM of hank checks for
soma less than 1 ho passage of
the law waa siipoaed to have been by
the last congress hut the solicitor ol
the treasury .piloted the tears of many
people when he announced the same
provision has been iu the the federal
statutes lor about (0 years and has
just come to notice bv the adopation
ot the new code.
Mr. .lames J. Hill Is now left with
out a rival in the tiansportatiun
world and lie will be virtually iu
command of all the rnilioada con
trolled by both the Staudard Oil
group and the Molgan crowd. The
day when all the railways of the
country will be under the control of
one interest and have one head is ap
proaching with amazing upldtty.
lien thai comes to puss the railroad
organization wilt employ more men,
receive and disabuse more money, do
more husluohs and have more pow. r
than the government of kthe United
From Arctic
Automatic Smokeless Device
prevents sinokinp. There is no possible question about it.
I his means greater heat-power, a more rapid diffusion of heat
ami a sure conversion of all the heat-energy in the oil
Jn a cold room, licjn the heater ami in 10 minutes you'll have a
glowing heat that carries full content.
Turn the wick up as high as it will go no smoke no otlor.
In everything that appeals to the provident and the fastidious, the
Perfection Oil Heater, with its new automatic smokeless device, de
cisively leads. Finished in Nickel or Japan in various styles.
Ewtt Dilr Everywhere. If Not At Y..iri. Write tot lVscriptlvt Circular
to tl. Nearest Agency ol the
States. It will be in a position to
oontrol the government itself.
There ia little danger, however,
that this enormous power of control
will be exeroised. When it ii con
clusively shown that one interest and
one man can successfully conduct the
transportation businesa ot , this
couutry tbe men who own the vast
consolidated system will make over
tures to sell it to tbe government at
Its pbyaioal valuation, accepting in
payment therefore the bunds of tbe
government. This offer will probably
tie aoccpted for the government can
not afford to nourish a creature lar
ger than itself.
And tbe above view Is held by
u great many close observers ot pub
1 to affairs and ia uo economic dream.
Tbe centiallaztion of the railroads
under one ownership will speedily
bring it to a realization.-lieliingbm
Mrs. J. i''. Ilatobelderjwent to Port
land Thursday to visit ber son,
Children', Alii Society,
lhe great state ot Oregon is grow
ing in population each year, an as in
other states, the needs ot the charit
able Institutions are greater. Among
these in the Hoys' and Ulrla' Aid
.Society, whose shattering arms reaob
out and help the needy little folks.
It has uow nearly (JOO dependent
children under its care placed out
in family homes iu all parts ot tbe
state, and more are coining in every
day. The Keceiving Home of the
Society is taxed to its utmost capa
city. 80 on hand was its daily average
the past year. The Society has found
it necessary to euiarge its present
quarters and have built wiug to the
original building containing 15
rooms at a coat of nearly ,im, t'2000,
of this amount was appropriated by
the state and the balance made up
voluntary contributions from philan
thropic! people ot the City ot Port
laud, lint this building has to be fin
ished, so the wants of the Institutions
are greater than evei this year. The
four dormitories containing ten beds
chcIi, the mauagemeut hopes will be
furnished by the county courts, tbe
cost of fuiniushiug each dormitory
being if I ... Already Wasco County
has turuishoiid one and V'amihll
another, tut here nr. still two empty,
also the following rooms: Keoapiiou
room, 1110; assembly, $100. dining,
luU; reading, fill and fom single
moms at $0), each. Snpt. Gardner
says that any person who would see fit
to tut nisli ouo of those rooms aa a
memorial to some departed friend,
or lelatlve will receive tbe lull credit
and a inscription stating the doner
and object will be suitably inscribed
on a tablet iu the room. Those who
wish to assist by a small contribution
will receive the gratitude of tbe man
agement, lies i.l os the above, bedding,
groceries, canned goods of all km. I,
fruit and vegetables will be very
acceptable aa heretofore, and dining
thanksgiving week will be carried
free by both the railroad company
and Wells Fargo Express Co., also by
steamboats running into Portland.
1'he children of the public schools
will remember that then ai uual gifts
are looked forward to by all the chii
dieu ot the "Home". All packages
should be plainly marked "Hoys ' &
"tiirla" Aid Society, Portland.
Oregon. "
lhe Oregon Society of tbe Sons of
tbe American Revolution oilers prizes
totaling tlOO to the pupils ot the
public schools ot the State of Oregon,
for essays on subjects connected with
out War of Independence.
One prize ot 10 and thiee of 15
each will be awarded for the first,
second, third, and fourth best essays,
respectively, written by High School
pupils on one of the following sub
jects :
1. The lulluence of Alexander Ham
ilton upon the lie; ml lie.
'I. lhe Turning Paint ot the Kerolu
1 1 nary War.
The committee has divided up the
state, exclusive of the High Schools,
into three districts comprised of the
following counties:
District No. 1 Multnomah County.
District No. All the Counties ly
ing Fast of the Cascade mountains.
District No. II-All the Counties ly
ing West of the Cascade monutains
oxcept Multnomah.
dine prize- o( III) and three of 5
each will he awaided in each .Pet run
for lhe first, second, third and fourth
best essays, respectively, written by
grade pupils on any one of tbe fol
lowing subjects :
L, the Capture and Irtal ot Major
'2. The Winter at Valley Forge.
8, The Women and Children of
'"(J I heir Trials aud Privations.
lhe essays are limited to three
thousand words each, must he written
In tbe student's own handwriting on
one side of the paper aud accompan
ied by a certificate from tbe teacher,
staling that the writer is a pupil In
a designated class, and that the teach
er believes the essay to lie the pupil's
own unaided work.
lhe essays must be signed by the
writer, giving also his or Her post
to Tropics
in Ten Minutes
No oil heater has a higher
efficiency or greater heating
power than the
Oil Heater
(Kqulpped with Smokeleaa Device)
VTith it you can go from the
cold of the Arctic to the warmth
of the Tropics In 10 minutes.
The new
office address (including county).
1'bey should be forwarded to Mr. !(.
A. i baxter, Chairman of Cou mittee,
443 Kletenth street, Portland, Ore
goo, and should reach their destina
tion not later than February 10,
1910. Kaaayt not oomilyiog with
tbese oonditious will be rejected.
Mrs. K. L. Giabam spent Sunday
with her sun, Will at Hood Kiver.
J. K. MeOregnr went to Portland
the Hist of the week tor a few days
on business.
Mrs. J. H. Pi rter returned bome
Tuesday frum fort laud, where she
viaited friends for a tew .lays
James Miler died luesday morning
at bis home on Seven Mile cast of
Mosier. Mr. Miler was an old resi
dent of Mosier, having come here a
number of years ago. He waa 84
years old at tbe time of his death,
lie leaves besides his wite, a, son,
John, of Mosier, and several grand
children. (Services were held at the
llaptist church aud were conducted
by Kev. W. A. Clarke, of White Sal
moo Interment following in tbe
family burial plot at Hood Kivei.
Many old friends attended the ser
vices. Mrs. H. K. Hothtur and little
daughter, went to xbe Dalles Wednes
day to visit ti lends for a few days.
L. 1.. (ioodwin disposed of bis 100
ore ranch tbis week to Heattle
parties, for f!),UO0.
Mrs. U. D. Hogg and children went
to Portland Wednesday.
Mrs. A. Huscher and little grand
sou, Uarrel Allington, came back
Thursday evenlug from Kelso, Wash.,
where they have spent the last two
B, K, Kiedrick left Wednesday for
1'ygh Vailey, to take a position as
time keeper Iu cue ot the oonstruo
tiuu camps on the new railroed.
A lew Moeier resideuts, going aud
returning from 'lhe Dsllea this week
as follows: J. I,. Cole, Jt hu Haven
port, K. A. Willert, J. M. Klloitt, K.
M. Hunter and wife, and -on, (J. P.
Mrs. Otis Hogg and her children
returned with her brother, Mr. Mills,
Wednesday to Portland tor a stay of
a few days.
A "Weaiy Willie" eoteied the reel
deuce of Mr. Clarence Dunsmore last
Thursday afternoon, during the
atsence of all the Ismily and proceed
ed to rummage through the house,
lie fouud two razors aud some small
change, which ho was walking oft
with when Mr. Dunsmore sppaered
on tbe scene. After a pert foot race,
the thief was caught aud marched
hack aud seaiohed, tbe stolen pro
perty was recovered all except 10
cents ot lhe money. Af'.er letting
the man go he waa bunted up and
taken to 'the Dalles that night, where
be will be puuiabed for house break
Mrs. A. 1'orsberg uud family left
for Portland Tuesday, November lti.
Their many friends in Molser wish
il. em well in their new home.
A. P. Hatahaoi left Friday evening
for the apple show in Spokane. J.
Mr Carroll left on the following Mon
day evening to attend tbe same meet
Mr. and Mrs. Kruest Kvans have
moved into towu.
We have commenced to think that
"wintei ig here." Know, frost aud
ice are iu evidence. Mercuiy stood
at 10 degrees above Monday morning
In some places. Water pipes liozeu
aud much remarking about this uu
usal early cold snap.
(leo. Carroll and family are now
accupying the (Ian. Harrison cottage
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Howe oame up
trom Portland Saturday foi a short
stay on the ranch.
the Misses Shogreo, of Portland
were up Sunday and out to their
ranch lor it few hours.
Dukes Valley bad its Urst touch of
snow this tall last Friday, wheu snow
.II to the exteut of 8 Inches.
llev. Ceo. V, Koseumuller, M. A.
Hector, of MeKeesport I'arish Churoh,
t'n., was visiting his daughter, Mrs
II. Wuth. Ou Sunday he gave a very
tine seimon which was appreciated
by his beareis. Mr. Hoaeumuller left
ou Monday for his bome.
Another new neighbor is Mr. Han
sen, who has bought a ranch here,
and is busy erecting a new house,
which be ued his lamlly expect to
occupy soon.
Wm. Durham expects to have his
pretty hunaglow finished and habited
this week.
Mr. Durham sold ISO sacks of p. da
toes this week, tor $1 per tMk, a price
hard to be lieafeu at this time of
year, aud price which Indicates the
iiiallty and sia ot the potatoes.
Mr. and Mrs. Mayberry were visit
ing their sou, H. 0 Maybeiry, for a
few days.
Mr. llHsklel, backed by a oiew of
men, came out on luesday and start
ed grnbldng bis laud here. Mr. Has
kell moans fo make iulte a show Ibis
Mr. James Dunaway is visiting ber
parents at Iloseburg.
M. Want aud familv, ot Oklahoma,
arrived iu the valley on Monday, on
in extended visit to hei brothel, K.
0. Mayberry and other relatives.
I'loughltitt lias been going on here
for some time, Biui exteusive fall
plsu'.ing of orchards tiegan, and
judging by the an. mint ot grabbing
and blowup of slumps that is going
on uow, Iheie is gninu. to be added
to the valley a great number of
orchaida by next spring.
II W. Hamlin made a flying trip
to the county seat Monday of last
week ou bui-uess.
W. A. Wendorf returned from his
I'oitland tiip tbe llrst ot the week,
and it is now quite evident that Will
is olngto have more help on his hil.
slde raoob.
U. C, Corlie was a Hood Klver
visitor last Friday.
A. J. Haynes has just received a
large shipment of Ft alt trees, berries
etc., which Is only a part of what he
ordered. Mr. Haynes will plant a
good number of the trees as he is just
completing the plowing and leveling
of several acres of lauo lor fruit.
Ii H. VoQng, our mediant, returned !
from Portland Saturday evening stfer j
spending a portion of the week there!
on business.
II. U leman went to Ho id Kiver
Saturday retaining Sunday with Mrs.
Coleman. Hairy expects to do con- I
sldersble clearing and set this land
in fruit as fast us cleared.
Oeo. Darting Is adding more im
provements to bis place in the way
of a log wood house and woik shop.
James llanna has discontinued tbe
wood busluess for the present ou the
account ot bad weather.
When You Clear Land
Come to us for the best Logging and Grubbing
Tools. If yur old ones are worth fixing
we can make them good as new.
Snow & Upson, Hood River
Thanksgiving Specials
5 Doz. Savory Roasters
Wtf'.. 95 cts each
Reed and Atlantic
Enamel Roasters
Keen Kutter
Carving Sets
iarge assortment. The bent in the world. From
$1.85 to $15
Franz' Hardware
M..H4'I"M"I'1) I I U M H H I KH
The big kind put
Perigo & Son
Phone 53
iii.nH HU Mill M'l1
l"M I '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H 1
Do You Want Unimproved
Hood River Orchard Lands?
Land that is near railway station,
f school, church and store. Within
: eight miles ot
: River. Soil the
I have it, lots
: of it than I can
fore my prices are right.
10, 20, 40, 100, 120 or 160 acre
tract from $75 to $175 an acre.
If interested phone me while I
I am in the notion.
iH - H - l - i - - H
We desire to announce that we have purchased the
stock of Jackson & Jackson and we will continue to
conduct an up-to-date Grocery at the old stand at
Oak and Third Streets. We invite the patronage of
old and new customers who desire to get the worth of
their money in First Class Staple and Fancy Groceries.
Our efforts will be to please our patrons and to deserve
their future business.
Smith Brothers
1 1 1 M'1"M"I'I"I"H"1'H"I'H1IM"H"I
up by Heinz at
the City ot Hood
finest in the valley.
of it, in fact more
develop. There
2052 L.
- l"l"..I'l - l"l"l"I - l"I"l - I"l"I - l"I"l"HI - l"I - H - I -
I Great "
Lined IT 1
if n In Am
a- If A I II U V
i ill Uuu
Ladies' Suits
We are clearing out our first shipment of Lad
ies' Suits at greatly reduced prices. They are
all this season's new styles and the prices asked
for them is a snap.
In this line we are showing some great values
in medium and high grade union and 2-piece
Suits. Ladies' nc- jo r A You will
Union Suits for iJv IU yv,0J be agree
ably surprised at even the 75c Union Suits for
ladies. They are all great values.
Dress Goods
Broadcloth, Serges and English Homespuns are
the most popular as fabrics for this season's
Suits and Wraps. We have these in strictly
high grade at very reasonable prices.
High Top Shoes
Our line of high top shoes for men is second to
none. We can do you good k or up.
in this line. Prices range from f4.Z.i) Don't
fail to see our shoes, as we are giving big values.
Christmas Presents
Ready. See our line of Pillow tops, tray cloths,
Dresses Scarfs and center table Covers, stamped
Pillow Tops with 6 OO- and up. Ask to
skeins of silk for -0- see them.
Overcoats & Crayenettes
New line of new and nobby styles of overcoats
and cravenettes that are right in style, fit and
General Repair Work
Horse Shoeing a
Hood River Heights
Witt Practice In All Courts.
HttVlnz tmd Severn! veHru' esnerlenee in
drafting nd building.! would respectfully
NOllcit part of lhe patronage of the pem.l ot
tiooti nivrr wno anticipate rmiiding. Terrell
reasouiit.le, a:id sull.iracti.iu uuaranleed. Of
fice at residence on Helglita.
KrTectlve Sunday, Aug. 82. tniln will rrlve
and depart at Hood River on the fallowing
No. 9. Port laud Express 5:60 A M.
No. 5. Oregon-Mash. Lrfnlled MAA.M'
No. K.!'oi ilaud Ortf. A. M.
No. 11. 1'acltlc Express 3-JO P. M
No. 7. Portland Special. .. . ":46 P. M.
Train No 11 makes all stoiw ta-tween Hood
RlVer and Portland.
Train No. K will stop onrV at W veil. l as.
cade Locks, Honnevlile, Hil.tal Veil, Iroiu
tale, hairvlew, Columbia Beach. Lau.urrlle
and Oorbett.
Trains N 8, No. B and No. 7 will make no
stops between Hood River and Portland.
No. 12. Atlantic Express
No. 8 Chicago pt cial
No. H. Oregon -Wash l.tiuuVd
No 4. Soo Si osane-Ponland
I0:2ft A, M
s:?tf P. ,M
. MO P. M
lo:L'fi P. M
No. it), fait Lake KxpreM
J H. FKJSliICV, Agent.
Soo-Spokane Route
Apple Show
November 15 to 20
Through Tickets to all Eeastern
Points Apply via this Route
without Additional Cost, Per
mitting Day's Stopover:
From O. R. & N. Depot, Spokane
Daily II A. M.
Details, Herths, literature, address the
Local Atent O. R A N., or
T. P. A. Gen. Agt.
M Wall St. Spokane
Model Bakery
Bread, Pics and Cakes
Fresh Every Day.
We have reopened the Williams Bak
ery under the above name an.! invite
your iiatronige.
Wood in Great Demand
Cold Winter Predicted
You have no dread of tbe cold, how
ever, for y.m can get the best 16-inch,
.Iry oak wood at L H. Arneeun's place
forfl 10 per rick, cash. Pole oak, mixed
with a small amount of fir, at fl.UO per
rick w hile it lasts. Call up E. E. John
son at my place and the amount of
wood you want will be reserved for you
upon payment of one-half down, depos
ited to my credit at the First National
Bank at flood River. L. H. Arnkmon.
Place, one-half mile south from Oak
Gcove itore, Cropper Distrkt.