The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 18, 1909, Page Five, Image 5

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    fldOP BIYSK QLAOI&K ggDAjDy, IfOVE&fHKR 18 IrOi
The only Bakine- Powder
made from Royal Grape
Cream of Tartar
along Powden
A alight ambiguity iu the nuuounoe
tueut of tbo Spokane pule Show
DJHde It impossible for the Hood
riiver valley to he lopreseuted in the
oar load competition at tbat exhibi
tion this week. Owing to the rattier
Hunt crop in the valley this yer and
the act that tnoi-t of the orchards
coutaiu mixed varieties of trees made
it hard to get a rarload of fancy ap
plea ot auy one variety from a single
oiobard in the valley. However 0.
H.Sproat planned to euter a carload
of Spiizenuergs for the Elliott prize
aud sweepstakes.
The rules lead that the show the
wrappers were to be r. moved from
the top layer. M.r. Sproat wrapped
all of his t:pple on the theory tl at
the carload lots would all he wrapped.
He iiiter asceitiioed tbat nianv ot
the caiload exhibitor were to be
shown w'th the top layer tmwrapied
aud he realized thtt they would have
advantage from this fact.
It would have loosened the pack
so much to remcve the wrappers
of the 'op layers after reaching Spok
ane, that the scoring pack would
have fallen low. As Mr. Sproat had
already wrapped each 1 lyer of his
exhibit it would nave made it ueces
sary to make an entire repack to put
his oar iu thape 'or the uliow As this
would have been expensive aud as
there was soaroely time to accomplish
it in time to exhibit at the show, Mi.
Sproat nave up the idea of showing
bis apples
A wrong impression nl discrimina
tion agaii st Hood liiver whs couvey
ed in a dispatch to the 1'mtlnnd Jour
nal last week Mr Sproat tad a-lu-.i
if it would have been possible to
ctiHDge the ruling and to have all the
exhibits wrapped, lint it the apple
show management had made it p'-s-Bltle
to enter the Hood Hirer apples
as t hey bad been packed, it would
have ghnt a number of othei carload
exhibitor! nut of the show wbo had
pa a diitlereut construction on the
Seal Estate Transfer.
Real Estate conveyances fur tin' pas)
week reported by The Hood River
Abstract Uotnpttny:
Harry A Hackitt to Vinella ti,
Du iu Lot 10 Mock 9, Hull's Sub
Division, 11200
II U. Bltioti to Tyler Carman.
L t 40, Block 2, Slianahan's 2nd ad
dill on. $27,r.
Ma itha K. Hereht-er to Mary T
Swausuu, 5 acres, 2 miles up on ftai-t
bank of Hood riiver, 13800.
('red H Morris to (!. 0. Hawnrth;
7'.. no:es near He m out (Jliurch, ftiSOO.
uegou Lumber Co. to M .1. Hakei ;
80 aiires iu Mt Hnod Dleti loi
M. Sue Adams to N J. Seline; Let
28, A funis Pa a - Acreage, &'1
Jacob 1'boroton fca Devi & at-ion;
iWaoie" wert c Barrett school, :tooo.
SHrah A. Hiekox to Kstella A.
Pukken; 40 acres Kat-t of City of
Hood Kiver, H750.
Hood Kiver Develnpemeut Com
an. to Jenkins Walters; Lit 3 lib ck
4, iUverview Park Add, 16660
W. H. Tatt to Charles I. Clapp;
8 10 ncrse west of town, 16500,
Edgar P. Smit h t Flora K. Hart
ly; Lot Q 1st Addition South, Lot
K Hood liiver Pri per 8 3900,
Pet-ir A. Claooy 10 Michael J.
Huokly 60 acres 4 miles Southeast cf
Pine Urr ve. 5800.
T. 0. Benson ti Young & liimch;
31 HO acret ,2 miles Enst of Casacde
Cidney (iorham to (iraoe B Dab
sou '., iuterest in 5 urces, upper Mt.
Markley Urns. , to Dee Irrigating
& Power Co . 10 acres 4 miles South
west of Dee, 8100.
Oregon Lumber Company to Stan
ley Smith Lumber Company, 85 acres
In Sec 14 and 15. tp 2 N l 9, E W
Al., or near tJteeu Point.
Kate L. Code to A. VV, Doorman;
:S0 3 aores ou Willlow Flat.
N. O. Kvaus to Loins K and J. L
lleudorson; 3 tracts northwest o'
Hood Kiver, 81500.
Oscar L Straimhan to May Bald
wiu, Lot 1 and 2 Block 1 StrBiiBbau's
3rd Addition.
A. E Hnjes to (). L. Utranahan ;
Suiall tract west of Hood Kiver.
David A. MoCuistiou to Electa H
Lyons; 5 aores east of Crap oar school
W. H. Costner to Herruau Peper;
40 acies.
10. P. Ash to J. McUoweu 4 Sons;
40 acres South ot Ci oade LookB,83Ul.
Vv. S Nichol to Burohell A llolgate
40 acres Soulh of Kockford store.
L. E. Dart lo Allied Milalrd un
divided two thirds iuterest iu above
80 acres.
L. N. Dart to A. P. Manning, on
divided one third iuterest iu above
80 acres.
Johu Stepeuson to hia wife; 10 Rores
west of Belmont Chuorh.
Margurete Shtlley to Altert V.
Shelley; 40 aores, 2 miles south of
Pine (J rove, 82500.
'1'be Land of Red Apples.
The follwoing from the Drain Noo-pan-
I represents the impression ot
Hood Kiver gained by one of the
visitors of the State W. C. T. U ,
convention held beie laat moutn.
One does not live .long in Oregon
without heariug of "that wonderful
Hood Kiver coiiutry"- the land of
red apples. So much do we hear
abuot its wealth and beauty, tbat we
soon have a ploture in our minds of
a place last equal to the Kuiry Laud
ot our obildboud dieams When a
tew weeks ago wo were promised a
visit t'i llr.od Ki Vr we naturally look
forth to it wth ha Mm f anticipa
tions. Visions ot red apples danoed
before our eyes big red apples not
iuiy tor the good iitlle buy that
ays ells the t utb, but enough
nil the boys, the last part of
journey going over was niHile in
nitrlit so we did not see any ot
country suirouuding, the h
1'be next morning at the Hist good
daylight, we were uiit to take a loot
aud we saw what? A very OOmtnOL
looking town I Wo i ii litied o i r eves
aud looked again Yen. there could hi
mi mistake ahout II. Those trees
were oaks-just the oominon kind
that we use tor stove wood at Drain
And not a led apple in sight. And tr
complete the dinsapointment an
"Oiegnn hit" was flooding the Land
oape. With a sigh we turned from
the window, "Yea, another big story.
Alter bieaktast we'll run over and
climb old Mount Hood just to have
it said we did climb it, and then
we'll go hack to Drain where tbere
leally is something worth looking
at "
Wo weie very Imsy the next two
days, aud forgot our dissapniotment
in work. The third day the sun
Hhoue. things took on a brighter
look, and when wo were invited to
take a r ide through 'he orchards, we
were glad to go.
the business part of the town is
built ou the side of a bluff over look
iug the Columbia liver. Standing on
one street we look down on tbe roofs
of the next one below. Tins Is all we
had seen so far. After going up for
Successor to Sliruin liros.
Confectionery, Cigars and
Sporting Goods
The best Flour made from the best selected bluestera
Hood River Milling Co.
('. M. SHAW
1 1 Jean si vnaw
Electrical Furnishers
Home Phone 3
what seemed a great way, we oame
oor upon a level count y, and we
Imwtdiaetlj "tuuk it ail back and
dt-clurecl we never said it " For we
saw for the first time the real home
part of Hood River. nd it is truly
a wonderful pi , .1 t ti own built
In an 01 chard md miod an aruliNrti !
Not n weed, ni t a ilmvn apple aoi a
di treated ire birerytbiug wears such
u prosperous look. Uood buildings
n.auy ot them line, l'l en- are four
public schools employing three and
tool ttauhers each. One High schooi,
eight churches, and no saloons. We
bad only one hours time, so ouly got
a glimpB". We saw no farms, ouly B,
10, and 15 sere lots. The whole com
munity is of one uiiud, all working
together. Kiery nmu, woman and
child a booster, tbair great prida -s
tleir ciplfs, and they hate mad'
ti em so peifeot, tttal now t tit y oh 11
sol their oau pi lew and get it Mai v
log stones do ttiej ti ll, aud quo e
figures until you Bia i77
As wo were passing a certain pluoe,
this story was told, aud it was a
preaebai that told it, so Its' so even
if it It'ut so: A lierruan hoiigbt the
acers on time. He hss phIiI tor O.
cared for his tamliv if nine, owns a
big atore, is at present building a
line dwelling, has a son iu Willa
mette University, one in Corvallis,
and the rest in Hnod Kiver schools,
lie has made every dollar from the
rive acrse of apples, but theie is some
one at wcik In that orchard every day
in tbe year.
Some ot the land is under irriga
tion and some is not. Not only the
valley land tint the mounatius are
used. Theie is one place Where we
could see a cummuulty so high up
that they depeud on cisterns for their
water supply and yet there were the
orchards. Ves, it is a gieat place,
and they have years the start ot Die
people of this community, but speak
ing seriously we do not beleive they
had any better to start with than we
have right heie.
the prunes we took lor Deuioustia
tioou Night, were the wonder of some
from other parts of the state, and we
were asked sevreal times "Do they
raie these in DouglasY" Of course
we know that those people have given
a great deal of thought, time and
money to their specialty and employ
the best methods but it pays.
A. K.
Fortune Telling
Doe not t.ike into consideration the one essi ntial to worn-
u s bepri I womanly health.
THc Oman who nrtflects her health ia neglecting the
vrr found n of til good fortune. I-or without hrnlih
love bines its lustre and gold m hut droit.
W pwianl) health when lust or impaired may generally he
renamed h the use of Dr. Pierce's 1-avorite Prescription.
This Prescription has, for over 40 years,
been curing delicate, weak, pain-wracked
h onion, by the hundreds of thousands
and this too in the privacy ot their homes
without their havlnt to submit to Indeli
cate Questionings and offensively reput
nant examinations.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce hy letter fret.
All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary
Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President. Buffalo, N. V.
Dr. Pihhi i s Cheat Family Doctor Book, The People's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers in
Pluin Bngliib hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or msrried,
ought to know about. Sent frtt, in plain wrapper to any address on receipt ol
21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps.
.Fruit Lands.
in larnre or small tracts. Some very good
land at low prices at present. Good
growing community, Six miles ead of
Hood Kiver. Parties wishing to buy
will do well to write or see
M osier Oregon
First National Bank
Hood River, Oregon
lc)osit your funds in this Bank,
whose phenominal growth is due
to its Strength and Permanence
its well as its courteous and con
siderate attention to the needs
of its customers.
F. S. STANLEY, Pres. .!. W. HINRICHS, V. Pres.
F. (). BLANCHAfe, Cashier V. V. BROCK, Ast. Cash
Manufacturing Engineering Co.
tsl.VCl-MKs;io.. .1. LIJCKEY)
General Machine AVork and
Phone 30SM Hood River, Oregon
Mount Hood Store
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Dry Hoods Ammunition Boots and Shoes
Hardware (iranlteware
Hay (J rain Flour Feed Full line of Grocerie
$ If Old Ways Were
Always the Best f
The -World of business would have stood still if "r
old ways were always the best. It, is the new
things that have made for progress an 1 prosperity.
Wc recognize new ways and new ideas in our Drug
Business ns soon as we blieve they mean for better
1 1
service for customers and our policy in that direc
tion proves itself right by a drug service not sur-
Your grocer will prind it
better if ground. at home not
too line.
passed elsewhere in the state.
The Glacier Pharmacy
H. R. Bank and Trust Co Bldg V
The Square Deal Store
Is the place to get your Wagons,
Buggies, Hacks, Plows, Har
rows, Cultivators, Spray Pumps,
Hose & Nozzles, Gasoline Power
Spraying Outfit, complete wgt.
328 lbs. Myer Cog Gear Hand
Pumps guaranteed to give satis
faction. The right kind of Hose
Nozzle and Fittings. Extension
Head Disc, Harrows with wheel
trucks, Garden Tools Planet Jr.
I have in
Stock Rub
beroid Roof
ing, House
Paint, genuine Avenarius Carboleniurn,Cooper Spray
Groceries, Flour and Feed. Stumping Powder, Caps
and Fuse.
d. Mcdonald
. p.
Progressive Fruit
Better Fruit
Ought to investigate the merits and results
of spraying with
Wm. Cooper and Nephews
The only scientific Sprays produced. Desrip
tive Pamphlets and Sprays at
D. McDONALD, Local Agt.
247 Ash St., Portland, Ore.
.H. I H 'H"I 'H i H 1 1 I I 1 1 1 M 1 1 H I I MINI 1 I I !" 1 1 1 I I 1 1 11
Through Train Service
Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry.
Tb rough Standard ami Tonriit SlMpan I'aily between Portland and
Chicago via s. P, it s., N. P., 0. Bi t li. ; ul) obatrvatioD can, Brit class
ooaohei and dining can.
Through Standard Sleeper Daily between Portland and Chicago via B. p.
.ts.,ti. N., 0. B, A bIho obiervatioo cars; HrHt claca ooachai and
dining can, ALSO
Tlirijuli Standard Sleeper Daily between Portland and Omaha via K. P.
& 8,, N. P.i C. If it Q; connecting at Spokane with through Standard and
Tourist Sleepers from Spokane to Denver and St. Louis; also lirst class
coaches ami dininlng can.
For passenger (ares, sleeping car reservations, etc., see any S.l'.AN.a
M 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1"
Guaranteed Pure Milk
Prompt Delivery to Any Part of the City
Duvidton Building
Manager Mood River office Pol NEWELL, GOSSETT & WALSH
Home Phone 1 74
Third St. and Cascade Ave., Hood River, Oregon
F. H. Coolidge
Dealer in Elgin, Waltham,
Hamilton high grade Watch
es. All Repair Work given
prompt attention. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
Watrhmaker (Sa Jeweler
Door West room formerly occupied by tbe
Davis Millinery.
Don't Leave the Hood River District
Without Investigating
Natural advantai's for fruit
m m T 1 1
AI "WHf" VfllltPV growing unexcelled. Land
1T1VC511 T CtXAVJf prices have doubled within the
Ia8t two years but are not over half that asked for similar land in other
sections. Buy now before tbe speculators add their profits.
Six Miles East of Hood River, Oregon
1 mi 1 11 I