HOOD ftlVfefc QLAdlHH TMOKaUAY, NOVEMBER is 1008 nj w" run n"u B HOOD RIVER CLIB liijif " emu I AT STATE UNIVERSITY II CHAPMAN & CARNES I Si 8 ii ii ;i ii X ii ii 8 ii 5! i ii ii ii ii ii ii M ii ft ii ii Tl. II, r n h.-i t.t Mitchell Wagons have "made good" for 75 years. We arc ex clusive agents for Hood River County. We have a complete and up to date stock of Ranges, Cook Stoves and Heaters and aie certain we can interest you in these goods. Call and look them over we are pleased to show them, When in need of anything in CHINA or GLASSWARE look our stock over. We've a fine line of Hand Painted China and Cut Glass at reasonable prices. HONEST GOODS-HONEST PRICES BLOWERS BROTHERS - - - ii ii H i ii ii ii ii ii il n ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii H CI M I leiich l'asb if I iinut, Kit. I OutbOlik, vice .reMii-ii t . Kay Murpnt seeieii.r 'lit! tie(.niei Mill rote Uioelu athletic umuMuci. the club bus abeltouged lbs high school in number of oontenta to held durtei the CbrivtniM iud April reoa'loaa. Haaket ball aud (i ouHt.ly (.'In islii as Htteicoon tinire oi fool bail I I I played du.iiig the Chi uinuis holi days, aud veiy likely h debate will also be .i i miu'imI There are otily n riezeu students in l tie clnli iiinl the natuiailj hae ii'ttle tin tor pr-puia tloil, luit !li". riHBIM In n like it lna lively for the high school nete'thc lam, 1 he Hood River students it 1 1 . . University I me bae di-t ii im .fin , tben fi-nt i : arii ita i.y i- lull, ilabaaou and tieudersou bare Loib il a ie the verti'v fou hnll aousri an lUjed on ttie I' re.-liiiiuu IK aeelslUal bdlttil t I I In tin arald. " Brotlui ti d loi u tl i' kl-r oloh iud tiiiileiuli Successor t Chapman & Co. O thank lehlll hull "Oregon i place. Dealers in Stap'e & Fancy Groceries. Flour, Feed and HARDWARE We solicit a portion of your patronage. Hood River Heights Free Delivery Phone 78-K Go To Wood & Huggins For Fancy and Staple Groceries, The Largest and Most Complete Line in the City. We make a specialty of HigH Grade Stock and guarantee every thing we sell. Give us a call. WOOD (SL HUGGINS, Land For Sale C.F.SUMNER HEADQUARTERS FOR Plumbing Come in and exam ine our line of Pumps, Bath Tubs, La vatories, Sinks, Etc. Agents For E Taft Transfer Co. D RAYING, WOOD YARD, FEED STOKl At McKevnolds old Stand. University Correspondence Work. the University of Oregon has fol lowed the lead of iniiuy of the larger eastern in,titutioD8 iu establishing correspondence oo irses end now lias ovei 41)0 students enrolled and taking the courses ottered hy nisli. The courses are designed primarily lor the Orcgoniana nnd an effort Is made to bave them hs nearly like the courses un the campus us possible. I'be Uorreipondeoce Study depart ment employs metbodl siuiilar to nil he f 1 1 ni:d examinations are ... only iu case univeisity riedit i-i desired tor the work. I he student pays no charges exoept t it texttook and postage hut the orurses prntiahly not be ottered tree hu other vear A wide lange of study in t. lii preparatory and college work is open to the autdeut and a bulletin descriptive of the work will be sent on request. MB baa a gui n ol aUC i 0l making I he Inter collegiate debating team Rij Mnrplo mill (Jirbrn are tuakmn ome nund irack renords, liartj Uaeb is a I a i writing lot tne "K.meiald" .ud J ilk 1. in key and pi!- enlj ua are bulh popular as ever KEEP THK kIKM.VS WILL. Health Is Worth Saving, and Mom Hood River 1'enple kinm How To .iv, It. Many Hood River people take tl.eir lives iu their hands hy neglect iug the kidneys when they know these urguns need help. Sick kidneys are responsible tor a vast amount ol sutleiing and ill health, hut there Is uo need to suiter nor to remain In danger when all diseases and aches aud pains due to weak kidneys can be quickly aud pernmneutly cured hy the use of Ooau's Kidnty Pills J. U. Buckler, of K Ninth St, Port lai.d, Ore , say: "In my estimation there is no remedy equal to Doan't Kidney Pills. There was a constant doreuesi across the small of my back iud stooping or lifting would cause -lit r 1 1 twinges in tbnt part ol my hody. 1 iried one leuiedy atler an other but without result. When Doau's Kidney Pills weie brought to my attention, 1 procu ed a supply aud .vas beueQtted by theui from the Hist. 1 continued their use and they soou completely removed the paiu from my bsck and coirected the action ot the kidney seoietiou, which had been somewhat iriegulBi." Plenty more proof like this troin Hood RIveT peo ple. Call at 0. N. Clarke's drug store and ask what, customers report. For sale tv all dealers. Price Ml cents. P'oster-Milburn Co., liutlalo New York, sole agents tor the United States. Kouiember the name- Dnau'a aud take uo other. Hood Rive Men Itelejritei, Ijovmor Hensou eppniuted Joseph Wilson ami S U. Caiiipl.ell cf this citv deli sales Irooi Oregon to tb Natimihl P in in ljiml tenuiers, which is meeting iu Ubieajo i his week MeaHH Wil.-on slid I an pliell are al 'ei ding l on elegies, and will hnv charge ot the Hood River exhibit of I carload ul taufj apptea whicb aie to he hown at 1 he I nini & Irrigation x- pootiou which oreus in Cbioagil Sal urdav and is to run tor two weeks. jjt I have aboul 1,000 acres of No. 1 Apple l aud, 5P must ol it under ditch at prices ranging Irotn f()() per Here up. In tract from ten acres up. J. R. STEELE Hood River - - - Oregon I mm The Leading Grocers OFFICE PHONE 29. RES. PHONE PHONE 282-M Hood River, Oregon Real Estate LOANS, RENTINO & COLLECTING a spwiHity of city Property, BetideM Lots, and Small Traets Close in. For Urglns call on or sriiiress T. D. TWEEDY liixjd KlVel Home PbOM U7.1. Mrs. Prof. Vance, Buttered a very painful accident last week which or i time endangered the right eye. She was cutting aome small kindling at her country home when a piece of wood Uew up, striking her on the forehead very near the eye and out ting a gash whicb required six or seven stitches to close Dr. M. V. Shaw, the attending pbysican, says that the danger ot losing the sight of the eye is now parsed and that Mrs. Vanoe is gettiug along nicely. J. N. Teal and ex-U. S. Senator Mulkey will represent the Portland Chamber of Commerce at the Nat Jonal Kiverg and Harbors Congress in Washington next mouth. I roup l ured and a t hild's Life Saved "It. ff,,nls Me ureal pleasure to add njy testimony to that ol the thouaandi who have been benefited by Chamber Iain's Cough Keundy. My child, An ilnttv. when onlv three years old was tnteii willi a severe lit I nek of CT3UP, and lhanki i the prompt use of Chamber Iain's Cim.'li Keine'h Ids liie was Baved and today he is a robuit and healthy boy,"aayi Mrs A. Coy, Jr., ol Han An tonio. Texas. This remedy has been iu use for many years. Thouaam'B of mother! keep it at hand, and it has never been known to fail. Foraeleby all dealers. Stoves, Heaters and Ranges All kinds, New and Stcona-hand. Big Stock of New and Second-hand Furniture, Carpets, Art Squares, Rugs Chairs, Rockers, Etc. Agent For CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges 0. P. DABNEY & CO. HOOD RIVER APPLE VINEGAR CO. .Manufacturers Pure Apple Cider & Apple Vinegar We are how receiving cider and canning apples. For growers located on Mt. Hood Railroad and also White Salmon and Mosier, we will pay the freight. Bring is lour Apples n PatronlZB Home Influstry TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. AGENTS FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, rag-gage, Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phones: Wharf float No. 14-F. Office 5 HuntPaint & Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES HEATH & MILLIGAN MIXED PAINTS. Our Slock of Paper includes latest deaigni In Blanks, (iills and lliti tirades, from 10c up. A full stock of Room Molding, Picture Kail, Plate Rati and a mull line of novelties In Framed Pictures. CALC1MO, the latest thing in Room Tinting, mixed to order. Painting, Paper Ranging, Sitfii Work Home Phone 1HI First ami Oak Streets liockenberry & Bartlett ARCHITECTS Blue Prints Done to Order. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Davidson Building Phone 61 Lace Curtains Washed and Ironed In ftr1 class shape hy Hood River Laundry Co. Home l'houe 123 What Would Vim Do! In case of a burn or scald what would you do to rel eve t he pain? Sueli injuries are liable to occur in any family and evert one should lie prepared lor them. Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost in stantly, and unless the injury iB a very severe one, will cause the parts to heal without leaving a scar. For gale by all dealers. K. ii. Chapman, of Hi 1'aol, was here Inst week looking over the valley aud InTWtlgstlnB White Salmon A letaetltt Hiatal r iteeomniemla Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea ItemcdT. "I have used Cbambeflain'i Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for sev eral years for diarrhoea. I ooniidar t the best remedy I have ever tried for that trouble, f bought a bottle of it a few days ago from our druggist, Mr. R, R. Brooks. 1 shall ever be glad toiH'ak a word in its praise when I have the opportunity." Rev. J. I). Knapp, pas tor M. K. enure! Sold by all dealers. S. V. Keck WltB. of New York, spent leversl days last week looking at orobards lands In the valley. kills Her Foe Of 20 Years. "The most merciless enemy I had for 20 vears,'' declares Mrs. .lames Ihincan, oi ilavnesville, Me., "was dysiepsia. I suffered intensely after eating or drink ing and could scarcely sleep. After many remedies bad lailed and several doctors gam me up, 1 tried Electric Bit ters which cured me completely. Now I can sat iny thine I am 7l years old and un verjoyed to get mv health ami j strength back again " For Indigeetion, I0M 1 appetite) amney treuoie, lame back, female complaints, it is uueqiialed. Only 60c at Chas. N. Clarke's. Illlchcoek Filed In Hood Kiv.r. It is not generally known that the preseut postmaster ot the United Sates at one time Bled on a home stead in the Hood River valley, but such is the case. About nine years ago while on a visit to Oregon he was located on a homestead near Itee, by W. B. Winaus who was then iu the timber cruising aud land locating bui-iii sb. Mr. Hitchcock went east, entered politics aud abandoned the idea ot growing apple tor a livelihood. I lie claim that ho oboae is now being put into a lli.it class orchard. Consumption Statistics. prove that a neglected cold or cough puts the lungs in so bac' a condition that consumption germs una a lertile neiu lor fastening on one. Mop me cougn just as soon an it appears with Ballard a lloreliound syrup, Mioints me torn and inflamed tn-sues and makes you well again. Sold by Chas. W. Clarke. Young Robber to Reform School. Call Orlftlth charged with the rob berv of t-"U trom Airs. Rosauder lieu drjx ut her much two miles uoith of llusuin. hud a l.eiriug las week aud was senteucrfd to the state re i mm school. Miles Grove, Pa IFSSXOlNr STABLE Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN Hood River, Ore.SJ Horsei bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure lirst-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture ana pianos. Wo do everything horses can do. A Broken Hack. That pain in your back caused by lumbago, stiff muscles or a strain is an easy thing to get rid of. Ballard's Snow Liniment cures rlieiiiiniiisin, lumoagu, sore and stilt muscles, strains, sprains, cuts, burns, bruises, scalds and all Mbos and pains. You need a botlle in your liouse. Hold by Chas. N. C larke. Ueorge k.. Hume, of Indianapolis, was beie last week calilug uu a uum uer ot old lloosler lrieuds who are uow lecated In the valley. A Scalded Hoy's Shrieks liornlied bis grandmother, Mrs Mana lay lor, of Nebo, Ky., who wiilen that, when all thought lie would die, liuck len's Arnica halve wholly cured him. Infallible for bums, scalds, cuts, corns, wounds, bruises, cures lever Bores, kill.., skin eruptions-, chilblains, Chapped bands, bOOO routs piles. li-V at Clias. .V Clarke's. C. C. Maslker returned Thursday Horn tiiauls fans, where he Pad gone itn Samuel lJrice and wile ho will coeiid the winter there. A ll.iir's Breadth Escape. Do you know that every lime you have a OOStgb or cold and lot U run on thinking it will jm-t cure itaeii you tn muting pneumonia, consumption or swmeoibof palmonary trouble? Don t net it. Put your lungs nack in perfect health and stop that congn villi Bal lard's lloreliound Sy rup. Price - , sic and $1 per bottle, hold uy Chas. N. Clarke. ADVISE YOUR FRIENDS "The Best Way" To See Hood River Canyon and Valley is via Mt. Hood Railroad A RIDE ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM DUST Train leaves Hood River 8 A. M. every day and returns 5:10 P. M. Spend your Sunday in the mountains. A. WILSON, Agent The Dalles Nurseries Successors to K. H. Weber Growers of Choice Frail and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Small Fruit Plants and Shrubbery. We lo net employ agents, iui sell direel i the planter, making commercial orchards o specialty. All Correspondence Should .alloc MurcoPIOC I22J Orand Ave be Addressed to Tlie IHUMfS HUlSCIICa Portland, Ore. Remember Our trees arc grown strictly without irrigation. Electrical Jobbers All kinds of Electrical Wir . ini Siil Fixtures. ill give you prices that will suityoo. Will get you any thing in Elecl ri;;il Goods. Harry tl. Bailey Open River Trans portation Co. Service between Portland, Hissi Rivet and The Dalles. Steamer J, N. TEAL. OWNED BY THE PEOPLE Should I supported by the People. We K've special attention to fruit shipments. Spacious accommodation! for handling live stock and wagons. We solicit your pat ronage. B. M. Mllltr, Agt. Dorncy U Smith Mir. Hood River Hortlsnd R. E. Harbison A. L. Newton BOXES Crates and Fruit Packages of All Kinds. Band Sawing and Other Wood Work Given Special Attention. Hood River Box Co. Hood River, Ore. Horns Phone 175 Harness Saddlery Harness Made to Order and Repaired tap Robes, Horse Blankets, Tents, Wagon poyersL-Water Rage, Etc. Davenport Harness Co. HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT CO. J. M. SI U.WKI.TZKK, SKCKKTAKY ABSTRACTS, INSURANCE, CONVEYANCING and SURETY BONDS. We have the only complete set of abstract books in Hood lii I it ty and are in a position to execute all work with promptness ami nr. niacy. c represent some of the beet old line fire insurance OODMtanina ili ing business in Oreeon and can oive the best l'ire Insurance ol'ta al for the monev. -:- Our reputation as conveyancers Is known til al' Al of our work it guaranteed, -:- Come to us when you want Mn . t of any description. Office In DAVIDSON RLDG, N. K. corner Cascade Avean 1 i Home Phone HOOD RIVER, ORE. id CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Ph. C. YOUNG, Prop. , Fresh and Cured Meats Lard, Poultry and Fish HOOD RIVKK.'ORE. Phone Main 6 Free Delivery PREPARE For the Rainy Season A. LCARMICHAEL HAS THE GOODS Kenyon Rain Coats Men's Sweaters in $10 $11 $12 Different Colors. Mackinaws $3.50 Prices Slickers $2 and Up $1.25 to $3.50 A Large assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas Tents and Wagon Covers Carriage Trimming Summer Lap Robes, Gloves, Etc. Harness Made to Order GEORGE IRVINE, Hood River, Or.