HOOD Rim GLACIER, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 18 190 wnmii a h.i -"fwi " MILS ! Mil .'j J- Issued Every Thu itay liy ARTHUR D. MOB, P MubMrlptloo, ifM I'er Year. THE HOMi ELBCT10BT. 'lhe over whelm i D majority- by whlob the water boadl were voted ul the special election but ! i iday le a stiong endoreeuieut of the polioy u( the city council which hue etrived ooDiateutly for tlie past its yeaia to give the city a munioipal supply ol pure water, l'be (llaoler feels that the result has warranted it in Ha long advocunoy of the plan adopted, in former elections, we do not believe that the Vetera understood tbe con ditions hh fully us they did Iaat week and tbelt decisive answer to tbe pro position, when they bad fuller know ledge, shows unmistakably what they want. It no serious obstacles are met with, Hood Kiver will have a pure and BUiiillieiit supply of water next year at this time. ibe council is to be commended for the prompt action they have taken with legurd to tbe matter ot preparing the bonds and It Is to be sincerely boped that they will push through to completion tbe work iu baud. Ibe council will meet next Monday in adjourned session to consider tbe report of tbe judiciary oommittee with regard to tbe bond issue. 1 he briugiug in ot tbe City Upriug with its puro and ample supply ot water will mean more for tbe develop ment of Hood Kiver thau anything wblcb could happen. Following the installation of the system, the city will then lie ready to put down good streets and make many other im provements which will lead to a greater Hood Itlver. Many Individ uals who have considered locating in Hood liner have been held baok by tbe watei situation, but tbe determi nation of the people to bave good water, as shown by tbe election in day, will turn many of them to this place where tbe future looks brighter than ever before. WflCBM TO HE CIIOHEN. the regular city election will be held two weeks from next Tuesday, at whicli time three councilman, a treas urer and a recorder are to be chosen. This election is Important in that bull tbe council are to be oboseu, and just now tbe city Is beginning tbe greatest work which It has yet under taken in the installation ot a muni cipal water plant. There are also many street and sewer Improvements underway and contemplated which are of the utmost Importance to the oity. As yet there seem to be do candi dates for the ctllces to be filled. Many citizens bave stuted to us with in the laut few days and we agree with I hem, that the oouuollmen whose lei nii expire the Hist of tbe year should be re-eleoted. Charles Halt, it M. Wright aud B. W. Arnold, some of whom have stated that tbey wished to let. ue from the council with the end of their terms, should be persuaded by their friends to stand for re-oleotion. They have served the city well and tbey Hie familiar with the city's alfairs. The present council has given tbe city a good adiuliilstratiou and the hearty endorsement at Friday's eleotiou of their course In the water question, shows tbe apptovul ot tbe voters. Tbey have bad charge ot the plans made by the olty for a municipal water plant aud tbey should oarry these plans through to completion. Keeui !ei . II. l.augille Is the best man who has tilled the ollloe for a long time and has given satlafaotiou to all parties having dealings with the olty. He should be 10 elected to that utilise aud as should Treasurer H. O. Illanchar. The five men who now bold tbe offices to be tlllnd at tbe coming election should we believe, be returned to their plaoea aud tbe ap proval ot the admluistiatlou be thus nIiOWU. si cci'.ss AT HOOD RITBB The people ot Hood Kiver have reudereil two essential services to tlie fruit industry ot Oregou, and for ttiese they should receive credit, no matter bow ni.u h rivaliy may raise as to quality of fruit aud price, in I he ttrst paloe, tbey have demoustrat ed the superlative value ot proper cultivation, spiayiug, pruning, aud thiouiiig of the fruit. They led the way In each of these processes. Others may do it all now, just as well as the Hood litver men, but a propel sense of gratitude compels u to remember that, If they had not set the example, nobody would have foi lowed it. Intelligent study of con dltiOQI and ,the tab hint application of Hcieutibc labai to overcome dull cullies comprise the whole secret of the excellence of Hood Kiver fruit. Mut tlie Hood Kiler men did an other thing which is of mine piaetlcal value I han the mere (rodeution of good fruit. Tbey sbuwed how to initiket it at remunerative pricea. lo raiso a line crop is comparatively Mil, especially wbeu one knows bow and Is nut alraid ,to work. Hut to sell It after It is raised is an art which lew farmers uudeistaud thoroughly. Here is where tbey almost all fall. The Hood Itlver producer give up trying to make each individual oi cliardist an expert packer aud marketer, Realizing that t'ia was a hopeless ambition, they bad tbe supreme good sense to pool their interests and hire competent special ista to do the work ttr them, l'be specialists demanded large salarita, tint the orcharditss made money by paying them. The brst thing they did was to make an absolutely honest nek. This won Its way iu tbe market and now Hood Kiver crop is nought purely on its representation. The buyei Is never deceived even lu t he minutest particular, and In return he can afford to pay prices which yield the fanner very large returns. We may say, then, that the secret ot tbi Hood Kiver men's llnaucial success is oo-operation. If they bad not been able to pool tbelr intetest and work together for a common end ;hey might bave produced superb apples, but tbey never would bave grown wealthy by doing It. Co operation baa saved the profit for the producer at Hood Hirer aud it will do the same thing everywhere else. -Oregonlan. Tbe above editorial from the Ore gonlan lays strusa ou tbe fact that the Hood Kiver upple men bad gained much by co-opeiatlou and that is a point wbicb can scarcely given too much ciedit foi tbe success wblob has lawn achieved by tbe orobardists in tbe valley. Ibe Apple Growers' Union represents tfala co-operation and tbe benefits which bav beeu de rived by all tbe apple raisers nl this valley cannot be estimated. Kver since the organization of the union there has l em a steady improvement iu the methods employed to marketing tbe snides and this vear the glowers are reoeiving nearly three times the amount for their pioduot which they got the year befoie tbe union wat organized. in 11)02 tbe year before tbe union waa organized, local buyers paid tbe ore hard latl 86 cents for Newtowns and II. lo for Hpitzeubergs which represented as good a price as the growers had received up to that time, lbeveiy next year tbe union was organized ami marketed the apples for about twice tbe amount which (he local buyers had been paying, ibe prices were $1. Ho for Newtowns, and t'i tor Hpitzeubergs. Since that yeai ibe prices which tbe union has pro cured for tbe apples has been greitei each yeai thau it was tbe preceding season except In l!HJ!t when there was especially large oiop aud tbe price went back to about the same It had been two years before. However, this year the price again went up aud, with Newtowns selling at f'2,40 aud Spltzeu bergs at from 12.50 lo f.l..I5, the Apple Growers' Union got the higheat pries for Its apples etor paid foi any apples anywhere. Tbe onion assists Its members in getting the beat results lu superior armies aud then sees to it that tbe pack and selection are tbe best possi ble. The high ataudard maintained by the Union has given tbe eastern trade a confidence In tbe Hood Kiver apple which la enjoyed by uo other fruit grown. Hood Kiver Appl Crowera' Union means "sterling for apples. When a buyer Is abaol utely sure that he la getting tbe beat that is produced, he Is willing to pay a good round prloe fortbla guarantee Tbe union baa also beeu active In advertising the valley aud its product and la Just now furnishing the apples fnr the car-load display whlob will be put on the Land A Irrigation Con grass in Chicago teu days from now The growers of toe valley should appreciate what they have gained by organization and ahould use theii best eltorts to proteot tbe uulou from encroachments by independent ship pers who aie likely to damage the Hood Kiver repu'iitiou. Tbey ahould also realize where tbey would bave beeu if tbey still depended ou tbe local buyera who used to purohase tbelr produot aud tboy will be doubly aoxloua to oo-operate iu gaining even more prestige lor tbe Hood Kiver upple. A few upple growers iu the Hood Itlver district who formerly marketed their mut thiough tbe union are shipping independently this season to New Vork points, using some left over uulou paper wiappera iu packing tbelr fruit, which is declared to be ot an Inferior quality by purchasers In tbe American metropolis. There it is again. Hume persona do not appreel ate what had beeu duue lu their Intel ests through a well established organ izatiou and are doing such acts that will tear down the god work of tbe past and probably injure their pros peels for the sale of future crops from their orchards. Tbe union should take vlgoioua action in pre venting the use of tbelr trade-mark hereafter by calling lu alt over sup plies of audi paper Salem Statesman Seven thou tend boxes of Hood Kivei valley's "choice" or "aocoiui grade" apples ware contracted tor tbe other day by a Portulud firm at price said to be tbe highest ever paid for apples ou the 180100 Coast. Ureat guns! When will the limit be leach ed? Willamette Valley uichardlsts, wbeie are youY Why dou't you "get iu" ou thla free advertising'' Salem Statesman. We Have One of tbe Fintt Lines of Linen Doilies Stand Covers and Scarfs in the city. See the window. 5. Uie Paris Fair Hood River's Largest and Best Store ftjie Another New" Lot of Ladies' Tailor Made Suits h and (oats Arrived this Week, Call and See Them. Copy light 1908 by Hart Schaffner & Marx This Kind of Weather Hiifrgests h good warm Overcoat find what more could we wish than iin nl! wool, per fectly made, and of the newest patterns and materials, such as Hart, Schaffner & Marx make. Let us show you. We have them for $16, $18, $20. Other makes $5, $6, $8, $9, $10. Boys' Overcoats $2.50, $3, $3.50 and up. Some extra specials in Men's Covert Cloth Rain Coats, velvet collar, wind proof, full length. Just the thing for rough wear. d0 14 values for... Sheep Skin Lined Coats With li- storm collar. Something you would not lake twice 1 he cost for if you had one on these cold mornings coming to tow n. They are good for storm as djO well as cold and only Blanket Lined Corduroy and Coveret Cloth Work Coats High storm collars, rain proof backs. Knit Toques For men, women, hovs and girls, of all wool, plain and fancy colors. There is nothing that can beat these "stocking caps" for cold weather. We have them for 25c, 35c and 50c each. Knit Mufflers Of all wool materials and all colors for ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. These are neat and dressy and are a perfect chest and throat protectors. Way's and Brad lev's makes for 25c, 35c, 45c, SOc Fascinators Knit Shawls, Scarfs, etc. Made of wool and silk materials. One of the most con venient wraps you can possess. They are always in place, look well, and are warm and comfortable. Fascinators for 10c, 1 5c and up. Shawls and Scarfs for 50c, 75c, $1 and up. o a 1 We have a lot of Toilet kpeCldl Articles of standard brands, consisting of Face ('reams, Face Powders and dozens of other toilet articles worth from 10c up to f 1 each. To close them out your choice of any of the C lot for each The Home of the Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes, John B. Stetson Hats. Manhattrn Shirts and l'be Halloa in celebrating tbe laying of tbe tlrst hard surface pavement in thai olty I mm! week. Now thai tbe citizens have nettled tbe watei question tor Hood Kiver, let us k 1 busy and bo celebrating paved streets In tliia oity long before we are iih largo at l'be Dalles. 'l'be I n. .bit in valley run mime Hood Kiver Hit Dp and take notice wbon It comes to Hue apples-and, beside, fiunish a pippin tlmt tin- a bouquet Unit the Hood liner product cannot touch, claims tbe Hlllsboio Argus. lhe Civic Improvement League claimed SO members mid tbe result nf t''rblity'N elect ion, would seem to Iwai out tbe claim tlmt its members were a unit against tbe water bond Issue Kvery available mail in and around CaOOD City, Colo., bas beeu drafted to save tbe apple crop from freezing Contrast that situation with Oregou s and then say which state you would choose lor piotltable borticultuia Statistics covering a period of five years sbow that more tbao 10 times as many peisous met death while tres passing ou railway property tbau while riding as passenger. i It would be interesting to know what the preacher is going to do with thetlOOO with whiob tbe state awarded liim for catching tbe escaped murder er by tbe power fo prayer. Oregon baa lately established a big central fish hatchery at llonneville whlob Is said to be oue ot the best plants of the kind ever built. The inital Ihsub of tin Fo est drove Press has been received at this office, l'be Mist Issue a "putent inside'.' a supplement and uo editorials. I It. B. Tucker Stricken. 1). K. 'i'voker,wbo with Mrs. Tucker la upending tbe wluter in Riverside, i 'til , suffered a stroke of paialysis last Ibursday whiob atteoted bis rigbt side. I no first message by bis sou, t 'buries A. looker, stated that the right side was entirely paralyzed but a second message the uext day said that be could move his rigbt leg a little. Mr iuoker's daughter, MrB. J. H. r'rary, of Portland, left with her busbaud foi tbe Boutb immedi ately on hearing of her father's ill oess. Sick lleudnchc. Thil distressing di(MNUt results from a disordered condition ol the stomach, ami can be cured by taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Oct a free namplc at any drug store ami try it. Directors Consider I'd It inn. Ibe school directors held a speclsl meeting Monday aud considered tbe petition wbloh was presented to them lust week asking Hint they boil the water lined by tbe school children Clerk A. W. Ontbauk, reports Unit the board Is Investigating methods by wblcb the watei may lie properly purl lied tor the schools and that tbey will then act ou the petition. Mary .. VyW. Mrs. Mary ti. I'yles, aged ii7, died Sunday at her home iu llarrett die tiict. She Is survived by her hus band J. T. I'yles, a brother, I). C. Ilerrlott, of 1'opeka, Kansas, aud a sister, Mrs. live 1 llairis, of Okla homa. Mrs. Harris cume during hei sister's illuess. The funeral occurred Monday aud the interment took luce at Idlewlld. Our Experience Will make money for you B. E. Duncan & Co. Fruit Lands Orchards Oakdale (Jreenhouse Ro?c8, shrubs and bulbs now ready lor fall planting Plant now and have blooms next year. Hyacinth Narcissi, Early and Late Tulips on hand. Hardy phlox, primroRcs, lockspur, oricmal poppies, snapdragon, Hollyhock, etc. A few White Wyandotte cockerels $1 to f'i each. Pot plant at Franz. Fletcher & Fletcher. Upper Valley. Two buys in Upper Valley. Sixty acres with good improvement. Twenty acres within half a mile ol end o( track of Mount Hood Railway. Six acres has been cleared, balance ah brush aud easilv cleared and all under ditch. " W. H. Marshall, Hee, Cre Charles Chandler ami wife have returned from Uvalde, lex,, aud me guests at the home ot Laureooe 1 lowers. Auy growers, who had apples frozen durlug the last freeze, may dispose of them by calling up the Hood River vinegar Co. Phone .x)K The Hpriugfleld Mass,. Republican khus refers to Oregou apples : "Twenty live dollars a bushel or about 7B cents each. Is the pi ice pHld an Oregou orchardist to two boxes of apples for Presiueut Taft. The high price was paid by the keeu ad mirei of the big president, l'be ap pies selected are of tbe Winter llanaua variety, big golden fined pomes with a Mush of ted on one side mid a flavor suggesting the tropical I fruit from which it gets its name, it i Is asserted that Ibey will be tbe j tluest boxes of apples ever gathered In this country. The bushel boxtll in which the fruit will be pi iced will j hold about M apples, so the little piesent will stand Mr. left's friend about r0 for about 72 apples." I'ere is a new swindle that Is work ed among the termers and those want mg todlsopse of real estate. A farm er receives a letter uskiug him to list bis farm for sale. Accordicg to the blanks furnished, (he farmer asks the firm to try and sell bis place by advertising it four months aud agrees to pay the llrm fifty ceuts an acie when they have fulfilled tbe agree ment. Ou Close examination it iB touud that the firm agrees to do nothing but advertise it and nothing said as to how, to what extent or or where tbe advertising is to bedone. n heu the adveitlsing is done tbe commission is due nhetbet the pin baser is found or not. Fanners wl o have signed tint contract are advised by attorneys to settle the best they can aud err no more. Fxcbangs. ARTHUR CLARKE THE JEWELER Has just received his new line of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry, etc. Visit his store for Christmas suggestions. Men Wanted To contract clearing 5 and 10 acre tracts of brush land. C. J. CALKINS, Hood River Vinegar Co. Music Teachers. Bertha Latterly, an experienced teacher of Piuno ti ml Harmony, a feraduate of Columbia Conservatory of Aurora, 111., will take a lim ited number of pupils. Terms very reason able. Address. Hood River, Ore.. K. D. No. 2. For Hent -Furnished rooms, liOl Oak Street. Mrs. I-.I la K. Otis. Milk For Sale-Mrs. II. St., shone mM. Moore, 801 Ninth dl Japanese Retool M y wants a position In private lamlly, or wants work in any place before and after school hours. Phone MM box 282. ni -I i For Sale Cheap- Good second liana tori bUKKJ'. W; as" two-sealed canopy top sun v 130. Apply at 1012 Hull Hi. at rear of Baptta. Church. d9 For Hsle Two mare colls, I years old; broke to i Ide and drive, price (MOO. Also one hand bay baler, prloaJB. Pbone .i or address J. Vantbiers, Mt. Hood. nIStf Wsnted-A . in or middle aged lady for general housework In small family. 11 ix 2T7 K 1) No. 2 or Pbone K6 Udell. (1. F. Conley. rts U. S. Engineer Iteports. Colonel W. L. Maishall, chief of the United Htates engineering depart ment, in hia annual report made pub lie last week, recommended that II,- 500,000 be appiopriated fnr the Im provement of l.he mouth of tbe Unl uuibla river and 11,000,000 hi appro priated for w irk on the Columbia i ei between the font of lhe Dalles rapids and the head ot Celilo falls Further recommendation called for the Columbia and I over Willa mette below Portland, $175,000 tor gauging tbe waters of the Colombia tivet, tlOOO; for tbe Colntntla river nod ti Militaries above Ueliio rails to the mouth of the Snake river, fOO.OOO; tm the Willamette nver above Fort laiiil aud the, Varthill river $00,000; for lhe canal at the Columbia river, between Vancouver aud the mouth of the Willamette, $15,000; for tbe Col umbia liver between Wenatchee and Bridgeport, 136.000, The heaviest appropriations for water way Im provement on the Pacific coast are recommended for the Columbia liver and the lower Willamette, which ag gregate nearly 18,000, fJO, JOHN A. WILSON, OF HOOD RIVER Writes Letter which May Be of Great Benefit to Skin Sufferers of this City The New Vnrk Mail complains that it can Hud no good apples. Kight tbia way brother. Hood River, Ore, Mar, 4th, 1009, 1. D. 1). Company, Chicago, 111. Gentlest I I have bad some kind of a skin disease on my legs from my knees to my ankles for lifteen or twenty years; have tried all kinds of remedies and blood urcdicinc without relief, until 1 tried :i )'s. I used four or the Isittles, the last one strong. 1 have not felt any tiling oi it for two or three months. 1 would not suffer the torture again for any consideration t am AX years old. I'm this ae you like. Johk A. WibMX, What D.1X I, did in this case it might to do for you. This wonderful MBfj is nou recognized by the foremost phy sicians and scientists as tlie quiuieai and surest cure for eczema and skin dic eaae ol any nature. This remedy is as safe and pleasant to use as pure water, and is applied dire tly lo the afflicted parts, leaving no bad odor or sticky, alvy substance. The first application gives instant hkukk, and as far aa we have beta able to investigate quickly effects the most astonishing and perma nent cures wherever rightly used. Keir A Cass, Druggist a. .-'dMaGMel OIW.A. UVI'S fM ainless Dentistry On of town pcopto run bftvti their plt mid briilgpwork fln lnhoft in one day if ni'(e-nr. We hill ffivt you i good 22k ffoid or porcelain crown for S3. 50 Molar Crowni 5.0 22kBridffeTe.th3.S GoldFillinra 1,0 tnamil Filling! 1.0 Sltvir FIIHw ,5 Unlay Filling! 2,5 Plata 5.00 3t M flub- - l m.i riTitiiiNti fiiHiiio rainiest txtr'ton , OU WORK GK'-i RA'e 1 k.LTJ FOft IS YEARS ntnjMM i'.ir nii wtm whtnctiritaoff hri.ige wotk boruMtm ConilUtlon k n-.i, Ynnrnnnotttitof palnlt wprn : itvjuo'wbe . All work ftilly jrunr iutoca. McwrtttiftctrU eqwplMUft Btt himUoJa, Wise Denial Co. FilLlSH BCTtlVKO NCOFOATD ranmaWuii.tiu. PORTLAND, OREGON iimcx aoriu- iih. i.ii u. tmttn. tui. FOR TRADE. Three store buildings on lot 60x100 on Alberta street, all rented and on good car line, in tbe growing part of Portland. Will trade for lu acres Of wlanted orchard in Hood Kiver. We want H or 20 acres of uncleared land, L'U acres planted to orchard. Let us hear from you and what you have to sell. RAND, READ b CO., Slfl Hoard of Trade I'.ldg , Portland, Ore. List No. 05479. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United rttates Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, November 2nd. lflOn Notfe la benfey given that the Northern Pacific Railway Cnmpsnv, whose poxtomee address Is 8t. Paul, Minnesota, has this 29tli day of October, 19011, Hied In this office Its ap plication to select under tlie provisions of trie ' "'"Hi, approved July I, IMIW (.10 Mtat Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described, or desiring to object because of tlie mineral character of the land, or for any other lesson, should file their affidavit ... ,...i iiiii. iirare, on or Derore the lltb Mai- .1 I ....... ... . inn ... . . . " - ..-j ... ....ciiiuri, iaw. v . w. anjuHB, nlldD Kelsler NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN COUNTY COURT OK THE (STATE OF ORE. UO. rOil (1001) RIVER COUNTY In 'be Matter nf the EstsU of Joseph Purser, Notice Is hereby Klven, thnt pursuant to an order at the above entitled Court, made and riiu-ini mi uie nni aMv or November ora n.. undersigned Administrator of the estate of riT, V, uoTru, winoner lorsn enid SirfiL1? H1""1 Swt bidder for k , """'" me nine or the sale snd Uk halsnce ol tbe sale price to be secured by n.. e sud tlist mortgaa-e on lhe premises pay. able two yeara aner u a.t- i,, ,. "''. ?. S&fOZSri Ijtht per cent, per innum; said s.Te , . , !H "nn al,er Tuesday the b day Of January, 1H10 the real property bek nins; p the estate of Joseph Purser de. scTb,;dd.?folif:,;rs,:lc,,l''rly b,iu"iifd 5 t'OfliineiicinKat the Southwest corner or the Nor bwest Quarter of Hection 3. Towns! I , 2 Meridian, thenea rnn North m rods, ","rod for lhe point aud pl.iee of bfflff Blnj! heuee run North 10 r-Mls: thence East an rods: thence South sn i-.,h. . ... ii. r esi Mi rls to the pom, of beglnnln't. I etna a trari of land .-onveyed by M. B. Pllt" , wtrl Joi pi ELECTION. NOTiCB Of KKilULAK CITY Notice la hereby given thnt pursuant 10 ord"r ol the Common Council of the City of Hood River, Oregon, that the regular 'fit v Election will be held In the City of Hood River, Oregon, in tlie City Hall therein, on Tuesday the It ti day ol December, l!ifjs for the pdrpAai ot eUetlng three founclhnen, one fit. Rex-order and oue City Treasurer. O H. Baker, J H out snd H. L. Howe have been spisiluted Judges ol said election by the Cum nion t'ounon, iin i c . oitniore and gov c. Mloeoin have been apsilnted Clerks of said elect Ion. Polls will be opened al the hour ot eight o'Clork A.M. snd remain open until the hour of seven o'clock P M . of said date. Pursuant to the enter of the Common Council, two weeks notice la given of said election by pub. Ilshing same In the Ho.m Rtvia tincua for three consecutive Issues and posting notices thereof In three public places In the Cltv of Hood Itlver. Bated and first publUhed Thursday, November IS, Ml, Hi B. LaNOIU.E, City Recorder. . ' , "nxl 1(lver County, Oreg,,,, bis reside d ' " a V.'iL"?.1. 'X"" "! Hfid mv",t5i', Tfg0t Vmt Office addre liood lllver. (rei?on R n v., i u ,i . : if h Li "' ""twit. 7 4 , m lh Blwk ?'(1"' Oregon, nntll and n tbesatdjtti day of Jannary, A II. lmo Th, right Is re served to relect any and all bids. C. L. Morse, Administrator. For Bale Al al! round horse, 9 years old, weight UM, perfectly gentle, not afraid of muIos. No better In the country. Also a good buggy nfld harness lu splendid condi tion. Anveyenr old Jersey cow, a perfect disposition in every respect, fresh In August and Is giving shout three gallons milk per day. Will sell shove property cheap. O. F, Conley, K K , phone Sfi Odell. dg Lost New yellow bridle, on Belmont road, between here and v. McFarland's. Return to R. T. Lewis, City Mujshnl. n25 Wanted Position on ranch by man aud wife. Man is ex perienced ull round furmer. II burton, Mt. Hood. ills Anyone having an eighth grade geography for sale, call 3U2M, Home telephone. hlS Inch Melbourne truck wagon For Sale 3 with new wood rack: in good condition, will sell neap as It Is Uk) btavy for my use or will trade for light wagon. II. P. Allen, phone 1K. nlS For Sale-A cheap bay horse about 1000 lbs.; gentle, good woiker, single or double. Also two sets of double harness and light hack. Rockford Mtore, Hood River, phone 18.1-X. (nl8 strayed Two black mares with stars In faces and one black colt with star In lace. Parties finding animals call lHttt-L. B. C. Brownlee. nlS For Hale-One mile north of Mt. Hood P.O. SO acres orchard laud In section 16-1-10. Two sireams, 1,1 Inen water right; fine view Mt. Hood. 110 acres hill land partly timbered. S1000 cash, HOOU on or before 20 yeai s at 1 per ei nt. Murray Kay. a26if I or Hale 16 Inch oak and pine wood at J. It. HhiMmaker's Leai Barrat sehuoi. a!9tf For Hale lOi cords of 10 inch dry pit j wood pill snd ricked up. 11.00 per rick. D. Hin. (ohsj phone 31U U. tot Hale-Nearly . . Blowers. phaeton, half price nil osil on WHUIeil ii ttiK.- e iiir.-e i.f runrH by married nan, experienced orcliardlst and rancher. Addliss J. V. Aner. Ilruid Kiver. Oregon. nn N. E, Bee. 17. T. ,1 N. ft. 1! V. W. M. ISO acres to be sold at uno N,.v is uaiu at Uoldendsle, Wiisli., eon t house. J, L. Hen. derson, attorney. oil No Fel re After Dark- Th tT,,1i trraH ...rr will not ti,iei ibe i veiling tiMias conmctlng Willi Aood Kiver during the wti.ier nmnths on ucronnt ot darkness. Harri oiseu. o'Jt For Kent. Two nvim. will, nm board. Phone 2IISX. ' Without LoNtMlnll fllr POllnrfOtA Ivn vhl. minka In front and four heats behlud. Umt between van Horn and town. Kinder nleaa return In this office. Reward. n2fi For Haie-Hlirsr hnvV unit liupnu, .l.n llaht and one st di.nhi. i...,,..-- ' l- m HoJmau, pbone llUL. ' u2(i For Sale-A good roomtnr house ai ii"' "sk Street: can be run fbr bojrdlng hal g sV? ... nuure. dining r(M,m, k,hen and plmr lining a good btisinesi.. Pbone M 1 . d:i For Sale-Oeutle h .rue. broken to work double, single or under lhe saddle R 11 Wallace, Hhadnw Brooa rarm. Phone lib M t.f. ' For sale-' cords is Iih-Ii drv pine wood next 10 ca per cord Wanted Man Willi fumiiv ui.!.., ni.m in work on ranch; one ytsr's work ana house, ror tutiber imrttrulara aitri,... hr. rs Moeler, Ore. u For Kale-Fine lot nn heights h balance tA per month, Price Hit, Telephone dl Lost- Two dogs, yellow shepherd with II. cense tag strapped on beck snd black and tan terrier. Notify F. A. ltelffler, Mt. Aood. quarter mile north Odell store. It sold within .... u,. i,. .'Hi?, ,ir .lull I'., win t..-. . Address L.A. E, ( lajk. R, 1 So'.i For ?ale-Tbe entire furnishings ol the Ra. inouu Hotel. C A. Dauo. d2 Furnished Rooms for tt.niOMti.n,.n preferred. Mrs. D. O. Jackson. TJ7 Sherman m ve. niK"r"'i,l.'l.11 H.nl" for Rent-717 May street. PhOMmX. Mrs. A. b. Kaufman. dl Folt KXCH ANUE-Loa Angeles for I Iregoii HeaiiHfiw new eight room residence hard I wood floors, built in buffet, scan, cabinet" kitchen, two fire places, mantels, cetn. ni ' front porch, rear screen porch- Ten mlnmes I to bo.ltiesa center. Lot fsDjlM Price Si Want Oregon Farm, particularly IIikkI mv. t , nantv rr, H, (j.a, I. I Wanted-Kreah man tx.. u Angeles, tal, phone lsUM. lost-Ribbon watch charm, with aold inounnd armw bead attached, between liragg a stoie and court house. Return to Bragg a for reward. nia Wanted-Glrl for eeneral housework. Frank liavenport, phone 844-U milk cow. A. Hukarl, M