r VOL. X.I HOOD RIVER, OREGON, NOVEMBER 11 1909 NO. 26 SOCIETIES HOOD RIVEK COM M R(" I A L CLU H Meet every second Mnday in each mouth at p. in., In the club rooms over Jackson's store. Chah. T. Kaklv, Pre. C. 1). NICKKI.SEN, Secretary. BOOU KIVER L01MJK NO. 105, A. K. and A. M. Meel.s Saturday evening on or before each full moon. I.. N. IIuiwkks, W. M, L). McDonald, Secretary. MOOD 1UVEKCHA1TKK NO. 27. R. A. M. MeuU first and third Friday nights of ei;ch mouth. A. C. Statkn, H. P. Oko. Shakp, Secretary. ft Hood River t.'ommauilery N. Hi K.T. Jiixin rtnj mm 1 iierMJttj evening of each mouth. W. K. Luraway, SI. C A. IX Moe, Recorder. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. 25, O. E. S -Meets second ami fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed. MKS. H. I.. IU'MHI.K, W. M. Miss Idkl Wooiiworth, Secretary. ID1.EWII.DE LODOE NO. 107, I. O. O. F. Meet lu Kra'erual hall, every Thursday night. J. M. Wool), N. O. Uko. Thomson, Si-cretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48,1. O. O. K. Regnlar meeting second and fourth Mondays of each month. J. H. Kebuuson, C. P. Oko. sh ki'a ki, Scribe. KEMP LODGE, No. 181, 1. O. O. K.-Meets In Odell Improvement do.' halt every Satur day night. Visitors cordially welcomed. J. W. Wii-mon, N.O. Byron smith, Hkc. LaUREI. REUEKAH 1,OIOE NO. 87, I.O. O. F-Meets first and third Mondays iu each mouth. Thkkksa M. 1'astnkr, N. O. Nriti tc M. Moses, Secretary. W.O. W. meets the '2d and 4th Saturdays each month at I. O. O. F. hall. .Visitors cor dially Invited. J. D. Wall, 0. C. F. W. McRkynolus, Clerk. WAUOOMA LODGE NO. 30, K. OK P. Meets In K. of P. hall every Tuesday uight. N. Y. Tostevin, C. C. Lewis h. Ihknukku, K. of R. and 8. HOODRIVERCAMP.NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meets In I. O. O. K. hall every Wednesday night. A. R. CRUMP, V. 0. En. Mayes, Clerk. HOOD R1VKRCI1ULE NO. 524, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meets at I.O. O.K. hall on the first and Third Saturdays of each mouth. M KM. Wm. UANORK, N. U. Alice 8hav, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODOE NO. (18 A. O. U. W Meets first and third Saturdays .of each month. U. E. Chai-man, M. W. OEO. Slocom, Financier Chester Shute. Recorder. OLETA ASSEMBLY NO. KB, UNITED ART-iBans.-Meets t lie first and third Wednes days, work; second and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' hall. c. D. H iNRtcitS, M. A. W. H. Austin Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER No. 42, FORESTERS oi;Amerlca,-Meet every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Wm. Kleminu, 0. R. F. 0. Brosuis, Secretary. CANBY POrfT, NO. lfi.O. A. R. MEETS AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and lourth Satur days of each mouth at 2 o'clock p. m. All O. A. R. members invited to meet with us. FredDietz, Commander. 8. F. Blythe, Adjutant. CANBY W. R. C, No. 16 M KETS SECOND nd fourth Saturdays of each Month In A. o. U. W. hall at 2 p. m. Mrs Jennie Bentley. President. Mrs. ARB' J. Baker, Secretary. MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 34ii9, R. N. A. Meets at I. O. O. I-'. Hall ou the second and fourth Fridays ol each month. Mrs. H. Peeler. O. Mrs. C. U. Dakin, Recorder. l'AYNTEK LODGE. No. 2110, M. B. A. Iiieet first and third Frldaysof each month at K.of P. hall. Carson Bu; KLIN. pus. AUO. Ul'IONAKD, Sec . MT. HOOD LODGE No. '205, I. O. O. P. Meets every Saturday evening lu Orltitile's hall IMt, Hood. Rout I.kasi hk, N. G. O. W. Ill mm it K , Sec. HOOD RIvER YAl.l.KY HI'MANE SOCIETY Hood River, Ore. E H Haitwig, Pres. F.O. Coe.Sec. heslle Butler, Treas. OREGON GRAPE KKBKKAIl LODGE NO. 181, I.O. O. F. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays in each month In Grlbble s Hall, Ml. Hisid, Ore. tin. Hlllt) Haidman, N. O. Mrs. Minnie I,. Larwood, Sec. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND KUKGEON Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. SIJKOEON O. R. 4 N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PH Y810IAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly answer id In town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Resideuce, 611: Office, 613. Office In the Bioslus Building. E 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U over First National Hank, Hood River, Oregon. Office Phone Main 871 Kcs Main 873 Drs. Shaw & Bronson Office in Eliot Block. Office phone, No. :I4. Residence, No. MB. Dr. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp OsteoDathk Physicians Graduates of tbe American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office in Elliot Block. Home Phon" 102 It's 102-Ii FC. BROSIUS, M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. office Hoar: 10 to n a. m.-, 2 to 8 and 6 to 7 P M. M. E. WELCH, LICESSEl) FBTEUSAHI Sl'RMEON Is prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He can he foa&d by calling at or pb"ning to Clarke s drug store. DR. EDGINGTON Smith Building HOOD RIVER - - OREGON A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. DR. E. T. CARNES DENTIST Cfflce over Bartmeas Store Telephone H. D. W. PINEO, D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Telephone First National Bank 181 OH. JENKINS, D.M.D. DK.NTIST Telephones : Office 28 ; residence 28-B Office over Butler Bank, A. JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. First National Bank OF HOOD RIVER, OREOON. Resources over $400,0110. Capital 11)0.01)0 Surplus, $20,000. W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Resident Agents For Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON The Second Annual National Apple Show Will be held at Spokane, Washington November 15-20 This Apple Show is a world wide event of the greatest importance to the Pacifiy Northwest and in order to enconr;ij''e every one to at tend the Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Co. will make a special round trip rate of One and One Third Fare from nil points on its lines in Oregon, Washington and Idaho Tickets will he on sale at all stations west of The Dalles November 14th and 15th and from all storions east of The Dalles November 14 to 19 inclusive. Final return limit Nov. 22, 1909. $25,000 in Prizes Will be Given a vay. Grand Display, Instruc I tive Lectures and In teresting pi ogram ev ery day during show. For further informal ion call on 0. H. & N. agent or on WM. McMURRAY Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon Real Estate Bulletin 40 Acres, seven miles out on East .side, close to store, church and railroad station, and adjoins a fine Is-aring or chard. Iliilf of this is cleared and ready for trees, balance good land Fine i-lope, etc. Price, 810.(100. Kasy terms 24 Acres, li miles out on East side and adjoins a fine bearing orchard. Easily cleared, north slope, on main road, extra good loll. Price 8400. Kasy terms. 20 Acres, 7 miles out, Dukes Valley. Good land, hut at present ahove the ditch. 11800. 17 Acres, (I miles out In Willow Flat. Part in trees, some bearing; balance of land easily cleared. Qood house, ham and other outbuildings. Horses, tools, etc 8S00. Terms to suit. 19 Acres, (i miles out on East side; 2 acres bearing ; 5 acres two year old trees; one acre garden; two acres un cleared; all good land, in best part of the valley: small bouse. Price, 8(1500. Terrni. 10 Acres, II miles out on West side, Ti acres bearing. Valance 4 years old and garden. Fine house, barn, etc. ; cold storage. This i an up-to-date place. Ask to see it. Price, 81 1 ,000, terms. 10 Acres: 4 miles out, !! acres in li to 4 year old trees; new house. ; one acre berries ; tine slope and soil. This lies in one of the best sections, close to store and school. 87500. Terms. We have listed all grades of property and would like to submit you what W8 have before pur having. We represent WM of the best tand- ard insurance companies and respect fully .solicit a portion of your business. PHONE 228-L G. Y. Edwards & COMPANY W. W. NASON CONTRACTOR P.rlck, Cement and Plastering Kaeclith Flooring HOOD RIVER, OREGON. For High Class Real Estate SEE J. H. Heilbronner & Co. We Specialize on City and Here are a Few of the Good Bargains in Orchard Tracts: 567SJH Three aces one mile out on We-1 Bide. 40 live year old Spitietlbergl and Newtow ns, 40 three year old Spit.etibergs and Newtowns. lift (our year old peach trees. Peat, plum ami cherry trees. 1 1-2 acres strawberries be tweeu trees. 5 room house, small barn, packing house, good well, 3 inchet water. Price 83000. C&W-No; 2 10 acres 1 a miles out on Last Side. H acres in 3 year old Bpitcetl liergs ami Newtowns. 2 acres in clover. All very best volcanic ash soil, good neigh boorhood, neat store and shipping station. Price, 8J500. Kasy U rmr MC-V 10 acres ; miles out on West Side, li'o acres 4 year old Spitzenberga and Newtowns. til acr,es 1 year old Spitzenbergs and Newtowns. 4 acres straw berries between young trees. Splendid building lite Overlooking Kast Side and the Hood river. 10 shares water stock. Price, 80000 Kasy terms. S50-JS 12 acres 21 miles out on West Side. 2 acres 10 year herys and Newtowns, .'! 1 -2 acres 2 and I) year old trees am Spitzenls-rgs and Newtowns. 4 acres strawberries, 1 sen 1 year old pears, 1 acre alfalfa. 5 room house, ham, wood shed, etc. Good well, 0 inches water stock, alT farm tools, wagon, harness. Price, 813500 Kasy terms. 557-EWA 2u acres 5 miles out ou West Side. 3 acrei 12 year old Spitzenbergs and a few Hen Davis, x acres 2 year old Bpitsenbergl and Newtowns. ft acres plowed and toady for setting, balance of laml in grass. County road along two sides; apple house; good neighborhood; tine soil. Price, 810.000. Kasy terms. WHCi 20 acres 4 1-2 miles out on West Side. 18 acres in clover and aifalfa. 4 acres uncleared. All first-class apple land, beautiful building site. Ked shot soil. Price, 87500. Kasy terms. 561ETN 20 acres 3 miles out on West Side. 5 acres 7 ysar o'd Spitzenbergl and Newtowns; 2 acres 2 year old Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, II' acres one year old Newtowns, Spitzenbergs and Ortleys. X acres strawdierrics : 7 acres clover between young trees. 7 room house and cellar, large barn, chicken house, good well, 20 inch irrigation water. All farm equipsent. Price 821000 Easy terms. I. C. S. VL 21 acres, 2 miles out on Kast Side. 7 acres 13 year old trees, 400 six year old, 400 three year old and 200 one year old Spitz.nhergs and New towns. 3 acres ready for trees. Home orchard of peache', pears, cherries, plums, etc. ft room house, barn, good well, ft inches irrigation water. On road, Beautiful building Bite. Price 821000. EP 40 aeies south id Holier. 20 acres in orchard from 2 to 8 yean old, all commercial varieties; water available for irrigation; all fenced; volcanic ash soil. Small house, barn, etc. Price, 80000. Easy terms. J. H. HEILBRONNER & CO. THE RELIABLE DEALERS Davidson Building Hood River, Oregon Chan. U. Pratt, J. H. Osborne, K. W. Pratt, Prealtleut. Ylee Pres. Cashier. Hood River Banking and Trust Co. Wo trnnKHct u yetiernl linking bUVtttQW Ltll own our own bftnkftkg pPOpWty toterMt paid oo time ud ShvIiikh depoclta HhIc depoHlt l H i i - A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Hoom 12 Hrosims Block For Best the Buys in Orchard & Fruit Lands SEE McGregor & Bothfur MOSIER, ORE. Underwood Little W hite Salmon If yon want to grow Fruit let me show you hoiiio first cliiHS; land. Land that is growing: four (Tops of al falfa without irrigation. In to 20 acre tracts. Home tine tracts with plen ty of water unimproved, One 10 aere trad will trade for oily property, partly improved. ( ne good relinquishment Up acres This is tine. Come in and look now. I will try to treat you right. F.W. DeHart Underwood, Wn. Good Property in Country i trees, spitsen teres 1 year old O. J. NELSON Real Estate Hornet teadi a Specialty, Nut and Fruit Lands in tracts from 10 acres to 10. 000 acres. Will trade Hood Rivet properly for cheaper Keal F.-tate in other places. Office with F H. Uartwiff, Smith Block Stranahan & Slaveu Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREOON . JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 2M-L Estimates furniehed on request. An honest job guaranteed. FREDERICK At ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS etlsaatas forninhd on all kinds ef work Phonen: Trio Orchestra Mimic Furnished For All OqCmIoBI. natrumenlationi from three to any Dumber deilfd. Address or phone C. (I. NEWMAN, Hood River, Ore. Phone 64-X or ftt&L. Everything For the Nursery Specialty of High Grade Newtowns and Spitz. C. D. THOMPSON Phone !u:2-l. TO INVESTORS. Here in an opportunity! no other like it in OregOD. Mail sell at once, acre tract of land, 400 acres Brat-CUM fruit land. Call he Irrigated hv gravity IJfwtew from L'mpipia River. Situated both the river and railroad, it possesses a future none other can compare with. 1 Will sell entire tract fur less than tiH I r acre. See to this at once. Address, BOND h BRADLEY, Rose burg. Ore. COLI.Kt TOK h NUTII'K, The flKM.nnientH for the year lWKi of the' ! HtMMl KUer I mention Jiitrtet. ate now due ni paysMs io tin- Collector a) UUs offles and I spill bseoSBS delinquent on the -..- MiiiiilHy 1 In Deoember next Ihereattei and uiilenH paid I prior therein h per cent will be added to the j amenti! thereof. I will he at my residence im Wednesdays aod ai the Better Hank on Snluriln)h front III A.M. to I I'. M. 1 n4-d'l L. K. 1)AKT, Collector. CIVIC LCAGlIE UStU KS 1UUL MEMBERS ARE DENIED RECORDS I statement Circulated as Unanimous UpUii n ol League's Olllcers Disputed b) Members. The happenings of the last lew dajl MSBO to lodloattt that the Civie Im provement League Iiuh latlen from the ' icti Ideall, on which it whs Hiipposed to have been founded, into tbs hamta of a tiroup ol men who intended to use its tutltiei'i in tiuildiuK up tbeir owu SOUSmsi and to make it the tiasin oi a iochi polltloal organisation thiuuKh nhicli they would control llood River aSalts A meeting was held without the ouitomar; notice tn mem ben with au attendance of le-s thiin oue quarter of the menbaisbip, alter which the otlicers declaied nothing of luportanoe hail been iluue, hut two dttys later a circular nppeated, j purporting to represent the uuaul i moils sentiment of the leaKtie "iued hy the presuleut and secretnry and when theu otllceis together with the treasuier wete approached bj inein bera and directors ol tbe leaU" ask i ii K tor access to the minutes and tntmberahip tolls of the organiza tion, the iulormatinu IV as llatly denied. thus Las the Civic Improvement League, OtgBOlESd a tew weeks SgO tor tbe sole altrulitla purpose ol aldiux the city in Httitik! "pine wuter ami plenty ol if ' lie on e taitK lad iu h wildeiiiess of political triok ery. 1'ba tint Intimation which the public received, to substantiate the suspicions aroused when tbe League recommended without qusllUostiou oi Inreitigat lou the scheme propoied by the preisdent, ol tho wator com any to install a pumping plant, came when the toilowiuti waa printed in the Portland Journal Thursday, under a Hood River date line: The llood River CI via Improvement League, composed ol uliout loo mem bers representing atout 80 per cent of the taxable properly of the city, met laat niKlit in the I'omuieicnil club rooms. A committee whs ap pointed to unmade the oatnpaigD lo (luteal th bond eleution ualling tor '.he issuance of lor .he pur pose of piping in the Tucker spring into the city and ItistalliuK a OOtupetl tire water plant. This information was news to most, of the members of the league who dot not even know that a meeting hitd teen h -Id. President Charles A. Dell, when ti l l of the Journal item, detiied ttiat such action had been taken ami said ttiut nothing of importance, had happoned at the meeting. ' He sti Kested that there mlgnt have heeii 4a present at the meeting ami that they had tiad a discusslun in which the sentiment was that the eouooiJ had not given the Lei'Kue'a lecoin mendatloUD due eonsiileraiiou. Sucre tary C. IJ. Ross, also ileuied that the League hail taken any important act ion at its meeting, and stHled that 'Ml oi ir moniehrs were preseut. lie also stated ttiat the meetniK had Instruct ed the president to UHine a OOt&mlttee the following day, who should oonsi del the adviaahllity of eallinx a meet itiK of the organization prioi to the bond election For the time being, II wa-i believed that the Journal correspondent hau been mistaken until on Saturday the taxpayers received a comiiiiinication from the Civic League signed by President llell and Secretary liose urging them to vote against the bonds, This circular purported to ne tbe result of the meeting at which "oo important action of the sott had heeu taken." This circular stated that the league was utiauimoiis in op posing the issuance of the bonds and then brought m all sorts of reasons why the city should incur no lodsbt edness, typical of which li the tar fetched statement that llood River would probably have lo raise a large bonUI in ordei to secure the court house tor this city. The member! 61 tin League who hud joined m a sincere effort to aid in the, solution of the wuter question realised that they had been trapped into denouncing a proposition which they heartily favored and immediately set out to lluil the reasons tor these bigbbsndsd methods J il. (Jill and Dr. J. l'. Watt, iioth man bars ol the board of directors ot the League, and II. H, Laugille and Joseph Wtight members ol the League, were among those who went to PlSSidfOt llell, and iecietary lines and In usurer C. It Htrsoabf 0, ut tie Lm.gua and sn i ii lie i tor the membership list in order that they might determine ou tli ir own account the sentiment ot the iiiemheis who had not heeu re presented at the meeting ot the League. President 1 1 -1 1 insisted that lie did not have the authority to give out I he list Hud he lold tieasurer HtransbsQ ovat the phone not to give out the list of memberi exospt on the t rder ot the president, Members ol the League ssksd H. i rutnry Loss to SS the minutes of the meeting, which is supposed to have taken an adverse stand toward the bOUd issue, hut he mm! to enlighten the members ou the action which their own Organiza tion hail taken. this action on the part ui the uittceia of the Leitguc is regarded as most high handed, hy the members of ttie League, ami especially when the orgsntsstioo eras formed iu a iemi 1 ni.lie way with the wellaro of the city uh its solo altn. A group ot 1!) tremtets of the League, who were indignant at the maimer iu which they haa been misrepresented by the olllcers yesterday IsSUSd a signed t-tatemerit in which they denied their responsibility tor the circular pur porting to come from the Civic League, and in which they denounced in no uncertain t'Ttne tin- question able methods which had been ( ruche ed by Its otlicers. l'bil statement, which r- presents the sentiment of 26 per cent of the League membership ovet their owu signatures, would doubtlessly have been signed by many other members of the League had it been possible to learn who they were from the memh rsbip lists. Of 2U members who had nut attended the meeting and who were asked to sige the statement, HI signed and the oue who did not sign, duclated he was in tavoi ol the bonds hut said bu had already got into trouble by signing his name and would not do It again. This statement ef "pure water" division ot the League represents the unanimous opinion ot all members not attending the meeting wbo could he (ound with out the gttidauce of membership rolls. It is now the Opinion Ot many of the citizens that tne men who ginned control of the League hud in mind not only defeat log the present bond issue and serv ing the etuis of the water comnany, hut they had hoped to build up h political organization, which would nut a ticket in the Held at the city election during the coming month and gradually work its way lu the politics Of the county. WATER EXPERTS AT MEETING TONIGHT It will tie h source of great satis- faction to the citizens of llood Hirer that an Opportunity will ho given them to-night to hear a fair, free and mi part icu I discussion of the "Water Question" iu its relation to the wel fare of llood Riser Htid Its future, Mr. A. C. Peiroe, Dr. Robert C. Venny, ir c. s. Smith and Pi, Andrew C. Smith, Of the State Hoard ol Health, Dr. Ralph 0, Matson State BsOterlologist and .Mr. J P. Newell. Civic and Hydraulic Engi neer, am men of state wide reputa tion in their profession, will Hddress a mass meeting oi the citrzeut of Hood River at the opera house to night at 8 o'clock. .No matter what youi views on the water itiestiou may lie, the addresses of these gentlemen will g ve yen tood for your thoughts, lie sure and he theie. WATER COMPANY GIVES OUT FACTS(?) t he Light A Water Co., by K. E. Oolf, Mgr., has issued a statement which labels "FtOtS in Hegard to typhoid ('uses at Hood Hirer" taken from the reports of lr Shaw, county health OfBosi InsteHd of devoting its statement to the cases that have occurred in the city, It brings iu cases in outlying districts confusing the reader of the statement. W tied com pared with the records of the city health Officer, Dr. J. Kdgington, the county records published hy tbe water company seem to be incomplete. The watet company's circular mentions 18 cases as occtirlng iu the perubi from July, 1808 to Nov li, end fur tber suites that iu no instance has the cause been attributed to the wat er. The city records tor the same period shew 111 cases and four of them are attributed hy the at I ending physicians lo the water. ilie cases which the water company did not have were: child of Mrs. Shay, August P.I08; child ot Johu Byng, September 1!KS; could child, May 3, 19119 Mrs. Robert Husband, .May 89, 1909; Ada Llodssy, October 21, 1909 ; I'earl Curtis, November 5. 1909. The ease of Mrs. Hohert litis bind, which is not iu the county ii curds was reported to the city Dr. Shaw, tbe county officer, ns attending pbysissn and the cause given was the water, the case of (leorge Sharp, last May, which the wattr company's statement calls "mild case" is attrlb llted to the watet iu the record of the city health offloer aud It is gen erally known that Ml Sharp sulteied fat from a mild case.as he was not ex pected to reoover for a week during his illness. The case ot the Could child iu May, whs attiibuted to water. In these three OS SSI the water used hy the families was examined Od reported unlit for use. Two of them took water trout thfl Hatcheldei spring and one fiom the olty system, the latest case to be reported is that ol I'earl Curtis sod Dr Ihimhle, the .It ending physician, says the llifectou came from the "witter supply prob ably." The mother ot the girl, Mrs. . M. Curtis, was u victim of the disease in August and accord iug to both city and county records the cause was then unknown, though it has protiahly now heeu discovered with the development of the second case. The records of the city health otHosr show that there were ten cases in the ten months preceding the per iod which has been considered in company's stateinetit ami in this rticle. GOOD REASONS FOR VOTING THE BONDS Editor Chinier -Did you notice that tearful appeal tot the "women and non residents" in the News? Aud did you ever hear of u single improvement being made in any town or city on earth by vote of non r ildants? Do non-resident property owners encourage your city Council to put in street lights, paving, sewers etc? In short do they care a "tinker's dam" what kind ot Improvement! you have as long as they ddlot the rent? And are you going to vote IgSlnst a municipal water system just because "lion-residents" might he required to pay hack a small part of the money collected from your neigh bor, In order that you might have the benefits of pure water ami other olty requirements? And the women. Do you know of any that will begrudge tbe small imouot in extra taxes, that would lather stand beside the little white c'lltlu ol a uuighhor's child, with the few cents tax in her puisu, that sup port a movement that will bring into the neighbor's home water contaminated w th typhiod germs, colon bacilli, wrigglers, and other evidences of impurity? In times of war, whHt tills the hos pitals? Kiillets? No 1 It is a contam inated water supply. Aud do you know that, it has been proven beyond question that nitration doea not re move disease germs troin water? Aud do you know that the prioe charged llood Klver citizens for water is ex tremely high when compared with other communities.' If the question ot health doesn't appeal to you maybe the question of dollars will. lu Call tot nla municipal plants am furnishing pure water for unlimit ed residence use to? oil cents a month, lu Illinois the Hume service costs 5 per year. Over in the irrigated coun try, water is pumped iuto settling (Continued on Page 8.; CITY PLANT CAN LIGHT STREETS ENGINEER LANGILLE GIVES DATA Advantaire Whist May He (iained Hy Municipal Mater System Is Clearly Shown. The following communication from 1 1. li. Langille, taking np the mat ters ot ooBt of the proposed muuioipal water system aud that proposed by the water oompauy, is commended to the attention of every voter, as a careful exposition ot the water question hy an eogiueer who under stands the situatiou. Mr. Langille also brings out new and important facts when he Bhowa that the surplus tlow of water from the City Spring would oe be suttloieut to furnish lights for the streets of Hood Kiver. To the Kditor Kindly allow spaoe to oher a few figures upon the "Water Question" as 1 see it. 1 will use as ahasis 540,000 gallons, the amount the water company proposed to pump. In passing 1 may suy that if 540,000 is SttOUgn pumped, '.110,000 gallons by grvaity from the city spring IbOUld also he enough. It it is neces sary to install a new pipe system ou the Hill ami In some parts ot the lower City, most certainly the city should do it now, and not have to pay for it during those IS years and then buy it again at that time. With 700 consumers, U50 ou the hill, 450 on the lowtr system aud with both city ami present systems, the oity would Ret alt the hill and probably half the otbors To be conservative say that the city had 450 and tbe wat er company, '250 consumers. 450 at 11.35 per month ie venue, $502 50; less J150. for Httemiauoe is 41i!.50, which equals (J per ceut interest on f8'2,500, leavlug interest on $7500, or $450 per year to lie lalsed hy other means. For Hie water company 250 at $1.25 la 1312 60 less $100 per mouth attendance (beoauss part of the attendance would probably he added duties of elect no statiou men) equals $212.50, which; is 8 pet cent on $12,500, or there would he a surplus or $150 per year above bond interest. Now to pump the 640,000 gallons for the city, one third to tbe bill, two thirds to reservoir, or 180,000 gallons and 300,000 gallons respectively. Pump to elevation of the City spring only, or HO feet at Twelfth and Taylor, making very close to 405 feet total lilt. 180,000 gallons lifted 405 feet is 14.66 theoretloal borne power or 28 actually required. :t00,000 gallons to reservoir (1150 feet lift) requirei 44 horse power a total ot 72 borse power or 53.7 Kilowatts electrical energy. At 2 cents per Kilowatt hour equals 1.074 per hour, $25.75 per day,7i2.50 per month, $0270 per year, coat of pumping alone. Here follows au estimate for operat ing water company 'h proposed pump ing plant. OQSl nf power per year S9,2T0 I'linip ami inetin cost JA.UtlO, deprecia tion 7 per eul M0 I merest ;kjo Wells eust Jn.iifKI, Interest II per lent 1SU Pipe system, new, cost lai.OiKI, Interest ffperoeni itsprsolatioa gk p. ot 1,700 Attendance i,auo Oidiyst IKI.OOU. Int. per cent, de preciation II' j per cent 8,400 Salaries, officers of company 2,000 Taxes, etc 600 Total revenue required ItS.tKX) With 8IKI consumers, each must pay 1113,626 per year or $1.05 per month, and with 700 consumers each $2.25 per month. City ownership, estimate 540,000 gallons water per day at cost of $90,000 tor whole system. interest $5400, depreciation 21,,' per cent or $2,250, Attendance $2,500, total $10,150 per year or $845.80 per mouth. l('oi 700 consumers the rnto is $1.21 per mouth. Having a flow ot 010,000 gallons per day from tbe spring theie is then a surplus of 370,000 gallons or 49l!00 cubic feet per day or equals l)4.;tcublo feet per minute. Having HO feet head at i - ills store is 405 feet head above 0. B. & N. track. Kach oublo toot per minute at that elevatiou will de liver .7 borse power or 24.01 horse power for the surplus water or 18 Kilowatts electrical energy. This will supply current foi dim On watt lamps of 48 caudle power each or enough for oue lamp at each and eveiy street intersection in the olty with 50 extras for City Hall, and down town streets. ( the present street corner lights are 26 c. p. T tie olty now pays olose to 100 pei month for the few lights we have and cannot get additiousl ones which have teen granted by the Council, wtiioh would bring the total up to that figure. A year hence the people will demand and he willing to pay for double the lights now used, lint let us pay the amount ot $151 per month by using the city water for power and paying this amount for lights, we will have $75 for attend ancu and lamp renewals. i With auuh a perfectly steady load and head of water almost no attend IOCS Is required) This leaves $75 to bo Hpplied to the plant, which will uot cost more than $8000 for the whole system. 0 per oent on $H(XH) Is $480 per year or $40 per month, leav lug a balance of $:io per month to pay for water. Hiuce lights are used dur ing hours of darkness and not much water thou used for domestic pur poses, we can very safely double the How to the power house, hence have another lHk. w. for sale to private onsomsn without additional expense at the rate ot 7 oents per k w. hour, we have an iuoome of $1.25 pur hour or $15 per day tor an average of 12 hours service, or $450 per month. Add the $35 from ahove and we have I486 per mouth, which can be upplied toward expense of the water system. 845 less I486 equals $300 per month to he mot. hy water oonsumers 7U0 consumers $0 61 per mo. 4,"i0 consumers .80 per mo supposing each consuuier pavs tbe Hat rate for all the water he wished to consume. This is not an attempt to oootLcate the Light and Water Co 's , plant ol ruin their business, but an expoiition of the advantages to the whole city should the municipal system be in stalled. Vote tor bonds and get all the pure water you wmtatid every street lighted. II. li. Langille. Miss Freda Joohcson has accepted a position in Arthur Clarke's jew dry j store.