HOOD RIVER QLAC1ER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7 1909. fcoven CLERKS WANTED mm 9 Our growing business forces us to secure extra clerks in our Dry Goods Department; and as we prefer home people will ask those interested in securing position to apply in person or by letter not later than Saturday 10 a. m. at this store. No applications by telephone considered. We ask our customers' pardon for not handling last Saturdays rush more promptly, but we did our best and will improve our service as fast as possible. Respectfully, L FRANK ABA nn i BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. The Dietz Studio for photos. Land Plaster at Whitehead's. Cold boiled ham at McGuire Bros. Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu dio Home Rendered Leaf Lard at McGuire Bros. Best line of Spray Nozzles at McDon Ids. Shasta Water Jack can furnish you with nysier coctails by the glass, quart or gallon. Blagdon A Ferguson have opened a barber shop next to Lane A Gibbons and invite the patronage of the public Light housekeeping rooms and fur- nisued bed rooniB with bath and mod em conveniences. Mrs. Z. C. Phillips, corner Sherman and Sixth streets. Choice Buys 11 Acres well improved, 3 miles "iilth west of Hood River; good district; high and sightly; perfect drainage. New house of six rooms, located among large oak trees. Good barn, chicken house, and other outbuildings 4 acres in full bearing oachard, mostly Newtowns and Spitzenbergs ; balance of place in perfect condition. Living stream through back of place. There goes with the place one horse, cow, new surrey, cultivator, chicken- and small tools and implements and H inches of water stock, besides an abundance of free water. Price $10000, S4000 cash. 20 Acres miles out in the t'rapper district; perfect soil, fine drain age; nigh and sightly; stream through place which affords good fishing and free irrigating water for five acres. New 7 room house, hard finished, costing if 750. There are L'2 twelve year old apples, mostly flpitzenhergs; 90 four car old Spitzei be gs; 207 2 year old Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, and a fain ily assortment of peaches, pears, cher ries, apricots, etc. Trees are all in prime condition. 5 acres of strawberries mostly spring planting, Half mile to school house and store; R. F. 1). and telephone; 4 inches of water. Price $13,500, $5,000 cash. 20 Acres highly improved, fij miles out on the Fast Side. Lies per fect ; good drainage; gentle slope to the Last; fine rustic bungalow costing ItfiOfl, modern in every respect; attrac tive lawn and dowers ; good barn, chick en house, Jap house, etc. Entire place is fet to strictly commercial orchard and in a scientific way ; there being In acres in three year old Newtowns and Spitz enbergs, and 10 acres in two year old Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, pollenited with Ortleys. Entire place is set to strawberries between the apple row, of which 5 acres are one year old, bal ance set this summer. The property has been developed in a scientific way and absolutely on right lines. The orchard is perfect, and at the purchase pri.e of $17,000 is fully $",900 below the market. 22.43 Acres 'M mi'es southwest 1 f Hood River, nn one of the best "rav elled, roads in t'ie W e , All under Motivation; a I level; just sufficient S'ope for good drainage ; 516 apple trees in full b a ing, 12 vears old, mostlv SpilaenU-gl and Ne "towns; seven hundred ewtowns one year old; 20o peach trees. Balance of place wau seeded to wheat, oats and vetch ; li incl -es of water stock; place is in perfect state of cultivation and exceptionally fertile. Good house ami bam 1 hore, Cow, surrey and all tools n I implements go with place. Price $19,0J0; $6,000 cash, 43 Acres unimproved, 9 miles south of Mood River, 2j miles south of 1Kb 11. All under the ditch and eveiy foot can be cultivated Is brush lain), light clearing. A loose easily worked red thot soi'. Genuine bargain at $5000; $1000 cash. 120 Acres unimproved; 4 miles from Hood River on Fast Side. Good clav loam soil; HO acres lies nicelv for orchard. A good buy at $5500. $2,000 cash. 20 Acres Improved. Located in center of West Side. 8 miles out on counly road. Nice location, fine soil, good drainage. 1") acres in two year old orchard in good condition; there being 378 NewtowitF, 000 Spitz, nbergs, and 210 Arkansas Blacks, Jonathans and Waaners for pollenizers. Balance of place in meadow and pasture. f inches of water stock goes with place. Price $11,000; $3,000 cash. Devlin 4 Firebaugh Leading Dealers Swetland Building, Portland, Ore H. R. B. & T. Co. Bid!, Hood River go Shoes made or rep lire d tjohnsen'a. Our work yiiarauteed. Deltz Studio liny your L ire and Vitrol at White head's. Hazel wood Creamery Butter at Me Guires. All kinds of suet and smoked fish at Jackson's. W. E. Dabney, Tailor, Third Street. Phone 46M. For Flower and Alfalfa Seeds go to McDonalds. Get a Scuffle Hoe at McDonald's and ave work. Camp stoves at cost. Davenport Har ness Co. Maple Svrup and Fastern B. W. flour at Jackson's. If your sboes have gone wrong take them to Johnsen. Fresh bread delivered daily by Parker Bros., Hall building. If you want shoes that don't wrong go to Johnsen 's. Money to loan on improved farm land. T. D. Tweedy. Four fancy hanging oil lamps at half price at Jackson's. Full ine of Lowney's Bon Bons and Chocolates at Ross'. Best line of men's gloves in the city at the Davenport Harness Co. Una and Sulphur Solution in any quantity, at Whitehead's. Highest market, price paid for veal and chickens. McGuire Bros. Get vour spray hose from McDonald Clean new stock, no factory scraps. Ask for Burnett's Fx tracts. Light quality. Sold only by Wood A Higgins. Fancy salmon bellies, Fastern mack erel and Lake Michigan white fish a Jackson'.-. , Sweet cream and home-made ice cream at Parker Bros., Hall building. Free delivery. C. W. Fdmunds, M. D. Eye, ear, nose and throat. Summer office hours. 9:16 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phone 3312L. W, E. Dabney has opened a tailo shop on Third street, next to Rogers photograph gallery. Phone 40M. If you want to huv or sell real estab go to Onthauk & Otten. Money U loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and legal papers carefully prepared. Nota rial work of all kinds. Clothes cleaned, pressed and repaired at W. E. Dabney's tailor shop. Special attention paid to ladies' suits. Phoue 48M. The Apple Growers Union will need apple packers soon. Packers wishing employment please phone in or call and register at the office of the Apple Grow ers Union. Phone 117. Hast bound trains on the N rth Bank road t"p at Underwood as follows: No. 2,11:88a m.;No. 4, 8:28 p. m.: No. 0.7:04. This train only goes to Cliffs. West bound trains as follows stop at Underwood: No 5, 9:08 a. m. ami No. 1 at 0:00 p. m. Mrs. W. H. Goodenough and daughter arrived Friday from their former home in llamil on, Uhio, and joiued Mr. Uoodetiough and son, who hare baen beie sever d weeks. Mr Oocdenough purchased the Hoover ranch. Robert D. and Frauk 8. laylor, formerly of Indianapolis, arrived Friday and spent several days lock iDg over lands in the valley. Ml. Frank Taylor tins located In Portland while It is probable that 'tis brother may locate here on an apple rauob. John A Wilson, 8. W. Ht.uk and John Davis .vent to Carson Saturday Mr Davis has ten acres there, part of w' ich Is in potatoes which be intents o dig. I be tlio oarried a good sup ply of Ashing tackle and if flsh are biting well the libera may stay tn the eionnd. Dr H. M. Curry and H. A. Van Piet, of Gieenfield, Ohio, are here this week Investigating orchards Isnd with a view to local ing here. Mr Van Pelt is much better pleased with this country than with the lands about Spokane which they stopped to see. The St. Mark's Gnild held a parish party last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Baker There were a large number pteaent who enjoyed a music d program and a conundrum contest Mrs (ienrKn Thorns n and Mrs. .iHCob Sehmelter proved the best guessers ot the con undrum and eairied away three prizes. T. W, De Butt ay is erecting a mod em nnd substantial residence st 760 Cascade street, the home which be fnrrcerly oceuled there was one of the oldest in town aud it was rr.zed. part ot the old foundation being used for the new house. H M Wood, th contractor, has enirge of the work and when the improvements are Ho isned it will be quite an addition to that part of town. H. M. Wood spent Sunday in Port land. J. 1'. Batobelder was in Portland Saturday nn business. Miss J. W. Mavis spent Sunday with friends in Portland. R. K. Moriison and wife of Mosier visited frineds here last week. Mrs. Will Staats, of Dufur, is visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Charles N. Clarke. F. A. Fleming and wife left Fri day for a visit in Portland aud Van couver. Paul Hubbard's Music House hus Pianos, Uigaus aud Singer Sewing Machines. Miss Bessie Albright left Monday to visit her sister, Mrs. J. W. Church at Condou. W. N Nourse, of Portland, spent Friday and Saturday In Hood River on business. Miss Bess Isenberg, of Portlaud, is visiting the home folks in the Bel mont district. F Brayford, of the Kookford store, went to Portlaud Saturday to see President latt. F. 11. Dwinnell aud his mother, Mis. Dwiunell went to Portland Sat unlay to visit Irieuds. T. G. Smith aud family, ot Udell, weut to Portland the latter part ot .he week to vi-it Irieuds. Herbert aud Chuster Clarke, of Portland, are visitiug their grand mother Mrs. Levi Claike. Fox has sold his saloon at The Dalles and has purchased Cbas. llay tvaid's place at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Tucker left the tfrst of the week tor Southern Califor nia to spend the wiuter. Charles Hall and wife went to Seattle Sal urday, n here they will re main a week taking in the luir. P. S Davidson presented the Are boys with a 2f check after their heroic woik at the Are lust week. Dt. Earl McF'arland returned to bis uome in Portlaud last Thursday after visiting bis pureuts, 'Frank McKai laud and wife, In the Belmont dis c. i ict. Misses Klizabetb and Maine King returned to Portlaud last week after a visit with Charles Albright and family, llemy Dillon and wife returned to their home at Sprague's Mills, Maine, after a visit with Jobu Kroeger aud family. James Higgins and Miss Mabel Crisp, both of this city were unitied in marriage, Saturday, by Justice A. C. Buck A. II. liouok, of McMinuville was here Monday on business in conneo tion with a timber chum he holds near Green Point. H. Manner and family ieft their ranch in the Helmont district Friday aud weut to Portland, where they will spend the winter. J. C. Nelson, wi e and daughter, of Arena, Wisconsin, left Monday tor the S attle fair after speuding sev eral days here with 0. E. King. Jerome Smith and wife returned Friday to their home ut Uaklaud after spending two weeks with then daugh ter, ivirs. G. F Jones, near here. Chares Diusroore and Miss Ruth Dinsmore, of Austin, Minnesota, are visitiug their brothers, Luther and Fay Dinsmore in the Barrett district Mrs George M. Drexel, and daugh ter, Ada, left Satuiday for their home in Mk City, Nebraska, alter a visit with William UUon and family at Husum. Myron C. McGregor, a railway mail clerk on the U. R A PL, retur led to Portland Friday after a visit, with bis ociusiu, Luther Dinsmore, iu the Bar rett district. George W. Coburn, formerly teller of the First National Bank at Wen atohee, has moved bis family here and is living In tbe Mrs. Marcellus house ou Hazel avenue. Mrs. Daisy Beitroohe and Mrs. H. II. Crosier, of Portlaud, aie here the guests ot the letter's daughter, Mrs. J M. Smith, and aie attending the W C. X. U. oonveution. F. II. Coolidge has moved his jew elry st re on Uak street next door into the room formerly occupied by disss Davis' miliiuery shop. Miss Davis has her shop located ut 4L1 Oak str-et, in the Nichols' hull ing. James Simnnsou has taken Fairy Ally, the young stallion belonging to Suaoahau and Welch, to The Dallies thi- week where tbe horse will pro bably be started in some ot the races at the fan. The horse has been train ing at Portland for some lime and gives promise of making good. Fairy Ally Is a horse strong in Wilkes blood with good crosses aud makes a hand some appearance. The mares, Stella, of linrns Jones, and Lama W, of Win Bund, bs'enlso been tskeu to The Dailea tali aud may try for some of tbe speed purees. a passenger J. K. Kobeitsou weut to Portlaud Thursday U. C. Dean aud wife returned from Portlaud Thursday, J. F Batchelder was for Portland F'riday. O. K. Marshal had business in Port laud the latter part of the week. C. A. Briggs and wife returned F'riday from a tilp to Portland. M. W. Bollock made a trip to Port land tbe latter part of the week. Mr. aud Mrs. Seth Laraway left for their new home at Fugene Friday. Kdwiu T, Wentz has been given a commission as a uotary public Paul Hubbard has the only sheet musio in Hood River. Burliness Bldg. Myron Brunei and wife spent a few days In Portland the latter part ot the week. O. K Power and K. B. Loudon, of Portland, spent Sunday ou their ranch near Dee. Take home at bottle of Mt. Hood Oyster Cocktails put up by Dellussey's Chop Hoiibu. Mrs. E. B. Carroll, of Portland spent Sunday at her ranch in tbe Crapper district. John Kvaus returned to Mosier Sat unlay after a visit with his daughter Mrs. Frank Macy. F. B. Mauniug and wife, of Mount Hood returned Sunday fiom a visit to the Seattle fair. Mrs. F'rauk Davenport, Br., of Port land, visited her children aud fami lies hero last week. F. FJ. Strang aud family came up from Portland the latter part of the week for a tew days. F A. FTeming made a business trip tc Portalnd and Vancouver the latter pait ot the week. Hey, there old boy! Go to Paul Hubbard foi the piece of music. He's got the latest songs. Good! Boy Slocom, John Fran, and "Bud" ('ashen went to The Dalles Tuesday to attend the fair. H. D. Osborne, of Sioux City, Iowa Is visitiug bis sou, J. H. Osborne, of tbe Hood River Banking A Trust Co. Mrs. James ' iraham returned Sun day evening from Portland, where she had heeu visiting bet' son, G. W. Gra ham. Sheriff aud Mrs. L. K. Morse left Monday evening for a visit to rela tives and friends in Micbigau aud Kansas. A. Harrow, of Woodstock, L. B. Spain, of North Lewisburg and T. Smith, of Milford, Ohio, were guests of J. P. Mollroy lust week. Mrs. Kd ward Culbertson left Mon day morning for her home in Wash ington, Pennsylvania, after a visit, with her sistui, Mrs. J W. Kigby. Mis. Robert A. Lambersoo, went to Portland last week where she will remain through ttie wiuter with her patents, Rev. J. A. P. MoUaw and wife. Bert Lane has purchased his partner's interest in the Lane & Gil -bon's oigar and confectionery atoru and will coutiuue the business at the old stand. J. B. Morton, of Sparta, 111., who is visiting C. Fi. Msikham aud family in the Batrett district, went to Yak ima Friday in company with Mr. Murkham for a tew days. Pete Hansen, a lumber jack of Dee, got too much whiskey F'riday and spent the night in tbe city jail and was assessed $0 and costs in the Be oorder'i Court Saturday moining. Cbas. Jones, of Ti ton Bros., Port land, was in the city the latter part of the week. Mr. Jones has secured the contract tor a beating plant in tbe new Christian church at Mosier. (ieorge P. Sohlosser, formerly sec retary of the Commercial Club a: (ireen Kiver, Utah, moved to Hood River with his fa ally las week and will reside hern in the future. The showers have bguu and it will rain in a few weeks. Morlan A Good man have just brought In a nw stock of tine raincoats tor ladies which will keep out the damp and have a sfyilsh appearand, The steamer Bailey (iatert was taken off tbe daily run the ilrst of the month aud is now on the freight ner.weeu rorilaria and the Maltes, miming alternate days with the steamer Dalles City. Mrs Klla Otis and two daughters, Mudge and Helene returned Friday from Spokane and they will make Hood Kiver their future home Mr. Otis is a sister of Mrs. A. M. M06 aud Mrs. C. L Ciapp. Miss Olive Sturgis entertained the voting ladies of tbe J. U. G. club last Thursday evening with a fancy dress party. All of the guests were attired iu unusual ocstumes and some very striking pictures could have been made Daiuty refreshments were served aud the affair was highly enjoyed. WASHOUGAL i About 41 miles from Aood River on the Spokane, Portland ,v. Seattle Railway, and on the Columbia River 25 miles from Portland. Oreson. CHEAP LAND compared with other places of our pro ductive Northwest, but the richest soil in tbe country. We want to show yon. NO electric STORMS, hot WINDS or flying sands in summer or SNOW in winter. Purest sprint; water to be found anywhere, and the finest climate. That is what makes this as fine a fruit section as can be found anywhere for Peaches, Applet, Pears, Quince, Prunes, Cherries and all other daises, as well as the smaller fruits. Wheat, oats and other grain, potatoes and other vegetables yield heavily per acre, as well an clear timothy clover and other grasses, and all this is done WITHOUT IRRIGATION Its a big dairy country inure do you want'.' We make a visit here before a location, and to call on too. What sk that you deciding upon Washougal Dairy & Land Co. Washougal, Washington I-M-H School Time is Here So are the SCHOOL BOOKS. Every Book for every Grade. Get your Books and Supplies early find avoid the rush. Everything for school use and just what the teacher ordered at .... SLOWS BOOK STORE rH' I II Mil llll I'M Ml 1 1 Ml 1' Mrs. O, V. Kd wards visited in Pert land this week. Osoai Vanderbilt wont to Poitiund Tuesday on business. Miss Hunt, Public Stenographer, Room 14, Hall building. Mrs. W. L. Adams spent Sunday with friends in Poitland. Gall iu Hubbard's Music House aud hear your musiu played before you tuy it. J. I!. Nunamaker and wife 'left Monday for Heppuer, where they will spend a week. Fresh Frozen Fastern and Olympia Oysters by the pint, quart or gallon at DeBusiey's Chop House. Chailes Stowe, of Portland, was here last week looking up orchard lauds tor investment. A. 8. Keedand ,). Shankliu of Port land were here this week adjusting the Cue aud Noble lire loses. E O. Homewood and wife are lending the week taking iu the igfits ot the A-Y-P at .Seattle. L. II. HriiCM returned to his Port land home Saturday after spending some time at his ranch near here. Fresh Oysters in any quantity at DeBueeey'i ('hop House for banquets and parties. Olympia Cocktails alwayH ou hand. U. A. MeCargar has completed his handsome new ni.ngalow at Moslei and has gone there to live aftei speuding the summei iu Ho d Kiver. The president requests all members ot Tenby Corps, No. 16, to be present Saturday October 9th to prepare for inspection ou the Kith. Mrs. Abide J. ItakorSeey. i. W. Onthink made a business trip to the metropolis on Saturday and also to pay his respects to the President. He accompanied Jhon Otten us far as Portlaud on his trip back to tbe scenes of his boyhood in the state of Illinois. 'I here is a movement on foot to erect a new Presbyterian church at Parkdale, which is the new terminus of the lailroad tip the valley, and John (ioldshury wont to Portland this week to present a petition to the presbytery A I bert. Sutton, an architect owning a ranch in the Oak Oruve district, left with his wife Friday for a trip tbronbg the east. Mr. Sutton has denied 40 acres on his place and will set out an orchard. He intends to erect a line home there next spring aud live in the valley. Wood in Great Demand Cold Winter Predicted You have no dread of the cold, how ever, for you can gel the best Hi-inch, dry oak wood at L, II. Arneson's place forl 10 per rick, cash. Pole oak, mixed wftli a small amount of fir, at f 1.(10 tier rick while it lasts. Call up K. F. John son at my place and the amount of wood you want will be reserved for you upon payment of one-half down, depos ited to my credit at the First National Hank at riood River. L. II. Aknmok, Place, one-half mile south from Oak Gcove store, Crapper Itistrut. fcMES INESS COLLEGE la gum (TH IS SCHOOL A3 THE BEAS tjj FOB THHB BKMAKKABIE SUCCESS iUAIMiATKS CAN BE FOUND EVERYWHERE POINTING TO Facts Worth Noting Enrollment of suiaantt past yaar 468. All graduates placed In good positions. Filled but 50 par cant applications far office help. Reputation for thorough and aaraMal Instruction. Safe and refining Influences. Sand lor new Folder and Success Stories COMPETENT WITHOUT CHAMF. mm Frank McParlaud left Saturday for Portlaud to visit for a few days. Mihh Madue Otis has annented a position in t In- I ,ar away jewelry store. Mrs. J. E. Nichols left Monday to visit her mother, Mrs. A. J. Adams, at Moro. Joseph Cazanave, who recently sold his 10 acre ranch near here left Wed nesday tor California. lie sure and save your fanciest apples for your exhibit at the apple fair to be held October 28, 29 and 30. George Weart, of New York City, whose brother James 1. Weart form erly lived iu tbe valley, psent Sun day here. Haicaly L, Henderson and Kenneth McKay two pioinineaut ranchers ot Duke's Valley, returned Tuesday after spending a few days in Port land. Miss Margaret Wall ace went to Portland Friday to join ber aunt with whom she will make a alx mounts tour of Furope. She was au ootnpanied to the city by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. li. Wallaoe. U, L. llioks and wife of Chicago, arrived here the tirst of the week and stopped at the Mt. Hood tor several days while iuvestigatlug orobard laudslnthevalley. Mr. Hicks ia mana ger of the large dry goods house of Car-son, Ptrle, Scott A Un. Morlan A Goodman announce a new stock of tall coats fir ladies and misses which will bear inspection for quality and atvle. Some ot tbese coats are priced surprisingly low aud better ones are exuelleut values for higher prices. Miss Anna Spring, who bought the Hooth place here last year, came out from New York this weea to look atter the apple crop. She was aocom pauied by her oousius, Mr. ami Mrs. II. U. Scully, of Pittsburg, wbo will also remain here for several weeks. Douglas Hall, wbo travels tor the lilake, McPall Co. in eastern Oregon arid owns a ranch in the White Sal mon valley about live miles out, waa here last week and together with K M. Lawrence, who travels tor the same company in this territoify, pur chased a ranch in the upper valley. Koy Slooom took bia frunulng horae Monte Cnriato to Tbe Dalleefalr this week. A. F. Adams returned Wednesday from baker City where be apent a few days on business. Mr. and Mra. F. O. Hlanobar re turned Tuesday evening from a viait to the fair at Seattle. The Thursday Music Club will meet with Mia. B. L Durable tbia afternoon at 2:30 o'oock. W. O. Boe, of Minot, N. IX, who bought u 100 aore ranch in tbe upper valley last year, returned to Hood Kiver tbla week and will olear 10 aorea of bis land and set it out to apples. Karl Hartmesa aud wife attended a reunion of tbe Uenkle family last Thursday at Philomath. Mia. Bart mess waa a Henkle and there ware C3 membera of the Immediate family present at tbe reunion. V. C. Brook, O. K. Bone, Myron T. limner and J. W. MoDonald have in corporated tbe lioneboro Orobard Company with a capital stock of 1200, 000. Tbe company baa not as yet prelected its plana for development work wbiob It will probably carry on in the valley. Notice of Removal. Tbe Style Shop bas been moved In to tbe Niobola' building at 413 Oak street. Miaa J. W. Davis. Little White Salmon Valley FOR HALE 2000 acres on the east bank of the Little White Salmon River, 2000 level land, naturally irrigat ed, plenty of water, altitude 1 200 to 1400 feet. Particu lars W. H. MOREHOUSE INVESTMENT CO. 5 Lumberirans Bldg Portland, Ore.