fief ! VOL. XXI HOOD ftlVER, OREGON, OCTOBER 7 1909 NO. 21 Ho cub mtott SOCIETIES HOOD RIVKR tXJMMKRCIALCLUB-MeeU every second Monday In est h month at 8 p. m., in the club rooms over Jackson's store. Ch as. I, Ilakly, Pres. C. I). NicKKiJiKN, Secretary. HOOD RIVKR LOHtiK NO. 106, A. K. anil A. M. Meet Saturday evening on or before each full moon. L N. Huwkk.s, W. M D. McDonald, Secretary. HOOD RIVKK CHAPTER NO. 27. R. A. M. Meuts tlrHt and third Friday nights of ei.cs. month. A. C. Statkn, H. P. Oko. 8HAR1-, Secretary. Mood River I'oiumsuilery No. 12, K.T. MeeU every tint Tuesday evening of each month. W. W. I.araway, K. C A. 1). Moe. Recorder. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. 25, O. E. 8. Meelasecund and fourth Tuesday evening of each mouth. Visitors cordially welcomed. Mas. H. L. DUXBLB, W. M. Mitts Ioki. Woouwokth, Secratary. IDLEW1LDK LODHK NO. 107, I. O. O. K. Meet in Kra'.rual hall, every Thursday night. 3- M. Wood, N. G. Geo. Thomson, Secretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 4R, I. O. O. K . Regular meeting second and fourth Mondays of each month. J. H. Kkkuuhon.O. P. Gko. HHEfAUD, Scribe. K KMP LODGE, No IM, I. i . O. K MeetH In odell Improvement Uo. s ball every Satur day night. Visitors cordially welcomed. J. W. Wilson, N. G. 11VKON SMITH, Skc. LAUREL REBKKAH LOIKJE NO. 87, 1. O. O F. Meets llrst and third Mondays Id each month. Theresa M. I'asinkk, N. G. Nettie M. Moses, Secretary. W. O. W meets the 2d and 4th Saturdays each month at I. O. O. K. hall. Visitors cor dially Invited. J. D. WALL, C. C. F. W. McRevnolds. Clerk. WAUCOMA LODGE NO. 30, K. OF P Meets In K. of P. ball every Tuesday night Jos. Kkaziek, Jb., C. C. H.T. Die Witt, K.of R. and 8. HOODRIVERCAMP.NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meets in I. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday night. A. R. Chump, V. C. Ed. Mayes, Clerk. OOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 624, WOMEN ot Woodcraft-Meets at 1,0, 0. V. hall on the Brstaud Third Saturdays of each month. Mrs. Wm. Ganher, N. G. ALICE SHAY, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODGE NO. 08 A. O. V. W. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month. R. E. chapman, M. W. GEO.Suicom, Financier Chester Shute, Recorder. oletXasbembly NoTlffl. UNITED art-isaus.-Meel the first and third Wednes days, work; second and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' hall. C. D. UiNRiCHS, M. A. W. H. Austin Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS ofJAmeriea.-Meetii every Thursday evening at 8 o'eiwk. Wm. Fi.emino. 0. R. K. C. Brohus, Secretary. CAN BY WMT. NO. 16, 0. A. R MEETS AT A O V W. hall, second and fourth Salur lAVSof each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All O 'a R. members Invited to meet with us. Fred 1HETZ, Commander. 8. F. Blythe, Adjutant. CANBY W.R.C..NO. 1 MKKTH SECOND od fourth Saturdays of each Month In A. o. U. W. hall at 2 p. m. Mrs Jennie Hentley, President. Mrs. AimiK Baker, Secretary. MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. S4U9, R. N. A. Meets at I. 0 O.K. Hall ou the second and fourth Fr days ot each month. Mrs. H. Peeler, O. Mrs. C. U. Dakin, Recorder. 1' A Y NTER LODGE, No. 2110, M. B. A. meets llrst and third Fridays of each mouth at K. of P. hall. , ., Carson Bu,;klin. Pres. AUO. GUIONARD, Sei . MT HOOD LODGE No. 205, 1. O. O. F.-Meet every Saturday evening In (fribble's hall ttMt.Hood. Robt. Lkasitkk, N. G. U. W. Dimmk K, Sec. HOOD RIVER VALLEY HUMANE SOCIETY Hood River, Ore. K II. Hartwlg, Pres. F.G. Coe.Sec. Leslie Kutler, lieas. OREGON GRAPE REBEKAH LODGE NO. 181 I O O. F. Meet second and fourth Wednesdays In each month In Grlbbles Hall, Mt. Hood, Ore. Mrs. Millie Hardman, N. G. Mrs. Minnie L. Larwood, Sec. J F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. SURGEON O. R. N. Co. H. L. DTJMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Calls promptly answered in town or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 111, Ottlce In the KrOalos Building. E 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U over First National bunk. Hood River, Oregon. Office I'hone Main 871 Kes Main 873 Drs. Shaw & Bronson Office in Eliot Block. Office pbone, No. 31. Residence, No. MB Dr. M.H. sharp Dr. Kdna B. Sharp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates ti tlie American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office in Elliot Block. Home " ion. 102 Re. 10'2-B Ft BR0SIU8, M. O. PHYSICIAN AND 8 U KG EON Phone Central, or 121. Office Hour! 10 to 11 A. M. 1 to and 6 to 7 P M. M. E. WELCH, LICENSKIi VEIKKINAKV SlKtJKON Is prepared to do any work In tb veterin ary line. He can be foun.4 by calling at or ph'-nlng to Clarke s drug store. DR. EDGINGTON Smith Building HOOD RIVKR - - OREGON A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. DR. E. T. CARNES DENTIST Office over Bartmeas store Telephone H. D. W. PINE0,D.D.S. DENTIST Office over Telephone First National Bank 131 C. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. DENTIST Telephones: Office 28; residence 28-H Office over Butler Bank, J J AVNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money leaned. First National Bank Resources over 1400,000. OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital 100,000 Surplus, $20,000. Everything For the Nursery Specialty of High Grade Newtownw and Spitz. C. D. THOMPSON Phone 8232-M. Chris Ranley SHOE REPAIRtR Hai moved from The Tog gory to Fleming & Taft's Store, Third Street, back of the First National Hank and invites old and new patrons to call on him. Work done at very reasonable prices. JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone MM, Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Resident Agents For Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON FREDFHICK 4 ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS IstimaWs furnished en all klndt of work PhnnM- Araol4. Mala a. r UUUttH. Vr.,rtak Umlmmt W. W. NASON CONTRACTOR Brick, Cement and Plastering Raeclith Flooring HOOD RIVER, OREGON. For vSale at a bargain Twenty acres ol host APPLE and STRAWBERRY LAND in Willow Flat; 12 acres in voting orchard, Newtown and Spitz. All under 4" ditch, no waste; small house, bMtttifnl groveof large oaks makes fine building she ; fine view of val lev and mountains, half mile from f proposed electric line; miles to depot at Odeii. rnce mmou; goud teruiH. Last month it was $(i000, but I was greatly in need of money and will make a sale, even if I sell lor less than I know the place is worth. Write to the owner A. Schiller or phone to him at ( II, 1x2 Trio Orchestra Music Furnished For All Occasions, tnitrnnientttioni from three to any numlier desi-ed. Address or phone , C. O. NEWMAN, Hood River, Ore. Phone 64-X or 219-L. Straualian & Slaven Contractors and Builders HO(U) KFVKU. OREGON. O. J. NELSON Real Estate Homesteads a Specialty. Nut and Fruit Lands in tracts from 10 acres to 10,(KK) acres. Will trade Hood River property for cheaper Real Kftate in other places. Office with E. B. Uartwig, Smith Block Chaa. O. Pratt, J.H.Osborne, R.W.Pratt, President. Vice Pres. Cashier. Hood River Banking and Trust Co. We transact a general bunking business and own our own banking proirty. Interest paid on time mid Savings deposit Safe deposit boxes. A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Koom 12 HroRinis Block FOUST & HOWE Mechanical Experts Automobile Repairing, Has and Steam Engines EUbailt. Shafting. Pul leys and all descriptions of Machine Fitting and Repairing Done BIOYCLE REPAIRING Corner Sixth and Columbia street Phone 109-X HOOD RIVER, OREGON Model Bakery DUFFY & ZIMMERMAN. Props. Bread, Pies and Cakes Fresh Every Day. We have reopened the Williams Bak ery under the above name and invite your patronage. BERT LANE Successor to Shrum Bros. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaccos Sporting Goods Electrical Jobbers Ail Kinds of Electrical Wir ing Supply Fixtures. Will give you prices that will suit yoo. Will get you any thing in Electrical Goods. Harry H. Bailey Phone 2B8-I Oklahoma House R. M. HART, Prop. I Good Rooms and T I Table Board by the Day, Week or Month. 1305 Twelfth Street Phone 285-M 'ITITrrn mTITn m TV """iT i Underwood Little W hite Salmon If you want to grow Fruit let me show you some first class land. Land that is growing four crops of al falfa without irrigation. In 5 to 20 acre tracts. Some fine tracts with plen ty of water unimproved. One 10 acre tract will trade for city property, partly improved. One good relinquishment ISO acres. This is fine. Come in and look now. I will try to treat you right. F.W. DeHart Underwood, Wn. Two Thousand Dollars Made in One Night This is what a client of ours hard The made by buying an on while he had the el in nee next day we received notice from the owner to advance the price 2000.00. but it was too late. Don't you wan't to make TWO THOUSAND DOL LARS or even FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS. Take our advise and buy good property NOW! Don't wait until tomorrow but come in today and look over our list of bargains. J. H. Heilbronner and Company The Reliable Dealers Davidson Bldg., Hood River, Ore. Colonist Fares Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, inc. KUOM Chicago 33 St. Paul $25 Minneapolis 925 Duluth $25 St. Louis $32 Omaha $25 Sioux City $25 Kansas City $25 Similar Fares from all points in the East to all points on the Hot (Portland to Astoria inc.) AND VIA S. P. & 8. RY TO AI.I I'OINTSON Hem (As far South as Weed, Calif.) Money can he deposited with any Agent to have tickets furnished friends in the Kast. For further Information apply to any S. I', ft S or A. & 0. R. Agent, Or H. M. ADAMS, G F. & P. A., S. P. &JS. Ry PORTLAND, ORE. W. (J. ALDJRED CONTRACTOR KOK EXCAVATING ft GRADING E. A. JEROME, Architect HavliiK hart severs! years' experience In drafting slid building, I would respectfully solicit a part at the patronage of the people ot Heixl River who anticipate building. TerniK reasonable, a id SHtlHfactlon guaranteed. Of flct MStAMOSOn Heights. E. H. HART WIG, LAWYER. Will Practice In All Courts. LOCAL TIME TABLE. Kffecttve Sunday, Aug. 'il, tralim will arrive and depart at Hood River on the following schedule: WKHT BOUND. No 9. Portland Kx press... 5:fS0 A M. No. 5. Oregon-Wash. Limited 610 A. M No. 3. Hoo.Hpokane-I'ortland . 6:4ft A. M. No. II. PaclHc Kx press 3:20 P, M. No. 7. Portland Special 6:45 P.M. Train No. 11 makes all stops between Hood Hue ami Portland. Train No. D will stop only at, Wyeth, t'as. cade Looks, Bonneville, llrldul Veil, Trout- dale, Kalrvlew, ( oluinblu Beach, l.atourc!lu ii n ' I Corbett. Trains No. 3, No. 5 and No. 7 will make No stops between Hood River and Portland. KAHT BOUND. No. 12. Atlantic Kxpress 10:25 A M No. K Chicago Hpeclal 11:5ft A. M No. 8. Oregon-Wash. Limited . Si.'lft P. M No 4. Aoo-Hpoksiie.Portland 9:110 P. M No. 10. Halt Lake Kxpress 10:26 P. M J- H. HUtMuOT, Agent. W. C. T. ITS ARE BOOSTERS VISITORS SHOW THEIR PRODJCTS Hood Ither RitsHtiM l-- Temper' anre Workers of the State This Week. At the meeting " the Methodist ehuroh Tuesday eveinuK the couuty demonstrations hy the vUlting mem hers of the Woman's Christian i'ein peiaune Union, which is holding its Htiuual convention in this city this week, showed that the ladies were not only hard workers in the temperance j movement hut that they were boost ers, ereiy one of them, for their own j communities. Nearly all of the! county delegations had heen fur- ' nished with sample products and boosting liteiature from their In nl ootnmeicial bodies nud the display gave an idea of what the resources of Oregon are. Mrs. Henrietta Hrown, state pres- j ideut, explained that this was the ; first meeting if toe organization at, which au attempt at Boosting hud been made but most of the delegates seemed to be veterans in that line. At the roll call of counties each dele ; gallon weut to the rostuim carrying: typical displays of their products and the chairman made a short talk on the lesotirces ot the particulai dis trict. Nearly every county was pie sent from I'oos on the southern coast which boasted of ftult, dairies, Uin bee and Hoe schools to Wallowa in the oppesite corner ot the state which made great claims for her grain and stockraising proclivities. A good natured livalry existed throughout the demonstration and before each county was seated they generally olalmed to produce all the good things which had made their sisters famous and then boast of a single produot in which they "lead the world". Kach county had a yell or watchwoid which they gave in con clusion. Mrs. Hrown read her piesldent'a address Tuesday afternoon and it showed the progress which has re cently been throughout the state and nation along temperance lines. I he slogan of the convention is "Make Oregon Dry in 1910." The treasur er's report showed mi iuctense of 575 in the membership of the union in the state since the last convention which is the greatest annual galu the organization has ever shown. The storm center of the convention is about the movement to unite the forces with 1'rohibitiouista aud the Auti-S-doon league in a strenuous oampaign for the state-wide prohibi tion. The Women's Christian Tem perance Union took the initiative a year ago to wage tho present oam paign. Prohibitionists aud Anti Siilnun leaguers disoouraged them. The Women's Christain Temperance Union claims oredit tor the move ment. One of the f Igslfloant tacts in the reports ot the president's from the "dry" nniiities was that in nearly every instance they were aware that much liquor was being sold illegally in the arid precincts aud that as yet they found no way to successfully prevent the sales from the drug tores, "blind pigs" aud near heei establisl ments. Tuesday evening welcomes were ex tended the visiting laaies by BL C. Smith, for the Commercial Club and City, I'rof. Li. B. Uibsou, sohools, Kev. V. A. Nutly, chinches, Mrs. French, oounty W. C. ,T. U., Mrs. Wm Kerr, local union. Mrs. Ward Hwope of Portlana graoiomly re sponded to the addresses of welcome and assured the hosts of the visitors' appreciation. The day sessions Wed neaday were taken up with the re ports of the superintendents of the different deuuitmeuts and in the evening the oouvention listened to an eloquent lecture by Mrs. L. L. Shep ard, Utah state president, of Halt Lake City, ou "The Boy Problem. " Mine than 125 delegates and visitors f'oni every part of the state are iiresent for the oouvention. Following is a purtial list of the delegates aud visitors: Mrs. M. J. Hatfield, Portland, rather MoFarland, Portland. Margaret Houston Portland. Mrs. Annie L Kibray, Portland. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mis. Mrs. Itud. Mrs. Mrs. M rs. Mrs. Mrs. II. M. Gorin, Portland. Jessie M. Boughey, Falls City M. U. Kills, Fxlls City. L. C. Taylor, Silveitou. Marguret L. Christian, Port M. E. Hoxler, Poitland. Mary Anderson, Plalnview. E. Archibald, Shedd. Edna J. Dilley, Corvallls. Ilattle L. Westell aud ohll en, Gresham. Mrs. Neal li. Jnmann, Portland. Mrs. C. A. Wooddy, Poitland. Mrs. Clara M. Baduley, Portlaud. Miss Nellie Brown, St Johns. Mrs. Eleanor Pbelpl, Milton. Mrs. N 1. OolOS, llalsey. Mrs. E. E. Kedbart, Turner. Mrs. Lydla U, llowermau, Salem. Mrs. raoolo Cox, Brownsville. Miss Sarah Lyman, Portland. Mrs. C. A. Ilenr, I Miner. Mrs. W. E. Htu to, Coivsllls. Mrs. Mary E. Illig, New berg. Mrs. J. C. Hodson, Newbeig. Mrs. J M. Jerkins, Dayton. Miss May Smith. Dundee, Mis. L. G Thompson, Shedds. Mrs. Jennie A. Ilosmer, Irving. Mrs. J. (). Kiobmoud. Spnuglleld. Mr.. Carrie A. Day, East Eugene. Miss Edith Mimshi Dundee. Mrs. Leaverell Woods, Baker City. Mrs. Louise P Bound, Jeiteraoo. Mrs. Oliver, Saleui. Mrs. Dr. Praisei, Salem. NessieJ. Shaun, Portland. Mrs. C. A. Gotshall, Portland. Frances E. Gotshall, Portland. Mis. Ward Swopo, Portland. Mrs. Mary L. Mallett, Poitland. Mrs. Smith -French, The Dalles. Mrs. Emma Eveiatt, Frsewator. Mrs May Gallaher, Viuoln. Mrs. li. J. Howell, pres., Wasco. Mis. Mrs. Mis. Mrs. City. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs Mary E. Hicks secy., Wasoo. Dora Oodfeltsr, Wasoo. Emma Belahee. Wasco. Lulu E. Shepnrd, Salt Lake Bertha E. Glass, Wasco. Hattie Silvery, rVasoo. Geitrude 1'epper, Wasco. Miss Cieminle Allen, Wasco. Mrs. Anna U, Kiobards, Drain. Mrs. Tessa Hamilton, Koseburg. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mis. Mrs. Urove. isg City. Mrs. Mrs. Dalles. Mrs. Mrs. City. Mrs. Mrs. M. D. Mltoheil, Eugene. M. C. Hull, Kugeoe. Hster D. Prunei, Kiddle. Clara K. Gordon, Shedtls. M. O. Brewer, Cauby. M. B. Bilyeu, Albany. Kva C. Wheeler, Cottage Mary H. Hammond, Falls Arvazeua Cooper, The Dalles. Daisy B. Wllletmrt, The B. K. Dill, Enterprise Callie M. Davis, pres., Baker F. M. French, Albany. Ada Wallace Uoruh, Portland. Mrs. Madge .1. Mears, Shedtls Mrs. Grace McAlister aud children, La Grande. Mrs. S. A. Childs, Brownsville. Mrs. T. H. Mils, Eugene. Mrs. Harry Jouee, Koseburg. Miss Lois Smith, Kcho. Mrs. 11 Faulkener, Koseberg. Mrs. Blain, Albany. Mrs. 0. W. Kychard, Springfield. Mrs. L. V. Noirts, Eugene. Mrs. Hosuier, Eugene. Mrs. Wm. Kerr, Hood Kiver. The convention will continue in sesslou through today aud finish up the work Friday. MT. HOOD NATIONAL PARK ENDORSED In view of the movemeut en foot to set aside Mount Hood and its stir- n turnings tor a National Park aud Multiiouia Couuty Pomona t. range passed the following resolution: Kesoived, that .Multnomah ('utility Pomona Grange heartily iudorse this movement aud declare that such National Park should be crested I y the General Government and that mi the lent teiritory should be em biaced in the Park to include Para dise Park, Summit, Lost Lake and all tho special points ot Interest to that the distiict may he preserved from t he despoiler. I he master of the grange was auth orized to appoint a oommittee to co operate in the movement and another resoluion a was passed recommending the annexation of that poition ot Clackamas Couuy, north of the Clakamas river, tu Multnomah oounty so that the latter oounty could oon- struct'a suitable highway to the pro posed government park. Surveyors ou White Salmon A gaug of railroad surveyors sre running a line up tho west liauK or the White Salmon river. It is the general opinion that the orew Is run ning a line preparatory to the bund ing of au electric road up the valley via Muslim to I runt Lake. The ;!,U0(), (Kill, 000 tee ot standing plus umber lu the upper valley aud the growing demand for a railroad all along the line is an incentive for some company to complete s road. Night Shift Necessary New orders for the patent ball-bearing hubs have been coming to so fast that the Hood Kiver Manufacturing Unginearlug oompany was compelled to start a night shift this week in or der to meet the demand. The orders are pouting in from nianutaoiuiera in all prirts ot the counrty and the double shift will piobably be perman ently necessary. Irrigation Meeting Postponed Not enough stock was represented for a quorum at the annual stock holder's meeting of the Farmers' lirlgatiug Company, which was scheduled to have been held Satuiday morning at 10 o clock in the K. ot P. hall and the directors of the oompany will call a postponed meeting at the same bout aud piaoe ou aaturaey, October j.G. Hill Academy Won Hill Military Academy ot Portland tiefeated the looal football team at the bull grounds Friday afternooo by a score of 11 to 5. Bill Baker, of this i It v idayed io the back field With the visiting team and was one or the slars of the game. WILLIAM BAKER GETS DUCKING IN COLUMBIA In his hurry to get to Hood Kiver, from Portland, where he is attend ing the Hill Aoademy. Will Baker got a ducking in the Columbia Kivei Monday night which caused him to do a good deal of shivering before be reached his home. Baker had ne ulactad to name affidavits as to tbe posting ot certain road notices aud it was necessary for him to come here .luring the session of the couuty couit to attend to tbe matter. In order to reach here In time he came mi on the noith bank road but as was dark nobody on the other side would bring htm across. J. L. Hen derson and John Culbertsou went over for Baker and when they leturu ed to this shoie Baker, blinded by a light on the wharf, missed his foot ing aud stepped iuto tbe river up to his shoulders. vein .a D Dismissed for Institute. The Hood Kiver soboola were dis missed Monday for tbe rest of tbe week on accouut of the district insti tute for tbe 'miotics of Mood Kiver, Wasco and Sherman which is being held at The Dalies this wsek. All of the teachers from here went to The Dalles Tuesday to atteud the Insti tute. Lucey Place Hold. G. Lewis, of Fargo, Aithur G. Lewis, of Pargo, N. I)., brother-in-law of E. F. Urittan, last week purchased the Jas. Laoey place of 40 acres ou tbe East Side, tor 940, 000. Mr. Lewis returned to Fargo tbe latter part of tbe week and will take possession ot tbe ranch in December. Mr. Laoey bus made no plans for the future, but expects to lemalu io Hood Kiver. Fred Wesson, of Indianapolis, Indi ana, Is at the Waticoma and Is expect ins to invest lu anule lauds, tore number ot years Mr. Wesson has been associated with his father in tbe management of one ot the largest retail dry goods stores in the Middle West aud he teels the need ot out of door life. He has purchased a saddle horse and rides about tbe valley look ing for a desirable looatlon. ORDINA CE FOR BONijLECTIOiV WATER QUESTION UP IN NOVEMBER Bill Passes First Reading- Mayor Sub mits Correspondence with State Health Hoard. 1 he oity oouncil Monday night was mostly oonoerned with tbe oousidera tion ot the water question and an crdinanos, which passed llrst reading, was introduced oalliug tor an election some time in November at which the question of inning water bonds to tho extent of f'JO.OOO would be submitted to tbe voters. A petition signed by 132 citizens and taxpayers, asking for such an election was submitted to tbe oouncil and Mayor MoDonald sub mitted to tbe city fathers some cor respondence which bad passed be tween him and the state board of health. Ihe correspondence will be found in another oolumu of this paper aud the Mayor's communication to the oounoil follows: To The Hon. Council, Hood Kiver Oregon, Gentlemen : 1 band you here with n communication from tbe State Health board, la It they refer to letter to them from tbe Mayor. I at tach a eopy of that letter and tbeir answer thereto. They claim to have been misquoted by me and as they have made absolute denial of tbe items 1 took exception to. Their re port may be oooueidered as amended in that particular. There is one point that they have made plain la that the watei is Impure and that tbe source of supply is bad and was known to be bad when it was Drat used. Ion must either get a supply of better water oi else sewer all portions of the oity tbat affects the drainage Into tbe present Bupply, which will mean completing all sewers already laid out and creating a new district oovertng that portion of tbe city lying between tbe present sewer district and the west boundary ot the city and from the oity limit on the south and the o. K. A N. Hallway on tbe north, and take steps to prevent Impure or con tamination water being brought In from the outside and sold for domes tic use. Ibis aotion is mandatory on tbe part of tbe state health board. 1'bey have made it dear that you must act or be responsible for tbe consequences. Kespeetfully yours, D. MoDonald, Mayor. The sewer committee submitted the following report to the ooonoil, which In turn lnstruoted tbe commit tee to follow oat the leoommenda- tlons made therein : Hood Kiver, Oregon, Ootober 4th, 1900. To Tbe Honorable Mayor and Com mon Oounoil, ot the City of Hood Kiver, Oregon : Gentlemen : The undersigned, your oommittee on sewers, have since the last meeting of tbe Common Council, been giving particular attention to tbe matter of sanitation within tbe oorporate limits of tbe oity, and es pecially that phase of It coming under the jurisdiction of your committee. In a growing municipality like oars It is always a problem to meet the in creasing needs for protection to the health of its citizens, without In creasing tbe burdens to be imposed upon tbe property owners to au un bearable extent by special and local assessments; tbe present conditions throughout tbe oity leqalre, un doubtedly that the sewerage of the entire city be brought to and kept at its highest eftioiency to guard against disease from accumulations of filth In various places In tbe oity, many of which have not aa yet oome to light and particularly to meet tbe demands of the state board of health with ref erece to that portion ot tbe city nat urally draining toward the Light & Water Company's main reservoir In tbe oity limits. Keallzlog tbe necessity of these and the demand tor piompt and efflca- io ih aotion, your oommittee at this time recommends to your honorable hody tbat all the territory In the oity limits not already sewered, bo brought under tbe general sewer ordinance mil that such portions as are not within any established sewer distrlot In tbe oity be viewed and sewer dis tricts created by tbe proper oommit tee from tbls oounoil. Kespectfully submitted. J. M. Wright, L. U. Hoggins. City Engineer Morse submitted to the oounoil his estimates of the oost of tbe projected water system wbioh totaled 185, 723. Marshal Lewis reported tbat the light oompauy had stated tbat its cir cuits were now overloaded and it would be Impossible with tbe present equipment to piaoe tbe lights ordered by the council at ruiuth and uascaae streets and Light ami Prospect streets. Hall Brothers and Smltb were granted permission to build an ad dition to the New Wauoma. A remonstrance agaiust taxation for a sewer In the WaucomaPark was in ferred to tbe special sewer oommit tee. A resolution was adopted providing tbat tho city pay for tbe keep of the horse which Marshal Lewis uses la performing his duties. Au ordinance providing lor id width of sidewalks was passed. An ordinanoe was passed providing for cemeut sidewalks to replace tbe plank walks at certain points ou Oak street. Ihe reports of tbe Keoorder and Marshal were beard and the claims against tbe oity allowed. COMLMJ. Lecturer of the Oregon State Orange. To tbe members of the varloua granges in this oounty and to all those interested in good government and better oouditions for the f aimer as well as tbe business men, 1 bring the good news of the coming of Bro. J. J. Johnson, Lecturer of the Ore gon State Oiange. He will be here tbe latter part of of this month and will deliver on of his leotuies at each of our Orange halls. Masters of our different Granges in the oounty should oonfer with me In relative to arrangement for dates of meetings. A. I. Mason, Dept. Master, Hood River County.