HOOD RIVER QLAOIBK THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, I9QE. aovei. FRANK CRAM ALWAYS UP TO DATE AND - I - vmmm M m V MT STRICTLY RELIABLE REVIVED That we mghtaswu tttSOLVED SATURDAY SPECIAL TRAT WiiEfl YOU TRAVEL YOU HEED GOOD THIflGS TO TRAVEL in Y1D GOOD Things whe yookget THERE. UooK SWELL, T VONT cosrucHAou buster broum. I COOL NEXT WMJT Ii? . i - wow COOL! BU5TER BW li A. (U A Genuine Dundee Dress Linens All colors solid and Fancy Effects worth 35c, 40c, 45c, regular prices Only One Day Your Choice, 22c Any MEN'S STRAW HAT in the house, $LOO Just the thing for School Dresses, Dust Suits and utility wear generally. Nothing sold until '"TRUNKS, SUIT CASEsTbAGS "v, iviitiun, iv i i i vi aiwap licit X Mft I . W32MKk B4R..-S", HHHb BMNMftUUUMk nmamM amHHHiaaaM MnHKHB MBBMHI MM M AHBMBM . I BRIEF LOCAL MAITKRK The Dietz Studio for photos. Land Plaster at Whitehead's. Cold hoiled ham at McOuire Bros. Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu dio Home Rendered Leaf Lard at McOuire liros. Rest line of Spray Nozzles at McDonalds. Early head's. All kinds of suet and smoked fish at Jackson's. Buy your Lime and Vitrol at White head's. Hazelwood Creamery Butter at Mc Guires. For Flower and Alfalfa Seeds go to McDonalds. cabbage plants at White- go Maple Syrup and flour at Jackson's. Eastern K. W. ORCHARD LAND BARGAINS 27;1i acres 2 miles out on the East .Side; good build ings; a commercial orchard of 1500 trees in prime condi tionpart bearing. A gen- nine bargain at $18,000. Easy terms. 5 acres Good apple land all under cultival ion. Macron Newtowns and Spitzenbergs. 4 miles out. Price $2500. lO acres Right in heart of the West Side. 500 trees, Newtowns and Spitzenbergs, 2 and 4 years old; family or chard, buildings, creek, free water. Will make an ideal home. Great bargain. $6000. 20 acres 8 miles out. Bearing commercial orchard of 1200 trees, good house, etc. Price $15000. 22 acres A-l apple land partly cleared. Water. 1 miles from Odell. 8 acres Adjoining city limits, partly improved. Priced right. 20 acres every respect. First class in It) acres in 4 year old commercial orchard ; also bearing family orchard and good garden; suitable buildings, tine well. Hest buy in the district. Price $12000. Easy terms. Devlin & Firebaugh Leading Dealers Our work guaranteed. Ddlt z Studio Get a Scuffle Hoe at McDonald's and ave work. Camp stoves at cost. Davenport Har ness Co. if you want shoes that don't wrong go to Johnsen's. Money to loan on improved farm land. T. D. Tweedy. Four fancy hanging oil lamps at half price at Jackson's. Full ine of Lowney's I$on Boris and Chocolates at Ross'. Lino and Sulphur Solution in any quantity, at Whitehead's. Highest market price paid for vea and chickens. McOuire Bros. (let vour spray hose from McDonald. Clean new stock, no factory scraps. Dr. Niohol's Poison Oak Special guaranteed to oure. Price 50 cents. Dr. Nichol's Corn Remedy takes off the corns. "No cure, no pay." Price 25c. Fancy salmon bellies, Eastern mack erel and Lake Michigan white fish at Jackson V . Three room house and two lots in Idlewild for sale for a short time for $b00. 1'lione ItM-M. j29 Am in the market for raw land at 840 to $50 per acre. Address Box 15, Mount Hood Hotel. Money to loan on improved ranch property. -Hood River Banking & Trust Co. 6-24tf K. W. Pratt, (ieo. P. Cliristie, Harry Frances an i Dell Hand are in oaiup this week at Lost Lake. Sales are increasing daily at the Apple Growers Union ice factory. Best quality ot ice, reasonableprices. Phone 117. Sheiiff Morse and wife and Miss Florence Custner, and Jud Ferguson and wife, are among the campers this week at Lost Lake. If you want to buy or sell real estai go to Outhank & Otten. Money to loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and legal papers carefully prepared. Nota rial work of all kinds. Get a trial bottle of Dr. Nichol' Rheumatic Remedy, Kidney Remedy, or bladder tablet. A remedp for every ill that w ill do the work at small cost Manufactured by Nichol's Pharmacy Hood River, Ore. Our International garments keep their shape and style, perfect fit, most beauti ful line, with all the popular styles. Call and leave your measure for a suit at A. L Carmichael's on the He ights. Kev. Williams, who hm just closed a succe-sful revivial of a week at the Valley Christian chnrcb, will HII the pulpit of his own church next Hun day, both morning ui.d evening. Kant bound trains on the tt rth Bank road stop at Underwood as follows : No. 2, 11 :ISI a. rn. ; No. 4, 8:2H p. nr.; No. ti, 7:04. This train only goes to Cliff a. West bound trains as follows stop at Underwood: No. 5, it :08 a. m. and No. lfat (i:00 p. m. Mrs. 1). W. Wale and two sons were the guests of Mr. and Mrs A. U. Moe over the week end. They left for their new home at Wasco, where Mr Wade is manager Tor the Sandow Mil ling Cm. (ieo. I!. Wilbur went to Portland last week to attend the annual meet ing ot the state association of asbtrac tors J. M. Schmeltzer, who )a at the coast, also came to Portland for the meeting. Miss Kva Coshow left Sunday or Jacksonville, ML, where she will visit Kupt. Jones and family, of the school for the blind at that place. Mies Cosbow will remain indefinitely, as she expects to take a position in that city after a few weeks' rest. 1. W. Atkinson is putting lh fin -ishing touches on nil itore ftt Odell and will have his opening Saturday, August II, when thut Jpablibnient wtll be pleased to have the people of the Odell and surrounding territory OftU and inspect the targe stock of i iii am hu ii 1 1 ! .ii in tha new Htnre. Swetland Building, Portland, Ore Mr. Atkinson comes here from Pen Idleton, where be suooetsfully con H. R. B. & T. CO. Bid. HOOd RiVer ducted a large merchandise business. Get your meals at Parker liros., formerly Young's. Best line of men's gloves in the city at the Davenrt Harness Co. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kemp have joined the eampers at Lost Lake. Harry Coshow is up from Portland for a tew days' visit with parents. Dr. Sweetland and wife and Miss Mark are camping at Lost Lake this week. A. S. Kelr and J. M. Sohmeltzer and families are camping at the sea shore. (Ieo. T. Ualligan, of Portland, visit ed his brother, H. S. (Jalligan, over Sunday. The Misses Allen left Monday for a visit with friends at Pendleton and Walla Walla. Bishop Scaddini and wife arrived from Poitland Monday and went to Cloud Cap Inn. Ice cream, soda water and cool drinkB served at Parker Bros., iu the Hall Hull, ling. Frank MoUarlaud and family and the family ot C. G. Metoalt are with the campers a , Lost Lake. Miss Braoe returned to her home near t he Dalles Sunday after a visit with trie .ds at Hood River. Mrs. J. 0 Krnniel returned Satur day from the camp meeting at Jen nings Lodge, near Uladstone. Judga O. Masters, ot Sparta, Wis., visited the Oill and 'i aft families in the oity the la ter part of the week. L. H. Arnesou, receiver of The Dalles Land Otlioe, is spending bis vacation at bis rancb near the ('rap per school. J. P. Newell, of Newell, Gossett & Walsh, was in the city Saturday and inspected tbe city spriug witb mem bers of tbe council. Willis Melvlie, Samuel Thagr and Kd Olazrer, of Cbroago, stopped off between trains I'rlday to get a glimpse of Hood River. There will be a speoial meeting of Hood River Lodge, A. P. & A. M., at Masonio Hall, Saturday eveuiug, August 14. Work in M. M. degree. Mrs. Hacbel Matsee arrived last week from Menomioee, Wis., to spend tbe summer witb ber son, Prank Maasee, agent for tbe I'aoitio ftpxress Co. Prof. W. S. Bleakuey, of Pendle ton, Ore., spent a day with Prof, (ilbson last week. Tbey were ciatg mates in college and had not met in a number of years. J. T. Holman bag old out bis hur ness shop at White Salmon to J. B. Case of Nebraska. Mr Holman is again a resident of Hood Kiver and aaye.he will take it easy tbe rest of the summer. Prof. Thompson) went to l'he Dalles Saturdayto attend a meeting of tbe Second District Pair as commissioner from Hood River county. The dis trict originally comprised tlx ooun ties, but is composed of Wasoo and Mood Kiver oouniies only. John Carroll, of Mosler Pruit Growers Union, was In tbe oity .Sat urday on business. Mr (Jarroll says that while tbere is tbe usual snortage in the apple orop at Mosier, the prune crop is good and the prices the best in a number of yeais. The crop Ii being bandied by tbe Union, which exoects to ship between ten and twelve oars. Tbey are being packed in baskets and shipped to eastern markets. Those who have old prune orchards in Mosier feel pretty well satislled with them. W. (J. Pillow returned last week from Portland, where he has been under medical treatment for a cancer ivbicb has developed on bis band. It originated several months ago from a sore, which nould not heel, it being treated at (lift foi a carbuncle, lju cal physicians finally made up their mind that a cauoer was develm ing, which proved true Mr. Pillow says it is yielding to treatment, however, and be is in hopes of curing it with out injury to tbe band. Shoes made or repaired at Johnsen's. Mrs. J. K. Nunamaker returned Tuesday morniug from Portland. L. N. Blowers and Sam Blowers went to Portland Thursday on busi ness. Elmer Rand came up from Portland to spend Sunday with relatives and friends. J. L. Roberts leaves tbii week for Long Island, New Yor k, to visit his parents. J. P. Sylor, of St. John, formerly of Hood Kiver, visited friends here Monday. H. R. Albee came up from Portland to spend Sunday on bia ranch west of town. Mrs. K. C. Mahaney went to The Dalles Tuesday to spend n week with relatives. Miss Mary Sbants arrived this week from Kansas on a visit to Mr. and Mis. L. C. Morse. F. H. Wutts, The Dalles marble man, bad business in the oity tbe lat ter part of the week. Mrs. Phoebe Morsai, who is camp iug at Collins, came up last week to spend a few days home. Rev. W. F. McCorniick went to Dufur Saturday, where be preached to a congregation Sunday. Wm. Yates and C N. Clark went to the sea coast the latter part ol the week for a few days rest. ; Hie ladles aid of Belmont will give an ice cream social Wednesday even ing on Mr. McKarlaud's lawn. Miss Hilma Swemon, of Morgan, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard Tay loi over Sunday on the way to Seattle fair. Miss Sara Oiclni t, ot Boston was tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs. J, D. Mo Ccy, iu the Pine (irove distriot, thin week. M. Hawtborue left ior Cortland Tuesday, where he met bis sister, Mrs. J. ti. Ferguson, and took iu the tbe Seattle fair. Mr. and Mrs. Milton DouglM, o Faulkton, S. D., visited Dr. aud Mrs. Unirrigated Lands MR. FARMER OR IN VESTORs Do not for get, if you ever have learned, our country so called Waahougal. It is one of the best dairying and diversified farming countries in the North west. If you do not believe it, come and we will show you, or address Washougal Dairy & Land Co. WASHOUGAL, WASHINGTON G. S. Smith, Mgr. M" 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 II I HI HUM frMH- 50c. The Large Map of Hood River Valley -Regular Price $1.00 We have purchased the entire print enabling ns to SELL THEM for 50c. Now is your only chance to secure one. An ideal sonviner to mail to your eastern friends. 50c. Slocom's Book Store If your shoes have gone wrong take them to Johnaen. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Uentley ie turned Saturday from a trip to Port-land. Dumlde over Sunday, going on to ... Seattle Monday afternoon. , I" " me un Biiirett school next Sunday afternoon the Apple Growers Union is re.dy llt ;, p. m. A cordjal lnvltat,0D to take care of your pear crop. Ry Lxleuded to all. shipping witb them you will receive a buyer's profits for yourself, which is certainly worth saving. Wanted, for cash customer, 10 aores impioved or partly Improved one snowing some income; also 20 to t aores uncleared. O. V. Kdwarda &. Co. Office next to Mt. Hood. Fire among some rubbish near the warehouse of tbt Apple Urowera Un Ion last Monday night about 11 p. m caused an alarm of lire to te sounded, but it was put out without damage. (J. W MoCoy, of Portland, who is defendant on the condemnation suit of tbe II, ,vl Kiver Irrigation Dhtrict for a right of way acrosH bis land, was iu the city the latter part ot the week. S. S. Smith, of Eldorado, Kansas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Artbui Clarke this week and will join bis wife at Medford. They are looking for a location in the wet. II. L. Howe, of Walla Walla, is vis iting his family hero. F. A. Bishop, of Great Falls, Mont., also aiilved the Hrst of tbe week, a d the two gentlemen have associated themselves witb Wentz brothers iu (be iibitraot business. Tbey expect to open up for business in about a month. Bartletl Pears are almost ready to pick. The Apple Growers I'rnon is goiug to ship in carloads, and would like to have growers hand all esti mates in by Saturday, the 14th, if possible. We should know at onoe what to depend upon. Also, please buiry those apple crop estimates. B. M. Lawrence, jr., is back on tbe road for Blake, McPall Co., Portland. Mr. Lawrence was recently married aud brought bis bride with blur on bis trip to Hood Kiver tbe first part of the week. Mrs. Lawrence Has sn well phased with the city toll they expect to make tbeir residence here. B 0. Illanoher and J. H. lleilhron ner arid their wives spent the week end at Trout Lake, returning home Monday evening. J. P. Gilliette, postmaster at ('as cade Locks, visited Wm. Ganger MondHy and spent tbe day viaiting Dee and looking over tbe valley. K. II. Baker, wife aud ion, Klwin, i f San Jose, Cal., visited the family f Kev. G. B. Williama a few days aud returned to Portland Tuesday for Seattle and the Knst. Special Hazelwood toe cream at Koss & Kiobarda, is Maple loe Cream itb whipped cream center. Regular flavors as usual. Special orders will receive careful attention. lot Baptist Ladies Aid Society will give a lawn social Friday eveu iug, August 13, on tbe grounds euHt of the parsonage, near the oburch. Ieo crouin aud other refreshments will be served. Seven par cent money to loan on improved Hood Kiver Valley lands. Improve your apple lauds. See W. If Winana, at Winaus on Mt. Hood It. R , or write me at Dee, Ore., Hood River county. Mrs. W. P, Dutton, of lleppner, and Mrs. Kate Fuller, ot Willow Hat, spent a tew days this week with Mr. ud Mrs. S. R. Reeves, before de parture of tbe latter for Maine, where they will make their home. Duane aud Gordeu Wledeo returned Monday from Portland, where they spent a tew days visiting friends. Conductor Wieden left for Portland in tbe afternoon to resume bis run. He sayB that he has about lx aorea of potatoes planted this yer, besides about five acres of berries sat between tbe rows of bis young orchard in Odidl district, where the family are spending the summer. "THE SCHOOL OF QUALITY" Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Oregon 8 8 A. ft Arrnitrontf, LL.B., Principal Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwest. Open all the year. More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue. New Hotel Waucoma Sunday Dinner, August 15, 1909 MENU C Dsomme Royal Queen Olives Cream of Tomato Sweet Pickles Fried Fillet of Sole Tartar Sauce Boiled Calves Tongue Tomato Sauce Fried Spring Chicken a la Maryland Banana Fritters Lemon Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Beef Au Jus Roast Pork with Apple Sauce Mashed Potatoes String Beans Succotash Cold Asparagus with Mayonnais Apple Pie Custard Pie Chocolate Ice Cream with Cake Nuts and Raisins American Cheese Tea Bent's Water Crackers Coffee Milk ALL SEATS 50c ALL SUNDAY DINNERS ARE SPEOIAL J. . NICHOLS UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR All chIIh promptly Attended, nlKlit or day, cUy or country EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Nichol ltl.lt' . I or. (ink urn) '.Hi Hlx. HOOD RIVKK, OKKOON rue ivi-M HoMK-omce .TUB; Residence 3a i,rjrM FAr:iKic-()fflc.e;V)l3; Ken. Mil