HOOD KIVEK GLACIER THURSDAY, AUGUST 12 0. Five A Poor Weak Woman As she h termed, will endure bravely and patiently aonief which a strong man would give way under rhe fact n women are more patient than they ouishr lo be under uch troubles. Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the most experienced medical advice free of charge and in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to the World s Dispensary Medical Association, R. V Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y for many years and has had a wider practical experience 4 mm H ,7",mem m wo1 "ca" ny other physician in this country. His medicines are world-famous for their astonishing efficacy. The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and deli cate women la Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. SICK WOMEN WELL. .hTnpindr7".re ."'""P'0" woman's peculiar ailment, are fully set forth in Plain English in the People s Medical Adviser (1008 pages), a newly revised and up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will he mailed free on recent of 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address as above. THE FUTURE OF APPLE CULTURE Id writing of the "Future cf Apple Culture," Mr. C. S. Stowell, of Iim ber Valley, Klickitat County, guys: There is a prevalent Impreitlon, far more general tbau it ought to be, that tbe large auuual iuoreiiHe of the aoreage devoted to apple orchards will result in over-production. Ibis, in common with most other popular errors, is an abnotutely baseless as sumption due to the nut i-tical iguor anoe of its adbei-euts. Modern bygeuio research has clear ly demonstrated that the apple is not to be classed as a luxury, but as a positive neoeesily, and Is. or should be, an indispensable item of the daily food of every household, and many people are rapidly reooguiziug tho fact that a tew dollars expended on apples will effect a saving ot many dollars on drugs. tiven amougnt tbe Oriental nations of Asia there is a i steadily growing deniaud for apple; and if tbe inhabit nit- ot these countries, who for centuries have subsisted mainly on a vegetal tan diet, deem it expedient to supple ment their own lusoinus troplotd products with tbe noblest fruit of the temperate zones, common sense would suggest that the meat-gorging ADlgo Saxon racn should emulate their wise example and modify tbe ghastly conglomeration of bleached II in r and soorcbed corpses with which we persistently load our unfortunate stomaabs, and not expect those much abuteJ reoeptaolen, when they finally refuse to do tbe work of a reck crusher, to became rejuvenated by copious draughts ot dubious "dys pepsia cures" and abominable "tab lets." Some few years bince, during a visit to London, England, my atten tion was called to a banket of "Spitz en bergs" in a store window bearing tbe legend "Krom tbe Famous Hood River Valley, Oregon, U. S. A." I entered and enquired tbe price, which the proprietress told me whs 12o apieoe. "Why" I exclaimed "is n't that pretty dear? "No sir," she replied, "that's werry cheap; we jien erally pays that for 'em at wholesale and sells 'em for halfpence and nine pence besob." Sixteen or eighteen cents for a single "five tier" Spitz does not seem to predicate any dan ger of planting too many apple trees. in 1880 tbe toial product ot tbe apple crop of this country was 09, 070,U(I0 barrels or 171,075,000 busheli. Since then hundreds of thousands ot aores have been added and methods of fruit growing have been improved, yet -be government reports show tint in 1U08 the aggregate crop was not more tlnn 25,000,000 barrels or 62'... million bushels. Moat of the middle Western and Eastern Etates reported small yields in 11108 due to failures in numerous instances, but generally because of insect peetB. Many orchards are neglected and in scores of places the trees were per initted to perHh for lank of care aud attention. Had it not been for tbe enormous crops of tbe PaoiHo aud NorthweBteru states and province last year'au apple famine would hare resulted. Should this state of aftairs continue for the. next decade, both tbe United States and (Canada will have to import apples instead ot ex porting tbem. So fear not, O ! ye .of little faitb, but out every dollar or steal into Klickitat Couuty apple orchards. If, despite the foregoing figures, any ot yon still dread tbe bogey cf "over-production, send all your extra nursery stock by Snowden stage to ttie writer, who will return thanks fur all donations, as he is long on land but short on trees. Ooldendale Agriculturist. ALL OUT OF BORIS Has any Hood River IVrs in Eyer Felt that Way? Keel all out of sorts? Tired, Blue, Irritable, Nervous? Hack feel lame and acby? That's tbe story ot sick kidneyi Had blood circulating about?; Urio acid pouiooing be body. Just one way to leel right igaia, (Jure the sluggish kidueys; Do it with Dotn'l Kidney Pills. 1 1. inn's have cored many Hood Hirer people. J Here's one case. Mrs. J. T. Holman. of Main St., Hood River, Ore., says: 1 do not know what 1 would have doue had it not been tor Moan's Kidney Pills coming to my relief when they did. 1 suffered trom backache, neHasonc and u geueral disordered condition of my kidneys. I had tried so many different remedies without finding relief, that 1 did not have much con Udei'oe in Donn's Kidney Pills, but 1 nevertheless procured a box at Clarke's drug store, deciding to give tbem a trial. 1 was very much sur mised at tbe quick rel'el 1 derived. I continued using them, was cured aud have not had the least sign of kidney trouble Bince. 1 call icooui and Dean's. Kidney Pills as a reli able reniedv for kidney complaint in ts various forms. For sale by all dealers. Price BO centc. Foster -Milburu Uo., mirraio New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Donn's and take uo other. Could Not Ho Without It. Santa Kosa, Aug. 0, 1909. lOd tor (llaoier Please find enclos ed 11.80, to renew our subscription to the Hood Kiver Olaoier for auother year, uould not possioiy ao wnnuus tbe Glacier. It would be like loslug a friend. Yonre respectfully, U. Otosser. Limit Your Spending And Save the Balance Whal is a better way to jvt a start financially than to limit yoursaving and spend the balance. Not your saving alone will make you independent your money must be in ;i safe place and must work for you. We provide you with every safeguard and pay interest on time and savings deposits Coffee The kind that makes the break fast real Coffee through and throughalways the same. Your grocer will grind it better if ground at home not too fine. First National Bank Capital and Surplus, $120,000 t Hart Bros. Meat Market f Corner 12th and II Streets Fresh, Smoked and Salt Meats - ji Fresh Fish Fridays and Saturdays W Buy Where you Can Get the Uest Free Delivery J 3? and Cbeapeal Phone 70 W .Mount Hood Store. W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor. Dry (loods Ammunition Boots and Shoes 1 1 ardware tlrauiteware Bay Grain Flour Feed Full line of Groceries Notice. Regular services will be conducted in the Alliance Cbapel, corner May and Eighth Streets, as follows: SUNDAY 11 a. H, Morning worship. 8 P M. Evangelistic service. TUESDAY 8 p. m. Prayer meeting and liible read ing. FRIDAY 2:li0 r. m. Divine healing. 'I'M 'I I I Ml ii"! IH fl'H"M"I Slab Wood I am prepared to furnish Slab Wo.id of the very best (iiality, in any quantity, at prices that will surprise you. If von are in need T wood now, or (or winter use, see nie at once. This is your chance. Thos. Shere Call or Phone 2092k The Best Apple Boxes 9c BRIDAL VEIL LUMBERING COMPANY Home Phone -X (BRANCH) E. C. BROCK, Res. Mgr. HOOD RIVER i i i i 4 4 Great Bargains ! Denatured Alcohol f in All the Departments of Our Large Store . . . Bragg Mercantile Company J-H-H-H-1-H-HH Trio Orchestra Music Fumiahed P'or All Occasions. Instrumentations from three to any numtier desrred. Address or phone C. Q. NEWMAN, Hood River, Ore. Plume M-X or 2i9-L. i 4 If yon have occasion to use alcohol for burning or any mechanical or industrial purpose you shold know that ;is n result, of the new law, grain alcohol cfin now lie had at a price which makes it an object to use instead ot wood alcohol. Have You a Chafing Dish? Denatured Alcohol is superior to the dangerously poisQii&US wood alcohol, besides it does not give On any offensive smell when used in chafing dishes in your private room or in the presence of company. We can supply you with any quantity. CHAS. N. CLARKE The Glacier Pharmacy i i i i i i i i The Square Deal Is the place to get your Wagons, Buggies, Hacks, Plows, Har rows, Cultivators, Spray Pumps, Hose & Nozzles, Gasoline Power Spraying Outfit, complete wgt . 328 lbs. Myer Cog Gear Hand Pumps guaranteed to give satis faction. The right kind of Hose Nozzle and Fittings. Extension Head Disc, Harrows with wheel trucks, Garden Tools, Planet Jr. Seeders. I have in Stock Rub beroid Roof ing, House Paint, genuine Avenarius Carbolenium,CooperSpray Groceries, Flour and Feed. Stumping Powder, Caps and Fuse. d. Mcdonald Wm. Cooper and Nephews TREE SPRAY FLUIDS Store VI FLUID IS TOR Winter or Spring Use ON DORMANT TREES It Kills SAN JOSE SCALE Oyster Shell Scale, Eggs of Insects and Spores of Fungi, Mosses and Lichens. V2 FLUID is:ior Summer Use When Trees are In Bud or Leal It Kills Codling Worm, Oyster Shell Scale Insect, Wooly and All Forms of Aphis, Pear and Apple PSYLLA WITHOUT INJURY TO LEAF OR ULOSSOM. NO SEDIMENT TO CLOG NOZZLES Mixes Instantly With Cold Water Immediately Ready CHARLES Q. ROBERTS, General Agent Sold by D. McDONALD, Hood River A COMPLETE JNE OF Feed, Grain, Field Seed Poultry Supplies Spray Materials, Fertilizers, Etc. AT Whitehead's Feed Store Land For Sale 1 have about 1,000 acre of No. 1 Apple Land, most of it under ditch at pricon ranging from G0 ' ijfc W per acre up. In tracts from ten acres up. & J. K. MtiCLtl Hood River - - - Oregon ri1HHMHHM THE HALL DRUG STORE Prescription Specialists Hood River Oregon Home Phone 174 Third St. and Cascade Ave., Hood River, Oregon F. H. Coolidge Dealer in Elgin, Waltham, Hamilton high grade Watch es. All Repair Work given prompt attention. Satisfac tion guaranteed. F. H. COOLIDGE WatchmaKer (Si Jeweler Opposite Paris Fair Don't Leave the Hood River District Without Investigating Mosier Valley Natural advantages lor fruit growing unexcelled. Land dtIoai have doubled within the last two yearn hut are not over half that asked for similar lanu 111 oilier MCtloM. Buy now before the speculators add their protitfl. COMMERCIAL CLUB OF MOSIER MOSIER, OREGON. Six Miles East of Hood River, Oregon 5