Three - .. .. .. . n i m.ri Baud atvAA ftUOtufi gflDAfiPAlAP&tJBT jsJtgog MAKING F (REWORKS Some Pyrotechnic Products Must Ory In the Open Air. TRYING FOR NEW DESIGNS. Staff of Artists Continually Devising Color Schemei to Be Worked Out In Fire The Conetruction of the Set Piecee Work of the Chemists. DRUG DREAMS. The first step In manufacturing fire works is the making of the cases, or shells, as the cylinders or other recep tacles in which the explosives and the chemicals are placed are called. Prac tically all of these are made of innu merable sheets of tissue paper pasted and rolled together until the thickness required Is attained. Most of these cases are made by machinery and are delivered as wanted to the places where they are to be filled or charged with the materials that have been pre pared. All the charging is done by machinery except in the big shells that throw forth Bets of stars of varying colors. In these each "star" has to be placed in a certain position so as to explode in Just the right way at the proper instant. Out of doors in pleasant weather the long lines of fuse "quick match" they are called are made. These are wound on reels six or seven feet across. Their basis is loose cotton cord covered with various highly lutiammable chemicals. "Quick match," roman candles and a number of other pyrotechnic products cannot be dried by artificial heat. They must He in the open air until the mois ture used lis mixing the chemicals evaporates. All the year around the artists on the staff of the pyrotechnic manufac turers are taxing their brains design ing color schemes to be worked out in fire. Outside of the big set pieces, which are much in vogue, a great deal of attention is given to rockets, bombs and rocket bombs, of which there are innumerable kinds. When the artist has evolved some striking color effect he turns over his painting to the chemists, whose task it is to combine various combustible ingredi ents so as to reproduce what the painter has put on his canvas. The race between the art department and the staff chemists is unending. It is the boast of the chemists that they can duplicate in their burning colors any combination of paints that can be presented to them. These colors are imparted by the heated vapors of certafn metals. So dium, for instance, gives a yellow light, calcium red. strontium crimson and hiirlum ereen. The number of chemicals, common and rare, employed In the manufacture of fireworks is prodigious. Take blue stars, for in stance. These are commonly produced by a combination of chlorate of potash, calomel, sulphuret of copper, oxychlo rlde of copper, dextrin, stearin, black oxide of copper, copper filings and sal ammoniac. Every fireworks manufacturer bas his carefully guarded trade secrets. Pyrotechnics in its various branches and as a whole Is taught in no uni versity, and there Is little printed lit erature on the subject. The construction of the set pieces, especially If they are large. Is a huge task. First the artist draws the pic ture. It is complete in every detail of outline and shade of color. This is marked off into equal squares, each of which represents a square foot In the actual reproduction in tire. Sections of light boards, say. 20 by 25 feet are built and laid flat on the ground, and rectangles a foot square are marked thereon. On the section is outlined the picture that the artist has made, with the different colors indicated in their proper groupings. Loose over this is built a checkerboard frame work of light lathe. Then come men with strips of rattan. They tack these to the framework, following exactly every line that has been' indicated on the boards below, leaving practically a huge line drawing In rattan. Then come men with thousands of big pins ordinary pins, but about an inch long. These are set in the rattan an inch apart. These are followed by other men. who cut the heads off the pins. After this comes a gang of men with bundles of little fireworks, two inches loug by oue-quarter to three quarter Inches lu diameter, In varying colors or combinations of color to cor respond with the original drawing. These are called "gerbes." When ig nited they emit sheaves of fire. These are stuck on the pins and glued, each shade of color lu Its proper place along the framework. After this has been done another gang comes with hundreds of feet of "quick match" and connects all these thousands of "gerbes" together. Loose ends are left here and there for firing when the piece is in place ready to be set off. Then these sections are hoist ed into their proper positions, and aft er infinite labor everything is ready for ttie wonderful delight to the eye. which may last between one and four minutes. So swiftly does the fire run from "gerbe" to "gerbe" through this -quick match" that the biggest "pic ture" that is usually shown will be aflame in every part In three seconds. There is said to be little or no dan ger about firing these set pieces or even in setting off the bombs that ex plode with such fearsome noise. The ends of the "quick match." where the "port fire" Is applied by the men who do the igniting, are carefully timed so that they have plenty of chance to get out of the way.-New York Press. Queer Vision Conjured Up In the) Brain of Oaring Experimenter. An experimenter with the Mexican drug mescal Is rewarded by many and varied visions Before him flit myriads of dainty butterfly forms, glis tening, iridescent, tlbrous wings of Insects, revolving vessels on whose highly polished concave surface of inotbcr-of-pearl many strange and vivid hues play. There are elaborate sweet meats In endless and appetizing va riety and living arabesques of gorgeous hues and superhuman design. He may take up a pen for the pur pose of making notes, but will find himself unable to use It A pencil. however, proves easy of manipulation. As he writes his paper is covered with a soft golden light, and his bands, seen Indirectly, appear bronzed, scaled, fantastically pigmented and flushed with red. Tiring of the visions, be may light the gas, which immediately fills the room with a glorious radiance, while wonderfully colored shadows of red. green and violet flit here and there. Generally, it is said, no feeling of de pression or physical discomfort fol lows the dream. A medical experimenter In Kentucky soon after taking a large dose of hash eesh began to feel very excited; a feel ing of inner Joyousness possessed him; all fatigue seemed banished forever, and his mind ran riot, one bizarre idea after another rapidly passing through bis mind. Later his brain appeared to split In two parts, one of which urged him to the performance of comic gestures, while the other as insistent ly hinted at impending death and sug gested restraint and Instant medical advice. While waiting for a doctor he experi enced alternate spells of lucidity and periods when all connections between himself and the outside world seemed to be severed, when a chaos of disjoint ed ideas and wild reveries obsessed him. The duration of these latter periods was never longer than two minutes, but each seemed an eternity. It appeared a hopeless task to follow the minute band of his watch during Its infinite round; long before the sixty seconds bad elapsed he gave up the stupendous task In deep despair. The departure of the doctor synchronized with the return of the feeling of im pending death, now most horribly In tense. He imagined himself surrounded by grotesque, menacing, cruel Vlsaged monsters. He felt himself expanding, dilating, dissolving Into space, as he ascended steep precipices, covered with Brobdlgnaglan creatures some what like lizards, overhanging enor mous abysses, the while he was over whelmed by a horrible, rending, un utterable despair Detroit News-Tribune. Pastime Parlors On the Heights Fine Line Cigars and Confectionery, Soft Drinks, Stationery & Notions. L. B. STEVENS & CO. BARGAINS IN LAND $200 casli Forty acres at $40 per acre, balance $10 per month. Ten Ki'res. three acres just set to trees, all under ditch ; $10 per acre, $I!00 down, $1B per month. Twenty-four acres; 130 apples 4 to 6 years old. 300 two years old, all newly fenced, 2 acies in strawberries, build ings on plate, inches of water from spring. Price, $5,000 ; $1000 down and $800 ner annum until paid. 11 Hcres, 10 In young trees, $250 an acre $500 carr anil $oOtt a year on oaiance. J. ADRIAN EPPING PHONE 1492-K. Open River Trans portation Co. Service between Portland, Hood River and The Dalles. Steamer J.N. TEAL. OWNED BY THE PEOPLE m,.,iH 1 Biinuorted bv the People We give spectal attention to fruit shipments Spacious accommodations for handling live stock ami wagons. solicit your patronage. E. M. Miller, A at. Dorsey B Smith Mr Hood River Portland I $.!BU!i'iE55 COLLEGE EStf PORTLAND. ORMON Rl WRITE FOR CATALOG Tk, Srh.ndlkat I'laea You in OoodFtlMm MAKING GOLD LEAF. by CHAPMAN & CARNES Successor to Chapman & Co. Dealers in Staple & Fancy Groceries. Feed and HARDWARE Flour, We solicit a portion t' your patronage. Hood River Heights Free Delivery Phone TS-K t SEE j. k. McGregor For Good Fruit Land At $30 per acre. Identical in soil with and close to Hood River. MOSIER, OREGON $ Stoves, Heaters and Ranges All kinds, New andSecona-hand. liig Stock of New and Second-hand Furniture, Carpets. Art Squares Rugs Chairs, Rockers, ifitc. Agent For CHARTER OAK Stoves and Ranges O. P. DABNEY & CO. P. M. MORSE Davidson Building CITY ENGINEER SURVEYOR BLUE PRINTING Manager Hood River office For NEWELL, GOSSETT & WALSH CIVIL ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS, Portland GOULD & SNYDER PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating All jobbing promptly attended to. TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. AGENTS FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Eaggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Real Estate LOANS, RENTINOI& COLLECTING A Specialty of City Property, Residence i-ots, and Hmall Tracts Clone In. For Hargalim call on or address JeMH T. D. TWEEDY Hood Klver Home Phone H7.L HOOD RIVER APPLE VINEGAR CO. Manufacturers Pure Apple Cider & Apple Vinegar We receive Canning and Cider Apple from one season to another, paying market price for the same. In ship ping over Mt. Hood R. R. or from iM osier there will be no transfer charge from freight house to factory. Patronize your home Industry and let us have your apples. The Metal Is Beaten For Hour Men, Than Finilhad by Qirla. in one of the downtown business streets may be seen sticking from one of the upper windows a massive arm and band, tbe band grasping a buge hammer and the whole sign gilded. It Is tbe sign of tbe gold beaters' estab lishment, where thousands of tbe gold sheets are turned out after having been packed by girls. (iold leaf Is packed more by the aid of the breath than by the hands. The operation of transferring a sheet of almost transparent gold leaf from one place to another Is so delicate that It Is possible to do It only by a light puff of the breath. It takes most girls six weeks to acquire this knack, and some girls are never able to acquire It. The gold reaches the beaters first In wide bars or nuggets and has to be weighed, melted and made Into Inch wide ribbons before anything else Is done. The ribbon Is then cut Into Inch squares and beaten with a hammer wielded by a man. When each leaf has been beaten thin It la transferred to a mold, where It Is beaten four hours more. The beating Is done wltu a wooden hammer weighing from seveu to eighteen pounds, on a sheep skin cushion, which rests on a granite block. The gold used for beating la m-ually 12 or 23 carats fine. A little alloy of copper or silver Is added to make It spread. It would be Impos sible, the beaters aay, to handle per fectly pure gold. After the gold has been beaten It Is handed over to the girls, who lift tbe unshaped leaf from the mold with a pair of wooden pinchers, flatten It out on a sheepskin cushion by gently blow ing on It. cut It to a perfect square. replace It between the leaves of the book and flatten It out with the breath. There are twenty-nve leaves In a book, and a skilled girl can pack sev enty books In a day, for which she gets from 2 to 3 centa book. New York Times. ARNOLD & RUPP DENTISTS WORK GUARANTEED. Logical Result. On the notice board of a church near Manchester tbe other day the fol lowing announcements appeared to gether: A potato pie supper will bo held on Saturday evening. Subject for Sunday evening, "A Night of Ag ony." Manchester Guardian. Crown and Bridge .Work a Specialty. BROSIUS BUILDING. HuntPaint& Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES HEATH & MILL1GAN MIXED PAINTS. Our Stock of Paper Include! latest designs In Blanks, Oil tl and High Grades, from 10c up. A full stock of Room Molding, Picture Kail, riate nan arm a smai line of novelties in Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the latest thing In Room Tintine. mixed to order. Painting, Paper Hanging. Sign Work Horn Phone 116 First and Oak Streets HocKcnbcrry & Bartlett ARCHITECTS Blue Prints Done to Order. HOOD RIVER, OREGON Davidson Building Phone 61 VctcrinarySurgcon J. SANDERS Office at Fleming & Taft's Feed Store Night calls at F. A. Fleming's house Rhone 232- M In Later Year. "We." remarked the young married woman, "try to see how few quarrels we can have lu a year." 'We." said the old married woman, "try to see bow few cooks." Louis ville Courier-Journal. Without a frleuil the world la a wil derness tatfl&JBBSES!: Cholera Infantum Cored. "Something like two years ago my baby, which was then about a year old, was taken seriously ill with cholera in fantum, vomiting and purging profusely, write J. F. Pempsey ot Denipsey, Ala. "I did what I could to relieve her but did her no good, and being verv much alarmed about her went for a physician but failed to rind one. so came back to Elder Bros. A Carter's store, and Mr. Elder recommended Chamberlain's Col li, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. I procured a bottle of it, went home as quickly as pOSfibje and gave tbe halijr a dose of the remedy. It relic ! her in fifteen minutes and soon cured her en tirely." For sale by all dealers. She Dot. Suffragette We believe that a wo man should get a man's wages. Mar ried Man-Well, Judging from my own experience, she does. Boston Trail acrioL Washington's Plague Spots lie in the low, marsliv bottom- of the Potomac, the breeding ground of m laria germs. 1 bese germs cause chills, fever and ague, biliousness, jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility and bring suffering or death to thous- ands yearly But Electric Bitters never fail to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "They are the beet all round tonic and cure for malaria I ever used," writes K. M. James, of lyiuellen, 8. (J They cure Stomacli, Liver, Kidney and Hood Troubles and will prevent typhoid. Try them, 50c. Guaranteed by I 1 1 as . Clarke. Underwood and Little White Salmon PAGHION STABLE ..Livery, Feed and Draying.. STRANAHANS & RATHBUN JHoocL River, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture an pianos. We do everything horses can do. Choice Fruit Lands Improved and Unim proved Land at Reason able Prices. - Small Tracts a Specialty WRITE OR CALL ON F.W.DeHart Underwood, Wn. ADVISE. YOUR FRIENDS "The Best Way" To See Hood River Canyon and Valley is via Mt. Wood Railroad A RIDE ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM DUST Train leaves Hood River 8 A. M. every day and returns 6:10 P. M. Spend your Sunday in the mountains. A. WILSON, Agent J. H. GILL DKAI.KIi IN Staple & Fancy GROCERIES AND HARDWARE SOLK AGENTS FOR Majestic & Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery Hood River Heights Oregon Phones Wharf ilont No. 14-F. Office 5 R. E. Harbison A. L. Newton BOXES Crates and Fruit Packages of All Kinds. Band Sawing and Other Wood Work Given Special Attention. Saw Filing and Mill Saw Repairing Hood River Box Co. Hood River, Ore. Home Phone 175 Harness & Saddlery Harness Made to Order and Repaired Lap Robes, Horae Blanket Tenta, Wagon Covers, Water Bags, Etc. Davenport Harness Co. Tents and Wagon Covers Carriage Trimming Summer Lap Robes, Gloves, Etc. Harness Made to Order GEORGE IRVINE, Hood River, Or. HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT CO. J, M. BCHMKLTZKK, BKCRKTABY ABSTRACTS, INSURANCE, CONVEYANCING and SURETY BONDS. We have the only Complete Bet of abstract books in Hood River County and are in a position to execute all work with promptness and accuracy. We repreeeDt some of the best old line lire insurance companies doing business in Oregon and can give tbe best Kire Insurance obtainable for the money. -:- Our reputation as conveyancers is known to all. All of our work it guaranteed. -:- Come to us when you want Surety Bonds of any description. Office in DAVIDSON HI IK.. N. E. corner Cascade Aveand Third St. Home Phone HOOD RIVER, ORE. CENTRAL MEAT MARKET Ph. C. YOUNG, Prop. Fresh and Cured Meats Lard, Poultry and Fish HOOD RIVER, ORE. Phone Main 6 FreelDelivery Don't Overlook this August CLEARANCE SALE OF Broken Buses of Ladies' Beautiful White Lawn Waists Also Ladies' Summer Underwear at the lowest price Fine line of Ladies' black and tan Oxfords, price $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 Also Men's Oxfords in black and tan from $3.50? to 4.50 Do Not Miss the Bargains at CARMICHAEL'S