gl)c ffatfl lutef HOOD RIVER, OREGON, AUGUST 5 1909 s'O. 12 VOL. X.XI SOCIETIES. HOOD I U V Kit COM M KRCI AL CLUB Meet every second Monday In ecli month at 8 p. in In the club rooms over Jackson's store. fit ah. T. Kaklv, Pre. (J. I). Nickklskn, Secretary. HOOD RIVER LODUE NO. 106, A. K. and A. M. Meets Saturday evening on or before each full moon. L. N. Huiwkbs, W. M D. McDonald, Secretary. HOOD RIVKR CHAPTER NO. 27. R. A. M. Meetsfirst and third Friday uiuhtsof each month A. 0. Statun, H. P. Geo. Sharp, Secretary. Hood River Commtndery No. 12, K. T. Meets every first Tuesday evening of each month. W. K. Laraway, E. C A. D. Moe. Recorder. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. 25, O. E. 8 -Meet second and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Visitors cordially welcomed. MBS. H. Li. IH'mble, W. M. MiHslDm. Woodwohtu, Secretary. IDLKWll.DE LODGE NO. 107, I. O. O. F. Meet in Fruvrnal hall, every Thursday night. J. M. Wood, N. O. Geo. Thomson, Secretary EDEN ENCAMPMENT, NO. 48, I. O. O. F. Regnlar meeting second and fourth Monday of each mouth. J. H. Ferguson, C. P. Geo. Shki'akd, Scribe. K EMP LODGE, No. 181, 1. 0. O. F.-Meets In Odell Improvement Co. s hall every Halur day night. Visitors cordially welcomed. J. W. Wilson, N. G. Byron smith, Sec. LAUREL REUEKAH DEGREE LODGE NO. si, l o. O. F.-Meet first and third Fridays lu each month. Mrs. Wm. Ganger, N. O. ZohA Day, Secretary. W. O. W. meets the 2d and Hn Saturdays each month at I. O. O. F. hall. - Visitors cor dially Invited. J. D. Wall, C. C. F. W. McRey.nolus. Clerk. WAUOOMA LODGE NO. 30, K. OF P Meets in K. of P. hall every Tuesday night. Jus. Fha.ikr, Jk.,0. C. H.T. DeWitt, K.ofR. and I, HOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 7,702, M. W. A. Meels lu I. O. O. F. hall every Wednesday J night. A. R. CRUMP, V. C. Ed. Mayes, Clerk. BOOD RIVER CIRCLE NO. 524, WOMEN OF Woodcraft-Meels al l.O. 0. K. hall on the first and Third Saturdays of each month. Mrs. Wm. Ganger, N, G. Alice Shay, Clerk. RIVERSIDE LODGKNO. 08 A. O. U. W. Meets first and third Saturdays of each month. K. E. Chapman, M. W. GEO. Slocom, Financier Chester Mhute. Recorder. OLETA ASSEMBLY NO. 103, UNITED ART-Isans.-Meels the first and third Wednes days, work: secoad and fourth Wednesdays Artisans' hall. C. D. IIinricus, M. A. W. H. Austin Secretary. COURT HOOD RIVER NO. 42, FORESTERS ofJAmerica, -Meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Wm. Fleming, C. R. F. C. Brosipb, Secretary. CANBY P(MT, NO. 16, G. A. R. MEETS AT A. O. U. W. hall, second and fourth Satur days of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members invited to meet with us. Fred Diet., Commander. 8. F. Blytue, Adjutant, CANBY W. R. C.No. 16-MEETS SECOND ud fourth Saturdays of each Month In A. o. U. W. hall at 2 p. in. Mrs Jennie Bentley, President. Mrs. AiiniE J. Baker. Secretary. MOUNTAIN HOME CAMP No. 34U8, R. N. A. Meets at L O. O. F. Hall ou the second and fourth Fridays ol each month. Mrs. II. Peeler, O. Mrs. 0. U. Dakin, Recorder. PAYNTER LODGE, No. 2110, M. B. A. meets first and third Fridays of each month at K. of P. hall. Caison BOCKLI. I les Aua. Guignard, Sei . M l . HOOD LODGE No. 20f, 1. O. O. F. Meet every Saturday evening in dribble's nail Ml, Hood. G. II. Monroe, N. d. G. W. DiHMit K, Sec. hood river Valley humane society Hood River, Ore. E. II. Hartwlg. Free. F. d. toe, Sec. Leslie Butler, Treas. OREGON ORATE REBEKAU LODdE no. 181,1.0. o. F. Meets second and fourth Wednesdays In each mouth lu dribble's Hall, Mt. Hood, Ore. Mrs. Millie Hardman, N. d Mrs. Minnie L. Larwood, Sec. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AM) SUROKON Telephones: Office, 281; residence, 811. SURGEON O. R. A N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN vND SURGKON. Calls promptly answer 3d in towD or country, Day or Night. Telephones: Residence, 611: Office, 613. Office lu the Hroslus Building. E. 0. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U over FirHt National Hank, Hood River, Oregon. Office Phone Main 871 Res Main 873 M. F. SHAW, M. D. Office in Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 5(13. DR. M. H. Sharp Dr. Edna B. Sharp Osteopathic Physicians Graduates of tlie American School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Office in Billot Hlock. Home Phone 102 K. 102-B F 0. BROSILIS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M.; 2 to 8 and 6 to 7 P M. M. E. WELCH, LICENSED VETERINARY SURGEON Is prepared to do any work In the veterin ary line. He can be found by calling at or pn- ning to (,'iarae s arug store. DR. EDGINGTON Smith Building HOOD RIVER - - OREGON A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. H. D. W. PINE0,D.D.S. DENTIST Office over Telephone First National Bank 131 0. H. JENKINS, D.M.D. UENTIST Telephones: Office 28; residence 28-H Office over Butler Bank, A. JAYNE LAWYER Abstracts Furnished. Money Loaned. John Leland Henderson ATTORNEY AT LAW Hood River - - Orluon First National Bank Resources over 400,OUO. OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital 100,000 Surplus $20,000. Everything For the Nursery Specialty of Newtowns Higb Grade ind Spitz. C. D. THOMPSON Phone 8232-M. Chris Ranley SHOE REPAIRER Has moved from The Tog gory to Fleming fc Taft's Store, Third Street, back of the First National Rank and invites old ami new patrons to call on him. Work done at very reasonable prices. For Hale Five acre orchard of thrifty young trees. Will sell cheap and require no rush payment from a reliable man who will Improve place by building a house. Also have a four room house, lot 50x100, which I will sell on small monthly payments to re liable party, or will trade for vacant lot on which I can build. Adress T. O. Box M, Jelfltf Hood River, Ore. W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Resident Agents For Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON FREDERICK & ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS fUUmati furnished on all kinds of work Phones: iZlLZ W. W. NASON CONTRACTOR lirick, Cement and Plastering Raeclith Flooring HOOD RIVER, OREGON. H-H-KHHWH-M-H"I"I"I hM"Hf r For vSale at a bargain Twenty acres of best APPLE and STRAWBERRY LAND in Willow Flat; 12 acres in young orchard, Newtown and Spitz. All under ditch, no waste; small house, beautiful grove of large oaks makes fine building lite ; fine view of val ley and mountains, half mile from proposed electric line; 1 miles to depot at Odell. Price $5750; good terms. Last month it was $0000, but I was greatly in need of money and will make a sale, even if I sell for less than I know the place is worth. Write to the owner A. Schiller J. Dee. Oregon. or phone to him at Odell, 1x2. HH-H"1-H-I"I"I"I"I"I"I-H-I"I-1"I-H-W Morse & Morse Successors to Ralph Reed Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle Stranahan & Slave n Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER. OREGON. O. J. NELSON. Real Estate Homesteads a Specialty. Nut and Fruit Lands in tracts from 10 acres to 10,000 acres. Will trade Hood River property for cheaper Real Estate in other places. Office with E. H. Hartwig, Smith Block J. H. Osborne, Vice Pres. H. W. Pratt, Cashier. HnoH k I MP T HA fl V 1 M P and Trust Co. We transact a general banking business and own our own banking property Interest paid on time and Savings deposits Safe deposit boxes. A. C. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Brosims Block Money to loan on improved ranch property. Hood River Banking & Trust Co. Don't go around like a man who Has moved and can find everything but what he is looking for; What you want is HERE No. 1 145 acres of the Upper Valley's best soil, all cultivable. 10 acres un der cultivation ; 15 acres to be cleared by oontraet Nov. 1. 400 trees, 1, 2 aiid 3 years. Good house being en larged and good barn. In half-mile of school and church services. Stock and implements included. Will sub divide. 814200. No. 2 50 acres, Upper Valley; 14 acres under cultivation. 2'4 acres of berries ; 250 3 and 4 year old trees. Small house, good barn. Some stock and implements. 85500. No. 3 45 acres at Odell Station. 15 acres cleared. Good large house. Will subdivide. 812000. No. 11 acres at Lenz Station. Near ly all cleared; 6 acres in hay. All good apple land. Small house and barn. A bargain at 84000. No. 5 80 acres in Little White Sal mon. A flue piece of land ; 35 acres In cultivation; 7 acre bearing orchard. Good buildings and all necessary im plements. 84500. No. 7 10 acres adjoining " Better Fruit" Kanch. All in 4 and 5 vear treeB. Good improvements. 8000. No. S 10 acres on West Side near ( )ak Grove hall, (t miles from Hood River. All level, cultivated and fenced. i acres in trees, 7 acres f and (i year trees. New house and barn. A beautiful home and orchard. 810000. No. 9 Kino residence and lot adjoin ing Dr. Shaw's. Two blocks Irom depot. 82000. No. lO Three fractional lots adjoin ing "The Firs," near the school house; unimproved. $14)00. No. 11 Quarter block business prop erty, adj. ining Jackson's opposite court house. 810500. May be sold separately at 80000 for the cornerand 85500 for the side lot. No. 12 Residence lots, Hherman St., to anil ou top of hill. $175 and up ward. No. 13. 100 acres near Lvle, half of it is good ft nit land, balance rough ; 10 acres in cultivation. 880 per acre. No. 15 40 acres (i nibes oi Mosier. 20 acres level; 0 acres cleared. 20(1 two year trees; fine (( room bungalow, cost 11400. $8000. No. 16 20 acres in the Crapper dis trict; li acres cultivated ; 4 1-2 acres in 3 to 7 year trees ; small house and barn. $4000. No. 17 Sold for 20,000. It has a better orchard than any in Hood River valley. It is worth $25001) and will sell for that if offered again. Gone but not forgotten. The Dead- point Improvement Company's 300 acres will be the next. See No. 2li. No. 18 2(i acres, across the road from new terminus of Mt. Hood Railroad and fram new school house; 12 acres in cultivation ; 350 two year trees; 300 ready to bear, 150 bearing; 4 acre ot alfalfa. Good new 6 room house; barn woodshed, chicken house. $10000. No. 19 Three 20 acre tracts along the river aliove Tucker's mill ; the lay of the land can't be beat, one 20, unim proved, $2000; the other two, partly cleared and set to trees, 8SO0 an acre No. 21 80 acres, 8 miles out on East Side ; HO acres a-1 apple land : 10 acres 1 to t year trees; 5 acres potatoess; 10 acres partially cleared. $H500. No. 22 A Quarter section on Rural Free Delivery Route from Wl ite Salmon ; half of it can be farmed; 8 acres in cultivation; a few bearing trees; small buildings, a million and a half feet of fir. Isn't this what you want? If vou expect to find a Itetter bargain, be patient you'll have a long look. $4000 half cash. No. 23 On Sherman Avenue, three blocks from depot. Lots 0 an 12, block 24, Hood River proper, $000. Uts 3 and 18, block 24, Hood River proper, $550. No. 24 Idlewild, Columbia Reach. Iit 8, block 22, $400. Lot , block 22, $500. No. 25 The Henderson residence on State Street, 12 years lease on ground, with two lots adjacent. Sold or ex changed. $4000. No. 26 800 acres of the Deadpoint Improvement Company. It is sur veyed and laid off in ten, acre lots. $12000 cash ; $45 an acre on easy terms ; or w ill sell approximate one- eighths from $2000 to $3000. It has eight million feet of fir that means you get the land for nothing A few years ago Upper Valley land wasn't considered worth hoinesteading ; to day it is selling for $150 an acre un improved This Deadpoint property has the same deep, red soil and it own water; it is six mileH nearer Hood River and within two miles of a station This i t he it land don't summer fallow. (Incorporated) Old Butler BanH Building Chas. G. Pratt, President. High Class Properties At Bargain Prices 215 10 acres two and a hall miles out on West Side. Two ai res 12 year old Spitz, Newtowns and Baldwins, 4 acres H year old Spitz and Newtowna, UK) 2 and 3 year old Nevvtuvvns. Home or chard of all kinds of small fruits; horse, wagon, hack and harness, all farm tools, etc.; good 7-room house, barn, apple house, chicken house, etc; good well and 7 in. irrigating water ; 3 in. irrigating water. Price $10,500 Easy terms. 588 10 acres 7 miles out on East side, quarter mile to railway station, near school, church and store; 4 acres in one year old Spftz, Newtowna und Orlleys, balance of land in clover. Price $8700, easy terms. 554 10 acres miles out on West Side. 5 acres 4 and 5 year old and 3 acres 2 and 3 year old Spitz and New towns; lj acres straw lierries, 2i acres potatoes, 2 acres clover, 8 inches irri gating water; house, barn, sheds, etc. Price $11,000, easy terms. 550 12 acres two and a half miles out on East Side; I acres Iti year old Spitz and Newtow ns, 3j acres 2 and 3 year old and 4 acres 1 year old Spitz and NewtownB, 4 acres strawberries, 1 acre 1 year old pears, I acre alfalfa, 0 room house, barn, woodshed, good well, ( inches irrigating water, all farm tools, horse, wagon and harness. Price $18,500, easy terms. 54420 acres three miles out on West Side; 17 acres in trees, mostly In bear ing, Spitz, Nevvvowns, lialdwins, Kings, Delicious, reaches, Dears, C I orries, etc.; 1 acre potatoes, half acre straw! erries, all ki'ids of garden truck; good 10 room house, with ed tnrotigii it, water also piped to burn and flower garden, stone cold storage building, chicken house and other out-buildings ; near school, church and store. Price $17,000, easy terms. 48S 40 seres four miles out on West Side; 1130 trees from 2 to 11 years old all good varieties; all kinds of grapes and berries; 4 acres hay, home or cliaid of all kiuds of small fruits; 10 inches water slock, well and pump; 8 room modern house, barn, chicken house, wood shed, etc.; team, hack and harness, 2 cows, chickens, all farm tools. I'rice, $17,000, easy terms. 451 40 acres five miles out on Lust Side ; 20 acres in orchard, 4 acres six years old, 14 acres 6, 3 and 2 years old, and two acres old orchard ; Spitz, Newtowns; Ortleys and Jonathans; 200 2 year old peach fillers, li acres in stumps, balance in oak and pine tim ber; 0 room house, small barn, all farm tools, etc; near school, church, store and railway sta'ion. Price $11,000, easy terms. E. P. 10 acres five miles south of Mo sier; 20 acres in orchard from 2 to 8 years old, all commercial vanities; water available for irrigation when needed; all fenced, volcanic ash soil. Small house, barn, winter cellar, wood shed, etc. Price $8,500, easy terms. 285 2(H) acres in Mt. llood district, twelve and a half miles from town ; 60 acres in cultivation ; 7 acres in oi -chard from 2 to 8 years old, all coin mercial varieties; 40 acres timothy, alfalfa and clover, 3 acres vegetables; 3 barns, one new H room house ami one smaller liotise, winter cellars, chicken house, wood shed, etc.; com plete blacksmith outfit, all farm tools, etc., hack anil harness. On the mam traveled Mt. Hood road. 150 acres uncleared land. Price 820,000, easy terms. Call and See Our Complete List of Hood River Prop erties Before Buying. J. H. Heilbronner and Company The Reliable Dealers Davidson Bldg., Hood River, Ore. WATER ELECTION IS ILLEGAL SO DECLARED BY THE COUNCIL aiues Found on Poll List which Xul Appear ou List of Prop erty Owners. 0t The Couueil at Us regular meeting Monday evening canvassed the vote of the speotal election held Juy 28. The Mayor staled tnat the toremnu of the judges of election informed him that there were votes oast which he afterwards found out were not on the list of pioperty owners, as certi fied by the assessor. The Couueil then checked the names with the list und found five names which did not appeal upon the list. The followiug lesolutlon was then passed: Resolved, that the Common Couu Oll, sitting as a cunvusslng hoard, Und a discrepancy between the poll hooks and certified list of free hold eis lu their judgement to vitiate rue results of the electiou, and they bete by declare said election illegal and void. Followiug the adoption ot the re solution, the city engineer was In structed to proceed at once to "con fer with the File and Water commit te, aud u side committee are hereby instructed to proceed at the earliest possible uute to resurvey aud do the uoeessary development work to esti mate the uvailability of the city spring in all details, with reference to its availability as a suitable water supply for city and domestic pm pos es, aud they are heieby instructed m employ such experts and specialists as lu their judgemeut, while keeping within the available fluauoes of 'hi nt . they may deem neoeteary. " The committee to whom was re ferred the Woodworth piopositluus for the lava bed spiing, reported that there were no available funds to buy the spnug for $15,000. As to the piopositiou to pay 1181,000, for the water alter it had been delivered to the city limits, the oity was not solic iting private parties to enter Into the water business In the city, but should any desire to do so, suoh applications would receive consideration. There was nothing lu these otters to engage serious attention of the Couueil at this time. A petition from the W. C. T. U. to the effect that liquor was being sold in the city and that the oigar stores were not being propeily conducted was reoeived aud placed ou file. The recordei was instructed to ad vertise i"or bids for building sidewalks aliing portions ot streeU which the owners of the adjacent property had failed to build, where the same bud been ordeied bf the oouuoll. Sherman avenue was ordered wid eued and opened between 'twelfth aud thirteenth streets, aud the recorder was ordered to advertise the faot in aocordnuoe with the oity charter. Ibis will take a portion of the prop erty belonging to Frank Chandler aud also Henry Coe, to make the street in that block the -a me width ew the bul suae Of Sherman avenue. A. C. Lofts sent in his resignation as oity marshal, to take elfect imme diately, aud the same was accepted. K. E. Lewis was appointed by the ma vor to till the vacancy and tbe same w a confirmed by tbe Couueil. Lecture t ourse. Ralph E. Rosa, represeutiug C. A. Stiaw, the Alllllted Lyceum Uureaus, wus in tbe oity last week and made arrangements to iuclude Hood River in the lecture course this season. An especially good list of attractions have been secured, and should insure III ling the Opera House to Its capacity at ea h eutertuiumeut. I he llrst number will be given Oo tuber 21, and will be the Central Grand Concert Co. There will be no euteitainment in December. Leo Francis Lyburgei, author, hu morist aud stoiy teller, will be here November 24. Clare Vitugbau Wales Co., musii aud oomedy, January 22. Edward Klllutt, stories fiom the stage, l el ruaiy 10. Laurunt, magician, Murob 9. Growers Will be Represented "Hood River Apple Lroweis are taking deep interest lu the plans for the second National Apple show this vear,' aud Ren 11. Rice, seorelary of tbe show, Saturday, when he returned from a short trip to tbe famous fruit Heutlou. "1 saw a number of apple growers and talked to several or the business men. including the ofllcers of the Hood River Commercial Club, and all of them said there was every probability that their section would be represented this year In competi tion. "Last year llood River had au ex hibit, but would not enter it in com petition because the glowers felt that tbey were at a disadvantage uudei tbe system of scoring. "ibis year tbe trustees of the apfle show have official ly adopted tbe scor lug rules cf the American I'omologloa! society and these rulsa are acceptable to the Hood River growers, lu tact, these rules are conceded to be the broadest aud fairest rules that can be used anywhere, 'lbey are promul gated by a society which has made a soieutitlo study of fruits for many years, aud the United States Depart ment of agriculture has officially pub lished these rules in the department bulletins. "Under this system of soorlug there is absolutely no posaible ubance ot favoiltism aud the apple show trus tees have received many comments of indorsement because ot accepting this broad basis of suoiiug. "Hood River apples will not Le so plentiful as they wore last year, but a lair crop is iu sight aud the groweis are not complaining. I he strawberry seasou has about closed, with prices ruling high and strong all the seasou. 1'he strawberry growers union are both extensive ami well oigauizbd. Spokane Chronicle. Wins Another l'rixe. Donald liiiggs lias received notice from the publisheis ot the Saturday I. wiiiug Post that he has won the automobile prize, aud has the option ot a Ford tnurlug car or $8,r0 cash. He has concluded to take the money iustead of the oar. the pony cart and harness have ar rived aud tbe new turnout is the envy of all tbe kids In town. Dancing Part). Mond"y evening a number of young people met id t h country resilience of Murruy Ray and enjoyed the even eg in dancing und a general good time. those present were: frank aud A. Cutler, Allen Reed, P. li. Stebbins, ,). L. Roberts, R. W. Kelly, Mr. Moller, Ray iiahsou; Misses Cut ler, Carter, liliiiu, Deem, Ivelsay, Uuff aud Cothuw. omliig. 1 ho people ot Hood River are to have the privilege of hearing Di. I i.v mi, of Spokane, who will assist in a series of Uospel tent meetings to be given under the aupsices of the Chris tian and Misslouuiy Alliance begin uiug August lDth. Amiable site, May street between Seveuth and Kightb streets. All aie invited. Rev. 0. E, Perry, Pasor. Mran berries Net Over 8300 an Acre. W. L. Carues has reoeived Until re turns from his struwberiies which have netted him satisfactory returns J. is season. Mr. Caiues sold through a local coucern 035 orates which brought him $1,612.40, besides 200 crates ot field pick whlob he sold locally for $200. This is the yield from four acres. He estimates the cost crates and harvesting of the 030 crates at IK) cents per orate, netting him over 300 au aore, besides the 1200 sold locally. Mr. (James raised these berries ou his place on the Last Side, between the young trees, aud they have been a great help in giviug him au Income from tbe laud while caring fur the youug apple trees. He expeuts tu set out about three acres more ot beries. Will go to Suit Lake. A good delegation from Hood River will attend tbe National Kncamp inent, O. A. R, at Halt Lake, next week. Those who will join the party from Hood River are: L. Silllmau, O R. Castner, S. F. Ulfthe. Miss Clara liythe, Alias Florence Itioslus, ohu A. Wilson aud wife, H. Copple aud wife, A. C. Stateu and wife, C. Stateu and wife, Misd Alberta Mat en. and O. L. Strauahau aud wife. Tbe round trip fare is -'.!.). i,. They will leave here Saturday evening, at 8,25, Reports from Portland say that res ervations have beeu made for two oais and there may be possibly tluee cars hum that. city. There will also be deleagtlous along the liue from here east. Washington (1. A. R. delegates will leave ihursday. Had the twu states made arrangements to go ou the same day, a special traiu could have been made up from Portland. Agriculturists to meet In Portland. Portland, tig. 2 Conventions of more than usual iuterest to the whole Northwest will be held here tbe mid die of August. The American Asso e latum of Farmers Institue Workers will gather here for tbe 14th annual meeting on August 10 and 17. The Association for tbe Promotion of Ag ricultural Science will meet here August 17 and the Assoc atlon of American Agricultural Colleges will hold the 23rd annual convention here ou August lb, Ul and 20. The con ventions will deal with scientific ag riculture and improved farming meth ods will be discussed fully. Able au thorities ou these subjects will speak. Many will be iu attendance from all parts of the Uuited States. The meetings will he held in the convention hull ot the Commercial Club. Following tbe final session on Friday, the visitors will be taken by special train ou a trip through the Willamette Valley as guests of the Commercial Club, ihe hop, prune, walnut and other leading crops ot the district will tie seen. CorvnlHs will entertain the delegates over night. Ou the following day a similar hip will be made to Hood River, whire the extensive apple orchards will he inspected. L. O. and W. A. Morgau, of Ote gon City, and J as. Rlake, of Kansas City, went into camp ou the West Fork Tuesday. APPLE Sill IV AT SPOKANE PREMIUM LIST HAS GOOD PRIZES SI, 000 and (.old Banner as larload First Prize bVft List fer Smaller Kxhiblts. One tbousaud dollars and a gold medal banner, with $500 in gold and a silver medal banner to tbe second aud a massive silver loving cup and a diploma to the third, are offered as the capital prize for a oar ot 210 bar rels or 0:t0 boxes ot the best commer cial winter apples, ono or more stun daid vaiiettes, exhibited by any own er, lessee, or agent of the land where t he fruit was grown, at the second National Apple Show in Spokane, November 10 to 20, when premiums ot a total value of 925,000 will be awarded to tbe winning entries in the 20 classes. Tbe piemier competition is open to the world, l our poiuta will be con sidered iu making the awards In this class: First, value ot the varieties for the purpose to which tbey may be adapted ; secoud, oolor, size and mil fortuity ot trult ; third, freedom from insect murks aud other blemishes; fourth, excellence iu pack. Every exhibitor in this class will teoelve a barrel of spray. The rules of the Anon icon Pumologtoal society will govern all contests. Four tracts ot orchard land, rang ing iu value from 11000 to 91250, $900 in gold, several beautiful silver tro phies aud added premiums und diplo mas are ottered in the 10-box or six btirrel competitions, with 950 to sec onds and 925 to thirds. One ten aore tiact, non Irrigated, is for Home Reauties, the wiuuer also to reoelva the Williams' i'wioo-Winner oup, now held by (leorge Farwell, of Wenat chee, Wash. Others are for Bpltzen bergs, Yellow Newtowns aud Winter liana 1 1 a. The cash pnzes, 9150 to firsts aud 950 to seconds, are for Wag ner. Arkansas lilack, Delicious, lllaok lwig, Wiuesap, Mcintosh Red, and other standard varieties of commer cial winter apples. There will also be a 950 trupby for the bust packed dis play lu this class, aud a prize of 500 one year old trees for the best 4 tier pack. Three substantial prizes ill be awarded iu the limited display con test, open to individuals, counties, districts, states, hind provinces. The spaoe ailoted is ( by 12 feet on an in cline. The purpose is to encourage artistic arrangement aud deooiative effect. The display is to be composed of two barrels, two boxes, two bas kets, two jars aud two plates, none containing more than on variety. i'be exhibit may be composed of one or toe possible ten varieties. 1 he tier paoks aud rauge from 500 trees to a barrel of spraying solution. One hundred dollars for first, 925 tor second and a diploma for third will be awaided for an exhibit ot 50 apples arranged in a pyramid, the awards will be determined by weight. The exhibitor ot the largest single apple ot any variety, free from blem ish, will receive a metalized repro duction of tbe fruit, engraved with tbe winner's name, with au added prize ut 10 fruit tiees of the owner's selection. Class 5 will be oomposed of single tiox entries, the winners of 20 con tests receiving 910 each and stock fiom the foremost nurseries iu Amer 10a. The contests are tor : yellow Hell dower, Mcintosh Red, Winter liauaua, 1 tier Spitzenberg, Cox Oiaoge Pippin, Siena lieanty, Wine sap, Newtown Pippin, Jonathan, Wageuer, Stay man Wiuesap, Crimes' i. olden aud Uolden Russet. These contests, are open to entries in tbe Denny special. Fifty dollars for firsts and 915 for seconds, with added prizes for packs, me ottered in 10 oontests of five-box or two-barrel exhibits ol Yellow New town Pippin, Ualdwin, Rhode Island Creenlng, Noithern Spy, Stayman Wiuesap, Ren Davis, Orioies' Uolden, Jonathan, also a solid silver loving cup tor this variety; Klug ot Tomp kins county and one competition of aay otber standard winter variety. the added prizes are for 8)4 to possi ble scoring points are 50 for arrange ment and 50 tor decoration. The first prize is 1300 and a gold medal banner, with 9100 and a silver medal banner for second and a solid silver cup for third. Fight hundred and fifty dollars is offered in four sectional, one foreign aud one state, territorial or provin cial exhibit of two barrels or six boxes ol any single variety as follows: Western states special, limited to Montana, Idaho, Oregou, Nevada, New Mexioo, Utah, California, Wash ington, Wyoming, Arizona and Color ado. First 9100, aeoond 950, third diploma. i'be district tiee-for all contest ia opeu to growers of tbe world. Any number ot varieties iu boxes, barrels, baskets, jars or piates m .y bo .'.hown in a space limited to 10 by 20, ar ranged aud decorated as desired. The prizes are 9200 and 9100 with gold aud silver medal banners tor first and (Continued on Page 8.)