The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 01, 1909, Page Nine, Image 9

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1- 4 II ,J
Look out For Surprises.
COPYRICHT ipofc BVTHt jtcr. BW.ov?N CO CH'CACO 3Ue'- NO. C
Come In Everybody and Help Make Merry!!!
If in need of any item of wear for any member of the family
just remember CRAM has it in endless variety at prices most
Special Children's Wear Sale
Children's Dresses All Half Price.
Children's Bonnets and Caps Reduced.
Children's Shoes and Slippers Reduced.
Special Values in Hose, 60, 100 and 150
Children's Underwear at Special Prices.
All Ladies' Suits,
Skirts and Coats
Special Boys' Suits Sale
1 .50 Suite 75c
$2.00 Suits $1.00
2.50 Suite 1.25
f:i.00 Suits 1.50
8.50 Suite 1.75
4.50 Suits $2.25
5.00 Suits 2.50
15.90 Suits.. 2.95
0.50 Suits 3.25
17.50 Suits 3.75
CRAM'S Up-to-Date Store
Plenty of
Plant Oakdale Roses now.
The Dietz Studio for photos.
Plant Oakdale RoseH now.
Land Plaster at Whitehead's.
Cold boiled ham at McGuire Bros.
Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu
dio Home Rendered Leaf Lard at McGuire
Beat line of Spray Nozzles at McDon
alds. Early cabbage plants at White
bead's. All kinds of suet and smoked fish at
tiny your Lime and Vitrol at White
head's. Hazelwood Creamery Butter at Mc
Guires. For Flower and Alfalfa Seeds go to
Early cabbage plants at White
bead's. Red and white clover seed at Wood &
Small picnic hams for the Fourth at
McGuire Bros. jl
Maple Svrup and Eastern B. W.
flonr at Jackson's.
Ask for "Our Flag" tomatoes, 10c a
can. Wood & Huggins.
Four fancy hanging oil lamps at half
price at Jackson's.
Full line of 1 owney's lion Bons and
Chocolates at Roes'.
McGuire Bros, will have plenty of
chicken for the Fourth.
For Rent Choice ground floor office.
Address Box 24 Glacier oftice.
Lino and Sulphur Solution in any
quantity, at Whitehead's.
Highest market price paid for vea
and chickens. McGuire Bros.
Get your spray hose from McDonald
Clean new stock, no factory scraps.
Don't forget the dance at Pine Grove
Grange Hall, Monday, July 5. jl
Dr. Niobol's Poison Oak Special
guaranteed to cure. Price 50 cents.
Cedar posts delivered to any part of
the valley. Thou. Shere, phone 2(192-K.
Dr. Nichol's Corn Remedy takes off
the corns. "No cure, no pay." Price
Fancy salmon bellies, F.astern mack
erel and Lake Michigan white fish at
Jackson .
Am in the market for raw land at
940 to $50 per acre. Address Box 15,
Mount Hood Hotel.
Special prices on lots In the Idle
wilde tn o' for the next thirty days.
See W. J. Baker A Co.
Money to loan on improved ranch
property. Hood River Banking &
Trust Co. 6-24tf
Ironing boards, sleeve boards, screen
work, etc. Carpenters fnruished for
long or short jobs. Carpenter shop
phone 157.
For Sale. 80 feet front on Slate street,
with good barn suitable to make over
house. Pi ice, $1,500, if taken soon.
J. Otten.
For Sale House and three lots on
Columbia street, between Tenth and
Twelfth. Price $2,000. Inquire R. H.
Husbands. jy22
Don't forget t' a', you oan get chick
en pie at tae Kandy Kitchen toi your
Sunday dinner. Pies are worth twice
what is asked for them 2e and 25o.
If you want to buy or sell real estaie
Ho to Onthank & Otten. Money to
loan on flrBt mortgages. Abstracts and
legal papers carefully prepared. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
Get a trial bottle of Dr. Nichol
Rheumatic Remedy, Kidney Remedy,
or bladder tablet. A remedp for every
ill that will do the work at small cost
Manufactured by Nichol's Pharmacy
Hood River, Ore.
Our International garments keep theii
shape and style, perfect fit, most beauti
ful line, with all the popular styles.
Call and leave your measure for a suit
at A. L Carrnichael's on the Heights.
8. C. Zlegler and 0. Kingsad, of
Mosier, bad business in Hood Kiver
Saturday. M'. Ziegler Intends event
ually to become a resident of Hood
River as soi n as be can dispose ot Lis
borne properly across the river.
McGuire Bros, will keep open their
meat market until noon, Sunday, July
4. The market will he closed all day
Monday, July t, on account of the cele
bration. Special picnic dainties for the
Fourth will include small pig hams,
wrapped in red. white and blue paper.
They will also have plenty of chickens
and cold boil d ham. jl
At the aDnnal school meeting last
week at the Bairett school bouse, in
Distriot No. 1, 0 H Kobbins wus
elected a director and V. H Miller
clerk. A petition was reoeived call
ing for a metlog to vote on the ques
tion of issuing $8,000 bonds to build
a new alx room school bouse. The
date of the meeting is July 15.
Our work guaranteed. Delta Studio
Dr. Shaw was a Portland visitor
Simon t opple was a Portland vis
itor Saturday.
Ask for "Our Flag" Tomatoes, lQtf a
can. Wood & Huggins.
Get a chicken pie at the Kaudy
Kitchen for your Sunday dinner.
W.A. Sherman and wife, of Astoria,
were guests of friends in tbe city this
Mr. aud Mrs. Dickerson, of Port
land, were business oalllera at Hood
Kiver Thursday.
Miss Enrigbt, of Portland, visited
her old triuid, Mrs. Frank A. Cram,
over Sunday.
R B. Bragg is entertaining bis
brother, L. I. Bragg, of Colfax,
Wash , this week.
Arthur P. '1 i If t was up from Port
land tbe latter part of tbe week on
busioess and pleasure.
Special prioes oo lots in tbe Idle
wihie traot for the next thirty days.
See W. J. Baker 4 Co.
Miss Mary Woods, of Part land, is
tbe guest of Miss Ida Bryant, of Eu
gene Street, this week.
Mrs. Gunning, of Vancouver, Wu.,
was tbe guest of Mrs. Fannie Davis,
of tbe East side this week.
Mrs. White and son, of Pine Grove,
left for Tacoma, Thursday for a visit
with trieods for some time.
Mrs. Alioe Barr, an old Pendleton
friend, whs tbe guest of Mr. and Mrs.
H. L. Hasbrouok over Sunday.
J. A. 'Adams and W. L. Peroy, of
Fort Dtdge, Iowa, were in tbe city
1'buisriay looking for good buys
Mr and Mrs. E Sink, of Wasco,
visited Iriends in Hood Kiver over
Sunday, returning borne Monday
l eon Girod, and family, and
Claude Giieg, ot Oreuoo, Ore, are vis
itiug friends in Hood Kiver and at
Dee this week.
Mrs. Chas N. Clarke, who has been
visiting ber mother, Mrs. Staats, at
Dufur for several weeks, returned
borne on Thursday.
Any. Ernest Smith and wife, ac
companied by Mrs. Smith's sister,
Miss Hunt, were visitors at Cas
cade Locks Friday.
Mrs. J. N. Hunter and daughter,
Miss Claire, of Bend, Ore., who have
beeu visiting Mrs. Jae. Hunter, re
turned borne Thursday.
Misses Venice and Opal Callison,
of Olex, who have been tbe guests of
Miss Lookmsn for some time returned
to their borne Thursday.
C. D. N ink' I -en made a trip for
the Commercial Club to lbe Dalles
Thursday a. m., to distribute tbe
Fouith advertising matttr.
Mrs. J. C. Nucklass, of Condon,
who bas been visiting ber daughter,
Mis. Kenwcrtb, of tbe Belmont dis
triot, returned home this week
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Norton, who
have been visiting Dr. and Mra. Bro
sius tbe past week relumed to tbeir
borne at Long Beach, Calif., Satur
day. Be sure to ootne to the Armory for
your good time Monday the 5th, you
oan dance as much as you like on
polished maple floors, and tbe musio
will be the best.
Geo. L. Clark, of Vanoonver,
Wasb., spent Saturday with L. N. and
Sam Blowers. Mr. Claik Is an old
boyhood friend of the family wben
tbey were residents of New York
Mills, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Hansen, of Hendricks'
Minn., who have been visiting the
Nickelsen's for a few days returned
Thursday. Tbey were delighted witb
the ooast, and especially tbe Hood
Kivei Valley.
Dr. J. C. Uorsucb and wife, of
Denver, spent a few days in tbe val
ley tbe (list of tbe week looking over
tbe country Tbey have visited sev
eral of tbe fruit districts in the west
and said that Hood River looked bet
ter to them than any tbey bad seen.
Tbey aie lookiog fot a location
News bas been reoelved of tbe mar
riage of A. S Blowers to Mrs. Kay,
ot Marion, Iowa. Full particulars
have not been received hut Mr. and
Mrs. Blowers are expected home In
about ten days. Tbey will make
their home on tbe State road a short
distance west of town, which Mr.
Bloaers rcMitly pnrohssed
I he fonrtl commit'e which has
cht'ire of th dm c at tbe Am rry on
Monday, the Otb, want to assure the
young people who M jny a flsnc
where good moslo, splendid fli.ors,
and perfect order is maiuUined, tbat
tbey oan come to tbe Armory and
bave tbe hest time of tbeir lives. Tbe
Armory floor is 100x50 feet and will
give plenty of room for those who
want t j come aud enjoy the evening.
The muic will be the hest to be bad,
aud those who have ever danced at
tbe Armory know tbat tbe floors are
in perfect ennditioo. Tbe floor is
of polished maple and was formerly
uaed lor a skating rink.
Get a Scuffle Hoe at McDonald's and
ave work.
Ask for "Our Flag" Tomatoes, 10c a
can. Wood & Huggins.
A prize of $5 will be given lor tbe
best decorated residence.
J. P. Yates, of Wasoo, was In tbe
city Saturday on buisness.
Miss Seabrook returned Friday
evening from a trip to Portland.
J. K. Nunamaber spent several days
at Heppner tbls week on business.
F. A. F'razier baa returned from a
trip through tbe Willamette valley.
E. T. and W. K. Wlnans made a
business trip to Tbe Dalles Saturday.
Jas. F. Barton, of Mlnneapolie,
was in. the oity Saturday looking for
Mrs. J. K. McGregor and gran
daugbter were down from Mosier Sat
urday. Fred F. Piepei, of Milwaukee, Ore.,
arrived Sunday and will make tin
bis future home.
W. P. Wlnans was over from Spo
kane Sunday visiting friends and rel
ative! in tbe valley.
Speolal prioes on lots in tbe ldle
wilde traot for the next tbiity days.
See W. J. Baker & Co.
Mark Weygaudt, guide of the Mt.
Hood district, was in tbe oity over
Sunday visiting friends.
For Sale Cue first class Pierce bi
oyole, in good condition. Inquire of
l.L Judd, at New Hotel Wauooma.
B. F. Gray, of tbe Upper Valley,
met his wife in tbis oity Saturday she
having just returned from a visit to
the Coast cities.
Mrs. C. W. Horning and two child
ren, of Univeristy Park, came up tbe
latter part of tbe week to visit ber
sister, Mrs. K. E. Harbison.
A. T. Sbaver, of lone, and Swen
Troedson, of Morgan, were tbe guests
of H. H. iaylor tbe latter part of tbe
week, returning borne Saturday.
Mrs. Nettie Eocles, and two daugh
ters, and Miss Maude Patterson, of
Ugden, Utah, arrived on Tbuisday
and will spend ihe summer in the val
E. I). Hogle, of Portland, who bus
assisted Expressman L. F. Massee, at
tbe U. K & N. depot during the
strawberry ruab, returned to Portland
Miss Ellis, who recently spent
oouple of weeks visiting Mrs. Henry
Avery at Kggermoot, went through
tbe city from Seattle tbe latter part
part of tbe week on t er way to Pooa
tello. Kev. J. K. Parker, bas been appoint
ed pastor of tbe U. B. chinch at
Hood Kiver for tbe coming year, and
Rev. C. W. Corman takes Dr. Parker's
place us Held secretary ot Philomath
Ked white and blue horns wilt be
given away to the children at 9:30 a.
m. on July 5th in front of Hall's
drug store. Tbe committee wants
tbe children to make a noise like 4tb ,
of July.
Mrs. A. A. Hammer, of Spokane,
wbo baa been visiting Mrs. O. P.
Dabney for a few days, left for Port
land Monday afternoon. She will re
turn by tbe way of Seattle, where she
will visit the fair.
Clinton B Catlin and wife, of Min
neapolis, spent several days with Mr.
and Mis. W. F. Laraway. They left
Monday evening for California, where
tbey will visit sevearl places before
tbeir return borne.
Mrs. J. W. Wiedrlok came up from
Portland tbe latter part of the week
to visit ber daughter, Mrs. C. D.
Hinrioba, and was joined by Mr.
Wiedriok Sunday. Tbe two ladies went
to Mosier Friday to visit friends.
Tbe Valley Christian Church will
bave an ioe cream social on Thurs
day, June 11, instead of on July 8, aa
advertised last week. Be sure to
notioe tbe change and attend tbe so
cial if you want good things to eat
and a sociable time in geueral.
Mrs. Roy Burton and Miss Bella
Ackerman, daughters ol State Super
intendeot J. H Ackerman, ot Salem,
have been spending a week witb tbeir
aunt, Mrs. F. C. Sbeirieb, in the
Bairett distriot. Mr. Burton also
came up Monday to remain a few
F. A. Jones and Dr. Connell, of
Portland, were up and spent a few
days on tbett respective ranches,
l'be doctor waa successful in landing
a tine rainbow trout Sonday. It
weighed six and one-balf pounds and
mea8uted 27 inobes. Tbis is no nsb
story (or tbe teporter saw the data.
Misses A. M. Spring and A. A. Par
mell, ot New York City, accompanied
by Mlaa Kittle Cook, of Portland,
were spending tbe past week here en
joying tbe sights of tbe ra'ley. Miss
Paimell, wbo has travelled extensive
ly, says tbat Hood River valley is
tbe most delightful and beautiful
place lbe bas ever seen. And tbe bas
been over tbe moat of tbe world the
old and new.
Born, to Mr. uud Mrs. F. H. Gtl
nell, June 24tb, a girl.
Ask tor "Our Flag" Tomatoes, 10c a
can. Wood & Hoggins.
F. 11. Morlan wife and mother were
Portland visitors Monday and Tues
day. Clarenoe Hatch went to Portland
Sunday ou bueiues returning
W. 8. Hoale, of Sioux City, la.,
was in tbe oity Friday looking up real
estate buys.
Miss Ida Hardin is spending a few
days with her trieud, Elizabeth Mohr,
of Pine Grove.
J. A. Loucks, of Dolgeville, New
York, was visiting in Hood Kiver tbe
Hist of the week.
Special prioes on lot-) In tbe Idle
wilde traot for the next thiity days.
See V. J. Baker & Co.
Tbe San San Soucl Club will met
this week with Mrs. O. D. Wood
wortb, Tbuisday at 2:30.
A prize of $10 will be given to the
merchant making tbe best window
and exterior decoration.
Howard Phillips, son of Editor
Phillips, of tbe Uiugen Ohseivei, was
in the city a few hours Tuesday.
Misss Blanche Harbison returned
from Paoitlc University lest Thursday
to spend the vacation witb ber par
ents. A. C. and W. L. Fuller, of Scran
ton, Pa., airived Friday aud are vis
iting in tbe valley and taking in the
C. J. Milligan aud family, of Sioux
City, Iowa, were in the city the first
ot tbe week sight seeing arm visiting
old friends.
Miss Ethel Snyder, of Poitland, ar
rived yesterday for a short visit with
her friend, Miss Frances Bragg ou
State street.
Miss Ota Walker, obief operator of
tbe Home Telephone Co., o this
oity, visited hei parents at Wasbougal
over Sunday.
C. D. Wise and G. H. Holdeu were
up on theii rauoboH over Sunday in
specting the improvements tbat tbey
bave under way.
C. A. Long and family, of Mobile,
Ala., who have been spending a few
days visiting friends bere left to
Seattle Tuesday.
Otis Masonll, alter spending several
days at tbe home ot Mrs. J. A. Mobr,
left Tuesday on tbe local for his home
at Dayville, Ore.
Mrs. E. J. Traxtill, of Tygb Valley,
was visiting hei daughter, Mrs. J. W.
Beatty, ol the Brick Yard distilot,
Monday and Tuesday.
John Devlin, of the firm of Devlin
& Firehaugh, was up from Portland
luesdny and Wednesday on business
oonnected wiib the Arm,
Kev. D. W. Anderson, a, missionary
from South Berkley, Calif., was in
the oity a few days this week visiting
friends and co-workers.
Mr and Mrs. E. Siuk, after spend
ing tbe past week at Ihe home ot MrB.
J. A. Mobr, left on tbe local Monday
or tbeir home at Wasoo.
Mrs. K. C Brook entertained
friends at a house party at the Sears
Poiter place on Friday, Saturday and
Sunday. A most enjoyable time is
The Ladies Aid society of the Con
grogational church will hold their an
nual picnio F'riday, July 2nd, ou the
grounds surrounding the borne of
Mrs. F. H. Button.
L. K Petty was up from I'ortlaud
the first of tbe week looking toi a lo
cation to start a llorul nursery, tor
tbe purposes of gi owing fur market
hot house dowers, etc.
O. W. Brounton, of Walla Walla,
was in tbe city Saturday in tbe inter
est of bis flour mills at that place,
lie say j be places bit largest orders
for flour heie in this valley.
Miss Alverta Xrese, of Hallidays
burg, Pa., is visiting Mrs Floyd
Spurting this week. She is delighted
with tbe valley, ami thinks that it is
tbe best place on earth for beautiful
O. E. Gring is a visitor trom Fartn
ingtou, N. M., this weak aud taking
in sights ot the valley. He is de
lighted as they usually are and will
no doubt find a ranch that will suit
Rev. H. S. White, pastor of the
Pine Grove church, was a passenger
to Mosier Tuesday aud be -mid be was
lining tbeie to get a couple Into
trouble for life. If tbey take the
Glacier witb them on their matri
monial voyage tbey will live bnupily
evei after.
Miss Jewell, accompanied by ber
servants and help, of Portland, passed
thro heie Monday nu her way to
Cloud Cnpp inn where she will cpen
that lauious lesort for the sightseers
tbls week. She bas hundreds of in
quiries about bet rates, accommoda
tions, etc , and expects to bave a full
bouse this season.
Boru, to Mr. and Mr.-. F.rnest Mm
itson, June 28, a girl.
Dr. Heuamont, of Poitland, was up
ou his ranch this week.
Mrs. E. S. Mayes went to Warrens,
Ote. today for a month's visit with
her parents.
James Pye and wife, of Minneapo
lis, weie guests of Iriends in Hood
River the first of tbe week.
John, the youug son of A. Guig
usrd, of East Bairets, is seriously ill
aud is uot expeoted to live.
W. J. Ross, ot Carson, a former
resident of tbls city, was oalling on
old Iriends here Tuesday and Wednes
day. P. A. Shepard of Allensdale, 111.,
was in the oity Friday looking for
land. He will locale bere iu a few
Mt. llood will have a tine dance at
the Mt. Hood ball on Saturday even
ing, July 3, and you will miss it if
you miss it.
The Koule's Piano House sold a
Hue piano to Lou Baldwin, ot the Mt.
Hood district, Monday. Now there
will be music.
F. C. Niokels, of Minneapolis, aud
C. F. Niokels, of Seattle, are visiting
their brother, A. K. Nickels, iu the
Upper Valley.
F. K. Swanson, of Aurora, Nehr.,
is the guest of E. D. Wentz tbiB
week. He is delighted with Oregon,
and especially the valley.
W. M. Cooper and wife, of Mt,
1 1 noil, passed thru here on their way
to Seattle and other coast cities
wheio thoy will visit for some time.
James Lotions, of Dolgleville, N.
V., is Iu the oity tbis week renewing
old aquaiutances. He was the guest
of E. A. F'ranz the fore part of tbe
Mrs. C. C. Babson and son Stanley,
of South Oiange, N. Y., arrived Sat
urday and will spend the summer
with her son, Sidney, in tbe Upper
C. Dethman, who took his little
girl to Portland last week to be oper
ated ou foi appendioitis, returned
Monday and reports she is getting
along flue.
Mrs H. G. Moe, of Dayton, Wash.,
stopped otf ou her way from Seattle
and Portland to visit at the home ol
tbe editor of tbe Glacier and stopped
over Sunday.
Chas. Went went to Omaha the
first of the week, where he expects to
he mniried soon. He aud Mis. Wentz
will return to Hood Kiver wbeio thoy
expect to make their future homo.
Mrs. Wm. Ganger and Mrs. Lon
Norton left Wednesday of last week
tor Pendvlton as delegates fiom Hood
Kiver to the state convention of
Women of Woodcraft, which is iu ses
sion at Pendleton Thursday aud F'ri
day. m
Mrs. E 0. MoCoy, of Portland,
stopped olf on her way borne fiom
Walla Walla to visit ber nphew, J
E. Robertson and returned homo Sat
urday, accompanied by Miss t 'ouch,
of island City, Ore., niece of Mr.
The Hood Kiver Apple Growers
Union put the price of ice down to
where everybody oau use ioe. Orders
are coming in freely, and it is evident
'he people Intend to stand by the
concern that has helped them to
cheaper rates.
Three hundred Hood Kiver fruit
growers own the ioe business of the
Hood Kiver Apple Growers Union.
Every sale of ioe the Union makes
helps each of theso three hundred
fralt growers, and they ali trade in
town. The Union established low
ptioes on ioe.
All those who can sing, or will try,
are requested to meet at ths M. E.
Church at 8 p. m. ou Friday eveuiug.
I bis is for the purpose of piacticing
ou the patriotic hymns which will he
song on the Fifth. Two yearn ago a
tine chorus was bad. Let us do as
well tbis year.
Mrs. L. M. Nohlet, of tbe Paris
Fair, rceived word from Hiisum F'ri
day, that ber little girl, who is visit
ing at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson, was taken very ill, and she
left at once for that city. Woid was
received from her to the effect that
ber daughter was much better and
that she would return home about
J. H. Gerdes, proprietor of the
(ieides Lodging House, near the O.
K. & N. depot has an ad in Ibis issue
and will interest any one wbo is look
ing for a good bed at reasonable
rates. Mr. Gerdes is one of tbe pin
neers of Hood Kiver and is well
known throughout the valley. He
tirst came to this valley in 1878 and
lived bere for seven years, running a
meat market, and since 1899 has con
ducted the lodging bouse. He oan
accommodate over fifty people, and
his bouse 1 fitted up with tbe usual
eletric lights, etc., ot all first class
1 i i I i""rr-rrr-l'vt"" 1 ! 1I"i"i i t I"".-! j
The Large Map of Hood River Valley
-Regular Price $1.00
We have purchased the entire print enabling
us to SELL THEM for 50c. Now is your
only chance to secure one. An ideal sonviner
to mail to your eastern friends.
Slocom's Book Store
M"I"M Wi HWW'f I III M 1 1 l"l ! till I 1 1 114 It 1 1 M Ml II
Country Club Inn
Its Exceptional Attractions
As a mountain summer resort this
house with its extensive natural
grounds, fronting the Columbia River,
is positively unsurpassed. The health
giving breath of pine and fir, the
songs of birds, the proximity of
mountain and river, the pleasant
mingling of shade and sun, the shelter
from high winds which here fret
merely the tops of the forest trees,
the clean freshness only possible apart
from towns and traffic, the quiet of
the back country within the limits of
a town of 3,000, and but a mile from
its railway station here is a combina
tion of advantages hard to beat.
Add to all these a comfortable
modern house, with plumbing and
electric lights, with a wide veranda,
spacious drawingroom, clean and airy
bedrooms with beds equal to those of
first class hotels, and finally a cuisine
and table combining the abundance
and variety of country fare with the
really skilled cookery that is at once
wholesome and appetizing.
This is the Country Club Inn, at
Hood River, Oregon, now open for
the season under new management.
Water supply from a mountain
spring. Views superb and extensive,
including Mt. Adams' snowy peak
and the River itself.
Ideal place for children.
Unexcelled for convalescents.
Perfect for all who love the coun
tryside and its invigorating joys.
Transients, $2.00 a Day.
Adults. $10.00 a Week.
Children under 12, $5.00 a Week.
W. S. Hoole, of Bioux City, who
has been visiting J. H. Obsorne tbis
week, expects to And something to
his liking aud looate In tbe valley.
Miss Nora doorman returned to
iMoMinnvllle tbe last of the week
after a visit witb Mrs. Lilah Tump
kin, on Oak street.
All calls promptly attended, night or day, city or country
Nlcholn Bid., Co. Oak unrt 5th 8t. PUnni I HowE-om- SUB: Ilesldence 85
ROOS aivRK, (ikkoon -uv... . pacific Ouice NIB, Kes. BUI