The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 01, 1909, Page Seven, Image 7

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JVo Sisters
Now and again you tea two women pall
ing down the street who look like aiatcra.
You are aitoniihed to learn that they are
mother and daughter, and you realise that
a woman at forty or forty-five ought to be
at her finest and fairest. Why iaa't it to?
The general health of woman ia to in
timately associated with the local health
of the essentially feminine organs that
there can be no red cheeks and round
form where there ia female weakness.
Women who have tuffcr.d from
this trouble have found prompt
relief and cure in the use of Dr.
Pieroe'a Favorite Prescription. It given vigor ami vitality to the
organs of womanhood. It clean the complexion, brighten the
eyes and reddens the cheeks.
No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs is contained in "Favorite Prescription."
Any sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Every letter ia
held as aacredly confidential, and answered in a plain envelope. Address i
World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Prea., Buffalo, N.Y.
of l&attera
Oregon. Watoo New-En-
H. X. Kegoell, of Attleboo, Mass..
who haa been spending a week or
more In this valley looking op land,
purchased a tine ranob, the J. W.
Sausser place, of fifteen acres, thru
tho Geo. U. Culbertson & Co. on
Tuesday and left for bis borne in the
afternoon lie will be away about
six weeks when he expects to return
and bring bis family with bim.
Mr. Kegnell, who bas spent months
looking up an Ideal location, came to
nooa River, after viewing every vnl
ley in the west, and the fact that be
found what he wanted here speaks for
itself, tbut this valley leads tbem all.
The Sanger ranch is one of tbe best
la the valley; eight acton is in or
t'hard, and tbe balanoe is in orop.
Mr. Hegnell expects to make some ex
tensive improvements cn tbe place as
soon as tbey return.
As a lover of truth and honesty I
would like to say a few words con
cerning tbe garbled accounts and false
statements made by tbe Portland re
porters regarding my aDulioation for
in tbe first plsoe 1 am not seekiug
it on tbe grounds of deseifion, as Mr.
Ooddard left Hood Kiver recently
witb my full and free consent and ap
probation ; as was tbe case five years
ago when be went away to try to re
trieve bis broken fortunes. True,
wlien be became stranded through 111
ness, i did ooosent to bis return.
I did not teach elooution and music
to "keep tbe wilt from tbe door" as
stated in tbe Journal. 1 tsugbt be
cause it was my profession, being a
graduate of two different oolleges of
oratory -and because 1 love my pro
fession and rind it remunerative, so
muob so that wolves never get very
ne ir my door.
True, I own a small fruit farm in
tbe Hood Kiver valley which bas been
developed uuder my sole superintend
ence btr, I oannot olaim tbe distinct
ion of having cleared tbe land myself
as 1 am neither so Ajax or a Hercu
les, and stump pulling is not includ
ed amouit my accomplishments, nei
ther am I a "scbooloiarm farmer" us
the Uregonian bas it.
Kxoestive use of cigarettes witb
tbeir usual evil effects bas been the
oiuse of our separation; and my
"ooaiplaint" ivas made for tbe couit
and not for tbe newspapers and it is
to be hoped that tbe time is uot far
distant when newspapers will not have
to depend upon sensation aud tbe
gratifying of a morbid curiosity for
their sale and circulation and that
honest people may be left to tbe
managing of their own affairs without
misrepresentation for the sake of sen
Louise Boyden Uoddurd
A Terrible Moment.
Willie (coming into the bouse
breathlessly) "Papa, burry tip
There's a man witb a wagon outside
to see you about putting in the
Slimaon-"Tell him I'm busy just
now, Willie. I'll go out and see bim
in just a tew minutes."
Willie -"But you mustn't keep bim
waiting, papa. Vou don't know wbo
be is. He is tbe father of tbe pitober
of our base-ball team. "Woman's
Home Companion for June.
Tbe Prune Hill correspondent
the Camas Post says :
"Mr. l4trenoe lately from tbe east,
who bought titty acres or the prune
orchard on Prune Hill, has done a
lot of bard work and if nothing bap
pens will bave a fair crop this fall
of prunes Landladies please take not
A lU-aore fruit farm sold in Union
county last week for 1800 an acre.
Just wait, Hood Kiver, In a tew
years yuu will hear from Eastern
Oregon. Haines Record.
Tbe Camas Post reports a wood
grinder wedding in a recent issue.
No doubt tbe price of mission fur
niture will be reduced when the fao
tnry starts.
Tbe first of tbe week a peddler, wbo
by tbe way bas probably never at
much as paid a road tax in Oregon,
was making a boose to bouse oanvas
with a lot of obeap "dty goods," just
"imported from Uermany." Only
few customers "bit" however.--Haines
Tbey were at Hood River bat failed
to find enough "live ones" to pay
tbeir expenses so tbe report goes.
A certain authority says tbat the
wan wbo "does not provide for hi
family is worse than an Model."
The same may witb equal truth be
said of tbe man wbo dona not stand
by bis own town. To speak dlsprag
iugly of ones town, to point out Its
shortcomings and be silent as to its
merits, to trade elsewhere and care
not if tbe borne merchants starve, to
complain of tbe men in office and do
nothing to help put good men in-all
tbis is unpatriotic and Is the same in
character if not in degree with tbe
action of men wbo constantly pra'te
othei countries at tbe expense of
tber own. Heppner Times.
A Umatilla couuty farmer received
a check tor $7U,85U. for bis 1907 wheat
orop, tbe asme having been growu on
3000 acres of Oiegon wheat land,
'tremendous returns are common
among tbe progtessive wheat growers
"Sick en
We understand that through the eu
tbutiaam of tbe editor nt tbe Observer
some one bas painted tbe name "liiu
gen" on one ot tbe small building- at
tbe west end of tbe ststlon and tbat
tbe editor of Bingen is wearing "tbe
smile tbat won't come oft." We ad
mire tbeir nerve but tbink It poor
judgment to be claiming all the
buildings.-White Salmon Knterpnae.
And the Bingenites think a few
White Haimonitee could tell us who
painted "Bingen" ru those out
bouses, too. Boys, be good or at
least be careful.
Funny proposition.
Man comes into tbe world without
bis ooosent and leaves It against hi
will. During bis stay on eartb bis
time Is one continuous round of con
traries and misunderstandings, in
bis Infancy be is an angel, in bis boy
hood be is a devil ; in bis manhood be
is dampbool ; if be raises a family
be is chump ; if be raises a check be
is a thief if he is a poor man be is a
poor manager and baa no sense; If be
is riob be ia dishonest; It be is in
politics be is grafter and a orook ;
if be goes to church be is a hypocrite;
it be stays away from church be is a
sinner ; if he donates to loreign mis
sions be does it for show ; if he does
n't be is stingy and a "tightwad."
When be nrst comes into the world
everybody wants to kiss bim ; before
be goes out tbey want to kick bim
If be dies young there was a great
future before bim; it be lives to a
ripe old age be is in tbe way. only
living to save funeral expenses. Life
is a very funny proposition after all
Fourth of July Celebration
Nd doubt the Main People expect to eat at
We are sparing no expense to have meals up to
the Main standard.
Fourth of July Menu
Chow Chow
Chicken Cold Boiled Ham
Loin of Beef and Brown Gravy
Leg of Pork with Apple Sauce
New Potatoes with Cream Gravy French Peas
Cabbage and Lettuce
Raspberry Pie Lemon Pie
Strawberries and Cream Strawberry Short Cake
Coffee Milk
Iced Tea
Hart Bros. Meat Market
Corner 12th and B Street ltr
Fresh, Smoked and Salt Meats
Fresh Pish Fridays and Saturdays
Buy Where yon Can Get the Beet Free Delivery W
and Cheapest Phone 70 4
B. Reeve Ciaxton on June iO sent
seveial orates of strawberries to old
friend at Park River, N. D. Tbey
were shipped in a oar of other berries
to that section and did not arrive
there until June 19. Letters received
yesterday stated tbat tbey arrived in
perfect oondition and were the talk of
tbe town, on account of tbeir excel
lent quality and tbe condition in
which tbey arrived after having been
on the road nine day.
Celebrated lor style, perfect fit, simplicity and
reliability nearly 40 years. Sold in nearly
every city and town In the United States ana
Canada, or by mail direct More sold than
any other snake. Send for free catalogue.
Mort subscribers than any other fashion
magazine million a month. Invaluable, Lat.
est styles, patterns, dressmaking, millinery,
plain sewing:, fancy needlework, hairdressinj;,
etiquette, food stories, etc. Only 50 cants a
year (worth double), including' free pattern.
Subscribe today, or send for sample copy.
to Agents. Postal brings premium catalogue
and new cash prize otlers. Address
TU MeCAU CO.. 23S t Ml W. I7tfc Si.. NEW YORK
For vSale
at a bargain
Twentv acres of best APPLE and
Flat; 12 acres in youug orchard,
Newtown and Spitz. All under
ditch, no waste; small house,
beautiful y rove of large oaks makes
fine building site ; tine view of val
ley and mountains, half mile from
proposed electric line; miles
to depot at Odell. Price $5750;
good terms. Last month it was
6000, but I was greatly in need
of money and will make a sale,
even if I sell for less than I know
the place is worth. Write to the
A. Schiller
Omm, Oregon.'
f or phone to him at Odell, 1x2.
M"H"M"M"M"I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I i I-I-H-
What Makes a Bank
In judii)o- a bank always remember
that it is Capital, Surplus and
Undivided Profits that give se
curity to the depositor, beenuse that
money stands between yon as a depsitor
and any possible shrinkage in the
securities held by the bank. With a
paid up Capital. Surplus and Profits of
One HunfirBfl Twenty-two TitonsainI Dollars
added to our securities, which are all
gilt edge, every dollars of deposits is
protected by a Dollar and a Half.
First National Bank
The Best Apple
Home Phone 62-K (BRANCH)
E. C. BROCK, Res. Mgr.
- i- " wm n- V!" rm fi n vm f r f t .. t
Denatured Alcohol 1
Denatured Alcohol is superior to the dangerously
poisonous wood alcohol, besides it does not give off
any offensive smell when used in chafing dishes in
your private room or in the presence of company.
We can supply you with any quant ity.
If you have occasion to use alcohol for burning or
any mechanical or industrial purpose you ahold
know that as a result of the new law, grain alcohol
can now be had at a price which makes it an object
to use instead of wood alcohol.
Have You a Chafing Dish?
The Glacier Pharmacy
The Square Deal Store
Is the place to get your Wagons,
Buggies, Hacks, Plows, Har
rows, Cultivators, Spray Pumps,
Hose & Nozzles, Gasoline Power
Spraying Outfit, complete wgt .
328 lbs. Myer Cog Gear Hand
Pumps guaranteed to give satis
faction. The right kind of Hose
Nozzle and Fittings. Extension
Head Disc, Harrows with wheel
trucks, Garden Tools, Planet Jr.
I have in
Stock Rub
beroid Roof
ing, House
Paint, genuine Avenarius Carbolenium, Cooper Spray
Groceries, Flour and Feed. Stumping Powder, Caps
and Fuse.
d. Mcdonald
Third St. and Cascade Ave., Hood River, Oregon
Home Phone 174
Summer Rates East
During the Season 1909
Via the
Oregon R. R. (Q, Navigation Co.
Portlaud, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla
and all points on the O. R. & N. line
To OMAHA and Return - $00.00
To KANSAS CITY and Return SoO.OO
To ST. LOUIS and Return - - S67.50
To CHICAGO and Return - - JJ72.50
anil to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South.
Correspondingly low fares.
On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, i; Augunl II, 12
To DENVER and Return - 955 OO
On Sal. My 17, July I, Ausuit II
Going transit limit 10 days from date of gale, final return limit Oct. 31st.
These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stop
over privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make
side trip to many Interesting points enroute."
Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight
advance over the rates quoted.
Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished
by any 0. H. A N. local agent, or
W. M. McMurray, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland, Ore.
J. H. Fred icy, Agent, Hood River, Ore.
Wm. Cooper and Nephews
Winter or Spring Use Summer Use
ON DORMANT TREES When Trees are In Bud or Leaf
It Kills ft Kill
SAN JOSE SCALE Codling Worm, Oyster
Oyster Shell Scale, Eggs Shell Scale Insect, Wooly
of Insects and Spores of and A11 Forms of Aphis,
Fungi, Mosses and Pear and Apple PSYLLA
Licnens. Gr blossom.
Mixes Instantly With Cold Water
Immediately Ready
Sold by
D. McDONALD, Hood River
Feed, Grain, Field Seed
Poultry Supplies
Spray Materials, Fertilizers, Etc.
Whitehead's Feed
Land For Sale
i have about 1,000 acres of No. 1 Apple Land, J
most of It under ditch at prices ranging from $60 -
per acre up. In tracts from ten acres up.
Hood River - - - Oregon
SB TA li L I S 11 E D 1900
I if OOP ORATED 1906
CAoOldast Bank in Hood RlvtrCounty
Butler Banking' Company
Capital, Surplus and Profits
Over $80,000
Safety Deposit Boxes
Savings Banks For Children
Leslie Butler, President. F. McKercher, Vice-President.
Truman Butler, Cashier.
E. H. French, Director. R. T. Cox, Director.