The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 17, 1909, Page Five, Image 5

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    kOODKlVlt QLAUiAK TJiUKWDA?, JUNE 17 009
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It the best of all medicines for the cure of diseases,
disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women. It it the
only preparation of its kind devised by a refularly gradu
ated physician an experienced and skilled specialist in
the diseases of women.
It is a safe medicine in any condition of the system.
THE ONE REMEDY which contains no alcohol
and no injurious habit-forming drugs and which
creates no craving for such stimulants.
THE ONE REMEDY so good that its maker
are not afraid to print its every ingredient on
each outside bottle -wrapper and attest to the
truthfulness of the same under oath.
It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere, and any dealer who hasn't it can
get it. Don't take a substitute of unknown composition for this medicine of
known composition. No counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist
who says something else is "just as good as Dr. Pierce's" is either mistaken
r is trying to deceive you tor his own selfish benefit. Such a man is not to be
trusted. He is trifling with your most priceless possession your health
may be your life itself. See that you get what you ask for.
Hood Hiver Oregon,
June 13, 1900,
Kditor Uood Hirer Glacier,
Dear Sir:
Mauy of JOUI readers are undoubt
edly interested iu the demonstrative
sprayings being conducted in the
Hood Hirer Valley tor tbe oootrol of
apple scab with the Lime-Sulphur
spiay. l'be work is belnij done under
tbs directiou ot Prul. A. B. Cordley,
of the Oregon Experiment Station,
and tbe orchards leceiving treatment
ate those belonging to Dr. Stauton
Allen and Messrs. Sherman and Fri
day uenr the Van Horn Htation.
I'wo or three weeks ago it was tbot
that scab would not tie abundaut in
the valley this year, but siuce tint
date eouditinqe bare been Mich as to
favor tbe rapid development of the
fungus. The writer had SCCCilOD to
visit uver fifteen orohurds during 'he
past week and iu every oialiard in
fested trees.
The orchards surrounding Dr.
Stanton Allen's orchard show the
presence of tbe fungus, some ha ii.g
it on such abundance that a iuuidluil
could easily be picked Irom u single
tree, in tbe setenteeu ucre beaiing
orchard belonging to Dr. Allen, sev
eral hours of careful searching by
both Dr. Allen and the wi iter failed
to discover a single iufeste I leaf ou
the trees sprayed with the 1 to liU
dilution ot the 32 degrte Niagara
brand Lime Bolpber solution. A lew
ot tbe tiees sprayed with tbe 1 to 50
did reward our efforts with a lew
scabby leaves. The obenk trees not
sprayed at all hear bo abiiudance of
infested leaves, thH being especially
ti ue nf the Nowtowns.
In Messrs. Sherman and Friday's
orchard where comparative tests of
Bordeaux and Lime-Sulphur are being
made, the trees prayed with the
Lime Holpber bear some scabby
leaves, l'be trees spray "d with Bor
deaux,4 4 50, show still more loabbj
leaves and tbe leaves not sprayed at
all bear iho tunius in abundance.
Ihe writer partially explain! the
presence of ihe scab on t le sprayci
leaves by tbe ineltJcient spray ihrowu
by the ''Friend" iiud similar types of
nuzzles. It is practically impossible
to use such a "list spiny effectively,
even under high pressure and espec
ially iu the tKce of the hitfh winds.
Tbe trees In Dr. Stanton Allen's
orchard were ooated with a di ivitr
spray from Bordeaux nozzles under
180 to 200 pressure, enabling tbe op-
erati r to direct the spray upon the
under surface of the leaves, even
ugainst tbe wind. The fruit and the
lower surface ot all the leaves murt be
thoroughly ooatd with tbe spray if
best results are to be otitained.
Although th fungus has a foothold
in niuuy if not iu all orchards, grow
era who begin spraying now with any
good brand of Lime Sulphur solution,
using the proper dilution and thor
oughly coaling the fruit and leaves
at least every three weeks, and feet
reasonably sure of picking scab iree
V. L. Griffin,
Asst. iu Plaut Pathology,
lu charge of Demonstrative Sprayiug.
Hill Held School Election
Residents ot Pine Grove school dis
trict wiil be risked to vote ou the fol
lowing questions at tbe annual meet
ing art TO look of Monday, Juuo 21.
1st. Kor e school diieotor.
2nd. I' or a school clerk.
3rd Whether tbe eleventh grade
shall be taught.
4th. Kor an addition to tbe school
bib, Kor building an apartment
house for tehchers.
Gonsidei able interest is being taken
in the coming election and it prom
ises to be a hotly contested oue.
New Ituiltlinir Almost Ready.
The Bridal Veil Lumbering Com
pany's new quarters are nearly com
pleted and they expect to move into
the same by tbe latter part of next
week. Tbe main building Is 40x120
feet, two stories bigb. 'Ihe lower
story will be devoted to building
material stock, while tbe upper oue
will in lil the lumber, l'be lumber
will he phiced ou ud, as tbe com
puny have found by artual tests that
this is the better way. In fact nearly
all the nestern mills are adopting this
plans as well as many yards.
Instead of excBva'iug for the build
ing the company tins built ou the
lerel, and have put in a large elevat
or, of five tone, or more capacity,
tvntrib will be used to raise the lum
ber from the tincks to the level of
their yar , and there distributed to
poiuts about the building and grounds
hi an incline of about two feet.
This tuskos it very oouvenieut for
the handling of large quauUtes very
K. J. Brock, the manager tor true
city says he hopes to be iu his new
uffloei by the 25th if not earlier.
M ik'S Violin ent of lialvanizeil Iron.
I1'. B. Snyder, of Gould and Sny.
der, tinsmiths and plumbers, h,,
toad a viol io cat of galvanized lion.
It baa tbe perfect ebape end in tone,
so experts nay, it equals most ct the
best violins ou tbe market
l'be violin is untlnished and In lone
at It one n tuld think that no - .on i
would couie from tbe iustruiiient, but
wheu played upou by a violinist the
sweet attains can't be equalled-. If it
was finished up and stained no oue to
look at it or listen to its tones couM
tell tut i i at it was a reel Stradivar
ious. lie will send it tlii-t week lo tbe
Seattle exposition as a curio of Mood j
tt'ver and it will ceitsiuly create an
interest there, among those who love
the violin.
Tbe White Salmon Enterprise
c hronioT s a pretty wedding at the
Jewell Farm Hesoit Saturday after-
oon, June bftb, at two o'clock,
wheu Miss Mary Dunn Jewett became
tbe wite ot Charles Krskioe ManHeld,
a highly esteemed ranchet of Bnstol.
ltev. I'at ' performed the eremouy.
Miss Kuby Barn hurt attended as uiaid
of honor and Mr. Itucb ae best man.
Miss Mansbeld and Miss Tate were
bridesmaids, attired io white aud
carried a bouquet of pink roses. Tbe
bride looked beautiful io a gown ot
white net over satin and carried a
bouquet of bridt-'e loeee entwined
with tulle.
There Ib a Heap of Solace in Heine;
Able to Depend on a Well
Earned reputation.
Kor mouths Hood Hiver readers
hare seen tbe constant expression of
praise for Koto's Kidney Pills, and
read about tbe good work tbey have
done in thie locality. Mot another
remedy ever produced sucb oonvioc
iug proof of merit.
Geo. K. Parrisb, living at 372 E.
Oak St , Portland, Orcgcu, says:
Not a eyinpton of kidney trouble has
evet let urned since 1 used Doan's
Kidney Pills some years ago aud 1 am
pleased to confirm tbe statement 1
gave in their favor at Ibst time
Prior to using them 1 suffered a great
deal from dull, heavy paina in my
back and through the regious of the
kidney, this trouble having resulted
ft our a severe oold. 1 was gradually
growiug worse when Doan's Kidney
Pills brought to my attention and
being Impressed with the good reports
concerning them, 1 procured a sup
ply. As stated above tbey completely
disposed ot my trouble after a abort
Plenty more proof like tbls item
Hcod Hiver people. Gall at 0. N.
Clark's drug store and ask what cus
tomers report.
hor sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents
Foster-Md burn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Don't Leave the Hood River District
Without Investigating
Mosier Valley
Natural advantages for fruit
grow log unexcelled. Land
uricvH have doubled within the
Ibm two years but arc not over half that asked tor similar lana in ouiei
sections." Buy now before the speculators add their profits.
Six Miles East of Hood River, Oregon
The Hudson River.
The Hudson river consists of two
strips ot advertisements ae tar as tbe
eve oan reach, inclosing a body of
water tilled with tug boats, microbes
and and tine! iug folks oi other dis
ciiptlous tibiiry Hudson first disooveied this
famous liver ou bis wsy to Troy to
leave biB collars aud culls to be
laundried after a long sea voyage
Stepping asboie at the foot of
I'wenty third be gave ordere to put
up a city that for uiBguiflcauoe and
corrupt. on should never be equalled,
and then be passed to West Point,
started a parade grouud, and tben
tented at Albany, where be opened a
bureau of franchises otherwise known
as the State Legislatures. No doubt
iu tbe near future tbe Hudson will be
used as a race course for aeroplanes.
At present it is occupied with tbe
duty of keeping Ne Jersey apart
lrom New ork Puok.
Mount Hood Store
W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor.
Dry Goods Ammunition Boots and Mioes
I Inn! ware Graniteware
Hav Groin Hour Ffced Full line of Groceries
What Makes a Bank
sM Vf ft h
lii judging a bauk always reieenibei'
that it is Capital, Surplus and
Undivided Profits t h it give se
curity to the depositor, because that
money stands between you as a derwitor
ami any possible shrinkage in the
securities held by the bank. With b
paid up Capital, Surplus and Profits of
added to our securities, which are all
gilt edge, every dollars of deposits is
protected by a Dollar and a Half.
First National Bank
To Begin Your Spring Building and we are Pre
pared to give you estimates on all house bills and
Prompt Delivery on the
Home Phone 62-K (BRANCH)
; -sat
S Denatured Alcohol
Newspaper Plant
In thriving tow n of 5(10, eilendicl Id
eation, rail and river transportation,
fine agricultural country aurroandiag,
hand and power preeeee, good cutter,
type and equipment. Price $1 450, half
caeh. Write us for full information. b Moody
Wushougal, Wash.
If you have occasion to use alcohol for burning or
any mechanical or industrial purpose you ahold
know that an a result of the new law.graiu alcohol
can now be had at a price which makes it an object
to use instead of wood alcohol.
Have You a Chafing Dish?
Denatured Alcohol is superior to the dangerously
poisonous wood alcohol, besides it does not giveoff
any offensive smell when used in chafing dishes in
your private room or in the presence of company.
We can supply yon with any quantity.
The Glacier Pharmacy
9f( 'i' "f "f "f 'f "f "tK "f "i "P "f r "f "f '''H "f
Prescription Specialists
Hood River
ij..i..H i niiH"l'1"M"t"M"l"Ml M-I"t"M"H"H"l
x- a t .bli l7Vvr flnone Tn;
il I UU Ai rj liuun.uig Avi """r1"! o
"l , i TJIamIMa A A A i
Lots m JBlocKS 3, o, o ana xuiownuo tui
tion to Hood River. Prices, for short time
only, $100 to $150 per lot. Easy terms or 5
Per Cent Discount for Cash.
For Full Parti ular?, Address:
Phone L63-M
430 State Street, Hood Kiver
The Square Deal Store
Is the place to get your Wagons,
Buggies. Hacks, Plows, Har d
rows, Cultivators, bpray Pumps,
Hose & Nozzles, Gasoline Power
Spraying Outfit, complete wgt.
328 lbs. Myer Cog Gear Hand
Pumps guaranteed to give satis
faction. The right kind of Hose
Nozzle and Fittings. Extension
Head Disc, Harrows with wheel
! trucks, Garden Tools, Planet Jr.
I have in
Stock Rub
beroid Roof
ing, House
Paint, genuine Avenarius Carbolenium,Cooper Spray
Groceries, Flour and Feed. Stumping Powder, Caps
and Fuse.
d. Mcdonald
Home Phone 1 74
Third St. and Cascade Ave., Hood River, Oregon
Summer Rates East
During the Season 1909
Via the
Oregon R. R. (L Navigation Co.
Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacotna, Walla Walla
and all points on the 0. It. & N. line
To OMAHA and Return - - $00.00
To KANSAS CITY and Return $60.00
To ST. LOUIS and Return - - $07.50
To CHICAGO and Return - S72.50
mid to other prtDetpal eities in the East, Middle West and South.
OofrwpoodlBgly low fares.
On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, . August II, It
To DENVER and Return - - $55 OO
On Sale May 17, July I, Aucust 11
Going transit limit 10 days from dato of sale, final return limit Oct. 31st.
These tickets present MMM very attractive features in the way of stop
ovvr privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make
side trip to many interesting points euroute.
Routing on the return trip through California may he had at a slight
advance over the rates quoted.
Fall particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished
by any O. K. & N. local agent, or
W. JW. Mc Murray, Gen. Pass. Agt., Portland, Ore.
J. H. Fredicy, Agent, Hood River, Ore.
Wm. Cooper and Nephews
Winter or Spring Use Summer Use
ON DORMANT TREES When Tree are In Bud or Leaf
It Kills It Kills
SAN JOSE SCALE Codling Worm, Oyster
Oyster Shell Scale, Eggs Shell Scale Insect,Wooly
of Insects and Spores of and AU Forms of APhi8'
p . Pear and Apple PSYLLA
Fungi, Mosses and KK
Lichens. or blossom.
Mixes Instantly With Cold Water
Immediately Ready
Sold by
D. McDONALD, Hood River
Feed, Grain, Field Seed
Poultry Supplies
Spray Materials, Fertilizers, Etc.
Land For Sale
jji 1 have about 1,0M) acres of No. 1 Apple Land,
W most of it under ditch at prices rangiDg froni f(u ijtv
per acre iii. In tracts from ton acres up.
Hood River - - - Oregon
I N CO P 0 H A T K 1) 1905
C Oldes t Hnnh in lioori RiverCounly
Butler Banking Company
Capital, Surplus and Profits
Over $80,000
Safety Deposit Boxes
Savings Banks For Children
Leslie Butler, President. f. McKercher, Vice-President.
Truman Butler, Cashier.
K. H. French, Director. R. T. Cox, Director.