Four4 HOOD RIVER GLAOIEH, THUR8D A Y M A Y 13 1909 " . llll. I. I MI1I..WII. ! I' W ""' Ml special BRAGG MERCANTILE CO. sale 2, We are now located in our new building and are in position to show goods to much better f ; advantage and until May 15th will put on sale Everything in the DRY GOODS Line at a i i SPECIAL DISCOUNT ! $ We want every one in Hood River Valley to visit us in our new place, and as an inducement ? we are willing to sacrifice prices that all may know the superior quality of the goods we handle Come and See Us CORRESPONDENCE ODELL. Mr. hiiiI Mrs. K. a. Shelley, ot I' i-UmimI. ware no lant weak for a Hliort visit at MM home of Mr. Shel lny'H pareutH, Kev. and Mr. Troy Slmlley. Mr. iiml Mm. Karguaoii and little daughter, ot Aatorlu, have been here for a vlalt with Mrs. PtfgMOO V irother, M. Hawthorne. Mr. and Mra. Oeo. W. Craw, ol I'mtlaiid, were Odell viaitora neverni duya laat week. They oame to look after their property interenta,here and to nee the valley when the oroharda Bra In bloom. jmt Friday waa the oloaiug day of a very plenaant aa well aa prolltatile i.i i in ot aohool at Udell and the day vnia oelehnited hy a pionio in the BrOOBdl near the Wm. Kltrok home. There waa a program conaititiiiK of hum(8 reciitutloita and an exeroiae by t i i' hoya from the primary room Following the program a bounteous dinner whb apruad and then oame thtt bull u'i", hoya Ot Odell Softool va. liurrett Hoya. The yumti reaulted in a MSOta of 19 to It In favor of Odell. At, the cloae of the ball name ioe Oman and oake were aerved. At thla time Hubert LiviuKHtoua, of Portland, presented to the pupila whoae stand iiiK entitled them to prlzea beautiful hooka whinh he had aeleuted. Kid lowing were the wiunora. I'rluoipal'a room: I I rat boy, William Slieppard tenth, Hindu. Suoond bojr, Hiiwreiioe Orimm, elgbl glade. Kirst gill, Kva lloyed, li nt h grnile. BMOndglrl, Kuth Oltirk, ninth grade. I u termed iate room : 1'irat boy, Alfoua Ruling, aixth gidde. Second boy, Miles Loekmnn, fourth grade. I'irst gill, Virgeu llagly. fourth grade. Seooud girl, II' Ion IjihvIs, fifth grade. I'rimary room : l''irat hoy, Olarenee llule, third grade. Heoond boy, Forest Mahanley, third grade. First girl, Kola Malum lv grade tlrst. Second girl, Margaret Mi It, aetiond grade. I 'not races were tho nest and last attraction, and then the erowd dia persed, all going to their homes glad of the opportunity to mingle thus pleasnatly together. 1'heie waa a ball gama on Odell'i diamond Saturday, l'ltto drove m. Hood Klver. W'u did not learn the I00l hut hear Howl Klver won. Does not C or 1 ( m mm AYER'S HAtR VIGOR Stops Falling Hair Destroy Dandruff An rirant Dressing Maki's Hair Grows MmBsAta Sulphur. Glycerin. Qulnin. Sodium fhlorid. EEBBH i Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Water. Pcriume. A hJr preDaration made from thl forrnula is harmless, yet possesses positive merit. A hair food, a hair tonic, a hair dressing. Consult your doctor about these nan problems. J. O. ATttB Oompant. Irfiwi-H. Man. Sunday Udell's Hrat nine played Mt. Hood with the (following result: nd.-ll Mt. Hood !". We are told the home boys are playing good ball. Next Sunday a return game will be played on Mt Hood's Held. Lurline and Olive Fisher, of Mum ier, oame ovsr Sunday for a shoil visit at the home ot their giaud mother, Mrs. Wood. Miss Laura Thomas left Odell Mon day and will go to her home near Salem for the summer vanatlon. Mrs. Sarah i'ousey, moved up to her home on Odell Heights Monday, where she will remain for the sum mar. Her mother, Mrs. Foster, of I'm t land, will arrive this week to be with Mrs. Tousey tor mi indefinite time. Mr. MnCoy will tie busy about bis home utid the building or a cottage at Odell. 1 hough oontraots have not been drawn, we underatand the problem ot Midi's teachers for next school year la about sulved. A number of Odell young people went to Minder last Saturday on a pleasure trip. Saturday evening a party ot about tt'ii y live young people gathered at the home ot C. i. McCoy foi a pleasant evening before the teachers, who were going from our midst, hud gone where Ihey could not so easily meet with those near Odell. A tug bontlre was built and by its light and warmth games were played and a meiry evening passed all too iiiickly. DongliuU'S and tally contributed their share in the evening's sport. Tbe doughnuts were bung from a Hue and those who ate them had to do so with out the aid of bands. The tafly also made the consumer earn all he ate as it was ot the sort that required the most oartfal treatment to pull. All in all it was a most enjoyable oc casion. Tbe little son of II. ('onmtway is ill ot measels. Mrs. Conuaway an i tbe body are visiting Mrs.Connaway parents at Scio and while there the disease developed. Hev. Drown, of lielmont, preaobed a strong sermon Sunday morning. Next Sunday morning Rev. Oil more, of the Congregational church. Hood Kiver, will speak to the people of Odell. A good C. hi. meeting last Sunday evening. A special song by eight yoiiag people tooeitud favorable mention. MOUNT HOOD. Hev. O. U Washburn returned last Thursday from Monument, Ore., wheie be attended Presbytery. Mrs. May llaldwiu went to Portland last Saturday to speud u few weeks with her mother, who Is conlliied to her bed, the elteots of a fall. Peter Klein, a brother ot Mrs OraHHinauu, arrived here last webh from Hessian, Oei many. Mr. and Mrs. 1. 0. Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hauser, Master John liatner, Miss Edith Hamilton ami Miss Dorthy Sanford oame up from Portland to speml laat Sunday at 1'. H. Larwood'a. Mrs. Sanford and Mrs. Larwood are custus. Last Friday a horse which JesHe I'avidaon waa riding became ftighten ad at some telephone wir which was lining dragged aloug the road aud be gan bucking. As Mr. Davidou wag tiding bareback he was thrown from the horse aud badly bruised ; but fort unately no hones were broken. I, M. Kelley Is Hoed to the bouse with a sora out, caused from stepping on a rusty nail. Uncle Sam has a force of men at work erecting a telephone line from tiribble's store to Lookout Mountain for tbe use of hia forest ranger. Dr. Brosius was called to see two children of Geo. Dimmio'g who were quite sick with the (Jerman measles. They aie much better. U. C. italolwiu moved hia family to Mt. Hood last Wednesday aud be has begun work on a bouse for Mr. Stein haiieis in Valley Crest neighborhood. Teachers and .pupihj are preparing tor the last day of school which is uext Friday, May 14. Tbe closing exercises will lie held at Mt. Hood Hall in the evening. The Mt Hood base ball team went to Odell Sunday. Score was, Odell 1 1, Mt. Hood 0. : ' WamaaaaaWagMB LARA WAY'S &e Watchmakers III1)UK II A Mi KKS. Nature t.hes Timely Warnings That no Hood IHver Citizen can Afford to Ignore. Danger signal No. 1 comes from the kiduey secretion. They will warn you wheu the kidneys are sick. Well kid neys excrete a clear, amber fluid. Sick kidneys send out a thin, pile and foam, or a thick, red, ill smelling ur ne, full of sediment nd irregular of passage. Danger signal No. 2 comes from the back. Hack aiiis, dull aud heavy or sharp and acute, tell vou ot sick kid ueys aud warn you of tbe approach ot drops, diabetes and Hrigbt's dis ease. Doan's kidney pills cure sick kidneys and cure them permanently. Mrs. John Matliews, living at 717 K. Fust street, The Dalles, Ore., says,: "1 gave a statement tor publication several years ago recommending Doau's kidney pills, aud 1 have had no reason to ohauge my opinion of the remedy si' oe that time. A severe cold which settled on my kidneys caused me much pain and annoyance. My hack became so weak that J could not stand erect and tbe least exeitlnu would make my trouble worse. The action of the kidney secretions wag also Irregular, When Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my attention I prouurod a box and began using them. Ihey proved to be jutt tbe leuiedy re quited tor my trouble and tequired only a short use to banish tbe entire trouble and restore me tu perfeot health, 1 have had uo return of the complaint siuoe aud can heartily re commend Uoan's Kidney Pills." Plenty more proof like tins trom Hood Iviver people. I' ll at C. N. ('lark's dtug store and ask what cus tomers report. tot sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole ageuts for the United States. Keiiioinbcr the name Doan's and take no other. r YOU LIKE IT 1 I When you have drunk our delicious Ice Cream Soda. We have the reputation for Mrving the very choicest. All Fruit flavors and strictly pure. A glass of our wholesome and palatable Soda is like Balm in Cilead when you are heated and tired I KEIR c& CASS SMITH BLOCK Reliable Druggists HOOD. F. W. Dellart and family were vial ora iu Hood Sunday. Oeo. Wise was in Hood on business Saurdaj Mr. Wise gays that we have the best location for a town between Hingeu and Sti veuaon.. Mr. aud Mrs. !'. C. Ihornton came over trom Dee Friday. Frank will be laid up for a few days on accouat of njuries received in the woods. Mr. Marsh came up on tbe train Sunday to spend a few days on the ranch. J. K. Ilauua is going to put four teams on the road bauling wood. 1 hey expect to start Tuesday. Thornton W'oa , suspended opera tions Saturday to gravel a rough place In the road. Tbia ebowa tbe rigbt spirit and helps a great deal more than knocking the road and telling how it should be fixed. B, W. Ariss was down to the station Sunday to meet big brother. Jo bo Forbes came down from Sher man County Sunday to visit with bis daghter, Mrs. Oraham. Mr. Forbes reports a scarcity of rain iu the upper couutty and sayg tbe spring grain la almost a failure Miss llaynes was a visitor iu Hood Friday morning. A J. llaynes purchased gome brick from Mr. Knai p last week. He Bays that last (Hotel made him feel the need of a Hie place, at'd he is going to have one re i ly for next winter. Mr. luiau and Johnnie Oruy came i up from Stevensou Monday on tbe noon train. J. R, aud P. U. MoCrakeu are placing a line ot polea I rum the power plant to their ranch two utiles up the river, where they will be supplied with electric power aud iuuaudesoout lights. Tbeae geutleiueu own oue of the largest orchards in the White Siluion valley, tbe tract comprising 45 acres of hearing trees, i'ue atilpiueut last year was nearly ,X00 boxes ot Spitzeu berg aud Newtowu apples. their ranch tmildiug will goon be titled with all the modern conveniences ot a tuetrupolitau residence. J. M. Maurer has commenced tbe erection of a large building on west liridge street, where be will oonduct a res: am ant I be loci ease of travel tat Men Vtblte Salmon ud Irout hake bas taxed the capacity Ot the hotels there. A bad fire occured recently near Hi uner s saw mill northeast of here, when a large baru was consumed and a team of borte burned to death. Aoctber team wag taken out in time to save them, although they were severely burned. Two of tbe men who attempted the rescue were burned about tbe bands aud arms. Two automobiles lire now making dail" trips up i be valley from Bin jen and White Salmon. Tbe land seekers are coming in Horn tbe middle nest, who help swell (he travel up and dowu tbe valley. Uuyerg are invest ing In o'obards lands. FRANKTON. Mrs. Morelaod, of Portiaud, vlgited witb bersoo, J. J Morelaod, last week, returning to ber home Saturday. Mrs J. O. Kastman has been quite HI but is improving We hope for a gpeedy recovery. K. M Wolf, who bag been visiting bis brother, left for tbe Coast oouotrv where he will visit a few dayg. He will probably return and t oate here. Kd Calking Is repairing bis baru and making other improvements on big plaoe. Mr. Heatoo ia helping him. Frankton school closes Friday, after a very successful term. A class of ten will take tbe eight grade examina tions the last of this week. Lee Morse baa been doing gome good work on tbe roads iu this sec tion. They have blasted out a great many rookg, and are changing the road in sereral places, greatly im proving it. Tbe thanks of the Senior class or the Fraokton Hi. h School are due Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Auderson for a very pleasant reception given tbem Tuesday evening of last week. Frankton School Notes Frank ton digit School Commence ment will ooour at Park Orangs Hall, on Ihursday eveuing, May 13, 1909 at 8 o'olook. Everyone is welcome ! Tbe program : March, byJOiohegtra Invocation, Newman's, Kev. C. A. Noll; Introductory speech, Mr. M. P. 1 sen berg Pluno Solo, Alta Anderson Oration, "Common place Heroism' Nina F. Noble. Music, by Orchestra Oration, "Where Kollg the Oregon" -Klizabetb Eby. Vocal solo, "Witb Vou in Eternity" - Lena lzenberg. Addregs, Piof. J. fi. Stubbg. Mmio, by Orohegtra. Presentation of Diplomas. County 8upf. E. E. Coed. Hong, "Ooe Orand Sweet Song" Oirls Olee Club. MOSIER .Fruit Lands. in large or small tracts. Some very good land at low prices at present. Good growing community. Six miles east of Hood River. Parties wishing to buy will do well to writu or see GEO. CHAMBERLAIN Mosier. Oregon MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE. LONG TIME, EASY PAYMENTS, RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVES WANTED. The Jackson Loan & Trust Co. FORT WORTH, TEXAS or JACKSON, MISS. Helmer's Saw Mill At Mt. Hood Makes nil Grades of Lumber in Fir and Pine, number delivered to any part of Hood River Valley. Phone No. 66 Odell. Hood River Banking & Trust Co. Corner Third and OaK Sts. Conducts General Hanking- in All Branches. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Savings Depart ment in connection. Domestic and Foreign Exchange. Safe Deposit Boxes; you carry your O WD key. Steam ship tickets for all European point. Call for inform ation, We solicit your patronage and guarantee entire satisfaction. Open a Checking Account With Us .Mount Hood Store. W. S. GRIBBLE, Proprietor. Dry (roods Ammunition Boots and Shoes Hardware Graniteware Hay (irain Flour Feed Full line of Groceries Walk-Over Shoes What You Have Been Looking For An Oxford that Will Fit Snugly around the Ankle without chafing Here's an outline cut of one them. We have them in the trustworthy Wak-Over make. Several diherent shades of tan and in dull and shiny leather. Medium Shade, Tan Calf, Blucher Oxford. Echo Model. Price $4.00. OTHERS AT $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 The WalK-Over Shoe Store J. G. VOGT Hood River, Ore.