A a 4 kmtl HOOD KIVER, OREGON, MAY 6 1909 VOL. XX NO. 51 SOCIETIES. HOOll KIVKK X)MMERCIAl,CIAJB-MeUi km v second Monday In etch uiontl'. t 8 p. in . in tbe club room over Jscksoii's store. ( HAS. T. HAHLV, Pre. W. H, Walton, Secretary. HOOD RIVER liODGifi NO. I05. A. K. and A. M. MeeU Saturday evening mi or before each foil moon. 1. N. Hlowkkh, W M D. McDonald, Secretary. HOOD RIVER ( WAITER NO. . R. A. M. Meets first and third Friday nights or eaoS month. A. 0. htatkw, H. P. OKo. .mi A nr. Becrelary. Il(x)d River Commander? No. IX K.T. Meets every K cond Monday evening of each month. W. K. lraway,E.C A. L. Moe, Recorder. HOOP KIVER CHAPTER NO. , O.K. 8.-Met-U second ami fourth Tuesday evening of each mouth. Visitors cordially welcomed. Mks. H. L. Pi mbi.b, W. M. Miss Unci. Woodwokth, Hecretary. I DLEWILDE LODGE NO. 107, I. O. O. K MeeU in Fravrual ball, every 'Ihursday Bight, J- M. Wool), N. O. Ueo. Thomson, Hecretary HKN ENi AMl'MENT, NO. 48, 1, o. O. . Hetcnlar meeting second and fourth Mondays or each mouth. J. H. Fkbouson, C. P. Oko. HiiKrAKD, HTlbe. KEMP LOPUK.No. 181, I.O. O. F.-Meels In Odell Improvement Co. s hall every Satur day night. Visitor cordially welcomed. W. I.. OARNKR. N. O. E. F. Folth, Rec. Secy. LA I J REL REBEKAH DEGREE IX) DO K SO. 1. !.0. O. K.-Meets first and third Fridays u each month. M us. Wm. Ganskk, N. Q. ZobA Day, Secretary. W. O. W meets the 2d and Ub Saturdays each month at I. O. O. P hall. Visitors cor dially invlled. J. D. Wa)J, C. C. F. W . McllKYNoi.os. Clerk. WAUOOMA LODGE NO. 30, K. OF P. Meets In K. of P. ball every Tuesday night. ,1ns Fkaikk, Jr., O. C. H.T. I la Witt, K-.oi K. aud S. MOOD RIVER CAMP, NO. 1,102, M. W. A. Mwt In f O. O. K. hall every Wednesday night. A. R. Cruhi", V. 0. Eu. MAYK8, Clerk. OOP RIVER CIRCLE N0.524, WOMEN OK Woodcraft-MeeU at I.O. O F. ball on the first and Third Saturday of each mouth. Sfta. WM. Ganokr, N. G. Alice Shay, Clerk. K1VERSIDE LODGE NO. 88 A. O. U. W -Meets first and third Saturdays f each month. K. E. Chapman, M. W. GEO. SI.OCOM, Financier Chkstku HittiTB. Recorder. OLKTA ArvSKM BLY NO. 1(8, UNITED ART-lsans.-Mceis the first aud third Wednes days work: second und fourth Wednesdays Artisans' halt C. P. Hinkichh, M. A. W. H. au.-tin Secretary. UOUBT HOOP KIVER NO 42, FORESTERS or.Amerlca.-Meeta every Thursday evening at's o'clock. ., . WM. PLKMINU. 0. R. F. C. Bkosiuw, Secretary. CAN BY POST, NO. 10, G. A. R.-MEKTS AT A Oil. VA. hall, second and lourth Satur days of each month at2o'clock p, m. All U A R members Invited to meet with us. Fkkd IHKTZ, Commander. B. F. BLYTHB, Adjutant. I IN BY W. R. C No. 16-MKETS second nd fourth Saturdays of each Mouth In A. j. U. W. hall at 2 p. m. Mas L M. Uentley, President. Mrs. O. H. Makkk, Secretary. M'H'NTAIN HOME CAMP No. 3i, R.N. A. Meets at I. O. 0. F. Hail or the secoud and fourth hMt'4mgSgtmmt.1ti Mas.. C U. Darin, Recorder PaYNTER LODGE, No. 2110, M. B. A. meeUllrst and third Fridays of each month ut K. or P. hall. , Carson HlVKMN. 1 Iff. Alio, Guionakd, He. . MT HOOD LODGE MO.W, 1. O. O. F. Meets everv Saturday venlni In Urlbble'a null Ml Ilood. 3. H. Monbor. N. O. U. W. DIMMK R, Sec. HOOD RIVER VALLEY HUMAN K SOCIETY Rood River, Ore. E H. Haitwlg, Pres. F.G. Coc.Sec. Leslie Butler, Trees. OREGON GRAPE llEHEKAli LODGE NO. 181 1. 0. O. K. Meets second aud fourth Wednesdays in tach month In Grlbblc's Hall, ML Hood, Ore. Mis. Millie llardinan, N. G. Mrs. Minnie L. Lai wood, Sec. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN AM 8UROEON. ft lepbooaw OMlne, 281: residence, Ml. nHKGKi iN O. R. A N. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN .ND SUKUKON. Calls promptly answeudiu town or country, Day or Ntghl. Telephones: Residence, Hi! Office, HIS. OfBce in the lirosius Building. E.O. DUTRO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon U over First National Jiatik. Hood Kiver, Oregon. Office Phone Main 871 Ilea. Main 873 ML. F. SHAW, M. D. Office In Jackson Block. Office phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. 5s. lilt. M. H. SHARP DR. EDNA B.SHARP Osteopathic Physicians .iiaduatea of the American School of Osteopathy, Kirkiville, Mo. Office in Klliot Block. Home Piione 102 Kes. 102-B F0. BROHIU8, 8. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'Phone Central, or ML IjflM Hom-n: 10 10 U A. M.; 2 to S and 6 to 7 r M M. B. WELCH, LICENSED VEIERIViRV SURUEOX Ik MvnarMl to do any work In the velenu al, ;i,. He OM be f-iunrt hy i a!l!iii; At or n'ivu U etafkfa trull ttoe. DR. iiiDGrlNGTON Smilli HuililiiiK HOOD UIVKR - - URfiflOM Dii. E. T. OAHNES DENTIST Olll.r over Urtiiie siore Telephone ;il H. D. W PIJfEO, D. D. 8. DENTIST Orrkf "ver Tlll"j rffl MvUrHWl Hunk I ! 6 B. JENKINS, D.M.P DKNTIST T"l pli. ne-: OriiceiS; t i "lr I' (Nfrc "ver UutWr B i. A A.JVYNE LAWYER A'lHUH.t- Furoislied. Monoy 1wnxJ John Leland Henderson ATTOHNHY AT LAW Hood River - - Oregon First National Bank MOM HI over $400,000. OF HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Capital 100,000 Surplus, $20,000. O. J. NELSON Real Estate HomWltMMilM A Si :i 1 1 v nl and Krnit. Lands in tracts from 10 acres to 10,000 acres. W ill trade Hood River property tor cheaper Real hstate in other places Office with E. H. Hartwig, Smith Block ORCHARD LAND BARGAINS 6 Acres, finest kind of land, 3 miles from town ; 5 acres in commercial bear ing orchard; some strawb erries, stock, implements and tools; house. Price 14200; $1500 cash. 8 Acres, 2 miles out. 6 acres in commercial orchard, line condition; 2 acres strawlierries ; good 5-rootn frame house. Price 5000; $2500 cash. lO Acres, very best soil; 2 acres in bearing orchard, netted $f)00 last year; 7 acres in 2 and -I year old commercial orchard; within one mile of high school. Price $4000; $800 cash. 20 Acres, W miles out, IS acres commercial orchard, part full bearing, pays 20 per sent on the price, $17,000. Ali under cultivation. 30 Acres, every foot of which is A No. 1 apple land ; 2C I acres under culti vation ; 8 acres in 4 year old commercial orchard; one mile from high school. Price $8500; $1700 cash. 40 Acres, good orchard land, A miles out; 6 acres standard orchard, produced 2000 boxes last year; buildings worth $2000 Horses, oows, implements and tools all go. Pays good interest on $20,000. 35 Acres, 2)j miles out, half under cultivation, gome orchard, building, creek, beautiful view, suitable to cut up into small tracts. Price $11,000. 8O Acres, about 6 miles southeast of town ; light clearing; HO acres of this la an ideal orchard tract. Price $2500. 120 Acred, 5 miles out; good I room house; small orchard ; 80 acres of this lays tine for orchard. Price $5500; $2000 cash. Wi! are exclusive ngorits for the above mid have many more food buys on our books. It will pay you to ee our list before buying. Devlin & Firebaugh Leading Dealers Main Office, Branch Office Swetland Bldg., Hood River, Portland, Ore. Oregon. A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. M. EDWARD WILLIAMS ARCHITECT STRUCTURAL ENGINEER .11) Kllot Huildlug Phone m Ilood River Oregon E. A. JEROME, Architect Havlnir had several vear' experience In drafting and building. I wrnild reapectfully solicit a pan 01 1 ne pmirouaxe 01 ine im-im" w IIxd River who antlelpate biilldlnn. Tariua reaaonahle. a id satlsfaetlon guaranteed. Of fice at residence on ll"iihtt. C.F.SUMNER II KADQU.VR I'ERS for Plumbing ('oine in and exam ine bur Hue of Pumps, Bath Tubs, La vatories, Sinks, Etc. Ajfriita For FAIRBANKS-MORSE GASO- g ENGINE Pastime Parlors On the Heights Pino r.ine Cigars and Confectionery, Soft Drinks. Stationery & Notions. L. B. STEVENS & CO. B. H. HART WIG, LAWYER. Will Practice In All Conrta. Cbas. O. Pratt, J.H.Osborne, R.W.Pratt, President. Vice Pre. caahler. Hood River Banking and Trust Co. We transact a general banking busluesa and own our own banking proiwrty Interest paid on time and Savings deposits Sale deposit boxes. A. 0. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND INSUR ANCE AGENT Room 12 HrosimB Block Morse & Morse Successors to Ralph Reed Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BU1I.DEK Phone 251-8 Estimates furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. D. L. DAVIDSON PAPER HANGER PAINTER AND DECORATOR WILLOW K1aT HOOD RIVER, OREGON. The Cornelius "The House of Welcome" Cor. Park & Alder Portland, Ore. A Hotel where the North western people will find a hearty welcome and receive courteous treatment at moderate prices. C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor PR tDt 1 ICr it ARNOLD, CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS ttaatf fornlthad ob all klodi ( work Phone.: rggUfog- W. J. Baker & Co. Dealers in REAL ESTATE Fruit and Farm Lands Resident Agents For Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON Real Estate Bulletin 8 3-4 ACRES Two miles out 5)2 acrvB spit and Nwtown, one acre in bearing, balance four years old. Balance of land past ure with running water. Price, $6,000. 5 ACRES Two miles out 4 acres Spitz and Newtowns three years old, a few bearing trees, small hotite, three inchenof water, about throe acres III strawberrieH between trees. Price $4,000. 40 Acres 11 miles out on east side. I'ine land, easily cleared and under the ditch. $5,000. LOT 50x100 on Oak ritr. et, el"ce I in, lays tine, would exchange (or unimproved. Submit what you have. EXCHANGE. Portland improv ed residence property, good loca tion, all rented. Will exchange all or part lor II od unimproved. We have a number of desirable lua lots Mow buying get our list. G. Y. Edwards 4 Co. Office Next Mt. Hood Hotel i A Great ain 160 acres in the Mosier district, 7 acres in full bearing apple orchard. 18 acres in 2, 3, and 4 year old apple trees all best varieties. Loganberries, grapes, peaches, pears, cher ries, etc., for home use. 6 acres ready for trees, 10 acres nearly cleared. 140 acres first-class apple land; water for irrigation. Small house and barn, wood shed, winter cellar. All indications for large crop of apples this year. Lays well for subdividing. The whole 160 acres can be bought for $12,000, or 40 acres with improve ments and bearing orchard for $8,500. Here is Your Golden Opportunity See Us About This Today J. H. Hei &Co. "The Reliable Dealers" Davidson Bldg., Hood River, Ore. Underwood and Little White Salmon Choice Fruit Lands Improved and Unim proved Land at Reason able Prices. - - -Small Tracts a Specialty WU1TL OR CALL ON F.W.DeHart Underwood, Wn. Trio Orchestra Muaic Fornlihed For All OocMiona. Inatromentationfl from three to any number desired. AddreHH or piione C. Q. NEWMAN, Hood River, Ore. Phone 64.X or 8H0-L. Mood River, Ore. Oosipowd wholly o home talent. Pre pared to fiirniuli Music for all occasioiiH. For (iatai and tcrtiiH iiddreaa 0. 0. WILSON, Ilood Kiver, Ore. Phone l ik, Odel'l Kxcbange. Stranahan & Slaven Contractors and Builders noon KIVKK, OREGON, Lane & Gibbons Bnerexmir toShrum Rroa. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaccos Sporting Goods ALONG THE STAGE ROAD TO MT. HOOD COUNTRY A representative of tbe Ulaoier Hpeut nst week lu tbe Upper Hood Hirer valley, kuowti an the Mt. Hood aattletueiit. lie t ravened tbe Mt. Hood HtHge read from Booth bill aa far an OaiBa bill, now known aa Valley Crent, and visited tie bomesteadeis ou the east aide of the East Pork, aud douij Dog river. With few excep tions be visited eveiy ranch and houio-tead. With regret be missed some well-improved farms east nt O. II. KhodeH' place and that of 0. L. Hogers on the Kast Fork. His time was limited ou his retnru Satur day aud toil i his exuusu. Kverywhete in the Uppei Valley lie found the work of deai'lug laud uoiug ou Industriously, ererybody at work, and all elated over the In it lit pro -pecta for their sectious. He found 110 idle men, on the other baud theie is great demand for laborers, the work of dealing Ian I will go on ail Htimmer. At some places he tound apple packen at work, packing tor shipment to Portland aud Seattle, a here apples command top prices at this ..i..i-n. think ot marketing Northern Spy, llaldwiua aud like var ieties in the month of May! These varieties, kept in the ordiuary ap ple house over winter, are now as Nolid aud crisp as when picked from the me lt cau readily be seen what a gieat advauthge the apple glower in Up per Ilood Kiver valley has over his competitor in other apple-growing sec tious. Tbe ditl'erent irrigating systems sup ply tin abuudauce of water tor irriga tion. Many settlers are supplied with pure water from springs aud creeks, the ditoh cotnpaules are supplying water at attonishiugly low rates com pared with other irrigated sections. "Never need an Ameruiau look be youd his own country for the sub lime aud beautiful of natural seen ery, " wrote Washington living. Had he lived to be whisked by in an alec trio car thrcugh apple orchards of tbe lower valley to view the sublime and beautiful scenery of this upper valley, he would have been oouviuced there is uotblug of the like to surpass it in America. The grandeur of Mount Hood when viewed in such uoaruess is unspeakable, aud one statids lu silent admiiatlou. The auow peaks of Hood, Adams aud Kaluier are seen from many poiu's in the upper valley. The let trie railroad projected and now iu a fair way to niateiialize will make this upper valley the objective point of the tourist. No one of the many thousands who will tour tbe Paclflo coast each summer will wish to leave nut tbe trip thrn'igh the famous valley of Ilood Kiver to the suow line of Mount Hood this line Is now surveyed and right of way procuied throng b the upper valley as far as Valley Crest school bouse where tbe southern terminus is tor the present located. The survey ors ure now at work iu tbe lower val ley, aud the woik will uot be fluished until the survey U completed tor the whole line. The loud will greatly benefit this upper valley its well as the lower section. Population will double iu two years. Land is com paratively cheap, ranging in pries h orn 800 to 1250. In this land of great possibilities, the a man ot rnoderte means can establish a home. With the advent ot tbe electric line, tbe large holdings of land will be divided into small tracts and a dozen or moie tam illes can be located wheio now theie is but one. The wagou roads through out the upper valley aie now in ex cellent ouudition,but it is a long haul Irom the town of Hood Kiver from whence supplies of all kinds are haul ed, and for this reasou the eleotrio line must come, liesides, the pro duce irom this section eut to market must all be hauled by wagon. Men with capital bave recently come here and have hinted thousauds of apple trees. The dealing uow being pro secuted vigorously hy these new com ers will make room foi thousands ot trees to be set in the fall or next spring. Descending from the Booth hill in to the upper valley, the tlrst clear ing that meets tbe eye is that of J. P, HHlstrom. He has '200 acres, SO cleared ; 360 Spitzenbeig and Newtown trees. Sixty acres of his place is rich bottom laud, balance woll drained and excellent tor orobard. The stir vey for the electric line passes wltb In 200 yards of his place. He has laud to sell to bomeseekers, but will uot sell to speculators. A hydraulic ram Is taking water from the Bone ditch, with which he will irrigate hiH hay lands. His orchard land will need no water at least until the trees are of mature age. Mr. IHllstrom has always kept considerable stock and along with others Is much hampered now for pasture on account of tbe herd law. While this law is the right thing Iu the lower valley, here where there isjuuliniited range, it works a hardship on the at tual settler. Mr. Hitlstrom is a native of Finland aud came to the United States in 1807, to the PMitta eost in IHOil, and settled ou his butneltead here in 1882 (). II. Khodes, native of Minnesota, has 160 acres which be has resided upon lor tthe past 13 years. Helms' beeu 27 vears iu Ilood Kiver. Ills 40 I acres of hcUom land cleared aud set to hay hringH hi in a good income Off ''.( acres of alfalfa Hist cuttiug be has takeu (;'4 tons of hay. He cuts bis ai j titlta three time iu a season. H K. Bradford has 10 ncres pnr ! tlcall.v cleared. All old timers know Mint Bradford. He is the kou ot en i Oregon pioneer, P. 1". Biadford, jr., land was horn in Poitland during the I time of Mie Indian war of 18f)t; while : his mother was a relugee from the dangers of ail Indian laid at the Cas cades. J M Leiiz, is located on GO ames ' ot bis original homestead. Has 20 acres improved, 400 apple trees, lot) bearing. Mr MM located here IS yeara ago. He whs born in Wisconsin lu 1807. He Is a mighty hunter and l he walls nt tbe rooms In his- large and cninfoi table house are decorated wltb remiuds-rs ot his prowess. His lo ten year-old son killed his Hist dier last summer. He dropped tbe deer It Hrit shot. Immediately he asked his tatber the time and then said: "Al 11 o'clock Augns" 21, 11)08, at 10 years ot age 1 killed my first deer. I will write It dowu." M. DurmiB a native of France has 204 acres; SO cleared, 5 or 0 in orobard and balance in bay. He speut considerable in draining bis laud and uow has a most desirable home arid good income from bis land He is now ditchiug to Irrigate 10 acres on east side of his meadow. Mr. Dumas oatne to tbe Uuied States 25 years ago aud to his preseut loca tion D years ago. John Vatithiers, a native of France, came to the United States 17 years ago aud to Hood Kiver iu 1800. He sold bis 40 acres to Mrs. M. A. Moun ey, of Sau Francisco and now has it leased fur Mve years. In trying to buy bis place hack h was asked tfi,000 more than he sold It tor. Twelve acres Improved, 8 iu orobard, I 4 In hay. J. K. Steele, a native of Scotland, oatne to America iu 1881 aud to Hood Kiver in 1887; located here iu March 1902. He has 20 acres of floe land lying along tbe stage road aud the survey of the electric line; !)0 acres cleared, in orchard, : ct which is bearing. Qood bouse, barn, tool house, workshop and other improve im nt.-. IllB land is under the Boue ditch. Has a good spring for house use. Fifteen acres he will put iu alfalfa next spring. Mr. Steele is agent tor tbe sale of 1000 acres of land in bis vicinity, which cau he bought at from $00 an acie up to $250. It cau be had in tiacts from 10 sorts up. This land is improved aud uti improved tome with bearing orchaids and other improvements W. M. Laugbton, of Portland, has 110 acres adjoining Mr. Steele uud 40 acres across the stage road. Theie Is 0 acres in 2-y eat old trees. Tbe plaoe is cared for by M. St-ele. F. K. Stiawhall of Sea View, Wash., has 21 acres, 5 iu 4 year-old oruhard. I'ine spring on the phiO". In caie ot Mr. Steele. Miller Bros., of Portland, have 40 aores; 0 iu trees, nearly all bearing. This was the Paul Auberi place. F. M. Irela'id, or Portland, has 40 acres, 7 acres in 4 year-old trees. Mia. Anna hen., recently purchased 40 acies adjoining the piece of her sou, Jake Lienz It has 8 acres clear ed, and three men are now chairing more to be set to tiees. A. J. llagau, of Portlaud has 80 acres adjoining the laud of J. P. Hllistroin on the south. Forty aores In trees, 2 and It years old. He has a reservoir on the highest point ot Booth hill to whlub by means of hydraulic ram he cau force the water from the Bone ditch 300 feet through 1230 feet of 2 Inch pipe. The ram will lift 42,000 gallons lu 24 hours. This place is also looked after by J. K. Stesle. Mrs. 1. O, Thomas has a homestead of 100 aores adjoiuing J. It. Steele. She owns 85 acres iu addition and has 5 aores iu trees. J. Joss, a native of Snot land, came to the United States 18 years ago aud located a homestead 8 years ago. He has 15 acres cleared, 2 acres iu trees and other good Improvements. C. O. Kichards, native Oregonian, name to Hood Kiver in May, 1000. He has bomesteaded 10O acres, has 2 acres aleared aud 3 or 4 slashed. He will set bis laud to trees as fast as it la made ready. L. Kouke has 170 acres, 05 iuprov ed, 10 In orchard. Frauk Hand, re cently from Pnndletonwitb his family has charge of litis place. l; C. Miller, native of Illinois, came to Hood Kiver 20 years ago. Since hnmesteaded 100 aores; has 20 aores cleared aud 7 or 8 in orchard, part of which Is hearing. Has 3 notes in strawberries, balance in bay laud aud pasture. He has 14 goats and will use them'for clearing brush land. 1). B, Stanton, native of New York state, has 12 acres, 4 improved and .'too trees. Carue to Hood Kiver 3 years ago. Mr. Stanton is an old sol dier, having served iu the 8tb Wis consin durlug the civil war. This was famous Kagle regiment, that car ried a live American eagle through tbe war. The eagle was named by tbe soldiers "Old Abe." Later he died and was mounted by a taxidermist. Wbeu tbe Wisconsin state house was burned several years ago all that was bit of "Old Abe" was lost iu tbe llames. 0. M. Wisbait, native of Scotland, name to America with his parents in 1871 and to Hood Kiver in the fall of 1880. He has 20 aoret, ti acres im proved and 80 bearing trees. Free water for irrigation. A 12000 bouse with modem oonveuieuoes. Mr. Wishart is road supervisor or District No. 8. He has one rotirth interest iu the Mt. Ilood Saw Mill On. S. A. lielmer, native of Detroit, Midi., oatne to Hood Kiver 10 years ago. Is estshlhhed in a paying gen eral merchandise store. Has a com plete s'ook and reports business ralr. Has 40 seres, nearly all improod; 30 aores iu bay. Is uow putting in a creamery and meat maiket. The ma chinery for the creamery la ready to aet up. Part or the building, 20x50, will also be titled up tor ice cream parlms and ready ror tbe tourist trade that will come latter in the sea son. On 314 B(,rea Mr' ,lfllner raised BOO sacks of Una Burhauk potato s and has them stored ready for market in his frost proof potato and apple house. This building is 21x40, three stories. Jesse Davidson, native of Ohio, came to Ilood Biver in 11)03 and bomesteaded 10') aores. Has 10 aores cleared ; 000 trees. 150 just coming Into bearing. Has good variety of all kiuds ot fruits for home use besides Ins 000 trees. Has 0 inches of free water, flood house, barn aud other Inuirovementa. Mr. Davidson is "hatching" along with bis two sous, J. C. sod W. B. Ho has a wide re nutation as an excellent cook and housekeeper and will challaugn all bachelors iu Hood Kiver valley to compete with him in bread making at the next llocd lilvor rair. ne nas tiled on a good spring on land adjoin ing that Is now the government re serve. Chas. Holtner Is proprletoi of Hel mers' saw mill at Mt. Hood. The mill has a capacity of 25,000 feet daily. He reports a good business for the spring trade. Ihls company is pie pared to ddivei lumber to all parts o) ilood Kiver valley. Phone num ber, Odell, 00. J. L. Langille homesteaded 100 acres. He has 30 aores Improved, 820 apple trees, 3 aores in strawberries, 0 in bay, and a good variety of home fruit. He is the owner ot 80 Inches of water in tbe Mt. Hood Water Co. The cost of maintenance In this ditnb has never been more than 25 cents an inch for tbe number of In dies made use of, making it tbe cheapest water Bold in tbe state. Tbe survey of the electrio line passes through bis plaoe on tbe west lines of east 40. He Is located on the stage road, convenient to tbe stores, post oftloe, and schools, and his location is one of the best in tbe npper valley Mr. Langille is a native of Nova Soctia. He is n pioneer, coming here in 1882, the seoond man to locate after Baldwin and Tieman. W. S. Urlbble was the first to open a store iu tbe Mt. Hood settlement. His store Is well stocked with general merchandise aud it would be hard to ask for nuy necessary article without being supplied at Ins store. Mr. Urlbble Is postmaster, and his store is beadquaiteis tor all who desire in formation in regard to the country. He has l.o acres of land, 20 improved, 2 in trees, balauce in buy. lie came to Hood Kivei in 181)3 aud is a native of Clackamas county, Oregon. J. A Fawsett, a native of Illinois, came to Hood Hirer in 1900. He has 10 aores, 3 cleared. K. M. Cribble has 37 . aores, 5 oleared and 130 tipple trees, pait bear ing. W. L. Oribble has 02 notes and 2 or 3 acres In bearing trees. W. M. Jones, native of Wisconsin, came to Hood Kiver iu January last aud has started a blacksmith shop near Urlbble's store. He reports bus iness stalling olf iu good shape. His family arrived here from Crawford oounty, Wis., April Z) Oscar riedenburg is tbe well known Mt. Hood stage drivei. Winter and summer through rntn and snow, sum mer or heat, be brings tbe mail ou time. He is a native of Marion oouu- ty, Oregon, and came to Hood Kiver in September, 1884. He has 40 aores be homesteaded, 0 oleaied, 540 trees part bearing. Plenty of tie water, 7 room house all complete; good barn with stone foundation. A. M. Kelly is part owner iu the Mt. Hood Hirer Milling Co. and haa charge of tbe mill uow runuing. Tbe company has another mill in tbe middle valley. Hie mill in obarge of Mr. Kelly has a oapaoity of 10,000 feet dally, lie reports business good. Tbe lamber Is sold and hauled away as fast as made. Ibe company ia now putting In a new edger. Eight men are employed at present. Mr. Kelly has 10 aores near Jaok Lenz' plaoe which be will dear aud set to trees iu tbe near futnre. Prof. L. J. Murdoek is principal ot the sobool on tbe east side ot the district and Miss Laura Purcell teaches toe primary, lu tbe west end of tbe district Miss Kdglngton has charge of the ech ml. Hlxty-slx pupils are enrolled in tbe district. H. C. Kuan, native ot Ohio, oame to Mt. Hood six yeais ago, having been on tbe coast since 1875. He has 100 aores, 25 well improved. He has 5 Botes In strawberries, wbfeb promise good yie d ; 500 apple trees, 100 bear ing. His plaoe fronts tbe s'age road to Cloud Cap Inn. Tbe electilo road will pass along bis west line. Mr. Kush is a veteran of tbe clll war, having served in tbe 10th Illinois. Paul Aubert homesteaded 100 acres and Hve years ago sold. He then bought 100 aores of John Vautbiers, which he ia now impioving. He haa 20 aoies cleared, 4 in trees, balance in bay. He harvested 60 tons of bay last year from 15 arcos. He haa a One location opposite the pOBtotllee and near tbe line of tbe eleotrio am vey. Mr. Aubert and his wife are natives of 1' ranee. He came to America 18 years ago after living seven years in Australia. He oame to Hood Kiver valley in 1892. T. H. Larwood, native of Iowit,oeme to Hood Kiver in 1900. Has 50 aores, 12 denied, I set to trees that are bear Ing. He has 60 inches In Mt. Hood Water Co., besides 25 inches free water. He has a One dwelling bouse, large barn, and other improvements. Many campers erect tbelr tents on his farm during tbe summer mouths. U. H. Welch, native of Vermont, oame to Hood Kiver 15 years ago and bomesteaded 80 acres. Of this be has 40 aores left iu a very desirable loca tion ou the stage road, lie has 'I acres oleared and 50 fruit trees. Plenty of spring water to irrigate his garden. Mi. Welch is a pioneer of Oregon, coming here in 1857.;His wte came in 1852. J. T. and P. L. Heal, navtie of Ohio, oame to Hood Kivei last year and bought 80 aores ot D. K. Cooper, l'bey have 10 aor -s Improved, bearing orchard. 1 hey will build a dwelling house this summet. David K. Cooper and wife, loth natives ot Scotland, are pioneers of Upper Hood Kiver valley. After a number of years speut iu Douglas oounty, Oregon, they oame to Hood Kiver in 1882 and preempted 100 acies on part of which they still make tbeir home. Tbey bave 71 acres, 32 cleared, 21 acres in hay and a good arcbard. Mr. Cooper was tbe Orst to set out an orobaid in tbe upper valley. Keoently be shipped 1000 boxes of apples to market. Last yeai's crop amounted to 4000 ho mm. He bas 200 inches tree water. Mr. Cooper was tbe Orst guide to Mt. Hood from tbe north side. Cooper's Spur takes its name from him. He is now advanced in years and Is somewtbat feeble in health, aud it is his wish that when be dies his re mains may be laid to rest on Cooper's Spur of the grand old mountain he be loves eo well. U. F. Jones, native of Douglas oounty, Oregon, oame here recently and bought 10 aores. He has 2 acres oleaied, and all the balanoe slashed. Miner Uiibble, has 15 aores on tbe stage road. Oood bouse and barn, but only a small oleurlng. J. W. and C. T. Jones, native ot Iowa oame to Hood Kiver in 1906. Tbey have 50 aores, 3 iu strawberries, 501) apple trees 3 and 4 years old; 8 acres in meadow. Tbey will dear 9 acres this year and set to trees, and will build a good dwelling house this fall. Tbey bave 100 inches in tree water. Kohert Leasare, native of Minneso ta, oame to Hood Ktver in 1872. He bomesteaded 100 acres here, but 40 of (Continued on Page 8.) 4