The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 22, 1909, Page Five, Image 5

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    HOOD lgM QLA01BH TlPRflDAY, APRIL jg Ifgft
Farfs or Weak Women
Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dis
ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured i cured
every day by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
Sick Women Well.
It acts directly on the organs affected and is at the same time a general restora
tive tonic for Mm whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy
of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and
local treatment so universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to
every modest woman.
We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of
those peculiar affections incident to women, but those
wanting full information as to their symptoms and
means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised
and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only; or, in cloth
binding for 31 stamps.
Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
(From Knterprise.)
E. P. Wray, with hi? wife and three
children, arrived Monday fioui Lake
port, ('id., to make the r home on
their strawberry ranch in Cook's ad
dition. Mi. VYray bought teu acraa
ot tine laud from J. Humphrey last
year. We welcome them to out com
munity. Miss blanobe Howe, of Hood Hirer,
came over last I'Viday and stayed mi
til Monday, vixitiug friends uud at
tending the meeting at the Hup! ist
church. Miss Howe sang two beauti
ful auloa at the service Sunday.
i''orty-four guests met at Mrp. A. H.
Jewett's home Thursday iu honor of
the announcement of the engagement
of Mary Dunn Jewett and Char lea
Krakin Mansfield I be wedding takes
place in June.
Miss Nettie Gleasou, our popular
teacher of the primary department,
spent In -t Sunday in Hood Klver.
Miss Nettie liuok of that place ac
companied ber home, and was her
guest here unitl Tuesday.
J. T. Holman on Monday took
charge of the harness shop and stock
which be purohused last week from
Mortis. Mr. Holmau will move his
family here from Hood Kiver when
schonl ia out at that place. We extend
a cardial welcome in behalf of oar
.Mount Hood Store.
W. S. GRIBBLE. Proprietor.
Dry Goods Ammunition Boots and Shoes
Hardware Granite ware
Hay Grain Flour Peed Full line of Grocerie
Hood River Banking & Trust Co.
Corner Third and OaR Sin.
Conducts General Banking in All Branches.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Savings Depart
ment in connection. Domestic and Foreign Exchange.
Safe Deposit Boxes; you carry your own key. Steam
ship tickets for all European' points. Call forinform
ation. We solicit your patronage and guarantee
entire satisfaction.
Open a Checking Account With Us
Wm. Cooper and Nephews
Winter or Spring Use
It Kills
Oyster Shell Scale, Eggs
of Insects and Spores of
Fungi, Mosses and
Summer Use
When Trees are In Bud or Leaf
It Kills
Codling Worm, Oyster
Shell Scale Insect, Wooly
and All Forms of Aphis,
Pear and Apple PSYLLA
Mixes Instantly With Cold Water
Immediately Ready
Sold by
D. McDONALD, Hood River
Established 1900
Incorporated 1905
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits over $80,000
Deposits over $400,000
We have removed to the corner of Second and Oak
Streets where we will he plad to welcome the public
to our new quarters. We are better equipped than
em to take care of the lequirementsofourcustomers
Interest paid on time deposits
Savings Banks for Children
Safety Deposit Boxes
The Butler Banking Co.
Under the new law paused by the
laat legislature all proapeotife brldee
and bridegrooma iu tbe atate ot Weab
iogtoo must ahow tbeniaelvea to be
pbyaloally and morally fitted tor wed
lock. Kacb of the oontraetlog partlea
ia requited to file in tbe audi torn'
office ao affidavit aigued by a pbyai
oiao ot good repute abowiug tbat tbe
partlea are of good moral character
aod are not affiioted witb any pbyalcal
disease that would prove iojorlous to
eitber pirty by marriage. No female
under 15 yeara ot age can aeocre
lloenBe to marry under any oiroum
etanoea. From tbe age of 15 to 18
yeara abe ia required to furniab the
writteu oonaent of ber parenta or
guardian. If tbe mule ia under 21
yeara of age he must also fumiab a
written oonaent beforo a licenae can
be iaaued. A heavy penalty ia at
tached to tbe violation of tbla law,
and it will pay all partiea contem
plating manage to aeoure a ropy of
tbe law befoie proceeding further.
Tbe law goea luto effect early In
The Circus
acrobat finds it necessary at all times
to keep his inuacles and joints supple.
That is the reason that hundreds of
them keep a bottle of Ballard's Snow
Liniment always on hand. A sure cure
for rheumatism, cuts, sprains, sore
throat, lame back, contracted muscles,
corns, bunions and all pains. Price 25c.
f0 and f 1.00 per bottle. Sold by Chas,
N. Clarke.
Kew Through Train.
O. M. Jackaon, traveling passenger
agent of tbe Canadian Pacific railway,
located at Spokane, was in tbe city
Monday. Mr, Jackson stated that be
ginning May 2 through trains will be
run from St Paul to Portland over
tbe Boo line to Portal, N. D., from
there over tbe Canadian Paoiflo to
Spokane, and from there over tbe O.
K. & N. to Portland. It will be one
of tbe finest equipped triana running
into Portland, and i called tbe Soo-
Spokane-Portland Train de Luxe.
This route ia shorter by 47 miles than
either tbe Ureat Northern or North
ern Pacific routes, fand passengers
can go through from tlood Klver to
Bt. Paul without obange.
Several changes are on the program
no tbe O. K. I N. to take effect May
2. It is aald tbat a through train of
Pullmans will be run on tbe Hum
man linea between Portland and
Clloago, and will make tbe run in
60 hotira, or about 12 hours abortei
than tbe present sobedule. There is
also talk of extending tbe local, which
now runs from Portland to Pendleton,
to Salt Lake, and putting on a local
trBin between Tbe Dalles and Port
land. Mia. N. bvans, Is making arrange
menta to give a local rendition of tba
saored oantata, "Tbe Beautiful City,"
at the M. K. church, April 23. It
will be quite an elaborate affair, in
which fifty or sixty of tbe young peo
ple will participate. Mrs. Kvana has
had oonaidearble experience iu
work at otbei placea where sbe
lived, but owing to poor health
not attempted anything in tbia
before in Hood Hiver.
Aubrey Blowers enme up from Port
land Friday to spend the week end
witb relatives in Hood Hiver.
Real Estate Transfers.
The following sales are reported by
W. J Baker & Co : Prank Davenport
to Tboa. . Dunbar, house and lot on
Sherman avenue; W. J. Baker to O.
J. Nelson, one lot on State street. C.
8. Smith to Mr. Evans, 5 acres; H.
Li. Uoodriob to W. Bentley, 5 acres;
Geo. T. Partber to Bdward H. Wheel
er, 2t acres; Thomas K. Dunbar to
1 rank Davenport, jr., 10 acres; Mrs.
Peail Morton to Abbie J. Mills, lot
on State street ; Mrs. A. L. Parker to
Wm. O. Klllot, jr.. 25 acres; 8. S.
Thompson to O. R. Bone, 20 acres ;
Warren Davenport to W. J. Baker, 22
feet on Oak atieet.
What Makes a Bank
In judging a hank always remember
that it is Capital, Surplus and
Undivided Profits that give se
curity to the depositor, because that
money stands between you as a depsitor
and any possible shrinkage in the
securities held by the bank. With a
paid up Capital, Surplus and Profits of
-two Tliousanfl Dollars
added to our securities, which are nil
gilt edge, every dollars of deposits is
protected by a Dollar and a Half.
First National Bank
To Begin Your Spring Building and we are Pre
pared to give you estimates on all house bills and
Prompt Delivery on the
Home Phone 62-K (BRANCH )
Upper Hood Rlyer Valey.
The Mt. Hood Railroad Co. have let
contracts for the construction of their
line south from Dee, in the heart of the
upper valley. The finest of land, cheap
and plentiful supply of water; unexcelf
ed for apples, clover and berries. I
handle these lands. W. H. Marshall,
Dee, Oregon.
Feed, Grain, Field Seed
Poultry Supplies
Spray Materials, Fertilizers, Etc.
Whitehead's Feed
The Square Deal Store
Is the place to get your Wagons,
Buggies, Hacks, Plows, Har
rows, Cultivators, Spray Pumps,
Hose & Nozzles, Gasoline Power
Spraying Outfit, complete wgt.
328 lbs. Myer Cog Gear Hand
Pumps guaranteed to give satis
faction. The right kind of Hose
Nozzle and Fittings. Extension
Head Disc, Harrows with wheel
trucks, Garden Tools, Planet Jr.
I have in
ft Stock Rub
beroid Root
ing, House
Paint, genuine Avenarius Carbolenium,Cooper Spray
Groceries, Flour and Feed. Stumping Powder, Caps
and Fuse.
d. Mcdonald
! of n I lr m
Home Phone 1 74
Third St. and Cascade Ave., Hood River, Oregon
The Great Northern
Furnture Store's
is Still in Progress
Only a few weeks more and then the hig store will close
its doors. We have been disposing of more goods than
We had over thought of in so short a time. The people
have patronized us liberally, and the benefit was mutual.
We have set a pace that is hard to follow. Never before
ha e we, or any other concern, ever dared to mark
goods for sale at a loss of 1 0 to 30 per cent, but in order
to sell every article in the Hig Store we are compelled to
sacrifice our stock, and we do it willingly. For the past
fourteen years Mr. Perlinan has been held in high esteem
in the business community of this section for his honor
able methods in dealing and his fair treatment to cus
tomers. It is his desire that it shall go on the same way
until the last day of the Biggest ('losing Out Sale ever
held in The Dalles and vicinity. He has left us in charge
of the store to sell the goods. No doubt you've already
seen the bargains your neighbor has bought of us. You
can get the same. It is not too late now. Come at
once. Make your selections today. It will pay you.
Every Article Marked in Plain Figures
Everything as advertised. We advertise facts only and
every fact is subst antiated by the article and its low
price. We have especially marked down all our Granite
Warefor the remaining days of our sale. Head the
following carefully, then come prepared to buy.
Royal Brand Granite Dish Pans 8 quart, closing out
price, 22 c; 10 quart, closing out price,
27!4c; 12 quart closing out price, 35c.
High Grade Chocolate Sets Only a few left.
Closing price at, a set, $1.85.
Solid Copper Nickel Plated Tea Kettles Closing
out price, each, at 95c.
Imported China Decorated Cups and Saucers
Closing out price, each, at 25c.
Royal Brand Pudding and Milk Pans Assorted
sizes. Closing out price, each, at 10c.
Imported China Berry Sets Beautiful selection.
Closing out price, set, $1.25.
Hammocks Fine woven, big lot to select from.
Closing out price, each $1.00.
Real China Cups and Saucers Beautifully decor
ated. Closing out price, set, 62 c.
Royal Brand Soup Ladles The kind that sells for
1.rc. Closing out price, each, at 7c.
Fine Imported Fish and Game Sets Seven pieces;
these will go fast . ('losing out price at, a set, $1.15.
Alarm Clocks Standard makes, heavily nickeled.
Closing out price, each, 65c.
Broken Lot of China and Glassware at Less
than Actual Cost.
Royal Brand Granite Tea Kettles Large size.
Closing out price, each, 50c.
Stone Crocks While they last. Closing out price,
per gallon, 12c.
Large Glass Fruit Dishes Very pretty. Closing
out sale, each, 21c.
Royal Brand Granite Stew Kettles Assorted sizes.
Closing out price, each 30c.
The Great Northern
Furniture Store
Kann Bros., Mgrs.
Second St., The Dalles, Oregon
1 Denatured Alcohol t
W If you have occasion to use alcohol for burning or W
any mechanical or industrial purpose you shold J
know that as a result, of the new law. grain alcohol T
w can now be had at a price which makes it an object JP
- - i
to use instead of wood alcohol.
Have You a Chafing Dish?
Denatured Alcohol is superior to the dangerously W
poisonous wood alcohol, besides it does not give off W
anv oiieiiwive smell wnen useu m cnanng ensues in
your private room or in the presence of company.
We can supply you with any quantity.
The Glacier Pharmacy