FARE TO HOOD RIVER MAY BE CUT Ptttuseuuer litres troin Portlau I t Ibe Dallim will l ireltd Irom fl to MceuU hmi IU CiiarlHH U. Spencer, bailey Uatzert cud potsillr ti e I'd pbuoe ko Id cuuiiuinhiuu next trout h, ocordiug to I he prediction uf tome of tbe tttt'Hniticmt uieu, wbo ; a rate war in turn to result . lays tbe lele graui. It U tmi intiuiatml thht tbe rite umy Le cut to i" renta tefoie tbe ea ho ii i wtll lI Hiiceii Kecause of the Seattle fair, tbe tourixt putrouHtie of tbe Wlllmiiette and Columbia rircr huat ii t-xpected to be fully an great a riutiutf the Lei and (imk t-xpoi-it ion, wben a nui uer nf the iraft nittbd eaiuiiiK utllrieot lo pity th original co.t nf tbeir toiittriictiKU. Anions l bene was the llHiley (iatert. which was I.-hv ug PorlIiid for tbrf or tnur uiontbr every day with all tbe He-mums ber government Depute i'0ild permit, i'be aauie was tine of tbe Charles K. Kpeno-r. Thougb tbe Telephone was not placed ou tbi route uutil tbe easoo was about over, she made big money for her owneia Id a small nay tbi tourist travel on the river baa already ket io, and will continue to iucretiht) a tbe weatbf-r becomes miller. 1 ho, profes.irm to be iu receipt ot adruuce iotoriratiou del lire that tbe vidume of river trallHt will bieuk tvery previous record. Id tact, fear is felt that therj wit not te euounu boats suitable for tbe business to handle tbe crowds which will come dowu here trum Seattle iu the heiit of tbe summer, anxious to m:iko tbe trip up tbe scenic Columbia. This is a little Bide jaunt, it is explained, that eastern people never tail to take iu wbeu tbey are in tbe I'aeiUo northwest for a abort stay. W'itb auotber transcontinental rail road ruunitig into Portland, it is beld that muuy ot tbote intending to visit the fair will come by way ot Portland aud do their (tight seeing Iu this sec tiou before going to the Sound, liy fcllowing eucb a plan tbe tiresome jouruoy across the cont'neut can te leasuntd by half a day, which is x pected to prove sufficient incutitive to bring tbe flood tide of the travel dinct to tbe Hose Cily. Pieparatious are being made to get tbe liatzert aud Spencer ready tor active service by tbe Hrst of next mouth. Neither steumor has turned a wheel fur seveial mouths. Con fcideiable ok has been and is lieiug doue to the craft, and they ill be iu spick and spun shape foi the season's unending grind. A mantle cf mystery ptill currounds the Telephone, but old time rivei men are confident she will be plyiug be tween Portlaud and The Dalles before tbe fair opens. Recently there has been soaie talk rf hur being converted into hb ollbu: uir. She is about tbe only bout ou Iho rivei not equipped with un oil plaut. Chrouiule. The Editor Lament The Willamette VHlley editor makes I he following appeal : "This is the season foi planting seed, and 'tis also the printers' time of need. Sow radish seed, and Jettuoe too, aud pay tbe piiuter whatever is due (Jo build yourself an onion bed ami remember th- priuter must tie fed. Sow several rows of early pea aud pay tor last years paper, pl.as-e. Dig up the earth 'round unch ht..v berry vine :iud if you waut the l'iuies diop us a line. I'liiLt some potatoes to put Iu tbe bash and reoiniuLei thu priuter is short of ash. Fix up a hill or 60 of beans aud with ye editor divide your means. Of water melons you'll need a p tub the editor's pauta ueoiis ono to match. Pay up your bubsuiiptiou, ibeu plant corn nud you'll raise a big crop sure as you'.e born. " WARM AND DRY TO STAY WELL Now is the time wbeu the doctor Vets busy, and patent mrdioiiie niiin ufacturers reap thu harvest, unless great cure is takeu to dresa warmly and keep tbe f it dry. lbiaistbe advice of an old emir.tn authority, who sajs that rheum tism and kidney trouble weather is here, aud lo tells what to do i i cum of au attack. (Jet from any good prescription pharmacy one half ouuee tluid extract dandelion, one ounce compound Kar gon, three ounces compound tyrup Sarsap srill.i. Mix by sbakiug Jn a bottle aud take a teaspooultul after meals aud at bedtime Just tiy tbn simplo home-made mixture at tbe drat sigu of rheuma tism, or 'it yom back Hcbg or you feel II at the kidneys ure ni t acting just right. 1 h i 1 is said to be a splendid kidney rtgilatoi, ami alj:oet ;ceriain remedy lot' all forms of rbnumatisui, which ia caused hy uric acid in flu Wool, which 'be kidneys foil to dltei nut. Any one cau eusily prepue this at hutne am) Ht smull cost. Diubt-t iu this town an I vicinity, when shoAii he pn-ssriuou, t-luted tnat llity on n either supply these iu gradients, (.r, it our renders prefer, lbe.v will coinp un I tbe uiixtiue Icr tin hi 'Mie Nivdlos Apple Aif. la B vtrHl papers throughout the mi IbAu t have been u-aking a groat ik,i e about a (roe in an eastern state riT,ii,n seedless apples. This is iuithi:g u w ti.r Holder.dale. Arthur O lia.iun, our popular lurnltuiw ii-dii, 1 1 n t i e iu Ida yard at (Joldeu lnl' i i.t !a- heme eeedloss apples oveiy i'H. . u for the psst teu years Snu.ttii.iig ttratige about this apple lue, ttough, aud that is that blos hoids ntn r appear ou tbe flee like on titti -r tins. These npplea hie greeu iu (O'ur and ue a limit two and a ball iucbes iu circumference Ibey are vi-iy noo eating appUs at any tiuie, lut ate at their bt duriug the mouths it February aud Match. ThiB tree has l-orue continuously eHOh year f r the past ten seasous. Mr. Chap man has left a few samples of this Mi ple at tbe Independent otllce where tbey ran be eetn by any one that it iuteieated iu Ibis matter. (iolden dale lmlepeuduLt. IIOHECI KE FOK E( ZEM.l. .Oil f W iiiK-rn rf en, 1 ttyuml, i lye rine, Elf., I'Hi'il s a lmple V Ii. It really teeiLg stiau.e that s.i u ai v ieile sillier yer in n i l ei i.ui ilb eczein , hen it M Uj ot luiv n t ii rifi I h it (d1 i t v li teign i mixed with iynul. hi ctii . e'e u bu s a b that is i.ui nd in e i-. Ot i, d i 'f : . cmh nut bec.ied in a 'e iibr. lot tbue ia absolutely n-i s'lfferei from eczeira who rut us d ! is sin lie mid did !'"; Utid iinuiidiatelf that Jwinderlul oolLing. el" cool sen-tim tfa' con ee wh u the itob ia tsken away. Instantly upon applying a few drops of the wash the remedy takea effect, tbe itci, ia all 13 1 there is no r.etd of experimeuliog tha patient knj et 1 re Instead ot trying to compound lha oil of winterieeo, thymol, glycerin, etc , in tbe tigl t t tpniticm our sel t" we ar usiLg a ie ri lion which ia universally found the moat etfeUfe It is kuuwu us tbe D. D. I' 1 rret 1 iptn u. or filt I w 11 te-gieen roini i mid. It ia a-l by the 1) I). D Cn. i f Chicago, aud out I ng ti er itLC with this re t.edy ba given in gre-.t coiitl.lin e iu its merits. Knir Sl Cass Hlnir.n Man Kinds Cblnanare Clay Mr. Detlet Tains, who owns a ranch adjoining tbe towoeite of Miogen, dig ooiered a peculiar kind of clay while working an tbe mouutain kiope. lie forwarded a lump ot Ite clay to S'bool Sup- r Dteudeut Keitber who buJ it adiayeil by S li. t)esuap, diientor ot tbe s ate luiuural depart ment, who made tbe lollowlug report: Tbe sample ot clay iu 100 parts coo talus: Silicia (pure by H. F. ) 7 02 Alumina (A l.W) 6.6 Iron Oxide ( 2 M) 6 Liuirt (CU) combined 3.2 Watt r at red beat 100 2 This clay would mix with a good plustii white clay aud make good chin n ware, but aloue it ia too sali oinns and not auUlciently plastio to spin. It biiMia to a very light piuk color. Should like a I lock of cUy about 16 inches cube for exhibit at the fair. Will uotify you when to ship, about May 1, wien the ootn mission will ar range for fie payment of fieight charges. (Signed) S (J. Dewsuap. Kroni this report it would seem that Mr. Tarns may have a valuable asset iu hia claim, which will no doubt draw the attention of experts aud capitalists who will further investi gate this discovery Uingeu Obsert- A MEASURE UE MERIT. Hood River Citizens Should Weigh Well this Evidence. Proof of merit lies in the evidence. Convincing evidence Id Hood Hirer. Is not tbe testimony ot strangers. Hut tbe endorsement of Hood Uuer people. Thata' tbe kind of proof given here Tbe statement of a Hood Kiver citizen. W. 11. Root, Hid Heights, Hood River, Ore., says: "I sulfered fron kidney complaint for a long time, tht trouble being tbe result of a cold which settled in these organs. The secretions were loo frequent in aotiou, both day aud nigbt aud were attended with severe paiu in passage. Whenever I attempted to stoop, sharp twinglea would oatcb me through the loins and cause tbe most inteuse suf fering. 1 felt weak, tired and languid, my eyesight was affected and 1 was greatly annoyed ty dizzy spells. Nothing seemed "to help me until 1 procured a box of Doau's Kindey Pills at Cltrk's drug store. I used them accoiding to directions and it was uot lung before 1 felt like a difteient man beli g without any sign ot my old trouble. Today my general health is excellent aud 1 cannot speak ten high ly in praise of Doau's Kidney Pills." Attorney S. W. Stark ot Hood River is iu the city today on leg d l usiress. ile has moved his family to the A pie oily and bus opened a branch office til the Us firm of Staik A Hopper there. Mr Sterk eays Hnod Rivei is giu ing ripidly aud that the country back of it aud iu tho White Salmon v Hey ia improving aud building up wonderfully- Chronicle. OR DYSPEPSIA EAT YOUR FAVORITE FOODS Take since IMnpepsio now and forever end all IM -tress froiua Disordered Stomach. Kvery family here ougbt to keep some diapepeiu in the house, as any one of ycu may bare an attack of In digestion or slomaob trouble at any time, day or nigbt. ibis harmless preparation will digest any thiug you eat and over come a sour btouiueh lire minutes after .vuiiis. If your meals don't tempt you, or what (little you do eat seems to fill you, or laya like a lump ot lead in your stoiiiHob, or it you have beait buru, that is a tigu of indigestion. Ask your druggist tor a 50-ceut case of Fepe's Diapepaiu aud take one tiinngu e alter supper tonight. There will he uo sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, uo stomach gas 1 beaitburu, fullness or lieirv feeling in tbe stcnacb, nausea, debilitating headaches, dizzlueis or intestinal giiping. JLis will all go aud, besides, there will be no sour food left over iu tbe stomach to poisuu your breath with uauseons odors Pape's Diapepsiu la certain cure for all stomach wisely, because it will take hold of your food and digest it just the game as it jour stomach wasn't there. Actual, pir.mpt relief fot all yom stomach toiseiy is at your pharmacist, waiting for you. - These large 50 cent cases contain more tbau auttiicieut to cure a case of dyspepeia t r indigestion. Mr. aud Mrs. Kverbart, cf Hood Kiver. iu couipouy vMtb lb ir daugb tbi, Mr?. I'j B. Clark, of Porlland, were Sl. Johns visuoia luesday They are vtry u;ucb interested iu St Johns aud investigated aeveral desir ai le 1 iet es rt property bifoie leaviug the city St Johns lieview. V MeL'hb'T of jimrs. as well s yourself is lia'd" at any tu l.ave ilieuinati-ir. We're all in have ci:ts or burns, bruises or s c. ii k in the bar':, neck or side kind of an ache or puiu. Then ml iff Hint tell 011r neighbor time liable aids, -some In-cd , Sd I ai'i's fiinvl.i,.iiiiem relieves all 11,. I i du, and I eals nil vti umls 1 j Ciiits ', C ark . Mrs Ien"-rln' S R I as-e' gi r t i !l -id I 1 r emu. -d J, lt'e hH Mill ISil Hi ll i.ui iiaogotei. Jul.', ho oas let I lb-le I I It -e-ss cast I. siit' tiC'l ,i; 1 treMtu.eul. -1J0I !e'i'i,.n- 5J ui 'eel I'nf. II. A. How I , .if d-.v in, J..li-, ftiniii" ilsl hiiniti -ilain's Co h Uem tl . " A? !ong ag" a- I cm n in- in1 t-J ioy lutitber was a l.t b.U 1 m r ami ;r;t 11 I ul Cliamb rlmu'rj Coin h !; meilv. Imi lievt r in m bo have I r, .1I1. d i;s true HOOD RIVEB 0 OF THROAT AND LUNG EODES value untill now" w rites Prof. II. A. Howell, of Howell's American School Havana Cuba. "On the nfgbt of Feb ruary 3rd our baby was takeu sick w ith a very severe cold, the next day was worse and tho following night his con dition wa? desperaty. He could not lie down and is was necessary to have him in the arms e.uery moment. Kven then bis breathing was dillicult. I did not think lie would live untill morning. At lust 1 thought of my mother's remedy, Chamberlain's Congli Heincdy, which we gave, and it offered prompt relief and now, three days later he has fully recovered. Cnder the circumstances I would not hesitate a moment iu say ing that Cham erlaiu's Cough Remedy and that only saved the life of our dear t;ttlebov." For sale bv Kier & Ciss. Tt Kdgiugtiou baa been visit "berman oouuty for several da s, jt ieft on Friday cf last week tor hia 1 nt Hood Hirer. -Wasco News. Race Suicide. is not n. the menace U increase in populatio.. at deaths among infants are. Kigh .' ten of these deatiig are cirectly c directly causad by bewcl trouhlet .icUee's 15aby Flixir cures diarrhoea, dysentary, 'sour Btomach and all infant ailments of this nature, .lust the thing for teething babies. Price 25c and f0e per bottle, Sold by Chas. N. Clarke. Burns Jones, wife and child made a visit to SI. Johns tho first of tbe urek, aud before lenviug puichased a house and lot fioni (J. t'j. Learned on MobawH street, near tho French (deck. M . Jones intends moving here from llnnd Kiver iu a few weeks. St. Johns lleriew. .Near Ieath In a Itig Pond. It wits 11 thrilling expicrence to Mrs Ida Super to face death. "For years of severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering" she writes, "and several times marly esii-ed my death. A'l remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then Dr. King's New l)is coAcry brought tiuick relief and a cure so permanent that I have not been troubled in twelve years." Mrs. Soper lives at liig Pond, Pa. It works wonder in Coughs and Colds, Nire Lungs, Hem- j orrhages, Ladrippe, Asthma, Cpoup, Whooping Cough and all Bponchieal affections. 50 and fd.Oli. Trial bottle! free. Guaranteed by Chas. N. Clarke. j Rates TO Oregon DAILY During March-April From all parts of East Via Union Pacific Oregon Short Line The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Southern Pacific $33 from Chicago 33.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha 25 from Kansas City Corrcsp nidingly low from o'h';r points. To the Public Write lei tern to everybody you know in the Ea-t and tell them aliout theee low colonial rates. Send them litera ture about Oregon, or send their ad dresses to its mid we will do it. In this way you can be a great help in the growth and progieBjof tour idate. You can Prepay Fares fur anymif tr-in any plm e if you want tii. Il 1 r. .it the le rrnnnM iinioiint with '" I I' tai eg 111 111.U he win :t-i, gut,n 1 1 kt 1 pn si 1 t' . 1 Inipii t- I A .'i i t- 1 r 10 ite to W l. Vi Ml KKAY. (; 10 n Pii -1 uj 1 Age.it. The r gM 1 1.' ii ,..;. A W j , ,t C. , S eitn in I',,,- Ii Co. v' i i s in Or.v'n..) J t li! I.AND.OUK HfN J. H. FI.'KDICY, Ag.M-r. LOW1 LACIER THUS BP AY, MARCH 18 hG9. DSC COUGHS and GOLDS CURES THROAT LUNG DISEASES SAVED HER My son Rex was taken down a doctored some months without improvement. Then I began giving vt. King's flew discovery, and I soon noticed a change for the better. I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works every day. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY CHAS. N. CLARKE. HOOD RIVER APPLE VINEGAR CO. Manufacturers Pure Apple Cider & Apple Vinegar Wo receive Caiuiitiji,- mid Cider Applo from ono season to mother, paying market price for tho same. In ship ping over Mt. Hood It. It. or from Mosior there will be no transfer charge from freight house to factory. Patronize your home Industry and let us have your apples. HuntPaint& Wall Paper Co. Complete line of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES HEATH & MILLJGAN MIXED PAINTS. Our Stock of Paper imlu les latest designs in Planks, (iilts and High Grades, from 10c up. A full stock of ltooin Molding, Picture II nil, Plate Hail and a 'mall line of novelties iu Framed Pictures. CAI.CIMO, this latest thing in Room Tinting, mixed to order. Paintiiiji, Paper Hanging, Sign Work Home Phone 116 First and Oak Streets PASHIOIT STABLE Livery, Feed and Dray ing.. ADVISE YOUR FRIENDS "The Best Way" To See Hood River Canyon and Valley is via Mt Hood Railroad A RIDE ABSOLUTELY FREE FROM DUST Train leaves Hood River 8 A. M. every day and returns 5:10 P. M. Spend your Sunday the mountains. A. WILSON, Agent The ST. JOSEPH, I'vorvoni- li.l.rcjd'.l In li.irtl. -iillnn. .I,,,,.), ,M:itrii7:!i,... whl.li ,mirNi n '"" "' W- ""'!'''-ly n!''lr.il. Mii.fiil f ,...,!iK t : ;i 1 1 .-, fr I.,ll f ,!,.,. J1" V'"-",.""1 . ""!. "'" '' i"1"' will I.,. l,iB nil.,.r. ,i, S.I:1.VIHK. I. .line i.llse a till PlUllll 1'niltH. on nniH.fl i.f lis iLi-r-nwd rln ulalic, ,,. sialM ,.f Hip N..rtlm-l, TI: frult-i.n,MiT Jiint lnmi-uniticil a ni'iv fi-i.liin.. iiml will 1)M1,1, ,.try minilii a Special Northwest Supplement This nil .t.i..iil lull i nililnl Oi rcijul. r UV.m am', will rfvi. N..rthwiw0.n, K. . 'I:.-:! fl.m . ,11 In HI X 0 I'll ..-p.- ,4 l:.!'l:ii.l:- ...,ll,l , V. ry I.W.II1,. 'III. l,::ll Mill ! i pji. :.l.li l : ivi slcin ii.i.ilillinn, tutl niU ki- Tlw Frult-liruwiT i.f ur, l. r v 1 .. . Iu ri-ail-'M i.i l!.i l.'iili.nv. T'' FmII-Hi.wi'k ' II... IH of ,. fiu! u,,, i..,,,!!!!,.!,... ,.v, :y ,., n. w,,r,, til"". ,; 11 ljl' " I ' rl;'l:"i ii i. i'. Th. m. n-rt:i li.ivi. nu.,i pn.v. il inul rell:,l,,. N. w. vie i:!l In f'Hri-:i::i' i.nr rimiljil l.m It, Oc N.itlu-.s:, i n, lur,. iM M 1 .J p-. .n-!i..ii f..r j.iii: '1'lii. Kriill-i;r..u-. i's n t'iil.ir mlm rlti In l u vMlir . ,.'j our 7...K.I. w!.r!l.-M : y it vv.rlh llu- n,.n..-y. ISm In nilil f ,. n'mi'... Iii m:r llt it 1.1.11', in- i-.il m Ml 'II.- 1 iiill-llluivr t.. i'H.1. i, ivti iiiliirfmit'n f"r i un ji-ur fur ;1 or lo urn i.iiilif'' Ur two y.'::rs f..r $1. And In i.il.lltinn ' ' pa P9 pan m We will send FREE, prepaid, to the person s fa m sending the remittance, a tree of OELin'OllS I BBkb apple and a VINE of OAK N EH CRfl'PE Thesr nre Iw i if tl.o best ww fruits tntrorl'ir cd wllhln fifty rctirn. Tho pellel...in (!plc bah niin :i irrrrt rce.iid tit Wennt. Jj.-e, II 1 Hii r, In (lie Luke Clirbm r.,.,Miv in fa-1, it i wiiih.T wiM-rt1 vr trh, m, b-IU at MkIht prU-eg tlmn the K;.M. ti- 4 im'-r. n m un iipjuw or nijtni-si qw; lily. Wc want you to try tl:-so ni'W f'-ulta, for tln'y arc wiu nrr accept ttili offer and p. t them nd-iolutely YHVAi. Kt-nd ynnr nrdcr ut oner, nnd tiicy will be wiit for aprhijf I h ni inj;. Your subscription to 'tho Pi-ult-Grwer will aiart ot orm. If ynu want umple v-y ft will he anrit free. 8ed thit Coupon and $1.00 to Tho Fruit-Grower 2vKl5 ST. JOSEPH, MO. Nhioi Tl""' Towd (If Pir.il. cut. EEY SON'S LIFE year ago with lung trouble. We MRS. SAMP. RIPPEE, Ava, Mo. 50c AND $1.00 nanniMMaima IS STRANAHANS & RATHBUN HoodRiver, Ore. Horses bought, sold or exchanged. Pleasure, parties can secure first-class rigs. Special attention given to moving furniture ana pianos. Wu do everything horses can do. MISSOURI Un to Tlii PrHit-tlrnurr, St. .l.'s-iili, Mo. liiil.:.il will Hi,. I ft. r.r ulil.ti wnd T!i.. I'rult ir"wpr jv.ir to eai-h of thf fulloivlng iiWium of ml.. Bute. Ktatp.. Iwo - yi - : : hiiLiiTlplIon to oiii' i.dtri-tii rill out only ot.f Malik. If two Indicate wlihh in to twelve the pn tnluni.) !j H TTT inotj Mm I MMMmi'1 '' mi in Vny ji IVtnlunisi, tlio Inctiliiitor of Quality. Those Ma cliiiics air lniilt for luisiucKs ami will ivo poifect rt'sults. Tltcy cinlioily tlio )pon's.s ju hicved in artificial incubation lurinjr the nst ilccjulc. Tlic Petaluma lias proved itself in actual operation the most successful hatcher on the market. Brooders indoor, outdoor and fireless. I have till sizes and styles in stock. Vehicles and Farm Machinery J. R. NICKELSEN TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. AGENTS FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Uaggage Transferred, Tirst Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phones: Whan flout No. 14-F. R. E. Harbison Hood River Box Co. Apple and Pear Boxes, Strawberrry and Vege table Crates and Fruit Packages of all Kinds. Also Band Sawing and other Wood Work Given Special Attention. Home Phone 175 Kuroieaii Plnn Ilooonia per day 750 and up UooniH per week fl.OO and up l'lione Main 7551) HOTEL PHILIP BURNSIDE ST., 4th and 5th Fifth Street Cars and BurnBido Bridge Cars Fass the Poor PORTLAND, OREGON. DRIVING GLOVES AND WHIPS Have just received a Fine Line of Men's Double Lined Driving Driving GlOVGS of all kinds. Also new line of Whips. I carry everything in Harness (loods, Car rifjge Trimmings, Jllankets and Ilobes. George Irvine Successor to S. J. Frank HOOD RIVER ABSTRACT CO. J. M. 8CIIMKLTZKK, BECRETARV ABSTRACTS, CONVEYANCING and INSURANCE Royal Exchange, Glens Falls, Union Assurance, Western Assurance, National Livestock and Oregon Life Insurance We have tlio only conijili'te set of Abstract Books in Hood River and are in portion to execute any work in our line with promptness and accuracy Recently moved to permanent Home Phone 231 . ...The Spot Cash Grocery... Headquarters for the best of everything in Groceries. It is the policy of this linn to give customers the very best that can be bought in the markets. The only store in the city thnt sells preferred stock in can goods and lleinze's Tickles, Olives, Mince Meats, etc. We carry the largest and most complete line of Groceries in the city and make a specialty of the Best of Everything. Give us a call. Wood & Huggins JOHN LELAND HKXDKRSON, Pres. MARION I. HENDERSON, Attorncy-at-Law ami Notary Publii: Vice President S. E. HENDERSON, Sec.-Treas. Hood River Land Emporium Eeal Estate, Loans, Conveyancing and Surveying Conveyfiiiciiig nnd Surveying a Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The President of the Company is prepared to do Purveying and Civil Engineering Work of all kinds. Three Incubators and Brooders Petaluma Offices A. L. Newton New Concrete Building Steam, Hot and Cold Water Electric Liglita, Bells and Phones All Outside Rooms quarters in Davidson Building HOOD RIVER, ORE. I o