The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 04, 1909, Page Two, Image 2

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Hindi. Shirr (Slaricr
Issued Every pnoiUy by
AM 111 K I . AUE. Publisher.
CioliIud:il U shoit of water for
domestic use ami will lay another
eltfbt inch i ipe to tber reservoir for
an additional supply.
Considerable Bliirin U being felt in
the Willtiiiiitt thIIcj mi nrccunt of
the appearance of the brown lull
luoth, which hiiH been I rmiK lit over
from Trance ou n'urseiy stuck Import
Mi fro;;i that country. Vigcroiir
efforts me being tuudo to prevent tie
gpioui of the pest, lit: ' nil stick rein
ing in liereaflwi that country
will h closed iiii-rccted
Koine hii.-ii!i imij 'hn h:i eery
at;io'i.- to havt. the I. -a p -p '' llit'
up tlio people who teiiil unuy to the
mail order house r don't
hesitate to send to Wa hinglnc, l C.
far government cu.elore.-i, siucj tl-oy
chh fat them tor 1 m money timu tot
home shop rau tarn them out and
make any piullt. )! courto it u!l oe
pond ou tho point ol view.-Ne-berg
Tin' failure .f the U-jiiilutiir.- L inaU
an uppropristi n fur tho nnriii"! schools
Sioms In meet with favor in in j.-t m-i.
tions in the state, hut ii is not u g" d
-a; to soil le tln iio'iiial school ities'ion.
It loaves the normal schools to die of
sanation, without abolishing them.
It unsettles the question of w hat iil ho
(lone with the sclio", leaves a force ol
caretaker, teachers anil faculty wit hunt
luealiB of support, and an uncertain
future. It is the general opinion that
the establishment of so many noruiah
wiih a mistake, and hut om school
should lie maintained. Yet the legisla
ture has not abolished any of them or
provide inounH of supporting eucn one
of tbein.
Talk nLout purchasing a site for u
commercial club building brings U
mind that the Middletou cornel, now
occupied by J. M. Puny & Co., wat
purchased by a corporation formed a
year and u half ago, and ut tbo time
it was stated that it w mid be turned
over to the club wboueror it saw lit
to use it as a cite tor a building. The
purcbnsi was the outcome ol a ootu
mittje appointed at that time by the
Commercial Club to inovstigtito and
report the purchasing of a site for u
building. The expense at that time
was 60 great thHt uo definite notion
was taken, and later part, at, of
tho coinmiltce interested cithers uud
purchased the corner, forming a cor
poration for tbo purpose It was
stated t tint tbo purchase price whs 0,
000, and it was understood that the
Commercial Club could have tlio prop
erty for tho purpose of a building at
the price paid. As tho probability ol
a Commercial Club building is much
lienor being realized at tho present
ti mo, it would be a generous act on
the part of tho corporation to carry
out their expressed intentiou tt the
time the corner was purchased, und
turn it over to tbo club for a build
ing. A building (in Unit street, in the
canter of tho business district could
be much more easily tlusticod than
oiio on a side streot, as it would be
mado self-siiBtaiuiuu from tho start.
If this corner could bo secured ut the
price named, it would bo the best buy
that could bo made. While Micro rue
a number In favor ot tho ooruer op
posite '.he Waucotnu Hotel, ou account
of making the lower pait u room that
could bo used for the fruit fair, yet
the rental of the ground floor lor
commercial purpose? would be far
g'l'irt of that which could bo obtained
f 'om a good corner on Oak street, it
is also cot tain that whoever rented
the ground door tor a store or buai
Diss that ooilld allord to pay a Jgood
rant, would uoad the basomeut. The
(luextlmi of vacating the biisomout fur
the fruit fair would bo a serious prob
lem, and bo taken into consideration
were such n piovlslon contained in
Mia lease. If, however, the Middlotnn
corner cannot bo secured, a looatloii
should lie obtained in the center of
tho business district where the rent
from tlio ground Hour, with tho ad
ditional rent from above, would make
the building scll'sin-toiiiing.
In a column editorial in this week's
Issue of the Nuns, it is claimed that
it will cost the city ovei 17,(100 a
year to operate its own water plant,
with a revenue of only about $,"i,UuO.
That it will ooi-t .70,000 to brl;ig in
tho Tucker spring. In answer to thin
wo w'll say that M. I'. Hill, who has
been making bored pipe ill the valley,
and who imikes a business of putting
ill water plaut., and conducting water
through pipes, tinted that ho would
bring nil the water from tho Tucker
spring to tho highest omt in the uty
limits for less than $-0,000, furnishing
nil materials and doing all tho norU.
provided necessary rights of way and
frauchitis ovtr the county roads
were tenured and would furnish
all patrons on top of the bill above
the lower spring with water, at the
present rates, provided ho was given
a franchise for a term of not lees than
11 ro yeari', and give tho o ty the
optiou to buy the plant at tho end ot
t!iat time ut its cott. If Mr. Hill
was willing to do this and o ei In to
mak.i a profit out f the tiausacl ion,
there would lo Utile lUk d r the citj
!. p M. Piillmump 7 14
lONAnCHSTEEL rfumrtct. Only
Stump nL tf?"jh .t?'--s,um''t'ull"
Pulli Hump 7 f
world making ihrir
uamntred lot
5X) horte powa
tUatn. Catnlogue d diicouoU.
Addrca :
Zimmermann Steel Co., Lona Tree, la.
Hood River. General Agent for Oregon
to do 'it t!ei::M Ires Tdeie are but
few cities which ou their own lUut
that have Ueu able to put iu the
i-ystmi for us little money as even
170,000, for pb cei of fipial size, yet
tbey re idi paying cot from the re-("inie-i
of the nater, iu most esse be
fore the bonds matu'e. Why not
Hrxd Ilivf r? IIoever, the details of
natt-r si.teni run le dUciiised on
their merits morn inreligently when
that Istiie mires up I' f're ns, after
tl'.e preseiit chct ion to ehnngn the
chiilter is ovtr. t h '(Ople will then
have a chr.nre to decido whether they
want h new sj-htem or not; whether
t ho prrs(:':t syi-toai I o pnrcVsod, and
xt w hut pi u , uud other dot iils to be
workrd l i t biter.
Notice t-i Saiinj loniit(ir!.
Interest f rsix inontb eliding March
1-t ;i;i i.. .-II coin; u: on and added
. iuiir a. i iir. rieao present yonr
,is- b -.-!..- t': 0 w" map make proper
! i -.- i!i 'cin I ir-1 N Ht tonal l!a:d(,
I!., d Kivrr, Ore.
i fliii-i haiipt-Kii -i-tptti r.
The I'll .i i.'h o- t Kautetter wedding
t it. e hoi.; U tie Iri.lo on lebruary
21, whs the n -.t i:ni :tion of a very
i iil'v i:-: ;in mi no'". So'iiclhing
i i ji-i-r egu tb Karstetter fnii.ily
! unliirir.g ttix ri.'ors of the win-
'or in tl o r. i in. -lii.-s i f I'e'iiisylvania.
Iu addition tii lim enl-rivd idleneg
they wen- nill'eriii! from son.e ot
the iisi.y illitis-i-ei t tliHt section.
l or many ir:m ths the ejes of .Mr.Kar-
sti-tter b-oi I 't a I i ntj.' toward the
grest nortln-K'Mii'd run U'O family
coiiiiciis hfiin eonicrol on tie puhsi-
hility of mi gr-at n u. . -. I.'il'isof
impiirj weru written ami a curd was
HiFpiled in tin- iil en r Inviting cot-
respondence Mi. a Muiga:t, the eld
est daughter at heme, acted ss secie-
try and anu.i.g the r.spi niis was a
lettit frtm Mr. I'nd I'lltien
Other letters p.'iscd and in d-.o time
the Ivaiostetters cam1 to Hood Hirer,
w hn-e thty lir e fiaiu l everthing to
more thau lulliil i .pi-ct . turns mid
Misi Marg;ir.t. and Mr. I'tliiegliMipt
ire niiirriod, nod nnv tin y live I tip-
1 1 v ever Hfteiv. ar I. " Tho llev. II.
S vMiite, pastor of l'ine (!rove chuicb,
olliciatod Aft'-i tho bounteous dinnei
the family and Iriends eg':i!i patbored
iu the parlor, and thn yiuingest child
of Mr. and Mrs Karstittor (father
mil mother of the bride) was christ-
liiicl iiniiaiii iwyinu ivaisieuer inis,
by the way, is an Oregon Ital y.
It. S. W.
For the conrmilunoii ut the public.
iih well as tho county oUlm'tf, the
emmty nourt deciilcrt (hut Shori'l
Morne inii-t iimtn Inn olllce tn the
court limiiit', iiml tho rniiKUHl uhk
utroct i il toilnv. Iho rhcrlft linn uitiiu
tiiliicii ti i h ollU'K with J. II. Ilelltircu
nor & I'o., nt no i xpi-iiHO to the coun
ty, mid prnviiJeil his now amiHtaut for
routinn LuliHhS, t.ut it uud Loi'U
fnuiiil too iiKloiiVfliint to Iihvh the
county o(lici;B dlvluY'il, henco the
Another iinimitHiit luuttcr ordered
hy the court i.t its rewular fovaion
Monday whn the npiHiint ment ot a
comity mud nuiHter, who will hiivn
K'nirnl Hii if r v i r-1 en over nil loud Hop
ervinori", Hinl direct the work whinh
In to ho done on county roiida. W.
I.. C'luik whm h poinlcil. 1'tieru arc
not D'sny such r tlicoi ' in the itHtc,
thn h'AV iniikiiii; it oiil iiiiml n it h t lie
oourt whether such mi olllcu hIiiiII be
rri'iitiid or not. V umio Ciinnty (Ioph
nut Imve a roiul muster, ench PiiptrriH
or ilonirf hn nolle iir he srei lit iu !iii
diotiict. A.i tli' n atter nf roiidH in
Hood liiver county in very iiiipurtmit,
Hiid i ii iiorcrhiiry Unit there lie n
un If or id it y in the mutt'i, and that
the t ti ctit 4 will lie expended with an
idmi of the heft nood to tho whole
eiiuntv, it win thnuuht Hdiiuable ti
iiinke r-ncli an Hppciiut ment.
The roml petition of Ki'imk Caddy
and (itlii r to open a road through
I'liiiiilino I'ur m, trniii a continuation
of May htreet, whh denied on iicoiiint
of n iiiiinbei nt irroK ii In r i t icH in the
petition. There ivhh ii viHiirrua re
mntititraiKMi to the opeuiiiK of the
road, tlm principal objector heinn
ITihm Miller, ul.o siijp that the iipa
roml sill run ton clie to hin lioiiNi'.
I'hi) petitionerH for tho roiid will IhIch
up the miiM"!' iitfuli), and Jnroijalilv
have aiir.t her petit inn liefure tho next
term of court
llni ollicinl pl 't of the Adams iir
reaije pto;i(-it win accepted anil Hied.
Tin) petit Ion of I''. S Kelly and
others fur the appointment of Klmur
V. Sweiiiirau h iliri'itor r.f the Hood
Kiver Irrinittiim IM-tiict, in place of
II. It, Allien, re in'ied, wat planted.
A francliit.e kiih granted to the Watt
llevelopiiieut Co. to erect poles and
htiiiiu' wireM aluiiK the c ounty roa Is
lor electric liuht and power puipove,
to run Till yeaiH, but not to Ik an e
cliiHire frHiichle
the county clerk kiih allowed ch i'U
hire, at not tu exceed $10 n iu nut Ii,
foi mien time ns the court ihall deem
necufsary. (.'let It Cullieitdon Ktatod
that he win behind in recording 21 '0
imtri'iiifiitH, and thai the nuniber nan
increin-iiik' ; that he di I not have t ime
t ) record thorn and do bin other work;
that an many iih '.Ii! l.iul leeu tiled u
one day, and that I n wi.h tillable to
record more than hall' a domi in a
dav and attend to liU other duties.
Uebati h for taxes were allowed
,liiinea S it-hul l and the llnod Iviver
Hanking h ml Trut Co., it appeariiik'
that there whm a duullti acteHHiuent
in t heo caces.
Iho following bill.H w ere allowed :
Mt. Hood Milling Co., lumber
distnct H, oS
Ward A Kohoit.-on, Ihery,
Hherilt, 0 oO,
Itan-firA- Livery (xo..ciirtnKe 5.70.
Kilh ini S' at nun r Co. unppheH, 50.'.',"
Ii. II. i ' r ii j; n AC., Kupplies iu-
(lientH. 1- ( ;
Wood A lliii;iiii, Mipuliea iu-
dinentfi, 5 Id
FA. I'. Crosby, di i.L'a mppiles, l.oO
tilacH A I'rudhomme Co, sup-
plie. 1-1 M
Frank Klli.-am, milk, J. liinK tvi.tO
Cramial Uiiuertakii bo..
I Uriel pmipr-! 25. tt)
LK-hl A VSatt r Co , service
court Iu use H IT)
JackM'ii A Jaokn ui, Kiippliea
indiiioiiU 7.1")
Dulli'ii lli-Mttal i-eivice in-
diueoti, l'.'.OH
I', C S'iii:h, urn iie tux roll, il 00
Albe .1. Siiiilh, cen io tax roll. Id oil
(1 W Dm ir.lck, J. 1., druw-
j'!l y, 3.' 0
I . K slierilf. Incident-
i,l-. 12.(0
ti!4iri ot 'e ry-Carl Vor-
lieeii, lo.M
IC V, Cuaii, Ms, seivice
t ob ' ol e)iaihi j t !ii. 15 00
C. D. I'lmiiiii: cm, neivloe
gohoi i xaiii , 15.00
C. W. liuiLo, bttviie sobool
ext. in. , 4. CO
l-opyright 1908 by
Hart Schaffner Sc Mux
W. (1. I'rowu te.'uco kchool
exam, .1.00
Ceo. I. Slfcom, eupplies for
Blcrill, l.(!0
Homo Telephone Co , 6erTlce
cnuit lionee, 3 40
Dr. M. I''. iShaw, trrvicejii;-
dientK, . C180
J. il. Nickeli-eo, tonlti rnud
diKtrictd No. 5 und 7, 15.00
J. Edkjinjitou, i ow ner 'fee, 0 10
Irwir-liodso'i Co. . mtipiiea, 23.85
l' 10 I II). il .Milt to FoitlaDd
Tuesday, rcfuttiii ft to Hridal Veil
Wednegdi y i Teeing, whue he was
joined by his pin trier, H. Tobio, r,f
the KmpirA llita-raph Co., Mid gate
an exhiliitici: of movio,' pilture! in
tho tveiiinti.
lieal Kstaie fur Sale
An 80-acro tract for 81000 cash. Al-i-o
HO acres rontainliig 1,200,000 feet
ol limber, fit W an i ere I'.ai-y
terms. V ill trade either one for iu
con.o beariuu properly.
J A. Hpping.
Valley ( rest.
The poeple of the uppei Mount
Hood district have organized a Sun-
lav school tn be kuou ns the "Val
ley Creht Union Sunday School of the
Slrautterg, " which U to meet In the
Kihool houto of district No. 10, each
Sunday, i he officers are as follows:
Mr. li.nley, i i pci intendeul : l. fj.
Ilabxon, benh tunc, t-upei iuteudent ;
Min Carrie Candee, secretary and
treaanrer; and Miss Iressu llardmaii.
Llbr'iriun. Mr. and Mrs. Hailey and
Mrs. llabson were chosen as teachers.
The Sunday schol will soon have a
new orgim which will help out greatly
In the church and Huuduy school
Kev. VVashbuin, of Mfiiut, Hood,
preaches every other Sunday.
Hi nry lllckox Not Insane
Henry lliokox, xeneritlly kuown
in omul town as "Kill," was brought
before the county court Friday after
noon on a charge n beinu inseiie nail
l.uu'eioiis to to at large. Judge
Derby presided and Attorney llartwia
apiieared for the sta'e.
The commission ot physicians ap
pointed to examine into the sauity of
the acciucd wuie Div. Shaw ami
Hi- sius.
The complaint was made on account
of a threat miide by "llll' to kill two
boys who he said had been snowball
ing him and broke a plate lie was
carrying. Iho only charge that could
be made, out-ddi) ot a ciluiinal one
was In iihii v, there beintf no provision
iu the statute for cm Hoii g one who
is not mentally responsible, unless ill
ume lt.o eomiiiHslou decided that
the accused was not insane, and be
was released.
"Hill" would bo haiuile.-s if lelt
alone, hut it stems to be impossible
to stop boys, and even grown men,
from annoying him, ami it takes but
little to get him excited. Wbeu In
that fiame ol mind it is hard to tell
what he would do should ho catch the
object of his wrath.
Slier I If Mm so ststes that be will
arrest anyone caught annoying "Hill"
and will also arrest the latter if he
attempts to bairn nuy oe.e Kery one
has sympathy for the unfi rlumite,
whoi-e mental davc lopomeut was ar
rested when a child ou account ot ill
ness, yet he should not be allowed to
uiu ut large until grave harm is done,
just because it is impnt i bio to keep
small boys , who do not realize the
danger, and grnvwi men who should
have better sense, from annoy i or
Pa.vs Off the Mitrlirairn
Hood Uivir Lodge No. 105 A. 1. A
A. M , held a special meeting Satnr
day evening, conferring the Mitlit
Masou degree on two candidates, and
after the ceremonies a flue banquet
was enjojeu ty the largo uun ler ir,
attendance. There were a number ot
out ot town visiting brotheis piesent.
A featme of : he occasion .i a
short bistoiy by Secrela y McDonald
ol the building of liemau Hall, the
debt el over S3. 000 that wi.s hum red,
which ended wilb the statement that
there were funds enough ou hand to
piv the balance, and liHiicb-d a war
rant lo Worshipful Mastei lllowerp,
who sigued it, and tpcurcd the releuse
of Iho moitgage. I lie Mitouic fra
ternity now have a flue homo tree
Irom debt.
Islii liutler was a lassmger to
I'm t land yesterday afternoon.
W. W. HuiHiiglou, if Toe Dsllc,
cau.e ilowu jesierdsy alttruiu on the
5 SV, p; (ir en went to Keg tin g jes
leroiiy to look i:p laiul iu tlu.t cuu
try for eastern putties who ate cn log
west tu iuvcsl, and v. ho waul cl ei u
laud or timber claims In that section
We're glatl to have
any ant nil possible
lifilit ttinifd on the
question of what
clot I ics vou had better
wear. The ii ore you
know of
& Marx
the more certain you
n iv lo buy them, and
Hint means here. For
nil-. ool . quality, for
m 'lit ction of style, ac
curacy of fit, thor
oughness of tailoring,
and excellence of de
sign, color, pattern,
Your Spring Gordon
Popular and faddish greens, rich browns and
conservative blacks. .
Smart novelties for the young fellows shape
'em as you like. Dignified styles for elderly men.
The Gordon name in your hat is your quality
insurance. GORDON HATS $3.00.
Arthur P. Tift, of Portland, sneiit
Sunday in Hood Kiver, tbe (fiiest 0f j
f rank Chandler.
P. H. Murtin has returned from
Yaquina liay, wbcer be speut n couple
of months on account of bis health,
Wilson Kike will soon build a Una
country resblanoe on bis place nour
Van Horn station.
C. A. Cuss has commenced n new
residence ou bis property near Sbeiitt
Morse's residence.
Cop llenriohs baa broken ground
for a residence on Cascade nveuue.
D. B. Mill r returned- from Port
laud, whore be has beeti tskiog medi
cal tieatmeiit fur rheumatism.
Oscar Vanderbilt was a passenger
for Portland Tuesday atternoon ou
tbe local.
W. H. Culp and son, A. W. Culp,
went to Portland Tuesday afternoon
to look for a good horse.
A. M. Kelly, ot Mount Hood, rpeut
a few days iu Poitlaud this week on
Visit the Kmporium moving picture
shows, at the Opera House and Oak
lirst streets. Kntirely dillerent pro
gram at each place. Hayes A Davie,
Tbo l.eliesof the United Brethren
cliiircli w ill give dinner and suppet i
the K. ot V. Hall Saturday, March!.
Cl.icken and noodles a specialty tor
dinner. Kveryhody come and bring
yonr friends. Dinner 36c Supper 25c.
The ladies of tho United Brethren !
church will give dlnnor and suppi-r nt
the K. of 1". Hall Saturday, March li.
Chicken and noodles a specialty for din
ner. Kvervbodv come and bring jour
friends. Pinner 35c. Supper '2b-.
The ladies of the United Brethren
church w ill give dinner and supper at
the K. of 1'. Hall Saturday. March II.
Chicken and noodles a specialty for din
ner. Everybody come and brung; your
friends. Dinner 36c. Supper 25c. '
See the moving picture show at the
Opera House. Kntire change of pro
gramme three times a week. New pic
tures that have never have been pre
sented before. Hayes A Davis, mana
gers. Johu Kiiutmnu and Miss Vina Bar
ton were man led Monday xenirg at
the Mt. Hood Hotel by Hoi. A.J.
Derby, ccuny judge The kr.ioin is
an employe of the l'Vfhion Stalles,
and the bride an employe of the be
tel. I he ceremony as perform' d at
ten o'clock at night, and -eeirtf this
was tbe ti-t job of tbe kind nnrie'tek
eu by the judge, was done in leoord
For Sale tiny, Puone S05.M unit 9x4. tf
For Sale A good family cow, S yea old.
II. . lwU, half a mile south of IxlHI More.
Ue Paris Fair
The Store of Big Values
Good Clothes For Men and Boys
general make-up, there are no other clothes to equal
them and we know it. Ask to see them this is not
asking much and we would like to have you see just
what we have. We have anything you can wish for
when it comes to Suits
$8, $9, $10 and up
Hart, Schaffner & Marx
Suits For
$18 and $20 and $22
There is nothing better made.
Misses' and Children's Fine and
Our regular 15e a, pair seller.- you can see them on
our 15c rack in tan or black. Splendid good good
Hose at 15c. Special, Saturday only, the pair
The Hat That Makes Three
Dollars Do the Work of $5.00
The new spring shapes and
colorings in the celebrated
Gordon Hat are in and
among them you will find
a style that was especially
We Are One of You
Your Interests Are Ours
Don't forget that we sell Boxes, and they are the best and
at the lowest prices. Our large warehouse will soon be
be completed and we will be in a position to treat our
customers right. Your patronage will be appreciated.
Smile, and the world smiles with you,
"Knock" and you go alone;
For the cheerful grin
Will let you in
Where the kicker is never known.
Growl, and the way looks dreary,
Laugh, and the path is bright,
For the welcome smile
Brintrs sunshine, while
A frown shuts out the light.
Si.v.?, and the woild's harmonious,
G:-ruble, and things go wrong,
Yet all the time
You are out of rhyme
With the busy, bustling throng.
Kick and there's trouble brewing,
Whistle, and life is gay.
And the world's in tune
Like a day in June,
And sorrow will melt away.
maae to oraer, come m
and look over the 500 fabrics from these famous tailors,
and have us take your measure. The result will be emi
nently pleasing, and the price uncommonly reasonable.
Bragg Mercantile Co.
is Here
for your new Spring suit
or overcoat from the line
offered by FA. V. Price
& Co., you eliminate any
possibility of substitution
in favor of cheapness, and
get just what you pay for
that means absolutely
honest value.
If you want clothes
We are selling lots of Men's and
Boy's Hats, but if you would just
see the line we have on display,
you would see that if a man
wanted a 1 1 at , or even if he really
had no intention of getting one
right away, that it would be
hard for him to pass this depart
ment by. We have some espi c
ially good bargains in some
drummer's samples, values up to
$2.fA; your choice
Oalidale Greenhouse.
riant Hones In March. We have a full
lino of two year ; nlso shrubs, vines, etc.
Send in orders now for buddiu)! plants
IVirenials. White V andotte en from
nutted pens $1 50 and $2 per setting.
We will be prepared lo do top gritting? lu
Hood lllver V nllev, bentnnloK about Atarrli
li. I,. II Wil-on & n, M.isler, lire. Kl
for u!e fine brvrt Blue Audaluslan liens
D. Ixxkiimii, K K II No. 1. If
For Sale: Hurt' Orplimtim Kgs fiom prlxn
winning stock imixirUjit from EnsM.ind by K.
Kenwick of Portland. Helttuic of 1.1 egics, $'.
AIho some stock lor sale. Hlmon's Kuneo,
Crapper District, Phone 1873 x.
For Side: A hiijli trrade Incubutor ami
brooder In good working order. Call or ao
diesn I,, a, I ler mil n, Home phone. in It
For Sale lthode Inland Hed Cockerel from
t lie noted pri.u Uiklog pen of Mrs. 8. 8. K Mix-,
I'lileinro. Apply to Win. Kerr, East Hlio ,
Hood Klver. m
For Sale lu acred; 3 ucrrs bearing Irees, 4
acres 3 jeor olds Ju. Bnrletl, r f d No. 1. mtf
For SaieATl reslT'cow, Clias. Aibright
Route 2, box V2 .
For Hale Pure Uu (T Leghorn eggu for sale",
J2.50 per setting of 15. Kin large chickens
and extra good laying strain. Also some
stock for Kale. Address K. O. Waltber, 107 N.
Kleventh street, tiolse, Idaho. tf
All imtboiih having clnios ni-iioul vither
John K. l.awrentw or Jaines Hnlllger, for
Mirk done or liniterlal lurnlHlied, for house
on I , v iii i'i Sin i i ti Avt-iiu,) ( The (Jrovei, are re
qiicsled tn elthor mull or pre-ient tlielr bills to
J-iliii K. biwreiwe on or befor.i Mareli is.
i wni. mil
Ventid-rosillon on Hood Klvcr fruit
ranch for t he Mourner, live with the owner
und do general orchard work. K. I. Al tar.
Mt.Hoiwt Hoteb m4
For Mule.-Mrs. K. Brayrord has a few or ttie
prize winning stock of Plymouth Itock cock
erels and pullets for sale. This Is a tine op
portunity for chicken fanciers to Improve
their stock. Only a few left; prices right; quiil.
Ity No. 1. Kockford Poultry Yard, phone
1H1-X, Hood River. mis
For Hale One 3 Inch Melbourne wagon mu
lling gear, also one 2'$ Inch Bain wagon with
world ruck, two sets double barneiis, one light
and one heavy work harneas. These are gen
uine burgnin und will be sold cbeap, as we
need the cash. Therefore we miisllsell Call
nt the Kockford Store. Phone 183.x," Hood
Kjver; mig
Lost -Seat dropped out of hack last Friday
evening on main ttast Hide road. Will any.
one heurlng of same telephone to Fashion
Stables. n,i8
Hay and Horse For Sale First crop mixed
alfalfa hay ut SKI. lldO pound sorrelt horse.
SAO. Ralph Hinrlchs. m
Pure bred; Rhode Island Red Rooaters for
sale. Address Hox CM, Hood River. ml8
FJggs For Hatchlng-From fine Buff Orptng.
tons. Oreat layers. Phone 1982-M or sddresa
box 236 R. F. 1). No. 1. ml8
For Ha lc- One plug fcorsc ; 40. phone 823.X.
For Sale-Ten acres set to Spitz, Newtowns
and Arkansas Hlncks 3d feet apart: peach,
trees in center. Teims. Enquire of f. W.
Anderson, llelmont. m25
For Sale-Fine Oietcn Maples and choice
vines and shrubs. Home grown, low
prices. A. W. Onlhauk. ni25
Vh U.. 1.. L-I . . - , ...
w, t rive leunis oi noies, ionr to
eistlit years old. Phone 1V92.L or 3212-K- in'J6
CJood work team, harness and wagon lor
sale. Inquire Pine Grove Btore, C. K.
Marshall. pi-S
not afraid of auto. Cutler Bros, phone '210 x.
Want ed Married man to work on fruit
ranch. Culler Bros., phone 210-x. mil
Ixist A garnet stick pin, large stone; leave
at I.aiawuy'B store and receive reward, mil
Cleaning Curpets by Klectrlc Motor Powei
I r,ow have the latest Improved carpet and
floor sweeper. I Hiiaranlee 11. Is machine In
every particular. Il will remove any and all
dirt collectable In rooms. To be seen and
tried is to be convinced. Place ycur orders
with date for quick, efficient, convenient ser
vice. The company guarantees the machine
for rive years. For terms and prices apply to
M. W . Hlscock, Agent for the Klectrlo Suction
Sweeper Co. Phone 30 M. nils
To tiie Pubi c.
I wish to thank the people of Hood
River and vicinity for their liberal
patronage and attendance during tuy
auction sale. I also wish tj state that
all my goods hear personal guarantee,
the same if you had purchased it at pri
vate sale, and should any thing happen
to such goods as you may have purchas
ed that in any way is a fault of tho
goods, I sincerely trust you will return
them as T nnlrl nntl,,,y k., ti...
and wish to make good any thing that
I also wish to state that I expect to
remain in the jewelry business in Hood
Kiver and that I will have my: vacant
shelves re tilled in 30 days with all new
and up to date goods 1 inteud to carry
Hie well known lino of Hawk cut yla-'
and the colebraled Packard hand paint
ed china. Tho ruckcrj lino i f china
has taken the first prize at every woi ld's
tair and exhibition for art, individuallv
and collectively, since the world's (air
in Chicago. 1 am also adding to mr
working ttufT an expert wa'chmakeV
and engver whom 1 expect m i, w
days from the east, and I rmm e,ro-
st solicit your p tronage and vti r.t .
tee satisfaction tn H, " ,, -
detail. ours truly,
Akthuk Cl ahics.
Hi od Ki. i, O.e.