Six hoop fogfltt otAOtisa. TmmsflA? febauArV as. isoe, RAILROAD MUST PAY FOR SPOILED APPLES One of tho largest Tf-rdiotn of iU kind ever rendered in Minnesota at returned by jury recently id the esse of Uirboy & Uilteit Co. ts. Nottbern I'acltlo Hallway company befoie Judge Simpson, the amount awarded being 21,588. Ibe ebippera nere repieeented by ueorife C btile ot Minneapolis and the railroad by Ktneron 11 ad ley aud Charlea Donnelly, Kt. J'unl. The doeWInn will be of toe gieateat interest aud mlvnutage to abippert of fruita, produce, lire ttuck and per Ubable property in general, affording a piooedent as to their rulitu to aiuii lar oaaea. Ibe auit romilted from tbe failure ot tbe fail ay company to provide re friuerator earn nitb rt-arounble prowptneaa for tbe uee of liicbey Ulilert Co. to chip some 40 cars uf fuucv boxed apple from Ibe atatlont nt North Yakima and ToppeuUb, WanbioKtoD, to tho eailtru niurket duriug the lull of I'M, us a result of which delay, tbe apploa because over ripe and damaged and the market de dining before tbey could be shipped. The ruiiway company aseerted that its line, yard aud terminals uicmiie cougeiited because of an unusually beary press of business and that great uumber of its refrigerator cars bad been shipped olt its lines early in tbe seaaou, necessarily dtlaylug tbe movement or its trains and onus ing a general car shortage. The shippers afllrmed that the rail way company had advanca notice of the shipment, which nas about the usual crop, aud that the toad should bare beeu prepaied to take care of the shipment without any delay wnatever. J lie court instructed the jury as a matter of law, that it whs the duty ot tbe railway company to promptly furnish uecetHiiry aud suitable cars on request for all shipments which the company might leasnuably anticipate would be offered, and that the failure to do so would make It liable to tbe abipper in dtmages arising from de ollne iu market as well as from deter ioration in condition. The Kiobey 4 (Jiltiurt Co. is one ot tbe largeat truit shipping firms doing business in the Vakima Valley. 11. M. Uilbert of North Vakima, Wash., wbo was present at tho triul of tbe case, Is president of tbe Western Ap plo Orowers' Association. Minneap olis News. 11 A It V HANKS will get into mischief often 't means a Imrn or cut or sculd. Apply Milliard's Snow l.iniuient just us soon uh the acci dent Impppiis, und iIih pain will bo re lieved while the wound will heal quick ly and nicely. A miro euro for spraine, rheumatism and all paiiip. I'rico lnc, 60c and $1.00 a bottle. bold by Chan. N. Clarke. Communicated lu atmiucb na I am not in th ) habit of (ilHuppointing an audience wbeu my namo is attached to a program 1 (l on Ire to state that uiy name appear- lnh among those wbo volunteered to assist at tbe Ladies' Aid concert at tbe t'cugrcgatoinal ohuroh was a mistake ,as 1 was obliged to Inform tne committee that it would be im possible for me to assist at that time. Louise uoddard. BEER SALES FALL; BIBLES IN DEMAND Bibles aie on the boost and beer is on tbe bum since Hilly Sunday first came to Spokane. This Is According to reliable lnforaation gleaned in tbe ranks of both parties from perioni of authority and Is tbe nrst authentic Indication ot what the baseball etan gelist has done for tbe morals of tbs city. Tin brewery and saloon inter esls are authorities for tbe statement on booze sales, wbile tbe statistics on lilblee come Irom tbe book depart uent oft bo John W. Urabsm store. A downtown bartender said that re ceutly tbe number of men wbo hate "cut it nut" altogether or are "taper Ing off," quitting booze by degrees, bus increased considerably and that tbe saloon business in general was suffering from tbe effects ot tbe re viral.- Spokesman Keview. Washington Once dare l'p to three doctors; was kept in bed for live weeks. I'.Iim d polwin from a spid er's bite caused larae, deep sores to cov er bis l"g. The doctors failed, then liucklen s Arnica Salve completely cured me," writes John Washington, of Isopqueville, le.v. 1'or eczema, IkjiIp, burns and piles it's supreme. 25c at Clius. N. Clarke. A Musical Feat Jack London, the author, waa Intro duced one day to a musician. "1, too. am a musician iu a small way," said London. "Aly musioal talent whs once the means of taring ny life." "How was tl.utr" the musician ask ed "There was a flood in our town in my boyliuod, lesronded Loudon Wbou the water struck our bouse my luther got ou a l ed aud floated with the stream until he was rea died." "And you?" said Ibe musician. "1 accompanied him on the plBno " Hoarse coughs and stuffy colds that may develop into pneumonia over night are quickly cured by Foley's Hooey ami lar, and it soothes inflamed membranes, heals the lungs, and ex- k'Ih the colli from the system. Clarke Uruir Co. 1. N. Campbell, u Hood lilver apple grower wbo recently sold out tbore at a good figure, waa here with bie wife last week taking a look at tbe country. They were sn well pleased with the outlook that they puiobased of Mr. Fattorsou who oume hero a short time ago, tbe twenty K're tract out on tbe roud tu West Chehnlem, formerly us tho James Luwrenae place. They expect to return to tuke posses- Ion of it iu shout a mouth. New- berg (.iiaphie. Kodol for Dvmeiisla and Indigestion uocx tlio ordinary work ot tlm stomach, so that by taking n little Kodol every now and then you cannot possibly have indigestion or any form of stomach trouble. Sold bv Keir it Cass. ARNOLD & RUPP DENTISTS WORK GUARANTEED. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. BROSIUS BUILDING. Electric Wiring & Supply Co. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OKOKKOON KOR HOOD Kl VEKCOUNTY In the Matter oftba Falata ) ol Charlea M. Buaey, deoaaaed "ration. To James Bascy, Margaret ttmlth. Nancy Boaey, K. M. Wada, 8. B. Wade. Ittinama . Wade, Mary E. Koyd, A. I. Wade, Tbomaa A Wade, Ida M. Rohinxm, l.llllao Benrel, Lain r.. wiuifiiorn, jamea r. Hoary. Buaey, Hattle Hmat, Ethel tiuaey, Lola J onn E. !. r Jt SMI 11 . . . -. HOOD RIVER. OREGON . HOME PHONE 3 v Tungsten Lamps Electrical Wiring Scientific Electrical and Fixtures Construction Decker. Anna Jackaon. Ida Hhafto Kluira v (to, Ida A. Alter, Ada Carr, Ella MeBrfda, Kebeora E. Buaey, Clldord K. Huaey, Orley Arden Buaey, Maud a Bowman, Mabel W. Busey, Clauf W. Buaey, !m M. Buaey, Floy E. Neeley, Nancy Huaey, Floreace Binler, W. I) Buaey. O. L. Buaey, Mary E. McDanlel, Kdwln. Frencb. Oacar French, and in all othera anknown, who have or claim to bave an iniereai or claim rn aald eatate, greeting;: In tba nar .aof thaHlale of Oregon, yoo are hereby died and reaulred la iunr In th. County Court of tbe Mule of Oregon tor the (Viumy of Hood Hlver, In tbe Court room thereoi, at Hood River, on Monday, tbe Sth day of April, 1K0, at 10 o'clock In be A. M. of tb.tday, then and there to ahow cause. If any eilata, wby an order ahonld not then and there be made (or the aala of the r,.il,i... described real proierty, altuate In the county of Hood Hlver, Htate of OreKon, tn-wli: Beslunlna at a Dolnt llio r.wl. nnnh nr n. Soutlieaat corner uf Hcctlon a In Township 2 North ot KanK" 10 Eaal ot the Willamette Menaian; running thence 80 roda and 6X -leet Went: thence Nonh :u nwia 11 iw. Kt II roda to Countr Itoad- 11 ien. fjnri h JA ? to point of beginning, containing 2o acrea, more or less, and the whole thereof at private ale, lor cauli ami for trie twai prlceobbtlnable therefor, for the nurnoae of uil.ivhw n"I "penaea and claims of theearateand uuiuiug me rraiuue tor nnai aiatrlnnllon. Witness, the Hon. A.J lirh r k. County Court of the Htate of Ore.o r..r th. County of Hood Hlver, wilb the aeal of aald Court affl led, tbla 2Mb day of January. I ".5f . (HKAI 1 AtteKt: Oao. D. CvLHikTsoif . Clerk. GOULD & SNYDER PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water; Heat ing All jobbing promptly attended to. J. . NICHOLS The Craft Shop.. Quaint, Artistic and Odd Furniture made to vour or der. Fine Itenairinc. ii. S. Richmond Fhoie 27o-N I'luuk Duvonport visited Tbe Onlles una i ortliiiid lust week on business. WOKS Ol'T That's tho way vou feel sbout the luni;fl whtm you have a hacking conuli. It's looliBlintiss to let it go on anil trust to luck to tfut over it, when Hullard's 1 llorwumuil hyrup will Btop tho cough mm lii'rtl ine lungs. I'rico L'.ic, 5iic and fl.00 tier liottlo. colli Uy ciias. N. Clarke. Land For Sale I have about 1 ,000 acres of No. 1 Apple Lai.d, most of it under ditch at prices ranging from f GO per acre up. J. R. Steele HOOD ULVEil. OHKCJON A Jolt for tlio loilslutoi n Dnwu in Califoiulit, the lower house or tne iHsiHluture Is thinking ot nls. iifusInK with the ssrvines or u ohnrj. lam, since n hHiitiunouto divine who was OHlliul upon to open the house 1th prayer overlooked the tisuul tally that is expected to he handed up to the Lord in hehalf of the lawmakers and proceeded as follows: "Wo are sorrowful. Oh, Father that the members hate deiented the Hun day law till; we are sorry the race iriii'n urn mm mien uorcHtiMi j we are sorry, Oh, r'uthur, that thav have de- feated other hiKh tiioriiln of nieasuiei which would have uplifted tho ijrowth ot our stato, yet we would hate to tliiuk that any man Ihtb was elected to do notliiuic hut draw pav, draw corns und draw poker. We hope this is not sn, and we ssk tin t the nrnmuil. iii2a of U.U Kreiu hedy may ha hlt'sned and talreu In charne tiy tho spir it ol (lod. We ak it In the nana of Josus (Jurist. Anion." Hereafter, it is quite likely ihu1; he ro e prayer Is ollered Iu the lower house lu that slate, I tie members will waut to Urxt look over the Inveutoiy ui na cunitriis. Ask Yuiirstdf tlio (jiidstlon. Why nut nee Chamberlain's Pain lialin when vou have rheumatism? We leei sure uiai ine result will bo iiimiii i ....l ...i:ur.... .....! ruuniRiu.ij, viio iippiieiiiiiMi re neves the pain, and many have bee permanently cured bv its .use. LTi an fiO cent sizes. For sale by Kier & Casu He Ctmlil Aot Tell a Lie inquiring Lady-llow muoh milk . does your ouw no H day? irntnlul lioy 'llout eight quuits, imiuiiing Lndv-And how much of mat do you sell? Tiuthfui Itoj 'lluut tuelvo quarts, limy. For That Tcrrlhlo Itchlnfr V .... I i.. i.i.i iiiii, iruer anil sail riieuili keep uieir vuiiins in perpetual lurmeiit. II npplicatinii of Cluunbeilnin's Salve w iiii-uiiiuv anay tins iiciiing, and luanv cases nave lieen cured by ita use. For sale by Keir V: I lies. Succinct llello, Swingle I WhH under the sun hiive you been doing to your l called a bigger man a liar the omer day. Locks as if we were tnlng iu iihvu u snowBioriu, doesu t itr' (Jliicago iilhuue. 11 IS 1 BUSINESS COLLEGE M WASHINGTON AND TCNTH 9TB, PORTLAND, ORKOON WRITE FOR CATALOG Th School that I'lfirti You in a Hood Potition For Sale, 8 7-12 Acres. Family orchard in laarintr. Hnnlex peaches, pears, prunes, plums, cherries. k 1. 1 in, fir, .mho i;u if ow .Ni'tttimna years old ; 60 1 veur old and 150 Spits cnbergs 1 year old. 2j acres 1 year old strawbeiries eet between trees; 8 inches waier lair uuiidings. well. wood, hav two si'atcd hack, harness, tools, etc. About - acres in trove. Trice toi.JSOO: terms. David Everhart. A Simple Tilck in ii j- eay mauer to Keep vour J nuts no. I mu-cles suptile no mat'er wiint your atre inav be or how vou have suiiered with rheumatism. Rub jour- sell night and morning with Uallard's fMi'iw i.inuucnt. Cures rheumatism, i mines, cramps, crick in the back side, iKck nr limbs, and relieves all acnes and puiiH. Sold by Chas. N Clarke. He Vita lliavily Insured Fi st Neighbor-She fouud hei hue hand hanging from the bedpost. Kenoud No lib nor Why didn't the out him tlowu? llnrd Neighbor 1 gueci he waiu't utau yei. iNTHRrotlNTY COI UT OK T1K HTATE OK (IKKUON FOll Hi iOII HlVKIl COUNTY III the Mmter of Hie (liuiritlauslilp) ,,,. Ol iillHllll i;.iriM Wllliu il.... r UKUIR It HPIMarlnir to Ihla CVmrt fnim lb. luiiii- ofKuiiuit 11. Willis, Kuartllan of tlm nutain ami I'Miilll (if All.-lln (ImrirH Wlllm mln. iniiiii it iiir na or. i r i i mih- iI Hid personal .....ii niu ii 'Ti,n!; ujii it ; rur tlm t'lul hltTHMS Of VUiiI Will.l llllil 1m ii.iauuu..., I.. )nlr li l.iy l!i,' of iIih ,, Illll'Ut.'Utl l,i' Miiil U.t'll Hint uilfl aliould l mild: II In drirhy ordervd that III ...Aii.i Km in mi hi Burn ami all peraona In-li-rcHtt'd In Raid cNifttfi. itiiwm tuir.. i.i.. viiun uii .Moiuiiiy, i ne sin aay of Mnrch. mm iiuiioeiocit lu the A. M. at t ie Coin i llnn 111 HiMid Hlvor. (Iriimn iIiaii biiH ii.Am -A ihmv cause. If anv Hiith lu h ...ri.. 1 ii "hi iir uiniiti mr me ha e nr unh n.n. erty at private sale Hdi'srrlptloii of which la ,rnv ill IM-Uiiuii, And It In fiiillinr inlAi.i1 iltu this order lie eulillslind once a li i. th. liiivcslve wii kii before the xalil day of hear- ,.i mi, iiiimii mver itiHcier, a wekly ni ni cr of Kcnernl clrculiiiiim ..ri.tu.i pulillNhp.i In Ho,,a Kiver, OroKim. iiiiicii inn -na uay of l-ebruarv. 190B. " A. J.llKKBY.JndM. UNDERTAKER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1 All calls promptly attended, nlybt or duy, city or country f' EMBALMING A SPECIALTY I? Nichols Bids., Cor. Oak and5thHta, unvra( HoMK-Offlre :iK: Residence ft t HOOD RIVKR.OBKUON r u WIV rJi PAor ric-Dfflce 51S; Res. 8il I G to the HOTEL WAUCOMA For Your SUNDAY DINNER P. F. F0UTS, Prop. Hood River, Or Stanley- Smith Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail LUMBER Lath,;iShing'les, Ete Lumber Delivered to Any Part of the Valley SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers EXPERT HORSESflOERS NEWWORK& GENERAL REPAIRS JACKSON & JACKSON, Dealer in General Merchandise Fancy Groceries Flour and Feed and Lumbermen's Supplies, Five Delivery. Home Phone HOOD KIVliK, OU. OPEN RIVER Transportation Co. DAILY SERVICE Between PORTLAND, HOOD R1VEK and TIIK DALLES As follows the use of White River and Golden Crown (lour. Whether you Laki- bread, uki-s, pies, or wny kind of txiMry, you wi I And this flour a ewfe and reliable standby. Try it once and you will never use any oilier. Steamers J. N. Teal Sarah Dixon OWNED by the PEOPLE Should be Supported by the People Special attention given Fruit Shipments Spacious Accommodations for handling Live Stock and Wagons We solicit your patronage J. A. Stranahan, Agt Hood River Dorsey B. Smith, General Manager, Portland Oregon Union Pacific UNDERTAKER MmM & EMBALMER Dealer in m f.. 1 . I A SUCCESSFUL BAKING rurmture s and Building Material I i V I lil r I II V , n I- AND B Cherry, . I OF.Al'. i AiiuDaIIatS BnwlATr I VU1 llUIM DdilOj APE IN THE LEADJ I i i Hood River Milling Co. RECEIVING DAILY FRESH Flour and Feed CELEBRATED WHITE RIVER AND G0I.DFN CROWN BRA LS MADE FROM SELECTED HARD WHEAT STRANAHAN & CLAItK HOOD rUVKli, ORKGON. ! r. H. BTANTOa HOOD IIVER NURSERY. Grown on Full Roots. !h our frit inl and patrona knon '.auLiiij; we will hare and can iup l'T , Apricot, Pcach& Plum Trcca, CURRANTS, BERRY PLANTS, nd Ornamental Trees. Alflo, all the standard varietJeg of apple trees. Can nupplj ine t rade with plenty of Newtowu, 8pitieaV berjr and Jonathan apple trees. RAW SON & STANTON, Hood River. Or. WHOLESALE THE DALLES NURSERIES R. II. WEBER, Ptop. THE DALLES, OREGON. KETAIL Arrlv I ioliita between Pendleton A Portland, dally 7:48 am RIVER SCHEDULE ll:?0pm y polnta. eonneetlnf I h ateanier for Il ann Dallv nd North Beach ateam- Sunday, r Haaaalo. Ash iinmi J dock (water per.) ilftoo P. M too p. II Daily eiorpt Buaday. 3 Trains to the East Daily j CTmTTO S22S23Bi2S $33 If WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A HiKSH M'I'I I.Y OK T4 w ETa . f n I be .. . mum or oaa, Muriate of Potash AND ALL KINDS OF FERTILIZERS COME TO US DWELT l-Ol! W00D-FIBERKD HOUSE PLASTER CEMENT AND LIME AS WE UNLOAD DWELT FROM TilKCAUs STRANAHAN & CLAPK II Hood River, Oregon iiirftuirn m mm nrfaiui. a . leepln can dally to Omaha, rhlcap., Hpc kane tour at M ,, . ' U . V. """ aieepinir car Union netmt Ijave hlraao-Portlanil f)nMi.i a.. the .jl via Huatlnirton,dall:15 am 0. pm Htwkane Flyer for Kaatern "umiiiiKMin. nana walla, lwlxlnn. I Vwur t' lm..n.i Mlanllc Expreaa for the taut 11 . i.iTH,ll linni ,,r ll liayum, Oregon 7.-09 A una 1 ainiiui hi. po nla. Aah Itreat uira (water H-r.) ri.K lkwThton, Idaho, and way pnlntx, imm nipana, n ain. Dally except Hnnday. 1:40 A. M Hlly except Hat unlay 7: P. M. Dally except 8unday. 4.-00 P. M Dally exept Friday 3 c OrriCafHoPRII Freight Honae 1 a. m. to IS nnnn I t.. a m. No rrelght received or delivered after J p. m. r"""nr uepov Honra Ihr dIivp ..t preaa and bawac will be a a. m. tm i n. m WM. McMURRAY, anrl PHMDfer Awt. For tland, Or. Riverside Dairy Pure, Fresh Milk from rtSjinitnry Dairy, hy tin pint, quart or gallon delivered in the dry at reason.-. rates. J. W. MORTON, Prop. FRUIT, SHADE AM) ORNAMENTAL GROWER AND DEALER IK TREES GRAPE VINES AM) SMALL FRUITS Oegeans, Roses and Shrubbey. Remember, Our Trees are Grown Strictly Without Irrigation. 1 .MILLER'S DRUG STORE. just received a shipment of Amencmi mi.l In ported Perfumes, Lmidber-'s, ItieporV. Knr & Gn'l l( tt s in bulk and presentation boxes. The Finest Imported Soaps for the Toilet Toilet Sets, Fancy Pa j eli i. . oi,d luaiiA vih i l v tides suitable I'or Presents. On the Heights, Hood River, Ore. Why Go Down the Hill? A New Carpet c. p Phone 3282-.M In i. 'pea ranee made of vour old one if washed by the Hood River Laundry Co. Phone 123 ROSS Billiards and Bowling Alley and Confectionery PAHLOHS THE BES ' LINE (JF Tobaccos and Cigar? IN TH K riTY rhe trexoi,iun, Tclrirrani and O N SALE SUiNDAV,