mmt HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FEBRUARY 25 1909 VOL. XX SOCIETIES. HOOD RIVKK COW MERCIALCMJB Meata vary weood Moudar In b nioutn at p. aa- In lb club room, over Jscksoo's store. CH as. T. ALV, FlW. W. H. WAI.TO!, Heeref ry. OOD RIVER LODGE HO. ICS, A. F. and A. (. Meeu Mlarday ovenlnc on oroeiore Mb fall moon. L. N. Buowitas. W. at D. McUokalb, Beeretwry. ' HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. 17. R. A. M -llHUlnl and tblrd Friday nihu of oae tooth ' A. C. 8TATBB, H. r. UK0.8HABP, Secretary. O Hood River Corarasndery No. U, K.T, . XJW4 wy cond Monday olui A. 1). Moe, Recorder. HOOD RIVER CHAPTER NO. , O. E. 8. Meet Mnond nnd fouMh Taedy nln ofMcbmoatb. Visitors cordially welromed. Mks.H L. Dl MBLE, W. M. Mis iDKti Wooiiwoktu, Becretvy. IDI.KW1LDE LODGE NO. 107, I. O. . u-u m Kraernal nail, every Thursday n,iut. J. M. wood, j uco. Xhomdom, Secretary prr,. JDUb-VT KCI 4K. 1. O. O. F. r,i..nif cond and fourth Mondays ifeWcn month. J . H. Faaousoii, u. r. Oio. Siiifabd, Scribe. wp u ii n mnni mi I. O. O. F. Meet In day nignh v isiiu wi --------vr- w E. F. Fours, Rec. Secy. . L.CARMKH. N.G, : ut.iuiu iirnRKI! IX) DUE NO. i O. O. K. -Meets Brut and third Irldays lu each month, w OAM01IB( N. G. ZobA DAT. Secretary. w w mu the 2d nd 4th Saturdays ..Xh m,;ntn ai (. o. O. F. hall. I Visitors cor dially InvlUid. - J. D. Waij., V. U r. W. MoRevboldh, Clerk. . . ...... . i fttuiip vn am. It. OF P. w"? .hver Tuesday night. Jos. Fkaihk, Ja., C. C, U. T. D W m, K. of R. nd 8. n.trtMI'tUP NH 1 inz. M W. A. "VnTu OK.' ban iVary Wedneeda, -nlKhi. A. R. Chump, v.i-. OOD RIVER CIRCLK NO. SM, WO".? am and Third Saturday of each month. lv.uulnrtLn.-MMU I.V. v. 7 Man. W I. UANUEK, N.G. ALICB8HAY, Clerk. .....ui.uniif iiiuiitun Ml A. O. U. W '"J.Z'Tiii. rt third Haturdayi . f each month. U.K. Chapman. M. W GEO. MLOCOM, Kilianoier CH kTBH 8 II UTB. Recorder. OLKTA ASSEMBLY NO. 103 UNITED . uu(u ih hpml kvnd third W ART- Wedue- day.. workcooBd and fourth Wedneadayi Artlwna' hall. C. u. onnm, W. H. AUti Secretary. .,mtKT hoop RIVER NO. , KOHKHTEltS or Vme7l-Meeu Tevery Tburiday evenlug at'soctock. WM.Fl.BlNO.C.Il. F. C. Bboeius, Becrttary. , ,,..-oV PfMT NO. ICQ. A. R. MEETS AT t O, UW. hall, second and lourth Satur. i vii of each niouth at 4 o'clock p. m. All OA R. member. Invited to meet with us. u. a. iv. iu fbbb Uibti, Comniander. a. t. Blythb, Aujutanl. CAN BY W.K;C;. No. la-IUtETH HECONl. uu founn Baiuruj II. W , naiiaizr. . u-i..., Mita L. M MBNTIjKI, nwiusui. MBS. O. H. BAKBV, Secretary, MOUNTAIN HOMK CAMP No.3Hl, R. N. A. Meeu it I. O. O. K. Hall oa the seooud and ,u- th Friday ot each mouth. y Mi,.C U. Dabis, Rejord-T. PAYNTEll IA)DGE, No. 2110, M. 11. A. muflrraud third Friday, of each mouth at K. of P. hall. M ( E.M,aKIH.P. . Auo. Guionabd, Set. .. i.u.n innilK No. 205. 1. O. O. F. Meets -rrtiUrdv evenlni Hi Oribble. hall ui (food. G 1. MoNBOB. N. G. O. W. UIMBI' a, nw;. HOUU RIVEII VALLY HUM ANE SOCIETY thai 1 Itivvr. (Hv. ' 11. Harlwig, rnrs. V U. Coi, L.-SH0 liutler, TieaM DR. UKLKN BABCOtK PHVSU'IAN AND SUBGKOX OIIhwj 7, 8, 9 Blotk ' Thono Main 342-M J. F. WATT, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Telephone.: Office. 1; "ij'".. SUKGEON O. R. AN. Co. H. L. DUMBLE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, r. Promptly 74nhttoWDOroountryi TTur&6Bu,aau- O. DUTRO, M. D. E. Physician and Surgeon ii , er First National Ban. Hood River, Uregon Ottii Phone Main 8'V Res. Main 873 "m.,m. d. Office In Jackson Block. om e phone, No. 1471. Residence, No. WS. jib. M. II. sharp Da. Euma B. Sharp (kieonathic Physicians the American School of Osteopathy, lurksville, Mo. Office in Elliot Block. n...,.a IMinnelO'2 llcb. 102-B FJJ. BKUSIUO, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ...Tir.i vl 'Phone Central, or 121. u..r.. -nin to 11 A. M.! t to t Office imd" to 7 P M. . M. E. WELCH, IH'FXSMK VKmiIAll SURGEOS ,.i to do tuy work In the reterln- ,iCrHli( by calling at or uIuk to I'lars " "ru" "RTEDQINGrTON Smith BinldiiljJ HOOD RIVER OREGON DR. E. T. CARNES DENTIST Offlc over Bartmess store Telephone 31 H. D. W.PINEO.D.D.S DESTIST nffine over Telephone Firet National Bank 131 H. JENKINS, D.M.D 0. DENTIST . TJuiiniias : - Office 28 ; n'siih-niv 28- -7 office over Butler Bank, LAWYER .Abstracts Furnished. Money burned E. H. HART WIG, LAWYER. Will lrortlee In AlH'oonn. First National Bank! Or HOOD RIVER, OKKUON. Capital $100,000 Surplus $20,000. FOR QUICK RESULTS List Your Property With Devlin g Firebaugh We make a specialty of or chard lauds, improved and unimproved. We arein touch with the buyers. We will not list your property unless we can sell it. We advertise Our methods are successful. Our motto "We protect both the buyer and the seller." tall aud see us at our new office iu the Hood River Bankirjgand Trust Company Building or- telephone J. L Firebausrh and he will call upon you. Devlin g Firebaugh J. L Firebaugh. Mgr. H. R. B. & T. CO.. BLDG. HOOD RIVER SWETLAND BLDG. PORTLAND JOE WRIGHT CARPENTER AND BUILDER Phone 2M-S Entimatea furnished on request. An honest job guaranteed. John Leland Henderson ATTORNEY AT LAW Hood River - - Oregon A. J. DERBY Lawyer HOOD RIVER, OREGON. M. EDWARD WILLIAMS ARCIIITEi'T STRUCTUUAI. ESGISEER 8.10 Kllot Huilitinu H'Kwl River Phone iSI unmnii E. A. JEROME, Architect Having bad several ye ears' experlene. in rirunitir and hiilldlmr.l would resDectfully solicit a part of the patronage of the people of Hood River wno anncmme uuiiuiug. ibuu. nuuonable. and .atlsfactlon guaranteed. Of fice at residence on Heights. BARGAINS IN LAND Forty acres at 40 per acre, $200 rash, balance T10 per month. Ten a :res, three acres Just set to trees, all under ditch ; 1DU per acre, s.suu down, $15 per month. ; Twenty-four acres; 130 apples 4 to 6 years old. 3W two years om, an newiy fenced, 2 acres in strawberries, build ings on place, 6 inches of water from spring. Price, $5,000; $1000 down and $800 oer annum until paid. J. ADRIAN EPPINQ PHONE U92-K. C.F.SUMNER HEADQUARTERS FOR Plumbing Come in and exam ine our line of Pumps, Bath Tubs, La vatories, Sinks, Etc. Agents For Pastime Parlors; On the Heights j Fine Line Cigars and Confectionery, Soft Drinks, Stationery & Notions. L. B. STEVENS & CO. W. G.ALDRED CONTRACTOR FOR EXCAVATING & GRADING HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Com. U. Pratt, President. . B. Oborue, R. W. Pratt, Vice Pros. Culilur, Hood River Banking and Trust Co. W tranaavt a general banking bu.lnea. and own oar own banking property Internet paid on time and Saving deposit. 8afe dapoalt boies. Cash Paid For Hides f you have any fat Hogs Cattle or Veal Calves to sell Call me on telephone, office 96-L; house 299-L. C. J. YOUNG. Hood River FLEMING & TAFT D RAYING, GENERAL TEAMING Wood For Sale. Prompt Delivery OFFICE PHONE 60-M RES. PHONE PHONE 232-M Hood River, Oregon A. 0. BUCK NOTARY PUBLIC AND IN8UR ANCE AGENT Room 12 Brositna Block Morse & Morse Succ.sors to Ralph H.d Best line of Cigars in the City Also handle line of Pipes, Tobaccos and Fishing Tackle FOR SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. FRED HOWE. H. S. DANO Contractor and Builder Aleo General Jobbing Shop. Homecraft Furniture made and Re oil red. Est! mates Furnished on all kinds of build' ings F'onrth Street, near Oak. Phone : Hliop 157. Residence 116-U The Cornelius "The House of Welcome" Cor. Park & Alder Portland, Ore V Hotel where the North western people will find hearty welcome and receive courteous treatment a moderate prices. Our free omnibus meets all trains. Under the management K. N. CLARKE C. W. CORNELIUS, Proprietor of W.J.BaRer&Co. Dealers in RE:AL ESTATE aiiHWHfiaiBBBBiBaiS Fruit and Farm Lands Resident Agents For Phoenix Assurance Co. OF LONDON Electrical Jobbers Ail Kinds of Electrical Wir ing Supply Fixtures. Will give you prices that will suityoo. Will get you any thing iu Electrical Goods. Harry H. Bailey Phone 208-L 0. L Day Phone 207-L FOR SALE Transfer and Livery Co. GOAL Headed For Hood River otters are arriving every day that people are coming Hood River. Most of them are looking for land. his is the time to list your jroperty for quick sale. No hot air or rash promises but straight business. : e want to list good properties be cause our clients are looking or the best. Don't delay. If you can not come in phone us and we win come out and see you. J. Ii. Heilbronner &Co. "The Reliable Dealers Davidson Bldg., Hood River, Ore. Underwood And' LittleWhiteSalm'n Choice Fruit Lands moroved ana un proved land a reasonable prices Specialty of Smal Tracts WRITE OR CALL ON F. W. DeHART Underwood. Wn THE OREGON FIRE El ASSOCIATION OF McMINNVlLLE. ORE. Announces another reduction in tl cost of insurance. T. L. DUNSM0RE, THE DALLE or C. D. TIIOM PSON, HOOD IUVER fkldf;;ick a arnold. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS attsaatei furnished on all kinds at work PKrnt.' Arnold, Main . jr no Lien. rri-u umtmmm 1) Hood River, Ore. CompoeI wholly of home tnlent. Pre pared lo furtmli Music for all occasions. For dates and terms address C. O. WILSON, Hood River, Ore. Plmim 118, Odel'l Exchange. Stranahan & Slaven Contractors and Builders HOOD RIVER, OREGON. W. W. NASON CONTRACTOR Brick, Cement and Plastering Reaclnth Flooring HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Lane & Gibbons g,, o..(,r t,, Bhriim Bro. Confectionery, Cigars and Tobaccos Sporting Goods I SECOND ANNUAL BANQUET GIVEN BY BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION Affair Was Well Attended, Well and Thoroughly Enjoyed. Planned, Tha seoond auuual baoquet under the auapioes of the limioesi Men's Association was held at the Odd Fel lows Hall Tuesday evening, and the affair ratber eclipsed the one of a year ago held at the same place. Covers were laid tor eighty guests, and when the hour arrived tot the learst not a seat'nas varant. Frank A. Cram, president ot the as soeiatlon. was toastmaster of the even ng, and after ooltee aud cigars called the meetius to order and lo a lew well chosen words made the address of welcome and introduced the Drat sneaker of the evening. Cbas. ti. Mer rick, of Portland, secretary or me state BHSOoiutiou Mr. Merrick's lemnrks were largely of the work of tbe association throughout tbe state, stating its ob ject', fceuellts and tbe good which it bad aanompllsbes not only tor me merchants but tbe communities as well, lis said that be was not sur prised at anything in Hood River. Hood Klver bad doue more to niaae Oreiton famous than an; other com niunity In tbe state, and it nan neen done lareelv through organization Boosting prices as be object of tbe association was a mUtuken idea. Ibe ureatsst benefit came bv personal ao uuaiotanoe and contact with each other, the business ' an upon ac auaiutsnce with bis competitor finds that be is not suon a baa ieiiow niter all. Price cutting aud credits ere not tbe only problems of oiuuuUaUuu Uettiug acquainted is the greatest ben efit. Endeavor to build the business op by a square deal. Ibe local pnper is tbe best aid to success. Advertise in it. aud tell your customers what vou have to sell. Ibe meicbaut com plains of tbe mail order bouse, but be should not send away for goods him self whiob be enn buy at home. Tbe association should take up this mat ter with their own members. Anotbei nronoeition is credit. It is the bane of tbe modern business man. Fully 75 oer cent of business is done on credit fortunes are lost because collections cannot be made promptly. Peddlers who oome into tbe couutry and pick up business are au Injury. Ibey pay no taxes, contribute nothing to the churches or other enterprises of the towns, and should not be allowed We have tbls year suooeeaeu in get tias throuub some legislation on tbls subject. We have now tbo boat law a tbe United States, liairor a man s wanes can be now taken tor family tx peuses. Salaries ot publio officials can also be garnished. It is now a mlsae meannr to misrepresent goods in aa vertisements. Ibese are good laws and will be a great benebt to tbe com mnnitv. Hood River business men are well organized, but tbey bad to do it to keen pace wltb the farmers. A solo from Paul Hubbard was tbe next on the program, and was well re reived. Mr. Hubbard responding to the encore. Rev. J. U. Tate was introduced by President Cram as Farmer Tate, with tbe warning tbnt tbe merchants might exneot a roast from the farmers' view point. Mr. lale said ue ft as expected to roast, and there were a few things he would talk pialn about. However, wheu tbe faimer bad anything to buy he was auti-monoply. and when be bad something to sell be was a mo nopollst. Vet tbe merchant bad tbam oomina and soiug. '1 hey Siild a dozen eggs and took it out in trade, while tbe merchant made a profit on tbe egs when sold and also a profit on the aoods. Yet. neither party could be independent of tbe other. Tbe merchant oould not exist without tbe farmer, and it was vety convenient for tbe fat mer to hav9 a place to buy supplies at home, and alo to get credit when be needed it. Confidence Ii tbe basis of good business relations, Estrangement leads to tbe mall order house, and it is a mighty poor place. In tbe end it does not pay The farm er sometimes sells produce wbloh is not as represented, and be Is a good customer of yours, and you let it go, but you oanuot afford to keep a cus iOIUer Uli lUttb JUO nuu IB uu. uuuunv. auv more than you can aurora to sen eoods not as represented. Tbe retail metcbaut carries us wben we neea it, but not tbe mail order home. 1' rlend hip is the basis of close business re lntlona. Riitht here I want to say clean up your streets. You should have roadi that can be traveled, so we can set iu to trade. K. li. liartwiuteoietury or ice nsso ciation. made au earnest talk on be half of organization ana spoae or some ot tbe benefits that bad been derived Knr nna thiua it bad brought about early closing, so that the merchant oould have some time to devote to bis fmnilv. entertainment and mental rec reation. The metcbaut should have anrtin tlma outside of bis business. Truman Llutler was called upon, and after a few remarks told one of his aim-inn that alwavs seem to tit the riuht olHce. and made a pleasant dl- nn from tbe more serious turn. J. Adrian Epdiuu rendered a solo which was loudly applauded, and for an encore loin a ooouie uuuiuiuu. enrna that nleased ' .. . I . 1 T, ! . J 1. iu. urayroro, iue nuumuiu ujdiuu- ant, after reminding Farmer Tate that the roads at Kooarora were gooa huu built oa a solid foundation, settled down to the subject ot character and honestv in business, and clous atten tlon was paid to bis addreis. Fred Wilscn, of Ibe Dulles prose cuting attorney for this dtstrlot, was the last speaker on tbe program, aud with his usual eloaueuce made a brief tul. whiob was sreatly enjoyed. Mr WiUou said that Hood River must be looked imon with eny. He was nrnml nt the faot that be bad au in terest in a Hood River orchard. Tbe Dalle looked upon Hood Klver with nrida and all fa rmlnded men teioioea ... it a n. A-moritv. -n nn not realize 1 tte future that Is before us. He knew jofnopluce where the advantages of nature were so great. 10 regara u bad roads. The DbIIos were as bBd oft, 'and wot a now vtrentling with tbe pav ing proposition then selves. A u.ale quarlette, Cfmi red of L. Darling, first tenor; O. A. Clarke, second tenor; Panl Hubbard, fir it uaiav, buu cu nvvi, w uuu ...m, r.u, a couple of songs, wbicb were loudly applauded, and this concluded tbe en tertainment of tbe evening. Tbe committee of arrangements wbicb to successfully carried out tbe affair were: D. MoOonald, U. A. Clarke, W. MoUuire, K. A. Pranz and K. w. rerigo. Tbe magnificent banquet provided wss turnisbed by tne taaiee ot tne Christian church, and many compli ments were paid tbe ladies for tbe very One spread, as well as tbe excel lent way In wbioh It was served. Tbe table decorations were pleasing, a new Idea being tbe substitution ot tbe candles or small globes set on tbe tables, with a large number of fine library electric lamps. FIVE LAWYERS IN CABINET Wants Help In Constitutional Cor rection of Corporate Abuse. Philadelphia. Pa., Feb. 22. Pres ident-elect Taft arrived here Sunday morning from Cincinnati and with Mrs. Taft, who cime from New York to Join him, Is the guest of Dr. S. Weir Mitchell. A conference took place between the President elect and Frank H. Hitchcock, who came here at the request of Mr. Taft. Mr. Taft admits he is making headway in the selection of a sec retary of the treasury, but maintains that the place is not yet filled. In GEORGE W. WICKER8HAM. George W. Wickersham, who will be President Taffs attorney-general is one of the leading members ot the New York City bar. the list of cabinet appointments Mr. Taft has heretofore announced there are nve lawyers, it may De siaiea that this fact ia not a mere coinci dence but la an accomplishment which has been carefully planned and striven for by the incoming President. Constitutional legal re strictions on corporate abuses are the accomplishments he will strive for. DRY FARMING" CONGRESS Alms nt Making Arid Western Lands More Productive. Cheyenne, Wyo., Feb. 23. More than a thousand delegates, repre senting every state in the went and several foreign countries, were pres ent at the opening today of the third annual transmlssourl dry farming congress in the Capitol Avenue thea ter. Although the movement to bring together the tillers of the arid landa of the west is only three years old and its formal organization dates from last year's congress, It already ranks In Importance with the na tional Irrigation congress and the transmisslssippl commercial con gress. The purpose of the congress la the discussion and comparison of methods by which the arid districts can be placed under tillage and the natural rainfall conserved. Paying Honor to Father George, Washington, Feb. 22. Although the celebration of the centennial ot the birth of Lincoln has over shadowed the birthday of George Washington, the usual honor are being paid today to the memory of the Father of his country. As a le gal holiday today Is far more widely observed than Lincoln day, since the adoption of the latter day as a holi day has not become general In the greater part of the states. Wash ington's birthday is a legal holiday in every state except Mississippi, There, as elsewhere, the day la ob served with exercises in the public schools. Lewlston, Feb. 23. Plans are un der way for holding a pioneer re union In Lewlston on March 3, that being the date on which Idaho was made a territory. Lewlston was the first seat of the territorial govern ment and among the residents of the city at this time are a number who were here when the first terri torial council was called to order. ... nlssij RQT AND PILLAGE IN OMAHA Scores Injured, Homes Burned or Wrecked. Omaha, Neb. Feb. 22. Following a harangue at a mass meeting In the city hall, In South Omaha, Sun day afternoon, at which two mem bers of the state legislature and an attorney were the principal speak ers, a wild mob of 800 or 1000 men started for the Greek quarter to aveuge the death of Patrolman Ed ward Lowery, who was shot and killed Friday night by a Greek whom he had placed unaer arrest. Before their thirst for blood had been satisfied more than 30 build ings were burned, wrecked or badly damaged and probably a score of persons Injured, half that number seriously. By heroic work the police have prevented actual lost ot lite. L . MANUFACTUR, i G PLANT READY MEANS MUCH TO HOOD RIVER Finest Equipped Sachlae Shop Oregon Outside of Port In land. The Hood River Manufacturing En gineering Co. are ready tor business, and have Installed tbe finest machin ery in tbe state tbis tide of Portland. Tbey will at once begin tbe manufac ture of tbe Liurkey patents, tbe ball bearlog bub and leek nut. The plant, however, baa been equip ped with tbe idea ot doing any kind of work that can be bandied by a ma chine shop, from tbe smallest to tbe largest job, and expert mechanics are in charge to do the work wltb neatnosa and dispatch. Tbe company bave been fortunate in securing tbe ser vices of E. A. Runout, who has been superintendent of a large plant In Denver for many years. Mr. nanoua it not only an expert maobinist, but a draltiman, and in making special ma chines for the manufacture of tbe Luokey patents or other work, can woik out tbe ideas on paper. One of tbe new maobiuet wbicb bai attracted the attention of mecbanioa and been much admiied, is tbe Cin cinnati Universal Milling Machine, wbicb is the most complete machine of its kind made. It U a wonderful machine and with it, In connection wltb tbe lathe, almost any shape can be worked out In iron aud steeL with absolute scourncy. It will plane metal, out gears, threads, eccentrics, and do a hundred things necessary in making machinery and tools. In addition to this is an Improved lathe with all modern attachments, large iron drill, cutter giinder for sharpening milling machine tools, emery grinder, eto. A new maohlne ia for tbe purpoa or turning out tbe bub on a buggy wheel for tbe putting on ot tbe ball bearing attachment. By tbe aid of this maohlne tbe attach ment can be put on tbe wheel ot any vabiole without even marring tbe paint. In speaking oi the eutet prise, J.J. Luckey says: "Hood Klver will have no oause to complain ot this new en terprise. We have not asked the city for any help, have not asked the Com mercial Club lor any aid. yet we ex pect to bave an Industry built up wbloh will employ a thousand men. We have additional ground here to build a large factory, and will do so wben the business warrants. I bave a standing otter of 120,000 to move this plant to another city, but prefer to stay in Hood River if we get proper encouragement." The manufacturing plant la a sepa rate corporation from tbe Luokey pateuts, and will make the ball bear ing hob and lock nut for the other company. It will also be prepared to do manufacturing or repur work of any kind in tbe maohlne and Iron line, and it will be a guod addition to the other shops of tbis kind already established on a more moderate scale. Manufacturing enterprises are what tbe oity needs as much aa anything to build up tbe town. Ibe growth ot tbe oity on account of tbe fruit indus try will always be limited, but fac tories with a large payroll will de velop the place along other lines and make it a city of liberal proportions. With plenty of power, developed and undeveloped, Ideal conditions for residence, good transportation facili ties and close proximity to- railroad terminals, it should offer special in ducements to tbe location of manufac turing enterprises. To Mr. Luokey and tbe enterprising local buianesa men wbo bave put money Into bis project, la due tbe credit ot estab lishing tbe nuoleua ot a business wbloh bas every promise ot develop, ing into a big thing, not only for tbe oompany but the oity. Na-iOii-Holmes. William W. Nason baa become a benedict. He has sprung a surprise on bis friends by quietly going east and getting married. Tbe following aoount ia given in the Hillsboro, Ohio, Dispatch ot January 25: 'A very beautirui oome weooing took plaoe at high noon ntthe oountry home or Mr. and Airs, uuoert uoimea wben Mr. Will W. Nason was united in holy matrimony to Miss Laura Holmes, Dr. J as. K. Colley perform ing the ceremony, xne oriae wore a lovely dress of messaline satin, color dardon smoke, Empire style and she carried a magnificent bouquet of white rosea. After an elegant ove- course dinner toe young roias startea on their honeymoon trip to uruns wiok. Maine, the home of the bride groom's parents, from tbenoe tbey go to his home at tiooa ttiver, ureguu. Tbe entire Holmes family were present, inoluding Mrs. Walbon, fiom Mllo. Iowa, and other guests were ... -. . . r ri 1 Miss 1'BlIon, ur. ana mis. ti. a. pul ley, of Hillsboro. We wish tbe young folks Bon voyage. Private letters to mends irom but. Nason state that tbey are enjoying a visit at bis old borne in Maine, ana will be back in Hood River in tbe near tuture. - George T. Pratlier Returns George T. Pratber returned the last of the week from bis California trip much improved in heaitn. tie spent most of the time in southern Cali fornia fom Los Angeles to Ban Diego, meeting Mr. and Mrs. aneiiey at tne latter place. Mr. Pratber says mat nwr buoiuS that muoh boomed oountry be tbinka more of Hood Uiver tnan ne aia oe- fore, and vaiues his oronaro iana as about twice what he did before. He says that tbe toads in tnai country are almost impassable. Outside of a few thoroughfares east of Los Angelea built by tbe millionaires, u is aiuius impossible to pull loads on the less traveled roads, and that be saw wagons go hub deep in some i of the side streets of Los Angeles. Climate is tbe ohief asset of California and tourists tbe principal prop. Notice Annual meeting of the East Fork Irrigating Company will be held I at the Commercial Club room, at 1 :30 p. m , Saturday, March 13th. It la requested that tbete be a lroe attend- .. i.,-1 .it Tllrantora. ance tsy uiuor uuum -- K. U. Wautb.Beoretary. i 1 i 'i J , r