Eight HOOD RIVEK QliAOIint THURSDAY FE3KUAEY 18 1C09. u&Mff JILL HJ'JWUIWlIWIUWI' GRAPES, from their most IieaTlh i ul properties, give ROYAL its active and principal ingredient M WMEr Baiting Powder Msoiateiyjrure It is economy to use Royal Baking Powder. It saves labor, health and money. Where the best food is required no other baking powder or leavening agent can take the place or do the work of Royal Baking Powder. I jr iutritit cn ,lukia( fund to ARGUMENTS ON SPECIAL ELECTION The following communications have bean received for publication I'eurlng on tbe special election to cbunue the city ebuiter: The Mater Question. Take for example a home that is us fetaod for ?MK). The present ypar'w nix m os ioiiows: mute tax at ;i 4 u tn ilia it $1.!M; county tax tit i mills Is r.i.w; tbe city tax he In if 10 mills and . at leant one-half of this is for bridge and street improvements, leaving K, or fj mills for city (government, or ?2.D0; milking a total of 7.40. 'I but ii for purely governmental purposes. When the yenr has pasted and gone, tbo ?7. 40 is gone, and all we have for I be same is the condition our state, county and city ere iu morally mid socially to begin tbe next year. Tbe county school tax Is 20 mills or 10.00, making 112. GO for school purposes. This is never lost if the ecbool Ih managed in sucb a way tbat ie get pometbing like a dollar's north on the dollar, of facilities for our child ren or our neighbor's children for an education, Then thnre is tbo 5 mills of city tax, or I J,. 50, for bridge and ntroet Improvement. This witb tbe flJ.GO school tax makes J15.10 that we get a petmuuent bonotlt from. To this add tbe $l.i0 governmental tax and we bave 122.1)0, the total tax on S5O0 assessment. Mow take the water tax on this home: 91.00 for bouse tue, 25o for bath, 25a for toilot aud 25o for hot watsr boiler, or 81.75 per month, making for the year 121.00, to sty nothing of lawu or garden sprinkling. What kind of a tax Is this? Of Hint nse is it after tbe year has gone? Only tbe fond reoolleotion tbat you have put up your part to help strengthen the water company, which with all this cannot or does not keep paoe with our city's growth; and this with no fire protection. Think of it, $7.40 and 121.00, making J2H.40. to 815 10 that hus a lasting beuodt to in. ' How dues this compare with a mu alclpal water plant? Witb the same rates a ' uuioipnl plant would pay for tbe coat ot the plant In 15 years, mid each year every tax payer will luivo paid l-15th of the plant, at whlcb time tbe water rates will not be mor than GO per cent of the present ratee. Also during this entire time tbo city will have reaped tbe bouetita of h thorough fire protection, iu the re duced insurance premiums and iho protection to all of tin uninsured property and stocks, aud ample water for lawns aud guideus, ail of which tend to heautify our oity. With a thoroughly up to date municipal water plant and Ore protection, tbe values of real property in tbe city will inhance as taken' together three times at lt.ast more than the cost of this plant. Let uie ittk you, what could do our oity more good, In the way of making It a desirable place for iv home than an abundant supply of pure mountain spring water, aud that at a low price, owned mid oper ated by the people, tor the people and our visitors. Let us wake up to the situation, aud show to ourselves aud the outside world that we are alive to our conditions and can and will make use of tin exceptionally favored con ditions tbat nature hao given us, by voting to change the charter, so that the water user cau when paying for his water rent In a few short years, at the same time and price pay for the plant and own it. Also who will say that a majority should uot rule? None but a person who thinks that a seloct few should be elevated to u po sition by which It would require at least two of us, or who they no doubt tbink are the common rubble, to bal ance their vote. Shme to the man who thinks another's vote twice as great as his. In answer to J Alt and the News. Docs tbe editor of the Mews, by bis sudden advance to opulence, wealth and importance. Imagine be is able to resuscitate the conditions of feud, al tiues, witb the lords, prince,' mi fa and slaves? Hut we, tbe com mon people, with our respectable, though f:nia home can say. uKti thanks to God, tboie ere nut many siinl' in unr ooaimunity a .)Alt snd ye mii(hty tcrilm. Aril now in nil candor, nr not 1'. H Dittdxnn, the Light ml fitt er Co and Xjetliu lSulitr part owntrs ot the News? What wr.uld become cf our public cbof.U under the proposed plan of frospprity and mujoiiti?s if tbe News aud J At) (uumely, your vote to couut according to your pn p crity?) Would the heavy tiixprtytr mi) corporation-, with then alliod in terests, vote 20 mills special rcboi, tax? KcOnes from the putt answer not this year nor nuxt. J his Is enough t' tmike JcIIerson, Monroe and especially Liuci.la baug their heads with shtimc, were they here lie reitainly handles the names ot Hocket'eller, Mirgun and Jlnr'ltimn carelessly, lis no doubt- (in hi mind bird tuey ni.ve Known ot the won derful coup de-lut i'i piiprrdutij that was nemg consummated nere, thi-y would bnve bogged 'or pariniiseioii to buy a little stock; also if you aio uot aware that municipal ownership of water system does not increase taxa tion, pleat-e read the reports fioin other cities which you huvu failed or refused to publish, aud a small riy or ugtit mignt break in on your oth erwise illuminnus mind. I write this advltedly, so "charge it to me." I C 8 Equal Keprescntatlon Editor Ulacier: In a recent pub lication of the Hood liivei News 1 notion that tho editor endorses the proposition that a few large propuity hollers should have a voting strength equal to the lishiuce of the town, who uie small holders, it is a loug time since wo have heard of a n,au who as a ti mo s Intelligence enough to edit a nowspapor who wan willing to advance such au argumeut. What condition would we be In should u few mi'ii who own or oontrol large property inter ests (for which they are probably iaigely in debt) be iu a position to dictate to a large number of small householders, the majority of whom own tho r own homos, how they should he governed? X ho big property owner goon to Poitlaud lor a lew days to see lien llur, etc., and he ooiues home with a brand new outfit for bimtelf and family, The smalt home ownei stays at home aud works every day so that he can puy hit) billx, mid spends his money at homo helping to build up bis homo town. Who pays the largest amount In water rates, the small property owner or the large one? Who would contribute the most toward payiug (or a uew plant. Not the few large tax payers, but the small holders. Thou why should uot the majority rule? 1 agaiu say, shame to the man who would insinuate otherwise. A Small Property Owner, Argument en Change of Charter, Two features are presented to the voters for change. First, to allow the innoni" from a water system to go toward tbo pay ment tor the plant. The charter now reads (abbreviated): The council shall levy a tax ou all taxable prop erty to pay interest on bonds and provide a sinking fund to pay off the bonds. !he proposed chuugo will -read (ab breviated ) : (a) The council shall 11 x a water ri.te mff' 'il l to bend- snd prcildo puy It tin- tnu'li (bi I he couuuil mar levy and o.J lert a In not to exceed ix-Unllt of ooe ptr cent per annum to pay luUr eat on bonds. Argument on first proponed ob-inn: The preteut charter dove dot allow tbe Income from a watt r ttttew to bo toward psylug off the toi.d. It pro vblrsr th-r that piofnty arutt be xel to ri.i ;nt in Kb" plaot ntnl t mj for ii To i-huiu'S tt is no that aatei rales clioul I mainlhiu the plnt Is In i.oi'oid wi h t plau in otber to us. II tiJ'en tb credit tcconut right airora I lie pi-H) from its debit C ecu ut. Is thrie any special rrxvou wl.y II od liircr bould not do as olht-r towns in this business? Cu any real mulls man ctject to this? Of course it takes tbs thunder o t of the tax threats It destroys any forth) r gabble about two pUnts ronuiog heie in competition. Knr wbeu lax payers " Umt if tLey du not attach to the city mum Kiev are more than likely to keep up tbe plant, a competing ( lunt will soou pull out. We believe, however, I ha pret-ent oouooil will oltfr for tbe t resent plant wbal it is actually worth to ti e i-ity II tbrs works out as carefully an eqiutably planned, no such coo tin grncy can arise. Argument on obange No. 2. This change ii to reduce the present necessary two tbirr's vote on a bond issue to majority of free holders, Ibe wording row is: "and tvr thirds of the vote upon the question or ineir issuanoe be round to r.e favor thereof." as cnangeu ll will read: "an majority ol tbe vote upon a question of Ibeir iisuauce to be found to be iu favor thereof; provided, bnwfver that no person ahull lie eutitld role who is nit, In addition t lb otber uece rv qualincatinns, a ret holder la raid eily ol liuod Klver." Argument One. Other towns of the size of flood Klver who are responding to tbe pub Ik'lty.cou nilttee s Inquiry have car ricd their election by ruajuritr. great ui.iuy towns make it "a majority cl legal voters." In Hood Klver th vote ou bonds is to be limited to tbose dually h dding property. No reason appeared why Hood Kivir should be peculiar about this mattor Indeed it has been urged tbat In limiting tb vote to a "majority of Ire. holdeis' we have been especially The reason for ttii-s will Iu tbe argument. Argument Two. Indeed any other plan rooel rative appear late than ma jorby allows a minority to rule. Ibe two thirds vote as provided for in the U. ts. rjonstlintlon. iu state const it u lions and in city charters are largely ror nquaiiziui.' me pot-r ot veto, A i'rosideut, Cloteruor or Mayor may veto the will cf a majority, but a iwo cniras vote may override even veto. A majority of oui mule Hamilton vice president, a majority ol oue annexed, if we remember rightly th Louislai a i uicbasos, and a majority of one annexed tbe Pbilipinnes all events quite as Important ss a water system for Hood Hiver. A'gument tbres. The experience of Hood River has shown tbat a majority is wise. Ton long oertain local iuteiests bave run this town with a minority. 1'be pres ent sale of tbe Newsletter is a fair il lustrstlon of tho method aud its re fusal to print simple, plain arguments for tbe majority. iu me petition lor water one year Bgo toe necessary two-tblrdi were al ready secured for a new water plaut We do not foiget that while oue ele ment ot this in i n or i ty trying to ro gain tboir lost bold called us to the Commerol 1 Club rooms, another part of the tarn iletnent was befo-e the city council urging tbe city to put in (Ire hydrants lu the business district at f 1,000 per anuum the News rJditor may yell harmonv to us until no is black in tbe face. What we want is coiuinou honesty. common tense and fairness. Keply- mg to jau, who "fears to put tb power of voting large sums into the bands of small taxpayers when a greater portion of tbe bnrden will tail on about one third. " We usk is this trne? In the reports from many other water plants thus tar beard from. uot one has levied a cent ot direct tax to repay the bonds. The water paj ments have paid out tbe bouds. ouppose ior example jau were a wealthy mini of liuod Klver. Ho will pay tor bis water at tbe same rate as John Smith, possibly a teamster. John Smith might be a renter and hence not a voter on the bouds at all; out it be used as much watei as JAli be would pay an equal amount toward interest and boud payments. If J Al! Is some foreigner e can excute bis argument, but if uot we refer him to the coutroversy over the publio school question. bucb ideas were uot very nooular even forty Hve years ago. replying to tbe News Editor we ask for tbe privilege of removing gloves. Your Spring Gordon is Here 5 M Kv A 1 V.fo-rCV! The Hat That Makes Three Dollars Do the Work of $5.00 JAB may be an Iguoraot man witb toed Intentions aud lot IsoiiUaf wltti our hltloiy. lie may bave lor tbe nira.ect stop (id on tbe strong pl-nk. Nut so witb tbe News Kdltor. He is as educated man. He knows of Ibe SUiup Act and tbe Continental Con sr e. He ia lao-lliar with our Lis ter).. Uben be comniei.ds J AH be net only uccepts all tbat is said lu tie bove pernicious quotation, but be vtts oo to add "it is oaaise to place tbe power of vo lug large sua o money for pul.llj improvements la tbe bauds ol suisll taxpajeis wiio are ajore uuni.rou., but do uot own a majority of the propel ly to be build ed." ou Uliete Ib. t, do you? train , good Jildmeiit, tutiners, ara rneasuted by he size of a mau's parse, aie ibe) ? Tbeu as an toitot wtisa poor you would bare oo vote even tbuuxb potse.esed of a gocd edu cation; bat if jau suddenly Inuud purse or bunco of stock, 01 poured water Into a corporation you snould at o: ce pets ti th iiosm sion ol many vctes. Yi u believe tnat. do you? Ju.t apply this due, for elgn, feudal, tal.e, fictitious, policy to lool arfalrs snd lets see where yoo oome out. Is it ont of place to suggest Ihkt tbe News be moved In Russia where It belongs? Pub, Com. layers woo are more oumerous and do nut uwa a atajorlty of the proper ty to be vo'eu." it idea bere r ii rested 1 o eou leaiy to Olir in.lltutiolie, in tl Ivr laratiun of ludei endeiav. to the Iks too Tea Party aud to all quality f govsrniueul; tbul e, the uuder signed, wish to publicly txpriss our atroug di.uppiotal of I . Itelcllowiug pasked noauiuicu.ly : Hei-olved, tbat this protest Le ub lis'ied In tbe Hood hiver Ulaoier. J W. Shipley, I. J. Oooduousl, J. A. Walter, U. A Uoaell, r T. Net I, J. W. Moore, i:. v. Mclotosb, Dr. J. Wi.liaas, D. 1'. fcmi'b, (i. H l;ob Hue, y. II. j .i.lth, K Mener, II. Hcb'dtT, A. W. W Id n.ll. L biruck, C. U Mure, Tboi. f Johnson. Plant Municipal Success In Ashland D. 1. Treiber, Secretary of Hood Klver Heights U1UD, Hood 1 iver, Oregon, Dear Bir: Replying ! your Inquiry ot tbe water Huperintendeut ot tbia city ol ins win ult., 1 bats to advise yoo l but tbe municipal owueisbip of tbe water plant bore lias worked exceed iugly wed It py atout 17,000 a tear above tn.i of maintenance and interest charges and costs of exleu siuns that aro made )e::rly. It ia a gravity system aud ia ooe ol tbe be. I on tbe coast, it baa always been owned by the city. Ibe Oat monthly rate per family is 1. 00 with 10 cents foi bath and '.0 cuU tor toil, t ad ditional wbere there is connection with tbe sewtr 1 enclose you a printed list of water rales We charge (8.00 per acre toi irrigation, and lawn 25 cents per moutb. No direct tax has been necessary to keep op tbe plant. Ou the contrary, tbe geueral fund has often tor rowed money from tbe water fuud to u eel general expenses of be city. i mink you should by all meant own your water system. You will Hod after a little!exuerience tbat ton can be assured ot better aud cheaper service. Very truly yours, M. F. rCyxleeton, jCily Recorder. Hood River Heights Club Protest At a oieotinn of tbe Hood River Heights Club, Tuesday evening, tbe following resolution wus passed unan imously: tie it resolved, that we. tbe Hood River Heights Club, in meetins- as semble,!, do look upon tbe article signed "J. A. IS.", published in tbe Hood River News. Februarv 10 l!)Oi. and the editorial ot tbe News ot same date, wherein their poliov is clearlv to bring about the condition, t b -it nor votes are to do counted accordinx tc our property, namely. "It Is unwisf to place the voting ot large sums ol money for publio improvements in tbe bands ot small lax payers, who ar more numerous but do not own a ma jority of tbe property to be bonded," as a proposition leading to a condi. lion that we denounce as uti Ameri can, by being ooutrary to tbe Decla ration of Independence, contrary to tbe constitution of tbe United States aud contrary to tbe Constitution ot Oregon and contrary to American freedom aud our publio school system. Aud we hope tbat no true lovr of freedom in our fair city and valley will oouotenaneo any cartv cr nar lea or their allies who would undertake to nriug about or advocate auob a condi tion, lie it further resolved that this be published In tbe Hood River (iU. oier. IVWitt's Little Early Risers, gentle, ea-v pleai-aiil, little liver pilis. bold by Keir & Ca. Adverilxed l-eiteri N ai dlei, Agi.e; Davidson, Mia. iet.se A ; J.m. Mr. J. L. : Lores, L1 .. .. . 1 1 : I m It . ' cuuiusi m luriug. Kilt. u. o. ; pior oroes. Uract: Riley. Mrs. J. U Smlto, loa; WllliaiLS. May; Allen Jono; Anderson. Ahin: Ueck. ii. Elliot, Horace; rain, Fred; Cordon J. U. j Harper, hut ng-.ro; II n ret frank; Hunt. Jacob (Indian): Kork Patrick, Wainer;May Wanton Pattern uo. ; Mynard. Ubanoe: Oliver, ul n Russell. I red: Hmitb. U. H : Smith F. S. ; Steel, Frank B. (2); Slevenr, . w.; Bummers, u. A. ; bwart. Ueo. n. M lates, postmaster, i nree counues in cms atata, Bea ton, Lincoln and Yamhill, have not a single prisoner In tbe atate pent- tentlary. This la shown by the bl ennlal report of the superintendent, C. W. James, who has classified the prisoners as to their Crimea, length of sentence and county from which committed. Unkempt, dirty and with hla ankle o badly sprained that he cannot stand without assistance, Robert GerrUh, who escaped from the Ore gon Insane-asylum last November, waa found In a barn at Oakland Fri day night and taken back to the asylum. He can give no account of hla wanderings or the cause of hi Injury. Before the next regular rhir and harbor bill la framed by congress, a report will have been submitted by the army engineers, passing upon the necessity for a 30-foot channel from Portland to the sea, and that report will be accompanied by the outline of a project and estimate of coat. If the report Is favorable, It will be binding upon congress, and It is reasonable to presume that the new work will be started under au thorlty contained in the bill. Four tramps were discovered In an alley at the rear of a Salem brewery Saturday morning by the police. Two of the men were nearly dead and several hours were re quired to resuscitate them. The other two were unconscious and all were taken to jail In an express wagon. Proti t From East llarrett At a nil hi in maatiiio helH at th W - UU ITf. Barrett SRhOnl hnllH MniiHn anonl., the following waa passed and signed, nuo oaunea in ior publication : line ioiiowing appears in tho first issue of the Hood Hiver News: "It is unwise to plant the voting of large issues of mouey for public im provements in tbe hands of small tax There is No Question About it. We ciio supply the demand for all the ALl' KKD PEATS Wall Paper you need We show the choicest offerings in all kinds of Pilfers. Be sure to see the samples. ID. L. DAVIDSON "Willow rial." For Sale, 8 7-12 Acres. Family orchard in bearing, apples pvurlii's, pears, prunes, plums, cherries gropes, eii'. Also 150 Yellow Newtowns 2 vears old ; 50 1 vear old and 156 Spitz enbrrg 1 venr old. 2i acre 1 year old strawbeiries set between trees; 5 inches water ; fair building, well, wood, hay two seated hack, harness, tools, etc A Ixmt 2 acres in grove. Price $6,500 terms. David Everhart. lyidDLPM I I i I BUSINESS COLLlQl II PORTLAND. ORCOON Ll U. write for catalog I" Thi Sckoal lAol Plocu You in a Oeod Petition European Plan Rooom per d:iy 75c and up Rooms per week $L00 and up 'hone Mam 7559 New Concrete Building Steam, Hot and Cold Water Electric Lights, Bella and Phones All Outside Rooms HOTEL PHILIP BURNSIDE ST., 4th and 5th Fifth Street Cars and Burnside Bridge Curs Pass the Door PORTLAND, OREGON. The new spring shapes and colorings in the celebrated 7imv I .ntnrtn He o rv m A Wm im' among them you will find rMWlW a stye tliat was especially wp w Y'" tor you. Popular and faddish greens, rich browns and conservative blacks. Smart novelties for the young fellows shape 'em as you like. Dignified styles for elderly men. The Gordon name in your hat is vour quality insurance. GORDON HATS $3.00. HOOD RIVER APPLE VINEGAR CO. Manufacturers Pure Apple Cider & Apple Vinegar We receive Canning and Cider Apple from one season to another, paying; market price for the same. In ship ping over Mt. Hood II. I. or from Mosier there will be no transfer charge from freight house to factory. Patronize your home Industry and let us have your apples. A COMPLETE LINE OF Feed, Grain, Field Seed Poultry Supplies Spray Materials, Fertilizers, Etc. AT Whitehead's Feed vStore HOUSEWIVES Do you want to know about a wonderful new time, health and money-saving kitchen convenience? Then you should see the complete line of "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Cooking Utensils now on exhibition at your dealers. This ware is guaranteed by the makers for 25 years. It is absolutely pure, wholesome and thoroughly hygienic, will not crack, scale, peel, break, rust, tarnish, scorch or burn. s TRADE S MARK It is light weight, easy to handle and easy to clean ; makes kitchen work a delight instead of drudgery ; saves your money, time, fuel; protects your health against metal poisoning and serious troubles resulting from chip ping of small particles into the food, which is one of the dangers from the use of the old style enameled wares. You buy patent carpet sweepers, egg-beaters, dish washers, clothes-wrinpers and many other time and labor saving conveniences, but there is nothing that will prove a greater practical household blessing than the "1892" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware. Lose no time in seeing for yourself what it will do. Your money back if this ware fails to do what is claimed fOr it, r r I L.. rTri,liiIiiI.IM.iiM - rMn.uvunn . ror id'X oy JICWAKl ilAKUWAKt & rUKNllUKt IU. ...Coliseum Skating Rink... Cati rini; to the wtt cIhfs of jnitrnns only. Hardwood Kloor, Famous Richiirilr" n Hall Hearing Skates Special attention given to beginners. For private letsoiis apply to Prof. A. WaldBtein. Wediday afternoon for ladie cnly. Oeni'iul admission : Afternoons free, hkatcs 25c, child ren 15c. Evening; Ladies free, (icnts 10c, ikates 25c. Honrs: Aftermon 2 to 5. Evening 7:30 to 10. : : MUSIC IN ATTENDANCE Arthur Waldstein, Manager STRAWBERRY PLANTING For the past two or throe years strawberry planting has lieen neglected, consevuontly a big falling off in the.quantity produced, find much better prices real ized. The demand lins far exceeded the supply and will do so for some years. Now is the time to plant. Anticipating this condition we have produced a fine lot of plants. Inquire at our Keating lxanch, Phone 1922-K, or at our office in Hood Hiver, Phone 5G. Place your order before the supply is exhausted. We have already accepted orders for over half a million. DAVIDSON FRUIT COMPANY HH-H-wwlHIlI'- The Swenson Grubber The strongest and best made Grubber on the market. Call and examine. For sale by D. MCDONALD -H-M-I-M-H- The HALL DRUG STORE Prescription Specialists HOOD RIVER, OREGON