The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 21, 1909, Page Eight, Image 8

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    oor aiiioxnTHBiusBA xOAy at. o,
Hoot Kitrr apple ft omen are up in
arm agMtiet the Poller bill, which
bag been introduced In Congress and
propone to inereHne the size of the
apple liox lined ly northwest growers.
In addition to the resolution which
was recently pawed iy tbe local bor
ticultuiHl society protesting aiiiot
Ita adoption, the Oiegon delegation
in corgre has been formally asked
to work againit the measure, aud the
apple men of Washington have sent J.
1 Oumns. ownr of tbe big Potnoua
api le lauch at Dayton, to tbe capital
city to iW hia inlluence to bring
atintit ita defeat.
Jt la stated that the matter may be
taken up otliclHlly by tbe Hood I iter
Apple lironerH' union, which will
couimuuicHto with other similar or
ganizations io the state, asking that
they uao their utmost efforts to pre
vent the bill from passing; and alao
tor their coopenitino a raising fundi
to tend a representative of tbe apple
grower ct tho state to Coogron
to work with Mr. Dumas in opposing
measure which it i. stated will mean
au annual loss to growera on tbe coat
of tl.OUOiOoU
Ouh of tbe probable courses of ao
tiou will be to prepare a memorial to
confront showing that the present box
In nae io tbe oorthweat, which wan
adopted several yeara ago as tbe stand
an box of the fruitgrowers' organize
tioo, coutaina .'WO more cubic Inches
than tho Winchester bushei, at pres
ent accepted aa tha standard In the
United StateH. Jt wi I alao be shown
that a change such aa the one propos
ed will disorganize the present nietlird
of packing and shipping apples and
place growera on the coast under un
fair competition uitil an altogether
new system could he inaugurated.
Apple growers alao object to the
passage of tbe bill in wbolo or lu part,
particularly a provision in it which
hUlts I but boxes not conforming to
the larger size stipulated in tbe Port
er bill shall be marked "short tux."
This, they say, Is placing an unfair
restriction on the abpple products of
nnrthbwest t. It is also said that the
applo box now in use contain over a
bushel of applbs that are all salable
and aa near perfect as It is possible to
have them, aud that dealers wbo are
pushing tbe Porter bill are taking an
unjust course to compel tbe grower
to give them more frail In order for
the buyers to take piotlta which justly
belong to tbe grower.
Florida Editor Like Our Apples
A lottur received by tbe Cllaolei
from Albert Anson Urabum, who i-i
now located at Oualu, Florida, und-r
elnto of Jan. Hitll, nays:
I took six Hood Kiver Haldwlna and
SpilzeulicrgH, three (if each, out of a
consignment of L. K. Clark's apples,
which the II. li. Masters Company cf
lift., i, purchased In New Vjik tor
t .t'ir Chris! mas trade and expressed
t ,om to Kditor in Chief Willis M.
I ell of the Florida limes Union cf
Jnoksourillii as a Christmas pieseut.
Tho big editor sent me the foilowli g
li t cr of lliunks.
"Many thanks for the fine apples
which are without a doubt tbe best
wo havu over tasted since boyhood's
happy days."
Now isu t that Hue, Mr. Glacier
liy tho way, HpokHue will be repre
k uted at tho Florida State Fair ill
'Iiiinpii. The fair will open February
' r I. How about n Hood Hirer IIh
pl ly or exhibit? I will tuWe them to
the state fair. Yours truly,
Mmt Ausou Graham.
Queer lres of F.nglNh Women.
(Knribner's Magazine. ) '
Tho lirst dtty lu London brings so
many lui ickhioih that it is as confus
ing to roummbnr them as to recall, in
their proper order, tbo changes of a
linleldoseopo. It is apparent that the
(iieu aro heinior here than with us;
apparent, too, that this la a laud ot
niou, ruled by men, obedient to tbe
w.iys anil comforts aud prejudices f
men, not women, lime the nmlo bird
has tho brilliant plumage. The bett
of th mi, as one sees thein In Picoad il
ly, in liond street, in St. James'
itreet, in the curbs, in the park ot a
Sunday after church, am Due looking
fellows, well st up and coropuloiuly
well-groomed and turned nut. Hut
the women I' What hats, what clothe,
what shoes, what colon, what amor
phous figures 1 One heats ot Kngllsh
economies; evidently tbey begin with
tho dressmaker's bill. Who permit)
that nice looking girl to weal a white
tlhiinel skirt, a purple jacket, aud a
fur hut with a liunoli of small leathers
sticking out of It at right angles?
Here si another with au embroidered
linen oi at, aud a Lit of ermine fur,
and a straw bat with flowers ou It I
The groteequo costumes of tbe womeu
wool I make one atop to staro were it
not that tlicy are so common one
ceases at last to notice them. Hut
their last io dresa is nothing new.
When tiiieeu Victoria etr Io lb
throne their lartele.s v igui i s l ru
torn were ooticf able. A w II dressed
lady is described as wearulg iu Hit-
days, "a blue satin robe, a bltck
violet mantlet lined with blue satin
and trimmed with black lace, and an
emerald green bat trimmed with
blonde and roses, as well aa ribbon
and feathers !'
Tbe complexions of tbe English
bare often been exploited for our
benefit Tbe damp climate and tbe
exercise out of doors produce tbe red,
tbey say. Hut on examination it
proves to ba not tbe red ot tbe rose,
but the red cf raw beef, and often
streaky and fibrous at that. Tbe
features are large and tbe face high
colored, but it is not a doliicatejpluk,
it is a coarse red. At a distance, tbe
effect Is charming, bright, lefresbiog,
but close to, often rather unpleasant.
LI ere tba teatuic of tbe womeu, even
the features cf the beautiful women,
are molded; while tbe features of our
beautiful American women are chisel
Don't be Hopeless
abont yoursulf when your crippled with
rheumatism or still joints of course
you've tried lots of things and they
failed. Try Mallard's Snow Liniment
It will drive away all aches, pains and
stiffness and leave you as well as you
ever were. Sold by Ohis. N. Clarke.
Washington's Senatorial Candidate
Without Opposition.
Olympla In separate sessions the
bouse and senate Tuesday elected
Wesley L. Jones, of Yakima, to the
United States senate to succeed Sen
ator Levi Ankeny.
While tho election was practically
completed Tuesday, It did not be
came effective un
til noon Wednes
day, when the
two houses met In
Joint session to
canvas the vote
of Tuesday
Speaker L. O.
Mclgs, of the
bouse, nominated
Mr. Jones In that
body and Senator
Canioron, of Yak
Irvia ,-.. ttr.uoii Kla
name In the wen- C
ate. Moth are
from Mr. Jones' wkbi.ey l. joneh.
county of Yakima.
This Is the first time In the hla
tory of the state of Washington that
a United States Senator lias been
elected In other than Joint session
and after numerous ballots.
4 "3
Knot Hurceeda Piatt In cw York.
Albany, Jan. 19. As required
by the federal law, the two houses of
the legislature of the slate of New
York met here today In separate ses
sion to vote for a successor to Thom
as C. Piatt, United Slates senator
from this state. The votes today
were merely confirmatory of tha
choice of the caucuses of the repub
licans of the two houses, Klihu ltoot,
secretary of state.
Penrose Ite-Klected.
llarrisburg, Pa., Jan. 19. Boles
Penrose will again represent the
state of Pennsylvania In the United
States senate, according to the votes
of the two houses of the Btate legis
lature, cast here today. He Is a
resident of Philadelphia. This will
be his third term In the senate.
Flection in Connecticut.
Hartford, Conn., Jan. 19. By a
vote of the two houses of the state
legislature, cast today, Frank B.
Brandegoe will again be the Junior
senator from the state of Connecticut.
Notorious Woman Jailed.
Kallspell, Mont., Jan. 18. Marlon
Young, badly wanted In Seattle for
holding up and robbing a man, has
been urrested here by Sheriff O'Con
aell. She Is also wanted in Portland
and other coast cities for robbery,
where she operated for a number of
Iroquois Claims Ni-ttl,-d.
Chicago, Jan. 18. It was made
public today that after live years of
litigation settlements bad been made
In the cases of 30 of the deaths
caused by the Iroquois Theater flro.
It Is stated (twit 1 7 SO a cafo la to be
W. Ij. Seeley, a brother rd Frank
Seeley who at cue time lived heir,
where he owned a small propeity in
tha valley. Is supposed to have killed
bis wile, daughter and hirnt-eifj
Heeley, wbo was a lawyer was at one
time a Uuited States bank examiner,
nd is supposed to hare committed
tbe deed io a tit of Insanity.
A dlepstcb to the Journal frota
Seattle states tbat Seeley, bis wife,
Kate M. Seeley, a member of tba ot tbe Revolution, and bis
daughter, Kene Seeley, a pretty girl,
jutt in tne flower of bar young wo
manhood, weie killed by uokuown
hands. Mrs. Seeley and ber daughter
had been struck while In bed ly a
hammer wielded by some oue prob
ably tho Insane father. Their bodies
were dragged to tbe bathroom In their
residence, at .107 Kigbteeuth avenue.
Seeley 's body, his bead hanging over
tbe edge of the bath tut, was along
side tbat of bis wife. Over tbe body
of tbe husband and tba wife was a
steamer trunk. This trunk furnishes
tbe only unconnected link in tbe evi
dence theat points to murder and sui
oide for the question ia asked, "How
did it get there?" It would seem im
probable that Seeley, after having
killed his wife and daughter and drag
ged tbalr bodies Into tbe bath room,
could have taken poison aad still haJ
strength enough to place tbe trunk
over tbe bodies of himself and wife.
Yet tLii was probably what he did.
Hnbbery was not au object iu tbe
murders. Nothing stolen from
tbe house. The deutLs must have
keen oaueed as tally as i'li tay ot last
week, for tluy M. Suulzei, wbo was
engaged tu Miss Seeley, phoned to
the youug lady us late as 'J.'M o'clock
last Tbur day night. He telephoned
frequently alter that aud it was bis
prrni-tHi't l?oits tu raise tbe l.uiue
that dually ended lu his forcing bis
way into the bouse aud mukiug the
horrible discovery. Tbe police were
immediately untitled and tbe curouei
took charge and is proceeding with
bis iiivertigatiou.
Joseph D. Magee has been appoint
ed postmaster at Lakeside.
Will Mack of Grants Pass, charged
with the murder of Miles Carier, was
convicted of murder In the second
degree Saturday.
Married, divorced and remarried
to his former wife at t he age of 21
years Is the experience of A. Vincent
Holgate, formerly of Corvallis, now
3f Iialsey.
Congress haa paused a hill to pay
D. J. Holmes, of Salem, $500 as re
imbursement for Improvements on
land which was taken from him iu
correcting the boundary of tne Warm
Spring Indian reservation.
According to the annual report of
the slate game warden, he has suc
ceeded, with his deputies, lu secur
ing 90 convictions which accrued
something over $3000 to the state In
Oregon City Oddfellows have of
fered a reward of $25 for the recov
ery or the body or Charles 13. Mid
lam, who was drowned In the Will
amelte river at Oregon City lust
Mrs. Hawley, wife of Reprcenta
tlve Hawley, has been honored by
the women of the Congressional Club
t Washington, D. C, by appoint
ment as chairman of the committee-
on nomination of officers.
The legislature of Oregon will ba
requested to pass upon a bill provld
lng for the repeal of the present antl
prizefighting law, and the substitu
tlon of another measure that will
permit limited bouts between profes
elonal exuononta of the manly art,
Interesting Apple Nftt
(From l''ruit Trade Journal )
A rush to utiloal apples at the pre
vailing piloe of 14 0U a barrel is rap
Idly depleting to stocks in the local
cold storage wa chouses.
The mnrkets of the east and central
west are ottering good prices aud
tbe lecal commission merchants
are taking advantage of the prices
recoup for last year's losses.
i'bousauds of barrels were put
stroage at $1.75
Last year the dealeis paid in many
instances t'l W a barrel for apples
theorhoard, and weie foiced t ) sell at
a loss of more than fl.uu a barrel t
Is estimated that there are ocei :0(l,
UUU barrels ot apples In storage in
January Clearance
Sale of
$uits and Overcoats
For Men
"'-T jTirlh.jr:gm' ""-' 'vii is iii nn i
Will Not Rust, Crack,
Cheapest Because Best
ERE, at last, is the ideal kitchen
and CDoking utensil "THE
made from Pure Spun Aluminum, and
.0, guaranteed by the makers to last 25 years
with average usage. "Spun" Aluminum,
mind you, not cast Aluminum, which will
Sometimes crack and scale. Spun Alumi
num Ware will never crack, peel, scale
or brv ak.
Costs a trifle more than ordinary enamel
ware, but is many time3 cheaper in the
lon run, bscause of its wonderful dura
bility and fuel saving. Enr.mel ware is
iron coated with colored glass. Iron ex
pands with heat Colored g'ass does not,
but chips off into the food with dangerous
results to those who eat it.
That the use of enamel kitchen ware
causes cancer is a view held by some
eminent medical authorities. Dr. William
STLyH. Dicfanbach of New York, in a paper en
ommum ware
Rr.oL $rni"rVi nf Rum
M. rflAJima af m aft M vwa mm
W Si J'. ?-;'
titled Observations on the Etiology of
Cancer." read before the Bureau of Sanitary
Science and Public Health duiirg the
session of the International Homeopathic
Congress at Atlantic City, discussed this
According to a special dispatch to the
Philadelphia North American, Dr. Diefan
bach advanced the argument that chipping
Will Last a Lifetime
of the hard-coated dishes, used in
preparation of meals allowed minute
but dangerous particles of foreign
matter to become mixed witn tne
food, these being taken into the stomach.
where the cancerous growth is caused by
abrasions which they make in the walls of
the organ.
"1892" Pure Aluminum Ware saves
doctors' bills. It enables you to bake
bread, pics, pan cakes, etc., without grease,
which is the great cause of dyspepsia and
indigestion. Aluminum griddles require no
grease; hence are smokeless and odorless.
"1892" Pure Aluminum Ware will not
scorch or burn, is easily cleaned, will not
rust, or corrode. H andsome in appearance.
Looks like silver, but weighs only about
one-fourth as much, and is light and con
venient to handle.
The original and only genuine Spun
Aluminum Ware i3 made by the Illinois
Pure Aluminum Co. at Lemont, 111. Every
piece bearing their trade-mark, the Maltese
Cross, and marked "1892" Pure Aluminum
ware ts aosoiuieiy pure, v.r.oissome anu
hygienic, and guaranteed fcr 25 years.
See that you g.l th; rij.t goods
accept no substitute.
Only a few of the "1892" Pure Aluminum ( -?
are shown here. Complete line wiii be '
iig Utensils E
id at I
Is h noteworthy event. Deserving of the
attention of every economical man and
young man who likes smartly styled, hand
somely hand-tailored, perfect-fit ting clothes.
Commencing this January 1 have nrranged
my entire stock of Suits an.i Overcoats for
quick sale and marked them at prices that
will surely induce you to take early advan
tage of these phenominal values. Now you
have free and unrestricted choice of all:
$1 ".()() Suits
17.o0 Suits
22.50 Suits
2." 00 Suits
wfistern Ni-. York, with Nlasra
county lHMilii.k- by 200,000 barrels.
O i ami mints the National Apple
Sr o in VM: I
In i ltl r sent to thfl S)okauo
CbHni'x-r cf O mmeice aud read at a !
meetiu of li t truetonH of tbat bodr, ,
I if sh 'H'tr y 'f the Cdnmifn lnl Clnl
"f Om.ilis Hint' b that Hih city is d
-1 !,-. of hti in tbe cooperation of
h ' i I'- aio ;.)i- nil business .men to the
iid tbht (lie liifi v i -1 1 r j i . may be
hell iu Oiviih i m 1909 ThH hllpr
Hl.ati'H tb I Oniiilui coatributnd to Iho
suocees of tl;e lirst National Apple
Show: Bil l lint, Hiuoe there has beon
a Bontltimiil pxoieHsed to have ibe
show next yenr held in tbe middle
went. Omal a is the place to bold If.
After the reading of tbe letter E P
Caitier Van Dixsel stated that It has
not been di t irmiiidd -that the Apple
show will le hold outside of Spokane.
This city mnv cl'dm it fo.- auotticr
year. Unlll this question l l l onu -ined
ho Hiietfested tbe lutter In n fai
red to tho Apple Show ConvDittee t t
the Chamber, of Comnieroo. The lot
tor was ti uly referred to tbat commit
The oai oi hp ,es which won tbe
oupitHl pirze ot SitKKI at the National
Apple Show at Spokane, Washington,
reached New York on Monday of (hit
week and was oi exhibition at the
Krle pier until Wednesday, whon it
waa sold, 'llm car came to D. Cross-
lev k Son, It huving been secured by
William Ciosaley, tbe managing di
rectoi of tbo tlrm, wbo is now in tha
Went. Die cat was grown ty Michael
Koran of Wt natoheo, Wash., and It
waa . without doubt, tbe linest car of
fruit that, i'hh eier brought bore from
the ft'de in vnahinRton. lhe var e
tlea coni'ir.Ud ot Home lieauty, Wine
sap, Jonnthnu, Arkansas lilaok, Hlack
Twig, Wintei liiiuana, Delicious and
(Irimos C Idei'. i'he car grossed
$2,:iiU.,r)0 tut this sum does not icp
resent all tbat was obtained by tbe
pro'id grower; bis prize money
amniintint! to about j2,000, th tarn
including teveral amounts ottered by
J. J. Hill and W. T. Claik lor choice
boxes in mldition to tbe 11,000 ottered
by the management.
Hood Kiver, Ore., January 11, 900.
To tbe stockholders of tbe Farmers'
Mutual Telephone Co,
At the stockholders meetinn held
January 5. 19(1!). it was decided to srll
out to the Pacific Telephone Co.
The Faoilic Co. takes all property of
the Farmer's Co. and pays all of its
debts. Further, tbe Caeitic Co. agreed
to n imburse tbe stock holders ot tbe
1'arinern Co. to such an extent a to
reduce the monthly payments of the
Farmers' Co. to (it ty (50) cents. No
tices of the amounts refunded bare
been mailed to you. The Home Tele
phone Co. agreed to give tbe stock
holders of the Farmers' Co. a three
.V "in s contiact at a dollar and tweuty-
tire cents (fl.Uo) pel month.
J. W. Shipley, secietary Farmers'
Mutua Telephone Co.
64. 2 miles from Underwood, fine
sightly loc ution, excellent soil, not a
atone on place. Mot-t of It eacy clear
ing. Will noil 15, 20 or 25 acres at $125
per aero.
65. 40 acres one-half milo from lin
en in, good Mill, line big Kpving, north
slope, nee from frost, cay cleailng. f tH
l r ucre.
(ill. 10 acre!1, cornering on town of
Iliiemn, fnii level tract, fine soil, a very
closiraMe small tract. fl(H) per acre.
Very eaay terms.
ti7. Another 10 acre tract near the
aloe, fronting on the White Salmon
river, fine soil, somewhat broken up by
ravines, a beautiful place for a home.
$75 per acre.
68. 40acres2 milea from Underwood,
in a sheltered little vsllev, earlieM
strawberry location in the whole Under
wood district . About .'5 acr t jioml till
able land, balance tit only for pasture
About 12 acres in cultivation AImhii
Delinquent List, Hood Kiver Irrigation District
I hereby certify that the following aweeiBmenU for the year UK 8 lu the Hood Kiver Irriga
tion DlHtrtcl, Hood River Coumy, Mate t Oregon, are delinquent:
F. W. Angus, ol'i aeien In N 1
Oeo. Wlllaid Drown, loi 0 i
P. H. &rrolY,'beg.'N W
A l IB
cor. V
m r, 8 11 eh
ll K 1. 1 N Q T K N T N OT I ( ' K To STOCK HOLD
II. 11. Allen
Mr-. .1 llimif i
It. Cnlilwell I'Oi
Vnine t'rnmer.
11. A. CiiminliiK
. n. i-A it)L:er
M. .1. Koli
Hie kiln
I. lluv
s. Ilershey
. llerhey
M lllltlson..
I. W. .link Inn
lirlN KniulMin
.. .Mariin
. Mereer
. K. Movtis
. W. Mflntosh
K. ('. .Mahiuine'
Ulan lluilsini...
W. H. lVHler.
A. Keiul
s. Sinionton....
ll. Hetmril
ll.'A. Kuss
Itusslt'T ,V liillKll'irtl
UMll KotilMllK
I. I.. SllaTiHhHIl
I. C. fut u
'. .1. Snull
nhn ittel K
(). Tnl
W. II I'eli.n
4! acre? in ctiawlicrries, 3 acref mure
ready lo si t lo lienieR or trees, five wi
ld tn irrijjate, phiiih (rem fpring piped
into land. About 'M bemii g fruit trei-.
450 Newtowns set this spring, 25 rtpitz
enberg set u year ago. Han the innViiig
of one of the tinust ranches in the Un
derwood district. A good income from
the start. Price 500. Half down
69. 80 acres 4J miles from Under
wood. 4 acres in alfulfa, tl acres cleared.
About 50 fruit trees, some just coming
into bearing Newtowns, Spitzenberg and
inter ISanana. iSew house, barn ind
out buililiiiL'S. SO acres easily cleared.
Trice f40(H). Term?.
70. 1K) acres 4 miles from Under
wood, overlooking Colombia river for
miles, land gently rolling, deep loose,
red shot clay soil. The most desirable
of all toils (or growing highly colored
fruit, land rattier heavily timbered,
en o gh wood to more than pay for clear
ing. A fine commercial proposition if
taken as a whole, but will divide into
small tracts if desired. $100 per acre
half cash.
71. 75 acres adjoining above tract on
the north, identical in every way, but
will sell in small tracts at from (50 to
$100 per acre, on very easy terms to
thot-e who will reside on the land, will
accept labor for part ol purchase leioe
or some portions of this. Owner will
clear, plant to orchard and care for
same for purchaser if desired.
72. 80 acres 2 miles from Underwood,
uncleared, more or less furface rock,
but vsry fine soil with plenty of mois
ture. A tine opiortunitv lo get a good
home close in This lanil grows especial
ly fine peaches, as well as all other fruits
to perfection. mile from school. Price
$80 per acre. Eaay terms. Will accept
part in labor.
73. 35 acres miles from post office,
railroad and dock. 1J acres set to
M aui erriea and peaches last spring,
ai mil n or 7 acres slashed 'and burned
ead' to g'lih, 2 or 3 acres so called
lev i dam land, w hich will grow anv
ih'ng. il strictly first cIrss for all
kimls of f : nit. Less than an aero until
' loiJ! I 'nr cnlt vation, w hich is more or less
'. i:w rocky. Telephone line along place,
. ftU.lWl
. !.'..
. .ts .'Jn i i
. 15.141 !
15 1 0
I. W
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7tl I. W 109 r, n 11 ch Tfi I to ier
H. N. H'fjN'XNWU
W. .1. Flunk. N l:l,', n hSIM
S. .1. K-:il.k. (-'-.j.ilSHl.NKi-;
I l.iv Mil O.v. .i:v4W'4 vunki m-:uni-.'-4
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I. A. Il.i.-k. It. sw i.4 Hft'i, 8 Kit
r. ii. li n "il. Kl. M'4 s. in. T i.K 10, NWJa
sv I. if-, it sv ciir siv; x vvi
tl. rt Ili-nth. N l ii ol Ntt l . K I,
.1 w. l f-iii. ii!. a a K i fs s i.
i . K. Mm-Kiiv. ol 4 III . Ihi-i
I ' N-Mli.S'i N n....
N. U ! ii ti. Iii-k SV N W L,4 K CO r N 60 r
w -.ii r - in i- w 40 i to ti.-.
Ksther P. Kniisoin. lot .1. A i . t ,el
(Jio. Hliikn.-. NU K sV(-4
S ti ex
. hr ,mi NW'SKJ
, nyt iv jiiJ4 .
i. 1.. I Iiiiiiiiis. lilUiiln K1 vB'fSWU I 17
Vi '. tiVM KW
V. V Thoi-iih n. l-.i,, Nl H sW'j SlVfe 5 a .
I', II. Thomas. hVa
tl. T. VU linns, v.y, SKI,
fit m
is m
- m
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24 (Ki
iHi 00
7'2 00
9.) 4o
90 00 I
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18 CO 1
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14 00
let 00 ,
li Oil
114 00 '
ha I.
$119 17 m 30
29 r.
117 00
29 25
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117 00
l.V. 02
1 16 25
S3 40
29 -2S
87 7,1
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2S 25
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if.t IS
9 75
2I'4 0
3 f.l
10 70
S 61
4 40
3 05
10 70
13 77
l: Oil
5 98
2 42
3 01
8 SI
5 98
3 (it
3 111
3 (tl
3 til
2 14
211 IA
5254 27
50 36
lit) 70
50 Sfi
67 40
89 05
199 70
2tH 20
2I9 31
100 48
S 88
f(l 8(1
150 u
100 48
50 86
50 Hli
50 86
50 86
17 79
398 V,
Notice Is hereby given that unless so-hl delinquent Rssesstnenti, together with the cost
and pereetitage as stated in the forenolnn list, nrc paid on or berore the time of Mile herein
afler named, the real property upon which snch assessments are a Men, will be sold at puhlli;
auetloii for the purpose of pollectlng such assessments, percentages and costs as required hi"
law. on Thursday, the 11th day of February, ItXrl, between the hours of II) a. tip and 8. p. in. of
said day or at sueh time as the said sale may then he adjourned to, gnl, sila tq h made (
my residence In the Barrett Ditrlot at the corncrof ClarV Street aiU Itickford Avenue in
said Hood River Irrigation Distriot.
Dated this llllj day of January, UM9. If. E. D.R r, Colliotor
European Plan
Roooma per day 75c and
Rooms per week $4.00 a tnl
Phone Main T559
New C -ncrete Building
Steam, Hot and Cold Water
Electric Lights, Bells and Phones
All Outside Rooms
Whtrler hit'
Mrs. M. Willis I -'
Please nav at 1he TreHMiti-r s omee. lull er
llankliiK l u. By order ot Board ol lilrwior.
riiiiniy and stale roaiw on one side,
hi li oi J milt. Price $fi000. Easy terms.
74. 20 ncres 1 miles from Under.
wVhI, 75 to 100 bearing apple trees (i00
I nxes 1908,) 200 app'e trees, 2 yrs. old,
Newtowns and Spitzenhergs, 1(X) teach
trees, 20 in tearing, balance 2 yrs. old;
10 pears Bartlett bearing, 20 cherries,
Royal Ann and Lambert, 6 txaring, bal
ance 2 yrs. old, 8 bearini! prunes 11
acres strawborries, grape arbor, house,
barn, water piped to house from spring
with rain. Extra early location, deep,
rich soil, but some lying on rather steed
slope. Magnificent view of both Whit
Salmon and Columbia rivers. Fine lo
cation for ideal home. Price $5000.
Write or call on
BUKNSIDE ST., 4th and 6th
Street Oars and Bumside Bridge Cars Pass the Door
Hunt Paint & Wall Paper Co.
Our (Stock of Paper includes latest designs in Blanks, Gilts and High Grade-, ffon,
10c up. A full stock of Room Molding, Picture Rail, Plate Rail and a mall
line of novelties iu Framed Pictures. CALCIMO, the latest thing in
Room Tinting, mixed to order. Painting, Paper Hanging, Sign Work
Home Phone 116 First and Oak Streeta
MAKfc YOU.. OWN 3 " "
Crush and mix in feed or salt.
Makes Your Stock Look
ivptsr ock- ii Ublc
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowls. The
cordensed essence ol the dm. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashts, Cliop Fee ! ir firm
as good when 10 years old as when 10 days old. They comply wilh alt pine ii -' ,.
and try once SKIOOO Condition Tablets, or SKIDOO Worm, Kih.ev Chic'..
Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fevi Hot Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic ti-,;t m. -SpaviatCure
or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL fc'LLiC i
Incorporated! Capital Stock $300,000.00) Wetertown, South Dakota U. S. A.
For Sale by Hanna & Perigo.
r the
' -i just
: k lor
-. tea
Sunset ,Mi u Ins offers tha readers of this paper tha best opportunity
of the year
review or reviews . . . $3,001 at 1
wtAfc, mffSJIUIIlL . . . , l.OU
AND FR EE y ,our order' tful Pnonhitft, a ft-pan bos
illustrated In four colon with US Western views. .
an nuneiace. CAUreaw A