The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 21, 1909, Page Seven, Image 7

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3 C
All Ladies Cloaks and
Suits Reduced 20 per ct.
All TVf rY- c Rrvc
coats reduced 20 per ct.
TU-. Jr. 1 i xi, ? a . i i.i. i i it ti O
iuc oiAiiiu io uvei anu we uegm 10 inmK 01 me spring lime anu in wie interval intervening pruaeni nousewives prepare lor trie
days when wash goods will be more comfortable than furs and woolen garments. Therefore we are daily opening new Spring
o Goods of every description and we will be most pleased to have our friends and patrons call and look over our selections.
inter goods grea
uced now
Plenty of Rubber Footwear at
the mbst reasonable prices
Men's Napa-Tan Shoes both
high and low tops, just in
D. S. llomgardner, dentht. Phone.
The Dietz Btudio for uliotos.
l'or men's suits see Vot Bros, be
fore purchasing.
I'elaluma Incubators for sale at
MeUeynolds & Co.
Stranalian& Clark meet all bona fide
quotations on cement.
Full line of Lowney's Bonbons and
Chocolates at Hops'.
Fine line of tobacco, cigars and con
fectionery at the Pastime.
See W. 8. Urihble for Duck Fries,
Fead overs. tf
Yucca Tree Protector, kept in htock
at MeReynolds.
Stock foods of different kinds at
MeReynolds & Co.
For a neat piece of crown and bridge
work see Drs Arnold & Kupp.
A Que line of confections and fresh
fruits at the Red Apple confectionery.
For Painless Extraction see Arnold &
Riipp, the Dentists
Are you all run down? (Jet run up
by t'lUini? Nicbol'a lilood & Naive
tonic ; price DOe,
Cool'ldtfe mil lie 9 a specialty of fine
watch repairiu, and guarantees
pioiupt delivery of all work.
Voi?t Bros, have received their fall
and winter lines of clothing and
shoes. See thm before purchasing
Have yonr teeth attended to before
winter by Arnold & Hupp.
The finest liue of cigars and tobaccos
iu the city at the Red Apple conteo-1
tiouery. !
peoial low price on pianos and or- j
Kan's and all musical goods during the I
fair. a. II. Soule's Uouse.
Carpets and ruga tsken up aud
cleaned. All facilities for handling;
sauif. Phone, Ml M, or apply to M. I
W, Hisoox. !
If you want to buy or sell real estaie j
co to Onthauk &'Otten. Money to'
loan on first mortjranes. Abstracts and
legal papers carefully prepared. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
THke a look at the Morlan Bargain
Bins, a feature of our big clearance
sale. There re a good many of them
and each contains something worth
Ave times what yon are asked to pay.
No lottery, no guesswork, simply big
values. TbU sale will prove a thing
of value to a good many people, for
right in the heait of the winter they
will be able to buy good shoes, dre b
goods, underwear, heatherbloom un
derskirts and many other articles at
much lower prices than they usually
pay. Shoes going at the followiug
prices: 13 pair of children's and la
dies' shoes, 10c a pair; 2 dozen pair
of children's shoes, sizes from 0 to
6!'a, 65o a pair; 50 pair of ladies',
men's aud children' shoes, $1 00 a
pair; ladies' and men's shoes, $1 f'O a
pair. You can't afford to miss this
sale at Morlnn's.
Qur work guaranteed. Deitz Studio.
Arnold & I lu pp make plates that tit. !
Finishing for amateurs at Deitz Stu
dio Best line of Spray Nozzles at McDon
alds. For Flower and Alfalfa Seeds go to
Clover, Timothy and Alfalfa hav at
MeReynolds & Co.
Overcoat's, suits, shoes and men's
weir at reduced prices at Vogt's.
J. K. RuberUrm spent several days in
P ntlaud this week ou a business visit.
A tin clearance sale of ladies',
men's aud chlidien's shoes at Mor
lau's store this week.
Lost A gold loobet with monogram
"I. D. P." on it. tinder, kindly re
turn to Cram's store.
K. I'. Lewis, who for some time has
been Hood River's etlioient night
watchman, resigned that position
iuesday morning.
Mrs. S. V. Arnold, who has been
away for some time on a visit to
friends in the middle west has leturn
ed home.
Albert Lathrop went to La Grande
last week aud proved up on a timber
ol im which he onus in that section,
lie nus accompanied by E. U. Had.
Kev. Walton Skipworth, presiding
elder for this ditiict, came down
from The Dalles Saturday aud -held
service in the Methodist church here
The Park Street school which his
been oloted for some time on account
of the bad weather sod its defeotiva
heating apparatus was re-opeuei Mun
day morning.
P. S. Stanley passed through here
Saturday in compaBy with Mr. J. P.
O'Brien, General Malinger of the llar
riman lines in Oregou, io the hitter's
pirvate oar. Mr. O'Brien who had
been up the road w is fcrced to remain
at The Dalles uiag to the snow block
ade. H. W. Dlokerson who left here son.e
time ago fir a viiit in Minneapolis,
his former home, returned to Hood
River last week. Mr. Dickerson
states that he disposed of the car load
of apples which be -.hipped to Minne
apolis just before he returned there
D. J. Treiber who has beeu making
an extended visit in Michigan and
states 'n the middle weet returned
home last week. While away Mr.
l're'ber interested himself lu Bocinir
iug some information iu rogard to the
const! uctiou ol an electric road here
aud claims that big eastern capitalists
ran be induced to take it up if a com
paratively small amount of stock is
subscriLed toward the movement locally.
Eye, Ear Nose and Tlirout
Office, New Hrosliis block, ak Street
Cilice Home phone 4'1 Hood Rlv er
' Nothing does more for
a grocer, one way or the
pther, than coffee. lie
must sell poor; (he needn't
sell it to you) it is good
that makes him.
Your irrocer returns your money If jou don't
Ilka Scbillinir'i Beit; we pay liim
John Castner was a Portland visitor
this week.
Mrs. Bertba llemman went to Port
laud Wednesday to see "Beu Hur."
Mr. and Mrs P. P. Friday left tor
Portland Tuesday to be gone several
Dick Fisher and J. N. M osier, of
Mosier were visitors at Hood River
this week,
Mr. aud Mrs. C. P. Ros went to
Portland iuesday for a visit with rel
atives aud frieuds.
Mayor McDonald and City Record
er Nickelsen wout to Portland Tues
day ou a business visit.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Vanderbilt
who have been spending a weeK in
Portland, returned borne Monday.
Mrs. C. A. Robinson left Wednes
day night for Omaha where Bbe will
make her parents au extended visit
Mr. and Mic. Murray Kay have ar
rived home from their weddiug trip
aud are at home on Mr. Kay's ranoh.
The Ladies' Guild of St. Mark's
Church willeet with Mrs. N. W
Bone at her iesidenoe on State street
tomoirow afteruoou at 2 o'olock.
C. D. Nickelsen nud CIihs. T. Early
went In Salem, Monday, for a visit in
tho capital city aud to be present dur
ing the senatorial election.
Mr. aud Mrs R. VV. Smith, of
Graud Folks, South Dakota, arrived
hern Tuesday and are looking around
with a view to locating here.
An aged resident of Cascade Looks
wua taken to Portland Monday by
Sheriff L. B. Morse and placed in a
borne there for aged and infirm in
digents. "Bud" Casbeu, day clerk at the
Mount Hood Hotel, le.t for week's
nicition Mouday. Before returning
he expects to pay the legislators at
Siilem a visit.
Mr. aud Mrs. J, II. Ileilbronner
weut to Portland Mouday for a visit
of several days. They v. ill take in
"Ben H'tr" wbioh is being put on at
the lieilig this week.
Mis. Ida Sharp has opened a school
ot shorthand at Miss Helen Stafford's
studio, 245 State street. Instruction
given three evening each week. For
'.erms, etc., oall 292 M, afternoons
and evenings.
Miss Sophia Kieverkropp giaduated
from The Dalles Hospital, January
11th, aud after a short visit with her
parents in the valley will take up ber
residence at the Graduated Nurses
home in Portland.
Misj .lessie Turney, of St. Paul,
Minn., who is a niece of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. A. Dano is visiting at their
home. Miss Turney is a trained nurse
and may decide to stay here to prao
tice ber profession.
The Commerical Club booth whioh
was closed for ten days during the
cold weather has beeu reopened by A.
C. Cass, who is iu charge of it. Ibe
li t year's apples which were 1 It iu it
were frozen and Lad to be thrown
Wm. Vogt, who has severed bis
partnership with bis brother, J. G.
Vogt, loft for The DalleB Monday
where he expected to visit tor a few
days and afterwards go to California
to stay for the rest of the winter. He
will make Los Angeles bis headquarters.
After more than a week's lay olt the
local was put back on the run Mnn
Miss Virginia Cro left Monday fcr
The Dalles where she will enter one
of the hospitals to take a course as a
trained nurse.
Mrs. Briggs says that since sh
bought a coltee mill and grinds her
Folger's Golden Gnte Coffee Mr. B.
never complains about the coltee.
A telegram received here Monday
states that the Hill Otten party arriv
ed safely in Sau Francisco from llou-
olulu aud will spend some tune visit
ing in California.
fhe deep crust whioh formed ou the
snow 1-riday gave tne lrrepressmio
small boy au opportunity to go skie
iug and a number ot tbe ingenious
youths oould be seen Saturday about
town usuw this Norwegian method of
getting over the snow.
Bud Deacon Davidson states that
anyone wno wants any particulars
abont tbe Cbioago heatei can come to
him as bis expenence during ttie cold
weather has made him an expert in
regard to heating apparatus and
about the Chicago style particulaity
D. N. Bveilee, who has tor some
time past been connected with the St
Johns Review, was a visitor heie this
week. Mr. Bverlee is now engaged in
tbe real estate business and operating
for a firm that is handling one of tbe
additions near Portland. While here
he sold several lots to bis Hood River
Furniture for eule tit your own price
two dressers, several stands, three
iron beds, springs, etc, kitcnen cup
board, treasure, extension table, three
rookers, several dining cbairs; these
are in good condition and some have
been very little used. Also wood
beater, used about a month; cook
stove, perfection oil stove with oven ;
and a considerable assortment of
kitchen utensils. Will sell separately
or the whole lot. You ran name your
own prioa and tako them sway. In
quire at Glacier otlloe.
Mrs.. Ida M. Sharp as will be seen
in another column has opened a
school of stenography at tho studio of
Miss Helen Stafford ou btate street
aud is prepared to give instruction in
that useful profession. Mrs. Sbarp,
before ooming to Hood River was an
expert stenographer with a large
Portland conoei n and graduated irom
one of the best schools of short hand
in tne iRose city. She desires that
any one contemplating taking up this
study will either call or communicate
with ber.
Post Cards Tin Ware
from 10c a 4ozen ' 7P A new shipment just in.
a pin e. When you have time , ,
drop in mid look them over. Have You geen
Don't Forget The IViiVct .Cooker. Nol;in-
" We are selling everything in ger of burning. Murh hotter
the Toy line at a big discount. tijau tho double boiler.
We are selling our 75c Trunks, Suit Cases, Tel
For 35c. - and Grips.
Second Hand Sewing Machine
We have one second-hand sewing machine in lii st-cliiss shape $8.50.
a degree in Scottish Rite Masonry.
Ibe former were W. L. Clarke, Trr
man Butler, .1. K. Carson, A. I).
Moo, J. M Wright, R. K. I.arawhy
and II. F DuridMm, and the latter
C. K. Marshall.. Other Masons from
here who atteuded were Dr. F. C.
Brosius, C. II. Strauahau aud Andy
Peiirson. J. t . Fgbert, U. O. At
wood, aud W. A. Johnson, of The
Dalles. Representative II. 0. Doods,
of Dufur and Wm. Oehrnan, of Rnfns
also took tho Shriners degree.
Ihe initiation of the class for Scot
tish Rito honors took place in tho af
ternoon and comprised lit candidates
among whom wern H. M Cuke who
wns elected president of the cluss
which was organ ied into a permanent
orgauiaztiou. After tho ceremonies
an elal ornto banquet whs served iu
the Commercial Club rooms.
The ceremonial session of Al Kader
Temple Nobles of the Ancient Arabic
Order of the Mystic Shrine took place
lu the evening and was one of the
most successful ever held by the
Shiiners io Portland. There were as
many as Gl candidates iuitiuted into
tbe mysteries of what is recoguized as
the social side ot tho Masonic bodies.
The coremoniul was attended by mem
bers of the temple residing iu almost
every part of the state, iuoluding vis
iting nobles from almost every Btate
iu the Union. Indeed it is a well
known fact t tint no Shrluer ever misses
a ceremonial if he oau possibly help
Among tbe visitiuu members was
Fred A. Hines, of Los Angeles, Cal.,
tbe Imperial - Chief Rabban which
spells the same as tho next Imperial
Potentate ot the Imperial Shrine of
North America the highest position
in the gift of Shrlndoni. Noble Hines
wns aouumpanied by Ellis Lewis Gar
retson, the Poteutate of Aflll Temple
of Taooma aud escorted by tbe popu
lar Arab Patrol of AHH, consisting ot
about 40 picked men.
Among the pleasant features of the
evening's programme, was tho pre
sentation of a loving cup to the illus
trious Recorder B. G. Uhituhouse,
who has beeu the recorder of Al Kad
er Temple for a quarter of a oentunry.
The banquet served whb h very suc
cessful event in all, the eltorts of Po
teutato'L. G. Clarke, assisted by tho
other oillceis uud the Arab Patrol ot
the Temple, were in every way a great
..Decorate Your Home..
Now is Your Chance
Auction Kale!
Notioe is hereby given that John
Kelley ot Crapper District will sell to
tbe highest bidder on Thursday, Jan
uary '28, 1909, at 10:1)0 p, m., at his
residence: Four borsea, 1 cow and
some chickens, a I 1-1 wagon, buggy,
back, 'i double set of harness, 1 Cham
pion Mowing Machine and Rake and
other small farm implements. All
household furniture and cooking
utensils, also canned fruit and some
cull apples. Terms: All under $10
cash; lU or over halt cash, with a
baukable note for tbe remainder for
six mouths.
Snow Burled Trackwalker
During the heavy snow slides on
tbe O. R. & N., last week tbe track
walker at Mltobells Point, was buried
in his cabin foi a day by an im
meuse slide that took two rotary snow
plows Bnd a gang of men to remove.
'I wo years ago he had a similar expe
rience but was finally dug out by the
section gang.
Hood River's Poetess Marries
Hood River residents will learn with
interest ot the marriage Tuesday af
teruoon ol Claries M Stow, member
of tbe editorial staff pf The Oregon
inn, and Miss Morion Cook who at
one time lived at lloqd River end is
well kuowu hrre. The wedding, an
informal tifaic, took place at the
home of the bride's parents. Mr. aud
Mr Cyrus M Cook, iu Irvington.
Rev. Paul Rader of the Hassalo-Street
Congregational church, officiated,
A book of puems, recently published
by Mrs. Stow, then" Marion Cook, at
tracted much favorable "tteution.
Mr. Stow came West several jears ago
Irom Grand Rapids, Mich. He was a
studeut at istautord several years.
Mr. and Mia. Stow included Hood
River iu their vedding tiip, coming
here Wednesday for a few days' visit.
Catherine McCrory
Catherine McCrory, agod six months
died at the homo of her parents, Mr.
and Mrr". W. D. McCrory, in this city
Tuesday afteruoou, from meningitis.
Funeral services were held at the
house Weduesdny a.ternoon at 2
o'olock, Rev. O. A. Nutley, pastor of
the Baptist churoh, conducting the
services, Interment was in Idlewilde
Cyrus If. Tyler
Cyrus R. Tyler died at bis residence
in the Belmont district January 17th,
from a stroke of paralysis which he
sustained November 7th. Mr. Tyler
was well known here, having beeu a
resident of Hood River for thirteen
years. The deceased was horn in
Sheriuau, Iowa, June 7th, 1821, nfter
ward moving to Kansas where ho re
mained until 18'.17 whan he came to
Hood River.
He is survived by his wife and five
children who are John, Beit aud Mrs
Maud Androes, of Hood Rivei, Levi,
of Eugene, Ore , and Mrs, Carrie Kat
erlee of Uutlta, Nebraska.
Tho funeral was held iu the Belmont
M. K. church, Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock, Rev. B F, Brown conducting
the services and Interment was in
Id lew ildu Cemetery.
An imp' rtntd poncinve of the Ma.
onio fra.ei of Oregon took piaee
lu Pcrtfuod HblurdBV which wts et.
tended hy ruuuy members ot Ihi ir
gHniazthn from all over tie fctnte.
Ten mernb. a of Tiemau lodge of
Hood Rivei were present, seven of
them heiug Initinted into the mys
teries of tbe Shriueri ai d one taking
Contractor and Builder
Also General Jobbing Shop, Homecraft
Furniture made and Repaired. Esti
mates Furnished on nil kinds of build
ings. Fourth Street, near Oak.
Phones; Hhop 157. Residence HtS-Ij.
Time Certificates
of Deposit
are a convenient means of
investing funds that mic tem
poral ily idle. We pay .'! and
4 per cent per annum on Time
Certificates to run 1 hrce months
or longer. Hy investing in
I hoe cei l iii a te your idle
money is safely taken cue
i )', and pays yon a dividend
en a slioit time investment.
We will Le pleased to lalk
ith you ah. iiit tln iu.
Hood River Banking & Trust Co.
Our entire stock of
Framed and Unframcd Pictures
Are on sale at a great ly reduced price. You can't
afford to let this opportunity to brighten up your
vSlocom's Book vStore
Uf)e Place that does the Framing
Prescription Specialists
Hood River - - Oregon
The Kodak Store
Pure Apple Cider & Apple Vinegar
We receive Canning and Cider Apple from one season to
another, paying market price for the same. In ship
ping over Mt. Hood 11. It. or from Mosier there will be
no transfer charge from freight house to factory.
Patronize your home Industry and let us have your apples.
I 1909
I To meet the demand for Choice Residence Lots,
centrally located
I The Hood River Development Company
Is putting two Blocks on the Market
Also Warehouse Sites on O. R. & N. side track i
For Full Particulars, Address :
X ... i.v..MMiyuriV
j. I'lione 1C3-M 430 State Street, Hood River
W. r.-fWy tion guaranteed.
F. H. Coolidge
Dealer in Elgin, Waltham,
Hamilton high grade Watch
es. All Repair Work given
prompt attention. Satisfac-
Watchmaker & Jewelvr
Opposite ParU Fair