The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 21, 1909, Page Three, Image 3

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At oou a tin river clears ot ice,
the gortrnment tout U mat ilia will be
gin work iu dealing the Columbia
mer cbaunel, above Celilu, of all ors
taclet ti nii!:itlon Captain S V.
Winelow experts lo put in about two
months ut li'Ji.l ia(i:l In dredging
and rnurertintr Hi cLtnuel to a width
aod de. lit thai inula I he lifer
navigable theie toi I he largest utttao;
boat a Bfl x t
The cou'i Mi in rflhe new ftraw
boiit. the Cel'.u i -II , m u,u u
guo l flrouj ojjiLi .tion ol tanl for
the Upper C I ! i i
I'ln liiiiini-i ii" i f t :ij Inland Em
pire xie: L Li. ti ol Imll loU lent,
width of I eu., M ir.t; d rtli of liol i,
5 feet ; grM 4 5 fet : cany
inn capacity CilUotia; boilei GO" inch
es diaiteter, 22.1 liu. to the squair
inch, engine, 10 ii.tu i jliuder, 0 feet
ThsCelilo i uIN, which will go into
Commission souu after tl.e river clean
ui ica, was utmigueii mucg tne eaaie
linen aa tbe le and Knipire, witbtbe
exception i f b.:i upper niliiu aud will
be ttomeli'it l:iritr Al the requett
of the Pinmo mid Kmsupwick Ootuirer
0h1 Club, I Ik boit will t-e
christened "Tiu Cities."
In 18uM, there pre f lying ro tbe
rivtr bote (Mil i V..IU ih lnllowing
boats: Steamer Col. light. 10U
tons caincity ; 1 en inn. IdOtous; OU
nog in, 10Otous;Nez Force Chief, Hfi
tu, e; () tyiiee, 1:15 toi.a ; Vhkiu.a, 200
toua; Wl)fout, -00 tons; Spray, 123
tons; hyu, 150 tuns; Caecudilla, SW
toua; LeAittou, ;10 toua. Schooners
Jamea Huchanau, M tous; Humming
blrJ, 4 'J toua; Yictoiioe, H'J tout;
Schooner, 80 tons. Sloops, Mount
liood, 00 toua; Sarah 1''. (iray, 40
The fuel problem waa tbe greatest
to be nolvo.i by the uutigHtors iu early
daya fur tbere waa not a tree ot any
eizq growing on tbe banks of the Co
lumbia betwrou Deschutes and Ft lent
Kapids. Ou Snuke river there waa ooe
pine iroe ou the south bank of the
river, forty miles ubove the mouth,
which guve a uuine to rapida at that
point. there so'e three pine tree
just below Aliuota crtpk, and ten near
lre Kapids, fourteen miles below
Lewiston. Jheio waa considerable
drift wood scattered along the baukg
which waa cut by tbe lndiaua and
white men aud sold ut 10 and $12
por cord, lho supply ot nrilt wood
wan partially renewed by the freshets
every summer, hut not tc a satisfac
tory extent.
A small foioet of pine uud tamarac
timber grew at the bead of the Klick
itat valley which sloped to tbe north
away from tbe river, lbe timber cut
in tbe Klickitat rker was cout'acted
for with K. Alalloiy aud Ciuipany.
There were 5000 coida at 815 a cord.
Wood waa a bo l.onted up the Colum
bia to The Dulles from near tbe Cas
cades, hauled by Wfcgon fifteen miles,
to tbe Deschutes and delivered to tbe
The Louts today do not have this
ditlloulty for oil may be used in place
of wood, lbe people of the Inland
Empire will have the greatest hVet ut
bouts when tho opcu Hirer fleet gets
to operating, that they have bad ainoe
the early ileet on tbe river iu tbe
'(iO's. The operation of tbii fleet calls
to miud tbe boats mil the dittlcultios
encountered iu the early daya. His
tory repeats itself. nus a vaut
amount of business transacted by the
early boats aud there will Le again,
wben the Open River Hue is Iu full
operation, to the relief of the Inland
Empiie people. Dalles Chronicle.
that tbe centenary ot Lincoln's birtb
be eootiEenioraUd in tbe same exer
cises. Tills program la mipaei-ted by tbe
University of Oregon and waa pre
pared by th department ot HUtoiy
and Education.
Order of exerrlte.
8ong. "Oregon." (Oregon Teachers'
Monthly, Sept. 1308. )
Heading, Jhrson Instructions to
Levis (for tbe fpliration of tbe Co
lamtia river. Couea' Tbe History of
tbe Lewis and CUrk and Expedition,
I p. XXVI, from cuddle of page to
end of aecind Hue on p. XXVII.)
DecianiHticn. tiaylie' Speech in
Congress (jiiUifylog tbe expertatioo
tbat Oregon would t settled by
iuir!rii.n- Ainai.4 (I tli-l.tuiou
anas, '-'njl Hoain . I8i2-i'l S I ticus
pp iSl a- l CHI. )
Lta'llDir. Arpleg :lo' "A l)r With
tbe Cow Col'iu.u" (Sibatei'ii History
r me Memo AnilliAet. pi. 180-1U2.)
hee'tatiuii. '(. a-ui or tbe Piou
i ers" Simpson r f.t h and Uth fctanzat)
"filgrina nf tbe Plain." Joaquin
Miner (ira htauzi. ) (Moth in Uuar
ter:? Oregon Historical Society, Dec,
l!MI, )
Heading, Act for tbe Admission of
Oregon (fiom Keport Seo State of
Oregon, 1807118. pp. 151-2.)
Oration. Abraham Lincoln. ( liy
s'liiie member cr tie school oi some
prominent citizen )
Scug, "AmericH. "
Don't Take the Itlk
W hen you have a bad cough or cold
do not let it drag aloni.' until it becomes
chronic bronchitis' or develop into an
attack of pneumoni, but give it the at
tention it deserve and get rid of it
Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
yon arc pure ot prompt lehef. rrom
small beginning the sale and use of this
preparation has extended to all parts of
:ne i mteu Matesai.d to many lort-ign
countries, ita many remarkable cures
of coughs and colds have won for it this
wide reputation and extensive life
Sold by Kier A Can.
The I'll re Food Law
Secretary Wilson says, "One of the ob
jects of the law ia to inform the consum
er of the presence of certain harmful
drugs in medicines." The law requires
that the amount of chloroform, opium,
morphine, and other habit forming
uru"8 be stated on the label ol each hot
tie. The manufacturers of Cliumbet Iain's
Cough Remedy have already claimed
that their remedy um not contain any
of these drugs, anil the truth of this
claim is now fully pr-jvrn, as no mention
of them is made ou the label. This
remedy is not only or.e of the safest, but
one of the best in '.:se for coughs and
colds. Its value has been proven be
yond question djring the many years it
has been in general use. for sale by
ivier & Cass.
Califoruian Joins Hood River's I'OJBters
A communication received by Mrs
Mariou Macliae from C. W, Kvlin,
a California mau, who bought 250
acres of uuii iproved laud at Hood
Klver through MaoKue & Angus last
year for wbiob ho paid 8250 a u acre
makes iutercsliug reading. It also
shows that readouts of that state are
satisfied ot the bright future tbat is
in stoie fur Hood Kiver notwithstand
ing tbe faot tint California is loudly
touted an pof-stssingull the op
portunities and bletsings tbat tbe
Paoilio coafct is beii to. An ex
tract from Mr. Radio's communi
caton reaiia as follows;
Both my wife and myself were per
fectly deltghte! with Hood River and
we aie anxiou-ly awaiting the ti ne
of our removal to tbat country. Aside
from:its groa'. commercial importance
1 fullv believe tbat witbiu a lew
years Hood Kiver will develop into
oue of the finest suburban or countiy
home propositions ou the ooast.
Considering all its advantages, we
have nothing bere that will begin to
oompare with it as a home place. If
the hudowners of tbe valley will only
keep tln ii eyes npea to the' conserva
tinn of the niiturul beauties of tbe
plireauil keep out tbe ugly billboards
uud (.(her di li.uiuti i.s that have
tnarrrd thU l'H'l ' ' countiy, I hey
will barn ti luce tlint iiil excite tbe
adxiiatlon of all beholders. Tbey
can ace iii;lisb thn so hb ly if tbey
will only get together ou the proposi
tion. Very truly yours,
C. W. Rarlin.
A Horrible Hold-Up
"About ten years ago my brother was
'held up' in bis work' health and hap
piness by what was believed to be hope
less Consumption," writ-'s W. 11. Lips
comb, of Washington, X. C. "He took
ad kinds o: r.-ni(!ies and treatment
fi mi i-eve : I ! cl i , I. 'i: found no help
t d; lin u-id Di . Ki jj'h New Discovery
and was wholly cured by six bottles.
He is a well man today." ' It's quick to
relieve and the surest cure for weak or
sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs and
Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, AsYbma
and all Bronchial affect. on. 50c and
$1,00 Trial bottle free. Guaranteed
by Chas. X. Clarke.
Program for o c?on Day
Below will be found a suggested
program for public schools aod lit,
erary societies for Oregon Day, Feb
ruary 14, the 50 tb anniversary of the
admission of Oregon into the Union.
'I he act admitting Orcgou was pasted
Fehimry 12; h and I'gt ed by the
preeldeut Fehiunrv 12. 1H59 Ims
much as tbe 14th falls on Sunday tbi
year, it ia euggesd tiat tb exer
Citei be held oo Ftiday, Feb, 12, and
Dalles Weather Keport Since LH74.
Tbe Dalies has oue of the largett.
most complete and accurate weather
reports ever made iu the state ot Ore
goo, saya Tbe Dalles Chronicle.
J be Urst leoord wa made by the
United States Hospital corps at Old
I'ort Dalles, oommenciug in iu 1H50
and ooutinuing quite legularly until
18bi, being kept by Jacob Fritz, fatb
er of Louis Fritz ot this city. In 1874,
S. L. llrooks took charge of the work
and has continued to this date. Ed
ward Heals ot the U. S. Weather Bur
eau of Portland eays that Mr. Brooks
has tbe most complete weather record
in the state. His themometer is an
expensive instrument such as all gov
ernment weather bureaus have and
has been kept ou the poich on the
north side of tbe Brooks bouse foi
manyyeais. It U not altected by the
naruitb within tbe bouse and the in
strument is aootuato as oue cau be.
Tbe following is a record of tbe
coldest wetaber experienced eaoh year
in this city since 1874 :
December, 1874, 27 degiees above.
February, 1875, 8 below.
Januaiy, 187(1, 1 below.
January, 1877, 10 above.
Jauuary, 1878, 18 above.
January, 18711, 0 above.
Dscomber, 1880, C above.
Fet.ruaiy, 1881, 15 above.
Jauuary, 1882, above.
January 1883. 31.., below.
January, 1884, 1;( above.
December, 1885, 24 above.
January, 1880, 4 below.
February, 1887, C below.
January, 1888, li! below.
December, 1889. 14 above.
Januaiy, 1890, 12 below.
March, 18'Jl, 1 below.
December, 1892, 2 above.
February, 1893, 6 telow.
February, 1894, 3 above.
January. 1895, 8 abore.
November, 18D0, 2 below.
January, 1897. 9 above.
Deoember, 1808, 7 above.
February, 1899, 1 below.
November, 1000, 3 above.
February, 1901, 17 above.
Jauuary, 1902. 2 belcw.
January, 1903, 1(1 above.
December, 1901, 25 above.
January, 1905, 2 below.
January, 1900, 21 above.
January, 1907, 4 below.
Febuary, 1908, 14 above.
January, 1009, 19 below.
no ige w
I had the most debilitating cough a mortal was ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that
when I left my bed it would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my case incurable,
but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery cured me so completely that I am
all sound and well MRS. EVA UNCAPHER, Grovertown, Ind.
Price 50c and $1,00 ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! Trial Bottle Free
Steam and Hot Water Heating
All jobbing promptly attended to.
Attomey-at-Ijiw ami Notary Publi.;
S. E. UKNDKK.SON, Sec-Tress.
Vice President
We Sell all Kinds of Incandescent Lamns
Also Electric Motors, Electric Sad Irons and All kinds of Heating and Other
electric apparatus.
We have sold the wiring and supply business to The Wiring & Supply Company.
Stomach Trouble L'ured
If you have any trouble witb your
stomach you should takcChamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. P.
Klote, of Edina, Mo., says: "I have
used a great many different medicines
for stomach trouble, but find Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more
beneficial than any other remtdy I ever
used, tor sale by Keir & Cass.
I . S. Land Olllce Mule.
Several isolated tracts ot land were
sold at tbe United States land olllce
at The Dalles Friday. Some of them
were bought oy local agents for tbe
applicants while iu several instances
tbe applicants appeared iu person,
lb one sold vre bought by Stephen
U. Edwards of Mayville; Vtilliam
lleudrix of Heppuer; James Kesen ot
llatdman, Oregon; Herbert M. Ol leu
of lone, 40 acres; V. li. Huberts of
Lonerock, 80 acres ; 1'ieston IS. Nel
son, Mitchell, 80 aciee, all tjavina
1.25 ao aora foi tbe tracts. Wiley (J.
Pillow ot Hood Kiver made iloal (root
on a timber claim.
Government contest cases bate I tin
underway at tbe U. S. land office iu
tbe case of U. S. versus ti. A. Hark
ett of Hood River. W. K. 'Vest of
Portland acted as receiver in the caex
which required three days to take a (
the testimony. Jobu 11. Gavin was
the oommiasiouet iu the case.
liruve Fire Laddies
often receive eevere burns, putting out
fires, then ueo Bucklen's Arnica Salve
and iorget them. It soon drives oir
pain. For Burns, Scalds, Wounds, CuU
and Bruises it's earth's greatest healer.
Quickly curew Skin Eruptions, Old
Sores, lioilf. Ulcers, Felons; best Pile
cure made. Relief is instant 25c at
Chas. N. Clarke.
designated for allotment. He believed
however, that be had a urior riirht
to the laud, and felt tbat the land de
partment would sustain him Iu that
He waa left unmolested until last
summer, whan Indian agents appear
ed, hunting up Indian claimants to
lsudd appoitioned in this county. Mr.
Garrett applied for a hearing to de
termins tbe rightful owneisbip of the
land he oocoupied end the testimony
was taken before a United States com
missioner at Loomis. The register
and receiver at the Waterville land
office have just pasted upou tho tes
timony taken at the heariuir and rin-
cided in favor of tbo Indian claimaut.
wr. uariett, through bis attorney.
iiits appeaieri nis case to tbe comniia-
Kioner ot tbe general land otlloe.
ion would not delav takins ToWs
. " - o J
muiicy iiemeuv at tlie first silmi of k ti.
ni-y anil bladder trouble if vou lvaliz
i iniiv iiei: err nilirrr, rpsn r in
iiright's diseane or diabetes. I'olev'a
Kidney Ucmeily corrects irregularities
aim cures an nulnev and ;b adder dii r-
lers. Clarke Druv Co.
State Assessors Met
Two oients of interest last week
were tbe meeting of the Oregon State
i ssesso ' s Association, from the l'2tn
to tbe lUb, aud the fourteenth biidiirI
onvention of tLe Oieaon State Poul-
I'.v Meociat'.ou. both in Portland.
Lame Shoulder t'ured
Lame shoulder is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles and quickly
yields to a few applications of Chamber,
laji's Pain Balm. Mrs. F. H. MeElwee,
of Boistown, New Brunswick, writes:
"Having been troubled for sonic time
with a pain in my left shoulder, 1 decid
ed to give Chamlierlaiii's Pain Balm a
trial, with the result that I got prompt
relief." Fur ale by Kier $: Cass.
j Walla Walla Party Brought Than
the welcome thaw extending over
I tne I'neltio Northwest did not inter
lore wim tne walla Walla Ualifornia
excursionists, who reached Portland
last HRturday as expected. A car ride
over tno city, dinner and evening re
coption at tbe Portland Commercial
liub, werefeaturos of their eutertaiu
m en t.
Electric Wiring & Supply Co.
Tungsten Lamps
and Fixtures
Scientific Electrical
Hood River Land
Real Estate, Loans, Conveyancing
and Surveying
Conveyancing and Surveying a Specialty.
The President of the Company is prepared to do
Surveying and Civil Engineering Work of all kinds.
Royal Blue for men at $3.25, $3.50, $4.00
Royal Blue for ladies at $2.00, $2.50, $2.75
At CarmichaeFs
Old Settler Fights For Home.
For 12 miles up and down tbe Sin-
lahekin valley, rom Loomis on the
north to blue Like on tbe south, tbe
Uud is covered by allotments granted
tears aijo to Muses Indians. With one
or two exceptions, these aliotmenis
bc?e never been occupied by Indians.
and tbere is little or no situ of im
provemenk or cultivation.
lbe land today is much aa it was 20
yeais ago, wben two or three white
men, without knowledge ot its having
been reserved as allotments, seltl ii
iu tbe valley, supposing tbe; were
ttourioa homesteads on vacant pub
Ho lands Ooe ot tbe settlen wis R.
A. Garrett. He wotked op tbe land
la good faltb, married, raised a fau.
lly and did considerable improi ii-ir.
Wo Indian e'er ootlDed dim iL.i
tbe land ffa claimed as an allotu ei
aud lbe government ai.ti otlties i eitr
wprned him tbat be was a t.t-r-i H.tkr.
tie was not ignorant of tbe fbitthht
when tbe towuabip waa platted tbe
land on wblcb bis borne i located was
iou leel as it you bad one face too
many when you have Neuralgia. Don't
you Save the face you may need it;
but get rid of tbe Neuralgia by applying
Ballard's Snow Liniment. I'inesr thinu
in the world for rheumatism, neuralgia,
burns, cuts, scalds, lame back and all
pains. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke.
No Work For "Chicago Kid."
"Ah, g'wau wit yer, w'at yer trying
to pipe ott ter ma anyhow; mo go out
and taw wood, uot fer disgny yer can
bet yer life. Why Cap l'se de real
ting iu de hobo tusiuess. 1 a'iut none
of dese units wat gets cold feet w'en
dore's a coat of der white on. Woik,
well 1 guess not. "
Ibis was the talk tbat was passed up
to Chief of Police Harper by a man
be considers tbe only dyed in tbe wool
hobo t t at ever struck the city. The
hobo claims tbat be is known as tbe
"Chicago hid" and tbat he has done
no work for more than five years Bnd
tl at ho doefn't intend to do any. '
Chief tlaiper asked the kid if be
wanted to saw ood but he denied
tbat he bad mch a thought uud ex
profsd tbe opinion that a hobp, who
would do Buy kind of woik, was a
quitUr end did uot beloug tc tbe
ranks of tbe aiibtociats, C.I rouicle.
Frve ' Su-e.
Fnver Fores and old rliroivi- Hives
should ii"t belicaled entirely, hut i-Iii.iiKI
bt kept in healthy eondition. This ran
he (lone by applying
alve. ifn.4 salve lias
this purpose. It is al
T 1 ' j . i
i (ion t urge you to buy an
expensive Vehicle. I have
many of good style and wearability to fit pocket-
books of varying degrees of thickness. Buggies, Run
abouts, Surreys, etc. 1 have over fifty samples on my
floor. Have a look in. More styles and better prices than
you are used to. (Vehicle Repositorv second floor.)
Vehicles Harness Farm Implements
niONE 58
Land For Sale
I have about 1 ,0O acres
of No. 1 Apple Land,
most of it under ditch at
prices ranging from 00
per acre up.
J. R. Steele
for clmiped hands, sort'
and diseases of tbe rkin.
Kier & Cas.
no superior for
ni"S exiellent
nipples, iiurns
For sale bv
At I'aso Rubles Hot Springs
Among the many charming stoppieg
plaoes in California is Pjso liohls
Hot Springs. Here are conditions
ideal lor restful recreation: miU.r,.
congenial suiroundiugs aud modem,
almost luxurious accommodatious.
fBiO Hobles Hot Sipugs is u vcinUi
resort hotel with tbo h. spitiility of a
home; a healing spiiug vtithent the
atmosphere ot a sanalui iuin ; an eu
chanting coutry place with tit coveu-
lei'en nt a great resoit.
Ack auy O. R. . agent for
trated booklet, "Paso hnllei
He I
Hit In Jail
very H' i'MMtely describes anyone'
ings who s Cc.nfined to the house
an attack of rheumatism, lumbagi
joins or muscle- Ballard's. Snow L :
mei.t i I cure the trouble, relieve 1 1 ,
pain aod make veil as Bupple as a tw
year nld. Sold by Chas. N. Clarke.
(Not I ml J.unil.l
I?. H. Land Offl. e si The Dallies. Oregon,
November 2Hh, WOK.
Notice Is hereby driven that
AlMMKUA 1111,1..
of Hood Kiver Oregon, wlxi, on No.
Tcmber sstii. 190S, made Timber and
Htone AnpltCNtlnn. No. UlrtHi, lor S'iKw'u
Kectlon '21, Township 1 North, Hhiixh II Kaul
Willamette Meridian, nun mud iimice of In
tention to make Final Timber nrxl filoiip
roof, to establish claim to the landatmvp ti.
scribed, before the Iteif stiT ;md liii-eiver o
the t.'iiikd MhIoh l,nd dillei', ul The Dalle"
Oregon, on the stli day of Ke'irmm , nioti.
ClHlntHiH iiurne an witnesses: J. H. Ulmon.
ton, Kmll I). West, John W. I;avis, TIjoiiiuk
Hill, all at Hood Kiver, Oret n.
('. W. M(S)11K,
Noi font Land.
Iiepiiriment ! Hie Imer'or,
U 8. l and ollii'e ut The liaileH, (Jregon,
Novrml.ei llth, laos.
Notice if herobv etv. n Min'
JOHN HTKoli i;Vi:ii,
of V:iyn"kM. t tk tahniini, uiio, on November
llth, 1 !tc M. in.u'.i- 'i lnO.i r i.TiO si. ric Application
No. 0117. lor I, "I :i NKi4S'.V'4HK' .NVV1, Hec
tion 7. ToM'Iiil lp I Ncrtli. Kme 11 ' out
Wlllaim l.e U .Oliin. tins filed hotleo of In.'
Utu on lomeke tli ui timber ihmI stone proof,
to ftHllhili rliilin to (he ,ii'l above diwribed
lieloiethe I'.enisli r and Itei eivrrol the United
mho-s Lund other, nt The HkIIc s, Orenon, on
liieS'Jnd tiny ol .Iniiuary, lAn.
ClatniHiit name as w'ltnewos: A. French,
O. 1. WoodMoith. I'rvc Wooliev and liny
Woodworlh nil of lloo 1 Mlvrr, OrVtron
'. W. Mi a )KK.
nl-J-l lU'iflKter.
Fo'tv acres at lu per acre, $200 cash
lialniiee 10 per muni It.
Ten arcs, t!,'ee acres jiii-t set t trees,
ail under ilid l.j $ per a re, 300
ilottti, lfl ,( r im nth.
Tei.ty-foii' fr; nil applrs 4 to 0
; e 'is old. ui.U l i n s old, till newly
I' ibi-d. 2 eit I,: r'.rH-.'. Iierries, Im'hi.
i ; i d, i!acc, (I im l,e of water f i m
mo in. . !' T. i,o,'l(0; $lUH)do(i and
iWO ' er I. lit, io im :l ,:,,
Nature Provides
But one
It is tho natural winter
home of many thousand
of the world's best people.
Under gcntlo inlluence
of its niiTil w inter climate
cvciy Htnu-eniL'iit and
recreation abounds. Kucli
bathing, boating, iishing,
driving; such picnics,par
ties and "jollifications."
ao to
Ios Angeles, Paso Iloble s.
Hot Springs, Ilo'el del
Monte, Santa Harbara,
San Diego, Santa Monica
Cru, or ascore of similar
resorts and you will find
health, congenial sur
roundingp, hospitable
associates, faultlecs ac
commodations and num
berless attractions and
con vi iiicnees.
The 0. R. & N. Co.
The Southern Pacific Co.
Makes inexpensive round trip
excursion rates to California
A six months stopover
ticket Hood River, Ore.
to Los Angeles and re
turn is$5880.
Corresponding rates are in effect
to other points.
We have some very distinctive
literature covering California's
wi.iter resorts, and will lake
pleasure in giving you all of tbo
information and as-ictance at our
com mand,
For tickets, deeping car reservations,
i tc , c ill mi, ti It'grRph or write
F. 8. SMITH, Acent O. I!. & X.
Wm. McAturray, 0n. Pofc. Agt.
Portland, Ore.
"The Best Way"
To See Hood River Canyon and Valley is
Mt. Hood Railroad
Train leaves Hood Eiver 8 A. M. every day
and returns 6:10 P. M. Spend your Sunday
in the mountains.
A. WILSON, Agent
TT 1 T tin TUT 9
Staple and
Fancy Groceries
Majestic & Mesaba Ranges
and Stiletto Cutlery.
Livery, Feed and Draying
Hood.River, Ore.
Horsua bought, sold or exchanged.
Pleasure parties can secure first-class rigs.
Special attention given to moving furniture Mt
We do everything horses can do.
Ph. C. YOUNG, Prop.
Fresh and Cured Meats
Lard, Poultry fand Fish
Phone Main O
Free Delivery