Two RIVER fl LACIER, THOAflDAY, JANUARY 21. 1909. Issued K.vrry yinui'day by AttTHl'K l. Mue. Publisher. ( HAMHKRLilX'S ELECTION Tbe election ot George Chamberlain ! at United States senator (or Oregon should not ro laid at the door ot the mi-id bora ot tbo legislature nor abould they be blamed. In fact It ia to tbeir credit that tbey have chosen tbe man aeleoteJ for tbat ollloe by the will ot tbo people aod wbora I bey were pledg ed to support through tbe workings of tbe state'a freak primary law. Laying aside tbe question of tbe law's consti tutionality and other defects, it was put iu effect as a result of tbe wishes of tbe majority and was aooepted in good faitb although it bus resuitel i'l disastrous failure, aud is a menace to the progress of tbe state. Like other states, Oregon, by tbe provisions of tbe constitution of tbe United States is allowed two senators to represent its interacts ia tbe na tional ooogress. The manner la wblob . they shall be eleoted is povided for aud also a provision for changing their mode of eleotion by an amendment to tbo constitution. It does not, bow- aver, atloulato that Oregon baa tbe power to make this amendment or any other one or half dozen slates. I'ba constitution provides that an amend merit to the law urovidina (01 the eleotion of United States senators can originate In either bouse of congress, requiring a three-fourths vote ot both houses and th ratification ot tbe leg lslatures of two-thirds ot tbe states, to become a taw. Or it can originate from tbe states and become a liw by the ratification ol both bouses of con gress. Thore la no questlnn that tbs trend ot public) opinion ia toward tbe election of United States senators by direct vote and It would also appear that the time may not be far distant when thin maunei of electing tbem may prevail. To do this will require a more or leas united demand on the part of tbe va rious states and all makeshift and compromise manures such as the di primary law which must of neces sity be ineffective and abortive will undoubtedly retard rather than bast on action tbut will lead to tbis end. Under tbe primary law tbe voters ot the state bad plaoed themselves ou record as favoring as their choice Ueorge Cbamberlaio, supposedly a democrat, but In fact allied with oc party. Admitting that Mr. Cbamberlaio may bave tbe ability to qualify bim for tbis most Important posltiou, it will be Impossible for bim, to any exteut, or any otber man without a party to secure for the state tbe legis lation that it ia In need ot nor to materially advance its interests Slow to acknowledge the demands of a member of the majority party for bis constituents what wilt be the re suits of the attempted accomplish meot ot a senator who represents do party in the United States senate? It cuu best be summed up at ex tretuely vagus. In tbe meantime the great publio needs of tbe state must go only par tially represented and its progress be reriously impeded until suob time as a change can be effected tbat will put a senator In office wbose efforts iu its behalf will be considered and who will iiave tbe slate's influeuoe to sup port bim. This Is the serious situ .ton in wblob the state Is plaoed in regard to tbe senatorabip. Tbe eleotion of Cham berlaln means that Orugon will be without Its majority representation in tbe United States senate and tbat the abortive law whiob brought tbis state of aflalra about allows of no immedi ate remedy. The Independent, a live well priut d ami well edited new weekly has been started at Uoldeudale and came to us Inst week for the II ret time. Otcar U. Nelson la tbe editor and owner and states tbat bis paper is in depeudent'lo politic h. MIOIS IIKItK AMI THERE There is so ardent a chorus of ap proval or Mr. Kuox's election to the Seorotary ot State tbat it might make him unoaHy, Usually when tbe A mor ion people put a man on a pedestal they come around a week or two later, ask wbo liis"nibs," is aod begin to toss rocks at bim. Mr. Abe ISuef, ex boas aud kiug ot (rafters says be hopes "to get justice troni the Supreme Court of Califor nia." Right here is where we say Amen to Aba's obssrvatiou. Now, here's a test case: When you stood at the top of the stairs and saw tbe kids get their Brut glimpse of wist , iSho a CliUs brought tbem, did it I ot prove what an old book says about it being "more blessed to give tban re ceive," or didn't it? The Oil Trust will bave to put in new underground flpe line into Mis souri. Any person wbo says the president will not bag at leant t n elephants in Africa Is a candidate for tbe Ananias Clob. Mark Twain has been legally incor porated. That's what corned from as sociation with trust magnates. Tbe winegrowers waat a high tat I If. They will never let tbe ambitious poor cultivate a champagne appetite. Johnson, of Minnesota, Is said to be thinking already about 1012. He baa tbe support of McCarren and tbe opposition of Ilryau,. Seema to be a tie. The Herman Emperor is reported as broke. Perhaps be has just gut through with bis holiday chopping. Root, Wright, Loeb, Lodge, Knox these are some of tbe names con nected with the Taft Cabiuet posi tions, it looks ai if tbe "now-I-tay" man was correct in suggesting a cabi net In words of one syllabic. Some people are so rioh that can go to the opera and bave steak too. It Is to be feared tbat seven in the Presidential chair has a enoy to spoil even tbe sweetest per. Tammany Hall, having been repud iated by about everj thing political, la oow figuring to save itself by repuili ating MoClellau. Tammany's trouble ia tbat tbe greater city of New York has outgrown It, and the fact would at well be recognized. they beef- years tend-tern- CHAMBERLAIN ON FIRST BALLOT (Continued from Page 1.) Ia the lloue It laoked but a few minutes to tbe hour when Speaker McArtbur asked all present to turo so as to face a pbo tographer located on a high platform in the northwest corner. At the flash niuny women started io their seats and uttered exclamations of alarm. When tbe laughter bad subsided tbe Speaker said tbe House might rest at ease. Members in tbe House voting for Chamberlain were: Abbott, Altmao, Uarrett, lledillion, llrady, Brandon, lyaut, Campbell, Clemens, Corrlgao, Uoooh, Davis, Uimick, Dodds, Katon, llatteborg, Jackson, Jaeger, Jones of Liucolu and Polk, Jones of Do'igliis, Jones of Clackamas, Libliy, Mahone, Mariner, McDonald, Miller, Minify, Munkers, Orton, Futon Phillpot Pur dln Hiohardaon aud Husk. For Cake Applegate, Heals, Done brake, lliicbanan, Carter, P'arrell, (ireer, lllnes, Hughes, Mahonay, Mann, MoKluney, Reynolds and Speaker MoArlhur. For Fulton llean, lielkunp, Roues, Krattalu, Hrooka, CalU I ,is, Oouyus. Hawley, Leinenweber, , MuCue, Meek and Smith. Uean of Lane cast his vote for Har. vey W. Suott, but obangod to Fulton before the ballot was nnuounced. Williams Wratliy "(ioorgo K. Chamberlain owes bis election more to beuatnr. lom Kay than to any other man," Halt! Ralph K. Williams, National Committeeman for Oregon. "Had Tom Kay come Into tbe game, we could have defeated Cbamberlaln. "1 can say absolutely that bad we wanted to we bad enough Statement men in the House to Llock Chamber lain. I hey would bave come to us whenever we wanted them. Kay spoil ed It all, however, when bo refused to assist. It was only iieoeasaiy for us to secure 30 votes in tbe House to du feat Chamberlain, aud this could have been done." Chamberlain Makes Statement Ou being Informed nf bis election, Governor Cbamebriain said: "This is a great victory for Oregon and the poople of our state. 1 am thoroughly glad of tbe honor which the people of this statu aud their chosen representatives have accorded me. The people are the law and their voice has been obeyed. 1 (bank tbe press wbloh was wltn (ho people in their light, and I thank the legislators for fulfilling their pledges, ibe re suits of this day will stand in our po litlcal calendar as a victory for popu lar government. I'pper Hood River Valley I huiwilu nvnlituinoln iniriu IliioH iinuuio OAUIUDIIVIJi u J v 1 11UUU River valley lauds Parties having land for sale can dispose of it through me, the terms Me fair W. 11. Marshall, Doe TEA Is there a better way to keep the family longer at table, to keep rt together? Your vrccrt rpturnn our nionay If you dua l like Sihiilius's Bent; we lay lum. Silk Shirt Waists 2.7" values, only n few left. 2nd Floor. Special $1.00 &fe Paris Fair The Store of Big Values r . i r ' f" s1 i t Men's Overcoats Special Now is a good time to KUPplj yourself with a good Overcoat. You have half the winter yet to wear it and besides it will keep and you will save go-xl money by buying now. $5 Coats, special. ..$ 4.00 17WW'J , ff At , 'y ' $8 Coats, " f 10 Coats, " ?18 Coats, " These $18 Coats some of the Hart, ner & Marx make. is nothing better made for the money. 6.40 8.00 14.40 include Schaff-There Copyiight 1908 b) Hart SchalTiier & Mjrx Men's Canvas Blanket Lined Overcoats worth n.7r,8pecial,each...$1.50 You will hunt a long time to beat these for the money. SPECIAL Ladies & Children's Coats A good assortment to choose from and a good saving to you. Ladies' Coats, values $2, $3, $4, $.") and up, your G 4 ftrt choice I.UU Ladies' Long Coats $G 00 values, special. ..$ 4.80 $8.00 values, special... 6.40 $1 0.00 values, special.. 8.00 $15.00 values, special.. 12.00 Children's Coats $2.00 values, special $1.60 $3.50 values, special 2.80 $4. HO values, special 3.60 $0.00 values, special 4.00 Boys' Overcoats fv.7" values, special $3.00 $4."0 values, special 3.60 IG.00 values, special 4.80 SAMPLE SHOES FORMEN $2 Shoes, sMt ial 31.60 2.50 Shoes, special 2.00 3.00 Shoes, special 2.40 $3.50 Shoes, special $2.80 Spring Hats We have received our spring ship ment of Men's and Boy's Hats and a ( finer lot of high grade Hats, can not be found any where. Hats made by the Rothschild Bros. Hat Co. Any price you want to pay from $1 up to the best of John B. Stetsons. HAT SPECIAL Drummers' samples; a good run of styles and colors. Huts worth $1.50 to $2.75. J1 QO Special, your choice SPECIAL Sizes 2, 3, 3. Values from $2.50 to $3.50. Special the pair Ladies' Shoes $1.98 MAKE CUT IN FIRE INSURANCE RATE The faot tbut the State liouid of Underwriter-! h ve made a ut surrey at IK01 Kiveriiuu imre reuureri in aurance rates here will be weloouto news to Hood Kivt-r reaicleuta and bnaineaii men. 1 he survey waa uuidf by Stanley U. Jo-ott, ot Portinud mid tbe deoreane in latea runn from 5 to 75 percent, with hu overage deorpaso on all ineurauce rates of about 20 per oent. liieiirauue ou d'velllnga Iioiik-h receives the blKReft cut, the rat en toiutt loweied from 00 to 75 per cout. Stocks io store -i K' big reduction in rates, particiilurly where they are lo cated in brick buildings. Brink or courrete building lecoive a (lorrca poudingl; low rule. lagmmrmmmsma 1 MId-Wlnter Styleg in Dress "If you are plMUiiini; to bave a ucv winter rowu after the holida,K," writes Uraito Margaret (Jonld in Wo man's Home Compauion for January, "there urn one or two thiugs 1 want to call your alteutinu to io regard t materiiils and trimmings. All of tbe new fabrics have a sheen effect, wheth er tbey aie wool or pt Ik. t'ine cash mere, whiob lias such n wonderful In. -ter, is a reliable nni a Inahionatil" inuterlal. Ihe nbilton broadcloths are ftiil the vniiirn, snd wool Hiitin and lleuriettn cloth are disiral le muti i ials. It isunwitie to fclect. eveii Inr n winter gowu. too hetry u mater in I The new style of dress demands light weight fahrios. Much plain tucKfd net niHtohinti the inatenul of the gowu iu color is used, and the iiialiue nets braided ore newer than the tlli'tn. lor a gown wldcti you wish to wei;r in tbo evening or for Informal gonial allairs there is nothing better Hum the lovely now depot, which are so soft and Hhlmiiiery. MeHsalluo itud satin are still being much worn. "in tbe way of ordors, all of the thades of gray are in high favor aud are to be recommended because of their ueutral InnonHpiauoua color. Taupe, which hns an undertone ot dull green, is extremely fashionable, but the woman ot pale con plexlou should avoid it unless it is brightened up with a touch of some color which flie knows la partioulaily becoming to ber, Mole, elephant aud London smoke ure all good gray shades. Ca tawba, dregs ot wjne, wistaria and amethy-it ure fashionable shades, an I hunter's green Is also in demand. In regard to the blues, whloh are apt to bo so universally becoming, there are a uumber of fashionable shade-, There is u tint known ns Kdisou blue, which reminds one ot Alice blue, tint is darker. The blues with either a tiut of green or no undertone ot gray are also good styU. Not in a loug time has black been considered us smart as it is this year." Host January Oakdale Greenhouse Hoses now ready for fall planting. Hyacinth, tulips, crocus, etc., on hant. A few White Wyandotte cockerells at fl to f2. Fletcher & Fletcher. Harpies Fat Kan Prom 100 I'orki'rs. Ike M. Kly of Hoover has discover ed a new hog pest. Mr. Kly has n sty of 100 pigs anil is milking the light ot his life to keep them tiom being eat en alive by ningpio When Mr. Kly bought the pigs lie out a notch in each porker's ear hh a mark of idcutilloatioii. Jn?t about ti e time the pieneut pold t-pell began FOLLOWS I s pace Aluminum Lined Plate Gold Crowns, 22-K . . . Enamel Crowns Gold Plates Best Plain Rubber Plate Cement Fillings Silver Fillings 5 50c For Hent-Twn fiirnl-h" room , corner of Kiulith ami Columbia. Will board parlies If iiet-eHUiry. Inquire at above addreie'. JiD WHiited-I'rlces named for 40 aere orchard, part I v net to trees and moxtly cleared, Nome bearing. Address Box tW7. J21 TO (JIVE AWAY-A lnrifo amount of stand ing wood, pine, fir and onk. Would make several lliousaud rlclt. Ciin b rleked on place until next full if desired. Will preseMt tbe same, or port Ions thereof to responsible frty rulttnx and ricking same before Miocli st. J. u. (ioldtliwuile, r. f. d. no. 1, or first ranch south ofTucker's mill on river. ti Wanted-Work of any kind by Btron young man, . Wilkinson, Kamona Hotel. l.ost- SHiallKray leather hand purse eon- tulnlnii; (10 irold pli ce. SO eenis in sliver and sonic hinull change. Kinder return same to Mrs. J. V. Kobertson's residence or BUinley iSinlth Lumber Co. 's orrlce and receive llleral reward. 11 1 Kor Hule Prl.e-wlnnlng I'lymnnth HK-k elilcken Cockerels and pullets. Just as Hne as can be Kot. in luct, nothing better, We KUnianlee to give you satlsruction or your money returned. H e have letters from differ ent parts spesking well of our stock. Uock ford Poultry Yard, Hood Kiver, Ore. Kor Hsle Horse, Barthel, mi K. wagon, cow, and chickens Li M Wl mi R Belong's to Arthur Clarke Hood River's Reliable Jeweler is id Brosius Block Hood River, Oregon Kor 8 i!e A good double set of heavy liar, ness, also a light double buggy harness. These will be sold cheap and we guarantee to give you satisfaction and save you money. Cull at Uockford more. Phone 183 X. Kor Hale-A pair or mules broken to orchard work. ?4ouud and gentle. Knquire of K. J. Dellart, Mood Htver, ueur V uu-Uulu-Uulq Hotel. Wanted Position by Japanese boy to dp housework. Phone HW. P. U. Uox o. Kiir saleGood secondhand wagim, Apply at W. U. Wlnaiis. Phone 17-K. Wauted-To buy a second-hand typcwiitsr. Phone 1S1-J M. A Hnkarl. Ijost-Sealskln muti on I.yman Smll'i av. enue. Kuturn to Ulacicr office. JJ1 Kor Sale Dry pine and oak ;wood, 10 luch, undercover, by J. H. shoemaker, near Har. rett school house. ju tf Lost A gold locket with monogram "I. D. P." Kinder please leave at Cram's store. J2i Hay Fur Sale. Phone 205-M or Odell 2xt). J Strayed Two y( by I. D. Smith, Iiecember 1st, Odell. Taken up For Sale-Rick wood, oak and fir, on place. ni J.Jakku. Phone 1872 L, Kor Sale Fresh No. 1 cow. phone ifJO-K. P. B. Lara way. For Sale One good team of driving horses or trade for heavy team. N. W. Bone. JI4 Pigs for Sale On Jericho farm. C. Easterly 1S42-L. Phone O. Kor Sale-Cedar posts, feed store. Call at McHeyuold'a 2l For Kent-Ranch on Vyest Bide (lood chance for man who understands gardening. Hay and strawberries on place; peach tre-i In bearing; plenty free water. Address R. W. C, cure lucier office. -i Kor Sale-Kliode Island Red Coekereli from the noted prize taking nen of Mrs. 8. 8. Kline, f hleago. Apply to Wm, Kerr, East Side, IliK)d River. Inje, For Sale ine tablo chickens, frys, broilers and roasters. Telephone 1S82 M Kr'dav, for Saturday's delivery. j'as Kor Male- A few choice Huff Orpington pnl- hum i-ucKcreis. le eonorie iwlm nr address R. F. I). No. I. box 23ii. j54 Wauled-owata. Position to do housework. JJ8 J. Want. rt-YtHnled man, to work on frnlt ranch. Cutler liios , R. K, D. No. 1. JU For Sale-one wewd saw, 1 steel range, 1 organ 1 sewlnn machine, nil In good order. O. L. Walter, r f d no. I, phone 51 Odell. J2S the notched curs were neaily healed. 1 lien (Kime the magp e. Muddled Io geiber for Aarieth the bogs lay like' sardines, aaHiMng the uext meal li e magpie sure nut looking Io. loon ! ttiiiM Io cat, tnr. lite Mr. Kly baa 40 far been unable to drive tb- birds off and does not Ha'e try poison fcr fear the bogs would be the consumers. peiplied on a fal o'g' a til op ol bloor' ou II e I ! One bird, i back notice 1 1 ha! log m ear The bird r i !te ) at it ad found it oii Ibe line M; p' ed 1 lis en s aud grunted niBRrl- 1 fiis-'erl the go.) vti.rd eloi g, i I ho lird hae kept every l eu uar' it heeul'iM Inndred blofding verl sini slid Mr. Ely declsres III soiti 1 C!iK"s I he iinicuhU ate list a n ti h aa ha'f an ei Ibe beasts aie d--. fenceless unheals I rv tfl get tbelr' beads under some o' ber hog to dodge Instl'ntes Commimirealth Day Hereafter on February 14 1 , the au niter vary of the admission cf Oregon into tbe Union, an annual confereuoe will be held at tbe University of Ore gon to discuss whvs of enhancing tbe serrice of tbis institution to the pro pie ol the teste. Ibe appropriate role of a state university in the lite of a progressive commonwealth is rapidly expanding;. Ibe need of Oregon for expert aid from the university in tou ing up its Institutional li e is partic ularly apparent. Tbe radically demo cratic organization tbat tbe people of lie HIM, llllt the Iliagl leS are rOO this atit hira aaanm.H mil lh m,. quick and never leave the Job a rum-1 niBoent prospeow it has Id all lines loleutitlo make sugges'ion from sources especially desirable, It will also greatly stimulate tbe ac tivities of tbe university and give it larger purpose to get into helpful touch with tbe practioal needs aud ronstrui tire upbulldiug . f the state Aiu strongly and distinctly di. reotad to tbe promotion of the cenr mod good will have a rant salnUrj ethical ioHaence opon the studenl body. Tbe subjec'i for disms-lon at M B first of these annual confeienoes trill b (I) Oregon's lleii'age, ocnserv -tlou of it for tbe people rs a brl and (2) the coordina-ioo of tbe aotit. itles of all tbe educational agencies In the state. Proniiaent men from all parti of Oregon will participate. Ihe complete irogram will be announced io few dajs. For Sale Team of work horses, weight about 1250.aplece. Phone m K. W. p.Bcobee. For Sale-Work or driving horses for saleor trade. Inquire at Mcheyn..ins fid j o' d. J28 This ia ud to vnn TTnit w? i w-i il Co and American Teletrraphono Co, stockholders can get some special information by wrking to F. J. Cattcrhn 4 Company. No. i Chamber of Com merce. Portland. ' 'mron. Found-A string of aleigh bells. Owner can have same b aoplying to J. C. Emmel, route 1. box 45. and paying coatjof this ad. w.y fr!lle"iIimothy' alfalf' t HlnnJht l0SU-Pound aorrell horst Ralph