The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 07, 1909, Page Eight, Image 8

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!C.iiUiiiip1 Kroin Pg FIt1
Gibson. 1. It, twu-lier
(ies-lintf i -I, Hour mill .
Gottloii W W, 1'rea ininieter
liatr-liel J W, laWer
(iiihi.i(mn Ow-ar, mill right
(Imnf Mrs Curry
(Jay M K. iiurfc.
Harris F E, imtcliur
ii .h i k 1: n-iirpil
Hnil-l.pwii; F M. architect 2
li .i, ..rk,,n Minnie ttenneranher. .. . 1
llnrlwiw K II, lawyer ?
Hnrntr II
Heillironner J H, real ertate agent.
lirdin .1 I., lawyer
Henderson Sidnev, urvoyor 1
llernlmer Howard, lioolikeeper. .
Hu kox T M, watchman
IlioLriT I) lenlllHter
Hill Tlioe, tailor 2
Hill llenrv, laiorer
HinrirliH C 1, accountant
It, IU ..11 () II. blacksmith
Iluuttina L 11, merchant
H M in irr Annie Grow Union
Hnyward C K, saloon keeper
HiiHlmndH Koliert, carpenter 4
MiiFlmndR T G
Ilomewood E D, miller j
nnhi.urd I'aul. inano talesman . .
Howe Fred, wood Bw
Hall E O, contractor 3
Hemtnan Bertlia, clerk 1
Hartley O 15, Imtclier o
IliKKina J K, laborer. . 1
HiHcock M W, lalwrer 2
I lor nor I W, naddler
II ad lev W O, jeweler
Hick,' W II, saw mill man 4
I lealy S, carpenter
Iloiine K E, teacher. 3
Howe Henry, land ofllce 4
H 'Btiland J W, laborer
Hatch C B, stone mason 1
Hicks J II, caritunter j
Hilihanl II J, farmer 2
Howe G I, telephone lineman 4
Harbieon U K, farmer T
Hershner J L, minister
Hunt K M, well dinning 3
llolumn E M, teamster 8
Hill Melissa, teacher 1
Hill Marshall, retired
iiall K H, farmer J
Hull Wiilnrd. laborer
II iika M D. laundry man 2
llolman J T, harnesBmaker 6
W J. clerk
Hayes 0 J, civil engineer 2
iiuu thorne Jamea. teamster 4
Ilolgute 0 W, laborer 6
Hickox Victor
Holman W G, clerk
Hanson K. lineman
Hardinkter V, supt Home Tel 3
HarlwrKer J, cook ,
Hall Qlias, druKgist
II anna E H, clerk
Hubbard 8, carpenter
Immuri Mm Marv
inu'allB Fred, teamster 3
IngellB Mrs E
Isenlierg Howard, clerk
txpnherir Mrs Z. stenographer. .
Irvine ( ico. mercliant 1
Iaenberg l-oni", warehouseman
Im-iilicrir. Win, clerk 6
Indian residents
Jinmnem O R AN section men T
Johnson Annie 8
Jones 0 8, fireman Mt Hood R It
.loivrensen K. fireman Mt Hood. .
Jackson K E, merchant 3
Jackson 1 G, merchant 5
Johnson Mrs M J
JcnkinsO II, dentist
Jack Hcrshel, blacksmith
Johnson Mrs A I.
Johmann Kev A, Catholic priest....
Jerome U A, builder
Johnston J G, engineer
James Gen, clerk
Johnson Miss, clerk
Johnson Gertrude, tel operator
Jayne A A, lawyer
J ay ne H A, doctor.
Jen kins C II, dentist
Johnson G 1), clerk
JoliDKin, J (J, merchant
Johnson lonnld, clerk
Johnson It E, clerk ex presB office. . . .
Judd J L, clerk hotel
Katayama J, clerk
Kclsay 1ela, clerk
Kocher C E, barber
KariyoGuo, Inundryman
K Huffman J 1", teamster
Kerwin Laura, waitress
Keir V S, druggis'
Keir Mrs E J
Kmcaid E A, cashier freight ofllce..
Kinnaird T J, prop livery stable
Kinsey J K, clerk
Klingcr Al, employe livery stable. . .
Kant. 0 0, laborer
King V E, rancher
Kent Carl, painter
Kurt J F, farmer
Keltey A M , lumberman
Kent K M, painter
Kress Louis, mill wright
Kramer Geo, carpenter
Kaufman A L, farmer
Kent Hay, painter
Koontz Mrs Bllen
Kelly J F, carpenter
Laraway W F, jeweler
Laraway Ralph, jeweler
Lender A C, editor!
Lambertson R A, engineer Spray
Lindis A O, supt Green Point will
Luckey J J, blacksmith
Lewis Robert, night watchman
Linn George, laborer
Loser Joseph, laborer
Lane O E, mill wright
Lnkin, H V, warehouseman
Lancaster Otis V, lineman
Lausmann J II, ntenographer
Lactller AT, bookkeeper
Lucas Ruth, clerk
Lynn G II, bookkeeper
Lorn John, laborer
Loro Joseph, laborer..
Loro J unes, laborer
Lakin Orvil, painter
Larwood Kroif, carpenter
I.angillo Herbert 0, civil engineer
Loving I' H, carpenter
Look L E, teamster
Mugille Win, draughtBinau
Man- W T, laborer
MaveB Ed, meat cutter
McCurty Margucritta, waitress .
McCarty .M E. merchant
McCuistmi Louise, waitress
McOonald Mrs Helen, waitress
McPon.ild D, merchant
MiGratli Ionia, compositor
McG lire Henry, butcher
Mciinire W H, butcher
Mi lievnolds Chester, clerk
Meyer" W II, clerk
Miller Leonard, hostler
Mold Frank, cook
Mooney K C. foreman apple warehouse
Morgison II, teaniBter
Morlan F 11, merchant
Morrison Jack, prop I oardlng house.
Morse L E, sheriff ,
Murphy C E, lalwrer
Myers jas, blacksmith
Mowers K lit h
Monroe Mrs N A
Melinite Maria
Moc A 1), prop Glacier
M Kalian Ella, tel operator
McNeill F, lineman
Masiker lva, photo retouchei
Marshall C K, retired
Metcalf Laura, photographer
Morse M E, merchant
Morse C F, merchant
Monoiinith Albert W, clergyman
Manning A P, faruier
Mills Mr A J, supt Hospital.
Morton Mrs Pearl
McRcvnoldi F W. Iced store.
M.rHeth J. oremnlxer WOW,
McOann t rank, egineer
McKamey Robert, farmer.....
McMi lian rorter, laborer
McLaren Mrs Harriet.
Mc Lucas J I), contractor
McCrory W D, carpenter
Mote Mrs Lulu
Mooes I F, clerk
McG rath Lena, domestic
Mrttain James, stone mason.
Melton O R, laborer J
Martin AIot. rirnnter.
Mrlormirk John, carnenter 1
Miller K M, farmer 5
McOullam A, Warning - J
Miller O 8, druggist
McCuIlow G. lalwrer 1
Noble Arthur W, retired 3
Noland Clarice J
Newhy F E, lumberman
Ktmn Win rontractor
Nichol C G, druggwt J
NickelsenC D, real csUte ---
Norton L, laborer 4
Nickelsen Martin, clerk
Nealy Leone.
Newman Jud, carpenter 1
Newman O (i. barber
Nutley C A, minister
N'iebnl W 8. druiflfist
Numa Jerry, laborer J
Noland G
Nason William, contractor
Nelson Geo. electrician
Neely Jack, teamster
Newton A 1, snpt dox laciory j
Nickelsen J R, merchunt 3
Nichols J E, undertaker 2
Norder A, plumber
Noblett Mrs L M prop boarding house
Nn,itiurfl JewHe. nroo Junanese board-
ing house, a) Japanese
, -r - ,
Osborne J II, banker.... 4
Olitger E S, clerk 6
Osborne Tamp, baaeball player &
Unthank A L'. real estate 4
Otten i, real catate 2
Or ten? Heeina. domestic.
Orr R P. contractor
O'Nell A J. teleuraidi operator 1
Pearson Andrew, emp in Piirav plant 1
Parkins M, gardener
Potter C R. butcher
f ettis Edwin, retired 2
l'ettis Homer, cook
Phillips Mrs II J 8
Perry Alfred, stenographer 1
Peck C C, railroad engineer ti
Poole Alta, teacher 1
Paure A, printer Hews Letter 3
Peimh V H. retired
Peck D W. teamster 2
Perrv B. eleetrician 1
Phelps Edward, teamster
Perrv E E, supt Ch Mirsion Alliance 1
Pattee O G, saw mill
Perry V H, retired 2
Parrott R J. teamster 3
Pheltil A J. laborer
Phelps Albert, laborer 1
Pond W T. rancher 1
Pennell Chas, flour, packer I
Powers Jas. mason 1
Pratt R W, banker
Pratt C O, 'retired
Parlaer Frank wks 11 F Davidson
Parties G A. porter
Peters II L, storekeeper Tel Co 1
Pennlnuton D J. embalmer 1
Pineo 11 I) W. dentist
Poff M L. electrician 1
Powell B B. dumber
Prat her Geo t . real estate 7
Pritchard A M, tinner 1
Raicey 8 N, cider fuctory
Richards Chas, merchant
Ross Carl, merchant
Roeers W D. photographer
Rupp II, dentist 1
Reevis Arthur, traveler 3
Rigby J W, minister 2
Root Edward, real estate ' 2
Robinson C A, printer 3
Rathburg C B, livery 2
Rand R l, retired 1
Reed Ralph, cigar store 8
Reed L, hub manufacturer 1
Rabin A N, philosopher. ... 2
Ryan George 2
Robertson J V. 4
Rand W F, timlierman T
Kanley Chris, shoemaker 2
Richmond H 8, cabinet maker 2
Rosebrough Frank, carpenter., 1
Rothrock Mary, teacher 1
Reed Mrs 8 R, domestic 1
Rand J E, t lork 2
Ramsey A, carpenter... 1
Reese J A 1
Reynolds 8 F, plumber, i 1
Richardson C, brakeman 1
Richardson Stella, clerk 1
Richardson Harry, clerk 2
Robertson J E, caidiier Slauley-Smitli
Lumber Co 4
Rose FW, clerk 1
Richards C A, confectionery store 3
Ruhnke A, R R engineer 1
Sosey J R, painter contractor 6
Scha'ffner W A, lai ndrymsn 2
Shav George, clerk 3
Stratum W M, laborer
Smith T M, farmer 4
Spear Mrs MO 1
Schiller Mrs L J 4
Sexton I), plasterer 3
Spanglcr Philip, retired 3
Stafford Q R, clerk 2
Smith E L, retired 2
Sharp M H, doctor...- 4
Sloat W 0, lumberman 4
Bloat Glenn, baggage 1
Hwenson Chris, woYks saw mill 3
Smith Oscar, laboier 2
Shaw Clarence, electrician -'
thank A R 3
Shreve J W, laborer
Sinclair Cora, laundress 2
Stevens A 0, confectionary 11
Smith B P, conductor
Stranahan C H, flour and feed 4
Stranahan Geo, carpenter 1
Soule 10 O, carpenter 3
Shay W K, foreman 5
Sherwood V R, laundry man 3
Sherman Charles, christian worker
Shoemaker B F, fanner
Smith 11 J, laborer
Simonton James, carpenter 5
Simonds A, laborer
Spiglit Mrs rtha
Simonton 8 B, painter 2
Smith Sanford, retired 2
Kagers E 0, laborer S
Stinson W E, carpenter 7
Slavins F M, ontractor 7
Slutta Chas A, fanner
Btevens B F, laborer
Salano J, retired... 1
Sunderland M, retired..:
Stone R M, logger
Scribner V B, hotel keeper
Savage R
Hchluter I, wire chief Tel Co
Seahrooke .'iia, stenographer
Seabnxike Miriam
Simonson J A, restaurant
Shrum W H, merchant
Shrum P P, merchant
Sharp M 11, doctor
8onnich"en 0 P, printer
Slocom Geo I, merchant
Smith Nora, tel operator
Stewart lo, chief operator Tel Co. .
Smith Mrs J M
Saika Harry, clerk
Slnrpe Geo, clerk
Bhaw M A, doctor
Schmeltxjr J M, abstractor,
Schmeltzer Ada, eamslre-p. .'.
Senft August, butcher
Sing Ho, cook ,,,, ..
Shivley F horseshoer
Shutes Chester, engineer
Shutes Lillian, cashier
Bhutes W B, engineer
j Soule A H, merchant
fioob eiVek
Sletten O H, bookkeeper 4
Blusher llarvev, cleik i
Smith Ernest C, lawyer 2
Smith H (', clerk I
Smith H 1, foreman Water Co 3
Smith O L, .tngiueer 2
Smith Mrs Mattie L, housekeeper. . . i
Snow W G, blacksmith 2
Snyder F B, plumber 3
Spurting V, clerk i
Burr Anna, wait less- 1
Stafford R. clerk 2
Stewart Win, merchant 3
Stranahan A K, liveryman 2
Stranahan Jas, liveryman 4
Sturais Olive, clerk 1
Bummer C f, plumber o
Turner D A, retired farmer 2
Tompkins Joe, merchant 3
Trelber V J, carpenter
Taft I. E, dray man 3
Thill Brother J 4
Tolman Mrs R A 1
Thomas L B, carpenter 4
Taylor C Ii, laborer 2
lay lorll l, lariner
Tate Mrs S 3
Tweedy T P, real estate 1
True C H, merchant 5
laylor G S, nurse 1
Tlrijm Mrs Annie, cook 1
Thompson G V, nu n-bant 4
loinpkins 1. in u iet, merchant 1
Tripp H ii, lineman 1
I reiber raul, del k 1
Tompkins G B, inillinan 3
loni iik ins .Mrs Leluh, milliner
loinpkins Ik'it
Iripp II 15, carpenter 1
Taylor P F, teamtter 4
Tucker B R. retired farmer 2
Upson W L, blacksmith 5
Usher Klsie, clerk 1
Upton W L, laborer
Van Andu G A, foreman saw mill... .
Van net Mrs Mary. 2
Vaughan R, isrmer 5
V aufloin C, fanner 4
Van Allen Roy, teamster 1
Van Allen W E, clerk
Van Allen Homer, cleric...:
Van Allen Ed, clerk.
Va ghan C II, bank cashier 3
Vincent Arthur, teamster
Vogel Fred, sect ion foreman 1
Vogt Win, merchant 1
Vogt Jos, merchant
Walters W, waiter
Watt J F, doct t 2
Weber Cora, stenographer .
Weber Mulda, stenographer
Welch M E, veterinary
Whitcomb Mrs J T, boarding hsekpr
Whitcomb, Arthur F, carpenter
White Bob, employe livery stable. ..
Whitney Mrs E W, boarding liaekpr
Wi'lianis M K, architect
Williams T II, baker
Wilson Jai A, owner water power pit
Wilson F I), dentist
Wilson Ashley, Mt Hood R R agent.
Wolverton R, accountant
Wood H I), clerk
Wood J M, merchant
Wood W A, harnes8maker
Walters John, barber
Walker Ota, tel operator
Watson W A, cleik
Wescof F, cook
84. 2)4 miles from Underwood, fine
sightly location, excellent soil, not
stone on place. Most of It easy clear
inir. Will sell 15, 20 or 25 acres at $125
per acre.
05. 4(1 acres one-half mile from llu
sum, good soil, fine big spring, north
slope, free from frost, easy clearing. $60
per acre,
(III. 10 acres, cornering on town of
Ilusuin, liiir; level tract, fine soil, a very
desira' le small tract. $100 per acre,
Very easy terms.
ti7. Another 10 acre tract near the
above, fronting on the White Salmon
river, fine soil, some lint broken up by
ravines, a beautiful place for a home.
$75 per acre.
tVS. 40acres 2!.j miles from Underwood,
in a sheltered little valley, earliest
struwbei ry location in the w hole Under
wood district . About 25 acres good till
able laud, balance tit only for pasture.
About 12 acres in cultivation. About
41 acres in strawberries, 3 acres more
ready to set to berries or trees, free wa
ter to irrigate, same from spring piped
into land. About 30 bearing fruit trees.
450 New towns set this spring, 25 Hpitz
enberg set a year ago. Has the milking
of one of the finest ranches in the Un
derwood district. A good income from
the etiirt. Price $8500. Half down
til). 80 acres 41 miles from Under
wood. 4 acres in alfalfa, tl acres cleared.
About 50 fruit trees, some just coming
into bearing NewtowiiB, Spitzenberg and
Winter Banana. New house, barn am
out buildings. 30 acres easily cleared.
Price $4000. Terms.
70. 100 acres 4 miles from Under
wood, overlooking Columbia river for
miles, land gently rolling, deep loose,
red shot clay soil. The most desirable
of nil soils tor growing highly colored
fruit, land rather heavily timbered,
en n gh w ood to more than pay for clear
ing. A tine commercial pro.o-itioii if
taken as a whole, but will divide into
small tracts if desired. $100 er ane,
half cash.
71 75 acres adjoining above tract on
ihe north, identical in every way, hut
will sell in small tracts at from $50 to
$100 per acre, on very easy terms to
thote who will reside on the land, will
accept labor for part of purchase juice
or some portions of this. Owner will
clear, jilant to orchard and care for
same for juirchaser if di sired.
72. 80 acres 2 miles from Underwood,
uncleared, more or less mrface rock,
but very tine soil with jdenty of 'mois
ture. A fine opportunity lo get a good
home close in This lumi grows especial
ly line (teaches, as well as all oilier fruits
to jveifection. 1 mile from school. Price
$H0 per acre. Easy terms. Will accept
part in labor.
73. 3) acres 34 miles from post cllii'e,
railroad and dock. 1) aires set to
strawberries and peaches last spring,
about (i or 7 acres sla-lied and bui ntil
ready to gillh, 2 or 3 acres so railed
levee dam land, w hich will grow any
thing. Land strictly lirst class for all
kinds of fruit. Less tlian an acre utui'
for cultivation, w hich is more or Irs-s (
rocky. Telephone line along place, ;
county and state toads on one side,:
school mile. Price $ii000. Easy terms ,
74. 20 acres 1) miles from U 1- r-'
wood, 75 to 100 hearing apple trees (1,0:1'
Iwixes 1'JilS,) 200 npp'e trees, 2 yrs. .. I.
New toAiis ami Siit.enl)ers, lt'O (cult
trees, 20 in beat i m, balance 2 yrs. old ;
ltl p' his Bartlelt liearinu, 20 chrrr C,
Royal Ann and Lambert, ti Is ariinf, ha - j
ance 2 r". o'd, B liearing prune" 1 1
acies strawbotiies, giape a lor, hon-e, I
barn, water p;ed to hon-e fmni si"Ui
with riiu. Kxtra early location, deep,
rich soil, but s iine iMin! on rattier i-t p
slope. Magnificent view of both Whit-j
Salmon and Colli nhitt r vers. Fine lo
cation for ide il home. Price $000.
Wiite or call on
glacier Thursday
Wilson Grace, tel operator.
Whitehead Al, merchant
Wvler r, wire inspector lelto
Wright E C, Hood River marble wks
Weber MraBT
Waldstein Joe, skating rink
Wilson Chas h, mining assayer ;
WiMxIman Mrs Annie
Woodman F.d, operator Emporium...
Wheeler James, laborer
Wolfgang Kathryn, hired girl....
Whitcomb Ruby
Walton W H, editor Glacier
Winsns E W, retired
Williams G E, minister
Walters John, barber
Wilson John A. retired 4
Wood H M, contractor 5
nest K V, drat man
Wolf Re. Roman priefct 1
Williams C H. barber 3
Wright Geo A, retired 1
Wright Ida M, teacher 1
Wills Maude B. teacher 1
Waldo C F, rancher 6
Wright J M. carpenter ?
Wrluht M 10. carpenter
Walker J L. teamster 7
Waddell W. U.irer 2
Wall J I), laborer
Wren K A, contractor
Wella Perry, carpenter
Yasui M, inen haiit
Yasui F. merchant, 3 Japanese
Yates Wm, postmaster...
Yo'kinari k. prop Japanese boarding
l)Oti8e.'20 Japanese 21
Young R N, plop livery stable 3
Young P C, meat market 4
Youiik Nora, stenographer 1
Yowell R G, harnessmaker 5
lining 8 L, restaurant B
TOUIH2 fc J. retired
Young Mrs Elizabeth.. 2
Z' lis John G. ft 'ne manoit
Total 2313
Now in the tune wbuu tbe doitor
gets busy, and the pati-nt medicine
ujhiiu! icttires reap the tartest, uu'ess
great care is taken to dress warmly
and keep tu I net dry ltiia is the
iclvioi of ho old eminent authority,
wbu sura that rheumatism and kidney
trouble weather U he's rjd also what
to do in case of an attack.
Get from any gocd prescription
DhainiHCT cne-halt ounce l lulJ r.x
trbct Dui'delion, one ounce Compound
Kargon. turte ounces Uotnpotiud tSyr
up Harsapaillla. Mix by shaking in a
bottle aud take a teaspoouful atter
meals and at bed'ime
Just try tbis simple homemade mix
ture at the first tigo ot Kueumcthm
or if your back oheg or you feel that
the kidueja are uot acting ititt tight
This is said to he a splendid kiduey
regulator, nud a linos' certain lemedy
for all forms of rheumatism, which is
caused ty urio aoid In tbe blood.
wbicb tbe kidneys fail to filter out
Anyone can easily prepare tbis at
home and at small oost.
Druggists In tbia town and vicinity
whin shown the prescription, ttuted
that tbey oau either supply these in
gredients, oi, if our readers preftr
they will ccmpouud the mixture for
Niiiupa In "Just as (load" Chorus
The Nauipa, (Idaho) Herald publish
es a letter wiitten by Mr. K. U Blsn
char ot this city to u genlteman ut
Nampa and theu coruuieuts on its con
tents, which is to'the sffeot that Hood
Klvcr Is slow aud winds i p wi'.b tbe
same old cry that they "on grow just
as good apples as Hood River." ibe
article follows:
Hood River, Oregon, Deo. 12, 1008
Mr. U W. McDonald. Namta. Ida.
Dear Si; : We are pleased to advise
you that tbe Hood River valley and
town are more prosperous today Hihii
ever before In their bbtoty aud that
values are rot ouly holding up well
but are eeen appreciating materially
The residence properly in tbe vicinity
ot von' place here sold to Mr. Van
Anduls is uow in good demand at
prices from 25 per cent to 75 per cent
above one year ago. We bate every
easou to Lelieve that Hood River in
a few years time will have a popula
tion ot ,000 people, aud hope that
when you have made the circuit from
Namjia to California you will at last
decide to locate in Hood River.
Always pleased to serve you, we
are, very truly yoors,
E. O. Ulanohar, Casbier.
Tbe above is an extract from a let
ter from tbe First Natoimil Bank to
an esteemed citizen of Nampa and
Nampa people will sea that Hood Riv
er valley is comparatively slow for a
oouutry that is 'nuob older than this.
Nampa has 5,000 population now and
"in a fo.v years time" will have a
population ot 20,000. Nampa can grow
just as Uuu apples as tbe famous Uocd
River country but Hood River borti
cultuii.'ts have more tirno to do the
work just as it should bo done as well
as knowing bow to do it, but in a
short time Nampa valley wilt be even
ou that score for there are as good
horticulturists here as there are in
tin woi Id. Tbe following are some
of them: hi. A. Beeob and O. J.
Smith, professors in tbe horltoultural
department ot the Iowa State College
of Agriniiliure, oue of tbe best, it uot
the bent, agricultural colleges in the
U. S., Prof P. U. Holden, tbe gteat
seed corn specialist of the same insti
tution. C K. Sooou, of Geneva, N.
V'., and Monce, Pittinger, Verheyn
and others ot our locality too numer
ous to mention. Let tbe good work
go on.
Health is Worth Saving, and Some
II m d Klvcr People Know Hon to
Save It.
Many Hood River people take their
lives in their hands by neglecting the
kidneys ween tliey kuuw these organs
need help. Sick kidneys are responsi
ble for a va-l amount of suffering and ill
health, hut there is no need to suffer
nor to remain in danger when
all diseases and aches and pains due to
weak kidneys can be quickly and per
manently curt d by the use of I loan's
Kidney Pills.
J. I', liucklcr, of E. Ninth St., Pon
l.iml, Oie., sayi : "In my estimation
there is no remedy equal to Doan's Kid
ney IMIs in curing kidney disorders.
There was a constant toreness aeros?
the suiul of my htick and stooping or
lifting would cause harp twinges in ibat
puuoi in b-ly. 1 tried one remedy
after another but without result. When
I roan's Kidney Pills were brought to my
attention, 1 i rocured a supply and was
hem tn tut liy them Loin the ti t. I
coin uineo ue r aou iney nw.i coin- i
jilet ly removed t tie pain from my lia' k !
i . r,ec eil iln- a ioii ot ihe ki.liicy sec e-
tioi.s,, iiaO U-eu somewhat liref
i'.eoty lucre proof like this In 'in Hood
River p ople. Call at U. N. flake's
druit e ore slid a-k cu-toiners re
port. 1 it Bale by ail dealers Price id centf.
Foster-M lburn Co., Buffalo, New York,
sole agents lor the United States.
Remember the tiame Doan's an-i
take no other.
JAnTJAbVT ipoo.
figures show 1908
driest since 1882
Never since tbe government es
tablished Its weaiber tureau herein
1882 has theie been so dry a year as
1908. Fiom 1882 to 1008 inolusive,
tbe average rainfall, as compiled by
Observer Charles Stewart, baa been
17.68 inches, while for tbe 1 ut year it
was but 12.02, 5 06 laches below tbe
average. Previous to 1908 tbe low
mark bad beeu 13 08 iucbee, in 1898.
"Ibe low rainfall hag been partio
ulaily bard on tbe farmer," said Mr.
Setwart Thursday. "1 have compiled
tables showing tbe amount of precip
itation tor wbat loall tbe agricultural
year, that js, from September to June,
tbe mouths du'lug which rain tells
most tor the farmer. This peilod has
an average of 16.61 inobes tor 27
years, leaving t ils year's precipita
tion 4.59 short ot tbe mean.
"Another period of iuteret is May,
Juue and July. Fanners have a suy
lo!? that au inch of rain in June is
more valuable than all 'hat cornea
after. My statistics show that the
average for May has been 1 58. ibis
year il; was .86. June has an average
of 1.56, which this year tell to .39,
while July slightly exceeded tbe aver
ane for teu mouth, with .83 agaiust
These figures are of interest in vietn
of tbe faot that there was a fair crop
ju - pv r r r f
What is it? One of the Few Roofiiiers in I lie niaiket
today, that actually contains asphaltum. Lake Gen
asoo and Lake Trinidad are controlled by f: Harbor
Asphalt Company who manufacture QenasCO floofing".
Asphaltum is the water resisting agency in rouli.ig, it also
gives it its pliability and lasting qualities not contained
in three-fourths of the roofings on the market today.
Genasco Hoofing is soft and pliable and will expand and
contract according to weather conditions and not crack
and break like roofing made with bitumen and refuge oils,
Genasco is the Roofing with the doubt
and risk left out.
General Agent, Hood River County
Reliable Druggists
Hood River - Oregon
RmvjiI Hir... for men at $3.25, $3.50, $4.00
K...vul Blue for ladies at $2.00, $2.50, $2.75
At CarmichaeFs
far snot mh.
ull mt horn.
I 1 Wll 1 1 WV Jm I llfir r IbiIW Ji gf J f lu MW
' iim, Imthor brand, tot tbtnt on lb Mbjct inr writtoa. Illurtnrtimt ll tar sninwls, AU
stHKil Trmptm' SNrtU. IVeon, Trspo. Osaw Uwi. How ao4 btn to trap, nod to htmm ft ntc
CMtfal trapper. It nnWr Enrvcpd ia, Prir. 2. To oar rastnmrB. ft! t&. M'Aet tmnnM into
awautital R4wa. Our ftctir Halt and Pteot WinrW immtli to trps, $1 prbnttl Ship wrmt
ftjaaifantoasaaaaitawtjnaw. A4ecfc Urm Bmwu T Mia Jajls Tjlaa.
This is a Young
And a Growing
Young enough to hope to grow and growing
because you approve of our methoes. We
want your permanent business by proving
ourselves worthy of it. We expect to make
a small, safe profit each time you buy here,
and we believe it will be to your interest to
buy often.
throughout tbe Inland Empire not
withstanding tbe lack of raio.
Weather office recoids show that t r
27 yesrs the mean or average temper
ature tbe year around has beeu 48.1
degrees, lust year exceeding that fig
ure by seven tenths. The lowest jeai
ly average was 45 5 in 1884 and tbe
highest 50.1 in 1885.
Ibe members of tbe Christian
church of Odell will bold a business
meeting in tbe obuicb next Monday
evening at 7:30.
In a letter received from Ja-. A
Cook of Uliftou, At Izcua, Mr. Uook
says that Mrs. Cook's health is im
proving, tbe otter members ot tbe
family are in excellent bealtb and
that so far tbey are delighetd with
tb eolmiate.
At Paso Robles Hot Springs
Among tbe many charming stripping
plioesin California is Paso Rubles
Hot Springs. Here are conditions
ideal tor restful recreation; quiet,
congenial suiroundiugs and modern,
almost luxurious accoicu odatious.
Pbbo RnhleB Hot Sipugs is h wiulei
resort hotel with the hospitality of a
home: a healing spiiug without the
atmosphere ot a sanatorium; an en
chanting coutry place witb tbe ooven
ieuoes of a great resoit.
Ask any O. R. 4 . agent for illus
trated booklet. "Paso Robles Hot
' "w SL nw,rr wiuy irr pro to snip naw r nn ana nim to mum W
rite for Price List. Market Report. HMpping Takr. anrt slrat oar
TDJk DDITDC'Mlinr Ufemkw.
Transfer & De
livery Co.
Choice Fruit
Improved and un
proved land at
reasonable prices
A Specialty of Small
Underwood, Wn.
Pastime Parlors
On the Heights
Fine Line Cigars and
Confectionery, Soft
Drinks, Stationery &
Electrical Jobbers
Ail Kinds of Electrical Wir
ing Supply Fixtures.
Will give you prices that will
suityoo. Will get you any
thing in Electrical Goods.
Harry H. Bailey
Phone 2(8-L
0. L. Day
Plinne 27-L
Hood River Apple Land
jer 'fieri'. TimlnriMill.
site, water power nial busi
ness chances at Winan-, Ore.
W. R. Winans, Dee, Or
r 'tv acrrft ut $-1(1 i r a.-rr
balance fin n-r rin.i.i' .
Ten act', i!iw it. jn
all iindi r tlmli; $l,Vi icr
ii n
uuwn, i kit ir uniiitli
Twenty-diur irut; 130 ani ' 4
to 0
!" in" Jl'ura 1. MM III wly
fenced. 2 mi- in i-tiawl" ii , Imilif.
iniw on iiliice, li iin 1 1 of wiw-r from
8ring. Pri..-. t3,iMlj$lUK..u and
f'UU uer annum mini m il.