The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 07, 1909, Page Seven, Image 7

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20 to 50
Now on in our
Blanket Dep'rtment
Every Blanket and Comfort Reduced.
Ladies' and Children's
Cold Weather Wearables at special reduced
SHOES For Men and
Boys Keep Dry Feet.
We have put the knife right into every
thing and suggest that prospective Overcoat
buyers do not overlook the golden oppor
tunity to get in on the ground floor, saving
money thereby. PLENTY of WARM
that you'll approve of.
Any garment 20" off
I r 1 'i
D. 8. Bomgarilner, dentitt. Phone.
The Dietr Studio for photos.
For men's auiti see Vogt Bros, be
fore purchasing.
Petaluma Incubators for - sale at
McReynolds & Co.
Stranahan & Clark meet all bona tide
quotations on cement.
Full line of Lowney's Bonbons and
Chocolates at Ross'.
Fine line of tobacco, cigars and con
fectionery at the Pastime.
See W. S. Uribule for Duck Eries,
Fead overs. tf
Yucca Tree Protectors, kept in stock
at McReynolds.
Stock foods of different kinds at
McReynolds & Co.
For a neat piece of crown and bridge
work see Drs Arnold & Rupp.
A fine line of confections and fresh
fruits at tbe Red Apple confectionery.
For Painless Extraction see Arnold &
Rupp, the Deutints
Are you ali ran down? Get run up
by taking Nicbol'n Blood & JNsive
touio ; prioe 50c.
Coolidge makes a speolalty of fine
watch repairing, and guarantees
piouipt delivery of all work.
Vot Bros, bave received their fall
and winter lines of clothing and
shoes. See tbum before purchasing.
Have your teeth attended to before
winter by Arnold & Rupp.
Tbe finest line of cigars and tobaccos
in tbe city at tbe Red Apple oonfeo
tionery. Speoial low prioe on pianos and or
gans and bII musical goods during tbe
fair. S. II. Soule's House.
Carpets and rugs teken up and
oleaned. All facilities for handling
same. Phone, 301 M, or apply to M.
W. Hisonx.
' If you want to buy or sell real estaie
go to Onthank &, Otten. Money to
loan on first mortgages. Abstracts and
legal papers carefully prepared. Nota
rial work of all kinds.
Take a look at the Morlan Bargain
Bins, a feature of our big clearance
sale. There are a geod many of them
and each contains something worth
five times what you are asked to pay.
No lottery, no guesswork, simply big
values. Tbit sale will prove a thing
of value to a good many people, for
right in the beait of the winter they
will be able to buy good shoes, dre s
goods, underwear, heatberbloom un
derskirts and many other articles at
much lower prices than tbey usually
pay. Shoes going at tbe following
prices: 13 pair of children's and la
dles' shoes, 19o a pair; 2 dozen pair
of children's shoes, sizes from 6 to
6, 65o a pair; 50 pair of ladies',
men's and children's shoes, $1.00 a
pair; laiies' and men's shoes, $1.50 a
pair. You can't attord to miss this
sale at Morlun's.
Our work guaranteed. Deitz Studio.
Dentit-ts, guarante
Alfalfa Seeds go to
Kye, Ear None and Throat
Oltk-e, New Brosius block, ak Mtreet
rtl e Home phone 13 Hood Rl v er
Arnold & Rupp make plates that fit.
Finishing for amateurs at Deita Stu
dio Best line of Spray Nozzles at McDonalds.
Arnold & Rupp,
all work.
For Flower and
Clover, Timothy und Alfalf i hay at
McReynolds & Co.
New styhs of Gordon bats at Vogt
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Long are visit
ing in Portland this week.
J M. llollowell, of Portland was a
visitot nt Hood River this week.
Howard Isenberg went to Cascade
Looks Monday on a business visit.
A big clearance sale of ladies',
men's and children's shoes at Mor
ten's store this week.
A. S. Blowers of Portland came up
Monday for a visit here in connection
with his interests.
Misses Ruth and (!eneflee Church
of Portland, are spending thfl week
with Miss Kula F. Met lolly.
The meeting of the Lndies' Guild
of St. Mark's Church will bt held this
week with Mrs. N. W. tioce, Fiiday
atteruocn nt 2:30, at her residence on
State Street.
The ladles' aid society of the Con
gregatlonnl church will bold trefr an
nual business meeting snd election
of officers on Friday hfternoon. Janu
ary 8tb, at tho reaidpneo of Mrs. V.
C. Brock. All members are expected
to be present.
Ray Imbler has bought the Hick
Neely place of nine acres adjoining
Idlewilde Cemetery tor whioh he paid
15,400. Tbe property consists of 100
bearing trees and the balance set to
yonug Newtowm which will soon be
in bearing.
The tilth annual hall of the Hood
River firemen took place N w Year's
night and was a very enjoyable affair.
About sixty couples danced to the fine
music of tbe Trio Orchestra until the
small hours of Haturiay morning. At
midnight lunch was servd on tbe
stage by Caterer Braly of the Midget
Restaurant Toe proceeds of the
dance will be applied to the firemen's
fund. Tbe amount realized was a
small one.
A committee consisting of E. O.
Klanobar, Truman lintler and H. G.
Pratt will receive contributions to a
fund to be sent to the Italian earth
quake sufferers and anyone wishing to
contribute can do so by leaving the
money with one of them. The or.m
m It tee has taken up this work in re
sponse to a call from Governor Cham
berlsiu for a tunl to be contributed
by the state to aid tbe sulierer's from
this great disaster.
The dealing is simple.
If you don't like Schil
ling's Best, it costs you
Your grocer returns your moner if you don't
like it: we pav him
V. 'J. Davidson was a business
itor at Tbe Dalles Tuesday.
Harry DeWitt went to Portland
a business trip Wednesday.
Willie Chandler left last week
an extended visit in Taooma.
C. D. Nickelsen was a business vis
itor iu Tbe Dalles Monday.
A. B. Woolnert, of White Salmon
was a Hood River visitor Monday.
Frank Davenport, who is spending
tbe winter in Portland, was here on a
business visit this week.
Emmett Tompkins is In Salem
where Jie is looking arnund with the
intention of locating there.
E. T. Folts disposed of 100 acres
of unimproved land iu the Mount'
Hood district last week to Frank
Strang. Consideration, 85,000
Mrs. R. H. Waugb, who has been
routined to tbe oottage Hospital, ow
ing to sickness, tor some time, has re
covered and returned to ber home.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M.
E. Uburob will meet this week Friday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Mis. E.
R. Bradley. A full attendance is de
sired. ' We havo about 60 pairs of ohil
drens' heavy ribbed bose, size, 6 and
91. A regular 25 cent hose, this
week or till all gone, 10 cents a pair
at Morlan's.
Mrs. Coad accompanied Jby her
daughter and son who bave been vis
iting at tbe home of Prof. K. E. Coad
here for some time left Tuesday for a
visit in ti e east.
Mrs. E. H. Harris gave a dinner
party last evening. The guests were
deiluhted with the coffee. Mrs. Har
ris always uses Forger's Golden Gate
whole roast, and grinds it herself, not
too tin), pulverized coffee is bitter.
Mrs. Alma Howegand daughter loft
Wednesday for Portland where they
will visit for a few days and will then
go to Southern California to stay for
tbe lest of the winter. They expect
tn return about tbe middle of March.
Mrs. Ida M. Sharp will open a
school of shorthand at Miss Helen
Stafford's Studio, 245 State street, on
the evening of January 18 Instruc
tions given three evenings each week.
For terms, etc , call 202 M, afternoons
and evenings.
R. K. and H. U. Patteieou, who
have been conducting a household
novelty business on second street bave
bought tbe Hood River bakery busi
ness which was owned by J. A. Sini
onson and will couduot it in future.
It is the intention of tbe new bakery
(Irai to remodel tbo store aud to tell
their novelties in connection with it
as soon as tbey can enlarge their quar
ters. Tbey will also later cany a
stock of confectionery and fruits and
enlarge their supply of bakery goods.
To Mi. and Mrs. E. C. Mooney,
Hood River, January 1, a girl.
To Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Leuz, of
Dukes Valley, Deo. 27, a girl.
To Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Marshall,
ol Belmont, December 27, a boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Holmes,
December 31. a boy.
To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Crowe,
Jauuary 6, a girl.
To Mr. and Mrs. M. E. MoCarty,
January 29tb, a boy.
To Mr. and Mra E. II. Green, of
Dee, January 2, a girl.
Several hundred Hood River resi
dents beoame apprised of tbe fact
Monday that they bad been swindled
out of several hundred dollars by a
clever sharper who gave tbe name of
J. R. Boyd, and who represented him
self as the agent of a magazine sub
scription agency in Saline, Kan.
The knowledge of the wholesale
swindle was made known through
several letters received here from pub
sbing houses that disclaimed all know
ledge of Boyd or the Wilson Magazine
ageuoy, which he claimed he was rep
resenting, aud advised tbe writers of
the letteis who had entered a protest
because tbey had not leceued (be
magazine tbey subscribed for that
tbey would not be forthcoming unless
tbe subscription prioe wub torwaided.
It is said by one of the many vic
tims that Boyd came here about tbe
latter part of JNot ember aud ottered
magazines at out rates. He claimed
to be a mute aud had several printed
cards which be handed to bis piospeo-
tive victims. As it was about tbe
time of year wbeu many subsoirbers
to magazines renew their eubsorlp
tious. he did a bis business and is
estimaet to have oleaned up about
Just Received
A new supply of Stationery
such as Blank Books Letter
Files, Waste Paper Baskets, Typewriter Paper, Paper Fast
eners, Carbon Paper, nk Erasers, Ink Wells, Bills Files,
Business Blanks, All Kinds of Ink, Library Paste, and
Tablets in all Grades.
We have a number of Broken. S ts in
Decorated Queens Ware
on which we are offering special values. This is ji good; chance to supply
your needs in the dish line with very little expe ise.
What we have left in Christmas Goods we are selling at bariin prices.
Jurors for January Term ef Court
Tbe following panel of jurors bus
been drawn tor tbe Hood River Coun
ty term of oourt: J. M. Taylor, S. E.
Raitmess, A. I Fbelps, M. Dragsetn,
J. E. Uleason, A. J. Uagan, J. HI.
(Jill, C. R. Davis, C. X. Roberts, a.
ll, Allen, M. D. Udell, U. U. Roberts,
Ed. Hawkes, U. 11. Bobbins, N. W.
Jaokson, A. C. French, II C. Green,
Ihos. is, Avery, feter Moor, J r.
Hansen, J. W. Shipley, 1 rumen But
ler, Wo. Kennedy, C. S. True, E. O.
HhII, Hood River; U. M. Bailey, u.
Rutf, ('. A. Faddj, Robt. Jjeaenre,
O. A. Knox, Mount; Hood; John
Buss, Casoade Locks. The term of
court will be held beginning tbe week
commencing January 11th.
Kntertained the Whist Club
Mra. Chas. T. Early entertained tbe
Whist Club at home on State
street lust week. Iu honor of the oc
casion tbe rooms in which tbe guests
were entertained were very hand
somely deooarted with evergreens and
Chrstmas bells and during tbe after
noon dainty refreshments were serv
ed. The winners of tbe prizes were
Mrs. A. M. Kelsav who took Uist and
Mrs. Arthur Clarke second.
en million people, rue success o
tbe play is credited to tbe religious
sentiment that prevails iu tbe tbeme.
making it particularly attractive to
tbe non-theatregoer, who as a rule
avoids tbe plavbouce. owing to re
ligious scruples. "Ben-Uur" has the
endorsements of the leading lights of
tbe oburoh world and has appealed to
all theatregoers as the most powerful
drama tbat has ever been created for
the stage.
Wallace bad few peers and do so
perlors in tbe art of presenting to tbe
eye the imagery of soriputral scenes.
In "Ben-llur", bis masterpiece, he
gives the life, tbe oolor, tbe feeling,
of tbe time of Christ. With these be
presents an intense heart story, a
heroio drama, filled with the tender
est emotions, tinged with tbe romance
of love and war, exalted by tbe evi
dence of Divine miracles performed
by tbe Nazarene. Although tbe sa
cred presence is not shown, it is felt,
aud throughout the play runs Ibe
strong undercurrent of religious feel
ing wbiob distinguishes "Ben-ilur"
from all other dramutio offerings
based on Hi blind themes, ibe sym
bolism of Rome and Jerusalem, of Jew
and Uentue, of peace and war, are
shown, surrounding tbe great mystery
of the presence o' Christ. Eaob scene
unfolds as a perfect picture, tbe whole
mending in a living pageant.
In order to take oare of out of-towo
patrons for "Ben Iiur," Manager Cal
vin lisilig, of tbe Heilig Theatre, will
Oil mail orders In scoordance with
date of their receipt, when accompan
ied by remittance. Tbe sale of prioes
will range from 60 ceuts to $2.00.
Seats will go on sale Thursday, Janu
ary 14.
Uave 600 Tarty
A large uumbnr or friends enjoyed
the; hospitality aud a very pleasant
evening witn Mr. ana mis. j. v.
Thompson at their home at oOU party
New Years Eve. Tbe prizes were won
by Mrs. Geo I. Slocom bo took first
and Mrs. J. U. Osborne seooud. Dur
ing tbe evening an elaborate luncheon
was served and also some delioious
candies wbiob were made by the hos
r 1 11111 I 1 i 1 I i I
..Decorate Your Home..
Now is Your Chance
Our entire stock of
Framed and Unframed Pictures
Are on sale at a greatly reduced price. You can't
afford to let this opportunity to brighten up your
home, pass.
Slocom's Book vStore
Uf)e Place that does the Framing'
. Stock taking time has arrived aud a
visit to many merchants finds tbem
biisy taking inventories Ibe stormy
davs this week bave given them a
good opportunity to work uninter
rupted as business has beeu very
IVtl Yard for Ranchers
The feed yard which F. W. McRey
nolds has been building is now ready
for I usiness and will no doubt till a
long felt want for ranchers who bave
at times bad uo place to tie their
horses under cover during wet or
flo.d weather. The new yaid is situ
v ted opposite Lucky's blacksmith shop
Hiid is provided with long sheds and
fred hexes are to be provided Mr.
McReynolds has placed a man in
obaige who is on duty day and night
to look after tbe teams. Any kind of
feed IhaMs desired ran be obtained
and ni'iiiy ranchers are taking advan
tage fo the new aocommodations for
their horses.
Miss Anna Starr, who has been em
ployed as a waitress at tbe Mount
Hood Hotel for some time and Wm.
Watson,- of Seattle were married in
this city Saturday January 'J, by A.
C. Buok, Justloe of tbe peaoe. Mr.
Watson bad been staying at tbe hotel
for some time and tbe couple were
given a very lively slnmmelton by
some of tbe boarders Tuesday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Watson left for
Seattle Wednesday morning.
David M. Jaokson and Miss Mary
(1. Uerking were married at tbe borne
of tbe bride's parents, Mr and Mrs.
II. r , (ierklng. at fine urove at Olgn
noon on Christmas Day in tbe pres
ence of a number of relatives and in
timate friends.
The ceremony wss performed by
Rev. II. S. White and took place on
tbe thirty second anniversary of the
marriage of tbe bride s parents To
commemorate tbat oooaslon, Miss
(Jerking wore some laoe tbat bad teen
woin by ber mother at ber wedding.
The bride wag gowned in wnite and
carried a boquet of white carnations
and tbe bridesmaid, who was Miss
Florence Wilcox, carried pink carna
tions. Tbe groom was attired in the
conventional black and bis groomsman
was Mr. Joseph Uerking. Ibe room
in wbioh tbe ceremony took place was
decorated in evergreens.
After receiving tbe congratulations
and best wishes of tbe wedding party
ad elaborate lunch was served and
Mr. aud Mrs. Jaokson left later on
the eveniug train for Portland where
they were tbe guests of Mrs. Angle
Junkin, Mtb. Jackson's aunt, for sev
eral days, and then went to White
Salmon as tbe guests of Mrs E. 11.
Dresk, Mrs. Jackson's sister.
Mr. Jackson is well known here be
ing tbe son or Cept. F. M. Jaokson
and on their return he and bis bride
will take up tbeir residence on bis
nlace adioiuiutt tbat of his father. Tbe
hancv oouole were tbe recipients of
many useful aud valuable proeeuts
Among those present at tbe cere
mony were: Mr. and Mra. F. M.
Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jack
on. Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Luge, Miss
Florence Wilson, White Salmon, Robt.
Foley and Lawrence Uerdea.
"Ren llnr" at the Heilig Theatre.
Towering triumphantly as the most
massive and picturesque as well as ihe
most impressive diainHtio spectacle in
the history of the world, "Ben ilur
will seek new honors at the Heilig
Theatre. Portland, Oregou, on Mon--ihv
evening January 1 8, v here it
a ill remain foi an engagf meat ot one
ireek In addition to the regular
veoinp pi itci manrrj, special mat
inees be gien on Wednesday aud
Ot ll pecfacnlr productions of
modern times, none ha beeu credited
ilh o loi;g run of proxperity as
this irreat and iiopnlxr dismal ic spec
tacle "Ber-llur" is today crowned
with a record of more than '2000 per
fornmnrcg Iu America and 200 in
London, in a liUle orer nine ryerr,
and has been seen by more tbsu sev
Time Certificates
of Deposit
are a convenient means of
investing funds that are tem
porarily idle. We pay 3 and
4 per cent per annum on Time
Certificates to run three months
or lonirer. liv investinjr in
thfse certificate your idle
tiiom-v is safely taken care
of, and pays you a dividen
foi a short time investment.
We will be lileased to talk
with you about them. ,
Hood River Banking & Trust Co
Arnold (& Rupp
Work Guaranteed.
Crown and Bridge Work
a Specialty.
Pure Apple Cider & Apple Vinegar
We receive Canning and Cider Apple from one season to
another, paying market price for the same. In ship
ping over Mt. Hood It. It. or from Mosier there will be
no transfer charge from freight house to factory. .
Patronize your home Industry and let us have your apples.
To meet the demand for Choice Residence Lots,
centrally located
The Hood River Development Company
Is putting two Blocks on the Market
Also Warehouse Sites on O. R. & N. side track a
For Full Parti; ulars, Address :
Phone 163-M 4.10 Statu Street, Hood River
F. H. Coolidge
Dealer in Elgin, Waltham,
Hamilton high grade Watch
es. All Repair Work given
prompt attention. Satisfac
tion guaranteed.
WatchmnKer (El Jeweler
Opposite Paris Fair